1609/Barrier Practice

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Barrier Practice
Date of Scene: 30 May 2024
Location: Penguin Park
Synopsis: Having recently inherited a device, and awakened her magic. Katsuko is being diligent and trying to get a decent handle on it before she ever has to use it. She's gotten a little work on the basics, but now it's time to try out the important one.

The big barrier that keeps civilians out of the fight ... surely no-one will notice that large scale effect and there's absolutely no way this leads to miscommunications of any kind.

And of course there will be no more experienced mages of dubious ethics choosing to turn it into impromptu combat training.

Cast of Characters: Katsuko Takezaki, Yuuto Shiraishi, Aloisia Stauss, Takuto Tsunashi

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    School's over, Kobudo practice complete. Katsuko is finally ready for a bit more practice. On the way home, she diverts to a secluded part of the park. "Okay, Zwillingrute. Let's do this." She removes the oar necklace and holds it up, and from the necklace comes the voice. <ANFANG> She lifts up a little into the air, as she is obscured in a blue glow. As the glow fades, she's in her Knight Armor and her pair of tonfa materialize as she lands back on the ground.

    Katsuko takes a deep breath, "It's time." She prepares her magic, breathing in, before unleashing the spell. Her tonfa call out the spell, <GEFÄNGNIS DER MAGIE> A large spherical barrier forms with her at the center, pulling her in and possibly other magical people caught up in the area. Its borders resist entering or leaving, and it also interferes with communications.

    This set up, Katsuko throws up a tennis ball and hits it with a barret. <EIN> and another <ZWEI> until after the fifth one she misses and the ball hits the ground, <ENDE> Katsuko sighs, and picks up the ball and gets ready for another exercise.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As the barrier goes up, Yuuto was out shopping, gathering a few things for the next time he plans to visit Coco, glancing at his phone as he looks over his list. That is until he notices the changes in the atmosphere. "Tinker... what's going on?" he asks. The little chunky fairy in coveralls appears over Yuuto's shoulder. "Looks like some kind barrier. Could be a youma. Might wanna change kid, we needed to practice the new gear anyway!"

Yuuto nods. "I don't have to become a merfolk right?"

"Only on water, kid."

"Alright." Twisting the dial on his watch, he calls out. "EVIL'S TIME IS UP! STEAM SENTINEL CASCADE!"

As he shifts into the steampunk era henshin, Yuuto lock and loads both of his water blasters as he changes. "This is still so weird!" he admits as the goggles form over his eyes.

"Well, you are water based now, kid. Should get used to it. Especially if you're gonna marry that Princess!"

"....s-shut up!" Yuuto stammers, cheeks red as he races on an ice track towards the epicenter of the barrier.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
    Aloisia Stauss had been going about her day, getting snacks from various different locations, because, frankly, earth food is amazing. After she paid and was starting to walk away from a snack stand she'd been at, there was a ping from her paired devices of magic being activated, just before the barrier activates. "Oh~? Am I being targeted?" She muses out loud to herself, quickly activating her Devices and transforming into her Knight form. After a moment or two of waiting to see if something was about to come flying in suddenly... nothing.

"...Triangulate the source of the barrier."



A ping might register from Zwillingrute that they're being detected, and then that there was a target approaching swiftly. It was moments later that Aloisia Stauss would touch down nearby, landing with a soft THUD of her feet, as the two massive shields at her side stab slightly into the ground beside her with the force of the landing. "Hm hm hm~. What have we here... an assassin perhaps~?" She says, her tone mirthful, but with an edge of danger to it.

She was slowly approaching the girl, steps calm and measured, possibly due to the weight of the twin devices she had attached to her arms. "I don't see a youma, so... hm~."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Some people? Some people definitely have Devices and go looking for trouble when a Barrier goes up.

Other people definitely don't have Devices but still, in fact, go looling for trouble when a Barrier goes up! Steam Sentinel Cascade is one of them--

"APPRIVOISER!" bellows a boy with spiky red hair, down in Penguin Park, running out of the museum as soon as everyone disappears and everything goes into shades of dull.

There's a crackle and a full spinning henshin sequence with lights and sparkles and a glimmering silhouette and a sassy little hip-check of the air, and the kid yells, "DASHING ENTRANCE!!! GINGA... BISHOUNEN!!!"

And then he flies up, leaving a blue and white contrail behind his white-and-gold long-skirted military coat and thigh-high red boots-- don't, it's a whole thing-- and he hovers above the park, looking for whatever's going on. "Hello?" he tries.

Then he cups his hands around his mouth and yells even louder, "HEY! WHERE'S THE EMERGENCY!!?" because there's no telltale signatures of a smackdown in progress.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    <FEINDE KOMMEN> Zwillingrute pings as magical signatures hone in Katsuko, and she hurriedly takes to the air, looking over just in time to see Aloisia approach, her twinned device much more modestly sized than Aloisia's ... but she does hold the pair of tonfa with the bearing of someone who has used them a lot. "What do you want?" She asks with clear distrust. The little ball she was using for practice earlier lies forgotten on the ground.

    She notices the flying figure next, and responds by yelling. "Where did YOU come from?" She splits her attention between the two of them, and hasn't noticed Cascade yet, which is perhaps for the better, as it's clear that she's already feeling a little bit outnumbered and surprised.

"If you're here for a fight, do your worst." She tells Aloisia, and it's obvious that some magic is going into her device. What the magic is for is less obvious, as she floats to keep a moderate distance between herself her fellow knight.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Arriving at the epicenter of the barrier, Cascade comes to a halt, glancing up at the two knights facing off against each other. He doesn't recognize either of them. "So... neither of you look like a youma." he comments a bit dryly, adjusting the water tank on his back as steam rises from the gear that he was preparing to use - but doesn't seem like he will.

Especially when there's an arrival of a very pretty boy and well. He's not that special. But he'll remain on standby, just in case.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
    Hm. Let's see... One unknown... with a similar name to the ... Kingu... person from the other day. He seems just as surprised and confused at the lack of emergency as anyone else. In fact, the girl who put up the barrier /also/ looks surprised. And is treating /her/ with distrust. Aloisia crosses her arms, seeming to think a moment, one finger tapping on her shoulder.



"Yeah I can tell."


This isn't an assassination attempt. Or an emergency. Ah. A small smile spreads on Aloisia's lips. Well.

...She supposes she can bully someone for a bit.

A sudden burst of movement sends the knight dashing towards Katsuko, even as she floats to try to keep that moderate distance, it was a sudden movement that might be harder to react to by moving out of range...

As Aloisia forgoes magical attacks to simply attempt to slug Katsuko right on the cheek. "Nope! No youma here! Just a very strange assassination attempt!"

No, Aloisia doesn't elaborate on who the assassin is.

It's more fun that way.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"The museum!" the boy with the now-red-and-yellow spiky hair calls back cheerfully. "No monsters then? Usually there's a monster. Or someone stealing energy to punch. You know, the usual. If you don't know where it is, do you know whose Barrier this is?"

He continues to hover, bright energy signature enveloping him like a full-body halo. And then he waves to Cascade-- and then he BLINKS at Aloisia and starts flying toward her at speed, collision course. "Hey!" he yells, slamming a fist to his chest and calling out "Star Swordo-- EMERAUDE!" and then his other fist, "Star Swordo-- SAPHIR!" and pulling out bright glowing energy swords, dual-wielding. "If this is fight-then-team-up syndrome I'M IN!"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko's response show that she knows how to fight, and doesn't try to move out of range. Instead, she uses her left Tonfa to try to deflect the attack, taking just some of it on the cheek anyway. Meanwhile, the right is used to attempt to use Aloisia's momentum against her, a boosted strike at her midsection. She'd like to clarify that this is her barrier, but her focus is on the stranger who called this an assassination attempt. "What have I done to deserve this?" She demands, her fighting style clearly betraying that she hasn't yet really figured out how to incorporate magic into it.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Well, that settles that. When Aloisia moves on the attack on Katsuko, he wasn't fully convinced that Katsuko wasn't a monster - but he's heard of the Ginga Bishouen and knows that he's on the good guys side. And it is when he moves to intercept Aloisia that his attack vector is set. Armoring down, he braces against the ground and lifts both of his cannonade.


Twin streams of pressurized water race upwards towards the shield maiden, looking to strike her and drive her back and away from Katsuko.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     It seems Ginga Bishounen is joining the fray potentially! Aloisia's small smile widens. "Fight then team up, hm~? My my~. This seems fun though... I do believe we're on opposite sides of the proverbial ... sides ... normally. I am Aloisia Stauss, in service of Count Otto Steiner. So..." She was trying not to just grin like a madwoman, even as her punch is blocked and a counterattack strikes against her barrier jacket. Strong and durable, it was like hitting a brick wall with that tonfa. As befitting someone who was wielding two shields. "I don't mind if all three of you come at me-- in fact."

Two blasts of pressurized water shoot towards her, and Aloisia moves to kick off of Katsuko, sending herself back and hopefully Katsuko herself flying away from her. "I'd prefer it."


The two shields glow simultaneously, as Aloisia lands on the ground, and a scattershot of plasma bolts are shot out towards the three gathered heroes. "I do believe all three of you are allies, at the end of the day, after all~."

...Yeah. She's a bit sure of herself.

In no way will that come back to bite her later. But for now?

"You should try enhancing your strikes with magic. It's likely your device has some preprogrammed attacks in it that you can just rely on it to use as you fight, oh little assassin."

She's having far too much fun with this.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"I have NO IDEA who that is!" Takuto sings out, "But I'm Takuto Tsunashi, the Ginga Bishounen! And you're attacking someone for fun! Hey, Tonfa Girl, are you new?"

As he asks, he mid-air somersaults over Aloisia, so he's behind her while the other two are in front, and he slashes with one sword, momentarily guarding with the other. From the way he's braced, he's expecting to get bodied with a shield despite coming at Aloisia's back.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko is kicked off of, almost crashing into the ground at the unexpected motion, and looks gratefully to the two who appear to have chosen to help her. She notices the shields glow, and reacts as swiftly as she can.


    A triangular magical shield pops up in front of Katsuko to help block most of those plasma shots coming to Katsuko, though it's just slow enough that the first once instead impacts her knight armor, and she grunts.

    "I'm not an assassin." She objects, and then flies back towards Aloisia, taking her advice, magic reinforces both of the Tonfa and she does a double overhead strike with the both of them.


    The energy is unleashed at the last moment to give the double strike a bunch of extra kick. She looks like she expects to get blocked, but puts everything in it anyway. "Yes." She answers Takuto.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
    "Oh, well, in that case, you're likely not involved in the whole coup thing and really mostly it's just business in that case. Though I'm technically off the clock right now, so... really." Pause. Attacking someone for fun! "I mean, you're not wrong. Though she /is/ the one who put up the barrier."

Probably for training. But Aloisia leaves that part out.

Even while talking, Aloisia was ready for the oncoming attack as Bishounen leapt over and around her.


The knight's signature overlaid Shield-Barrier appears behind her, twin overlaid magical circles creating a solid wall against the oncoming attack to her back.


The shield breaks suddenly mid-slash, allowing part of the attack through, as the broken sheild's fragments suddenly shoot out towards Ginga Bishounen as spikes of energy!

Likely luckily for Katsuko, the scattershot attack wasn't exactly high-powered if a single shot struck! ... That and she was holding back to not really hurt the girl.

"Oh? Not an assassin? Using tonfa and putting up a sudden magical prison? Hm hm~."

As the attack came in towards Aloisia from the twin charged tonfas, Aloisia seemed to be examining it, watching the flow of magic, the quality of the charge. "Yes, that's better. Looks like you've got a good partner as well. I wonder where its core came from..." That grin she'd been trying to hold back was now firmly affixed to her face.


As those tonfa come down, the shields come up, and are slammed forward with a burst of energy in the form of a shield bash straight towards Katsuko's gut. "You have to be ready for potential counterattacks through your attacks if you do something that leaves you that open, though." She says, having explicitly allowed part of both attacks through to make an opening for a counterattack.

...Yeah that cut to her back stings a bit, even with the high defense of her knight armor. Not to mention even with a shift to take the twin overhead attack to her shoulder instead of her head, the bruise from that later is going to suck.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Ow, f--" says Takuto as one of the shards of energy is missed by oh damn his batting them away from himself with his swords, energy against energy, making zorching sounds as most of the rest connect -- but yes, one got missed and jammed itself right through his coat, slicing the outside of his back.

"Flair!" he calls out, then, and focuses his energy on Aloisia's remaining shield, slashing with green and then with blue, in a broad X shape. "Galactic Cross Slash!!"

He drops, suddenly, directly thereafter, and calls out from below them both, "Sorry your introduction's so violent then I guess? But it looks like Stauss-san is at least being helpful! Notably: if you're working with others, be on the lookout for openings they might provide and take advantage as quick as you can!"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko is thrown back, wincing at the force of that shield bash catches her right in the gut. "Where my partner came from is none of your business." She insists after taking a deep breath and steadying herself. As Ginga aims at the shield, she shifts over to the other side of Aloisia, choosing to take a little more time to steady herself, and she launches a pair of barrets at Aloisia's back. "None of this was supposed to involve any violence, no-one else was even supposed to be here." She yells.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     A half-turn and Aloisia was now putting her proper shield between herself and Ginga Bishounen, a barrier of energy forming around its surface to take the brunt of the Galactic Cross Slash, rather than using a Wall spell, putting her at a half-stance with one of the giant shields covering her back, while the other covered her front towards Katsuko. "Such as now, where more of my focus is having to be split since he's escalating his attacks, so just a quickly erected defensive spell is less effective for a more defensive fighter like myself. Even though most of my body is covered by my shields, you should have a lot more speed and agility for getting around and striking at my back or legs, where the shields cover less. In addition, they're still Devices, so I'm not likely to allow them to take the full brunt of a particularly powerful attack, since everything falls apart if your Device gets destroyed... though I doubt you have the knowledge to launch anything capable of doing so at present."

...Ginga Bishounen, on the other hand, maybe. And who knows on the Steam Sentinel. Focusing purely on defense against the attack, she doesn't counterattack towards Ginga Bishounen just yet.

"Hm? Oh, no, I don't care where you got her from. I was just curious of the origin of where her device core was mined. I come from one such mining planets, after all, and each core of an Intellient Device or Armed Device is a marvel with the intricacies and..." A pair of barrets are launched at her back. "Yes, good, use your agility, I'm a larger, slower target, take advantage of it, but beware of possible traps since larger targets are likely to set them up."

None of this was supposed to involve violene. No-one was supposed to be here. Aloisia gives a soft chuckle. "I figured." She says simply, even as those barrets strike her barrier jacket from behind, smoke coming off of her from where the two shots left burns on her knight armor.

"A word of advice, barriers such as this, if deployed in the city -- even in a park -- are likely to catch other magical people within it. Those that fight on the side of light likely to assume a monster attack. Those that fight on the side of darkness to assume the same, or an attack on themselves. If you're simply training, just finding a secluded area should be fine enough, magic simply slides off the brains of the unpowered, and the powered... well, they'll probably notice, but might not react...but if you put up a barrier? It's almost guaranteed."

A burst of energy, and Aloisia was launching herself into the air with likely surprising speed. So much for a 'slower target'.


In her wake, should Katsuko choose to pursue, several shields are left behind that would explode should she come into contact with them, spread randomly in her wake.

...There were no other attacks though, and it was likely her device would warn her against the hidden danger.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"What she said. Oh, also, my girlfriend--? Ginga Otome? She puts up a somewhat different kind of barrier, so if you suddenly see all the civilians and buildings vanish and the sky turn into the cosmos, don't worry, it's just Zero Time. But if you wander into something that's like a barrier but turns into an acid trip when you pass a certain point, everything will try to kill you and there'll be a boss monster called a Witch--"

He looks at the shield bombs and squints, then flips one of his swords up in the air and waits for it to come down before BATTING it with the other, towards one of the shield bombs--

--and the sword explodes the bomb and the bomb explodes the sword, and Takuto calls up at Katsuko, "Do you have anything ranged? She mined the air it's incredibly rude!"

Then he thumps his fist against his chest again and obligingly says, "Star Swordo Emeraude!" and pulls the sword out afresh.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Very interesting! I'd love to learn about it when I can pay attention to your explanations." Katsuko answers the ill-timed lecture, focusing on giving chase to Aloisia.


    Katsuko is made aware of the mines for two reasons, but ranged is very much not her strength so she continues to give chase anyway. She does take precautions, though, as when she gets up to speed she casts another spell.


    A blue polygonal shield forms around her, and she continues on a ballistic trajectory. The mines shake and batter the protective spell, and penultimate mine breaks the spell. She just barely manages to twist herself so the last one doesn't hurt too badly, before getting up close and swinging only the right of her weapons.


    Instead of just one strike with it, there are several in sequence, each of them timed to resonate with the last. The left tonfa is kept at the ready to help defend herself from the inevitable counterattack.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     Luckily the shield bombs weren't falling, just floating around to deter directly chasing after her, which seemed to do its job as Ginga Bishounen had sent an attack at one of the hidden shields directly instead of at her, which ... was great in its own way. She wasn't taking a direct attack, which had reduced some of the heat on her. "Ah, I haven't encountered one of these Witches, but I have heard of them... if you are in one of those barriers, take those extremely seriously, those don't hold back and *will* kill you if you aren't taking them seriously. I mean, most monsters will, but those ones are very dangerous and from what I know, actively hunt people to devour them, not just their energy."

She mined the air, it's incredibly rude! "Hah! Were this a fight for your life, you'd have no such notions of rude. Honor and niceties have no place in a struggle for your life."


The bottom of the twin shields splits open, electricity arcing between the spiked ends, two crystal spikes sliding out from the center of the Devices with a ka-chunk. The electrical crackle of energy beginning to gather begins to grow as Aloisia simply floats there, her twin devices pointing at the group below her.

Blitzschlagen. A series of strikes come out towards Aloisia, who shifts her devices to deflect the worst of the strikes from vital areas to less vital ones, as that electrical charge continues.


Mid attack, a sudden, strong barrier forms around the two fighters, a pyramid formed of four magical circles that were rotating around the edges. "Charging right into shield mines with a barrier up... I'm glad I kept the power of those low, that's an extremely reckless choice."


"No, release it. We don't want to kill her."


That pyramid trap begins to tighten to limit escape options beyond simply breaking through. Whatever charge had been building seems to release, as Aloisia moves alongside the twin shields, dashing in towards Katsuko once more... a gauntleted hand sent flying towards the girl's stomach once more, this one with magic behind it.


If Katsuko doesn't dodge, the punch would explode with directed energy, the attack more potent than the ones before -- likely the true reason for shifting to the more offensive mode.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko doesn't really have the power to outright punch out of that strong barrier. So does come up with an idea, however, and some magic begins to hold up in the Tonfa. Then, she attempts to time this as well as she can.


    She swings those Tonfa and magic releases in a bright blue flash with lots of noise. In the cover of that, she ducks and rushes sideways. Not bothering trying to counterattack, she instinctively recognizes that this is not an attack she wants to mess with.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Tauburn!" calls Takuto, and an extremely fancy and dashing little robot in a sparkling translucent shield bubble appears with a little pop in the air next to him. "Text Sugata and Wako, please! Tell them: don't worry, I'm just fighting in an impromptu training session for a Device Mage."

And then there's a barrier around Aloisia and Katsuko and it's starting to close, and he frowns, vanishing both his swords.

Takuto calls out, "TAU GALAXY BEAM!" as he slams his fists together, arms outstretched in front of him, and he aims for the pyramid trap's wall in Aloe's direction.

A bright blue-white friendship laser shoots out from his fists, both energy-zorchy and packing a kinetic punch, and he takes that moment to say, "Oh, I see. Store messages! Thanks, Tauburn. That's really annoying."

Presumably he's having a conversation with the tiny robot, though only one side of it is audible. Probably robot telepathy. "Stauss-san, why is her Barrier jamming signals? It's the first one I've ever seen do that--"

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     A blue flash with lots of noise, at the same time as dodging. "Clever." Aloisia comments, even as her own attack strikes the edge of the pyramid trap, along with the Tau Galaxy Beam, her own barrier is destroyed-- and that moment of stunning/blinding sound-noise means that Aloisia takes the full brunt of whatever was left of the beam after it burst through the barrier. Even with a quickly erected Wall spell around herself, in the wake of the bright blast was a moderately smoking Aloisia, who allows herself to descend to the ground.


As the twin shields return to their normal form, those crystal spikes sliding back up inside and the bottom of the shields re-sealing together, Aloisia begins to explain, "Gefangnis Der Magie was designed to entrap a target to force a one on one fight or to make it easier to assassinate them -- by default, it entraps the target caught inside of it and jams their communications to make it harder for them to get backup, and to make it so anyone on the ouside has a harder time knowing what's going on inside the barrier." Aloisia explains. "Most of the barrier users here are trying to isolate a youma while allowing communications with allies to coordinate attacks, so they edit out that part."

Aloisia lands, this time more gently than before. She wasn't trying to intimidate a potential assassin this time, so the show of landing hard wasn't necessary. "Anyway, I'd say you both did a good job. She's got some good potential, I think I'll direct her at Chrono and Rashmi, they'll be able to help her iron out those kinds of issues." Pause. "If you really wanted to, you could probably blast out of this level of barrier with that Galaxy Beam though. They're pretty strong barriers but they're not unbreakable if you strike one with a strong enough attack." She's not attacking just yet, possibly just to take the time to explain. ...The fact that she's smoking and her armor is pretty thoroughly scuffed at the moment might be part of why. Sure, she could continue, but for a training session, any further would probably be escalating too far.

...Though she wouldn't blame Katsuko if she went for a sucker punch. She DID kind of force this.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    That's not what Katsuko does though. Instead, she lands in front of Aloisia just outside of striking range and offers a formal bow. "Thank you for the lesson." No hard feelings apparently, or at least none so hard she can't default to dojo standards. She's breathing hard, clearly been pushed quite a bit by Aloisia. She finally has a moment to really think, and undoes the barrier. She does, however, only look towards Takuto when offering. "Sorry for dragging you into this."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Oh, RIP," says Takuto mournfully-- then shakes his head, letting himself drop to the ground and landing lightly on his feet, the blue flight energy dissipating. "I like Barriers generally, and this wasn't a real fight. Good to know if I get trapped that they're not unbreakable, though."

He blinks at Katsuko, then lifts his hands up, palms out, shaking his head swiftly. "No, don't worry about it! This was fun. Do you want my number? I'm not a device mage but I can hook you up with the community if you like."

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     "You're welcome, it was quite fun. It's always pleasant to encounter a new mage with good promise like you have, and I'm off the clock so I'm not particularly worried about losing or anything... not any stakes in this." Aloisia, meanwhile, was breathing pretty calmly. Someone who was clearly used to fighting, most of her movements had even been as minimal as possible, probably to prolong how long she could fight. "In fairness, you technically didn't drag anyone into anything, if anyone did the dragging, it was me starting the fight." Aloisia says, giving off a warm laugh and grin.

"Ah, yeah. The barriers most people use are developed by the TSAB, adjusted for modern day search and rescue or isolation of threats to protect the people, usually they have communication lines going to leadership the whole time so they don't jam things -- though they have the option. The Gerfangnis Der Magie was developed for wartime, a sad time of Belkan History. A great tragedy that went on far longer than it should have." As the spell is lifted, Aloisia glances towards one of the two Devices, which gives off a ping, though doesn't elaborate. "I'll send your device info to Rashmi so that you can be listed as an ally on IFF for them later, as well as possibly contact you for further training. You've got good potential, clearly practiced in martial arts before receiving your device."

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Uhhh..." Numbers, Katsuko considers that detail, and eventually chooses to give Takuta her number but not Aloisia. "I dragged you into my barrier." She points out. "And yeah, I do Kobudo and the tonfa are one of the weapons we practice with." She answers, confirming her prior martial arts experience. "I'd love to meet more people, if I knew there were others I'd have been looking for help with training already."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Right there in front of both of them, Takuto drops his transformation again and takes out his phone. He smiles crookedly at his tiny floating robot, who vanishes with a little iridescent pop! like the way he appeared. He plugs in Katsuko's number, then starts texting something other than what he's saying out loud--

"I do kendo mostly. Do you go to Radiant Heart Academy? Most of the mahoujin in the city do. I'll give you the rounds of introductions later. Also--"

Katsuko's phone should buzz about there with an initial text from Takuto. It's a fingerguns emoji.

"--there. I gotta go. And Stauss-san, if you spar with Ginga Kingu, please also let him know it's sparring. He has a tendency toward overkill."

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
Yeah, not being given Katsuko's number is fair. Aloisia didn't seem to mind that too much, though she does pull out a small notebook from her pocket and scribbles down a number on it, tearing it off. "These two numbers are for Chrono Harlaown and his assistant. They'll help you figure out your device. And if something's going down, they'll probably be there themselves, or send someone they trust to help." Weird thing to say about an enemy, but 'enemy' is a weird term when friendship lasers are involved.

If you spar with Ginga Kingu, please let him know it's sparring. Aloisia flashes a grin, "Oh? Well, that just sounds like a fun time though... hm~. I'll have to think on that one. And yeah, even people like me go to the academy -- by the way, I mostly do this for the pay, so I'm not likely to try and go after anyone seriously, but be careful, don't get yourself killed." That last bit mostly directed at Katsuko. Afterwards, she flips a thumbs up. "Anyway, keep it up, kid." She says to the person barely any younger than her. "You'll be fine with just a bit of training, hopefully I get to keep seeing you in one piece." Pause. .o(Don't make it weird, Aloe.) ... ... Right.

And then she's off, flying away to who knows where now that there wasn't a barrier up.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko takes the note that's given to her, and pockets it. Then she bows once more before Aloisia leaves, before turning to Takutu and dropping her Knight Armor. The Tonfa turning back into an oar necklace and indeed, she's wearing a Radiant Heart uniform, boy's uniform even though she's clearly a girl. "Katsuko Takezaki, seventh grade." She responds to the text with a thumbs up Emoji

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Takuto Tsunashi, tenth grade," the CLAMP noodle of a boy returns cheerfully, after waving to Aloisia. He's definitely not in uniform. "She's right about the others, they'll help you out. And there's actually magical sparring and training after the self-defense class that Inai-sensei teaches -- she oversees that, too. She sets up a barrier in the gym so we can go all out and not wreck the place. It's pretty cool."

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko nods. Stretches a little and winces. "Oof. I should probably go home. I don't want my parents to worry." picks up the ball she was using for practice. "Thanks for backing me up and the advice. See you around?"

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"See you around!" nods Takuto, giving Katsuko a thumbs up and moving out of her way. He looks back down at his phone and starts texting again, because Sugata's being judgemental. As usual.