1649/And Here Comes Trager With A Steel Chair!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

And Here Comes Trager With A Steel Chair!
Date of Scene: 10 June 2024
Location: Sports Pavilion
Synopsis: Hannah, Katsuko, and Amy have some time together.
Cast of Characters: Hannah Steiner, Katsuko Takezaki, Amanda Faust

Hannah Steiner has posed:
It's after school, prime time for some mahou lessons of self defense! And so, as is the custom, now that she's returned to school? Hannah is ready to face down her fellow magical girls! Or, at least one Trager-chan is! Already in henshin, she gives the very large, very feathery guide lizard of hers one more affectionate hug and smooch upon the head, before she float-slides over. A quick Area Search?

Yeah, with Device in hand, the space german is grinning and setting out pings for other Device Users!

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko has just finished with her regular martial arts class, so now it's time for magical martial arts. <ANFANG> Zwillingrute alerts as she gets her Knight Armor set up, and she steps into the mahou self-defense class. The paired tonfa she's holding almost certainly her device.

    It notices the search spell and responds by casting. <GEBIETSUCHUNG> It's another area search, to locate the origin. Katsuko quickly heads out that way and bows. "Afternoon, senpai." She greets the older device user, "I'm Katsuko Takezaki, seventh grade. And this is Zwillingrute." She awkwardly waves the tonfa around. <GUTEN TAG> "I was hoping to get some practice in today. I might not be a great match as I'm still learning to incorporate my magic."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah is quick to grin as she hears Katsuko announce herself so easily! "Trager des Blauer Greif, frau Takezaki! Und this is the eponemous Blauer Greif". She does a quick duelist's salute with the blade of her Device, which glows lightly along its' sheath.

<GUTEN ABEND> Offers the Device in turn. There's a hiss-bark from that big ol' beasty watching in the bleachers!

"Und that overgrown flightless lizard is Lyra! Do not worry, she only eats fools!" Smiiile!

A tilt of Hannah's head however as she ponders her opponent.

"Well ja! With such an attitude lacking in confidence, mein freund, you could not fight a soaked paper bag! Come now! Your Device is of Belkan origin, ja? Act like it! Challenge me properly!" Insists the young woman!

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Nice to meet you, Trager-san, Lyra-san." Katsuko straightens up when Hannah challenges her to have more confidence, "I don't know, but maybe? Zwillingrute goes quiet whenever I ask about origins." Zwillingrute does not deign to weigh in. "But let's have a good fight then, senpai?" She asks, getting into a stance of someone who clearly has plenty experience fighting with Tonfa. "And I know I didn't mention clean. It's not like I can expect what we're fighting out there to fight fair." She talks like she's got personal experience with that.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Time for after-school fight club! Amy, henshined but in a school uniform so she won't stick out on the way here, walks quickly to the usual meeting place. Seeing Hannah -- err, Trager-chan, she speeds up and waves. "Hey! Am I late?!"

    "Trager-chan!" Amy runs up to hug Hannah tightly, and nods in greeting to Katsuko, "Hello again!"

    After a moment she'll step back, just happy to see Hannah again but also recognizing when her girlfriend is about to teach someone and not wanting to interfere. "Teaching the newbie uh... proper Belkan fighting techniques?"

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Incoming Amy's!!!! Amies? Amy'ia? Hannah doesn't overthink the proverbial Amyswarm, instead hugs the stuffing out of her right back! A leeeeean, a whisper, something about 'gorgeous' and 'good to be in your arms again' is muttered before she regretfully pulls away as Amy lets her go!

"I've missed you!" More publicly, sighing wistfully.

"Indeed! We shall knock the Belkan out of the Device und into the User! Acht, proverbially, frau Takezaki! I would hardly be so rough on your Device!" Smiiile.

A tilt of her head, and suddenly a Barrier fades into being!

"Well then, let us see what you are capable of!" No proper announced attacks from Hannah, no.

She's just suddenly diving for the tonfa-wielder after a glorious leap, slashing at her legs with her blade while that sheath tries to jam itself into the shoulder!

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Amy-san." Katsuko greets the newly arrived magical girl, then the fight begins and she responds immediately. One tonfa going down to block the blade, while dips low to duck below the sheath so her other tonfa might drive straight at Hannah's face. She's not announcing this either, instincts honed by plenty of practice with tonfa and a style that seems suspiciously well-suited to fighting with the device. "If we're not putting some more magic into those attacks, senpai, I'm more than confident I can beat you." She offers. On her face is the smile of someone who loves to fight.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy's face reddens at the whispering, though she suddenly can't help smiling -- "You too! Show her what you can do! Err, what she can do? Oop!" She hurries back a few more steps to give them room as the fight starts in earnest, watching closely.

    She expects Katsuko to jump, but instead, the indigo-ette blocks low so she can strike up at the face. "Huh, I woulda jumped. Then again, maybe you're expecting that and woulda countered..."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah barks out a laugh at the sudden confidence! "There we are! That is what I wish to hear!" She seems pleased at Katsuko's martial skill, even as the pair clash! It seems the newbie at least knows how to throw the proverbial mahou punch!

"However, you make a fine point. As much as it would please me to defeat you through martial talent alone, this is a lesson!" Confirms the young woman.

Suddenly she disengages, kicking with an armored greave towards Katsuko, then leaping into the air in another strike, this time overhead with both!

<Fluss: Erhöhen>

And then she crashes down like a meteor, suddenly ten times heavier in body and strength of blade as a gravitic aura suffuses her entire body, the Belkan Knight cracking the ground of the not-gym around them!

Meanwhile, Lyra settles into her preferred area when not snuggling up with Hannah! Snuggling up with Amy, as the feathered not-dog is suddenly being one heck of a foot and leg and lap warmer if she's not warded off! Beware her adorable lizard licks!

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "We'll have to do that spar with martial talent alone another time, then." Katsuko agrees, jumping back at the armored greave but taking just a slight hit of it. Then she has a choice, defense or offense and... she chooses offense. Ready to match tonfa against blade, she steadies herself against the ground and goes for crossing strikes with her tonfa, jumping up not long before the clash to match her magic up against Hannah's.


She glows blue as he takes off, and most of the magic is getting those tonfa to strike in that crossing pattern, clearly trying to overwhelm Hannah in a contest of magically empowered strength. She's not likely to win that contest, but she gives it her all.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Oh, damn!" Amy looks suitably impressed at the flying double kick, whistling at the way Katsu blocks it. "Belkan magic is really something, I'da had to dodge..." And then: "Lyra, girl! Good to see you too, of course!" She sits down to hug the big fluffy 'dog', giggling good-naturedly at the licks. So affectionate!

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Is...is Hannah beaming? Directly at Amy as her ears catch those words? Yes. Yes she is! Only further emboldened by both Amy and her opponent, Hannah looks like a kid in a candy store!

"You fight like a Belkan, mein dear fraulein!" Compliments the mahou as Katsuko starts that magic-enhanced flurry. This time, she doesn't bother matching blade for blade. Tossing her sheath up into the air - quickly arrested by gravity magic - she holds out her hand. First one, then a second, reinforcing layer of magic forms a tower shield of magic in blue, decorated not unlike her own transformative sigil.

Blows rain down hard as the large protective magic soaks up those blows, cracking then being reinforced. Hannah leans into it, barely giving any ground whatsoever!


Then, she flicks out with her blade, not even for a stab...but a mere tap. Should she hit? Katsu would suddenly feel almost weightless, right as the bulk of that magical shield is suddenly being used to directly ram towards the other Belkan's face and chest in a shield slam!

Huuuuugs! That is one happy, waggy, hissy pile of murderfloof that Amy is wrangling! All is right in the world!

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    <WARNUNG!> Zwillingrute calls out about that tap, and Katsuko quickly raises a shield to try to deflect it. Of course, the rest of that bulky magical shield is still going her way and throwing her to the ground, but at least this way she's not crashing into the ground at max speed and so she's got time for another defensive spell to catch herself.

    <PANZERHINDERNIS> She surrounds herself in a blue polygonal barrier, which shatters as they land the ground but absorbs most of the hit for her. She's standing and smiling. "I think that's a compliment, so thank you." She's only mildly aware of Amy right now, her focus on the fight.

    She rushes in for another attack, a rapid strike with her left tonfa. <BLITZSCHLAGEN> and the blue glow returns, this time the speed and blue glow accompanies rapid pummeling, from one side to the other in a rhythm that has the potential to match the resonating frequency of some of the target's, this time Hannah's, bones.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy beams back, seeing Hannah so happy! She quirks an eyebrow as Katsuko manages to put her girlfriend on the defensive for a moment, wondering what Trager's planning... "Oh, damn!" She's impressed at the reveal of the shield as an attack.

    Patting Lyra with an arm around the lizardwoof as she talks. "Oooh. That's not a bad strategy, but you gotta switch it up! Throw something in besides pummeling blows before she can do something from behind her shield again!" She can't see the trick Katsuko's doing with resonant frequencies, unfortunately, or she'd ooh at that too! It's a neat idea!

Hannah Steiner has posed:
There's more than a little satisfaction to sending an opponent crashing to the ground, even if she doesn't quite get the wall-slamming effect she was hoping for! And then those strikes are coming back in, once more met with that big shield of magic! However, the impacts prove...well, the downside to using a magical construct as a shield is that she's somewhat touching it, thus, those impacts rattle her bones as they're meant to! It's a rather unique form of agony, actually, like her bones are being played like musical instruments by Katsuko's magic.

The cry she makes is /not/ at all pleased, and that shield threatens to waver out of existence before pure stubborn pride reasserts itself. She feins another shield blow...only to suddenly gravity-leap upwards. Towards one of the bleachers, in fact. Which after a magical touch?

It's a good thing there's a barrier up! As Hannah is working out that painful attacks' effects as well as trying to one up on her fellow Belkan!

<Fluss: Aufhellen>


Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    This time, Katsuko isn't targeted by the magical touch so she can do nothing to stop it. The bleachers are tossed directly at her, and though she manages to conjure another one of those polyhedral barriers just in time, it's not quite enough and when the dust settles, her Knight Armor is on the edge of failing and she simultaneously calls out "Yield!" And taps the ground. She lays down, looking up with a satisfied smile on her face. "That was fun."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Huh?" Okay, Hannah's cry of pain clues Amy into that Katsuko's second volley of blows is more than it appears. And then she shouts in English, "[And here comes Trager with the steel bleachers! Raahhhhhhhhh!]" She imitates the sound of a crowd cheering. "Hey, not bad Katsuko! And welcome to fight night!"

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah is, thankfully, a gracious winner! She once more does a duelist's salute, before wandering over to help up her erstwhile opponent!

"Fine work, mein new freund! You have potential! We just must let you work out your partner's powers, und shove you up against enough adversity to be at your best!"

A pause, a ponder, and a nod.

"I expect to see you next time! As for YOU..." A grin to Amy!

"Come, celebratory milkshakes for mein return!" A little waggle to Katsuko, and she's off!