1678/Inspection: Date Time

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Inspection: Date Time
Date of Scene: 18 June 2024
Location: Korma Chameleon
Synopsis: Chiyo and Philip have a dinner date under the watchful eye of Wako and Rashmi.
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Wako Agemaki, Rashmi Terios, Phantom

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai draws a deep breath that she then lets out through pursed lips. A little 'hoo' of stress and anxiety being exhaled purposefully as she stands at the entrance of Korma. Her attire was properly nice for an actual date. A light and flowy sundress pink and white floral sundress along with sandals that she knew were comfortable enough to walk in. Just in case there was an after dinner walk. Or she needed to sulk off.

"Part of me feels a bit guilty because Kukai brought someone to our date which ruined it, and I'm doing the same thing now. Not that I think you'll ruin it!" A worried glance is cast toward Wako with a grin. "And I did tell him at least." Her hand raises to lightly tug at one of her curls. "I really appreciate you coming along. I have had such bad luck with guys. And you have two! You've got way more experience than me in telling if a guy is being a jerk or if he's worth it."

"... Though he hasn't been a jerk yet. To me at least." Bonus? Yes. Her attention shifts down to glance at her phone as the time they agreed upon approaches.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako didn't dress up as nice as Chiyo did, but then again, Wako's not the one on a date. She's supervising! She did at least do her roommate the favor of not tagging along in her usual hoodie and denim skirt combo; instead she's wearing a pale pink scoop-neck top tucked into khaki shorts.

"For the record," she says with a laugh, "our parents arranged the engagement to Sugata-kun when we were little. So it's not like I have that much more experience... but! As your roommate, I can at least check this guy out to make sure he's not instant bad news. And you'll get to see how he acts with your friends, which is important."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
When Chiyo told her roommates that a date was in the offing, and that she wanted to have it at the Korma, Rashmi made arrangements. Specifically, she arranged to volunteer for an after-school shift at her parents' place, on the promise that she'd be allowed to specifically wait her friend's table as well. Because when someone has had the kind of luck that Chiyo has had, Rashmi has a vested interest in making sure Chiyo is well covered beyond having Wako at the table.

As Chiyo shakes out her remaining butterflies, Rashmi pops open the door, chuckling. "Just here to tell you, it's all set. If you need to break away, give me a sign, say you need to go to the bathroom, and take the door on your right. That'll take you up into the house, and I'll keep him busy about the check or dessert or something. Don't worry, Chiyo-chan. We got you!"

Grinning at Wako, Rashmi tips the two girls a wink, then ducks back inside the restaurant to fetch her apron.

Phantom has posed:
Philip Toms hasn't been a jerk to Chiyo. He's more a jerk to the world at large, though, so that makes up for it? Having gotten the address from Chiyo via text, he had checked the menu over for the place and read the reviews. He knew that it was the proverbial neutral ground, but not what people actually ate there. Now that he knew, he also knew it was a menu he's familiar with from his travels. Instead of mirroring in, he took a motorcycle from Mirage Cosmetics to the restaurant, pulling up outside the restaurant. Disembarking from the motorbike, he heads to the door of the restaurant, before opening it, his helmet tucked under his arm.

Dressed in a dark grey raglan underneath a leather motocrycle jacket, he made sure to check his mahogany hair to make sure it's nice and clean looking. Ripped jeans cover his legs, with a pair of leather motorcycle boots to match. Spying Chiyo outside along with another young woman, his eyes scrape her over - no, he has not run into Wako in any of his forms yet, so doesn't recognize her.

A hand is lifted in greetings as he approaches, his tone polite, the British accent noticable, even in the native tongue. "Chiyo!" he calls out in greetings, his eyes sweeping over her. "You look far sweeter than any of the candy you sell." he says with a wink. "Kind of hard to bring you flowers on the bike, so..." he reaches into a pocket and pulls out a two small keychains with cats in play on them. "I remember you said you like cats." There's a polite bow of his head to Wako, and then he offers his hand. "Hello, you must be Chiyo-kun's friend. I am Philip Toms. It is a pleasure to meet you. He'll let Chiyo pick out which one she wants first, of course. But it'd been impolite not to bring a small gift for her friend as well?

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai flashes Wako a thankful smile even as she explains her way of 'meeting' Sugata. "I'm beginning to think arranged marriages aren't such a bad idea with my luck on things, and your success there." It's said with a hint of amusement as she tries to distract herself from nerves. She had never been THIS nervous before. Was that a good sign or a very, very bad one? "Thanks, Wako. You're right that is a good test of things."

Rashmi's arrival from inside giving her the information about how to bolt if needed is another piece of the evening that helps put her mildly at ease. Another breath is let out, and she rolls her shoulders back to ease the tension there. "Rashmi that is awesome. Thank you. Hopefully I won't have to make use of an escape route though. I *do* promise I won't throw anyone through the windows of your parents place."

It's then that the revving of a motorcycle catches her attention. Had she seen him on the motorcycle at least once before. That was before she was considering like-liking him though. The way he pulls his helmet off, and shakes out his auburn hair, and looks in the fit of that jacket, is enough to cause HER to stare while he arrives. A giddy little grin comes at his compliment. "Thank you, Philip. This is my friend and roommate, Wako-chan," she introduces with a look over at Rashmi. "And my other roommate, Rashmi. She's working tonight but said she'd take care of our table for us." Among other things.

Surprise flits over her face when the pair of keychains appears to be offered. A little squeak comes, and she reaches for one of the set clasping it gingerly in hand. "Thank you! It's so cute!"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
The arrival on a motorcycle certainly piques Wako's interest, and she doesn't even attempt to hide the curious study she makes of Philip as he makes his entrance and heads toward them. His compliment to Chiyo has her sliding a silent, sidelong look the taller girl's way, only halfway suppressing a grin. Oooooh.

When she turns her regard back toward Philip, though, it's to offer him a bright and friendly smile and a little nod of confirmation. "Wako Agemaki," she offers by way of supplementing Chiyo's introduction. "It's nice to meet you, after hearing about you from Chiyo-chan."

She pauses a moment to admire the keychains while Chiyo picks out the one she wants. "Those really are super cute," she says. But... he brought two, so... "The other one - is that for me?" She doesn't want to just assume.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
When introduced, Rashmi beams brightly, wiggling her fingers in a casual hello. "I'm just here to make sure your date's as wonderful as it can possibly get!" she chirps, sweeping an arm toward a booth that has... been decked out.

A pair of candles on either side of a small raised frame, presumably for holding a large pot, which is wrapped in colorful silk flowers. The whole thing is placed under one of the windows looking out on the street, which with the sheer red fabric covering gives the view an absolutely ethereal and dreamlike quality.

"Aaaaand this'll be your table!" she chirps, bouncing once on her toes before making ready to write their order down, once seating has been arranged.

"And what can I start you off with today, sir, madams?"

...Oh she is playing the waitress role to the *hilt.*

Phantom has posed:
"It is. I was taught when I was young to never make a new friend empty-handed." Philip offers politely, and while his smile is small, it doesn't hold any malice with it as he nods. "It is nice to meet you, Agemaki-kun. Though being from Britian, I'd perfer to be called Philip. If that is well with you?" he asks before the keychain is offered to her.

But then there is a 'third' face and for a moment, Philip looks betrayed. "If you had told me you had two bodyguards, I'd brought more keychains." he says with a small smirk of amusement. "Or are they just witnesses in case you need to throw me out the window? Fortunately, we're on the first floor, so it won't hurt toooo terribly much."

A pause, and his arm is offered to Chiyo. "I promise, that's my last window joke for the evening." He doesn't add, 'Unless you change my view'. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Rashmi-kun." he offers to the aproned waitress who leads them to a fully appointed table. "Just to make sure..." he asks Chiyo quietly. "...I asked you out, or did you ask me out?" That said with light playfulness.

Because he does pull out the chair - for both Chiyo and Wako before he moves to take his own seat. "I'll have an order of stuffed naan and a mango lassi." That to Rashmi as he waits to order a starter after the two girls do.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai grips the keychain a little tighter at that look shot her way. Now she DID feel guilty for not at least messaging him that Rashmi would be here, too, even if it was last minute. She ought to have expected Rashmi would volunteer to help in some manner. "Ah, I'm sorry I should have told you when I found out last night. That's my fault," she adds acknowledging her mistake with an apologetic dip of her head toward Philip. At least he didn't seem too upset, and mention of the window brings her smile back again.

Then he offers his arm which was very formal and very much reminiscent of how people escorted one another a LONG time ago, but... She hung around royals. Okay so they were more of the huggy kissy variety than the etiquette sort but she knew how this worked! The arm is taken with a light touch of her own as they're led to... The Table.

This is a surprise for HER as well, and her eyes widen a bit. Lightly her throat clears. "Um... You asked me out but... I think this is Rashmi's doing," she adds giving her friend a *look* that was at least amused. And her chiar is pulled out. This was too perfect. Far too perfect so far. While Philip helps Wako into her own chair she pulls her phone out to shoot off a few quick texts only to put her phone on silent after. It's tucked away again.

"I'll take some of the vegetable samosas, butter naan with the chutney, and a mango lassi, too, please."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako beams at Philip as she accepts the keychain. "Thank you! That's very thoughtful of you... although," she wags the keychain at him, mock-chiding, "teasing Chiyo-chan about windows, not so much, you know. Nobody's going out any windows today, we already promised Rashmi-chan."

She's grinning as Rashmi does her thing and she trails along after Chiyo and Philip to the table. Oh, this is all turning out so much more interesting than she'd anticipated. She gives Philip another little head-bob of thanks before she sits in the chair he pulls out for her, and waits until he and Chiyo have both answered Rashmi before she pipes in.

"We should get a platter of samosas for all of us to share," she says. "And I'd like the paneer pakora and garlic naan, please, and a pineapple ginger lassi."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"-chan actually," Rashmi can't help but pipe up, in the judgment-free reflex of a native speaker to an obvious Englander. Notable that she's suggesting the friendly suffix, rather than the formal one, which says good things about her personal intentions, at least. Doubly so, that she returns the look with an eyes-closed smile and just a little bit of stuck-out tongue. "-kun's for boys. And stuffed naan, butter naan, garlic naan, veggie samosas, paneer pakora--" her pen slows, and she trails off, raising an eyebrow at Wako. "...To start?"

With a shrug, she takes down their drink orders, and flips the notebook closed. "And yeah Chiyo-chan's right, this is just what happens when my friends tell me about dates at the Korma.

Only a little bit of a lie, but that just because two is never sufficient sample size.

"So! I'm gonna take this back, your orders'll be right out, and if you're *really* interested Papi's about to roll out a gumbo special next month. It's like an American-style curry, and I can proooobably get an order or three out of his test pot! Anyway, enjoy your date!"

The way she wheels and bops back into the kitchen, it's quite clear that at the moment Rashmi is having almost too much fun playing support for this date.

Phantom has posed:
"-chan. My apologies. English is my native language, but I have been working on learning Japanese. I also know French, Turkish, Russian, Indian and German." Philip explains as he settles in and smiles up to Rashmi. "Thank you for the correction, I will keep it in mind for the future, I has assumed that -chan was a farm more... familiar greeting and did not see it's universal purpose."

"And you're right, Wako-chan." he says without skipping a beat. "Since I am already apologizing for one thing, allow me to apologize for the teasing as well." Philip considers his words, before he continues them, realizing that he needs to tread more trepedaciously now. Though Rashmi's speaking of the American curry causes him to smile. "I am familiar with it. I will have to try it when it's presented. For now, if you have shrimp jalfrazi, I will ask for that with a side of Bombay jeera aloo, please."

"And now that we are momentarily done with the apology part of the evening." A small smirk. "Have the three of you known each other long? I have only arrived in Japan recently, and still getting used to everything. Tokyo is much different than London, or Berlin."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai flashes a sheepish grin over at Rashmi and Wako. She'd noticed the 'kun' as well but didn't correct him because... Honestly she was a bit distracted so it hadn't rated high on her list of 'things to bring up' given the situation. Like a totally done up table. "It's okay. I told him about the window thing. Though, you're right, we should at least move on from it." Self-depreciating remarks about the window yeeting weren't for tonight!

When Wako orders as well she gives a nod, murmering, "Oh if we're getting samosas to share then, that's fine," she agrees. It already sounded like a lot of food! Again she's distracted when the talk comes of languages.

"Wow, that's a lot. I know you said you traveled with your mother all over but I didn't realize that much." Her head bobs in a quick nod, and she admits, "We've known each other... oh, half a year now give or take? When I decided to move into the dorms we all checked to see if they had any triple rooms, and they did but hadn't filled many in awhile. So we lucked out and all ended up together."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
'What?' says the guileless look with which Wako meets Rashmi's raised eyebrow. Not an ounce of self-consciousness or shame. It's a perfectly normal amount of food!

If you have the metabolism of a garbage disposal.

"I've only been in Tokyo for about a year, myself," she confirms. "Before that I spent my whole life on Southern Cross Island, to the south. It's been a pretty big adjustment," she admits with a little laugh, "but I'm sure coming here from places like London and Berlin must be even more of a shock."

Something seems to occur to her, and she takes out her cell phone and holds it up. "I should get a photo for the guys so I can tease them about coming to the Korma without them. Smile, you two~"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Easy!" Rashmi says to Philip's order. "But our jeera aloo is Bengali style, if that's okay? Anyway, starters first! I'll be right back with that!"

As Wako drags out the phone, Rashmi turns to bop back toward the kitchen to drop off the order, then tend to the other tables in her section.

After all, if she's gonna volunteer to work, she's gonna *work* this time.

Phantom has posed:
"Oh, I've never been to Southern Cross Island."

It's a lie. A damn lie. Why?

Cure Southern Cross is one of the Precures in his graveyard. Captured over a year ago. Wako /might/ know she's been missing for a while, if they ran in the same circles or if they were friends.

"Bengali style is a bit spicier, right? I'm good with it." Philip responds with a chuckle. "Curry kind of opened my pallete after spending so much time with British cuisine." he admits with a grin.

But this about getting to know Chiyo, right? "Yes. My mother has been in upper management since I was young. Her and my father are divorced, and he has little contact with me, so I spend more time with her - but she also sends me off to schools around the world. She wants me to be well-rounded. But it's nice to be settled in for a little while, at least? Even if I have to take the occassional trip."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai allows the talk of food to go on around her with the interest of someone that enjoyed food. Of course she did. Curries, and spicy things, those were all unfamiliar enough to her that she drinks in the information as they chat. It was all tasty here though so she certainly didn't mind trying whatever.

Philip then brings up his mother which earns a certain--Look--from Chiyo. A little twinge, like a shadow of sadness that flits over her features and leaves her eyes slipping out of focus momentarily. Just a moment. Then she blinks and it's gone.

"That sounds good at least, getting to travel a bit. I live with Ojiisan of course. Grandmother passed away a couple of years ago, so it's just us now. I never met my father so I don't know about him." Her mother though? She dances over that topic by not mentioning it. At all.

"Well I'm certainly glad you got the chance to be in Tokyo for awhile. How are you enjoying it so far?"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Barring any last-second protests from Chiyo or from Philip, Wako snaps her photo and takes a few moments to thumb out a quick text message. "I'm not surprised," she answers Philip with a smile. "It's a small island, and there's not a whole lot there for tourists. Most of the people I've met at school haven't heard of it."

She quiets as she tucks her phone away, letting him and Chiyo talk without the third wheel butting in. After all, this outing isn't about her. She seems fully content to listen, propping a cheek absently against a hand as her eyes track from one to the other and back, listening to hear Philip's answer to Chiyo's question.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Soon Wako will have plenty more to keep her busy, because Rashmi bursts from the kitchen, balancing an incredibly loaded tray in one hand, and a folding stand in the other, with the practiced ease of a long-time server.

"Ooooo-kay!" she says, whipping open the stand, and setting the tray on top. "Samosas for everyone!" And a big plate, with about a couple dozen steaming, stuffed triangles arranged in a circle is set on the flower-decked frame. "Stuffed naan! Garlic naan! Butter naan! Everyone gets a naan!" Clink clink clink go the plates, and the cups of dipping sauce, and the table becomes suffused with the smell of butter, and garlic, and *bread* glorious bread.

"And for the Wako-chan, paneer pakora!" In front of Wako specifically is set another plate piled with yellow-orange fried cheese, and the samosas are parceled out.

"So! To answer your question from before, Philip-kun! Bengali style tends to start with a base of mustard oil, instead of regular cooking oil. So they say it's more spicy, but it's more that the spice seeps into the food right from the start. And I have you for shrimp jalfrazi, and jeera aloo, is that right? And what would the ladies like for the main course?"

Phantom has posed:
"I have... found a very good reason to enjoy my time in Tokyo so far." Philip makes sure that Chiyo knows that he is looking at her when he says that. "But aside from that!" A little blush in his cheeks, before he continues. "Berlin and London are much more cramped. Mainly because they did not have the space to grow that Tokyo had. Berlin was trapped in it's own borders by the end of the war and the Soviet occupiers. London was trapped within itself long long before I came along. It's nice to have sprawl, but at the same time - to know that it is not all cramped together."

He does move in close to Chiyo for the picture - after all, she's sent other pictures of him to Usagi that she subtly took. He doesn't know that yet. But he does notice the sadness in Chiyo's eyes when she mentions her grandmother and he reaches over, his hand covering hers for just a moment to squeeze it. And more importantly? Not asking about her parents. He figures she will bring it up when she's ready.

As Wako talks about her home, he tilts his head. "Ah, it sounds lovely. A place to take a vacation to get away from it all. Have you adjusted well to being in a much larger population?" he asks her curiously as there is the tinking of platters and Rashmi arrives with the plates.

As they are passed out, the way he sets his two dishes between him and Chiyo makes it obvious. He's willing to share with her if she wants to try some of his plate.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Oh that was smooth. So smooth. Chiyo finds herself giving a lazy smile in response to his remark of finding a reason to enjoy being in Tokyo while trying her best not to blush. Ugh was this how Usagi felt around Mamoru all the time?

The mention of the picture of course does have her lean in close to Philip as well, lifting a hand to flash a V out of habit toward the camera as she tries not to let her gaze slide aside toward Philip. The picture ends up with her *obviously* staring at him from the corner of her eye while her shoulder brushes against his.

That little squeeze to her hand earns another entirely different look at Philip as she smiles toward him with her eyes sinking half-shut. A little nod of thanks given, and she draws a deep breath, finding herself unable to speak because she was smiling too much her cheeks were locking up. Ow. But nice. But ow.

Thankfully the food arrives causing her jaw to relax enough to offer, "Thanks Rashmi. It all smells amazing as usual. Ah, I actually was curious about trying the Dhansak?" She butchers the pronunciation entirely but a dish that was labeled sweet sour and spicy sounded very interesting. "Oh, did you have beaches on the island Wako? We should hit some beaches sometime this Summer. I know a lot of the coast is cliffs but we have some." And then the food is nudged closer, earning another warm smile. She tears off a little bit of her naan to dip into it testingly just from the corner.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Om nom samosas! Wako has already made one vanish with the alacrity of a stage magician's sleight-of-hand trick by the time Philip and Chiyo have finished ordering their entrees, and is just nabbing a second when Rashmi's attention comes around to her. "I'd like the lamb korma, please," she says, "and til wale aloo. Ooh, and some chicken tikka, please." She pauses a moment, looking thoughtful. "I kind of want to try the pindi chole, too..."

Wako, please.

Looking back toward Philip, she grins. "It was a lot at first. If I'd been on my own, I think I'd probably have run for home before I'd been here a whole month. I got lost all the time, too... but I think to think I've gotten pretty used to it by now."

She brightens at Chiyo's question. "Of course! It's a tropical island, after all. I practically grew up on the beach. We should definitely make the time to go while summer's here."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Dhansak," Rashmi repeats with a grin. "'Dan, sahk.' 'Dansakku!' Good pick! It's mutton and a lot of vegetables and lentils, all pressure-cooked until all the veggies and beans basically turn into a spicy paste holding up the meat. And.... hm." Quietly she just turns to a whole different page, and starts writing down everything Wako asks for on a separate check entirely. She does, after all, know Wako's financial situation, and she doesn't want the check to be why Philip's head explodes... if an exploding head is at all to be part of the evening's events.

"Okay! Also before I take this back, what's everyone's spice preference? Technically we go by one to five stars, but my Mami gets annoyed whenever someone goes over three, because then it's punishment, not food, and you won't be tasting much more than heat."

Phantom has posed:
"The beach?" Philip asks, considering this. "On one hand, seeing you in a swimsuit has it's merits. On the other, I am so pale I'd burn like a piece of toast in the sun." An amused chortle arises from him as he watches Chiyo take some of the food - it was offered to share, after all! His smile in the picture is small - he doesn't seem to be the type for infectious grins.

But when Wako kinda course corrects that Chiyo may have meant that the girls go, he ohs, his mouth a gentle little circle. "I see." he corrects himself, and uninvites himself from the idea of a beach trip with them. It's probably for the best, to be fair. Maybe he'll get lucky and Chiyo will send him a picture.

"I'm glad that you were able to settle in, Wako..." Though she goes ordering. And ordering. And ordering. Maybe she wants to make sure that she'll have plenty of leftovers later.

...and he's glad that he has his Platinum card to pay for the meal with.

"It all sounds really good." Philip comments as the orders are completed, and he takes a moment to recover from the large order to figure out what question to ask next.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Oh I think a two would be my limit at most, anyway," Chiyo decides with a chuckle. "I tried the level one and it was okay but not very spicy. I think two is fine," she affirms again with a decisive nod. The talk of the beach causes her to perk up, and when both Wako and Philip make mention of liking it, she grins.

It's her turn to reach out and pat Philip lightly on his arm with the touch lingering JUST a moment. "We can get a beach umbrella to keep the sun off," she assures. Yes she had asked Wako, but... She was not going to miss the chance to see a cute guy in a bathingsuit either.

Then her attention shifts to Wako. Just. Staring at her. Maybe they ought to just get a sampler platter at this rate.

Quickly shaking her head to get back into her own thoughts she blurts, "Uhm, so what do you like to do in your free time, Philip? I usually read manga or visit my friends."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"I'll stick with a two as well," Wako decides after only a moment of consideration. Just as earlier, there's not an inkling of awkwardness in her about the size of her order, and if she noticed Rashmi separating out her check she's not concerned by it. Nope, just an ordinary dinner out with friends here. Nothing out of the ordinary. Right?

She smothers a giggle at Philip's comment and shakes her head. "Sunscreen, Philip-kun! We'll get you the high SPF. You've got to keep reapplying it every so often, too, and every time you come out of the water. Trust me, you'll be fine!"

Her paneer pakora is steadily disappearing.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"And twos... across... the board," Rashmi says, marking each order individually, then snapping her notebook shut! "All right! See you in a bit, and don't forget to look over the dessert menu, just in case you ended up hungrier than you thought you were!"

And with that, she spins about and bops back into the kitchen, to let the date conversation continue.

Phantom has posed:
Two. Two sounds good.

Two what? Wako's order had distracted Philip enough that he had forgotten to give his spice level. Two is good!

When the pat on his arm comes, he chuckles a little, his opposite hand rising to cover hers for a moment, an electric touch of their fingers together before they part. "I suppose that could be a workable idea." he agrees finally before giving a nod. "I will have to shop for a proper swimsuit." Oh hey, a chance for Chiyo to see Philip in SEVERAL swimsuits.

His free time? "I have free time?" he asks with a chuckle. "I do so much travelling, I suppose that would be considered a free time thing. I draw a little, but I'm not very good at it. But really, I collect things that interest me. Little trinkets from the places I go. I didn't think it was appropriate to bring it to a first date, but things like currency and little items that are interesting when I come across them."

"And yes, I learned on a visit to Egypt. Plenty of sunscreen. But I could also hide with my clothes there. Lots of sunhats."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai can agree with the free time remark. There were times it felt she hardly had any either, what with school, the shop, being a magical girl and the like. It took a lot of her time though she did still on occasion indulged in her manga reading. It was one of the few things that helped her relax.

"Traveling sounds like fun. I imagine you find a lot of interesting things to collect, too." The talk of sunscreen earns a nod of agreement with that thought. "I usually have to put a bunch on myself, though I usually wear a hat as well." She had a small bunch to choose from.

"I usually just enjoy reading manga or watching some scary movies. There's a lot to do in Tokyo though, if you haven't explored much. I'd be happy to shw you around," she offers back to Philip.

Glancing to Wako she flashes her friend a grin since this did seem to be going far better than her last experiences with dates! %

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako nods energetically in agreement with Chiyo. "There really are tons of different things. Movies and karaoke, of course, but there's also Dream Kingdom, the aquarium, museums... honestly, you could probably spend several days just checking out the attractions in Penguin Park if you wanted to. Plenty of good date spots you two could check out."

She grins back at Chiyo, flashes her a surreptitous thumbs-up below the level of the table, at an angle that's blocked from Philip's view. Then she reaches for another samosa. NOM.

Phantom has posed:
A small chuckle escapes from Philip. "Yes, but sometimes I'm forgetful, like that time I was in your shop and forgot to change out my currency. I usually do that at the exchange shop in the mall, but there are times it slips my mind - just eager to get out and about and not sit in a stuffy office all day." he admits with a small sigh. "I'm kind of like you with the family business thing, but I'm more in helping support mergers and acquistions. So it's a lot of travel, a lot of listening to pitches or delivering new product and reporting them back to my mother to see what she thinks." he tries to make it sound as boring as humanly possible, but it's probably way more exciting than how he makes it sound.

Since she's mentioned it a couple of times now, Philip takes the clue and runs with it, his eyes lifting to meet Chiyo's. "So what type of manga do you enjoy?" he asks curiously. "Are you the isekai type, the romance type?" A playful grin. "I could see you being into the romance genre." he teases her. "Like the Quinetsential Quintuplets or the like."

"Let's see. Likes outside of work stuff. I enjoy a good baseball game - we have club seats at both of the stadiums here in Tokyo." And Wako presents a rather nice segue into things around Tokyo. "Oh, I totally enjoy the Arcade. I'm not much of a singer, though I'm not scared of karaoke." A teasing grin touches his lips.

"But I'm pleased to see I have at least one approval for a second date."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai caught the flashed thumb her direction which made her feel better. At least shew asn't getting so caught up in her own emotions that she was missing any red flags. To be fair though, sh usually spotted them fairly quickly once they happened. It was the sneaking up on her red flags she didn't really seem to notice.

When Philip mentions baseball she nods knowingly. She knew so many who did. "Ojiisan is a fan as well, and I have a friend that used to be in the baseball club at school. He used to try to get me to join. I'm not that into it though, I'd rather watch," she admits with a chuckle. Right up until he asks about manga.

A quick blink comes as she considers, going back through her thoughts to realize that she had indeed mentioned it twice. Oops. She was repeating herself. That was never good. One of the samosas is idly torn in half so that she can dip part into some of the sauces as she turns a little pink-cheeked.

"Guilty as charged. I do like romance manga, but anything with a good story. Isekai can be fun but there's so many that are not really well written. Prince of Highschool is good, and Fruits Basket, of course. I haven't really read that one."

Harem manga. Should she worry? The samosa is popped into her mouth to munch before they all vanish into the endless gut of Wako.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako pauses momentarily in the act of disappearing her samosa to give Philip a close look across the table. Once she's nomfed it down, she wipes her fingers primly on her napkin. "Provisional approval," she informs him. "Provisional! You've been doing well so far, but that doesn't mean you can get overconfident."

Then she relaxes again, though, and her sunny smile returns. "I like Prince of Highschool," she agrees, before the look in her eyes turns impish. "...Mostly because sending out of context panels to Sugata-kun is really funny."

Phantom has posed:
Tearing off the stuffed naan to take a bite, Philip nods. "I don't really read much. But I see what's popular in stores?" he explains how he knew certain titles. "That and there's this whole thing that Mirage Cosmetics is doing with trying to match make up to manga, I suppose to touch the interest of girls that would enjoy both." He pops the naan into his mouth to chew on it, before swallowing.

"And a story is good. And so far, we've had a good start to ours. I mean, there have been bumps, but what is a good story without the occassional plot twist or antagonist?" he asks casually between bites. But when Wako makes a clarification on her support, he chuckles. "Right, I should have brought a bigger present." he teases, but there's a curious glance. "The Prince of Highschool? I will have to look into it. But, if you will excuse me for a moment." He's caught a glance down at his phone and a message listed from 'Work'. "I need to step out for a moment to take this."

With that, he rises from his seat, offers a polite smile, and leaves the restaurant, lifting the phone up to his ear, his expression turning terse.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
When Rashmi approaches the table, it's with a *much* fuller tray -- largely thanks to Wako -- and teetering, just a bit as she sets out the stand.

So much food.

Wako gets a bowl of small, *incredibly* yellow potatoes, another of fragrant rice, a third of meat in a rich sauce, and a fourth of chickpeas in a sort of soup smelling of spices and.. tea?

Chiyo's offering is relatively less substantial, but still the portions expected of the Korma's service; lamb swimming in a curry so thick it's nearly paste, piled over turmeric-yellowed rice and cilantro. And as she sets Philip's shrimp-and-rice and subtly different potato plate down, Rashmi pauses, blinking up at Chiyo. "...Everything going okay?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai ohs softl at mention of a collaboration between popular manga series and makeup. "That's actually a really good marketing idea. I'm sure it'll be quite popular," she has to agree with a nod. She wore a bit of makeup herself, but past a bit of lipgloss or blush she didn't mess around with it much. Okay. Maybe at prom.

As for manga? She does grin again. "It's a really popular series. My friend Koji-kun and I are big fans of it."

The ringing of the phone almost causes her to jump in her seat as a ripple of nervous tension runs through her. One which is let out with a breath, and she flashes a grin, "Of course! No problem, I'll be waiting."

Which is about the time that Rashmi comes over with all the food. The smells were definitely enticing enough to want to start digging in, but she could wait for Philip to get back. "Thanks, Rashmi. Seems to be going well so far, unless that was one of those 'emergency phone calls' to bail on a situation."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"He said it was work," Wako fills in for Rashmi in an undertone. She seems to think for a moment, and her expression shades into a certain guilty apprehension. "I hope I didn't put him off just now..."

Her eyes flick toward Chiyo, and perhaps it's a mark of how much she honestly wants this to go well that Wako does not immediately dive into demolishing the spread Rashmi has set out before her. "He did make it sound like his work keeps him really busy, though. Maybe that's all it is."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Well I mean what I saw was pretty encouraging!" Rashmi says, tucking the tray under her arm and smiling. "Just give it a few minutes? Then we can be concerned. And if he's not back in thirty, I'll call in the mob."

Ahahahaha what a kidder Rashmi is.

"I think Hanzo's in the area, so, if he's disappeared we'll have a head start on running him down?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai lets out another breath, one that was just exhaling unnecessary stress over the moment. Her hands rest in her lap, fidgeting, and she reaches over for her purse to pluck up her own cell with it's dangly little Bao charm. It's lightly patted as if it were a pet she were taking a moment to love on. Then again her spirit guardian was a shape shifter.

"You're right, it has been going well I think. He doesn't seem like a weirdo. Which is good. I mean, I think I'm a good judge of character overall. It's only when guys approach *me* that I seem to have the issue."

"There's nothing wrong with Kazuo-san after all, other than ... I'm really not his type." Nope. She was not Mamoru. "Kukai and Ikuto both approached me." As for Philip she wasn't quite sure who approached who there.

A little shake of her head comes as she moves on from that topic. "Anyway, they don't matter anymore. I'm just being paranoid."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"It'll be fine," Wako assures. "I mean, if he did bail, it's good to know he's a flake now, right? But it was probably just his work."

She picks up her fork, nudging at her potatoes without - yet - actually starting to eat anything. Supporting Chiyo is more important. "Do you think you could be okay with it, if his job does keep interrupting things like this?" She's half watching the entrance for signs of Philip returning, half watching Chiyo with faint concern.

Phantom has posed:
A phone call later, a sigh, and a moment to recompose himself outside, Philip returns. Stepping back into the restaurant, when he returns to the table, he grips his chair to pull it out and sighs apologetically, before offering a smile. "A coworker wanted to know if the box seats for the Sparrows game was open today." Fortunately, his return misses what Wako just said, so she doesn't get caught on that.

"Ah, the food arrived. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long?" he asks as he retakes his seat and pulls up to the table. "It looks delicious." he offers to the pair, a grin towards Rashmi. "Thank you." he offers warmly as he starts to gather his utensils to eat.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Oh good there you are!" Rashmi says as Philip walks back in, bobbing her head. "You are, of course, very welcome! Let me know if there's anything else you need, okay?"

Glancing at Chiyo, the redhead tips her an encouraging grin, as if to say 'see? Not everything is a fite problem!' before trotting back into the kitchen to grab the next order.

...For all that it was totally probably a fite-adjacent issue that called him away.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai is about to respond regarding the interruptions. It wasn't as if THEY didn't get called away on occasion for particular reasons, and have to come up with some awful or semi-plausible excuse. Thankfully she doesn't have to really get into that as Philip comes back, and she glances up toward him again with her smile returning once more.

"Oh, well at least it wasn't a really big issue?" She reasons regarding the seats. Now that he was here though she tips her head toward Wako giving a silent, 'go ahead' because she knew her friend was so eagerly awaiting getting to dig in. Her own utensils are picked up to start her meal with a quick little taste of the sauces first out of habit. When you had ramen as often as she did you knew always try the broth first.

"Yes, let's enjoy! This all smells amazing Rashmi-chan. Thank your parents please!"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
There, see? Wako smiles warmly at Chiyo as Philip returns to the table. "It's okay," she tells him. "I'm glad you didn't get called away entirely. I'd have totally eaten your food if you did, though."

On which note - with the immediate concern resolved - Wako begins tucking into her own meal with enthusiasm. Don't mind her, folks, she's in her happy place.

Phantom has posed:
"It would have been deserved if you had to, Wako-chan." Philip offers with a chuckle as he takes out the chopsticks and sets it them up. Just as he's about to start to eat himself, he pauses as Wako shows her gusto, and his eyes widen a bit. Nope, not going to ask where she puts it all. Instead, he turns his attention back to Chiyo, running his mind over topics of conversation. She may have picked up by now that this is not something he does usually.

"So. After dinner." he offers as he plucks a shrimp to eat, but doesn't start yet. "Did you have any plans?" he asks her. "I wasn't sure, and maybe this could be a next time thing... but how do you feel about miniature golf? I saw a whimsical little course a while back and I've been wanting to find a reason to try it out."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai takes tiny bites. She's not shoveling her food like Wako. Not that she would ever point that out to her friend but it has been grilled into her by society from a young age that you never take more than a bite-sized portion so that you don't end up looking like you're trying to win an eating competition.

At least while in public. Privately all bets are off.

The question draws a little shake of her head to indicate she really didn't have any plans so far. Then he suggests something earning a brighter grin. "I don't have any plans. That sounds like it would be fun, and a good way to get some fresh air after dinner," she admits. "Plus, I don't mind being your excuse." Ah she can tease a little right? Right.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Don't worry, Chiyo, Wako has enough of a sense of decorum not to speak with her mouth full. Her table manners aren't that bad - which may seem miraculous considering how steadily the curry and rice and potatoes and chickpeas are all steadily disappearing.

"I think you guys have put up with me tagging along enough for one day," she says brightly, "so I won't third wheel for mini-golf. Besides, after this I need to go report back to the guys. I hope you both have fun, though! Chiyo-chan, you'll have to let me know how it is so I can know if I should make Takuto-kun and Sugata-kun go later on."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi has been waiting tables diligently. She has, absolutely, not been straining to eavesdrop on the conversation as she passes by Chiyo's table.

Not ever. Who would even dare.

"Hi again!" she chirps, stopping by on her way to the kitchen again. "Just checking in, everything going as good as I hope?"

Of course she means the food.

What even else would there be to check up about.

It's probably for the best that Rashmi is never asked to infiltrate anything.

Phantom has posed:
Is that a blush? Philip's cheeks flare in a brief hint of red as Chiyo accepts the invitation. "Sounds like we have plans then." he admits with a small chuckle. And then Wako makes her decision to let the pair of them fly solo and for a moment, he's hit the realization that they won't be chaperoned anymore and now he was going to have to carry the date all on his own. Oh no.

Rashmi gets a nod as she returns. "I mean, I don't know your scale of what everything going well? Are we on the scale of a car crash to a victory parade or...?" he glances to Chiyo, she's really the one that question is aimed for.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai manages not to choke on her bite of food when the mental image of Sugata playing Minigolf pops to mind. She covers her hand over her mouth, gulping it down with a laugh. "Oh my gosh, I can't imagine Sugata-kun allowing himself to be seen playing minigolf. He'd probably buy the place so he could take you and Takuto-kun on a single date." Still it is amusing either way. "I'll be sure to let you know how it goes," she agrees with a nod.

Rashmi's question causes her to look aside to Philip who answers in his own way. It's her turn to pinken a bit as she considers things. "I think everything's going fine so far." A reassurance for him at least. Then she looks back to her friends adding, "Thank you both for keeping an eye out for me."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Hey," Wako replies with a laugh, "Sugata-kun isn't that bad!" She pauses for a beat, reflecting. "...if it gets hijacked by a youma, though, no promises about after."

Shaking her head, she grins at Chiyo. "I was happy to come along. Especially to the Korma." She raises her mostly-empty lassi in a little toast to Rashmi. "Everything is delicious, thank you! And Philip-kun has been very well behaved."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Glad to hear it," Rashmi says with feeling. "And hey, have fun you two! I'll be right back with your checks!"

Unable to suppress a little giggle, Rashmi bobs her head at Wako, then turns to bop back into the kitchen.

Not only has Chiyo finally had a good first date, but he seems like a decent guy, *and* there's going to be a sequel immediately after!

Mission: SUCCESS