1687/Realisation of a Childhood Dream

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Realisation of a Childhood Dream
Date of Scene: 20 June 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Coco and Wako meet up when the former wants to see if her schoolmate wants in on an opportunity to audition for an Idol Group, and she is ecstatic to find an excitement that matches her own!
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Wako Agemaki
Tinyplot: Yurari Dream Chronicles

Coco Kiumi has posed:
At the end of April, Coco had been contacted by Maya Panchal, Shine PR's representative, with the intent to get her to contact other singers to audition for the idol group they'd be trying to form in Tokyo. Coco had enthusiastically agreed, as someone who had been singing her entire life, and she also had a strong idea over whom to ask if they would be interested.

A lot of things had been going on since then, and between youma attacks, there never seemed to be the chance to get in touch (her getting stuck at Casa del Outers while recovering from the burns Hinoiri had given her didn't really help matters). It just so happened that Erika had come to visit her to wish her a good recovery, and that Coco had taken that occasion to bring her up to speed, so she really only had to talk to the other singer she would enthusiastically suggest.

She had been seeking her out, and once she had found her, an invitation to Coco's room had soon followed, with the explanation she had exciting news to share.

"Please, come in", Coco says after opening the door and walking inside. Wako will be able to see a fairly tidy room (if with the occasional monkey or otter fur), and one of those very same otters leisurely floating in a small inflatable pool with her eyes closed. "Can I get you anything?" the mermaid smiles at Wako.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako steps in through the door at Coco's invitation, Vice President riding along on her shoulder. Both of them, girl and fox, take an interested look around - and Wako is rather abruptly distracted from answering Coco's offer when Vice President launches himself bodily off Wako's shoulder at the inflatable pool.

"No!" Wako yelps, catching the fox with both hands before he can actually cannonball into the pool. "Vice President, don't pester them!"

Once she's sure she has a secure hold on him, she turns an apologetic look to her hostess. "I'm sorry about him." Vice President waves his white-tipped puff of a tail back and forth, seeming unrepentant. "I'd have taken him back to my room first if I thought he'd stay put, but it seemed senseless to make you wait... anyway, I'm fine, thanks." She smiles ruefully.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The otter, Coco's mainstay among all otters due to her sapience, squeaks in indignation at the sudden noise, opening her eyes to glance at the fox that had almost interrupted her rest. A shake of her head, and then she goes back to relaxing, with her eyes open this time, not trusting the fox not to try again at the first possible occasion.

"It's no problem, and I am sorry I hadn't warned you about Cora", Coco reassures Wako, gesturing towards the otter and closing the door behind Wako once the other girl comes in. "Please, have a seat then", she adds once Wako comments she fine as is. Taking a small piece of salmon from her fridge unit, Coco brings it to Cora to appease the irritated otter. Salmon which the otter takes with reluctance as she nibbles on it, still keeping a side glance onto Vice-President.

Taking then a seat in front of Wako, Coco places her hands on her lap and looks at her guest. "Have you ever heard of Shine PR, the agency from Kolkata? They are trying to make a name for themselves here in Tokyo with an idol group. Have you ever considered being part of one?"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Vice President watches the salmon with intent, ear-pricked interest, but as he's dangling in Wako's hands at the moment Cora is able to enjoy her snack without being interrupted. As if to make sure he stays put, Wako shifts him so that she's hugging the fox to her with both arms, and moves to settle down onto one of the dorm room's chairs.

"I think I did hear something about that," she muses, casting back through her memory. "There was a news article about it." She keeps up with local entertainment news, of course, so the article about the new agency had caught her interest.

In the next moment, her smile is brightening, a certain light of enthusiasm coming into her eyes. "Honestly," she says with a laugh, "I've wanted to become an idol singer since I was little. Up until I came here to Tokyo, though, there was never any point in looking into specifically how to get there. Now I have a Viewtube channel and I've even done a couple of gigs, but..."

She trails off there, regarding Coco with a more speculative expression. "Why do you ask? Are you thinking about signing up with Shine PR, yourself?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I have something even better than that", excitement quickly mounting up in Coco now she knows Wako would definitely appreciate it. Is that the hint of flames beginning to burn up bright around Coco? No? Must be a trick of the light. "I was doing one of my usual performances for fundraising, with the Animal Kingdom at Penguin Park that time, when I got approached by Shine PR's representative, Maya Panchal!"

She is evidently grinning happily at this point. "She has invited me to the idol group they are trying to form, and they also asked me for recommendations over who else would make a good fit." Naturally, since Coco is here talking to Wako, the Southern Cross girl has surely caught up by now. "I have been thinking of you and Erika ever since then. How do you feel? Want in on the audition?" While Coco feels Wako would say yes and is overtaken by her own excitement at the progress, she includes the questions anyway, waiting for a final and definitive answer from Wako.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako's eyes widen at Coco's news. "Oh wow. That's fantastic! I mean, with your voice it's not surprising that you'd be scouted, but still!"

She's distracted enough that Vice President is able to wriggle out of her arms, though this time the fox doesn't try another leap for the inflatable pool. Instead he hops down from the chair onto the floor to do some cautious sniffing around.

"I'd love a chance to audition," Wako confirms, leaning forward a little in her seat in her enthusiasm. "It was really sweet of you to think of me. I don't know if I know Erika, though... is she magical, too?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Miss Pachal had already given me the rundown of the benefits we would have have under their program", Coco adds, rather expecting that Wako would be similarly elated at the good prospects that are being offered to them. "Shine is giving us access to choreographers and public-relations people and also a strong legal team for any legal problem that might come up. They will also sign an agreement to match what we earn with donations to any charity we choose."

The matter of Erika's magic awareness leaves Coco to stumble for a second before she picks herself back up. "She is definitely aware of the circumstances that torment Tokyo right now", she chooses to reply, wanting to leave anything else to the pirate herself "just as much as you and I are. You know how it is with these secrets. I'd leave anything more to Erika herself. She already know since we happened to meet first." Though that doesn't really describe why, so an elaboration instantly comes.

"Erika had come to visit me at Casa del Outers after Sunbreaker had assaulted me and had given me some nasty burns", Coco explains, though she leaves out why she was there and not at the hospital as would be normal and expected, unless Wako wants to know.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako's brows lift a bit, and she looks abashed for a moment. "That's fair," she agrees with a nod of her head. "I apologize, I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that - I forget sometimes that most people are more careful about what they let other people know where that's concerned." Secret identities! They're a thing, even if Wako and her boys mostly don't bother.

"In any case," she goes on, "that all sounds great. I'll have to have Sugata-kun's family lawyers look over any contracts before I sign anything, just to be on the safe side, but..." Here her train of thought makes a swerve, and her expression turns to one of concern. "Geez, I had no idea Sunbreaker had hurt you that badly. You're okay now, right?" She gives Coco a closer look, as though searching for any lingering signs of injury she'd missed before now.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"No, no, it's ok!", Coco raises her hands with open palms, as if to signify she had nothing that would constitute as being offended. "I wasn't annoyed at being put on the spot. There are a lot of unknowns that gives, so I get the curiosity", the mermaid replies, strong emphasis being given so no awkwardness might get in the way, likewise choosing to share everything about herself after the requested elaboration on the matter of her health.

"They are going to get in touch anyway, but if you want a preliminary testing, their number is XXXXXXXXXX." Smiling at her prospective teammate, Coco nods with calm. "Yes, I managed to heal just fine with the Outer Sailor Senshi taking care of me. They were impeccable under any aspect, so my wounds have healed extremely well. There was really only the matter of a mermaid being a surprise at an hospital", Coco shrugs. "Sunbreaker had taken away my powers, including the one that allows me to appear like this."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako winces a little in sympathy at the explanation. "Oof, yeah, that would definitely be a problem. I'm glad they helped you recover so well. Of course, from what I know of the Sailor Senshi I've met, they're usually very reliable."

She slides her cell phone out of her pocket in order to make note of the phone number that Coco gave, taking a moment to read it back to make sure she has it right. And to dash off a quick text message while she's at it.

"I'll make sure to give the agency a call," she says once she's tucked the phone away again. "It'd be pretty exciting if we end up in a pro idol group together, huh?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"You are very nonchalant for someone who has just been told mermaids are real", Coco laughs quietly at the thought. "Usually I get things that vary from astonishment to mild confusion", she specifies, mostly making sure that her laugh wasn't inopportune for Wako.

"It really is pretty exciting", Coco smiles widely, her golden eyes shining with the brilliance of the joy she is feeling, even if it has a sad tinge in the backdrop. "I have really been missing having someone to sing alongside for years now. Last time it happened, I was 11 years old, so I can't wait to pick up this opportunity with you and Erika."

"Do you think this is all you need?" Coco ascertains, just in case she might have forgotten something.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako laughs when Coco does, with just a trace of mild chagrin, and reaches up to push her fingers through her hair. "At this point I think it'd probably take a lot to surprise me," she admits. "I've known about my power since I was little, and since I've been in Tokyo it really seems like pretty much anything can happen. You being a mermaid almost just seems like it makes sense."

She glances over to the inflatable pool with the otter in it, by way of illustration of her point. And then has to get up to grab Vice President when she realizes the little fox has been stealthily creeping closer to Cora's lounging spot. "Oh no you don't, you little menace. Come back here."

With Vice President once more secure in her arms, she smiles back at Coco. "I can't think of anything else right now," she says, "but I'll make sure to ask you if anything else comes up. Maybe we could try rehearsing together sometime, too? It's been a pretty long time since I had someone to sing alongside, myself."

From her pocket, there's the chime of a message from her phone. She shifts Vice President to hold him tucked under one arm so she can pull the phone out and glance at it. "For now, though, it looks like I should get going. But seriously, thank you so much. This is a huge opportunity you're sharing with me, and I really appreciate it."