
From Radiant Heart MUSH

Date of Scene: 17 July 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: A variety of characters chat!
Cast of Characters: Sequoia Maybach, Kureha Senkenzan, Zephyr Windstar, Mio Morita, Laura La Mer

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    Right, so after an incident the previous day, Sequoia Maybach decided to pay a little visit to the hospital for a checkup and to check on her friends. As it turns out, Atsuko and Emi are okay, they had just fainted in the chaos, and when the doctors gave Sequoia herself a clean bill of health, it was about time to go home!
    This is all well and good as she emerges from the doctor's office with a few papers in hand, glancing them over and over the various test results on them.
    It's just a totally normal day at the hospital.
    For now.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    At about the same time, another doctor's office a couple doors down is opening up, and an entirely different Emi is stepping out - a woman in a business suit, holding the door for the kimono-clad young lady who steps through soon after. "Isn't that wonderful, miss? Still fit as a fiddle. I'm sure your father will be overjoyed to hear it." The crimson eyes of the young lady dart up to her minder, staring silently for a moment, before she replies with a neutral, "Yes, I'm certain he will."

    It's been a year since her 'miraculous recovery', and everyone still seems vaguely baffled that Kureha Senkenzan continues to NOT be a weak, sickly girl. She's the only one who knows why, of course, but maybe now that it's been a full year with no relapses, they'll stop pestering her so much about it.

    Of course, Kureha does briefly glance in Sequoia's direction, but only briefly. Just another person in the hall. She's a bit distracted; something's nagging her she can't quite put her finger on.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    While it's not her usual place of business, a certain Soda Cart operator is set up outside the hospital. She's gotten permission from the administration and is offering cold drinks to those visiting people in the hospital for longer-term ailments, and to those leaving after appointments or other short-term stays. For now though, she's mostly idle, hiding from the sunlight under the awning on her cart.

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio is at the hospital. No she didn't injure herself or anything. On the contrary. She is there with someone. Who? Well her father. He happened to cutting up veggies and kinda cut his thumb. So he is here for stitches. "Don't be such a baby. Its just a cut. Keep pressure on it and keep it covered." She tells him and tries to help him a little bit.

"Whose the adult here? I just cut my hand and I think I saw the bone in there!" He argues as he sulks over his wound.

"Its not that deep. Its just won't stop bleeding." She rolls her eyes and a nurse takes him back to the back, leaving Mio sitting in the waiting room.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Seeking out the Pretty Cures at Radiant Heart hadn't provided many results to Laura's annoyance. Sure, she knew Wing from there, but she had already known him from early on, and considering she wasn't sure he was going to be around for every single Layabout, the search continued. This time she had decided to explore the Mitakihara General Hospital: after all, if there are some wounded, there are also chances a Pretty Cure might show up to help them. Or to prevent them from becoming easy target for an enemy attack.

She is just dallying around, the Aqua Pot secure in her pocket with Kururun sleeping inside, watching the coming and going of people. So far, everything was normal. She might just stick around a bit more and then try elsewhere.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    Glancing up from her papers, Sequoia spies Kureha looking over, even briefly. The silver-haired girl offers a slight wave before looking back over her documents. Just a casual, even a little friendly, gesture, nothing major as she pulls out her smartphone and pings a number with a text.
    TEXTING ZEPHYR WINDSTAR: Yo. Clean bill of health after yesterday's... Thing.
    Everything seems pretty normal at the hospital today though. There's a girl with her father and his cut thumb and everything.
    That is... Until the lights flicker. That makes Sequoia blink.
    Then the lights go out.
    TEXTING ZEPHYR WINDSTAR: Should the hospital lights just mysteriously shut off? Don't they have backups or something? Weird.
    It's very weird. VERY WEIRD as a figure lurks in the shadows, reaching out to tap Laura on the shoulder.
    The shadowy figure of a young lady appears, clutching a pair of scissors in hand.
    "... Am I pretty...?" She asks.
    TEXTING ZEPHYR WINDSTAR: Shit's getting spooky in here. Where are you? Or how do I do that barrier thingy?

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    There isn't even a response from Kureha; the girl misses Sequoia's wave entirely, focused on trying to pin down the vague sense of something 'off'. That's about when the lights flicker, then go out. Instantly, the faint unsettling feeling tightens into a sharp sense of danger. She pushes down the tension long enough to manage a calm request to Emi. "I feel as if we should be going, if their power system is having issues. We've finished our business here as it is." The attendant gives her a little nod. "Not a bad idea. Let's be going, then."

    As they round a corner, Kureha just... stops. In the darkness, it's all too easy to lose her 'handler' for the day. And all too easy for her to just turn around, following what she's beginning to faintly realize is a familiar scent.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr blinks, glancing at her cell as Tenraikaze gives off an alert jingle, pitched to sound likee a normal cell notification. She reads, gives a smile then quickly taps a message back.

    TEXTING SCHILDMADCHEN: Good news. How're the others?

    She's about to resume idle gazing, when the lights go out, and another text comes through. Again, she reads, shoots a text back, but glances at her Device in its anchor bracelet.

    TEXTING SCHILDMADCHEN: They should have backup generators. Life support machines and stuff react badly to having no power.

    Then, Tenraikaze alerts of a Dark Energy signature, as Sequoia's last message comes through.

    TEXTING SCHILDMADCHEN: I'm outside the hospital. Totally not following you around... I'll throw up a Barrier in a sec, hang tight.

    "Dee... it's go time. Set up." < STANDBY READY. SET UP! >

    A flare of purple light and the Mage is in her Barrier Jacket. She spikes her axe-device haft into the ground, "Barrier!" which Tenraikaze echos, as an oily dome expands over the hospital, shunting non-magicals out of danger, hopefully.

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio quietly sits and waits. She doesn't cause any trouble to go along with her father. In fact she is more than content to not be going with him. Idly she'd pull Pin out of her bag. The fairy pretends to be a plush bear and doesn't move. Everything is as it should be. Until it isn't.

When the lights go out, Mio just remains seated. She doesn't say anything. After all, its just a power outage right? Nothing to worry about. And THEN things take a turn for the creepy. Quickly she stands up and moves away from the crowd.

"Time to Change!" She gets out her Prechan Mirror and her precards. "Petty Cure! Rolling Mirror Change!" Immediately her body is shrouded in Orange light. Her clothing changes quickly from her mundane attire to a glowing orange slip. She bounces around on what looks like a sun before the sun bursts and her precure clothes are on. Her hair gets longer and a moment later she is ready. "Hope Rising to Shatter the Darkness! Cure Daybreak!" She comments as she draws a sun shape in the air. Then the transformation is done.

Quickly the Precure rushes back to the lobby and looks at the woman, "Yes you are very pretty but I think you need to put the scissors down."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura is about to give up on her endeavour when the lights start flickering and then they go out. "What? Do they lose power so suddenly here?" She can't believe things can change just from a moment to the next. One of the many reasons it's a shame magic is away from their reach. What to do, what to do... Taking out the Aqua Pot, she looks around, relying only on the magic item's dim light (it didn't help much, but it was better than nothing). She sighs, looking at all the people that aren't in any better a situation than her. Oh, well, this is the hospital's problem. She was on her way out anyway.

She barely takes a step, when she is tapped on the shoulder, her first instinct to turn around with a grimace on her face. "What do you want?", she frowns. "I can't help you just because I have a bit of light, go look for the hospital staff", she says before turning around and jumping backwards when she notices the glint of the scissors. "Put those things away! I am not sure what are you thinking, bringing those things in the dark. You are going to hurt someone."

A shudder crawls down her spine when she ears the mysterious lady's question. Is this like a ghost story? Is she facing off with some spirit or something? "Seriously? We are in complete darkness and you ask me if you are pretty? How am I supposed to be able to tell!?", glaring at the questioner in the creepy atmosphere, glare that is probably completely lost in the dark, walking back slowly as she keeps eyeing the scissors. This is so frustrating.

She completely loses interest in the apparition(?) when she hears someone shouting Pretty Cure and rushing towards her. "Wait, you are a Pretty Cure?" Laura asks Mio excitedly. "Wonderful! Can I talk with you a bit after this? I have been looking for you people all over."

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    Thankfully with Zephyr nearby, a barrier goes up. This means that all non-magical combatants vanish as the spell re-creates the area for a more safe combat zone.
    Unfortunately, the creepy apparition is not among those that vanish. She... Does not seem pleased to be blown off so easily though, lurking after Laura, she pointedly does *not* drop the scissors when Cure Daybreak tells her to drop them and... Answers her question.
    Slowly the woman reaches up, tugging the hospital mask off her face. Her face is nothing but a shadow, inky blackness with one big red gash for a mouth from ear to ear in a menacing leering grin.
    "... How about now...?" She asks, brandishing the scissors. "Am... I... Pretty...?" She asks, raising the blades to strike.
    <ANFANG.> A voice cuts in. There's a flare of white light-- and as those scissors come as she shifts targets, lunging to try and skewer Cure Daybreak for answering her question, they rebound harmlessly off a heavy black riot shield with a loud *TINK* as Sequoia interposes herself between the creepy onryo and the others, white cloak fluttering.
    "--Stay behind me, I won't let anything happen to any of you."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    The Precure answers the question, in perfect keeping with the legend of the monster this shadow is emulating. For a being like this, that answer in and of itself is an invitation. A condition fulfilled, that prompts the creature to act in accordance with its nature. And act it does, drawing off its mask and showing its monstrous nature, both figuratively and literally. A pair of scissors strikes, a voice asks a question of beauty...

    And in pure defiance of the myth, another answer is given. "You shan't be once I've finished with you. Shield girl, duck."

    A hospital bed comes hurtling down the corridor.

    As the massive projectile flies through the hall, it's followed by the clack-clack of wooden sandals at a steady pace. "I'm not certain who I have to thank for the barrier, but you have my gratitude regardless." Flickers of flames dance in the air around Onihime, whose pace begins to quicken as she draws nearer. "That is a being of shadow and malice, replicating the lore of a modern youkai," the horned girl explains, speaking loud enough for all present to hear. "Kuchisake-onna. I shall explain what little I'm able when we have finished. For now - simply pummel it as you see fit."

    Taking her own advice, the Youkai Musume hurls herself into the fray, ready to start swinging fists after her projectile attack.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Heavy boots thunder along hallways, the soft whine of turbine blades fills the stairwells, and a streak of yellow emerges from the doorway into the hallways where the other mahou are fighting. Sparks fly from Zephyr skidding to arrest here momentum, stabbing her axe-haft into a wall to push off of it and redirect her angle of motion to get into battle.

    "You're welcome!" shouts Zephyr as she hears Onihime's words of gratitude for the Barrier. "Lucky I was in the neighbourhood." she comes up, swings her axe behind her and then leaps to close the distance. < GALE SABER! > intones the Device, as its blades erupt in boiling purple mana, which explodes like a shaped-charge warhead on impact.

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak winces as she is about to get stabbed with scissors. Then... there is someone with a big honkin shield between her and the monster. "Oh that ain't gonna fly!" She moves from behind the shield and quickly turns the dial on her prebrace. "Morning Sun BEAM!" She calls out and throws her hands forward. A beam of light goes flying at the monster hopefully hitting it." She then looks over at Laura and nods, "Yeah, After Smiles here is dealt with!" She comments before jumping back behind the shield.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura was seriously considering diving in the Aqua Pot and getting out of there, but now she has a reason to stay, both in the form of a Pretty Cure and several other mahous that would be interesting to look at. "A bit of an ironic question when you are talking to a Pretty Cure", Laura snarks at the ghost. "Not to mention, you are talking to the cutest girl in all of Grand Ocean, so you are really out of your league here. Not sorry about that", Laura says as she moves behind the sudden saviour. "Thank you, shield girl", Laura smiles to the Weisser Ritter, doing as she says and hiding behind her.

"Flame powers, that's quite useful", the pinkette remarks as she appraises Kureha's intervention. "Do your best and punch her hard!", she cheers for the Onimahou when she moves onto the attack. "Yeah, barriers are useful, one of the best magic tools you humans have come with. And hello again!", she greets Zephyr. With nothing better to do, Laura starts taking bubble photos of the ghost, sending the resulting images floating through the air towards the ghost so she can look at her own face.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    'Shield girl, duck.'
    Without questioning, without thinking, the girl in the white Knight Armor gets her head down.
    A hospital bed goes SAILING over her head at top speed and slams into the shadowy scissor-wielding woman.
    When she looks up... Sequoia Maybach's expression is that of someone who is absolutely balking over the fact that a hospital bed just went clean over her head.
    "--Yeah no problem." She replies to Laura, "Just stay behind me and the shield."
    <JA.> The shield adds in helpfully while the girl motions with a thumb at Zephyr as she arrives, in regards to the barrier though, onc e she regains her composure a bit.
    Then it's a melee as Onihime leaps in, starting to pummel the onryo and Zephyr and Cure Daybreak unload their magical attacks into it as well, the smiling figure staggers as she eats blow after blow.
    Unfortunately at this rate, the last thing the Kuchisake-onna is going to see is her own overly smiley face in those bubbles as she's laid into, goes down with a strangled cry, and collapses, dissipating into wispy motes of darkness as she fades to nothing... Leaving behind only a single paper slip that might be recognizable to Onihime by now.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    The voice calling out 'you're welcome' catches Onihime's attention; she turns just briefly, and gives Zephyr a grateful nod. "Fortunate indeed. Not only are the civilians protected, this also allows me to fight at my full strength."

    She moves with equal parts grace and sheer raw power, stomps that crack tile, punches that echo down the corridor. The monster proves to be short-lived, and as it comes apart into wisps of dark energy, Kureha's fiery orange eyes spot something fluttering downward.

    With a quick snatch, the ogre princess grabs it out of the air, brow furrowed as she stares at it. "...this, again."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Tenraikaze deploys its vents, purging steam in the wake of the attack, as the monster wisps away. Zephyr rests the Device over a shoulder once the vents clank shut again, eying the slip of paoer. "Again? This isn't the first time?" she asks, before looking around at the others. "Anyone hurt?"

    Laura gets a nod of recognition. Weisser Ritter earns a smile. "Barely a day, and you're already getting into trouble. What'll we ever do with you?" she asks. < Chief. Barrier will collapse in approximately ten minutes. It was not my best work as we had to do it in a rush. > reminds the Device, audible to the others too.

Mio Morita has posed:
"Well. That was easy!" The Precure Shrugs and smiles. "So what in the world was that. It clearly wasn't a terribad. Too short." She laughs a little bit. "Those things are just towers. Lots of punches for those. And blasts." She has clearly seen more than a few Terribads and fought them.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Was that more of a youma or a ghost?", Laura inquires once the malevolent presence dissipates, leaving everyone here safe, and Kururun blissfully unaware as she slept through the whole thing. "So when do the lights turn on anyway? Wasn't that supposed to happen when the apparition was defeated?" the mermaid asks, looking quite puzzled. This is over, right? Well, anyway, the shield girl is doing particularly well, and her allies are no less formidable.

"I am not hurt", Laura replies to Zephyr. "That was a great job, everyone. You really showed it to that ghost", she adds, while she lets the bubble photos go back inside the Aqua Pot. She will have to pop them later so Kururun doesn't stumble upon them. "Ok! Cure Daybreak, ready to talk about the mission I have been given? I am sure it would be to your interest too", Laura smiles encouragingly to Daybreak.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    "I have no idea what that was." The girl in white is honest at least when the question is raised by Laura. She looks pointedly to Onihime for the answer there. "I just started all this craziness *yesterday*." She points out, confirming Zephyr's tease while setting her shield on the ground and resting her hands upon the upper lip of the heavy metal plate.
    "I mean you all kind of dogpiled her, and most of you seem pretty strong."
    And then there's Onihime who is uh. ... *very* strong, too.
    All in all she's not surprised at how quickly that went against a single foe.
    "Geeze... So what is that?" She asks about the paper slip Onihime snatched up.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    "It is not," Onihime confirms to Zephyr. "It is the fourth time such a shadow has made an attempt on my life. I suspect I am being targeted, but I'm not certain by whom or what. The last time, I was..." A pause. "...distracted, and did not think to collect this paper, but it isn't the first time I have seen it."

    She turns next to Cure Daybreak, and explains, "They take the form of youkai, and act out as youkai themselves would. But they appear to be made of shadow energy, with a paper effigy called a shikigami at their core." She holds up the slip for Weisser to see better, indicating with her finger. "The way it's cut vaguely in the shape of a human... it's an onmyoudo technique, but I don't know onmyoudo myths very well. I paid more attention to the youkai." She moves to push the slip of paper into her sleeve, then folds her hands together and glances at Zephyr's Device. "Ten minutes is plenty. I know well the scent of those creatures; there are no more present."

    Turning herself back to face the group properly, the horned girl bows. "Thank you all for your assistance. I am the Youkai Musume, Onihime. Mine is the blood of Mount Ooe."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Oh, right, Introductions. "Zephyr... guess I should pick a cover name or something huh?" she says, musing toward the end with a pensive look. Mismatched eyes turn over the group.

    Tenraikaze chimes again < This technique is unknown to my database... though simple pattern recognition would indicate this is a deliberate effort on the part of someone or something. >

    Zephyr lets her Device speak for the time being, possibly pondering over some kind of 'face name' to go by, instead of using her real name all the time.

Mio Morita has posed:
"A Pleasure to meet you Onihime. I am a Pretty Cure, Cure Daybreak. Signed on by Blue-sama to combat the Phantom Empire." She smiles a little smirk. "That was a fun little fight though. A nice way to break up the day." She snickers. She looks at Weisser Ritter. "Oh welcome to the party. You are among friends." She smiles. "Lots of Magical people are around. Or not around as some are out of town right now." She looks to Zephyr and smiles to her, "Hey Z. Hows business?"

She turns to face Laura and smiles to her. "What are you talking about? I mean I am game to help out if I can." She smiles and stretches. "That was a light workout."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Onihime's explanation is somewhat useful to Laura, even if she has zero idea of what Youkai and Onmyoudo are. "So, they are copies of these supernatural being, and someone is making them using some kind of special magic?", she asks for confirmation to Onihime. "First time I hear of Youkai, or Onmyoudo. We don't have them at Grand Ocean", she shrugs. Not like she could want them there. They are good as is.

"Well, Cure Daybreak", Laura smiles at her, "I have been sent here on a mission from Grand Ocean's Mermaid Queen because I am looking for the legendary Warriors such as yourself, though I have talked with the queen and she has no problem with me seeking out other warrior types like the shield girl, the fire girl or the lightray bearer", she says, pointing first at Sequoia, then at Onihime, then at Zephyr. "What I am doing is creating a united front against the Witch of Delays, who has started sending out her minions here to the human lands in order to rob everyone of their motivation power. And of course, after my mission is fulfilled, I will have finished my trial, and it will enable me to become Grand Ocean's next queen", she smirks proudly.

"I do have some Tropical Pacts myself so that I can help humans become Pretty Cures directly, but that has become a plan B. So, what do you say, Cure Daybreak, everyone, want to become part of my team and fight off the Witch of Delays? I do accept more temporary aids", Laura nods towards Zephyr.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    This sounds like something way over Sequoia's head. Someone is out to get Onihime and that sounds absolutely terrifying when she thinks about it. But then the oni-girl gives an introduction. This makes Sequoia pause briefly.
    "... Hey, shield." She says tapping her Device.
    <SCHUTZSCHILD.> It corrects her in a masculine tone.
    "... What's the Belkan way of saying White Knight?"
    Sequoia points at herself.
    "... Yeah that's me."
    Looks like someone at least managed to pick out a face name today.
    "I don't know anything about witches, but I guess I can help?"
She sounds more bewildered than anything.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr seems lost in the weeds, until she snaps back with a nod. "Got it... Wind Dancer."

    She looks to Laura, "You already know my answer." she reeturns, giving a light nod in response. Her attention turns to Daybreak, she looks confused for a moment, then recognition dawns. "Oh, from the park and that really obnoxious guy with the mirrors."

    She walks over to stand beside the little White Knight, and gently pats her shoulder. "Y'did good, kiddo."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    "Wind Dancer, Cure Daybreak, Weisser Ritter," Kureha repeats, nodding her head slightly. To Zephyr, she adds, "If you know the girl who uses a book called Nicomachea, she can put you in contact with me, should you need me." Next, to Laura, she replies, "Youkai are the monsters and creatures of Japanese mythology. This includes oni, who are much like the ogres of other lands. Onmyoudo is a style of magic unique to our country." She pauses, then reaches up and gives her hair a small, idle flip. "I am... 'not much of a joiner', as they say. But if there is a monster threatening people, I will gladly help you end their rampage. With excessive force, most likely. And if you find this 'Witch of Delays', I will also lend my aid, if I am able."

Mio Morita has posed:
"Lemme talk to god about it and I will track you down with an answer." Daybreak answers Laura. "Blue-Sama is really kind. I don't see him saying no but its best to ask before giving my word for something." She states. "Okay. I think I need to power down before my mundane life catches up with me." With that she takes off into another room. A quick flash of orange light and her henshin has broken.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"I guess to you they are like mermaids then", Laura notes at Onihime's explanation of Youkai. At least they seem to accept they are real, which mean less annoyances for her. Nobody has really dared doubt her existence besides the first time, which has been frankly great for her.

And the positive answers start coming in, making Laura smile at the group, even if she is a bit impatient that she is still only getting temporary acceptances, a fact that is reflected in her eyes. Well, that will still prove useful in the long run, and in the meanwhile she is going to try again and again, until she will have paved for herself the way to be queen.

She beams with excitement when the Weisser Ritter actually accepts her request, though. "Really? Welcome on aboard! I can't wait to tell this to the Queen. Don't worry about any detail, you will do great! This is my number", Laura quickly recites for her benefit.

A nod is reserved to Daybreak, even if... "A god? You follow a god? A real one? You have to let me know more when we meet again!", she shouts at the receding Precure. "I guess I will go too. Later!", she waves at the group, diving inside the Aqua Pot, and piloting it away from there.