1873/Heart Stealer After Bath

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Heart Stealer After Bath
Date of Scene: 18 August 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: Chiyo and Wako relax in the hot springs at Sugata's place. The incident with the Heartstealer Rifle is brought to light, and Sugata joins in the conversation.
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Wako Agemaki, Sugata Shindo

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Sugata's place had become just one of those places that Chiyo hung out fairly often given both she and Wako tended to wake early. Wako due to her maiden training, Chiyo due to being accustomed to helping prep the shop in the morning. Though she didn't need to do that anymore as she was living in the dorms, and Ojiisan had the part-timer to help now, it was such an ingrained habit that she couldn't sleep past a certain time in the morning. Instead she'd begun accompanying Wako to Sugata's place.

This time it wasn't morning though. It was just familiar enough that she felt relaxed here as she sinks into the hot springs that had been the main purpose he'd purchased and built the 'house' (Let's face it, it's a masnion) here. It was relaxation time, hanging with Wako time, and most definitely soaking in the hot springs time. Her hair is bound up ontop of her head to keep the mass of her curls out of the water even though she drops down till her chin is just above the water.

"This is great, Wako. I needed this after the Paris thing... Cold and wet is no fun." Hot and wet is different clearly. Though her eyes had slid shut she opens one to glance in Wako's direction bearing a soft grin. "Though I guess you're used to that with your training."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako grins over at Chiyo through the gentle haze of steam from the hot spring. "At least the island is in the south. Tropical, you know. It would have been a lot tougher if I had to do those purification rituals year-round here in Tokyo." She mimes a shiver, and laughs.

The soft laugh gives way to a satisfied sigh as she sinks a little farther into the water. "Nothing beats a hot spring, though. This is even better than the bath at Sugata-kun's house on the island."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Oh? Come to think of it, I never did ask where Southern Cross was located. I guess that makes sense though. I've heard the Miko's here have to stand under a cold waterfall." An involuntary shiver. "Warm water is better. Though cold is nice in the Summer, on occasion."

Rolling her head to the side she grins at her friend. "Do you miss the island at all? I know you were so excited to be in Tokyo, but there must be some things that you miss about it."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Hmm, well... I miss my grandmother," Wako replies, looking thoughtful. "And my friends there, like Ruri-chan and Sarina-chan, though we keep in touch by text and phone calls and things. Our drama club at school too. The one here is fine, but it's different, you know?"

She tucks her head downward a little, and her smile takes on a sheepish cast. "It took a lot of getting used to, when I first came here. Even though I was so excited, because I never thought I'd ever get to leave Southern Cross at all... if Takuto-kun hadn't been here with me, I'd probably have lost my nerve and gone back home."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo tips her head up considering all that's said. "Mm, yeah I'd miss Ojiisan too if I had to go far away. He raised me after all. I'm glad you didn't lose your nerve, though." Grinning bolder she adds, "I wouldn't have met you otherwise. And Takuto-ku is a good boyfriend to you and Sugata-kun. I'm sure he'd support you in whatever you want to do."

For just a moment her smile starts to fade as she considers what she had originally intended to talk to Wako about. A deep breath is drawn, and she shifts in the water to stretch her legs out a bit, toes wiggling. "I know it's a bit late... but I wanted to apologize for not telling you what was going on with my powers sooner. I mean, since I came back from Paris."

"I wasn't sure at first. I thought maybe I'd just been too weak, but... I guess the issue I was having weakened my connection to my magic enough that the whole incident made it break."

A light, awkward clearing of her throat comes. "Plus I wasn't in the same dimension when I was revived. I'm really lucky I came back at all, considering."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako lifts her head, straightening up a bit from where she'd be slouching in careless relaxation. "Huh?" That's pure confusion on her face, for a second or two there, until Chiyo gets through her explanation and understanding slowly clears Wako's expression.

Then she shakes her head a little and smiles. "Come on, you don't need to apologize for something like that," she says. "You spoke up when you were ready to, and that's fine, right? You had a lot to deal with after you got back. So, don't worry about it, all right?"

She pauses briefly, peers at Chiyo for a moment. "But... a different dimension?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"That... that was the other detail I left out when explaining things to everyone," Chiyo remarks hesitantly looking just a bit guilty for it. "I told Usagi-chan of course, she's my cousin. It's just a bit of a situation."

"Thanks for understanding, Wako-chan. It is a bit to work through. I'm trying not to think about the dying part much." A little crinkle of her nose comes. It's only momentary because her hands lift to rub over face leaving her a bit damper than before.

"I was in the Precure Graveyard. The one that Phantom sends his mirrors to. He came when I was dying, and after, I guess he took me there. That's where I 'woke up'."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Um," says Wako. Her eyes have gotten kind of big. "Okay, back up a little. Phantom... and a Precure Graveyard? Mirrors? You mean, like the one that girl in the Shed was stuck in for a while, with the sheet over her and stuff?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo scoots back to the edge of the water to sit with her back to it. "Mmhmm. That's the one. I helped him awhile back when I found him injured in the hopes I could get him to tell me how to free her," she points out lifting a hand again to rub at her neck. The chain of the necklace she wears catches, and she has to adjust it. It's a half-heart charm with initials engraved into it.

"I didn't tell him who I was, but things happened and he found out." Ah she was still dancing around the truth. Her stomach twists with guilt as she can't just say the entirety of it yet. "... He likes me. I also. I mean. This wasn't intended at all it just happened, but that's why he came and tried to save me."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Peer. Peeeeeeer. Wako gives Chiyo a long, intent stare, assembling the puzzle pieces in her head.

"Are you telling me that Philip-kun is Phantom?" she asks after a long, weighted moment. Yes, that is what Wako took away from this.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
So much for dancing around the truth. Chiyo goes immediately red-faced and her head drops forward with a sigh of defeat. All she can do for a moment is bob her head in the affirmative to this. "I didn't realize until then. He was wearing the other half of our necklace," she explains. "I really wasn't trying to hide him from anyone I promise."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"See," Wako says, "that's the kind of thing you should mention sooner! At least tell me Usagi-chan knew already?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Looking up abruptly Chiyo gives a quick nod. "I told her as soon a we had a moment free in Paris. He hasn't done anything since then. I think he's in trouble with Mirage and Obsidian for helping me. I'm kind of worried to be honest."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako breathes out a long sigh, sinking back into the hot water again. "Well, okay," she says, slightly mollified. "As long as someone knew." And it's clear that Chiyo hadn't known back when she asked Wako to tag along on the date with Philip, so there's no need to fuss at her on that particular score. "But gosh, what a mess. He seemed okay at your 'retirement party,' at least...?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Yeah, he was okay then, thankfully. He's just been a bit quiet. I wonder if he's doing the guy thing of not telling me what's going on so he doesn't worry me. Or he might be feeling guilty that I've lost my magic." For a moment Chiyo pauses to consider... Really consider, as she thinks over it. "I hope that's it at least."

"So, yes that's about it at this point. I think he'd leave if I ask him to, but he's also devoted to Queen Mirage as her knight."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Ugh, he probably is, too. Boys." Wako pulls a disgusted face that speaks to her own experiences with that particular 'guy thing'. "You'd probably better keep a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't try to do something all noble and stupid. That kind of thing is how we end up with situations like Sugata-kun dressing up as a peacock to play the King for Glittering Crux... nobody wants that."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo nods in agreement with the sentiment. "Right? I'm so glad Taro-kun isn't like that. He's kind of a big cry baby but he definitely shares his feelings and what's going on. He's been a big help with the shop and Ojiisan. That's one less concern for me."

"I just ... I'm frustrated I can't do more any longer. Not really sad though. I mean, I died. I got a second chance to come back. I feel like I shouldn't feel sad over losing my powers in the process."

"That doesn't take away the empty feeling where it once was, though."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako hesitates a moment before she speaks. "I think... that's only natural, though? Even if it wasn't something you chose to begin with--" and there's a lilt of a question in that, because there's a lot Wako doesn't necessarily know about Chiyo's circumstances. "You could do something, and now you can't. It's better than being dead, of course... but that doesn't mean you shouldn't feel how you feel about not having your magic any more."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
A hand lifts to linger at her chest considering that a moment. "Right. You're right, it wasn't something I chose," she adds flashing a smile at Wako. "Bonito snuck me the cracker that would allow me to access Sanbo-Kojin's powers that he alotted for us to use. As far as I understand it," she ammends.

"I did enjoy it though in a way. Plus, now we're down one other person that can help with healing when we need. Even if my abilities were limited in that, it helped."

"I'm glad I got the chance I did, however it ended."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako nods, understanding clear on her face. "It's okay to feel sad about that. Or frustrated, at not being able to help. I didn't choose Wawna, either... but even though there were a lot of times it was difficult, if I lost this power, I'm sure I'd feel the same as you do now.

"But," she adds with a lopsided smile, "there's no telling what could happen in the future, right? For now, I'm sort of hoping we all get a break - you included."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"A break would be nice." Chiyo sighs quietly again as she sinks back into the water allowing it to ease her tension again. "Though I'm not sure how much of that we'll see, I don't think it'll be a huge, world-ending threat at least."

"I was shot by someone with the Heartstealer Rifle the other day. That was unpleasant, but there were many around to help. So I think Obsidian is pushing that angle again now that Queen Beryl is gone."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
There's a splash as Wako sits bolt upright. "What?" That was quite possibly loud enough to be heard from inside the house, this time. "Those things again? The guys are going to actually kill somebody at this rate, and I'm not all the way sure I'm going to stop them, either. Do you know who shot at you?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The shout has Chiyo sitting upright too with a little gulp as she faces her friend. She'd gotten so used to just dealing with things herself for the most part that she's now realizing she was really, really going to have to work on her delivery of news.

"No one I recognized. She was driving this car crazy and skidded to a stop in the middle of the street to hop out and shoot. Had a youma with her, too."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako frowns, visibly racking her memory for any relevant details. She doesn't seem to come up with much, because eventually she flumps back again with an aggrieved sigh and another, smaller splash. "I wonder if that was the same person who shot Naru-chan, back when they were first showing up... You should probably ask her about it. Though I guess who matters a little less than the fact they're still using those rifles at all. Ugh."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"The rifles you and Takuto were shot with?"

Make note: it's not eavesdropping if it's in your own home. Make another note: even if it was eavesdropping, Sugata regrets nothing. As far as the girls are concerned, he's practically materialized out of nowhere, though, in truth, he'd been walking over from the house, to let them know Tiger and Jaguar would have a meal ready in twenty minutes.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"I only ever saw it used once before and it ... Seemed different this time? From what little I saw before I got hit." Unconciously Chiyo lifts a hand to run over her collarbone feeling the ache from a phantom pain recalled. Just in time for Sugata to speak up causing her to startle because he had been rather quiet.

"Ah, Sugata-kun!" Looking to Wako she raises her eyebrows. "Wait you were both shot by it too? I knew Naru-chan had been, and some others, but I didn't realize you were too!" And really she's SO SORRY for that because she should have, right? Of course.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Sugata-kun!" It's less startlement and more mild, performative annoyance from Wako, who splashes ineffectually in his direction. "Make some noise before you just appear out of nowhere! Especially while girls are bathing."

When she meets Chiyo's look, her expression turns rueful. "It was a while back now," she explains. "Like... last fall. That emo vampire girl who hangs around Riventon sometimes took a shot at me, but Takuto-kun was there so she never got close to my heart crystal. That was before they changed them, I think... when Riventon shot Takuto-kun, it was a different kind of rifle. Luckily." Her face shadows at the unpleasant memory. "That's been a while, too. It was only about a month after."

With another soft sigh, she looks back up at Sugata. "But yeah, it seems like they're back again. Someone hit Chiyo-chan with one. Good thing you're okay, at least."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"You make it sound scandalous," Sugata complains, brushing at his now damp shirt ineffectually. "I would have made noise, if the two of you weren't having such a serious discussion."

He frowns as Wako elaborates, and shakes his head at Chiyo. "They didn't tell most people."

Does it actually have to be said that that had included him, until he was nearly here?

"It's good that you're well. If they're bringing these weapons back, they must assume we've forgotten the danger - or that we're resting on the laurels of your victory."

They are Wrong.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Ah. That explains it. Wako gets a look of her own in turn, one that might be scolding a bit, but Chiyo doesn't speak it out loud. Her expression does soften a bit when Wako explains further as well.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I had to rest for about a day after-- But I recovered well enough. So if I turned out okay, that means it shouldn't affect unpowered people any worse than it did me. I hope."

At least she knew what to expect. A complete civilian would be different. "It wasn't that girl. I've seen her a few times. It was someone else... With a lab coat. Probably one of Riventon's people."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako flashes a chagrined little smile, ducking her head - yes, yes. "I want to say the one who Naru-chan saw was in a car," she says. "That's what made me think of it. But it's been long enough I'm not sure if I'm remembering right. Did they get away with your crystal, Chiyo-chan?" she asks, with an abrupt concern. "Or did someone get it back to you? Takuto-kun couldn't apprivoise for like a week after Riventon took his."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Someone in a labcoat and a car... admittedly, I don't know many of the enemy, but some of your friends seem to be more familiar with them than others. It's worth spreading the word, and seeing if anyone has any insight into all of this," Sugata puts in, and he fixes his gaze on Chiyo, at Wako's abrupt concern. He hadn't thought to ask but it's a fair question - did they get away with her crystal?

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo flashes a relieved smile quickly at the question with a sharp shake of her head. "I was out with a friend at the time and he managed to grab it." And eat it. Then cough it up later to put back inside her. .... She was really trying not to think too much about that part because it was a bit yuck inducing.

"There was also someone else there..." She fades off with a small frown as her gaze shifts to stare at the water. Thinking. "I don't remember. I really hope it's just from being shot and not because of the Veil. I may not have my magic anymore but I've been able to still see and know things. I think that'd be really unsettling if I started losing that too."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
That is an unsettling thought. Wako's concern deepens. "Maybe you should keep a journal?" she suggests. "Not for everything, day to day stuff, unless you want to - but when magic things happen, you could write them down while they're still fresh in your memory. That way, at least you'd have proof if you're forgetting things or not."

She glances briefly, wordlessly toward Sugata. Her long experience of magic from back on the island never included the concept of the Fade. It leaves her feeling a little at a loss.

"In any case, Sugata-kun's right that we should ask around. Check with Naru-chan and Usagi-chan at least, they usually hear things."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Taking notes is a good idea, but it could also be that with your crystal out of your body, you were too out of sorts to focus." Not to look on the bright side or anything, but, it is a possibility, isn't it?

"Still, you've come to the right place. Hot springs are an excellent place to recuperate."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"That... That's probably it," Chiyo has to agree with a solemn nod. It made sense after all. There was a large gap of time there that she was only foggily aware of when she was being carried around, before it had been put back. Another absent rub to her collarbone comes as she takes a deep breath.

"Yes, thank you. This has been really great to relax and recover some." A smile is offered to the pair. "I'll be fine. I certainly didn't die this time," she adds with a chuckle trying to make light of the situation. "And if we need to lure them out, apparently I'm a good target right now for the rifle. At least I can help that way."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Yeah! That's probably--absolutely not." Wako's tone turns on a dime from enthusiastic agreement to stern reproach as Chiyo's last comment catches up in her brain. "Nobody is going to play bait for heartstealer rifles! That's way too dangerous!"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"You're Wako-chan's roommate, and my chief sweet supplier. It's only natural that you get to enjoy recuperating here." There's no need for thanks in all this. They're friends, and allies.

"I have to agree with Wako. Has anyone ever been shot twice? It's possible the damage could be progressive, or you could be otherwise further injured."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo does look serious even as Wako blurts out a denial to the suggestion. "I think Naru was. I'll check with Usagi-chan and Naru-chan for further information. I'm serious though. I don't mean to take such an offer lightly, either, but we need to start being more proactive about things too."

"If I am to play bait it would be with plenty of you all around, too. If we can do other ways of course let's do that first--I am not saying that was a pleasant experience in the least. I just... I don't relish the idea of sitting around waiting all the time."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Nnnnn." It's clear Wako's still uncomfortable with the idea, but she can't quite find it in her to argue against Chiyo's wish to be proactive, either. "Well..." she says, drawing the word out reluctantly. "At least check with Naru-chan. Now that I'm thinking about it, I think the first time, she only saw someone get shot. But if anyone was going to be targeted twice up to now, it'd probably be her."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"If it comes to that, we may take you up on it," Sugata says, accepting his fate as to be splashed. "But you have value beyond being bait. I understand not wanting to wait around, but being on standby to hit the rifle with a baseball bat is just as important."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
A reassuring hand reaches out to pat Wako's shoulder. She could understand her reluctance to accept such a plan--But so far it was just in the spitballing stages anyway. Sugata's remark earns a grin. "Right. I'm still pretty strong from all the work I've done. I always was, even before being a Culinary Guardian."

Glancing at Sugata she regards the damp boy with a chuckle. "I think maybe it's time we got out though. You could use a new shirt, too, now."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Sugata does, indeed, get splashed again for his enabling, and Wako makes an indignant face at him before she looks back to Chiyo. "I think you're right. It's about time for all three of us to go into the house and dry off. If we're lucky, Tiger and Jaguar will have food ready by the time we're changed."

As if on cue, an ominous, gurgling rumble issues faintly from somewhere below the surface of the hot spring, and Wako immediately blushes.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
The splashing is accepted. He knew the risks when he spoke up. "You hate me because we consider the truth. Still, it's not going to be anyone's first place. Information, strategy, and preparation."

A beat of silence, which Wako's growling stomach fills.

"...Oh, right. That's what I was coming to tell you two in the first place."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The growling from Wako wasn't unfamiliar by now, and Chiyo does chuckle a little bit. "I could go for something to eat, too," she agrees as she moves to get out of the water. Of course she has a bathing suit on. There were boys around or potential boys and she wasn't risking that.

"I'm sure it'll be better than what we can whip up in the dorms, too. Though Rashmi manages really well with a portable gas burner."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako perks up visibly at Sugata's belated news. "It's ready? Let's hurry up, then!" She, too, is in a bathing suit - a sensible precaution any time the boys might come wandering from out of the house unexpectedly. She's quick to hop up out of the hot spring now, shaking a few droplets from the ends of her hair before she reaches for one of the towels waiting on a nearby bench. "Rashmi-chan does amazing with what we have in our dorm room," she agrees, "but it's hard to beat a full kitchen. And Tiger and Jaguar are experts!"

With the towel wrapped around her, she reaches for Sugata's arm. "C'mon, let's go in! I'm starving."