2212/Please State the Nature of your Medical Emergency.

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Please State the Nature of your Medical Emergency.
Date of Scene: 08 January 2025
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Zephyr brings Sequioa to get some much-needed healing in the wake of the last battle with Prinzessen Nichts. Mamoru is more than accomodating. Also yes, Sequioa is a good patient.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Zephyr Windstar, Sequoia Maybach

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's one of those overcast days where the light's diffuse and almost directionless, and despite the daytime, it feels dark. It's probably the January cold of the global north--

The building Mamoru's apartment is in is seven storeys tall and has one rounded corner, it's brick, it's surrounded by other middling-height buildings... and there's a little greenhouse being built on the roof. Super cute. It's right by the stairwell house, the door leading down into the building itself.

If they come by the roof, there's a bell on the rooftop door; if they come by balcony, Zephyr can honestly just knock, the sliding glass doors are, well, glass.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr's been pushing her magic to its limit, carrying the limp form of Sequoia in her arms. She's had a grim expression since she got clear of the Prinzessen Nicht's engagement zone, and a growing sense of worry and urgency as time stretches out.

    One never realizes just how long travelling takes, until they have to get somewhere quickly to help someone they care about.

    Armoured boots land on the roof, and she uses a short pulse of magic to depress the button for the bell, beginning to pace back and forth as she waits for a response.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    To her credit Sequoia Maybach is not dead. She survived Aloisia's strike!
    Less to her credit, she had been out cold for much of the flight and remained pretty dang limp in Zephyr's arms, though to make things easier, her Device had gone back to standby mode, meaning that Zephyr didn't have to lug the girl and her unwieldy massive riot shield.
    "Unh..." It's only by the time they reach the rooftop that she starts to stir, but it's fitful and the wince that crosses her face says she took that hit pretty badly.
    "Cripes, did I get isekai'd by Truck-kun, or...?"
    Well she's awake now at least but in pretty lousy condition.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Warmth billows out from inside the stairwell as the door opens out to reveal a black-haired older teenaged boy, wearing a Hi-Standard t-shirt and slightly ratty jeans with his house slippers. He's in glasses, blue eyes behind them, and his hair's made mess of by the draft.

"Hi, come in," he says immediately on seeing the limp girl being carried by another, on the roof, because literally this is what his address is in the Shed for.

"I'm Chiba Mamoru, this is my home, follow my voice I'm just getting a sheet out--" he calls from ahead after clattering down the stairs. The door's on a spring, maybe? Is he going to just let the heat out? But no, it closes behind them.

At the bottom of the stairs there's a little hallway that leads to... a kitchen, which is the way they're lead through. The kitchen has a balcony at the other end of it, and the living room is-- it's a vast, almost cavernous area filled with mismatched antique furniture and tapestries on the walls.

It's the living room that Mamoru's in, swiftly tugging an elastic-fitted plastic sheet over a relatively comfortable-looking sofa. Over that he drapes a white sheet, and it's still drifting down from a billow when Zephyr and Sequoia get there.

"Hey there, you didn't actually get hit by a truck, right?" He looks from Sequoia to Zephyr, eyebrows up as he waits for Zeph to put the smaller girl down. "I have to touch you to heal you, is that all right?"

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    "You nearly got sent to another world by Aloe's shield meeting your face." replies Zephyr frowning down. "Don't move, you literally ate a full-face of shield bash, and then like ten feet of asphalt." Mamoru shows up, and she shoulders the door to keep it open, as she maneuvers Sequioa through, quickly shuffling down the stairs in as smooth a manner as she can.

    "Dark Magic corrupted Belkan Knight. Full-impact strike from a shield after doing something REALLY STUPID." she inflects those last two words with a mix of admiration and admoniition. And with a sigh she dismisses her henshin, holding up a small holographic ID card that emits from her Device as it hangs from her right wrist via a bracelet. "Zephyr Windstart. Time Space Administration Bureau Enforcer. Callsign: Wind Dancer." she says by way of introduction, then gestures for Sequioa to introduce herself. "Rashmi sent us this way."

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    Sequoia, Weisser Ritter, technically in her Knight Armor is still dizzy as though all of hell's bells have been rung inside her skull. So when the rooftop door opens she's sort of... Staring at Mamoru in that way. He might recognize the look. The same look so many others have probably given him for visits like these.
    Oh just. You know. The kind of look that says 'I am concussed right now'.
    Just head trauma things.
    Thankfully he bids them enter and leads through quite possibly the nicest apartment Sequoia has ever seen.
    "In my defense..." She starts to explain herself and then she sort of lists sidewards in Zephyr's arms, train of thought completely derailed for a moment.
    "Hi." She rallies. ... She does not rally well, but she rallies.
    "Seqmay Quoibec, meased to pleat you."
    Oh dear.
    "Oh yeah, that's fine." She says to the need to touch for healing.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
There's a brief, businesslike nod to Zephyr, as Mamoru takes in the information she hands him-- and then he smiles. "One of Chrono's people. Ah, Rashmi sent you! Nice. Okay--"

And as soon as he's got consent from Sequoia, he reaches to touch her hand. "Don't move," he says gently, and it's far away because, for the tiny girl, the world is something quieter for a moment, more peaceful. Calm. The pain's gone away in a wash of golden light and the warmth of walking through a plowed and dried field barefoot in the sun, the warmth of a glowing window in a snowstorm, the warmth of untapped geothermal energy-- and something feels like respite and relief, like the concept of home.

That's great because it tends to distract from what's probably the weird sensation of injuries being healed without the pain of pieces going back to where they should be. Zephyr will see the gold glow around their hands, but otherwise it's kind of boring from the outside.

So he tries to make up for it with talking. "I'm Tuxedo Mask. And Endymion, but that's a long story. Do you know Sailor Moon?"

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr is pacing again. Sequioa might be meased to pleat Mamoru, but Zephyr is still tense as the healing begins. "Chrono's reports mentioned her... and I might've been in the same general area once or twice. It's hard to keep track sometimes... oh, right she was there for the big Witch, right?" she adds suddenly, then resumes pacing and frowning as she ponders.

    "Oh, right, it's nice to meet you." she adds after a couple of long moments, finally remembering her manners. "How bad is it?"

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    No sooner than Mamoru takes her hand and begins The Process of healing Sequoia, the girl... Kind of... Well, a look of peace definitely spreads across her face; the grimace of pain almost instantly wiped away. The pleasant warmth and quiet is very much a needed distraction from the feeling of her body re-knitting itself.
    Her Knight Armor is something else- the girl is specialized in defense and that means her Armor is focused on nothing but maxing out how much damage she can be protected from- but well.
    Aloisia did kind of put her through roughly ten feet of asphalt to make a neat, Knight-shaped crater.
    "Mmmh..." She doesn't respond at first, almost lost in the nice feeling of that gentle warmth.
    "Huh? Oh. Sailor Moon? ... Didn't have the pleasure, just saw her fighting that huge witch with... Oh huh you were there weren't you too?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Yeah, we were there," says Mamoru with a little laugh. "But we both know Rashmi and Chrono. And Hanzo probably too, right?" He glances up at Zephyr, shifting his weight and switching which knee is on the floor. "She'll be fine. She's very tough, and so is her armor. I'm just being really delicate about her head. I swear I have treated more head injuries than an American sports physician."

There's another laugh, but this one has a distinct element of 'hee hee hee' to it. "But hey, I got to meet you before Sailor Moon did." A breath. "Anyway, it's almost fine now, either way. Nobody scrambled your egg."

He can't help it, he ruffles Sequoia's hair with his free hand, then pats the back of her hand and lets the healing taper off before pulling his own hand away. "Let me get you a bandaid for aesthetic purposes."

Mamoru gets up, heading back toward the kitchen, and he's not gone very long before he comes back with a box of bandaids and two Silver Crystal lollipops, which he also offers-- one of those for Zephyr, of course.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    "Belkan Knight Armour outperforms Mid Barrier Jackets in raw defensive density." remarks Zephyr, looking over Sequioa. "Plus Belkan Knights are more hard-headed than Mid Battlemages..." she smiles softly then. "She saved my life back there... I wouldn't have been able to take that hit, or dodge out of the way in time with the spell I was channeling." She kneels beside the healing Knight, and places a hand on her shoulder. "You really are a one-woman phalanx. I'm so glad you're still with us."

    "Hey... Mamoru... thank you. I was worried sick when she went down and didn't get back up." she says as he returns. Her mismatched eyes land on the lollipop.. which she politely declines the one offered to her... "Thanks, but... no thanks, for me." she lets Sequioa answer for herself. "Anyway, thank you again, Mamoru-san."

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    "Yeah," Sequoia replies, like Zephyr, Chrono and Rashmi were two of the three people she first met when introduced to the crazy world of magic.
    "Hanzo- Oh I've... Seen him?" Which is a funny thing to say about a ninja-themed mahou shounen, but "Haven't met him properly."
    But once everything is said and done and Mamoru ruffles that silver hair... Sequoia is feeling... A lot better.
    There's a small, but appreciative huff from the girl. "... I feel a lot better now. Thank you." She remembers her manners now that she's not completely concussed.
    Before she looks to Zephyr when the older girl sets that hand on her shoulder.
    "... Look. I don't light fighting. But I'll do anything to protect my friends."
    A band-aid and...
    "Oh lollipop, nice."
    She was a good patient, right?