2382/Path of the Meister: Luminous Titan II

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Path of the Meister: Luminous Titan II
Date of Scene: 04 March 2025
Location: Mamoru's Apartment
Synopsis: With permission from the Device secured, now came the most important and fraught moment in any Device/Master pairing; to see if Chibiusa and Luminous Titan were in fact able to synchronize well enough for full Device functionality to be available. Turns out, yes!
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios, Chibiusa Tsukino, Mamoru Chiba
Tinyplot: BMC: Rabbit Hunt

Rashmi Terios has posed:
It was a fairly rough night, last night, but at least one good thing came out of the unrelenting flight of time's arrow; Rashmi can say without a single doubt, that her primary Meister trials are over. Nicomachea has been stripped, redesigned, and rebuilt, using entirely parts sourced from on-world. All that's left is the kind of stress-testing only an Enforcer can manage, but unless she's gravely mistaken, last night's field tests declared her build a complete success.

...Which turns her mind to her next project.

    << TXT to MAMORU -- Hey Mamo-kun, Is Chibiusa-tan there and are you both busy? Because we're at the point where I should talk to her about the thing. >>

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa is naturally at her dad's apartment. Really, her alt-dad's apartment, but at this point she doesn't see that much of a difference. This is someone in her life who cares about her and whom she also cares about and really what more do you want from a family? She's playing with Luna-P in the Living Dining Kitchen room, sitting on the ground and rolling the catball across the floor, where it gently comes to a stop and then rolls back to its owner.

    She catches Luna-P then pushes her away again, over and over, because this is what she does now. Small Lady can't really play outside, not with the Black Moon Clan chasing her all the time, which used to be a lot more scary when there were four sisters instead of one, but at this point she's less terrified of them and more tired of their bullshit.

    Thoughts don't count for the swear jar! You have to actually say it!

    Well, maybe still scared, but more of Demande and his higher ups, rather than Koan and Berthier. She catches Luna-P for a moment and grips the catball, and the cutest little demon sphere can for a moment feel an impotent rage boiling just under the surface. Chibiusa knows she shouldn't entertain those kinds of feelings when Dark Energy is the primary weapon of the enemy but...

    It's how she feels, even if she doesn't always say it.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
    Mamoru TXT: eeee she is here we are not busy come in on roof is unlocked rn

The alt-dad Prince comes out of the kitchen, his bedhead amazing and only partially tamed by having run one hand through it. He's been making dinner from Mako-cookings in the fridge and also some Usagi-bakings because someone has to eat them.

Now, however, he's waving his phone around. "Small Lady! Rashmi's coming to visit -- and talk to you about a henshin!" Nearly breathless with excitement, he puts his phone down on the table and jogs over to scoop Chibiusa up and swing her around! Which makes him a little dizzy, but it's the laughing kind of dizzy.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
It's not long after, that Rashmi arrives on the roof. The sheer excitement of Mamoru's text was infectious, and when she rapped on the roof-access door before opening, she'd managed to be in some fairly high spirits herself. As she opens the door, her henshin shatters away, leaving her to exchange her flats for house slippers, and only then does she raise her voice. "Mamo-kun! Chibiusa-tan! Hello~!"

When she bops into the living area proper, she's got a bag bearing the logo of a bakery near her, and her school bookbag slung over one shoulder. "Also I brought custard pan, if it won't ruin dinner?"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Small Lady curiously looks up as her teen dad emerges from the kitchen. When he tells her the news her face lights up. "Really? A henshin?"

    Luna-P gets dropped as Chibiusa is picked up, spreading her arms out as Mamoru swings her around. She is a little reserved and unsure, but... it's good news, right? She wants to be able to fight, and also to be able to protect herself, but she doesn't want to get her hopes up yet.

    Well, it's just a talk, right? They'll see what happens. If she manages her expectations now she wont be disappointed later. On the other hand, everyone else seems excited about this so maybe there's an actual chance here...

    Chibiusa smiles at Mamoru and says, "... And she's coming over now? Did she say what kind of henshin it was?"

    Eventually, when she hears Rashmi's voice, she calls out, "We're here, Rashmi-chan!" and waves at her in that little kid way where she has to tilt her body to the side in order to raise her hand better.

    If Mamoru lets her back down on the ground, she'll pitter patter towards Rashmi to see what kind of stuff she brought. Custard pan sounds great, but she's most curious about the henshin device.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"A Device Mage henshin--" Mamoru starts to answer Chibiusa, but then they do hear Rashmi, and he squishes the smol pink dottir type pokemon a little before putting her down to patter away. "Hi Rashmi-chan! Custard pan sounds amazing, should we eat that instead of dinner?" Is he teasing? He doesn't look like he's teasing. Or sound it. Oh he's going back into the kitchen to put things back in the fridge. "We can eat dinner later, there's plenty of time~! Have a seat, I'll get plates. There's coffee, juice, soda, ginger beer-- tea--"

So it turns out Chibiusa has special plates and glasses and small utensils,,,

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Hi, Chibiusa-tan~!" Rashmi says, crouching down to beam a warm smile right at the smol's eye level. "Also, I really, *really* want to thank you. That hug you gave me helped a *lot,* I just never got the chance to tell you before."

And thus, the bakery bag is put down, and both arms open to invite a proper hug. Whether taken up on it or not, afterward she gets back to her feet, squinting at Mamoru as he seriously suggests replacing dinner with custard pan. "...My parents would *riot* if I didn't push back," she says warningly, moving to the kitchen to set the bag on the counter. "But your house, your rules... And Chibiusa-tan gets first pick. D'you want chocolate, mango, or strawberry custard? ...Oh and tea please, if it's no trouble."

With that, she detaches Nicomachea's charm from the cord around her neck, and sets him on the table. "So, Chibiusa-tan... d'you remember Sailor Charon?"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    A device mage? So... like Sailor Charon, or Rashmi.

    Come to think of it that was actually pretty obvious if she had bothered to guess. Chibiusa might not be a senshi right now, but if Saturn can be Firefly then maybe it will work that way for the smol pink, too.

    ... Poor Saturn...

    Chibiusa takes Rashmi up on her offer of a hug and then giggles, "Anytime!" Could a small hug really help that much? Maybe for a mahoujin...

    At Mamoru's suggestion, Small Lady is crossing her arms and pouting at him in a way that she usually only reserves for Usagi. "Seriously? You need to eat well or you'll stunt your growth like me!" Then she's offered first pick and she raises her hands excitedly and says, "Strawberry, please!"

    Of course, now the subject of devices and henshins are coming up again, and Sailor Charon gets namedropped, and Chibiusa is surprised for a moment before she looks down and away. "Yeah I... I remember her."

    She's visibly sad for a moment, even if she's not allowed to fully explain why. To think that Hotaru, who was so friendly and sweet in her own way, wasn't allowed to know that she was one of them, that she belonged... on top of everything else she had to face. On top of the Mistress Nine thing happening right now.

    "She's a friend of mine."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
'Your house, your rules' -- yes! Mamoru says maybe a little smugly, "I have a ball pit and a rage room, and sometimes it's time for dessert before dinner." Then he laughs and waves a hand around, "Don't worry, you pushed back. Very scary warning. And see? Even my future daughter is pushing back--" Strawberry please! Mamoru grins and goes back to doing kitchen things.

He fills the kettle and puts it on to boil, then brings down a basket of teas from on top of the fridge, and Rashmi might catch him considering the box of Russian Caravan tea. But he behaves, and leaves it for Rashmi to pick a type.

Then he gets the little plates down, and let's be real he's moving a little slowly because let's be honest, he doesn't want to interrupt and he does want to eavesdrop.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"She's a friend of mine too," Rashmi says softly, nodding in agreement with Chibiusa's sadness. "And I know she really cared about you. I know... because the Device I want you to meet, Luminous Titan... he was hers, before. Mamo-kun's brother built him, mostly as a way to *contain* whatever was sleeping inside her -- I guess she's called Mistress 9, now? -- and keep it from making her sicker. And he did a really, really good job, until he just couldn't, y'know?"

As she speaks, she sets a decently-sized, thick disk of bread on each provided plate; two dusted with pink powdered sugar, one with yellow, and one of the pink buns, she scoots toward Chibiusa.

"But Hotaru-chan *saved* him," she says, circling around to choose a simple white blend for the tea. Light tea for heavy subjects... "She made sure he wouldn't get hurt, when everything went wrong, so... I'm planning on turning him into a proper combat Device. And he's agreed to see if you two can work together. If you can? There won't be a single protector in all the world, Chibiusa-tan -- except maybe Kunzite -- who could protect you better from Dark Energy."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Small Lady is quiet for a bit as Rashmi speaks, because for all the excitement of Chibiusa finally getting a henshin, Luminous Titan is a Device with history. There's meaning behind Small Lady taking up this particular armament. Maybe, for a magical girl, that sentiment is a power in of itself.

    "Mamo-chan's brother..." she repeats. She knows about Takashi, she's just still getting used to the fact that this world's Mamoru has more people in his life than her own timeline's. "... He must have really cared, to put in all that work. I bet it was really hard."

    She contemplates the buns for a moment before picking up the strawberry one, or at least the one she assumes is strawberry from the way it's being nudged towards her. After swallowing the first bite, she says, "Thank you, Rashmi, for the pan, and also for telling me about this." Looking up to the Devicer, Small Lady asks, "What do I have to do? If I use it, would that make me a new Sailor Charon? I want to try it. I'm sure Luminous Titan wants to help Sailor Charon, too."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Puttering around in the kitchen, Mamoru starts to make the tea as he listens. He glances from Rashmi to Chibiusa when Takashi's mentioned, and his eyebrows lift. Well, if Rashmi or Chibiusa figures it out, it's not like he actually said anything.

Then there's just this achingly affectionate look on his face, as he drops an honest to god tea cozy on top of the teapot and watches Rashmi and Chibiusa interact.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"You're very welcome, Chibiusa-tan," Rashmi says warmly. "And yes, he did care... So much that it kinda surprised me, actually. So..."

Reaching into a pocket on her bookbag, she extracts a small, black jewel. "Before we go on, I want you to know that I haven't given Luminous Titan his rebuild. He's gonna be *way* too big for you as he is now, but he and I have already talked that over. We've got a plan."

Setting the jewel down in front of Chibiusa, Rashmi chuckles. "He sounds scary, but, he's not mean at all. Luminous Titan-san, this is Chibiusa."

The black jewel shines, and a distorted, slightly monstrous voice emanates from the jewel.

    << Acknowledged. >>

"No, Sailor Charon was a way for Hotaru-chan to hide who she was from Obsidian, and to show the world how much she thought of Setsuchan. If you and Luminous Titan can work together, how that looks will be entirely up to you. I'll explain that part when we get to it. First, I want you to pick him up in both hands, and close your eyes. Imagine reaching out to him. Not with your hand, but with your heart. And say these words."

"Register: Usagi Tsukino, User. Mission: To protect Hotaru Tomoe."

While Chibiusa has her eyes closed, Rashmi is suddenly a flurry of activity; Nicomachea is activated with a telepathic command, and what was once a large armored book, is now a *very* larged armored folio, its covers unlatching and opening to either side as it hovers at a perfect reading-angle from the counter. Screen after screen after screen bwips to life above the pages of the almost comically small book bound to the binding, and Rashmi seems to view time of the essence as the first scans begin.

This will be important, to learn if, and how well, Device and prospective User can synchronize their 'minds.'

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Small Lady looks at the black jewel for a moment. So this is Luminious Titan in its standby mode, much like how momma has her compact. "So... he still needs to be rebuilt, but before you do that we need to make sure this works."

    The creepy voice doesn't bother her at all. It kinda reminds her of Luna-P in a way that she doesn't really want to spend too much time thinking about but probably really should.

    It would be a different henshin, as confirmed by Rashmi, and maybe that in of itself is part of the rebuild. There's a lot about this that Chibiusa doesn't know, so all she can do is follow instructions. She reaches out to pick up the gem, holds him in both hands, and looks down at it.

    Luna-P hovers over her shoulder, watching, smiling.

    Small Lady closes her eyes. How does she reach out with her heart? Is it like talking with papa? The line between the heart and mind can be fuzzy to the uninitiated. It takes her a moment.

    Register: Usagi Tsukin--

    Is that really her name? It kinda is. It's the name that was on her birth certificate before the apocalypse. On the other hand, the name she prefers, the one she considers herself to be, the one closest to her heart is...

    "Register: Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity, User. Mission: To protect Hotaru."

    ... and she does mean Hotaru Tomoe, specifically. Mistress Nine can go die, and she already knows how to communicate the intent of her words through this kind of magical channel.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru brings out cups and then the pot, leaving it to still steep on the table, then sneaking to chocolate custard pan himself while he watches in total fascination.

Rashmi's stated mission for Chibiusa gives him massive pause, though, and he gives Rashmi a sharp look. She's busy. He doesn't want to interrupt. He trusts Rashmi. But-- Hotaru is also a lot closer to being Rashmi's kid than Chibiusa is, and Chibiusa is his kid, so even though there's trust there's also spiky worry.

The spiky worry doesn't go away when Chibiusa repeats it, though the corner of Mamoru's mouth does curl up at her use of her full name.

Then he asks, head tilted and expression faintly apologetic, "Shouldn't their mission be to protect Small Lady first and foremost?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
The results being shown by the scans have Rashmi *grinning,* in spite of Mamoru's very real apprehension. "No it's working, look look look," she says, heedless of the fact that all of the text scrolling past the screens may as well be Mooninite for all that Mamoru can understand it. "And I get what you mean, but... This is *synchronizing,* Mamo-kun. Maybe Chibiusa-tan would be smart about her own safety, but Luminous Titan *adores* Hotaru-chan. The best chance they have to synchronize, is for them to *really really mean it* about accomplishing the same goal. And the better they synchronize, the more they can do together."

While Nicomachea is a comforting, warm presence in Rashmi's head, Luminous Titan is... different, in some ways. There's a feeling of *large,* of *shapeless,* of *vigilance.* If someone made a blanket-ghost out of a huge flannel blanket, and illuminated it with only the weakest of backlights, it would come close to describing Luminous Titan's presence. But also the certain knowledge that as long as they're together, the Device would take any assault on his charge *extremely personally.*

"Besides, Mamo-kun," Rashmi continues. "Luminous Titan sees what happened to Hotaru-chan as a *personal failure.* He's not gonna do *anything* that'll endanger either or both of them."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa frowns at Mamoru and says, "Obviously it's about protecting myself too. You know not everyone can just heal themselves after tanking a hit like you do. Some people have to dodge once in a while. Luminous Titan can't help her if either of us get damaged."

    And she, of course, says this with exactly the kind of sass that a kid has when she's convinced that she knows what she's doing. (Meanwhile anyone with any amount of sense would probably be looking at her and thinking, 'babygirl, no you don't'.)

    A part of that, of course, is a little bit of personal greed. She wants to have magic, in of itself. She wants to meaningfully contribute, to be able to protect herself, and to be more like her parents. When she recognizes that in herself, she frowns for a moment and then looks away. "... That said... this will probably only work until Hotaru-chan needs him back. He was made for her. I'm just borrowing him for a bit, because we both want the same thing right now."

    Closing her hands around Luminous Titan she says, "I still gotta unlock my own powers one day, but for now... we'll be friends, okay?"

    If Mamoru wants to reach out and touch her, to see how the intent is meant, well... her shoulder and her hands are right there.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Chuffing out a breath, Mamoru still looks a little unnerved, but-- Rashmi's so excited, and Chibiusa's telling him off, and he crosses his arms right back at her. "I'm supposed to dodge, too! I'm not supposed to tank! That's how I got strangled!"

He's not actually helping his case at all. Emi would undoubtedly tell him to dig up-- but he falls silent, and watches-- and his heart is light, despite the worry. Despite the worry, there's such relief.

So it is that when Mamoru's practically dared to get a read on the situation, he does -- one hand on Chibiusa's head. But the other's reaching out to touch fingertips to the back of Rashmi's hand, very briefly.

He understands now and he's radiant with relief.

"Sorry! That was scary for me all of a sudden. Good thing you're brave enough for both of us, Small Lady."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
    << Acceptable. >> answers Luminous Titan aloud, and so it was that in shared purpose a new friendship was forged.

Rashmi winces as Chibiusa takes Mamoru to task; maybe there was some truth in there, but it was delivered with all the assurance only a small child who is *supremely* confidently incorrect can have. But Mamoru looks into it for himself, and Rashmi bobs her head, the smile on her face answering his joy. "Yeah Devices do *not* work on oaths or contracts, I have yet to see a Mid-Childan EULA and I *never want to.* But, look..."

With a gesture, she minimizes the other screens, and maximizes one that is a generic silhouette of a Smol Lady, and another of a shape like Luminous Titan's gem. In the silhouette, a small light pulses, steadily, constantly... and the waves coming off the icon of the gem match the frequency; if not perfectly, than close enough that it stops mattering.

"So Chibiusa-tan, what this means is I can tell you the plan Luminous Titan and I came up with for his redesign; *he* chose to be a cape, which also means before I leave I'm gonna need a quick set of more detailed scans. And there are a couple things I need you to understand, Chibiusa-tan. And these are important, okay?"

One finger comes up. "First... I'm not going to be building you a gun. Most of what I'll be working with comes from Luminous Titan himself, and a *lot* of what he was made for doesn't translate to attacks very well. So what I'm going to build out, is gonna be mostly stuff you can do at a distance, to cover you from fire, and get you away quick. There'll be a lot you can do to help in a fight... but you won't be in the front lines of *anything,* and you need to be okay with that now."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Small Lady glances towards Mamoru with a sympathetic smile. "I can see why that would be scary. You didn't have the link that I had, so you didn't get what was really being said... but no. I know that I am the Princess."

    She's explicitly saying, and very pointedly not even thinking about, the fact that Hotaru is a senshi for real. Not while there's a potential mental connection between herself and Rashmi. Chibiusa doesn't know how much the page mage knows about all that, but she remembers promising to keep it a secret. That applies even now.

    Still, there's implications to what Chibiusa is saying when she calls herself the Princess. Implications that she's confident that Mamoru would get even without a psychic link. She's the princess, and Hotaru is the senshi. There's a bit of extra nuance there, because leadership is a symbiotic relationship. Mom became a Queen because a Queen was needed, and still is.

    Rashmi is now explaining things in more detail, and Chibiusa is pretty sure that this is a bit more instruction than Luna ever gave Sailor Moon, but different magical things work differently she guesses.

    Oh, of course. The gun thing. You point a gun at your future mom one time and you never live it down. Well, she nods anyways. Chibiusa isn't going to be too picky about what form the magic has to take.

    So... she wont be at the front lines. Small Lady nods, and listens, but she does raise her hands. "If I'm not at the front lines, I can't use a melee weapon, and if I don't have a ranged weapon then I can't really fight there either. What am I gonna be able to do? Is it going to be support skills, like what Mercury has?"

    Because naturally, the senshi powerset is the one she's going to be most familiar with.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Settling down at the table near them but not in the way, Mamoru starts to work on his tea and custard pan. He'd be happy to leave Chibiusa alone with Rashmi-- he thinks-- well. He'd thought that about Setsuna, too, hm.

He nods to Chibiusa, acknowledging her understanding and looking both apologetic and proud--

--and then Small Lady starts talking tactics and he starts to puff up visibly with pride and he's definitely not apologetic anymore. Just proud and becoming full of dessert.

Okay no he also goes :D :D :D and points at Chibiusa, looking at Rashmi, like :D? :D? SEE HER??

And then, "I'm glad you're not giving her a gun, though, do you know she shot Rubeus with a real gun?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Well," Rashmi chuckles, "I won't be leaving you without *any* way to attack someone, just you'll want to get a lot of practice in to learn what you can do with it, and what you can't."

Raising one hand, she creates a globe of golden energy just above her fingertips. "This is called a Barret," she explains. "And for one kind of Device User, it's pretty much the sidearm spell; you can always rely on it when other attacks won't work for whatever reason. They home in on their target, they're fairly low-cost to make, but they're not the *hardest* hit a Device can bring. This, you *will* have, and I'll definitely be helping you practice with it. As for what else? There's spells that can lock targets down, shields, boosts and declines... Most of it will depend on what Luminous Titan already knows, and how I can tweak that for you. I *can* promise you two things, however;"

With this, Rashmi's grin widens. "One, that those horrible people who're after you *will not recognize you,* because of the magic at work on this world. Two... You're gonna be able to fly."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    With zero hesitation or shame, Chibiusa turns towards her alt-dad and sticks her nose up in the air. "Rubeus had it coming!"

    That might be a solid argument as to why Chibiusa should not have a gun.

    Granted, it might also be a solid argument as to why she should have one.

    Regardless of anyone's personal feelings, Chibi does have a gun. It's just... not that useful for taking out dark generals. Or youma. Or even Familiars, if Chibiusa ever came across one.

    Mamoru's pride in her questions go unnoticed for now, because so much of her attention is on what Rashmi is telling her about how this new magic works. She studies the golden orb with her tiny red eyes and memorizes the name. So she will have some attack power, and she'll have a chance to practice.

    The addition of disguise magic is... fairly obvious now that she thinks about it, but still the realization quite visibly dawns on her. Oh, she will be taking full advantage of that fact. Having Luna-P around means that she'll always have at least some means of finding a place to hide, too. Being able to fly also brings a smile to her face. "Oh! Like with papa that one time! Though... without dark energy, right?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Without Dark Energy," Rashmi confirms, nodding. "And when I've got the whole thing finished, I'll show you each one, and *we* can practice all of it together." The redhead smiles, tilting her head. "After all... it'd just be *mean* to make you figure it all out alone! I know it's not how your mama did, but... It's a different kind of magic altogether, and it would be *seriously* unfair to expect you to find your way alone."

Oh, Mamoru's pride is *definitely acknowledged, if subtly; this conversation is important, and *necessary,* and might be the foundation for how well Chibiusa defends herself when it *really matters.*

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa listens, takes in what Rashmi is saying, and then nods. Opening her hands one again, she presents Luminious Titan's gem form back to the Device Meister. "It sounds like you still need to do some work with him before he's ready to be used." Then, smiling down at the small Device. "... but until then, I'll be waiting. You wanted to become a cape, right? I've already been working on my cape form with Mamochan, so it'll be a good place to start."

    Looking back up to Rashmi, Chibiusa smiles. "I'll look forward to learning all about it! Even if it's only temporary, it'll be good practice, and it'll mean that the Black Moon Clan can't find me while I'm in henshin."

    It'll also mean that catching stray shots wont be an instant death sentence, though... she was just told to stay off the front lines.

    "Before then, is there something you need me to do? To get ready for using Lumie?" Yes, it's name is Lumie now. Unless it complains about it.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
And Rashmi cannot help but be absolutely tickled at the way Chibiusa addresses Luminous Titan -- *Lumie, yet!* -- and accepts the gem with all due gravity. "I don't... think there's anything else...? ...Um." Pausing, she furrows her brow, mentally rewinding the conversation.

"...Huh. ...Well I think there was a misunderstanding about what 'front lines' means... I mean 'anywhere between zero and ten meters of what you're aiming at' when I say 'front lines,' not 'within earshot of a battle.' There's just too much going on in this city on a *good* day, to give you a Device and expect you to not use it unless you really didn't. But... promise me you'll have at least *one* person Mamokun and Usachan trust with you, at the very least? Suddenly I'm worried about catching an earful from my friend..."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa raises an eyebrow at the mention of a misunderstanding. She knows that there has been at least one here already...

    Oh, that. Well.

    "I mean... yeah I kinda figured you meant don't stand in melee range and don't try to be the tank. I totally expected it to be usable in some kind of combat, I just had questions about what my role would be."

    Questions that, honestly, can't really be answered without first figuring out what LT can do.

    "Also, yeah, out of henshin, the normal bodyguard rules still apply. I don't want to give away the fact that I have magic yet, and there's always the chance that they catch me off guard."

    She's at least somewhat saying that to placate Mamoru. Small Lady is totally going to shoot Rubeus again the first chance she gets. One might think this means that she hasn't learned her lesson, but she actually has. The lesson she learned was 'bring a better gun.'

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Well no, I mean in henshin too," Rashmi points out. "*Nobody* who likes all their pieces where they are tries to fight solo, Chibiusa-tan. Not even your alt-universe parents. Who learned from experience. Trust me on this... going out alone is asking for trouble, henshin or no. And remember... I can talk to Luminous Titan directly, I'll *know* if you're being irresponsible enough to make him worried."

But the words are said without heat; Rashmi doesn't expect Chibiusa to fly off into the night in search of bad people to shoot, because Rashmi just assumes the best out of people, and leaves it up to them to match that ideal or not. Finishng off her bread, she circles the counter, and opens her arms to the toddler. "I've gotta go... a lot of work that needs doing, and not enough time to do it. But another important thing about Devices is, they can all talk to each other. So I'll never be farther than a thought away, if you need someone else to talk to, okay?"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Small Lady blinks as she's told that Luminous Titan will be able to communicate to Rashmi directly, and what that actually means. It's not that she would ever plan to be reckless, but... it's still something that gives her a certain feeling regarding this alliance between Device and Lady.

    Luna-P, after all, would never snitch on her.

    It's okay, though. This is temporary, and no one who lends out something would want the borrower to be irresponsible with it. It's not unfair, or even that big of a deal.

    "I promise wasn't going to try and solo Mistress Nine," she says with a little bit of defensiveness, but only so much, because this isn't really a lecture. Rashmi opens her arms for a hug and Chibiusa accepts it.

    "I'll remember that. I'll try not to be too chatty, but I'll let you know if something comes up. Thanks for all of this. I'm sure we'll get Hotaru back."