2406/Blank Space

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Blank Space
Date of Scene: 08 March 2025
Location: Nephrite and Zoisite's living room
Synopsis: Mamoru may have broken up with Tamaki, but it's Izou's problem now. Confronted with heartbreak and confusion, Izou does his best to aid his friend. It really is his best. Luckily, tempers flare, and his best is good enough.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Zoisite, Jadeite

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's late afternoon on Sunday, and Mamoru and Tamaki have been... out. About half an hour in to their drive back from the cemetery just about when the city's traffic congestion starts and slows them down considerably, Mamoru pulls over on the side of the road and parks the motorcycle in the grass, then gets off the bike and hands Tamaki off the back seat. "I can teleport now," he says loudly and then flips up his visor.

More normal voice, "I can teleport now, I'll drop you off. You realize you could already have been home ten minutes ago if you took the train, right? The one and a half hour drive is a 20-minute train trip. I used to take it as a little kid."

He doesn't actually give Tamaki a chance to disagree with him. He just holds Tamaki's hand with his leather gloved one, and teleports them directly into Zoisite and Nephrite's living room. "Izou has better ice cream. Usagi and Chibiusa and I finished off the good stuff at my place. Have a good slamfest."

And then he's just gone.

Zoisite has posed:
A tickle on his pointy nose as the air shifted. He'd been in his room, door open and tending to one of his various inhouse flower pots. His violets needed the sun from earlier, and now just a bit of water. Not on the petals though--violets were notorious for having delicate petals that could not touch water without wilting. Poor things. Yet the moment he felt something strange, he lifted his head and blinked.

"Nephrite?" Frowning, calls out to his roommate. Was that idiot back? And he steps out to verify but who he finds instead is not the long haired brunette, but a short haired blond. Tamaki. "Tama?" Blinks, surprised. "How did you get in here, I thought Nephrite locked the door?"

Not that he would kick his Shitennou companion out, he something was definitely amiss as he approached Tamaki.

Jadeite has posed:
"I know I'd be back quickly, that's not the point - " But then Mamoru is gone, and Zoisite is here, and he can't really add anything without sounding wild.

Tamaki pulls his helmet off; his eyes are red-rimmed and puffy, and he hasn't been able to clean up all the tear tracks on his face, and for all that he is trying so hard to keep it together, he is a pile of misery.

"Sorry. Mamoru teleported me in," he says with a wobbly voice. "He just dumped me."

Zoisite has posed:
Red face. Puffy eyes. Wet cheeks-- "Oh gods, Tama, wh--" Izou was quick to notice his friend's state, the wavering tone trying to keep composure but was at the verge of breaking. Shit.

Turning around on his heel and jogging towards the kitchen only to grab a roll of paper towels and returning just as quickly, pulling the blond along with him further inside the living room. Unlike before when it was only Nephrite occupying the space, everything was so much more lively now. Decorations on the walls--pictures of flora and fauna, even a few that were the theme of stars and space. Schematics, and then flower pots. Greenery. Even a small inside garden meant for spices.

And the couch now had pillows and a green flowery throw that was obviously Izou's as it smelled like him.

"Here, your face is a mess." Shoves the roll at Tamaki. "Take your shoes off, I'll put them in the cubby for you. Also, explain the dump. Like just dumping you here or did he..." Hesitated to say it, mainly due to the pity he felt for Tamaki in that moment.

"Did he break up with you?"

Jadeite has posed:
Tamaki pulls off his shoes mechanically and hands them to Zoisite as he takes the roll and mushes his face into it. The overall impression of the room is GREEN, and it smells enough like plants and earth that he feels a roll of nostolgia for Indiana and the farms he'd visit with his parents.

"Thanks," he says with his voice muffled. "I mean he broke up with me. I"m a divorced man!" he wails.

He sucks in breath, trying to get his voice to behave. "We're still friends but like. I think I have to get therapy now?"

Zoisite has posed:
He takes the shoes. "Use the roll properly, Tama! Good gods--" Into the cubby with the shoes before returning and sitting next to his friend to listen. Take in whatever was being said and mulling it over in his mind.

Then sighs. Divorced? Now that was a bit dramatic. "You're a single man, not a divorcee. That's way better, since breaking up is free anyway." Not helping. Another sigh. "Therapy implies that you did something that he didn't approve. Do you mind explaining to me?"

Jadeite has posed:
tamaki reluctantly pries a few damp paper towels off the roll and dabs at his face, trying to clear himself up.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Tamaki says, going limp on the couch. "I will try and explain, though I don't understand it that well myself? Like...." He gestures with the towels aimlessly. "He cannot be my only resource for emotional reassurance and fortitude, and he can't tell me how to act like a normal person. I have to act like a normal person myself. Which, I get what he's saying, and I've been trying to be normal, but apparantly I have been failing. Which! Is fair! But if I knew how to do that myself, I wouldn't be asking him for instructions on how to improve." groooan

Zoisite has posed:
"A rather tall order from Mamoru. Sometimes I wonder where he gets the idea that any of us are normal in any shape or form." None of them would ever be normal, and that in itself was a problem. One that Izou faced everyday by scraping together what he saw from other students and people he saw in real life. Some would call it masking.

Except it's literal.

He tears off some of the towels as well and proceeds to assist Tamaki with cleaning away the tears and gunk. Fixing mushed hair with fingers. "But he is... a little right on you needing to do it on your own. We're knights, Tamaki. We need to be resilient enough without his help. He expects us to be on our own two feet and make it in a world not meant for us. It's not like it was before anymore..."

Brows furrowed. "I'm in the same boat, Tamagotchi. I'm trying to figure out what normal is, and if that even fits for me."

Jadeite has posed:
"I don't think he expects us to be NORMAL-normal, but I think whatever I'm operating on is weirder than the level he wants us to be on. And I know there's got to be something wrong, and he explained it, but I can still barely get my head around it? Like! People like me! I don't cause problems for anyone! I am polite and get my work in on time (when I"m not depressed) and engage appropirately with society! I'm helpful and I like being helpful! Aren't these the qualities people want??"

He leans into Zoisite's touch, letting him preen him without complaint. "Yeah, I know it's on me to fix myself, that's totaly erasonable. I just don't know how to start." A beat, and he pats Zoisite's hand. "Well, at least we're in the same boat?"

Zoisite has posed:
"Being nice and polite is still a mask, Tama. You can be the most helpful person in the world, but that'll just cover up what's wrong with you." Pulls his hand away, only to take the other's in his grasp and give it a reassuring squeeze. His touch is warm, always warm.

"We definitely are in the same boat. But I think... you need a better view of yourself. An honest one. Think less about what people want, and more about what you want without involving Mamoru. He dumped you anyway, and even if he is our prince, I always think is best to make him regret his decision." Izou offered a naughty smile at that. "In a good way, I promise."

Jadeite has posed:
"What if I want to be helpful? What if that is me? What else have I got? Being a stalker?"

He's good at being helpful! He likes being liked! What else has he GOT??

hmm. "Zoisite. I say this with the greatest respect possible. Teach me how to be as much of a bitch as you are. I think that might help."

Zoisite has posed:
"Wh-what?! Excuse me--" Taken aback, but didn't let go of Tamaki's hand. "Why would you want to learn that? It's not something you can be taught, and I don't think you're cut out to be similar to me at all!" Frowns, gaze looking over his friend like he's trying to put into words who the boy was.

What did Izou see, in the end?

"Firstly, being a stalker could land you in jail or an institution. Don't ask me how I know this." Clears his throat. Secondly, you don't have to be a bitch to be yourself. I know I'm a bitch when I'm myself, because I have always been this way. But you're..."

Inhales. "Don't take this the wrong way, okay? You're like a dog, sometimes."

Jadeite has posed:
"Ok, so I wouldn't be like, the same kind of bitch as you,obviously! But you're so good at talking about what YOU want, what YOU need, even if it's rude or inconvenient! And Mamoru said I need to get better at that! It's a really important skill!" Tamaki says eagerly. (Zoisite can, if he squints, practically see his golden retriever tail wagging.)

"Yeah, see, stalking is a bad idea." He blinks. "A dog?"

Zoisite has posed:
"Mmhm, you're like a dog. Or--a butler. A doormat. You serve people too much all the time. But you get joy out of it. And--" His mind was going somewhere with this, but it was such a difficult thing, to describe Tamaki. But maybe that was the wrong thing to do, giving his friend a roadmap. What Izou saw wasn't necessarily what Nephrite or Kazuo saw.

Yet, it was so hard not to. "I'm pretty sure I could boss you around and you'd do as I say. Not just in fights. That's what I mean, you being a dog. Just, happy to be of assistance to anyone. And I'm not like that--unless I'm told to do it because someone needs us to behave--but that's also besides the point--"

Another reassuring squeeze.

"If someone is being annoying or an idiot, I'll tell them, and I don't care what they feel. That's what being a bitch means." Vinegar, never attracting bees. But he preferred it that way. "And you seem to like people, or just being around them if you--Argh! I'm trying really hard to just tell you to not imitate me because that's not going to help your case in figuring out who you are!" Finally, there it was. Even his pointy nose scrunched up, irritate. Not at Tamaki per say, but the fact that he was having to console him at all.

What did you do, Mamoru??

Jadeite has posed:
"I like being a butler," Tamaki says thoughtfully. "I like being helpful. I'm actually doing something meaningful with my life! I'm saving people! I like you guys - like, god, I'm not on like BAD terms with my family like you are, but I don't want to go into farm stuff or schmoozing with politicians. But, like - is it that bad being a dog? Dogs are loyal and they help and...." He trails off.

"...Maybe I dn't want to be a bitch. But I do want to be able to be beter at saying no? Maybe??"

Zoisite has posed:
Alright, he was following along. Nodding, furrowing still but it was a start of a progress. Liking what he does as a Shitennou in terms of being a Knight and defending the weak is good. Very good.

Until his family was brought up and Izou's fingers clench Tamaki's like a vice. Delicate, manicured, but still strong.

"Tamaki." Izou leaned in then, slowly, almost purring as he did not let up his hold on fingers. "I need you to listen very carefully to my next words, because I don't want to repeat them, nor to I want to cause harm to your extremities and have to explain to Mamoru why something's missing." His face was only an inch away, little knowing smile on his face before his nails dug into the other Shitennou's hand.

"Never bring up my family in any circumstance ever again. Understood?"

Finally he let's go of Tamaki and leans back, smile reaching his eyes. Almost beaming this time. "Anyway, if you want to learn how to say no, why don't you start by just saying it?"

Jadeite has posed:
oh heck oh heavens oh FUCK he had forgotten -

"I'm sorry, Zoisite! I wasn't thinking!" he yelps. It's not a fearful response - if anything, it's like a dog that's been snapped at by another dog and whines in apology.

"I am not saying no to the thing you just said to me," Tamaki says, "because that'd be a dick move and thi sis the last you will hear of it from me, but usually I go along with things since it's easier than stopping it? It's important to gow ith the flow."

Zoisite has posed:
That little smile remains on his face, eyes so focused on Tamaki despite the beams of sunshine that seemed more presentational than genuine. Izou was forcing himself to calm down.

"So you just go with the flow? You don't like to rock the boat, not even for yourself? So you're a bit of a coward then. Imagine that. You bow your body so acutely to others you end up showing your own ass."

Stop it, Zoisite.

Eyes close then and there is one more deep inhale. Shakes his head. "I'm being mean. You did apologize. Let me get you an ice pack for your hand." He gets up from the couch and moves towards the kitchen.

Jadeite has posed:
"We're not unpacking the rest of that until you go get a drink or something," Tamaki says with a stiff smile. "I'd like that ice pack, when you're ready."

Zoisite has posed:
"I'm not about to get drunk just to explain what I just said." Izou calls over his shoulder. "Water under the bring, hm? Let it go."

The sound of a fridge door opening, the crinkles of a plastic bag and ice.

Jadeite has posed:
"A drink of WATER, Zoisite. If I was going to propose underage drinking, I'd say so," Tamaki says prmily. There's stilly an edge to his voice.

Zoisite has posed:
"Oh really now? You're telling me that Jadeite would know the appropriate time to have a glass of wine or five? Are you even capable?" It's subtle, the sneer.

Jadeite has posed:
"Do you want to find out?" Tamaki says, and suddenly his smile is perfect and shining and icy.

Zoisite has posed:
"Oh please," Puts the ice bag on the counter, crossing his arms as though he were relaxed as a candle's flame. "Indulge me, mongrel. Or do I have to whistle for you?"

Jadeite has posed:
The mad, icy look in Tamaki's eye flashes - and then dampens to something a little more human. He gets up from the couch, streches, and heads to the door. "Cool. I'm going to serve you up a glass of 'Being More Dramatic Than The Guy Dumped In A Graveyard,' with some 'no' smeared around the lip of the glass to enhance the taste."

Tamaki OUT, unless someone stops him.

Zoisite has posed:
Oh no, he wasn't going to stop him. The door was there, easy to unlock, open and slam shut if so desired. Izou however still uncrossed his arms and began to clap at Tamaki instead.

"Good job. You did it." A smirk to his words.

"Your very first no."

Jadeite has posed:
Tamaki closes his eyes and counts backwards from ten.

"Cool. My very first no. Are you keep on being irritating about it today or can we talk like civilized knights? Because I am this close to going to my room."

Zoisite has posed:
A hum, mockingly contemplative as slender fingers pick up the bag full of ice and approaches. Steps in front of Tamaki, the door behind him. Bag dangling off his hooked fingers in offering.

"Sit." There's satisfaction in his eyes, bright like a bonfire. "And I'll go make us some tea, hm? Chamomile, to calm both our nerves."

Jadeite has posed:
...he supposes that Zoisite has a point. He's less thrilled he had to get the point right after he stepped on Zoisite's metaphorical foot, as it were, making him untanble if it was escalation or sheer bull headedness.

"Very well. Sugar in mine, if you can manage it."

Zoisite has posed:
"I can, just for you Jadeite." He let's go of the bag of ice once it's taken before walking back to the kitchen to prepare the electric kettle and two tea cups. One with honey, another with sugar.

Jadeite has posed:
Tamaki sits back down, ice pack on his hand, and rolls his head back against the sofa and groans.

Zoisite has posed:
Seven or so minutes. From boiling water, to cups full and bags steeping as the heat melts the sweetness of choice. Both cups and saucers placed on a tray before he returns to the couch. He even added some English biscuits so they both could enjoy.

"I can also offer you some painkillers. Crying too much will cause a headache."

Jadeite has posed:
"I'd appreciate that. My brain's starting to hurt and I wasn't sure if I was just tired or dehydrated or what," Tamaki says. He daintily picks up his teacup and swirls it before taking a sip, then sighing in delight. "You got the sugar just right."

Zoisite has posed:
"You should try it with honey some time. It blends in well." Steps away only for a moment again, just to pick up a bill bottle of over the counter pain relief medication, offering it as he sits down next to Tamaki.

"Extra strength. It's both stress and dehydration. The tea will help with the stress." Like he knew this from practice already.

Jadeite has posed:
"Thanks again," Tamaki says. He pours two pain pills into his hand and swallows them both dry, wincing a little at the taste, before taking another sip of tea to wash his mouth out.

"So. Yeah. Working on the whole... saying no and not being nice all the time thing. I guess? That sounds so weird when I say it out loud."

Zoisite has posed:
Placing the pill bottle on the tray and picking up his own teacup as he leans back, finally letting himself relax. "You didn't sound weird at all. It was very natural when you spoke back to me. That was you. Not the--" Izou gestures with with his tea spoon a bit, "You being happily on edge all the time, questioning if everyone else is satisfied with you or not."

Takes his first sip.

Jadeite has posed:
"Yeah, but - that me is an asshole. I did so much messed up stuff in Obsidian and I fully was that guy. I don't want to be an asshole and make everyone miserable again. I REALLY don't want to make Mamoru go through all that shit again..." Tamaki mutters, then stuffs an English biscuit into his mouth. "Or end up biting one of the Senshi."

Zoisite has posed:
"Not sure if biting is better or worse than setting something of theirs on fire. At least you don't need to be in henshin to do it." Another sip.

"Tamaki, what you did just now, telling me no? That wasn't you being an asshole. That was... you putting up a boundary. The asshole was me. You don't like seeing other people suffer, or be stressed or tiptoeing the edge. But I do. Also, I doubt you'd make people miserable if you were more honest."

Jadeite has posed:
"Probably better? But..."

But Zoisite lays things out for him, and he nods slowly. "So that...was ok? That was good?"

the learn how to be a bitch plan IS working, he thinks, his chest warming a little.

Zoisite has posed:
"For me, it was okay." Nods, green eyes side glancing over to Tamaki. "What about you? How did it make you feel in that moment?"

Jadeite has posed:
"...I was mad. I was really really mad, and I decided that if I was this mad, I should leave before I punched you,"Tamaki declares after pushing down a knee jerk reaction to soften his words.

Zoisite has posed:
"Stating the obvious, Tama. What I'm asking is if it felt right."

Jadeite has posed:
"....I think so," Tamaki says hesitantly. "I'm not sure. It's been - I'm not sure what right's supposed to feel like. Which sounds way wworse now that I say it out loud."

Zoisite has posed:
"..." His gaze averted then, looking down to his teacup and the soft golden liquid that still steamed. "I don't think any of us knows what right is supposed to feel like. Perhaps vindication? Knowing what you stand for? Morals, ethics? Could also be something really selfish, but satisfying. I think the point is that it's right for you and your beliefs."

"You hurt me. I hurt you back. We took our positions and stood still on it. I conceded to you, because it was right for the both of us." And he smiles. "We could philosophize about this for a while."

"I can also drag you out once my back is better. Fill up the community fridge again. I know you got dumped but I'm not letting you shut yourself in your apartment."

Jadeite has posed:
"...this is what I meant by teaching me to be a bitch. Like, this stuff. Being able to say what I want - even if I don't know much about it yet. It's this - standing by your ideals stuff, you know? Fighting despite everything..."

He sips his tea,then smiles over the rim of his cup. "Give me twenty four hours to wallow, ok? Then you can drag me out and about wherever you want."

Zoisite has posed:
"Alright, I'll give you twenty four hours. Will you be needing anything else during those hours? A care package? A text? A meme? Splatter horror movie recommendations? Murder shows? Heavy metal? Taylor Swift? Heard she does a lot of break up songs--"

Jadeite has posed:
"Splatter horror, care package, and Lady Gaga. You think I'm a Swift fan? She's only just ok," Tamaki says with the kind of scathing tone only a midwesterner can accomplish.

Zoisite has posed:
Now he's definitely putting a Taylor Swift cd in the care package, just to fuck with Tamaki. "Lady Gaga. Very well. I'll have that list of splatter horror ready before you leave."