252/Adrien Moves In

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Adrien Moves In
Date of Scene: 17 August 2023
Location: Dorms
Synopsis: Mamoru and Koji meet Adrien Agreste, a new student here at Radiant Heart Academy.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Adrien Agreste, Koji Silvia

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's summer. The second term hasn't started yet, but new transfer students are still moving in. There are plenty of students who live there over the break, whether it's because they're too far from home for a visit to be practical, or they have nowhere else to go, or any number of other reasons.

There's some kind of upperclassman -- TALLERclassman at the very least -- carrying a conbenie bag in one hand and texting with his other hand as he walks through the hall. He's absolutely looking where he's going, navigating opening doors and avoiding running into anyone coming out of them, and his glasses reflect the light and occlude his eyes.

Because he's looking where he's going, he pauses about two steps after passing Adrien and pivots, looking a little bit downwards. "Sorry," he says, hitting send and then pocketing his phone. "Oh are you moving in? Here? As in this door?" He looks like he should be breezily self-assured!! He has the hair and the features and the general poise for it! But he's got a half-grin on his face ever since pocketing that phone. "If yes, cool, I'm next door."

And he bows instead of offering his hand, despite the name he does offer: "Darien Shields."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien was stading in the hall pausing a moment just to ensure that the door was indeed the right door. His bodyguard had been by earlier to check the dorms to make sure they were indeed safe, and a couple boxes were stacked by the door. That along with the rolling suitcase that Adrien himself had with him made it obvious that he was indeed new here.

New, and also a bit easy to pick out of the crowd with his blonde hair and green eyes and markedly 'not from around here' appearance.

When Darien starts by, then stops to backtrack and greet him, Adrien turns his attention to the taller upper classman that pauses to greet him. "Ah, yes! This is the room assigned to me."

His manner of talking is a bit... Old. Not bad, hardly that, it was just on the more formal side as if he were more accustomed to speaking with CEO's and diplomats than someone close to his own age. He was trying though!

The bow is returned easily without hesitation or confusion, and with the crisp manner of someone that likely bowed often in the past--Maybe he had some martial training where it was part of the curriculum.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Adrien Agreste. It's my first time living in dorms. I'll do my best to be a good neighbor."

Koji Silvia has posed:
The aforementioned 'next door' opens and the scent of chicken and soy comes wafting out of the room as someone inside who is not seen just yet, "Hey Darien-san... did you remember everything else? I just finished the noodles, and I don't want this to get col-..."

Cut himself off, Koji is just about to eat some cheap soba noodles in a small bowl that has the waft of chili and sweet along with the soy, and then puts up a finger for a second. Turning away, he puts down the bowl someplace, and comes back to the door to look back and forth, "Hello. Sorry about that. I heard someone in the hall and thought it was my roommate. He has a very distinctive stride."

Grinning up at Darien, he then adjusts his glasses and looks back, "I am Koji Silvia. Year 10. And who might you be?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Kojikun. This is Adrien Agreste, our new neighbor," Darien says, and he grins back and lightly shoves at Koji's arm at the 'distinctive stride' comment. "I got the rest, yeah," he adds, holding up the bag.

Then Darien's turned back to Adrien and he gestures with his free hand at the boxes and Adrien's suitcase. "Did you need help getting your things in place? Or at least pushed into your room?" A beat. He imagines Koji potentially deathglaring at the back of his neck since he JUST got back with the goods but he SAYS IT ANYWAY, "Did you eat yet, are you hungry?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste turns his gaze over toward Koji as well once he steps out. The apology is met with his hands raising in a staying motion, along with a quick, "It's no trouble at all. It's a pleasure to meet you, Koji-senpai." Clearly both of these two were older than him. He's just feeling very lucky at the moment with how friendly both seem to be as it is a bit of a weight off his chest. He never was very good at meeting new people though he could pretend he was well enough.

Looking back to the boxes he gives a small nod. He could just get them in himself, but there weren't too many. With the three of them it could all be done in one quick trip. "If it's no trouble, yes, please. Just getting them in will help. I can sort through them later."

A glance back is given which dips between the pair a questioning moment. "I didn't realize we could cook in the dorms. I was just thinking of ordering something in. I could get us all something...?" He suggests though it does seem as though Koji and Darien already had dinner ideas. Just accepting without offering something wasn't quite right, though.

"I'm sorry to trouble you both with the boxes, though," he adds while turning to open the door to what would be his room. So far there wasn't much of anything in it. "The boxes are just some of my clothes and supplies," he explains. There was one rather tall thin box though that was heavy, and clanked together when he reached for it.

Koji Silvia has posed:
There's too much of a poker-face in place with Koji for him to outright glare at Darien over the offering of their indoor foodening, but he just shrugs it off after having to stumble a step back into the room, and then steps out into the hallway wearing a 'Space Battleship Yamato' t-shirt and a set of running shorts. Barefoot in the hallways as is tradition.

"The rules in summertime are a little more lax about food in the dormitories, and with older students who can be trusted, we can do things here or there. I have a small pot-cooker and rice cooker I stash away for the times when we want. Most of the time it doesn't matter. This school has the best cafeteria in any school in Tokyo."

Reaching for a box, he picks it up and moves to take it inside, "Also, if you need help around here with the language... we both speak English and I also speak some Protrugese."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I do speak some English, but my Japanese is primarily what I was taught by my tutors and coaches," Adrien admits a bit apologetically. The door is left open to make a quick trip or two inside just to get the boxes against the wall and out of the way. The basics were there already so all he had to do was unpack.

"However, I'm from France so my native language is French." It only takes a moment for him to clarify this before he snaps his fingers apparently recalling something. "One moment!" He's out into the hall again to pull in the wheeled suitcase by it's handle to draw it over to the bed. It's picked up, and placed down, so that he can unzip the side of the hard-case luggage.

"That does remind me. I've been told it's customary to give gifts to neighbors, so I brought a few things." The suitcase is flipped open revealing an array of neaty folded clothes, and several long rectangular boxes artfully presented. One is withdrawn to hold in hand turning back toward Koji to offer it out.

"The family of one of my friends runs a Patisierre so I brought their specialty. It may not go well with ramen," he admits with a hesitant smile, "I hope you can enjoy them though." Of course inside was an array of delicate macarons in various flavors and colors.

"I would be most grateful if you could help me learn a bit more of the language. I realize I sound a bit stiff."

Koji Silvia has posed:
It may be noted that Koji does not put any of the boxes on the beds. He puts them all in the middle of the room, or against the armoire provided for anyone staying here. Once he has a couple more of them inside and away from the hallway to be tripped over, Koji reaches to accept the proffered gift and then bows in a respectful fashion before saying, "This is quite nice of you. Thank you very much."

Coming back up, he keeps the item in both hands and looks down over the contents, "I'm sure we'll enjoy these very much. You know, a lot of french cooking is here in Japan. We have at least two sweet shops close by here, and a coffee shop that does some nice comfort food. I am sure you will not be lacking for things to help soften the landing here."

A small and polite smile comes across his face, "And you do not sound that stiff. You sound like you are learning."

A very japanese thing to not insult but acknowledge.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste returns the bow easily and with familiarity. This at least he had ingrained into him from his teachers. Bows are met with bows. Simple as that, otherwise it would be disrespectful. "You're too kind," he responds, though the assurance does bring a bright smile to his face.

"I'm looking forward to exploring the city and trying new things. I'm glad my father agreed to let me stay at the dorms. I want to experience as much as I can." He really could go on about his father, but it was best he didn't. Especially not with a potential new friend.

There's a moment of hesitation before he asks, a little akwardly, "Speaking of familiar things... I understand cheese is a bit hard to come by here? Is there a good place to shop for that?" An odd request by far but one that Adrien seeks to smooth over with a simple explanation of, "I never feel very adventurous for breakfast. Usually I just have a baguette with cheese." If he didn't find a good source of cheese Plagg would whine *forever* at him.

It seems to strike him immediately that he might be holding Koji up though. "Oh! I'm sorry I'm keeping you from your dinner at the moment."

Koji Silvia has posed:
Koji waves it off, "Junk food is junk food... even if you make it better with some meat and vegetables. It will all be there when I get back. I put the cover down on the rest of it anyways."

But on the request of cheese, he looks like he has to think on it. Even going so far as to tap the maracon box in one hand against the fingers in the other, "It's not that cheese is hard to get, it's just that cheese really isn't something we use in traditional japanese cooking. Now... the american influence started bringing a lot of other stuff over, so you'd probably want to go to one of the bigger supermarkets for it. Or..."

And he gives a bit of a smile and shrug, "Order it online. I am fairly sure you can find someplace here in Tokyo that will ship just about anything you want. And if that doesn't work, there's the naval station in Yokosuka that's part of the American overseas bases... they have this thing called a PX. It's like a superstore but for military people only. Some of them will do stuff in trade. You can go online and look up boards where people will trade for this and that."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste lights up at the very suggestion. "Oh! Right, online! I forgot that this country is much more advanced than France when it comes to being able to order things. That's a great idea. Thank you, Koji-san!" That will make it all the easier. Even if he couldn't get it himself he could probably get his father's assistant to find it. She was excellent at that sort of thing even if she wasn't always on his side. "We have excellent wifi in Paris but don't often order things online. I'd forgotten that."

With that rather simple detail taken care of for now he nods toward the door. "Ah, still I'd rather not keep you too long. Thank you for helping bring in my boxes. Perhaps I can catch up with you later."

Koji Silvia has posed:
Backing out from the room, acting as if his senses will not fail him if someone is walking down the hallway, Koji holds up the box of treats again, bows his head enough to touch them in another polite gesture, and replies, "Of course! If you need, just knock! Though fair warning... both of us work in the evenings right now, so you may not see us around then. If that's the case, try checking with some of the other students. I am sure someone will always be ready to help!"