259/All Sales Are FINAL

From Radiant Heart MUSH

All Sales Are FINAL
Date of Scene: 19 August 2023
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: This episode was canceled before airing at the request of the Obsidian Morality Division for its positive depiction of credit card fraud. :3 (Actually we couldn't get the participants together often enough and a player had to drop out, so the scene simply could not continue and should thus be considered non-canon.)
Cast of Characters: Ikuto Tsukiyomi, Tadase Hotori, 54

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
"You can't shirk your duties forever, Mr. Black Cat." Those words echoed in his head throughout the day. It was true; he was given a lot of freedom to take things at his own pace, but eventually there were going to be questions that even he wouldn't be able to deflect. He'd been contracted to aid Easter Company, yet he hadn't once done anything to actually help in the search for the Embryo. He knew how to do it, but didn't particularly want to. What kind of sicko would really want to crush the hopes and dreams of children, after all? That man had recently made it clear that he was suspicious, though. If Ikuto didn't do something and soon, a nosy teacher would be the least of his problems.

"Fine. Let's look for a good target, Yoru." Ikuto stood up, the aging violin case in one hand. The Chara's ears perked up and he grinned. "We're gonna make a new friend, nya?" Ikuto shrugged and replied, "I wouldn't try to befriend it if I were you." Then the pair began looking around from the rooftops. Soon after, Ikuto felt a tug on his sleeve. "Look, look! That girl looks really down, I bet she'll make a good strong X-Egg!"

The catboy peered down from above and listened, cat ears sprouting out from his head as he eavesdropped on the young girl. She exclaimed in a frustrated tone, "This is terrible! Every single store is out of those cute new Sp_ x F_mily keychains! I really wanted the dog...well, maybe I can just get a plushy of him. At least one of these stores has to have one, right?" Ikuto thought for a moment, and started climbing down into an alley. "Let's go, Yoru. We have some shopping to do. I knew having you swipe Nikaidou's wallet would be useful."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase was not out looking for anime merchandise, today. Or really, any other kind of merchandise. Kiseki, on the other hand...

    "Come on, Tadase-san." the tiny King on his shoulder whined. "I mean the figures are my size, it'll be perfect." He continues. "Just buy it and I'll be so good." Tadase's response wasn't verbal, but it was one of the most doubting, questioning looks you had ever seen a boy give.

    "No, I mean it this time..." Kiseki protested. "Really."

    "Kiseki, I am not getting you a figure from whatever trashy isekai you're watching this week while I'm working." he told the little king.

    "It's not trash it is brilliant. It's called 'So I guess I'm Queen Now?!' and it's about..."

    "Oh look, isn't that Hinamori-san? So Ran is with her. You should tell Ran about this." Tadase interrupted, and started walking over to Amu and trying hard to not be looking like he desperately needed to be out of this conversation with Kiseki, which he very much did. "Hinamori-san? Is that you?" he called, working his way through the street to her, passing by the kid who Ikuto was talking about, none the wiser. Kiseki did look at her worldlessly for a moment as they scooted by.

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
Amu had been sent to the candy shop. She was to pick up some candy for her and her sister and that was it. So Amu, being the good older sister that she is went out to the Pikarigaoaka ward to check out the old candy stores. She happens upon a few different types of candies. Some Sakura blossom kitkats, Some Matcha Mochi and a few hard candies that range from Honey to guava flavored. There is all sorts in the bag. She smiles and exits the candy shop.

As she walks out she walks right by the girl that Ikuto was targeting. She of course has no idea about Ikuto even being in the area. All she knows is that she has gotten her candy and she is ready to go home. Yup, ready to go ho... Oh. Is that the Prince!?

Amu blinks a few times and smiles. She then remembers that She kinda got shot down when she confessed to him. So she turns and tries to blend in with the crowd. "Amu-chan, why are you hiding." Ran asks as she flies down in front of her. "You can't get his attention if you are hiding! You need to be brave!" She smiles and waves her little pom poms at Amu.

Then Tadase sees her. "Oh umm Hi Hotori-san!" She waves to him as she moves closer to him. "How are you today?" She asks curiously as she tries to be courageous. "Are you here buying candy too? I am supposed to get some candy for myself and my sister." She blushes a little bit trying not to let on just why she is blushing to begin with.

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
It had only been a few minutes, and Ikuto was already tired. Every. Single. Store. He had been to every store that sold anime merchandise, which was a lot of them, and first asked about keychains, and then about plushies. He now had a bag stuffed with...stuffed toys. There had been around twenty of them in total across the various shops in varying sizes, all with one thing in common. They were of a big dog with a collar that looked like a bow tie, sometimes sitting and sometimes running with a little pink-haired girl in a dress clinging to his back. He saw the girl Yoru had pointed out a few times as he had gone between the shops, and each time she looked more troubled.

Finally as he set the heavy bag of plush toys down next to him on a nearby roof, he peeked down at the girl and could tell she was at her breaking point, nearly in tears. Struggling to maintain her composure, she was on the phone with someone. "I looked everywhere! At every single store they said that some guy came in and bought up all the B_nd plushies earlier! What am I supposed to do!? I need this merch to complete my collection! This is the only series this season that I have an empty spot on my shelf for! If I don't...if I don't find something..."

Ikuto stepped back a bit and opened the violin case, setting the instrument on his shoulder and getting into a playing position. He hesitated, and Yoru floated up nearby. "You gotta do it, don't you? Otherwise you and your sister might get in trouble...and if it's either you or that little girl, I'd rather it be her nya." Ikuto sighed and said "She could die, you know? But...you're right. I have to. For Utau's sake. Damn you, Director." He began to play, a haunting melody that at first seemed beautiful but changed in tone to something sinister, despair permeating the air. As his song grew in volume, the air above the girl darkened, and Ikuto could see it in his mind. A heart's egg, the loss of hope darkening what should have been bright. To the average person it wasn't noticeable, of course.

"Alright, time to do this. With me, Yoru. Chara...transform." Yoru flew over and joined with Ikuto, a flash of blue light on the rooftop fading as a metal claw appeared on one wrist, a pair of cat ears and a tail sprouted out, and Ikuto's black clothes were replaced with a more form-fitting navy blue outfit.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    While the catboy darted in and out of shops in the background, Tadase smiled at Amu. Oh good, it is her. Now Kiseki will probably be distracted. He floated over to Ran and they becan to talk excitedly about something - maybe Kiseki's Isekai, pr maybe it was just as likely that he'd been distracted by her and talked about something else. Maybe their Bearers.

    "No, not candy. I was looking to see if they had something for Yaya, though, so it's pretty much the same thing as looking for a little sister. Though, actually, it's likely your sister is more mature than Yaya..." he notes. "Speaking of, you know, you really should consider joining the Guardians. We don't really do that much council work if that's what you're worried about. I mean how much work could I really do with Kiseki around." he said, scatching the back of his head. "And besides, you've got the lock. That means you're special."

    Tadase didn't know how she would hear him calling her special - but he didn't get to process it very long. Kiseki suddenly stood up perfectly straight, his body running with shivers. He flew away from Ran. "Tadase-kun, something bad is coming." he warned him. Tadase looked around, but didn't see anything. Of the two of them, only Kiseki could feel the magic emanating from the violin now.

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
As Ran flies back with Kiseki, part of Amu is curious to hear what they are talking about. The other part just wants to hang out with Tadase. After all, the Prince waved her down! That is a huge thing. She has to shake it off and remind herself that they are just friends.

"Yaya is the Ace's chair, right?" Amu asks trying to remember all the different positions in the Guardians. "Umm I doubt that. Ami is really little." She gets out her phone and shows a picture of her little sister. "She is super sweet. Did you know her first word was Big Sister? (O nechan)" She smiles thinking about her little sister and how she would defend her with her life if she had to. She almost misses the the suggestion of her joining the Guardians. Almost. She winces and shakes her head. "I really don't want to. I mean Aren't the positions already full up?" She asks curiously. Then the words are spoken. Special. Was she really special? She looks at the lock that is hanging off of her neck. "I don't think I'm very..." She trails off. "Do you hear that?" She asks having heard the violin playing. "I didn't think there were any people playing music here.

Just as Kiseki flies to Tadase, Ran flies to Amu. "Amu-chan, there is something really dangerous happening."

"Well, what is it? I mean what can I do to do anything about it." Amu asks as she tries to figure it out.

"I don't know. But its really scary." She smiles, "You can transform! We did it before! Remember?"

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto hopped down from the roof into an alley and headed towards the girl, knowing what he had to do. What he hadn't anticipated was seeing two familiar Charas floating around down the street. There was that goofy little king that Hotori had with him, and a little cheerleader which meant...her. He stood in front of the despairing girl and looked at the heart's egg floating in the air above her. Once again, he hesitated. "This is...I could just...not. And she might even go back to normal after a while."

The girl stared down at her feet, despair only driving her deeper into herself. "I couldn't find it, I couldn't find any of it...all gone. I won't get to buy any of the new merch, and my friends will just think I'm another tourist who can't keep up with the latest trends. All because I wasn't fast enough at buying the new items..."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase looks up, having just now caught the last few notes of Ikuto's violin before he put it down and appeared in front. "Ikuto." he says, softly, to himself. A bit confused and lost. And then he sees the egg next to her. And it's easy to jump to conclusions. "Tsukiyomi-san?! What are you doing? What are you doing to that girl's egg?" he asks.

    Tadase at least knows he can rely on the Veil, as people don't notice the floating catboy - and subconsciously start to decide they have better places to be. As they clear out, they also don't notice the golden crown that appears on his head, or the scepter that materializes in his hand. "Tsukiyomi Ikuto! Whatever you're doing, it's evil again, isn't it? You're harming that girl, aren't you? Stop it RIGHT NOW or I'll MAKE you stop!"

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
The pink haired girl doesn't know about any veils. She doesn't know about anything magical really except the fact that she has at least one Guardian Character who is currently terrified. "Thats her egg? Why is it black!" She asks curiously.

"Its an X-egg. She is punishing herself!" Ran flies in front of Amu looking panicked.

"We gotta do something. Lets try the transforming thing." She brings her thumbs and forefingers up to the lock and speaks. "My Heart, Unlock!" Immediately the Lock lights up pink. Ran's egg closes on her and it floats into her heart. Her clothing promptly changes. Becoming much more like Ran's cheerleader outfit. A large heart appears on her visor and she quickly does a little cheer dance step.

Now transformed, Amulet Heart looks at the Ikuto and the egg. "Why are you doing this?! You can't crush this girls hopes." She frowns as she looks to Tadase, not quite sure what she has to do yet.

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
The catboy looks to Tadase, Amu, and then back at the egg. "It's not what you think. But if you're here it's too dangerous to just leave her...ugh. Now I have to do this." In a flash, Ikuto hops back and then leaps at the darkened egg, lashing out with the metal claw on his wrist. "Slash Claw!"

As Ikuto lands the X-Egg shakes, then cracks along the middle before bursting open. A Chara emerges, entirely black and with a red X on its body. It looks around, spotting Ikuto before anyone else. "I smell...a deal!" it shrieks, tiny shopping bags appearing in its hands as it starts flinging what appear to be figures and plushies made of energy from the bags at the catboy, who to his credit quickly begins dodging them. "No refunds!" the X-Chara yells. Below where the X-Chara is floating, the despairing girl appears to have fallen unconscious, but is definitely still breathing.