A Grieving Tyrant (Gaito)
A Grieving Tyrant (Gaito) | |
Date of Cutscene: | 26 February 2025 |
Location: | The Throne Room of the Panthalassa |
Synopsis: | Gaito learns of Sara's death. A desire for revenge is born. |
Cast of Characters: | Gaito, NPC-Mitsuki, NPC-Yuri |
Tinyplot: | A Requiem of Dark Roses |
"Lord Gaito, I..." The uncertain steps of the Dark Lover known as Yuri approach the throne of the Panthalassa, carrying Sara's body in her mermaid form with Riventon next to her.
Gaito, currently sitting on his Throne with gritting teeth and a furrowed brow, is gazing in a giant pearly sphere resting quietly inside an open shell, the best way he can scry with Aqua Regina's curse still persisting.
"What is it Yuri, can't you see I am busy? I am trying to find Sara", he growls at the Dark Lover, not raising his gaze at all. "You haven't come at a good time", he tells Riventon curtly. "I will be sure to call for you, and you can tell me what you want then."
"She is not here, and has not been for a while. Come back later", he growls, not having looked away from the sphere even for a second. "But sir..." Yuri insists, causing the man to grimace, his eyes finding those of the Dark Lover with a dark fire.
"What do you want?" he asks coldly, putting the shell away, and then he sees what Yuri is carrying. Who she is carrying, a familiar face surrounded by unfamiliar orange hair. The man's face loses colour and he rises to his feet, with cold steps echoing in the silence of the throne room.
"Why are you carrying her body? What happened?", his eyes pierce the distance between them, moving between Yuri and Riventon, anger starts filling his voice as it gets ever shorter.
"She died, repelling a member of the Black Moon Clan", Yuri shakily replies, knowing the pain this will cause the dark king. There is no reply from Gaito, just an empty look, as he delicately takes Sara's body from Yuri, and walks back to his throne, and falling down on it like a marionette with its strings cut.
"You are dismissed", he announces, his eyes now intensely focused on the cold body of his love. "Yes, my Lord", Yuri steps out of the room in a hurry, leaving Gaito to his silent grief, staring down at Sara until Riventon leaves as well.
He has been left behind. Again. The tyrant presses his face against the dead woman's hair, tears flowing copiously from his eyes.
In the solitude of a Radiant Heart classroom, young professor Mitsuki Taro is looking over at his students' homework on musical theory, writing corrections where needed, a methodical scribbling filling the classroom, interrupted only by the turning over of the sheets.
Yet that is not why his hand stops, not even halfway through a page where the classroom's door slides open violently, a grey haired man in his twenties stepping into the classroom and walking without hesitation towards the teacher.
"How may I help you?" Mitsuki looks at the unexpected presence with a veil of surprise in his eyes. Is he a relative of his students? An older brother, perhaps? Maybe, but the man's ferocious look twists his heart in apprehension.
"I don't know what you want, but the school isn't-" he starts saying, the chair scraping behind him as he stands. The stranger grabs his collars, and Mitsuki wheezes, his eyes looking at the man opened wide while his hands reach for the stranger's.
"Listen carefully", his assailer starts speaking, a tormented edge in his voice. "Sara is dead. Killed by those bastards of the Black Moon Clan", he spits at that name, watching the news settle on the teacher's face.
"Sara is..." Mitsuki repeats, his arms falling at his side, watching the man in a renewed laugh. "Who are you? How did that happen?" he asks, an acid laugh his reply. "That cursed Veil... I am Gaito, and you will not ask about how it happened. Not you", his grip tightens.
"I don't care about that", he continues, "I care that you are the bastard that broke her heart, and if you have ever really loved her, you are going to listen to me and you are going to help me get revenge for her", Gaito says, staring in wait.
An alarmed mix of emotions has set inside Mitsuki, above all the ache for Sara's death and fear for what Gaito's plan would entail. The two hang in a precarious balance even as pain shows through Mitsuki's eyes, a sight that makes Gaito's lips curl ferociously.
"Do you promise me you won't hurt anyone innocent?" the music teacher asks, his feelings starting to give in. "I promise you that I will drag you out of this campus by force and make you wish you were dead", the king of the deep replies scornfully. "Your answer, I want it."
"I still love Sara, never stopped to. I know you are not going to believe me, but what I did, I did it for her." Gaito's free hand twitches, looking like it's going to meet Mitsuki's face any second now, but it doesn't move, and the Panthalassa just keeps glaring.
Mitsuki listens to the turmoil of his heart under Gaito's impatient stare, and in it, a decision settles. "What do I have to do?"
Gaito laughs, a sound like a black hole of happiness, letting go of him and stepping back. "They have no reason to distrust you. You are going to step in there, and use something I will give you to neutralise that harp sealing my sight", the Panthalassa exclaims triumphantly, making sign to Mitsuki to follow him.
There is only silence between the two men while they walk out of the campus.