A Requiem of Dark Roses

From Radiant Heart MUSH

In the aftermath of Sara's death, guarded by the night's glow and tender waves, some prepare to remember her life and honour her legacy, others are lost in the turmoil of their heart and prepare for revenge, with sweeping storms and roiling seas.

Title Date Scene Summary
Pecking Order February 26th, 2025 The Black Moon Clan's next target is a scientist within Obsidian, and Petz and Rubeus intend to finish the job. Starfall Omen, Misery Melona, Glimmer, Riventon, Catra, and Sara ensure this doesn't happen - and in the end, both sides take a loss. CW: Violence, Blood, NPC Death.
Her final song February 27th, 2025 After Sara's sacrifice, Glimmer heads to the school to meet with Coco and give her a pearl, a gift from Riventon and a gift from herself. Considering what happened, Glimmer does the only thing she can, offers what comfort she can and lets Coco reminisce about an old, dear friend.
How a Mermaid Princess is born March 1st, 2025 A celebration of Seira's arrival turns south with Mitsuki's unexpected betrayal.

Involved Cutscenes

Title Date Scene Summary
A Grieving Tyrant (Gaito) February 26th, 2025 Gaito learns of Sara's death. A desire for revenge is born.