Takumi Yoru

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Takumi Yoru (Scenesys ID: 180)
"By the power of Kumo-no-Haha, I stain this snow red! DIE, fool!"
Name: Takumi Yoru AKA: Aoi Kumo
Gender: Female Series: (OC) Dark Blade Girls Must Die!
Origin: Dark Energy Grade: 10
Clubs: {{{Clubs}}} Age: 15
Group Information
Groups Obsidian


A new student at the Academy, Takumi seems friendly enough. A charming girl with pale blue hair, and a penchant for matching accents in her uniform. A trans girl from Toyama, she is a skilled skater who is deep into the subculture. She comes off as a bit of a rebel and troublemaker, but she isn't too extreme about it. A member of the Yoru Yakuza Family, belonging to the Sumiyoshi-kai, she was raised within them. She isn't secretive about having 'fled' her horrible family to seek out a better life. Of course, it's a lie. In truth, her Akuma patron and Yakuza Clan have sent her to Tokyo to make allies and serve mysterious, dark objectives. She's more complicated then that, of course. She is lonely, and been through a lot.


Swordplay, Archery, Armory Maintenance, Spooky Demon Worship, Blending In, Steps Like Whispers, Villain Monologues, Pining For Heroines, Feeling Alone, Serving Entities Beyond Comprehension, Cooking Delicious and SPICY Food, Tending To Spiders, Skateboarding, Playing Music Too Loud, Rocking Blue Hair, Making Friends, Making Patsies, Making Enemies, Holding Grudges, Criminal Knowledge and Streetwise

Vital Trivia

Height: 5'2"
Blood Type: Corrupted
Birthday: January 11th
Likes: Skateboarding, Spicy Food, Cute Girls, Making Her Family Proud
Dislikes: Cute Girls Who Make Her Nervous, Failing Her Family, Her Own Dark Heart
Favorite Food: Mapo Tofu (Extra Hot)
Least Favorite Food: Anything lacking "flavor"
Favorite Subject: Japanese History
Least Favorite Subject: Science
Online Tag(s): Unknown


Title Date Scene Summary
Radiant Hearts Prom 2024 April 6th, 2024 The first ever prom at Radiant Hearts had it all! Dancing, great food, three singers, hip throws, off-world travelers and fireworks!
Royal Polycule! November 15th, 2023 In which Hannah officially introduces her girlfriends to each other!
Takudatening! November 4th, 2023 In which Hannah and Takumi become A Thing!
A Date Between a Countess and a Yakuza October 27th, 2023 Takumi and Hannah meet, and a certain Belkan snags a date!
Tarots at the Festival October 18th, 2023 Coco does some Tarots readings in preparation for the Cultural Festival. Takumi, Darien and Madoka join in. Her trial run goes well, and the other people have enjoyed the food she prepared too. At the end, even Brai came out for a Tarot reading, and that brough forth its own discussion about Chara and X-Chara, as well as Kyubey's involvement with Madoka.


Title Date Scene Summary
A Rough Talk (Takumi Yoru) October 21st, 2023 Takumi has a much needed conversation with a messenger from her father.

TRIGGER WARNING: Smoking, Violence, very brief transphobia