The Heroes We Deserve (Stellar, Lacuna)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The Heroes We Deserve (Stellar, Lacuna)
Date of Cutscene: 12 June 2024
Location: Juuban Ward - Tokyo
Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Stellar and Lacuna, newly arrived due to a magical mishap, debate how to approach their circumstances.
Cast of Characters: Kyouka Inai, Fuyuko Yuuhi

Nighttime in Tokyo, on the rooftop of a large office building. The lights of the city stretch out in all directions like a glowing haze as two figures sit on the edge of the building. One is in white-and-gold with shock of bright red hair, the other mostly black, hair included.

"So.. what you're telling me is we're in the future?" The red-haired girl glances sideways at her companion, who is scrolling through articles on the screen of a smart-phone that looks at least a decade obsolete.

"2024. That's what everything says." The black-haired girl responds. "How the hell.. I mean I guess it was those doors we came out of, but I don't remember going into any doors. And does that mean... those old ladies..."

"Was that us?" The red-haired girl makes a dramatic gagging sound. "Oh god, we have to make a solemn vow never to become that old and boring."

"Its a promise." The dark-haired girl replies, instantly. "As if. This must be some kind of shitty alternate timeline where we grew up to be losers. But obviously that's not our future."

"Obviously." The red-haired girl turns to look out over the city again, then ventures, ", what do we do? I mean, we should probably go back, but like... can you feel it?"

"Yeah." The dark-haired girl looks down at the city below her. "So much magic. I dunno what happened but it feels like there's so much more magic in the city than we're used to. And that means.."

" much more prey." The red-haired girl flashes a feral smile to her friend. "And hey, sure, we'll find a way back. But while we're here... I mean, might as well have a little fun, right?"

" I can kill more monsters than you can."

"Uh, cannot."

"Can too."

"You're on, loser. But when I win you're buying me ramen!"

"I'm buying you ramen anyway, idiot, you're poor as hell!"

The two forms drop off the side of the building and vanish into the darkness below.