
From Radiant Heart MUSH

Togo (Scenesys ID: 56)
"If you try, you will likely succeed!"
Name: Mimori Togo AKA: Hero Togo
Gender: Female Series: (CC) Yuki Yuna Is A Hero
Origin: Yuusha System Grade: 8
Clubs: Hero Club Age: 13
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy


Mimori Togo, known as 'Togo' even to her friends, is a second-year middle-school student at Radiant Heart Academy. She, along with her best friend Yuna Yuki, are part of Radiant Heart Academy's 'Hero Club'. Community service, finding homes for kittens, or entertaining elementary school kids with plays and skits, among other things, are all part of a Hero's duties! However, though very intelligent, capable, and polite, Togo has been deemed by the Taisha to have the aptitude to become a different type of Hero... The kind with superhuman abilities, who will fight against beings who wish to destroy everything. A self-admitted pessimist by nature, Togo relies on her friends to bolster her, so that she in turn can support them with everything she has. Now that friendship will be put to the test, with the safety of humanity on the line!


Amnesiac, Aries, Asagao, Botamochi, Call Me 'Togo', Computer Guru, Hero, Japanese History Buff, My Heroine Academia, Radiant Heart Academy Hero Club Member, She Might Be Giant, Sniper, The Taisha Are Kind of Trash, Vertex Slayer, Who Is Washio Sumi?, Wheelchair Queens Represent!, Yuki Yuna Is My Hero

Vital Trivia

Height: 5'2" (158 cm)
Blood Type: AB
Birthday: April 8th, 2010
Likes: Yuna, Hero Club, Japanese History, Friends, Perfection
Dislikes: Seeing Friends Get Hurt
Favorite Food: Udon
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Subject: Japanese History
Least Favorite Subject: English
Online Tag(s): Unknown


Title Date Scene Summary
Project Eclipse Begins February 24th, 2024 Sunbreaker has initiated Project Eclipse! A plan that is flawless, perfect, definitely has NO flaws! So secure in her victory, in fact, she lets the girls tour the area.
Let There Be Chocolate February 21st, 2024 A short while before Valentine's Day, Usagi Tsukino utterly fails at making Valentine's Chocolates. Good thing the good people of the Radiant Heart dorms can't ;eave a girl when she's down, right? Your classic making Valentine's Chocolates moment!
Maybe We're Myth-taken: The Mantican't February 17th, 2024 The Hero Club fight off a creature that looks like a strange, misshapen manticore. Zoisite and La Crima have a heated debate overhead about the benefits of dark magic! Ultimately, the life energy is restored to several civilians on Tokyo's streets, and the day is saved.
Forestize Warning: A Maiden's True Heart November 6th, 2023 FORESTIZE WARNING: Deploy to protect humanity. The Hero Club and both Nanoha Takamachi and Sayaka Miki are transported to another place. There, they learn about the Enemy of humanity... A threat known as Vertexes.
Forestize Warning: Noble Thoughts November 6th, 2023 Rough, clumsy, and with plenty of fear mixed in, the Hero Club, and the mighty Sayaka Miki, face off against their first Vertex, and survive! Takes place immediately after scene 717 (Forestize Warning: A Maiden's True Heart)
Hero Club: What's Next November 5th, 2023 The Hero Club meets to determine their next steps. Requests are already rolling in, and the Hero Club members are prepared to take them all on! Probably!
Hero Club: Puppet Show! November 4th, 2023 The Hero Club's contribution to the Cultural Festival at Radiant Heart Academy is a puppet show!
Trick or Treat: Yumegahama! October 28th, 2023 Trick or treating in Yumegahama with the Hero Club leads to assorted folks joining in on their antics on a night of Lion Kings, cute kids, and possibly even Udon (there was no udon)!?
Pajama-Rama Party: The Pajama-ing October 17th, 2023 Usagi Tsukino is throwing a slumber party, and everyone at RHA is invited!
Inner Conflict: Build Limbs October 14th, 2023 CW: Horror, Body Horror, Monster Guts. A doctor from afar comes to show off some medical advancements in prosthetics at Mitakihara Hospital. Another Dark Energy Impact site is the result.
Hero Club: Watch Party August 22nd, 2023 Keeping a crowd of kids from Lord of the Flies-ing themselves out of the genepool is an important part of being a Hero, and we will carry out this duty by letting them watch a story about animal gods and humans killing each other.
(Not) A Good Plan July 30th, 2023 Desperate for energy after hearing about the Midnight Tokyo plan, Riventon decides to attack the mall without backup. Several magical warriors stand up to oppose him, while many civilian characters get drained.
Of Barks and Friendship! July 6th, 2023 Hannah hosts an informal meet-n-greet-n-bark for the Animal Club! The Hero Club, and one delivery Mahou, joins in on the Friendship!


Title Date Scene Summary
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