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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Revision as of 01:58, 3 November 2023

Texts: siiigh i know youre right
Date of Scene: 04 November 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Kyouko texts with both Sailor Eclipse and her boyfriend
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Kyouka Inai, Usagi Tsukino
Tinyplot: Lunar Eclipse

Darien TXT Kyouka: inai-sensei
Darien TXT Kyouka: wyd if youre a badguy and henshin in front of a bunch of other students inside a barrier
Darien TXT Kyouka: can you go lol jk

Kyouka TXT Darien: i guess i mean do they know youre a bad guy

Darien TXT Kyouka: at least one was at the emu fight so yeah

Kyouka TXT Darien: well
Kyouka TXT Darien: stop being a bad guy?

Usagi TXT Kyouka: everyone is so mean to me
Usagi TXT Kyouka: i just want to make everything better but noooooo
Usagi TXT Kyouka: anyway do you know ladybug

Kyouka TXT Darien: i know its not that simple for you rn
Kyouka TXT Darien: but actions - consequences etc etc teacher lecture

Darien TXT Kyouka: ty i needed some normality. usagi got possessed by an evil butterfly and is turning ppl into toys. dw it wears off
Darien TXT Kyouka: if i had put together she could teleport i would not have henshined

Kyouka TXT Darien: oh is that what her weird texts are about? are you sure it wears off, it'd be a big problem if it didn't

Kyouka TXT Usagi: i just gave you a magic shed wtf do you want from me girl
Kyouka TXT Usagi: anyway I know /of/ ladybugs
Kyouka TXT Usagi: like the little red and black beetles

Darien TXT Kyouka: it totally wears off. but like. what happened to her has to be reversed, it doesnt wear off. but i got wako and adrien and koji working on it, and cat noir have you met him he knows whats up and apparently naru knows him so other people probably do too

Kyouka TXT Darien: Wako-chan is probably your best bet if we're talking about evil posession but I'm glad you've got people on it. No I havent met cat noir, p sure id remember
Kyouka TXT Darien: any idea where the evil butterfly came from, is this like a thing now

Darien TXT Kyouka: she said somebody said she could keep the powers forever if she got cat noir's miraculous, whatever that is. she didnt say who, just some guy
Darien TXT Kyouka: and he sent the butterfly

Usagi TXT Kyouka: i want ladybug!
Usagi TXT Kyouka: she's a girl i think? wow is that an assumption i made i should really think about that
Usagi TXT Kyouka: but srsly have you met her? him? them?

Darien TXT Kyouka: also if anyone says i kidnapped her and naru it's bullshit
Darien TXT Kyouka: i was being taxi because they were shooting at us
Darien TXT Kyouka: <naruplush.png> she did this to naru when naru tried destroying the cursed butterfly object

Kyouka TXT Darien: cat noir's miraculous is a nonesense string of words if i ever heard one
Kyouka TXT Darien: we should figure out who sent the butterfly and y'know, break his knees
Kyouka TXT Darien: you dont need to kidnap her she goes with you voluntarily all the time anyway
Kyouka TXT Darien: who was shooting at you?!
Kyouka TXT Darien: re: naru, thats cute, but shes not dead right

Darien TXT Kyouka: nah like i said it wears off. usagi wouldn't really hurt anyone
Darien TXT Kyouka: and especially not naru

Kyouka TXT Usagi: no? are you sure its a person and not like, a bug
Kyouka TXT Usagi: btw i hear you're evil, cut it out

Usagi TXT Kyouka: i'm not evil!!!!
Usagi TXT Kyouka: and yeah it's a person they have a miraculous
Usagi TXT Kyouka: bugs dont have those. i think.

Kyouka TXT Usagi: whats a miraculous, miraculous isnt a noun is an adjective, you shouldnt skip class so much

Usagi TXT Kyouka: it's a noun too!!!!
Usagi TXT Kyouka: idk its their magic thing

Kyouka TXT Usagi: ok so let me get this straight
Kyouka TXT Usagi: you who are definitely NOT evil, are looking for a ladybug's miraculous

Usagi TXT Kyouka: and cat noir's but he said he'd text me

Kyouka TXT Usagi: well ive never heard of any of these people or things, must be foreign
Kyouka TXT Usagi: anyway why don't you come to my office and talk about it
Kyouka TXT Usagi: and bring Darien and Naru-chan

Usagi TXT Kyouka: yeah cat noir has a little bit of an accent
Usagi TXT Kyouka: uh huh and then you'll put a shield up or something

Kyouka TXT Usagi: me? a shield? i'm not wako-chan y'know

Usagi TXT Kyouka: you! with those arm shields. you'll go whambam
Usagi TXT Kyouka: maybe not.
Usagi TXT Kyouka: but i didn't think naru-chan would betray me either!!!!

Kyouka TXT Usagi: i'm sure she didn't betray you, she probably just turned a little evil again herself

Usagi TXT Kyouka: she tried to break my communicator!! again!

Kyouka TXT Usagi: anyway putting that aisde for a moment
Kyouka TXT Usagi: why do you want these miraculi

Usagi TXT Kyouka: cause i can make everything fun forever if i get them

Kyouka TXT Usagi: says who

Usagi TXT Kyouka: butterfly man

Kyouka TXT Usagi: he got a name? street address? got a picture?

Usagi TXT Kyouka: he's got a butterfly
Usagi TXT Kyouka: had a butterfly. i have a butterfly now.

Kyouka TXT Usagi: right right, but where's the guy now. where do you take the miraculous if you get it? help your favorite sensei out here

Usagi TXT Kyouka: (typing) (pausing) (typing)
Usagi TXT Kyouka: huh
Usagi TXT Kyouka: problems for future eclipse!

Kyouka TXT Usagi: <facepalm emoji>
Kyouka TXT Usagi: look kid, I'm trying to help you out here. you know I'd like it if everything was fun forever too

Usagi TXT Kyouka: yeah but your idea of fun is getting to like go sixteen rounds with obsidian's boss
Usagi TXT Kyouka: and my idea of fun is toykyo!

Kyouka TXT Usagi: also whiskey
Kyouka TXT Usagi: hey just a thought
Kyouka TXT Usagi: could you turn Obsidian's boss into a toy? or like, some of their other dudes

Usagi TXT Kyouka: i think so
Usagi TXT Kyouka: i mean i turned jupiter and yellow and wukong into toys

Kyouka TXT Usagi: cool lets do that. that'll be fun. then we can take the shears to 'em and solve all kinds of problems
Kyouka TXT Usagi: oh wait
Kyouka TXT Usagi: dont murder, its bad

Usagi TXT Kyouka: is it murder if theyre toys
Usagi TXT Kyouka: that's just playing rough, right
Usagi TXT Kyouka: let me ask darien where i can find his boss

Kyouka TXT Usagi: depends, do their limbs re-attach when they turn back

Usagi TXT Kyouka: this is a GREAT idea
Usagi TXT Kyouka: idk i never tried to break anybody

Kyouka TXT Usagi: Ok yeah ask Darien. also thats probably good, dont break people

Usagi TXT Kyouka: it seemed kinda mean you know?
Usagi TXT Kyouka: everyone should have fun not get sad

Kyouka TXT Usagi: what seemed kinda mean

Usagi TXT Kyouka: breaking the toys
Usagi TXT Kyouka: being a toy is enough

Usagi TXT Kyouka: darien said no dice
Usagi TXT Kyouka: his boss is in the dusk zone :c he doesnt want to go :c
Usagi TXT Kyouka: things we do for love

Kyouka TXT Usagi: ok but what if we just went to Obsidian tower and started toyifying everyone
Kyouka TXT Usagi: nvm its probably not a good idea

Kyouka TXT Darien: ok well ill take your word for it

Darien TXT Kyouka: why start now

Kyouka TXT Darien: lack of evidence to the contrary and a desire for it to be true

Darien TXT Kyouka: fair
Darien TXT Kyouka: it wears off, inai-san, it's not a good idea to turn my boss into a toy when usa is recognizably usa

Kyouka TXT Darien: yeah but think of all the problems that would be solved if we could grab 'em while they were toys before they could turn back
Kyouka TXT Darien: siiigh i know youre right
Kyouka TXT Darien: youre always right about this kind of shit

Darien TXT Kyouka: thats bc im the responsible adult in this conversation

Kyouka TXT Darien: its because you're a big softie and its going to get you killed one day
Kyouka TXT Darien: but in this case i acknowledge your softiness is the better course

Darien TXT Kyouka: ehhh. im harder to kill than you apparently think

Kyouka TXT Darien: didnt say it would be easy just that it would be your own fault. dont worry though, ive no interest in you or anybody else dying

Darien TXT Kyouka: but yeah this is usagi dont make her cry later pls

Kyouka TXT Darien: shes probably going to cry independant of my actions you know that right
Kyouka TXT Darien: for serious tho do you know where the evil butterfly came from? she said some guy told her to get miraculouses. but she doesnt know who or why, apparently

Kyouka TXT Usagi: your boyfriend is a big softie you know that

Darien TXT Kyouka: i hope she doesn't cry too much this is pretty funny
Darien TXT Kyouka: yeah no idk anything abt the guy. talk to adrien agreste he said this happened to him a few times in paris

Kyouka TXT Darien: hm. i dont know this adrien guy but ill look into it. send him my way when this is all over if you get the chance. i mean ill look for him myself too but.

Darien TXT Kyouka: hes a student omg youre a terrible faculty member. transfer from france. usagi's grade. lives next door to me with rashmi's boyfriend chrono who has zero chill
Darien TXT Kyouka: i'll text him to talk to you

Kyouka TXT Darien: do you even know how many students are at this school?! you cant expect me to know all of them if i havent had a reason to meet them yet
Kyouka TXT Darien: thank you. it can wait until this whole toy butterfly usagi thing is resolved, just if this is gonna be a thing i want to know more about it

Darien TXT Kyouka: im just saying youre lazy, dw

Kyouka TXT Darien: i'm not the one pretending to be kidnapped so i can hang out with my hot evil girlfriend
Kyouka TXT Darien: and no im not jealous

Darien TXT Kyouka: thats not lazy it's efficient

Kyouka TXT Darien: hard to argue

Usagi TXT Kyouka: he said he would massage my shoulders if i said no
Usagi TXT Kyouka: i am saying no
Usagi TXT Kyouka: he's sooooo soft. and sweet!!!!! doesnt even need to be plush

Kyouka TXT Usagi: yeah i decided it was a bad idea, i just get cranky sometimes yk
Kyouka TXT Usagi: are you sure you dont want to come over, ,i have doughnuts

Usagi TXT Kyouka: that's so not fair
Usagi TXT Kyouka: now i'm really tempted

Kyouka TXT Usagi: they're really good too.

Usagi TXT Kyouka: this is entrapment
Usagi TXT Kyouka: i think
Usagi TXT Kyouka: i sleep through government sometimes

Kyouka TXT Usagi: you can just turn me into a toy right, its no big deal
Kyouka TXT Usagi: even if its a trap

Usagi TXT Kyouka: well yeah but you didnt do anything

Kyouka TXT Usagi: but i'm trying to entrap you

Usagi TXT Kyouka: can i argue with that logic

Kyouoka TXT: i guess, if you want to

Usagi TXT Kyouka: darien is laughing at us

Kyouka TXT Usagi: i notice you havent turned him into a toy

Usagi TXT Kyouka: he's not trying to stop me
Usagi TXT Kyouka: organizing our friends doesnt count bc it's gonna get cat noir here sooner

Kyouka TXT Usagi: who's cat noir

Usagi TXT Kyouka: the other ladybug

Kyouka TXT Usagi: oh right well, look, i want to help you out

Usagi TXT Kyouka: i don't know his real name
Usagi TXT Kyouka: he's some magic boy with a miracle
Usagi TXT Kyouka: cheeky too

Kyouka TXT Usagi: sounds like my type
Kyouka TXT Usagi: dont read into that

Usagi TXT Kyouka: uh huh
Usagi TXT Kyouka: he's blond when he transforms but who knows if that matters

Kyouka TXT Usagi: im taking notes. and where should I bring him if I find him?

Usagi TXT Kyouka: we're going to that toy store downtown
Usagi TXT Kyouka: the big one

Kyouka TXT Usagi: oh alright, good to know. if i find this kittyman ill send him your way

Usagi TXT Kyouka: ❤️