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Latest revision as of 18:42, 14 January 2024

Communal Prizes
Date of Scene: 14 January 2024
Location: Classroom
Synopsis: Sayaka hosts a game of tombola for Klarissa, Tadase, Amy and Hinoiri. Sweets are shared and photos for the yearbook taken. What will it take for Klarissa to have fun with everyone?
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Hinoiri Kirara, Tadase Hotori, Amanda Faust

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka has been advertising around she was going to set up a game of Tombola in Classroom ***, with small prizes offered by her. Classrooms weren't really in use in the afternoon anyway, and so she taken the opportunity to give a last goodbye to the festive periods, decorating the classroom with ribbons, garlands and festoons with Klarissa's reluctant help.

As the host, Sayaka is sitting at the teacher's desk, while Klarissa has taken position at one of those reserved to the students, and finally, any who come in may also see Ula sitting onto the teacher's desk next to a bag full of sweets that constitute the game's prizes.

At each desk she had already placed two colored cards for each participants. She is hoping quite a few come along, if anything to lift Klarissa's mood.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was here as a support! In a strange twist of fate, this was one of those few times Hinoiri didn't care *at all* if she won. After all... it was a game of chance. Nothing you did could help you win any more or any less. So she was barely paying attention.

Instead, she was sitting next to Klarissa and trying to give the little overworked starfish some attention.

"So, are these kinds of games something you really enjoy? The room looks pretty nice, you two did a great job on it."

She'd noticed that Klarissa was getting into a... fairly burned out state herself. And was suspecting she... might... be the cause of it. Not certain. But well... maybe it was about time she stopped mooching off the two of them...

And faced Dianora.

But, for now? It was time to focus on the twins. "So, have you been playing these kinds of games for a while? What kind are your favorite? Or just a big fan of raffles?"

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase Hotori has stopped by, because frankly? Cho had it right, sometimes the Student Council did just work too hard and play not enough. So even though, frankly, the pretty blonde boy had basically no idea what Tombola was (someone had explained it in passing as 'kind of like bingo') he figured, sit down in the classroom and play a game of chance? It'd be good not to think about anything for a while. Plus, maybe having him there would lend it an air of some sort of approval, or something.

    Honestly, he and particularly Kiseki, the small king floating just above his right shoulder, were glad to not look at paperwork for a while. Or fight youma. It was a good time as any. So he sat down at the table in front of his two colored cards and smiled at those at the front.

    Plus, of course, Kiseki wanted to win candy.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    A game of what?

    Amy looks at her phone.

    Okay, so something like bingo, or a lottery. Not really a game, by her standards, but it'd be rude to say that. She'll at least participate in a round for the social occasion, right?

    "Hey, Sayaka, Klarissa." Amy offers a smile and a wave, looking between them and not sure which is which. And nods with a milder smile to Hinoiri. She's concerned for the girl, and hopes her relationship with Sayaka (and Klarissa? How on Earth did they explain to their girlfriend?) is helping her.

    Oh hey, there's Tadase! Amy gives a nod and smile and a cheerful "Hey!", recognizing the boy who's fought at her side a couple of times. She sits down at an unoccupied desk.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka smiles when she sees everyone take their place. There was even someone new! She waves to the trio of new participants with a smile and waits for them to take their seats before she starts speaking. "Hello, Amy, Hinoiri, and the newcomer there! Nice to have all three of you here. Could I have your name, please?"

When Hinoiri mentions they did a good job with the classroom, Klarissa nods in a fairly displeased expression. As if it wasn't enough they had to waste time on these silly games, they even had to go out of their way to decorate the classroom. Ridiculous. Are they even Puellae at this point?

And she was fairly nervous at having Hinoiri right next to her. Why was their so-called girlfriend so friendly to them still, even if she wasn't in love with them? Was it pity? Was she looking down on them, or did she enjoy having somebody to fix? She really was insistent on making them feel nonchalant about their soul having been displaced into a rock.

"Yes, we really took a great deal of care to set the classroom up like this", Klarissa answers Hinoiri. And a great deal of pushing on Sayaka's part to get them started. "It's not really a favourite, just something that's a tradition for the festivities. And any board game is nice, I guess", she shrugs.

Sayaka clears her throat to make sure she has everyone's attention. "So, Tombola has five set of prizes, with the first four obtained by covering 2, 3, 4 and 5 numbers respectively on the same row. The important thing is that for these four prizes you can't use the same row as another prize you claimed. Now, the last prize is instead obtained by covering every number of one of your cards." The cards were in fact windowed to cover the numbers by sliding a piece of plastic down.

She then points to Ula. "Ula will help distribute the prizes and provide any assistance that may turn up while we play, while my twin sister Klarissa will play with you. And I guess we can starts, unless anybody has any questions."

"Wait, I want to introduce myself personally to the newcomer", the koi mermaid exclaims to Sayaka. "Hello, there, Amy said you were Tadase, right? I am not a familiar, but I am an actual mermaid having come here from the ocean. Sayaka saved my life, and now I help them however I can." Her not being a familiar was important information, Ula thinks as she eyes Kiseki.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had actually paused to stare at Kiseki at one point. What. In the heck. Was he a Madoka? Oh gosh. Was it one of those little... mascot... things? Should she swap him with a flyswatter? Ugh. RUDE! As if you could just run around, dressed like nobility. Who did that boy even think he was? He had OBVIOUSLY no idea about the responsibilities and duties of royalty! HMPH! Hmph she said!

She did give a small nod to Amy.

Her eyes then wavered back to Klarissa. Yup, she did feel a lot of pity. But also... there was appreciation. Also... she... had something she wanted to give the two of them, but wasn't sure how to give it. The more Klarissa's mood sunk, the more she felt the guilt clawing down her back.

"Ahhhh. A board gamer. Remind me to teach you some games with skills. You ever play marbles?"

... Her world's technology was weird.

She then glanced to Ula and blinked. "Yeah, I think you're technically a mascot," she teased the littlest mermaid.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Ah, she can only use a given row once. So it's also a little bit Yahtzee? She raises her hand like she's in class. "So, is there one prize for 2, 3, 4 etc for each person, or only for the whole game so whoever claims 2 gets it first, et cetera?"

    And then she double-takes between Hinoiri and Ula. "Wait, you can see her?"

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase probably had a better idea of the actual responsibilities than Hinoiri did - or was more focused on the responsibility side than the power side, anyways. But, he couldn't detect silent grump, and he was mostly paying attention to Sayaka's explanation of the game.

    He turns to Amy and smiles at her. "Good to see you, Faust-san." he says, speaking properly. "And Ula-san, my name is Tadase Hotori. It's good to meet you."

    Kiseki smiles and puts his hands on his hips. "And I am Kiseki, king of all I survey!" the little chara declares. "...and also things I don't see. Just king."

    Tadase is, on the one hand surprised Ula is helping, being a clearly magical creature - but it's really not so different from the fact that Kiseki takes himself everywhere too, right? Who's going to notice besides other magical people and, well, dogs."

    "I hope we get all five prizes." Kiseki whispers to Tadase. Tadase looks back at him. He knows Kiseki intends to try to eat all five himself. He just rolls his eyes at the chara in silence. He does, however, note that Kirara-san can see Ula, too.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Klarissa shakes her head. She wouldn't really call herself a board gamer. It's not like their original really played them all that much, mostly as an alternative to movies when other people came over. "Never played marbles, but we try it out another time..." And then she whispers to Hinoiri only "Or maybe you can try it out with our original in case this mess fixes itself before then."

"Should have known you would have said that, Hinoiri", Ula snorts in a placid manner. Hinoiri really likes this idea of fun.

"Well, the ambitious will have to hope luck is on their side, o king of the classroom", Sayaka jests with Kiseki. To Amy she says "Just 5 prizes, once the prize with 2 numbers is claimed we get to the next tier.

All explanations given, she shakes her satchel and extracts the number "13!" she shouts, placing it on her billboard.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced to Amy. "Yeah, of course. Don't get excited. I don't sparkle, I just see sparkles. Probably cause I almost got eaten by a witch that one time. Really removes the blindfold, yah know?" Hinoiri said with a shrug.

She then glanced to Kiseki and wondered how hard it would be to grab and lock him in a bucket. Then bury said bucket. "Ohhhh. Hotori? I think I've heard of you. The one they call pr--" However, before she could say that word... her phone went off, making her pause and grab her phone, checking the texts and... "Huh. Where was I? Eh. Nice to meet you, Hotori-san. I'm Hinoiri Kirara. Member of the yearbook club." She decided to leave out the... bike club. Because, well. Apparently he was kind of a big deal, in the student council. If the rumors of her motorcycle got to staff... it was, technically, illegal.

She then glanced back to Klarissa. "Yeah. I think... that'd be fun. Heh. It'd be nice to see you in a more cheerful mood, at least."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy nods to Tadase. "Good to see you too!"

    Her eyes widen a bit at Hinoiri. "You almost got eaten by a witch?! Oh shit..." And then she realizes she's given away that she can see Ula and knows what a Witch is. Uhhhh...

    "Well... I'd be happy to play a game of skill some time. Do you play Mario Kart? Smash Brothers?" She glances at her card looking for the first number. Hmm.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase raises an eyebrow. It doesn't do that for most people. Then again, it totally does seem like it did it for Naru, so maybe there's a certain level of... magic interaction the veil doesn't cover, at least for people their age.

    "Oh yes. Yearbook club." he says, nodding. "The work you do is important, memorializing our time together for years to come. I'm always appreciative." Yeah, Tadase just screamed sparkle-skirt, even if he wore pants. Straight-laced, pretty boy, and she's pretty sure when he smiled at her there may have been legitimate in-the-real-world sparkles.

    He starts to listen for the numbers, though, taking this time to kind of slightly offload his brain, to relax. And then he looks sidelong at Amy. But he says nothing. Kiseki, on the other hand?

    "Smash isn't skill unless you turn all the items and random stuff off. And then instead it's just lame." the tiny little King says. Just because Tadase keeps his opinions to himself doesn't mean the smaller, mouthier version of himself feels the same need.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy turns and POINTS at Tadase. "I used to think that. I mained Fox before he was OP. And I had a no items, Final Destination phase, but you know what? Especially after Brawl came out, I realized that that was the boring way to play! Part of the fun is dealing with the unexpected situations caused by items! That's part of what makes each fight unique and interesting! You think items make it all chance? Take me on any time and we'll see." She imitates one of the vulpine space mercenary's taunt animations. "[Kakatte koi!]" (Bring it!)

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Klarissa just looks at her cards and doesn't do anything else. Of course she wouldn't have gotten anything at the first try. This is typically too rare of an eventuality.

"Do you need to well, take photos of this?" Klarissa suggests to Hinoiri when she mentions the yearbook club. Not like she knows how it works. "I imagine these are the kind of activities that end up in it. Or maybe you would need more participants."

And Amy inquires about the Witch. "We got out of it fine, Amy-san", she reassures her. "I just needed to get over myself and take the contract."

None of the trio has ever played Smash, so they can't really chime in on that conversation, just listening to it as it proceeds.

Klarissa watches as Sayaka extracts the next number and announces it out loud. And the next. And the next. Eventually Tadase is the one to claim the prize and Sayaka nods to Ula, who grabs three lemon candies and brings them over to Tadase and Kiseki's desk, holding them all in her grasp. "Congratulations, I hope you enjoy your prize!", she exclaims once there.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase looks up at Kiseki and sighs. "It's easy for him to talk a big game when he can always excuse that they don't make controllers his size." Tadase says, rolling his eyes.

    "Oh come on, I'd totally rule at it if they did. There's like -multiple- kings I could play as." Kiseki protests.

    It's not that the Brawl comment doesn't make both Tadase and Kiseki stop for a moment and try to do a little math (it does, and may come up for both of them later, in the way that things do) - it's that they win the next run, and three lemon candies are distributed. One for each of them, and then the last one... leads to a bit of a staredown between the two - despite the fact that Kiseki is holding his and it's nearly the size of his head - before Tadase snatches the other candy. "No, you'll rot your teeth."

    "I'm magic! My teeth are magic. You'll rot YOUR teeth. Nobody's gonna follow a king with rotten teeth so give me yours." Tadase does not, however, and the game continues...

    Tadase turns to Amy. "Forgive the little one. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Also, he's an idiot."

    "What does that say about you then?" Kiseki retorts, and Tadase keeps quiet for the moment. This is not a battle he's going to win, so instead he focuses on winning more candy. Hopefully, to shut up Kiseki.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Yeah. It sucked. Sayaka saved me and in return I took her out to dinner. We've been going steady ever since." Hm...

"... Mario... mario... that's... the blue rat guy who's always running, right? Nope. Haven't really played any kart games. I prefer motorcycles, anyway. Not familiar with smash brothers, either... but if you want, I'm pretty sure I could smash your flanks in both, if you give me a few minutes to figure it out," she said that part more directed at the tiniest king." Then glanced to Tadase and...

Oh. Oh. wow. "U-uhhh... y-yeah. It's... definitely... important. The... pictures."

H-holy crud. Her cheeks went a little red. T-those... those sparkles. Was this his heart? Did it... o-oh wow. What was she doing?

"What? Oh! Right, yeah, I should probably take some photos of this, huh?" she asked, before grabbing her camera out of her backpack... And... "Smile!" she said, first to Klarissa... then Sayaka...

And then taking a picture of the next winners! Well... the next winner who wasn't her.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy nods a bit to Klarissa about the witch. The next numbers... still no matches, damn. "There's an electronics club, right? I bet we could make a small controller." She nods. "That's true! Koopa, Dedede, any king you want, bring it!" She grins happily and enthusiastically. "Was Marth a king? I never actually played Fire Emblem."

    Doesn't know what he's talking about? Amy shrugs. "Sounded like he kinda knew. Otherwise how would he know about 'turning off items'?"

    She blinks at Hinoiri. "No that's Sonic. And it's really weird that there hasn't been a racing game Sonic actually runs in like... 25 years. They always have him driving cars and stuff! But mascot racers aren't about the, they're not about realistic racing, they're about ...It's a game to play with your friends. Also you can use motorcycles in the newer ones! Oh uh, Mario's the one in red and blue. 'It's-a-me-a!' With the hat and mustache."

    Amy gives Hinoiri a thumbs-up. "Fine with me, I'd be happy to show you the games!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
As the game proceeds and Sayaka's billboard starts getting full, the next prize gets claimed... by Tadase and Hinoiri both. "Uh, we have a tie", Sayaka exclaims in surprise. Ok, it wasn't unheard of, but to actually have it happen is always a surprise. Or a surprize.

Klarissa just shrugs, before getting jumped on by Sayaka who has gotten away from her desk right when Hinoiri has started taking photos. "Ending up on the Yearbook is going to be awesome, Klarissa", Sayaka grins impishly at the sudden assault she executed on Klarissa. "Uh, just a sec, I will be right over", she tells Hinoiri and the bluenettes. She might not be a student, but it's not like the principal is going to pierce through the Veil or care all that much about a tiny mermaid if they can notice magic.

Klarissa meanwhile stares flabbergasted at how much the festive mood has infected Sayaka. Does she really know no limits?

"Nobody is going to rot their teeth with the proper care", Ula chimes in as she floats back and forth between the various desk, depositing 3 strawberry candies on Tadase's desk and 3 on Hinoiri's. "Congratulations on your first victory, Hinoiri!", she commends her.

"Hey, Amy, why does this Mario guy say your name?", Sayaka inquires, mishearing a-me.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara cocked an eye at Amy. "Guessing you really like playing all those games, then? You seem to know a lot about them. I wasn't able to really play them until I came to this school. Actually bought a console once I..." And then trailed off. And face palmed. "Damn it."

"It was in the living room... all my saves..." Consoles? Consoles could be replaced. But lost saves were forever.

Hinoiri took one of the candies... then flicked one to Klarissa and tossed one to Sayaka. "Of course. To the victor go the spoils." One might question... GASP! She was bribing the judge?!

... It was a raffle. She had to display the numbers she called. And it was CANDY. Let her give candy to her girlfriends.

"Is that one of those new tech games where they'll announce themselves as the player? Sounds pretty neat."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase smiles. And this time, ruefully, slides the extra candy over to Kiseki. Partly because he's opened the lemon candy and is now... busy trying to consume it. Which mostly involves him trying to awkwardly bite and or lick the thing that's the size of his head. He at least -looks- content, though.

    Tadase shrugs. "Maybe he knows what he's talking about, maybe he's spent too much time surfing the internet on my phone. It's probably about a 50-50 chance." He says, but then he leans over and pats Kiseki with one finger, who doesn't seem to mind.

    "So, you can see him and Ula-chan. Do you have a little friend who's just not with you today, Faust-san?" he asks. Not like he knows how OTHER magical people work.

    And he once again assembles the numbers needed. "Well, I for one love this game!" Kiseki says. Tadase eyes him suspiciously, but Kiseki isn't responsible - the chara has been hard at work on that bit of candy this whole round. Tadase is, today, just lucky.

Amanda Faust has posed:
R    Hinoiri lost her saves. Oh no. Amy looks appropriately horrified. "I'm so sorry. That sucks. Maybe some of them saved to the cloud?" She doesn't sound like she thinks that's likely with a console, though. "Did uh... maybe we can... like if they recovered it, maybe the storage is still intact...?"

    Amy looks blankly at Sayaka for a moment. "Huh? What do you mean?"

    And then it clicks, and she covers her face as she wheeze-laughs, indisposed for several seconds.

    "It's--" she starts to explain only to break down laughing again.

    She opens her mouth only to resume wheezing a couple more times, until she's out of breath and has to catch it and calm down.

    If someone else doesn't already, after dabbing at her eyes and blowing her nose, the small redhead explains, "It's English, with an Italian accent. Well, an exagerated Italian accent. [It's me] is like, it's me, and with the accent it becomes [It's-a meeee-uh].

    Hinoiri's comment about new tech does have her pondering how she'd represent herself as a mii fighter. She has a swordfighter using her old Mallory Mii, and now tha she remembers that, it needs an update when she gets back to her room, but how to represent Magical Rocket Girl Amy? ...Jetpack, missile, proxy bomb, a mii Gunner mostly does it but hmm, she guesses she has to use the grenade launcher neutral special? She's never used that.

    "Huh?" Tadase draws her out of her thoughts. "Uhhhhhh... Maybe? I'm not sure on the protocol here... I guess I don't really mind you knowing, or Hinoiri since she knows about magic shit and is the Sayakas' girlfriend, but if I bring it up now are we gonna end up too distracted talking about magical adventures to finish the game?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Klarissa takes the candy Hinoiri gives her and says a thanks before opening and eating it. "It's good", she comments to her girlfriend. Which, as an aside, wasn't a surprise to Sayaka, as the one who picked them. "Thank you, Hinoiri", the other bluenette gives her thanks too before pausing briefly to taste the sweet strawberry flavour. Once she resumes her duties, it turns out the next winner is... Tadase!? "Oh, wow, it's Tadase again", she comments out loud for everyone to hear.

Klarissa almost jumps out of her seat and Sayaka gives the redhead an alarmed gaze when Amy calls the two of them the Sayakas in front of Tadase. It's ok if all of them were in the now, but the boy and his Chara very much weren't. What if they start asking too many questions?

Klarissa just looks at Amy darkly, wondering why she felt the need to do such a thing. Is it really that unimportant? She didn't ask to be here, and now she is going to be questioned by Tadase. She really was right in telling Sayaka this wasn't any good and that they should have just stuck to their duty, or at least she should have. It must be their punishment.

Sayaka meanwhile gets up personally instead of leaving the task to Ula, bringing over four bars of chocolate to distract Tadase and Kiseki, which is way more than what the prize was supposed to include. "Here you go, your new prize. You really have a long winning streak, huh?" she grins nervously. Please, please, no questions...

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks cluelessly at Klarissa... and then her own eyes widen as she glances between Klarissa and Tadase and she mouths an obscenity in English. "Uhhhhhhhh. I mean. ...I'm sorry, I shouldn't call you that." She recovers, turning to Tadase: "I, I met Sayaka first before meeting Klarissa and when I found out she had a twin I made a dumb joke. It was in poor taste then,"

    The redhead turns back to Klarissa, "And it's in poor taste now. It's... really rude, implying you're not your own person." She bows her head. "I'm sorry."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara just side eyed Tadase. Huh. Council boy. Possibly a cheater. Definitely a sparkle. Was he using his magic to cheat? Perhaps. Or just lucky. Meh. It wasn't like she was losing. Besides, the strawberry candy tasted good.

"... Storage... intact? What does the weather have to do with anything?" she asked Amy, entirely clueless as to what the hay she was talking about.

"And meh. I'm not really 'sparkly' in the way you people likely are, so likely don't include me in your talks. Last thing I want is some youma popping up and trying to get me to reveal your identities if it came down to it. The less I know, the better."

Well, Sayaka knew the truth. She was a villain. Obsidian. But... she... at least had some ideas of fair play. Namely, don't learn and use people's identities. That wasn't cool, man.

When Klarissa reacts, nearly jumping out of her seat, Hinoiri glances over and cocks an eye. She gestured for her to sit down. "Life of a twin, I suppose. Always being treated like you're the same person. Which, I guess is fair. Both are pretty awesome. And what are people but the creation of the people around us? Or something equally fancy sounding?" she said in a playful tone.

"... So, does sugar affect him the way it does a normal person? Cause he might end up like... having the world's worst sugar rush after this, or possibly passing out from sugar shock."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase's luck doesn't yet run out, as he's awarded four chocolate bars. He thinks for a moment, and looks at his card, and makes sure nothing is funky with it. If someone was rigging the drawing (which, for candy, would be ridiculous) he clearly got the rigged card instead. He looks around a little uncomfortably and then puts the chocolate bars in his pack.

    "Then, he tilts his head at the 'two Sayakas' being mentioned... but he can also see her concern written on her face, that sort of panic. He doesn't know what's going on, and while he's curious? He doesn't ask anything.

    Of course, there's two of him, and Kiseki stops eating for just a moment. "Hey..." and then he pauses and turns around and sees Tadase giving him what could only be considered a highly threatening glare. "...nevermind." the little chara says and returns to his candy. They can talk about it later.

    But Hinoiri asks a question he can answer, and he laughs. "I think Charas are just powered by sugar. I've seen him eat a whole people-sized sprinkle-and-frosting donut and be fine. I don't think he has much to worry about."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Hey, I guess Kiseki really appreciates he doesn't have to deal with sugar rushes ", Sayaka comments with a smile, relieved at how the situation went.

Klarissa mouths a thank you in appreciation to Hinoiri who throws out some excuse to cover for the abnormality of their situations. Even if maybe she should have just let things run their course, she thinks tensely. The impact of the shock still hasn't left her system, and she just can't wait to leave all these people behind. Her social batteries are really being pushed to its limits. Except she is going to have to deal with Sayaka even if she gets away from them. Why does she have a "sister" so stubborn?

Regardless, whether it is Hinoiri's cover, or Amy's excuse, or Sayaka's distraction, or maybe all three, Tadase doesn't press the issue, lifting the weight off Klarissa's shoulders. She really wishes this situation could be over, though. Why did Sayaka have to touch that scroll? She is such an idiot.

And she addresses Amy too when the redhead says she is sorry. "It just turned out this way, don't worry about it." Sayaka is watching while Klarissa accepts Amy's apology, and then she smiles content before turning her attention back to the game. Apparently, even the King has to lose sometimes, and Hinoiri wins her prize uncontested.

"Congratulations, Hinoiri! Looks like it's all yours this time", Ula says as she struggles to bring over a box of mochi as tall as her.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara smirked at the little king when she won. After all, if anyone could break a streak, it was her. Still... When they were given over? She opened it up and slid one to Klarissa... "Here, Ula," she said, handing one to her. Then tossed one to Sayaka...

"And hey, you haven't won anything yet, here," she said to Amy. And slid her one. Then shrugged... slid Tadase one. Why? Because he was a part of this. And maybe she appreciated the fact he had to put up with the little tyrant.

She didn't slide Kiseki one.

She did, however, take a picture of the mochi as a group BEFORE dispersing them, though. You know. For the yearbook. She really SHOULD do that more often...

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Luck only lasts so long, though. Eventually, it runs out. It's a good thing he's not betting anything to keep playing or he might be upside-down on candy now. Tadase is, on some level, glad that he didn't win the rest. It was starting to get suspicious for him and he KNEW better!

    "I also appreciate that I do not have to deal with Kiseki's sugar rushes." Tadase admits to Sayaka. He looks at the Mochi. "Yeah... yeah that would have been a problem." he says, before moving over to assist Ula with bringing it over to its rightful winner.

    And then Hinoiri is there taking a shot of the Mochi. And for a moment Tadase is just... kind of basking in it. Another day in this crazy school. In this crazy world. With these crazy people, mermaids, tiny versions of themselves, twins... and deep down he wouldn't have it any other way, and the smile on his face is genuine.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
After all that effort, Ula appreciates getting something back. Not that she is complaining, she had offered to take care of that duty before the game had even started. "This is really nice, thanks Hinoiri", Ula cheers at getting the mochi. Though she waits for Hinoiri to take the photo before going to enjoy the delicious sweet.

"We turned out well", Sayaka comments, leaning against Hinoiri as she spies the phone to check the result. "Thank you for all these shots, I can't wait to see what they will be like in the Yearbook", she chuckles, then eating the mochi Hinoiri gave her.

"Ok, it's time for the grand finale, I hope everyone is ready", she announces as she sits back down at her desk. Numbers are given again and again, to the point Sayaka's billboard is almost filled, but eventually a winner comes up: Klarissa herself, who stares dumbfounded at her filled card. "I think everyone should take it", she comments, rushing for the sweets and distributing them all to the others. For herself, she takes a chocolate bar, just to avoid any complaints.

"Thank you for the occasion, everyone", she tells the others, not that the thanks are genuine. This was so tiring...

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Hinoiri isn't familiar with the idea that the hard drive might be recoverable even if the device won't turn on, nor with The Cloud. Of course, that makes sense, if she's new to this world... Hmm. She nods at the comment about not wanting to know identities.

    Hinoiri gives Amy one of the prizes. "Aww, thank you!"

    She smiles and flashes a peace sign for the group photo. And then offers Klarissa a hug, she just kind of looks like she could use one a lot.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    "My identity is a little hard to hide..." Tadase admits. Though, then he realizes. He actually has a powered henshin now. But maybe seeming like he doesn't is a good defense mechanism? Well, it was an honest mistakje anyways, so he simply doesn't clarify it.

    He takes one of the prises and stuffs it in his mouth, much to Kiseki's dissapointment. "'s goof.' he says, and the little Chara scowls. Oh well, who says he can't troll him every now and then? "Fank you for the game, Miki-san."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara grinned to Ula before getting to her feet, giving a small grin to her girlfriend and then a kiss on the cheek. She then glanced to Klarissa... but decided not to give her one. For some reason she didn't want magical people to know about her, apparently. So... fine. For now.

And she certainly wasn't going to openly cheat on her girlfriend! Never! At least... not without knowing about it.

"This was fun, though. But, hey. Sayaka? Why don't you take your twin back to your dorm. I'll clean up here, okay? After all this, you deserve a break."

Admittedly... she... was considering some things herself. How to say goodbye... all of that. Well. From moving out. Not like. Breaking up.

... A note was probably best.