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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Cutscene Header |Date of Scene=2024/10/17 |Location=Dreamscape |Synopsis=Having completed their initial investigaton, the Spirit Ember reaches out with more dreams... and th...")
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|Synopsis=Having completed their initial investigaton, the Spirit Ember reaches out with more dreams... and they are responded to by a pair of young women in vastly different ways.
|Synopsis=Having completed their initial investigaton, the Spirit Ember reaches out with more dreams... and they are responded to by a pair of young women in vastly different ways.
|Cast of Characters=214,131,72,250,102
|Tinyplot=Spirit Ember
|Tinyplot=Spirit Ember
==The Dream==
In the dream, she -- it is not sure who she is -- but the form is definitely feminine, stands on the edge of a vast, barren landscape, a desolate stretch of cracked earth and wind-swept stone that fades into the distant horizon. The sky above is strange—a swirl of twilight colors, neither day nor night, hanging in a surreal, eternal dusk. And there, in the center of this forsaken place, a light flickers.
In the dream, she -- it is not sure who she is -- but the form is definitely feminine, stands on the edge of a vast, barren landscape, a desolate stretch of cracked earth and wind-swept stone that fades into the distant horizon. The sky above is strange—a swirl of twilight colors, neither day nor night, hanging in a surreal, eternal dusk. And there, in the center of this forsaken place, a light flickers.
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The dream fades just as her fingers brush the surface of the crystal, the flames dancing softly, waiting for her to embrace what lies within—whatever path she decides to take.
The dream fades just as her fingers brush the surface of the crystal, the flames dancing softly, waiting for her to embrace what lies within—whatever path she decides to take.
==Rei's Response==
Rei Hino wakes up in the quiet of her room, the dream still vivid in her mind. She sits up slowly, pushing her long hair out of her face, the weight of the dream lingering. The crystal’s power, with all its promises of greatness and choice, gnaws at the edges of her thoughts. But she’s not swayed.
Rei Hino wakes up in the quiet of her room, the dream still vivid in her mind. She sits up slowly, pushing her long hair out of her face, the weight of the dream lingering. The crystal’s power, with all its promises of greatness and choice, gnaws at the edges of her thoughts. But she’s not swayed.
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And with that, she lets herself drift back into sleep, knowing that whatever promises of power or temptation may come, she’s already made her choice.
And with that, she lets herself drift back into sleep, knowing that whatever promises of power or temptation may come, she’s already made her choice.
==Noriko's Response==
Noriko Motosugi jolts awake, her breath sharp and quick, her heart racing in her chest. The dream, ''no, the nightmare'', still clings to her mind like a shadow, its darkness wrapping around her thoughts. She can see it so clearly: the cold, damp stone of the sewer walls, the sense of being hunted, cornered, and then... the flames. Flames that felt familiar, like they were hers, like she was meant to command them.
Noriko Motosugi jolts awake, her breath sharp and quick, her heart racing in her chest. The dream, ''no, the nightmare'', still clings to her mind like a shadow, its darkness wrapping around her thoughts. She can see it so clearly: the cold, damp stone of the sewer walls, the sense of being hunted, cornered, and then... the flames. Flames that felt familiar, like they were hers, like she was meant to command them.
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With a new sense of purpose, Noriko rises. The fear is still there, but it no longer controls her. She will become powerful—powerful enough to defeat whatever dark force haunts her dreams. And when she finds the crystal, when she feels its flames in her hands, the nightmares will never hold power over her again.
With a new sense of purpose, Noriko rises. The fear is still there, but it no longer controls her. She will become powerful—powerful enough to defeat whatever dark force haunts her dreams. And when she finds the crystal, when she feels its flames in her hands, the nightmares will never hold power over her again.
==Hinoiri's Response==
Hinoiri stared at the crystal. Slowly, her hand reached out to it... and the first vision. Warmth. Power. Gentleness. Life. Peace. Prosperity.
Sora. It was the warmth of Sora, in many ways. Was this... what she had looked for? The very thing she had dedicated so much time, so much energy, to find? Her hand reached out, soft. Needy. Craving it...
But then horror. She locked up, whipping her hand back. If the first fire was the warmth of Sora... Then this was the burning of Sunbreaker. Of Chaar. This was the destruction, the pain she had experienced and inflicted on others. The memories of the helplessness, the pain, the agony, flashed through her mind and she took a step back.
Choose? How was this a choice? How was she worthy of such a thing? She'd... made a choice once. There was no choice to be had here. Not for her. Not for someone like her. Because she had already failed and...
... She had failed once... but maybe... that was it. Slowly, her hand reached out to take the gem.
Hinoiri sat up, body coated in sweat, panting and looking around. What... what in the world was THAT? How did she... Was it a dream? A vision?
A threat?
Was she in danger? Was SHE the danger? If she carried flames again, could she do it without hurting anyone this time? Nervously, she reached up and rubbed her necklace.
This time would be different. She would have power for the right reason. Besides, if that was real... then the flame had chosen her. The crystal...
... And this time, when she was chosen, she wouldn't turn out to just be another failure. Never again. She would be worthy, no matter what it took.
==Tsubasa's Response==
Tsubasa Yunnagi dreams of flying. He has done so since he was young. It was almost always the same dream, the joy and exhilaration of flight, the feel of the clouds in his hands, the smell of the skies after a fresh rain... tonight, as he dreams, it is as Cure Wing - when something pulls him closer. He flies into the strange cave and lands...
Cure Wing finds himself standing in the dreamlike expanse, his sharp gaze locked on the crystal. Its flames flicker and twist with seductive promises of power, casting long shadows across the ground. He feels the heat radiating from it, the weight of its potential pressing down on him. The crystal hums with the offer of strength to shape the world, to wield flames that could either protect or destroy.
But something about it feels wrong.
He steps back, folding his arms tightly across his chest, his expression calm yet resolute. The flames may promise him power, but they lack the purity he has always associated with true strength. There is no honor in power that tempts with destruction, no valor in wielding something that could just as easily bring ruin as it could bring peace.
Tsubasa narrows his eyes, shaking his head. "This isn’t the way of a knight," he mutters softly to himself. Power, raw and unchecked, was never what defined the knights he had always admired. It wasn’t about taking the easy path, seizing control of something so volatile and dangerous. It was about protecting others, about courage, loyalty, and the strength of one’s heart. The flames of the crystal, for all their allure, lacked the clarity of purpose that he had come to value.
His mind drifts to the people he fights for—those he wishes to protect. His friends, the ones who trust in him, like Sailor Charon and Puella Rocket Red. They rely on his integrity, not his raw power. And he knows, deep down, that a knight is more than the weapon he wields. A knight’s true strength comes from within, from the purity of his convictions and his unwavering will to defend the innocent. The crystal’s flames offer a shortcut, but it feels hollow. Dangerous. His heroes, Lacuna and Stellar never used shortcuts (that he knew).
"I don’t need your power," he says firmly, addressing the crystal as if it were alive. "Being a knight isn’t about controlling destructive forces. It’s about defending others with the strength of my heart, not the strength of something like this."
The flames flicker more wildly, but Tsubasa is unmoved. He turns his back on the crystal, walking away from its scorching heat without a second thought. The power it offers doesn’t tempt him. His resolve is too strong, his knightly code too deeply ingrained.
"I’ll protect the people I care about with my own strength," he whispers, rising into the air as he takes flight, leaving the crystal, and its dangerous promises, behind. "That’s what it means to be a true knight."
And with that, the dream fades, leaving him with a sense of peace, knowing he has made the right choice. And he rolls over on his side, snuggling under his blanket to sleep soundly.
==Catra's Response==
Catra's hand hovers over the crystal.  Or does it?  Is it her, who stands there, with power in front of her waiting to be claimed?  The power to do as she chooses, whatever she likes?  What would that be like, she wonders, as her hand hovers inches away from a becalmed inferno. 
When has she ever had a choice?  She steps back, shaking her head.  This isn't for her.  It shouldn't be.  She doesn't want it.  She doesn't need it.  Why should she need it?  Hasn't she accomplished more than anyone ever thought she'd do, more than what most people ever do, and she did that just with her wits and her claws?  Once Adora left and Shadow Weaver stopped holding her back, she'd been Hordak's second in command, hadn't she?  And sure, things kinda fell apart, but she made it back from the Crimson Wastes with Adora as her prisoner and everything needed to open the portal that--
--that destroyed Etheria.  Everyone keeps assuring her it didn't.  But even if it didn't, does it matter?  She opened it knowing full well that might be the result, but it didn't matter, did it?  She didn't care about a world she felt she had no place in, and here she is on this disgusting dirtball named Earth.  Another place where she has no place.  Give her the power to destroy it, then what? 
But the stone promised hope as well.  The power to heal and protect, and--
"There is no hope!" Catra snarls, wreathing herself in shadow-magic, matching light with darkness.  "When have I ever had hope?  When have I ever been anything but a villain?  I AM THE VILLAIN.  I do horrible things, Nobody in their right mind would love me, and nothing will ever change!" 
Her heart quickens as she screams the words, and she drops to her knees, clutching at her chest.  Her eyes well up and tears stream down her face, as she so desperately wants everything she just said not to be true.  But it is true.  She knows it to be true.  "All I ever do is hurt people," she whispers, looking at the base of the pedestal with a distant gaze. 
She doesn't reach for the stone; she isn't ready yet, to choose.  She doesn't know what it wants of her, but she knows what she wants of it, even if she's unwilling to admit it to herself, much less anyone else.  Much less the stone.  She's so desperately in need of the one thing she's never had...

Latest revision as of 06:10, 22 October 2024

Crystal Dreams of Flames (Spirit Ember)
Date of Cutscene: 17 October 2024
Location: Dreamscape
Synopsis: Having completed their initial investigaton, the Spirit Ember reaches out with more dreams... and they are responded to by a pair of young women in vastly different ways.
Cast of Characters: Doom and Gloom Girls, Hinoiri Kirara, Rei Hino, Tsubasa Yuunagi, Catra
Tinyplot: Spirit Ember

The Dream

In the dream, she -- it is not sure who she is -- but the form is definitely feminine, stands on the edge of a vast, barren landscape, a desolate stretch of cracked earth and wind-swept stone that fades into the distant horizon. The sky above is strange—a swirl of twilight colors, neither day nor night, hanging in a surreal, eternal dusk. And there, in the center of this forsaken place, a light flickers.

Atop a pedestal of smooth, black stone rests a crystal, glowing faintly. It is jagged, irregular, and seems almost alive. Inside it, flames dance, soft at first, a gentle flicker of light, but as she approaches, they grow brighter, more intense. The flames are not just red, but a shifting kaleidoscope of colors—blue, green, gold, violet, all blending and weaving together, casting strange shadows across the ground.

The crystal calls to her, not with words, but with a deep, pulsing energy that seems to resonate with her very soul. It hums with possibility, with power. The promise of strength is undeniable, but there’s no clear answer to what this power truly is. It feels both beautiful and dangerous, its potential vast and untapped. A force that could bring creation or destruction, depending on how it is wielded.

As she steps closer, the flames within the crystal shift, showing her visions—glimpses of the future. In one, she sees a world bathed in light, blooming with life, peace, and prosperity. With the crystal in her grasp, she could become a force of balance, a protector, a guide. The power within could heal, mend, restore. It could be a beacon of hope in a world plagued by darkness.

But then, the vision changes. She sees fire, roaring and uncontrolled, spreading across the land, consuming everything in its path. Cities crumble, the sky is blackened with ash, and she stands alone in the chaos, the crystal burning in her hands. The flames grow until they devour everything, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake.

She understands then—this power is neither good nor evil. It simply is. Its nature depends entirely on her. It could bring salvation, or it could bring ruin. Creation or destruction, light or dark. The crystal’s flames are a reflection of the one who holds it, shaped by their intent, their heart, their will.

A voice, deep and resonant, stirs within her mind. It is not the voice of an enemy or an ally, but something neutral—something older than both good and evil.


The word echoes in her thoughts, a simple command, but laden with weight. The flames shift again, calmer now, no longer wild, as if waiting for her decision. The power is there, waiting to be claimed, to be molded into whatever she desires. But it will not choose for her. She must decide what to make of it.

Her hand hovers over the crystal. The warmth radiates from it, not scorching but inviting, full of possibility. She knows that once she touches it, the choice is hers—whether to be a force of healing or a harbinger of destruction. The potential for both exists within her, just as it does within the crystal.

The dream fades just as her fingers brush the surface of the crystal, the flames dancing softly, waiting for her to embrace what lies within—whatever path she decides to take.

Rei's Response

Rei Hino wakes up in the quiet of her room, the dream still vivid in her mind. She sits up slowly, pushing her long hair out of her face, the weight of the dream lingering. The crystal’s power, with all its promises of greatness and choice, gnaws at the edges of her thoughts. But she’s not swayed.

Sitting cross-legged on her bed, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. The crystal had offered her everything—light, darkness, creation, destruction. It whispered of endless possibilities, the potential to shape the world as she sees fit. But Rei knows herself. Power like that isn’t meant to be toyed with, no matter how it’s dressed up. Whether it’s for good or evil, it comes with too many strings attached, too much temptation.

She frowns slightly, eyes still closed, reflecting. "The crystal wanted me to think it was a choice, but it’s not." Her voice is quiet, firm. "Power that sways so easily between right and wrong, that depends on how I ‘embrace’ it—that’s a trap. It’s not about the crystal or what it offers. It’s about control."

Her hand clenches into a fist on her knee. Rei has seen the consequences of unchecked power before—she’s felt the weight of it in her battles. She doesn’t need another source of it, not one that teeters on the edge of benevolence or destruction, just waiting for her to tip it one way or the other.

"I’m not someone who needs a crystal to tell me what I can do," she says, opening her eyes, her fiery spirit returning to her gaze. "I already know who I am, and I already know what I fight for."

With a sigh, she settles back into her pillows, relaxing again as the last remnants of the dream fade from her thoughts. She feels a calm certainty wash over her. She doesn't need the crystal, or its offer of power. Her strength comes from within, from her heart, from her dedication to the people she cares about—and that’s something no artifact or force can ever control.

"Nice try," she mutters, a small smirk tugging at her lips as she closes her eyes once more. "But I’m not interested."

And with that, she lets herself drift back into sleep, knowing that whatever promises of power or temptation may come, she’s already made her choice.

Noriko's Response

Noriko Motosugi jolts awake, her breath sharp and quick, her heart racing in her chest. The dream, no, the nightmare, still clings to her mind like a shadow, its darkness wrapping around her thoughts. She can see it so clearly: the cold, damp stone of the sewer walls, the sense of being hunted, cornered, and then... the flames. Flames that felt familiar, like they were hers, like she was meant to command them.

She lies there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling, her hand trembling as she brushes her hair out of her face. It wasn’t the first time. Night after night, the dream of something plunging into her in that suffocating underground labyrinth returns, twisting her mind in the moments between sleep and waking. But tonight felt different. There was something more. A presence. A power.

The crystal.

She remembers it now, shimmering in the heart of the flames, pulsing with a promise—a promise of control, of strength, of power beyond what she’d ever imagined. Power that could burn through the nightmares, destroy whatever hunted her in that dark place. Power that could make her unstoppable.

Noriko sits up, pulling her knees to her chest. Her room is quiet, safe, but it feels small—too small for what’s growing inside her. The fear, the uncertainty, they’ve held her back for so long, making her feel helpless. But not anymore. Not after this dream. Not when the flames were calling to her, showing her what she could become.

She clenches her fist, her heart steadying. She has felt powerless for too long. Too long.

"I heard you..." she whispers to herself, the words barely audible in the stillness of her room. It’s not a question. She knows what she has to do. The flames, the power they hold, it’s her only chance. Her only way to escape the terror that haunts her every time she closes her eyes.

She swings her legs over the side of the bed, her feet touching the cool floor, and in that moment, she makes her decision. She will find the crystal. She will claim its power. Not to destroy or save the world, but for herself. To be strong enough to face the nightmare head-on. To finally, finally stop running.

With a new sense of purpose, Noriko rises. The fear is still there, but it no longer controls her. She will become powerful—powerful enough to defeat whatever dark force haunts her dreams. And when she finds the crystal, when she feels its flames in her hands, the nightmares will never hold power over her again.

Hinoiri's Response

Hinoiri stared at the crystal. Slowly, her hand reached out to it... and the first vision. Warmth. Power. Gentleness. Life. Peace. Prosperity.

Sora. It was the warmth of Sora, in many ways. Was this... what she had looked for? The very thing she had dedicated so much time, so much energy, to find? Her hand reached out, soft. Needy. Craving it...

But then horror. She locked up, whipping her hand back. If the first fire was the warmth of Sora... Then this was the burning of Sunbreaker. Of Chaar. This was the destruction, the pain she had experienced and inflicted on others. The memories of the helplessness, the pain, the agony, flashed through her mind and she took a step back.

Choose? How was this a choice? How was she worthy of such a thing? She'd... made a choice once. There was no choice to be had here. Not for her. Not for someone like her. Because she had already failed and...

... She had failed once... but maybe... that was it. Slowly, her hand reached out to take the gem.

Hinoiri sat up, body coated in sweat, panting and looking around. What... what in the world was THAT? How did she... Was it a dream? A vision?

A threat?

Was she in danger? Was SHE the danger? If she carried flames again, could she do it without hurting anyone this time? Nervously, she reached up and rubbed her necklace.

This time would be different. She would have power for the right reason. Besides, if that was real... then the flame had chosen her. The crystal...

... And this time, when she was chosen, she wouldn't turn out to just be another failure. Never again. She would be worthy, no matter what it took.

Tsubasa's Response

Tsubasa Yunnagi dreams of flying. He has done so since he was young. It was almost always the same dream, the joy and exhilaration of flight, the feel of the clouds in his hands, the smell of the skies after a fresh rain... tonight, as he dreams, it is as Cure Wing - when something pulls him closer. He flies into the strange cave and lands...

Cure Wing finds himself standing in the dreamlike expanse, his sharp gaze locked on the crystal. Its flames flicker and twist with seductive promises of power, casting long shadows across the ground. He feels the heat radiating from it, the weight of its potential pressing down on him. The crystal hums with the offer of strength to shape the world, to wield flames that could either protect or destroy.

But something about it feels wrong.

He steps back, folding his arms tightly across his chest, his expression calm yet resolute. The flames may promise him power, but they lack the purity he has always associated with true strength. There is no honor in power that tempts with destruction, no valor in wielding something that could just as easily bring ruin as it could bring peace.

Tsubasa narrows his eyes, shaking his head. "This isn’t the way of a knight," he mutters softly to himself. Power, raw and unchecked, was never what defined the knights he had always admired. It wasn’t about taking the easy path, seizing control of something so volatile and dangerous. It was about protecting others, about courage, loyalty, and the strength of one’s heart. The flames of the crystal, for all their allure, lacked the clarity of purpose that he had come to value.

His mind drifts to the people he fights for—those he wishes to protect. His friends, the ones who trust in him, like Sailor Charon and Puella Rocket Red. They rely on his integrity, not his raw power. And he knows, deep down, that a knight is more than the weapon he wields. A knight’s true strength comes from within, from the purity of his convictions and his unwavering will to defend the innocent. The crystal’s flames offer a shortcut, but it feels hollow. Dangerous. His heroes, Lacuna and Stellar never used shortcuts (that he knew).

"I don’t need your power," he says firmly, addressing the crystal as if it were alive. "Being a knight isn’t about controlling destructive forces. It’s about defending others with the strength of my heart, not the strength of something like this."

The flames flicker more wildly, but Tsubasa is unmoved. He turns his back on the crystal, walking away from its scorching heat without a second thought. The power it offers doesn’t tempt him. His resolve is too strong, his knightly code too deeply ingrained.

"I’ll protect the people I care about with my own strength," he whispers, rising into the air as he takes flight, leaving the crystal, and its dangerous promises, behind. "That’s what it means to be a true knight."

And with that, the dream fades, leaving him with a sense of peace, knowing he has made the right choice. And he rolls over on his side, snuggling under his blanket to sleep soundly.

Catra's Response

Catra's hand hovers over the crystal. Or does it? Is it her, who stands there, with power in front of her waiting to be claimed? The power to do as she chooses, whatever she likes? What would that be like, she wonders, as her hand hovers inches away from a becalmed inferno.


When has she ever had a choice? She steps back, shaking her head. This isn't for her. It shouldn't be. She doesn't want it. She doesn't need it. Why should she need it? Hasn't she accomplished more than anyone ever thought she'd do, more than what most people ever do, and she did that just with her wits and her claws? Once Adora left and Shadow Weaver stopped holding her back, she'd been Hordak's second in command, hadn't she? And sure, things kinda fell apart, but she made it back from the Crimson Wastes with Adora as her prisoner and everything needed to open the portal that--

--that destroyed Etheria. Everyone keeps assuring her it didn't. But even if it didn't, does it matter? She opened it knowing full well that might be the result, but it didn't matter, did it? She didn't care about a world she felt she had no place in, and here she is on this disgusting dirtball named Earth. Another place where she has no place. Give her the power to destroy it, then what?

But the stone promised hope as well. The power to heal and protect, and--

"There is no hope!" Catra snarls, wreathing herself in shadow-magic, matching light with darkness. "When have I ever had hope? When have I ever been anything but a villain? I AM THE VILLAIN. I do horrible things, Nobody in their right mind would love me, and nothing will ever change!"

Her heart quickens as she screams the words, and she drops to her knees, clutching at her chest. Her eyes well up and tears stream down her face, as she so desperately wants everything she just said not to be true. But it is true. She knows it to be true. "All I ever do is hurt people," she whispers, looking at the base of the pedestal with a distant gaze.

She doesn't reach for the stone; she isn't ready yet, to choose. She doesn't know what it wants of her, but she knows what she wants of it, even if she's unwilling to admit it to herself, much less anyone else. Much less the stone. She's so desperately in need of the one thing she's never had...
