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Revision as of 05:53, 6 March 2025

Texts: a hidden ite
Date of Scene: 02 March 2025
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Mamoru texts with the Shitennou after his encounter with Mistress 9 (and during his check up by Emi and Setsuna).
Cast of Characters: Nephrite, Mamoru Chiba, Jadeite, Zoisite, Kazuo Saitou

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: any of you ever hear of Hiddenite like not the rock but the guy
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: No.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: not unless you count when one of us -ites is hidden from you.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: Is there another cosplayer senshi around like Miss Amy?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: there's a guy who was calling me endymion and himself hiddenite and he was in a shitennou uniform and he was spinning some story i didn't retain because it sounded like bullshit, but he saved my life?
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I'm glad he saved your life.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: No, he's not in the club.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: huh. copyright infringement
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: problem is he felt familiar

Saffron — Yesterday at 12:02 PM

(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Please no.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: The life saving is good, but the copyright infringement is problematic. Do you know if he’s familiar from our past lives or from this one?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: well he got offended when i accidentally implied we were teen parents
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: so idk when we'll see him again, he fucked off with this whole 'maybe you're not who i thought!!' (i retained that)
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Good, he can stay fucked off.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: :D :D :D are you jealous :D :D :D
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: NO
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: how did you break the teen parents news
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: …is it possible he’s one of us from Chibiusa’s future? Wait, scratch that. Could he be future you?
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: I'm fine with there being another one but I think we should have bullying powers.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I agree with Nephrite.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: seconding and thirding the motion
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: no he has like. inu yasha hair
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: But I'm not fine with another one of us. Unless they deserve to be one of us.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i was like 'we have a tiny daughter to keep safe im sorry i cant just tell you where i live'
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: sure i mean you bully each other, whatever, if he can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen, etc
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: So you became a glam rocker in the future lmao. But seriously. Didn’t Venus bring up henchmen with -ites?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: she only had the one and he's been dead for going on four years
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: ...
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: Tbh the people we know have a bad record of not staying dead.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: Danburite is hard to miss
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: This is true.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: but like probably if he doesn't stay fucked off he'll come for you guys since nobody was around but him when mistress 9 was in the park and almost snapped my neck
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: im in bed
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: really burying the lede there
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: is your vibe that he’s a potential friendly or should Zoi bring a flaWHAT
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: its my favorite hobby
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: ok yeah he kinda gets to come for us a little. like i'll still bully him back but
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: anyway i figure potential friendly just keep your eyes on him etc
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: lmao newbiedite's gonna roast us.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: He can kiss my ass.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: he really really is 🤣
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: Anyway, you're doing alright now? Didn't get neck snapped and just trying not to tell us you're fixing it?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: fractures dont count right?
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: yes they dooooo
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: They do count.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: What did Usagi-san say about whether or not they counted?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: they were tiny and they're gone now
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: my name has disintegrated all the way to 'Endytan' i'm in big fuckin trouble hahaha
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: respectfully, you are fucked. Godspeed.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: honestly I don't think we can do anything worse than that, endytan.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I will put flowers on your grave.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: you motherfucker
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: (typing that felt wrong. don't like it.)
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: GOOD
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: We will weep at your funeral.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: ….
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: Endymetriosis
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Kazuo is there with you, correct?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ugh tamaki dont be gross with my name :P
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: and no, kazuo is on SL duty
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: ...
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I'll be up there soon.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: Are you alone and separetely do you want comp- dammit Izou
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Like I doubt he'd not like you there too, Neph??
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: sorry, I was trying to get in the fun and misread
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: Want me to bring up food?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'm just gonna be in bed. and also complaining to emi via text because of the electrocution the other day
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: How's the hair doing?
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: we should at least pretend we care if he doesn't want company.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: a super henshin did fix the hair
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: OH GOOD!
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: zoi priorities dot jpg
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: oh shit. no, guys, dont come yet. emi-san just told setsuna-san ooon me
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I'm about to-- ah?
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Fuck off Tama
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: see, i was right and you were wrong
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: now you sing the i was wrong song.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: We’ll prepare a second smaller funeral for you
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: she's gonna yell at me, let her do that in peace.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I'll get the bollocking balm then.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ty

Saffron — Yesterday at 12:22 PM

(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Just tell me when she's gone.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i will keep you updated
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Thank you. If you need teleportation as well.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: I can warm up leftovers, just let me know. Offer goes out to the peanite gallery too
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: PEANITE
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: depends on how long the reaming out lasts
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Gods damn you Tama
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: peanite in the group chat
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: [ edited version of the “you look at him and tell me there’s a god” meme, but him is replaced with “Tamaki.” ]
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: guess that makes three shitennou and a deep fried peanite
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: and the fifth beatle since im not allowed to be a beatle anymore
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: He's not one of us.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: neither was the fifth beatle
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: he needs to pass the sniff test.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: i mean on the one hand new guy didn't go through it with us
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: on the other hand, he didn't go Through It with us either.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: net neutral.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: is that the test where you sniff him and he passes if he doesnt punch you?
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: is that something you picked up in idaho
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: Discovered the technique opening the door to your room. Very tragic.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: LOL
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: oh yeah i guess the smell of soap would be foreign to you huh
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: no cornmeal in it T-T
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: You both just smell hideous.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: I don’t think soap smells like patchouli and skunk

Nephrite: that's the weed babe

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i dont think thats skunk
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: oh the patchouli is from Zoi's funkyass garden
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Don't call it funkyass! You get herbs from it you monster!!
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: yeah but the sage smells like ass
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: It does NOT!
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: just like the cilantro tastes like soap.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: yes, the sage does smell like ass, take a shower neph
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: I know you’re from Sacramento but that stuff reeks, get a different soap. For all of us.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: three steps ahead of you
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: WOW. first of all i'm from SoCal, you undergrown cornstalk
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I cannot control the chemicals in your mouth, Neph! It does not taste like soap!
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I can't even have a small apartment garden in peace.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: second of all at least i dont guzzle corn syrup for big corn
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: i didn't say you couldn't have it, just that it definitely smells. also the apartment has fruitflies because of that mint plant
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: And yet you can’t tell Idaho and Indiana apart. Interesting. California schools too busy talking about Spanish missions in history class to get to history after 1750
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: you're both irrelevant midwestern states.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: #SoCalStrong
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: You should have told me about the fruitflies! Gods--
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: I usually stay out of your garden!
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: Idaho is a mountain state you potato
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: If you're lying, is2g...
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: is it or is it not in the middle
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts: By the way, Nephrite. If this Hiddenite turns out to be a future or alternate me, you have my permission to punch the future or alternate me in the face.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: it’s north of Utah and Nevada that shit is just West. Or can you only tell the difference between north and south?
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: There, the cinnamon will take care of the flies.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: oh sick really?
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Hiddenite would not be a future you, Kunzite....
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: @ Kunzte @ Zoisite that's for both of you lol
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: anyway i notice you're not denying the corn syrup guzzling allegations
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: NO. If it's Kunzite, don't you DARE lay a hand on him.
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts: Any version of me that resorts to that name deserves it.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: i'll do it with love, kunzite
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: [ sob emoji ]
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: what, did you want to be the one who punches him?
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: everyone drinks corn syrup unless they’re paying triple for organic ingredients 8/
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: clearly you have not looked in our refrigerators
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts: Consider it a fashion crime, Zoisite. I'll show you the color later.

gene plotdesigner — Today at 12:40 PM

(PHONE) Jadeite texts: bro you can’t deny zoisite the chance to double kunzite
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: yes i can and i will
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: ...if Kunzite trusts you to punch him...
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: But I won't like it.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: What color..?
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts: Jadeite, you're in a civilized country now.
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts (Zoisite only): Hiddenite is various shades of bile green.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: Kunzite, that does not narrow down the ways in which I’ve fucked up this time.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts (Kunzite only): ...W-why? Why that color?? What was the... WHY?
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts: But it does narrow down our general exposure to corn syrup.
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts (Zoisite only): Sibling mineral to kunzite, with color from chromium instead of manganese. Now you know why I gave Nephrite permission.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts (Kunzite only): I am praying that this is not future you. I will have to redo your uniform with better color coordination entirely.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts (Kunzite only): Do you think there might be a possibility of a relative of yours instead?
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: ngl since mamoru trusts him i probably won't punch him.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: these guns are lethal weapons and we're on our leash.
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts: Mamoru, when you crawl out of your grave: did you happen to catch any hint of whatever powerset this Hiddenite was using?
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: I’m going to assume tentative friendliness until given reason to otherwise see a threat.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I'll assume nothing.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: you are a true bastion of neutrality
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: all i saw was green energy, i was a little tied up
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: his uniform trim is silver
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: And... I don't know what kind of familiarity. he's just -- i know it sounds stupid, but the first thing he did was yell at me for getting hurt and being reckless
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: and that was REALLY familiar, in that tone of voice and everything
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: That is very on brand for us, yes.
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts (Zoisite only): The only living relative with useful magic I had back then had water magic. In this life, I do have one relative unaccounted for, but I have no indication he ever had powers, and he'd be in his forties by now.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: not just because of white hair either

Saffron — Today at 12:58 PM

(PHONE) Zoisite texts (Kunzite only): And the future is unknown, but that at least accounts for past and present.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i mean i dont remember a hiddenite specifically but there were a lot of people who were earning their names the closer we got to the nd
(PHONE) Zoisite texts (Kunzite only): ...I will be in my best behavior then, just in case.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: end*
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: usako was thinking maybe he's like outer senshi. like maybe my mom was doing something i didnt know about.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i wish i remember more of what he said, i was p dizzy.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: btw usako's here now
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: At least we have some idea of what to expect.
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: Ah, godspeed.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: I will prepare the traditional American mourners meals of funeral potato and Watergate salad. Godspeed.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: man do not put that shit on us
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: its not even a salad!!!
(PHONE) Kazuo Saitou texts: I won't tell Mako you think impeachment is an ingredient, Jadeite.
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: it’s worse, kunzite, it’s got whipped cream and marshmallows in it < 3
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I'm glad I know very little about Americans and the United States.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: he is talking about SHAME
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: clearly people in the midwest serve that because they want you to fucking die at the funeral
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: anyway i'll bring tacos
(PHONE) Zoisite texts: I'll just get us some bento boxes to go.
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: you'd rather a bento than tacos? damn
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: …Nephrite do you think we can hunt down a taco truck in Tokyo? Even I know this is an important experience
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: I don't know about a taco truck but I know a spot
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: bring us some too pls
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: because this is no longer a hypothetical
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: you talked about tacos too much and now you have to buy a whole taco bell
(PHONE) Jadeite texts: nephrite, I can be down with my shoes on in five
(PHONE) Nephrite texts: Sure, I'll be at the entrance.