Texts: I understand.

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Revision as of 22:51, 11 September 2023 by Sharknessa (talk | contribs)

Texts: I understand.
Date of Scene: 11 September 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Hook me up, bro.
Cast of Characters: Pyrite, Mamoru Chiba, Nephrite

<PHONE> You text Nephrite: Hello, can I please speak to Sailor Moon.
<PHONE> A text from Nephrite: Hello, Himeko. I believe you have the wrong phone number.
<PHONE> You text Nephrite: You have met Sailor Moon, Nephrite-san. I request that you arrange a meeting with her.
<PHONE> A text from Nephrite: You have the wrong number. I don't know anyone by that name. I also don't know anyone named Himeko. Please have the correct person contact the correct recipient.
<PHONE> You text Nephrite: I understand.
<PHONE> You text Nephrite: Hello, Nephrite-senpai. May I please speak to Sailor Moon?
<PHONE> A text from Nephrite: Hello, Pyrite. Always a pleasure to hear from this legally distinct individual. I regret to inform you that I don't have Sailor Moon's contact information. Have you considered inquiring with your master?
<PHONE> You text Nephrite: Do you think that Hematite-senpai would know how to reach her?
<PHONE> A text from Nephrite: Yes.
<PHONE> You text Nephrite: Okay, thank you, talk to you later, goodbye!
<PHONE> A text from Nephrite: Sure.
<PHONE> You text Mamoru Chiba: Hello, Nephrite-senpai said to contact Hematite-senpai, but his phone is off. Can you please arrange for him to arrange a meeting with Sailor Moon?
TXT from Nephrite: As a warning, you have an unhinged ghost headed your way. You may wish to filter your messages for things that could be compromising on the wrong phone.