2245/A Shining Heart

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A Shining Heart
Date of Scene: 29 December 2024
Location: The Snow Kingdom of Chanteur
Synopsis: Sharon and Chanteur's pain reverberate through the fairy realm, and it's time to confront it and save Sharon.
Cast of Characters: Laura La Mer, Mamoru Chiba, Chibiusa Tsukino, Hotaru Tomoe, Haruka Tenoh, Amanda Faust, Usagi Tsukino, Sharon Kuniyuki
Tinyplot: Chanteur, Land of Happiness

Laura La Mer has posed:
The blizzard's eternal frost has completely transformed Chanteur, erasing most signs of the pleasant snowy wonderland dotted with fairies and vegetation. Only the snowdrops poke out of the frost mantle that has covered the land. The flowers that hold Sharon's care now appear encased in immutable ice.

The snow youmas patrol the land with complete disregard towards them, crushing the snowdrops under their feet without any thought. Both the youmas and the flowers grow lesser in numbers the closer one gets to the palace, and to Sharon.

Laura's palm moves towards the door, then stops a second away from it. "Sharon's just behind these doors. I am going to do my best, and I am going to work with you. I want to see Sharon smile again, and go out of Chanteur with her, all of us. Let's melt her frozen heart", she declares, meeting her friends' eyes.

Finally bringing her hand closer, the doors screech open before she can touch them, and in the far end, Sharon looks from behind the last youmas, her gaze cutting and unchanging. At the mahous' approach, the youmas give way, retreating against the walls. "So you have come as expected", Sharon stands up from her throne.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Well, what else were we going to do?" asks Endymion-- as Tuxedo Kamen in the henshin with the gloves-- a little irritably, kicking snow off his dress shoes and setting Chibiusa down, now that there's no snow to slog through. He dusts snow off both of them, and tries to get some of it off Usagi's hair before it melts. "You don't have to be smug about it. We're still not your subjects. It's just warmer in here."

He may not be being polite, but his fingers are stiff and his nose is red and he's annoyed.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa holds her parka close to her tiny body. It is cold here. Cold. Not warm. Freezing. Frigid. Small Lady is going to learn whole brand new words to describe just how gelid this place is.

    At least she isn't here alone.

    As they approach the door, and she's set onto the ground, the small pink haired girl looks up to Laura and nods. She doesn't really have a lot of important things to say right now, because she's not a heroine even if she really wants to be. "I'll try to stay out of the way," she promises. "There isn't a whole lot I can do, but I'll be cheering for you!"

    She hesitates after saying that, because she really hates having to admit that. No matter what she tries to do to assert her own independence, she still finds herself relying on others.

    Still, she looks over at Sharon, who seems to have all the power she could want, and Small Lady doesn't exactly envy her. It's scary seeing just how off one's rocker one can get. The future princess says, "Let us go! We can't even see your kingdom anymore!"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon was here, was ready, was eying those massive snow youma and wondering how hard it would be to make an actual snowman that size. Yes, she knew it would be hard and/or impossible, but a part of her was curious.

But as the door opened, she smiled and... "Of course we came! You're in trouble and we're not the kind of people who can just ignore people who are in trouble."

She'd reach down and put a comforting hand on Chibiusa's back and give her a grin. Before focusing her attention back on the princess. "Besides, we've got a mermaid princess AND a moon princess, your objections are denied!"

... That was not how that worked.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Sailor Uranus stands next the boy in the Tuxedo and the other girls in Sailor Uniforms. Her hand is at her waist, and she's a little bit put out, though maybe she's handling it better than Tuxedo Mask. "Yeah, I wasn't really down with freezing solid or fighting endless snow youma, so coming here was kind of expectable." she says.

    "You know, there are people here who still care about you. Living people. Friends you've made. You should listen to them instead of living in the past." Uranus calls. "Because that'sd the only way you can really have a future yourself."

    Threat? Philisophical argument? Both. It's both.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Magical Rocket Girl Red steps back as the door suddenly opens. She nods at the others' words. "This is an intervention. Dark Energy is clouding your mind and your eyes, so that you cannot see what would actually help your kingdom, and your actions are only making things worse and getting in the way of making things better. Let us purify you; We can do it without a fight, or after a fight."

    She looks to Usagi and stage whispers, "Do they ever choose the without a fight option?"

Laura La Mer has posed:
"You could have chosen to hide until I would have found you. Considering how opposed you are to rebuild Chanteur, I was considering that possibility", Sharon scowls at Mamoru's response. "Since Amy-san let me know time is not on her side, however, that was a reason you would not have hidden", she concedes sternly.

"Sharon!", Laura shouts, her steps echoing closer. "Sharon, I had so much fun talking with you. I want to know more about you too. And when you are in trouble, I want to be of help to you. That's why I have come here to stop you."

"Doing things like this won't make anyone smile. The others have told you this as well. Your wish won't come true that way", La Mer steps closer to Chanteur's ruler.

"You all should understand", Sharon counters glacially, using the powers to raise a frost wind within the palace. "The mortification of suddenly having your kingdom taken away from you. How miserable that feels."

She sighs, recalling the blocked purification. "Lend me your strength, Laura. Please", she pleads to the Precure. There is a moment's hesitation in Laura's gaze, and her words cut through the wind.

"I cannot do that. Deep down you realise, don't you? That even if you do this, nothing will come of it. No matter what you do, you cannot revive your country any longer!", the pink-blue-haired girl steps past Sharon.

"Do you think your mother had father whom you respected would be happy with this?" she turns towards Sharon, looking at her grimacing face. "Shut up!" Sharon voices her pain, the stone glowing brighter, a giant icy head bursting from the floor and throwing away the palace's crumbling mass.

"I am not in trouble, Yokina-chan, see?", Sharon points at the giant youma she summoned. "And you can tell your guardian I am going to have a future, with all of you. Unless you think you can defeat the power of the calamity that destroyed my kingdom", Sharon pointedly avoids addressing Uranus directly.

"As for you, Chibiusa-san, don't worry, you will see it again once you have accepted your fate", she adds. "I can see perfectly clearly, Amy-san, and I will create a kingdom overflowing with smiles. Stay out of my way!", Sharon floats in the air while the giant dinosaur roars with pain and sadness.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon shook her head. "You're in so much trouble, Sharon! You're on the verge of getting grounded! You should listen to La Mer! She's a good friend AND good at war! She knows when it's time for peace and time to fight! Also, she remembered all the house rules and there are a lot of them! But the most important rule is you can't force other people to be happy, you can't even force yourself to be happy! All forcing smiles out will do is break your heart until you learn, sometimes, it's okay to just cry!"

"You lost a lot of people who cared about you, and that's terrible. But those people who loved you? They wouldn't have wanted you to be hurting like this! Nobody wants their passing to cause nothing but sadness! They'd want you to find new love, new joys, new happiness! Until we save you, they will never be able to move on, they'll be trapped in the same cold, cruel web you've become ensnared by! Passing... the passing of life is terrible! But always in the end there is Hope and Rebirth!"

She lifted her glaive into the air, before leaping up, her glaive glowing a bright gray as her magic flowed through it. "And we're the hope that you need!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    You all should understand what losing your kingdom is like. "I've never had a kingdom." Amy points out, in a chill tone. "I've always been stuck feeling like an alien on my own planet."

    She can't help giggling a bit at Charon's threat of grounding the princess, but she nods in agreement with the rest of the speech.

    Sharon summons a giant dinosaur made of ice into the throne room. Amy briefly looks awed, but...

    Instead of an endless army of youma, it's one thing. And it's made of ice. She throws grenades at its feet, exploding in showers of burning incendiary material.

    "Wait, the power that destroyed your kingdom is still around? Yeah I am totally down for fighting that, actually!" Amy cheerfully offers. "Buuut we should probably purify you first, anyway."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"... I'm sorry you didn't get much of a chance to make friends, to have a life, before remembering what you lost," Tuxedo Kamen says stiffly, "and can imagine that had I been in a sleep instead of reincarnating, I would still be in shock. But you turned to Dark Energy, Sharon-san, and are trying to use it to force people who never did you harm to smile. I know how that stuff makes you feel, and ... you're going to find reasons to hang onto it until it does the exact opposite of what you wanted."

And then, then, there is a dinosaur.

"..." he stares at it. He can hear Kazuo in the back of his head telling him not to ride the youma dinosaur. He can see the look on Kunzite's face.

"I'm gonna ride it," Endymion decides, grinning despite himself, and calls cheerfully after Chibiusa, "Be careful!" before running past the incendiaries and capetanking or dodging them as necessary, and he jumps up, and up, and up. And UP! Onto the back of its neck, before grabbing hold of one of the spade-like spikes and bracing against another with his foot.

One hand starts glowing, pointed at the back of its head. "TUXEDO--" he starts to yell.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Sailor Uranus pats Charon on the head. It's a good speech, at least the parts of it that made sense to her. They'd make a Soldier out of the lil'bit yet. "You know, when you summon up stuff like that, you make it a lot harder for this to end peacefully." the Solider of Wind says, umoving as the monster rips its way up through the floor. The eruption of the head and the wind moved by the roar just cause her bows and hair to flutter a bit. "Though it -is- going to make us look cooler when we defeat you."

    "Have you noticed you're destroying what's left of your kingdom with that monster you summoned? Was Chantur a war power? Was its legacy and history about fighting others for its own gain? Because if not, you're just trampling on your royal legacy - just as much as that head just trampled on the physical part." Uranus says.

    "I know more about being a soldier than being a Princess, but I know a lot about the difference in protecting things and being a jerk, and you're dishonoring your legacy!" She yells. "But at least dropping your big dinosaur will add to ours?" she asks, drawing a blade with her other hand from nowhere, a shimmering brilliant blade attached to an ornate golden handle, and she runs towards Freeza-Godzilla - because she's seen where Endymion is going, and heard his declaration - and she's going to try to get its attention by swiping at it with the blade so it can't focus on the boy attempting to point-blank blast it.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa watches and listens to Sharon with eyes full of pity. She didn't want things to go this way. She still hoped, on some level, that Sharon would just go back to being nice. Like maybe she would just wake up from this nonsense she was doing and see reason... but that's not how these things work. That's not how Dark Energy works.

    Has anyone ever chosen the 'without a fight' option? Chibiusa thinks she can recall a few times, but... those were only after the fighting was mostly over. Those were only the ones who had grown exhausted from fighting.

    There's a giant ice gojira now, and Chibiusa is not messing with that thing. Instead she backs away from the fight, keeping out of the way and, if possible, get out of sight.

    She still has Luna-P, and that's managed to surprise people once in a while. All it takes is just the right moment.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Endymion brushes snow from the tops of Usagi's head, and she flashes a smile his way, warm, loving, unlike the snow. Oh, she won't admit it to Ami, but she really kind of hates snow, after this. Trudging around in this endless snow is really not for her.

And dealing with smug royals isn't, either.

"No," she stage-whispers to Amy, "They never take the don't fight option. Mamochan's the only one who was ever smart enough to try, and we kind of ambushed him before we could."

Everyone else who uses Dark Energy is really, truly, exceptionally stupid about it, as far as she's concerned.

And Sharon's not proving her wrong. She's stupid, in the way that the truly miserable and determined can be, in denial about the fact that the path she wants is blocked, forever, that she can only move forward.

"Your kingdom is gone," Sailor Moon says, and her voice is full of sympathy, her eyes filled with pity. Then that soft, gentle voice turns stern. "Your people are dead Sharon. There is no coming back to this country for them. They have moved on, to other lives, to other people. The only thing you can do is move on too. And since the Dark Energy clouding your heart won't let you accept the truth, we'll cleanse it!"

That won't take her pain away. It won't take her grief, her sorrow. But it will give her a chance.

There's a giant snow monster rising from the palace, from the grounds, from all around, and you know what? She's going to hit it with a giant heart.

"Moon Spiral Heart Attack!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
"What do you know, Yokina-chan?", Sharon grits her teeth. She doesn't get what Charon is getting at with the threat of grounding, and she doesn't really care right now. "What do you know about rebirth!? They are dead! Dead and gone! Nothing I can do will bring them back! If the only way I can bring my old home back is to build a new one, then I will do it!"

A cruel gaze is given to Sailor Moon. "I know that, Usagi-chan. I know. I am not trying to bring them back, and honestly, I thought you knew what I want, what Chanteur needs! But no, you are all insistent on going ahead and thinking you hold all the answers! You don't!"

The glowing of the stone intensifies as the youma starts shooting a dark violet beam at the soldier of Pluto's moon from its mouth. "Yes, Laura is a good friend! She was the only one who protected me, and you turned her against me! Are you really so insistent on denying me everything I have!?" she shouts with furious pain.

"Leave Charon alone, Sharon, and listen to me!", La Mer grasps her pen. "She is trying to help you, and I have never stopped doing that either, you can still have a new life, just let us help! Red is right, and I was wrong at stopping the purification, that's what you really need, Sharon!"

La Mer stirs with her pen the disk at the center of her Compact, causing water to gather and move in a pattern of recurve spinning lines as it concentrates inside the Mermaid Aqua Pact.

"Pretty Cure Swirling La Mer Stream!", she shouts, a huge rotating beam of water erupting out of the Pact as she points the pen at the violet beam, but all she can do is weakening it slightly, its advance meeting Sailor Moon's Moon Spiral Heart Attack, and swallowing it whole.

But the beam is now visibly faltering and when it meet Charon's blade, its energy spreads the dark energy around enough to protect her from any actual damage, and leaving a path open for Red's attack.

The youma groans slightly as the Puella Magi's missiles hit it, a bit of open ice "skin" visible when it was struck. "You are fighting it right now, Amy-san", Sharon scoffs at the red Puella. "I have been revived by the same power that destroyed Chanteur. And you can't stop it. None of you can!"

Tuxedo's and Uranus' attacks hit right at the spots Red scratched off, the combined energies bringing out a roar of pain from the youma, its huge shape wavering under their combined power. It twists around, trying to look for them, and the swinging of its arms cause a strong wind that threatens to overwhelm everyone around.

"I just want to keep my new kingdom safe from threats. I have no desire for conquest. But your powers will ensure it prospers forever, and no other calamity from the Heavens will rip it away from me", she replies to Uranus dispassionately.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Sailor Uranus is... very glad there's people here with purification magic. She doesn't have it, and this girl needs it - she's hearing, rebutting, but she's not really listening - not to the words people are saying or to the emotions behind those words. There's a moment of fear when tthe attack heads for Charon, but thankfully it's dispersed by the outgoing attacks before it can get Haruka in trouble with her housemates.

    "Your monster is attacking people I love. Your monster is doing the opposite of making me smile. You're being a selfish child right now." Sailor Uranus says, her voice as cold as Sharon's was.

    "Do you feel the wind? The way it's whipping around? The frustration it carries? The sadness? The wind itself is condemning your actions." Sailor Uranus calls. "And as the one guarded by the Wind, it calls upon me to set things straight!"

    Instead of attacking, Sailor Uranus banishes her sword and raises her hand, attemtping to collect the torrents of wind that the creature is creating into a sphere above her head, to protect everyone else from it - to add that to the chilling wind of Chanteur itself, to gain control of the subject of her elemental affinity and hopefully turn it against their enemies, but at least prevent the wind waves from overwhelming the others, giving them some protection.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon struck out with her blade as the beam came! It wasn't enough...

But, with the power of everyone, they manage to scatter the beam!

More importantly... << Can you...?>>

<< Already recording >>

Luminous Titan knew what Hotaru would want, most, is to be able to show everyone the recordings of Tuxedo Mask riding a giant ice dinosaur. Because of course.

The frigid winds, however, pounded on them and she was scattered back... "I told you, we're going to save you! This isn't your kingdom anymore! Your kingdom died long ago and your heart died with it! But it's time for you to be reborn! And no terrible meteor is going to stop us! We do not know how to give up! We are so much stronger than any calamity!"

She then charged forwards again, leaping up and trying to slash at the shoulder of the great youma, to damage its arm! "We are so much stronger than any stupid rock that made you cry and we'll destroy it if we have to!"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Small Lady isn't that keen on getting into this fight. Sure, Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon would protect her if needed, but she can also keep herself safe by... staying out of things. Yet she can never actually sit by, can she?

    Chibiusa kneels down in the snow and starts scooping it up, packing it into a ball. She looks up at the giant dinosaur and... well... yeah she's not even going to touch that. Dad is riding the cryosaurus, but Chibs is gonna stay on the ground. She doesn't trust a thing like that to hold back against her.

    Sharon, though. Small Lady's red eyes are locked on the snow queen. She's not sure what she's going to do yet, but she wants to do something. So Chibiusa waits, schemes, and frowns at their less-than-gracious host.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I don't care what Chanteur needs!" It's bold-faced truth, and she's willing to put it into words. "Chanteur is gone, and you are still here, and instead of making friends and asking for help, you're just trying to force us to be your citizens. We have lives! We have people we love and places we want to be, and they don't involve us being forced to serve your kingdom, or to smile about it!"

And since Tuxedo Kamen is going up to ride the dinosaur - oh boy is he off to riding the dinosaur - she turns to Chibiusa, who has her Luna-P and not much more and considers... well, she's magic, obviously. She saw that laser beam, from last time. And she's a little helpless like this, so... Sailor Moon's tiara is swept from her head, charged full of energy and provided to Chibiusa.

"If anything gets too close, throw this as hard as you can, okay?"

Baby has been gifted a weapon, just in case anything goes wrong.

"You're stuck in the pain you've experienced, Sharon. You won't let go of what was supposed to be, and I know how it hurts! I know what it's like to lose everything! But all you can do is move forward! You can't use people as tools to stop what you're afraid of! And if all that can convince you otherwise is to break this calamity you're so afraid of... then that's what we'll have to do!"

And then, wielding the Spiral Heart Moon Rod, she carves a circle of light in the air - it fills with a flood of silver, and she slams the rod against the circle -

"Moon Healing Escalation!"

Beams of silver light rocket towards Sharon, even as silver mists flow across the ground, sharing in the purifying glow.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"--La Smoking BOMBER!" finishes Tuxedo Mask, and that rush of white-gold energy, like a flood of pure force, erupts from his glowing hand and the dinosaur starts trying to get at them.

Maybe if he just continues to hack at the base of its neck? It should do something, at least, unless its brain is in its tail or something. Or unless it has no brain.

He keeps holding on to the giant plates sticking up from its spine, and he starts pulling out roses to stab into the ice, like he's making a clove orange, and determinedly holding on no matter how much the monster shakes its head.

It should break the armor enough for him to jam his sword in, and to do that-- there's a glitter of the strength that goes into Tuxedo Mask's attacks across his form, and the mask is gone and he has pauldrons. Once he has enough roses in the back of the thing's neck, he hangs on with his legs and one hand, and draws his sword and swings it all in one go-- a slash to open the skin, and then once round the sun for the slingshot effect before burying it hilt deep in the immense monster.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "You know," Amy suggests, "Maybe you could use this giant monster to fight the power together with us--" Oh, it's what's empowering Sharon right now. Amy slumps her shoulders. "Well, that makes sense." She stands up straight, "UNCHAIN!" A pillar of fire covers her in her upgrade parts and she flies upwards towards icezilla's mouth, since it's roaring and screaming so much.

    And yet its arms -- it's stubby little arms -- are somehow creating enough wind to stop her. Magic. "Gah! No!"

    Blown off course, she loops back around behind but far above the others, trying to stay out of the wind. "You destroyed it, Sharon! You summoned a kaiju and destroyed your own castle. Your own home!"

    "Hey, tall cold and ugly! Look over here!" She fires some incendiary gyrojets to try and get it to look her way, then summons her artillery cannon and fires a big piece of burning thermite at the monster's open mouth, hoping to lodge it well inside the ice! ...And if that makes it roar in pain she tries to follow up with more!

    "We're magical girls! You really think our powers will work at their best forced to fight as your slaves? There's like, a whole emotional component and stuff! Or is that power of yours whispering that it will infect and control us, too?!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
Sharon grips her scepter tightly at Uranus' assertion that her youma is hurting the people she loves, and she even claims to speak for the wind. It wouldn't be doing that if they went along with her invitation from the start. "Then stop fighting! If wanting your strength like I had asked makes me selfish, then they should have never stepped into Chanteur", she grimaces reluctantly.

Uranus' maneuver proves to be very effective at protecting everyone from the effects of the winds, their loyalty for the vast majority changed towards the Sailor Senshi, and the one still remaining hardly capable of causing any damage. The gust of wind that reaches La Mer just tosses into the snow, leaving her completely unharmed thanks to Uranus' intervention.

Charon's glaive chips away at the youma's exterior and makes it roar in pain again, and the already pained dinosaur tries to retialiate by biting at her, but twisting its neck only aggravates the wound on its neck, making it bite the empty space in front of Charon instead.

Bite that only nets it to be thrown back, the assault of Red's missiles proving an effective choice in bypassing the magical ice covering it, and with the crushing noise of its steps destroying some houses, its eyes shrink in pain. It doesn't even tries hindering Tuxedo, its mind completely out of it.

"Too bad Laura, I was looking forward to tying our great nations together in friendship." Laura pushes herself up, the snow falling off of her while her hands grip the one in front of her. "Sharon, after I met you, I felt like I needed to try even harder. After I return peace to Grand Ocean, I will become a queen too, but not just our countries, I want to become good friends with you too!", the mermaid exclaims while standing, the ring on her closed fist shining.

"The ring given to wish happiness upon others is shining..." Sharon's eyes widen in surprise. "That's exactly right, Sharon. Snow Heart Swirl Ring! Charm Up!", she smiles, pointing her fingers to her face. A blue sphere appears from the ring, engulfing her and disappearing at the same time a pink heart rises from her feet.

"Snow Crystal Tropical Style!" Her clothes change to a different form with paler colors and making her hair even longer with a golden sheen and a diadem. The outline of a large rainbow heart appears on her back.

"Sharon, I want to make you smile! As if your entire Kingdom is overflowing with smiles! That frozen heart of yours... It's just like your kingdom, isn't it? We will melt it!" she declares, staring at the snow-haired girl decisively.

"Melt my frozen heart?", the starry-eyed girl whispers, looking down at the magical girls from above the giant youma's head, its eyes shining maliciously under the dark sky. "You want me to smile? How am I supposed to..." her head shakes, recalling her awakening in a barren land.

"My father and mother, and all the people I wanted to protect... I lost every single one of them. Even though I was the princess, I was completely powerless." A vision of snow delicately falling on her after an incredulous fall flashes in her mind. "It can't just end with Chanteur like this... Not like this!", she holds her scepter tightly, the brilliant stone's shine intensifying.

"Sharon..." Laura mutters, stepping closer to the giant youma, her sympathy growing stronger. She knows she's only making things worse, hurting herself in the process as much as she hurts others. She looks up, giving the snow-haired girl a smile, certain her pain can be eased. "Sharon, I came to this country to sing. As a consecration. So, I will sing now, for you. Chanteur's song."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Let's be united
With just one smile
May love bloom
In our hearts...

When the moon
Returns to its home
The sun will rise
And shine upon the world
Not one day goes by
Without it happening again
It really is a miracle
That today...is here

Drifting through dreams
The seeds slumber
They wait beneath the snow
For their future to arrive

Reach out and touch
The hearts of those dear to you
And hope will shine upon the world
Like the dazzling sun

Let's sing
This melody of happiness
Let its breeze carry you
In its warm embrace

The angel clad in cotton snow
Will wear a flower dress
Everyone's smiles
Are starting to open up to the world
They are shining so brightly
This right here
Is the land of happiness

A blooming Spring
A Summer sun
Stars shining from Autumn to Winter

These passing days
When we are laughing together
Are truly special

Everyone is truly happy
This right here
Is the land of happiness.

Waves of purification wash outwards from the song, bringing with themselves memories of happiness and cheer, mixing together with the Moon Healing Escalation in a powerful torrent of Blue and Pink that removes all the dark energy from her heart.

The princess' heart moves, visions of her subjects and her parents reaching out to her, all of them singing Chanteur's song. Tears roll out of her eyes, her heart beating softly at the warm memories.

"How can I not be stuck in the past, Usagi-chan? Maybe to you the Chanteur you saw at first was just a nice place to spend your holidays at, but to me, that's my home", she sobs amidst the tears. "Everything I see here, it only makes me remember them. I remember where my parents liked to stop at when their duties didn't hold them back, I remember my subjects' favourite places. I remember all of it. Can you really be surprised?", she pleads at the soldier of the moon.

"You too, look around, Yokina-chan. If you want, I could bring you around, and tells you so much about the history and culture of this place, about the everyday life. I still see them. How can I be reborn please, tell me?", she lowers her staff, disarmed.

Laura extends her arm upwards towards Sharon. "Sharon, I want to continue to sing this song. This song that you taught me... This song that you love... I want to sing it over and over again. So this song will never disappear. It will echo on forever. For all eternity."

Sharon looks down sorrowfully. "There is no such thing as eternity. All things must eventually disappear one day." The mermaid shakes her head. "I don't think that's true, Sharon. Even if something were to make Grand Ocean disappear, the fragrance of the Bubble Flowers would have endured."

The pinkette turns her gaze to the snowy grounds she had explored. She knows where she saw those snowdrops now, in the book Seiko had pointed her to. "And even now, the flowers you hold dear in your heart still endure. Snowdrops still exist out there and I want you to come see them with me, Sharon. After all, they mean hope don't they? You have told me that." Her smile becomes brighter as Sharon starts floating down.

"Hope is really important, and you should listen to Charon. It lasts forever, talk with her, promise? This song of happiness will exist forever too. After all, I will be the one to sing it! I will make sure it spreads throughout the world. Adults and children everywhere will sing it", Laura smiles widely.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    The smallest baby child is now ARMED with a LETHAL weapon. Chibiusa gives Usagi a confused look after receiving the tiara, and then smiles with her other hand out. "So how about the--"

    She pauses, then withdraws her hand. "Actually, never mind. I can see you're using it now."

    Instead of being greedy and asking for Usagi's soul, Chibiusa continues to stay out of the way. She clutches the tiara in hand, trying to remember. How did her mother activate it? Would Chibiusa be able to do the same?

    Attacking the big monster seems unwise, still. Even if the ice dino is not fighting back for the moment, Chibiusa chooses to keep her eyes on Sharon. Remembering the scepter, and the dark crystal inside of it, she wonders how long the effects of Cure La Mer's song will last. She wishes she could just believe that this was over, but...

    ... Just in case. Chibiusa stays out of the way, waiting for the right moment. She doesn't know what she's looking for, but she's sure she'll see it when it comes.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon shook her head. "There's a lot of pain here. A lot of damage to your heart. As much as it sucks... you might need to leave. A wound must be tended and healed, it must have time to recover! You can't expect the pain to fade while it is trapped in the shards of glass of its past!"

"Your parents, your subjects, they wouldn't want you to linger and suffer. So take those memories with you, join new friends, heal your broken heart, then return. Perhaps, once you are stronger, once you make new friends, find new subjects, you can return to your home. Create a new Chanteur. One of willing hearts, willing dreams. Allowing new subjects, reborn and regrown from the ashes of old. With real, true smiles. Not ones you try to force on them, but ones they have willingly."

"Even now, the people who watched over you in life watch over you in death, they cannot move on until you let yourself heal. The chanteur you knew is gone, and trying to kidnap and hold people hostage won't ever bring it back!"

Once more she charged in, her glaive swinging once more to try and take out the dinosaur's legs. "And dark energy won't fix it, either!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The monster, made of ice, appears to feel pain. Amy wonders how that even works... She fights the dinosaur while the song is sung in the background...

    And it seems Sharon is finally purified.

    Amy lands. "We can't escape our memories. We can only make new ones. And if you want Chanteur to not disappear..."

    Amy looks her in the eyes. "Then tell its story. Others' hearts may yet find meaning in it. As La Mer-san's did."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Still holding the sphere of wind above her head that dramatically reduces the impact of the wind outside and the wind created by the monster, Sailor Uranus yells out. "Don't listen to your sorrow, that dark voice inside you. Listen to the voices of the people around you, the ones who care about you, the ones who want to bring you into the light."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"...talk about a nice ring," Sailor Moon whispers, seeing Laura transform into a new form with the power of the ring she was given. As the Ice Kaiju roars in unhappiness, devastated by what's been done to it, she focuses on the power of the Escalation, keeping the purifying beams coming.

And when Laura starts to sing? Well, that's just to be expected, at this point, isn't it?

"Don't push your luck, Chibiusa-chan," she pats the top of her head, and then turns her focus to Sharon.

"Of course it was your home! I know it's not easy, Sharon!" Sailor Moon calls, and she sees that this is having an effect - that Sharon's heart has started to shift. She moves closer, Sailor leaping towards Sharon until they're close to each other, can easily look each other in the eye. She spreads her arms. "Sharon-chan, I know that pain. Everytime I look at the Moon, I remember Capital City, I remember the Mares, I remember the citizens that celebrated and the visitors we would have, and I remember sitting with my mother in the Chamber of Prayer. I remember playing in Jupiter's garden and climbing the bookshelves in Mercury's libary, running through the city with Venus, even getting scolded by Mars for causing trouble... I miss all of it! I look up at the Moon, how empty and lonely it looks, and I'm reminded of the grief all over again!"

She steps closer and before Sharon can react, pulls her into a hug.

"I'd never tell you not to grieve. But if you drown in your sorrow, there will be no one and nothing left of Chanteur."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
The Prince shifts his weight, now also using the hilt of his sword -- which is buried beneath skin level since he broke the ice armor away with the roses -- as a handhold as well as the plates he's hanging on to. He looks down because it's not moving, and he can see everything else has stopped too. It's a little surreal, and he takes a second to catch his breath before his hand starts to glow around the hilt of his sword.

"Don't give up on your dreams for smiling faces! Just... not this way!" calls Endymion. And then he whispers, "...tuxedo..."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Leave Chanteur behind?", Sharon winces at Charon's proposal, the mere idea making her heart beat faster. Can she really do something like that? She has been dwelling here, dwelling on it for so long... What change would await her outside. She has been promised a rebirth, but can she actually achieve it?

And she can't deny that her parents have only ever wished for her happiness. "I am sorry, Yokina-chan. I sort of saw them, when I was purified. They were singing at me too", she quietly brings out, feeling a bit delusional. "Sorry it took me so long to understand, but I want to listen to you, I want to remake new friends, and leave Chanteur.

"I suppose so", the snow princess sighs, lowering her scepter. "I'm sure you're right! I want to go outside, tell Chanteur's story, find a new light in my life. Thank you for helping me hear even when I wouldn't listen."

She starts floating down from the youma, right into Sailor Moon's hug. "I promise I will try not to listen to my sorrow as much as I did until now, Usagi-chan. Even if Chanteur can no longer be, I want the Chanteur in my heart to grow more brilliant and bloom. Is that what you are doing with your memories?", Sharon asks Usagi.

"Thank you for the song, Laura", she addresses the Precure. It was splendid. You are right, this isn't how I should be honouring my people's laughter. I should make the most of being here now, and spread their memory too", she resolves, walking away from the monster and her past resolve.

Watching Charon wound the dinosaur's legs with her glaive brings Sharon back to the present, and how much she has put all of them in danger, how much they are still in danger. "I won't give up on making people smile, and I will start from here. Time to dispose of it", she echoes Tuxedo, tightening her grip on the scepter with her expression serious again, the stone shining darkly in response.

Crackling energy radiates outwards, forming a cage around Sharon and causing her to release a grunt of pain. "What... This can't be... Why?" A look of dismay appears on her face when she tries to let go of the scepter, but her hand doesn't obey her. "No, not this!", she screams panicked, her body looking more and more faded by the second.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa almost let her guard up, but then things start to go wrong. Her red eyes light up. Of course it wouldn't be that easy.

    She doesn't even hesitate. This is the moment. Sailor Moon's Tiara is in her hand, just like she's seen her mother do before. Her parka vanishes in a puff of pink smoke and merges with the tiara, giving it a pair of cat ears and an off putting smile that stretches across its length. Chibiusa steps forward and yells, "MOON TIARA ACTION!"

    The magic power doesn't fully activate when she throws it, aside from whatever is naturally there thanks to Sailor Moon's henshin...

    ... but it's pretty well aimed, and it seems to curve through the air like a frisbee, which is odd because it's very much not one. Luna-P is helping the tiara work the way that Chibiusa thinks it should.

    Only when it's in flight does she start to think that maybe this was a bad idea. Now she's just added herself to the aggro list, and she's very aware that she does not have henshin armor.

    It's homing in on the scepter, focusing on the black gem resting within. That's the problem, right? Everything else will fall into place if she just scores this one hit.

Laura La Mer has posed:
The stone, struck by the tiara Chibiusa tosses at it bounces towards the ground, laying there with a malevolent pulse, and the magic Usagi has infused it with Sharon from the cage that was absorbing her. She takes a deep breath, feeling herself shake, trying to forget that horrible fading sensation. She stares at the now empty flower, at the stone on the ground, then at Chibiusa. "Thank you, Chibiusa-san," she addresses the small pinkette with astonishment, touching her clothes to feel herself solid again. "I am sorry, nothing good really comes out of dark energy. You saved me", she looks gratefully at the pinkette.

"Sharon, are you ok?", Laura comes running. "Yes, I am ok, just..." Sharon's words are interrupted by a roar of the dinosaur youma, and the comet shard on the ground floats upwards, merging with the crest of stones on its head.

"Chanteur's resentment still endures", Sharon stares troubled. Was it why it was doing it to her instead? Even so. "I am sorry, everyone. I should have listened to all of you", she looks down sorrowfully. "If Chanteur needs to be put to rest, I want to take part in it", she grips the now useless scepter. "For the joy and hope you all have shown me, I can't just stand back and watch. Let me help too! I want to see the world's smiles!"

Answering her, a light shines blindingly on Sharon's hand, revealing now a ring on her finger. "That ring, it can't be!", the Pretty Cure raises her eyebrows. Putting a hand inside her hair, the mermaid takes out the Aqua Pot, and from it a Tropical Pact. "Sharon, catch!", La Mer yells, tossing it at the snow-haired girl, who promptly snatches it.

"Pretty Cure! Tropical Change!", Sharon cries, her voice bright with determination as she holds the ring high, using it as a key to unlock the compact. Silver light surges around her, forming spirals until it envelops her completely, transforming her clothes into a shining garment.

Her face's reflection flickers in the upper lid's mirror before she flips backward into the sky with a graceful motion. With a flourish, she raises her conch pen, and as she gently descends, snowflakes swirl around her like a delicate, sparkling trail.

"Let's put on make-up! Shine!" she declares with joy, touching the glowing heart at the center of the compact with the pen, and in response, the conch pen radiates a brilliant silver light. "Cheeks!" she says softly, tapping them as they take on a delicate silvery hue.

"Eyes!" She blinks once and closes her lids, passing the pen over them with a graceful swipe. When she opens her eyes again, the cold golden star that once gleamed in the center of her gaze has been replaced with a golden heart, now resting at the bottom of each eye, sparkling with gentle warmth.

"Hair!" she calls, sweeping the pen through her hair. A burst of golden light ripples through her locks, leaving behind a golden sheen.

"Lips!" she adds, brushing the pen over her lips, transforming them into a soft, radiant glow. Then, with a final commanding flourish, she calls, "Dress!" and draws silver snowdrops in the air. The silhouettes swirl and dance, spreading out in a heart formation before closing in on her. Their soft touch solidifies the glowing garment into pristine clothes.

Snow bunnies and snowmen appear and make their way towards her. Sharon smiles down at them, her expression warm and tender as she caresses them gently, then she cartwheels in front of them, landing with a perfect pirouette.

"The hope blooming from the fresh snow! Cure Snowdrop!" she declares, her voice filled with hope and determination as she stands proudly.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Sharon... I mean, Cure Snowdrop!", Laura rushes to her, clasping her hands around Sharon. "You are actually a Precure!" she cheers with a wide smile.

"Thank you, La Mer", the new Precure softly smiles back. "I must ask all of you to bear with me a bit longer. Chanteur's millennia old resentment, it's time to let go of it", she sighs, taking one hand out of the mermaid's grasp and turning to stare at the youma, that edge in her eyes showing sadness and determination in equal measure.

A small twinkle shines from the Snow Ring, ascending in between everyone and the youma, a soft golden flow accompanied by feelings of hope and peace, a promise of eternity and rebirth. "Let's give it our all!", La Mer asks with a smile to the group.

"Our hearts united, grant us power! Pretty Cure Heartshining Orchestra!" Snowdrop and La Mer both scream, sending a flurry of snowflakes and a stream of water towards that small glow, their forces intertwining in a delicate dance. The stream embraces the swirling snowflakes, both of them flowing in anticipation around the flickering spark.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Sailor Moon's speech is moving.

    Amy sees the moon in the sky all the time and never thinks about it. But for one of her best friends, it's home, but empty and lifeless...

    And she remembers, in the past, looking up and seeing Earth, burning.

    Is that what seeing the moon is like, now, for Usagi?

    No time for thinking about that now, though, now Sharon's trapped in a force cage like Amy was earlier! "It was in the scepter?! Try purif--"

    A voice she does NOT expect shouts 'moon tiara action', and Sharon is freed, and Sharon is transforming into a Cure and Amy's kind of just staring until the newly christened Cure Snowdrop finishes and the redhead snaps out of it. She looks at the energy and flies back and away from the party so as not to deafen everyone from what comes next.

    A giant sci-fi-lookin' cannon appears on her shoulder.

    Amy mutters to herself, "The weapon of a modern knight, to save the scion of this ancient kingdom, I guess."

    Though small, the absurdly-fast projectiles will hopefully help pick up some of that magic and pierce through to the heart of icezilla!

    The BOOM of Amy firing it echoes across Chanteur.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon gasped when the rock tried to infect Sharon, but... CHIBIUSA FOR THE WIN! That girl was awesome! And it wasn't just because Hotaru thought pink twintails were the cutest thing ever, seconded by haunted dolls.

"You did it, Chibiusa!" she called out, proudly! But now, it was time to finish this! A lot like when Cure Wing was there, combining a strike...

"Lets put an end to this kingdoms sadness! Shower of rebirth!" She was NOT calling her attack meteor shower or anything like that right now, SHE COULD READ THE ROOM PEOPLE! Instead, lancing forward and striking... As the glaive came down, the gray magic of the blade suddenly turned a very, very dark purple for a moment. The moment it struck. For just a split second, it was as if everything went entirely silent.

But just for a moment. And possibly everyone's imagination. Far too quick to really notice, even, for most...

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    There's a lot that happens as Sailor Uranus continues to manage the winds, because in addition to the threat the unnatural winds stirred up by the youma cause, there's a threat of the natural wind - the blizzard, almost, that would otherwise exist, because Uranus' patron element is mad. and perhaps somewhat awakened by the fragment of the meteor, a corrupting force from space... from Deep Space... that should not be here on this planet, wreaking havoc and devastation.

    The local winds around Sailor Uranus are howling, but their anger isn't directed at the Soldier, but at the creature that exists from that extrasolar threat. "By the power of my Guardian Planet, Uranus - by the power of my Guardian Element, Wind, and by the power I draw from the solar wind as well... all the power I join with those around me, my friends, my allies - begone from my home, from the Solar System I am bound to protect, seed of evil!"

    "SPACE TURBULENCE!" Sailor Uranus calls, sending the collected sphere of wind energy off into the golden spark to join the energy of the others.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"...la Smo--" continues the Prince of (at least) Elysion, hanging on to the kaiju, and his hand's glowing brighter and brighter around that hilt, and then the call comes to switch targets. His eyes widen and he yanks his sword out of the monster's neck and does a backflip and somersault in the air on the way down, to land on two feet next to Chibiusa. Then there's a clank as he drops to one armored knee, sword on the side opposite the little girl. He reaches for her little hand with his glowing one, grinning from ear to ear, and positions it like SHE's going to do the attack, and puts his hand in front of hers. "--l Pink BOMBER!!"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa gives Sharon a mortified look for a moment, but then she smiles. "I'm just glad you're alright. Darkness never really goes well."

    Luna-P, satisfied that it got to smack something today, poofs back into catball form. It's now wearing Sailor Moon's tiara and bouncing its way back to Chibiusa's side. She grips the magic toy with both arms and looks up at the giant glacial godzilla.

    She did her thing. Now it's time to let the others do theirs. Sharon is a PreCure now, so that means she's on their side right? There's still the big monster though...

    Chibiusa gets cheered, and she turns to Sailor Charon and gives her a thumbs up. "Do your best!"

    She feels helpless again, even if she already had her big moment, that was all she could do...

    ...but then Endymion is by her side now, and holding her hand, and giving her a power boost. Catching his drift, she shouts in unison joining in halfway, "--Smol Pink BOMBER!"

    For a brief moment, her forehead shines with the light of a crescent moon, adding her own feelings and emotions (and Endymion's magic) into the golden spark. For this exact moment, she believes in herself a little more.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's a moment where they reach Sharon - and a moment where it looks like evil will win, will conquer her anyway. And then?

Chibiusa to the win, her little voice calling out Moon Tiara Action like she was born to do it, and Usagi is very proud of the younger Usagi, who so expertly wielded her tiara and saved the moment.


And then Sharon is a Cure. Cure Snowdrop, Laura's first official teammate, and Usagi is so happy for her.

And then? Team up time. And Usagi has poured her attacks into this fight, and she's considering what to do, and she looks up to see the golden light, the coalescing power, and opens her transformation compacat.

Silver light spirals up to join the power -

"Moon Power!"

Cure La Mer and Cure Snowdrop will feel the warm strength of Sailor Moon's power added to their own.

Laura La Mer has posed:
The booming projectiles explode audibly through the air, and the closer they get to the spark, the more they shine with a golden light, a brilliance that connects with the spark, and shares the projectiles' power even as they explode against the youma and push It back.

The glaive sparkles around its energy blade and the same connecting lead turns the attack's pose into energy for the spark, making it a bit larger.

The chilly winter air that Uranus sends into the spark gets brighter and warmer, a welcome that relieves the coldest creature of any solitude and pain.

The Tuxedo la smol pink Bomber joins its path with the moon power, and the power of all of them coalesces into a single energy that merges with the center of that spark, and giving it a radiance visible from all the corners of the fairy realm.

All the powers swirl around the small glowing light, their energies gradually intertwining and adopting its golden hue until they coalesce into the shape of a heart, golden and warm like a small sun piercing through the cold of the dark winter.

The dinosaur lashes out with a violent beam of dark purple energy, but all of it disintegrates the moment it nears the heart. A warm pulse reverberates through the air, and an ethereal woman in a flowing dress materializes before it, the magic making her up causing her to glow with an otherworldly brilliance.

The dinosaur strikes with brutal force, its hands aiming to crush her, but the ethereal woman deftly deflects every blow with graceful, fluid movements, and in a flash, she leaps high into the air, poised to strike. Just before her fist makes contact, she halts mid-motion, her hand extending gently to caress the creature's head.

With the touch comes a wave of purification, and the malevolent energy dissipates, vanishing along with the youmas throughout Chanteur, and the stop drops to the ground, inert and smoking.

A gentle chill breeze accompanies the wave of purification, passing over the snow as a last greeting, and a smile appears on Snowdrop's face, looking wondrously at the underlying green that laid dormant waiting for its time in the sun.

"Chanteur... is at peace now", the Pretty Cure of snow brings down a knee, her hand brushing a snowdrop in bloom with care. "This is going to fade soon, but I am glad I was able to see it one more time before it goes away."

The touch of a hand on her shoulder and Snowdrop bring a hand to that same shoulder, looking up at La Mer giving her a compassionate stare. "You did the right thing, and I love Chanteur as it was, Snowdrop. I was moved by how wonderful your country is. I think everyone was happy with a princess like you, and we will carry their song into eternity", she remarks.

The stone evaporates completely, and Chanteur's realm starts fading away with it, revealing a parking lot with towering palms, and behind them, a train station, occupied by a scarce number of people, none of them aware of the mahous' sudden appearance.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Small Lady looks up as the heart that they all make together turns into an ethereal woman. As she watches, her mouth is slightly agape. Such a similar power to what she's already used to, but also very different.

    The dinosaur is about to lash out, and Chibiusa moves to hide behind Endymion, but in the end it doesn't seem needed. The purification wins out, and soon everything is starting to fade away.

    They're all back in a parking lot. Chibiusa looks around at the other mahou. "Was... that was all real, right? That wasn't just a dream? ... where are we?"

    The small future princess looks around, finds the Tsukino-Chiba family's (she thinks of it that way even if Usamamo don't know it yet) luggage nearby, minus anything the fairies made for them. She looks up to the train station and asks, "Um... so about our tickets."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
They'd done it! They'd saved the world! Well. They'd saved Sharon. Well, she had been wearing normal clothes at the time, so she was more than willing to end her henshin... And then dash over to Sharon, clasping her hands. "You're going to have *so* much fun. See the rest of the world, learn everything you can. See the *internet* and *cat videos*. And then, one day... you'll have so much to tell them. That's all they would have wanted."

Then, she pulled back, and paused. "Huh..." she mumbled. Now that she thought about it... she'd felt... very strange through a lot of that. She glanced towards Uranus for a moment, before inching over. "Ummm... senpai?"

"... When we were there... there were a lot of times like... ummmm... it was like... there was something... talking... through me... is... that like your wind?"

Of course, after she got that done, she ran towards her luggage, rifling around in it before pulling out a doll... Yochu. "Oh, that reminds me. Chibiusa-chan! I wanted to introduce you to someone! I think Luna-P and her would get along great!" Yay, haunted doll and dismembered head doll hangouts... Now Sailor Moon could have new nightmares.

It was going to be a long train ride home...

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"--whew!" goes the black-haird prince, dropping out of his super henshin back into the tuxedo, and he glances around and oh there! Yes, Chibiusa has found their luggage, and-- everything from Chanteur except for Sharon has vanished.

He stays in henshin, though he takes off his cape and mask, produces his top hat in an impossible feat of sleight-of-hand, jams his secondary costume attributes in said hat, and puts the hat away again.

Now he's just absurdly overdressed. Like he's some kind of butler.

He goes over and considers getting their luggage, also like he's some kind of--

"I'll just get us all new tickets," he sighs.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy wonders, if she were someone educated in the workings of magic like Hinoiri or Chrono, how crazy all these attacks taking the shape of an ethereal woman (Amy figures high chance it is, somehow, an echo of Sharon's mom) would seem.
    But the enemy is defeated! It's a shame that the palace was destroyed, but maybe the kingdom can rebuild now. Chanteur could be a home for all sorts of folks who would rather live there than Earth, and--

    They're in a parking lot. Amy looks around. "I don't... think that was a dream? Maybe it was kind of like a Witch barrier?" She glances at her watch, and time doesn't seem to have changed, but...

    There's her backpack. She digs through it as Charon bubbles about the modern world. "Oh yeah, you should check out the internet! And cat videos. Aha!"

    Amy retrieves her phone, which she didn't bring to the coronation ceremony because her dress either didn't have pockets or was distorted by putting any weight in them.

    "We're... outside Tokyo? And all that time really did pass..."

    She looks back over at the kids and Charon is calling a doll someone and Amy looks at it for a long moment to see if it moves.

    You never know.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Their powers combine, to form - an ethereal woman, who vanquishes the remnants of evil, and leaves Chanteur shining and beautiful, green fields and flowers, bright skies. It's a beautiful place.

It's a lost place, and Usagi isn't too surprised to find herself wiping away a tear as the vision of that place fades and leaves them in a parking lot. Shaking her head, dropping her henshin and glad that the only thing she's missing now is a jacket, she shivers up her way to Tuxedo Kamen and snuggles against him.

"Is it weird that that all kind of went better than it could have?" The magical land had turned out to be a trap with an evil calamity, but, they'd made a new friend, and got out with everything they'd brought in. Seems like a win so far.

And then she realizes this is a train station and groans, because that means they're back on a train with the younger trio!

"Ugh, I'm taking a nap the whole way back to Juuban," she laments, as Charon-Yokina-Hotaru starts excitedly talking about introducing Chibiusa and Luna-P to her doll.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Sailor Uranus dusted her hands off rather overdramatically - another job well done. Unforutnantly for her she'd taken a liking to the Chantur clothes she was granted which meant... she's also going to stay in henshin, tall uniform and bright colors and all. At least she's able to carry it well, despite seeming out of place. Must be practice from the other challenge clothes she wears.

    "No, that's not like the wind at all. Are you sure it wasn't Luminous Titan?" Sailor Uranus replies to Sailor Charon. But inwardly, she's thinking of something else. She's thinking of Guardian Uranus - back when she was new to her powers, when she had her past life's energy assert itself more strongly, and that line of thought is concerning in a way that means a talk to Michiru and Setsuna and Usagi... when Charon's not around.

    "Well, you kids enjoy talking about your weird toys." she says. It's not Yochu that bothers her, but that catball still does.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"That was all real, Chibiusa-san", Sharon addresses her confusion. She herself is proof enough of it. "We should be somewhere where the entrance of Chanteur was connected to", the princess of the disappeared country tries to explain. Not like she ever really knew what that was. She has only ever sent the frost fairies out, and she only knows what she saw through them.

Sharon smiles awkwardly at Charon's exuberance. No rancour or sour feelings? She keeps her hands in the grey Sailor Senshi's, taking a second to get used to the idea. "I will find out all I can, I promise", she replies warmly, adding a nod towards Amy, including her in the promise she just made.

It does feel exactly like being dropped out of a fading Labyrinth. A huge country-sized one, and they all got dropped at the entrance rather than another equivalent spot.

"Where are we going right now?" she looks at the train station, then at the group. "Radiant Heart Academy, it's a huge school with all sorts of fun things, and we can get you enrolled there. You will also have a place to stay", La Mer cheerfully winks at her sudden teammate.

"The first days at Chanteur were fun, and we still have half of the winter break ahead of us, so there is lots we can do still", Laura looks at the positives with Usagi.

La Mer drops out of the henshin (walking around with the silhouette of a big rainbow heart on her back would have a bit out of place now), and she looks at the train station. "I can contribute", she tells Tuxedo over the ticket expense. Time to board a train!