1689/One Last Call for Hospital

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One Last Call for Hospital
Date of Scene: 21 June 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Backdated. Mamoru checks in on Fuyuko after the healspam at the hospital.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Fuyuko Yuuhi, Kyouka Inai

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's maybe 15, 20 minutes after a vast silver and gold wave of healing washed through the hospital, and an absolutely exhausted-looking fluffy-black-haired too-tall kid knocks on Fuyuko's door and pushes it open wide enough to stick head and one shoulder in.

The shoulder has a pauldron and half a cape attached.

"Still Chiba," he says and the veil clears again. "You good?"

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
For a moment there's an unfamiliar looking fluffy kid in actual armor. Then its Chiba again, and Fuyuko, who has been sitting up in her hospital bed and peeling off unnecessary bandages (the nurses will be horrified) just scoffs a little.

"How many transformations do you have, kid?" A beat. "And yeah, I'm good. Was that string duo you?"

That was how it had felt to her - the sound of a pair of string instruments, playing in harmony.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Me and Sailor Moon," says the boy with a nod of confirmation. "And I guess technically three, though I'm not particularly eager to pull on the Hematite one ever again."

A sigh, and he pushes his hair out of his face with a startlingly screwed-up hand. "Anyway, good. I know you hate it, but I wanted to check anyway."

He gives a quick, lopsided smile. "I'm glad you're all right." A beat. "Sorry about your hair."

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"That explains the viola," Fuyuko nods, as if that makes sense at all. Mamoru had been easily identified as the heavy strings that grounded the piece, gave it soul, while the viola soared to new heights. It had been a lovely duet. It almost made up for how sentimental the whole experience had been, pressing that softness, that feeling of home down on her.

"Can't blame you for that. And - I don't hate it. Your power is just..." She shakes her head. "Still, it's better in your hands than the brats. Guessing she made it out of this mess alive, given you can smile?"

There's no disappointment, but also no relief; she's neutral on it, asking more for Mamoru than herself -

"Ugh, don't remind me. First thing I'm doing when I get checked out of this place is hitting a salon." Her hair, the product of a year of growing out, burned to patchy cinders... that she can fault Sunbreaker for properly.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"That truly wasn't the first thing I cared about, or even the fifth," Mamoru says honestly, shrugging one shoulder.

"I was a little too occupied with getting the rest of my senses back. Don't appreciate getting burnt, either. But she's fine. She got scolded by the people who threw everything they had at her a minute earlier."

Does he sound... annoyed?

He laughs, and it's not quite irritated, not even close to bitter. It's honestly not. It's just in the same town. "Two people who got burnt worse than you already told me they forgive her. But whatever. I don't have to if I don't want to. And I'm not going to stop being Mahou MSF while I still can, even if it bites me in the ass again."

Mamoru shakes his head, and sounds completely matter-of-fact when he says, "You always look stylish. I'm sure they'll be able to do something you like with it."

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"They forgive her???" There is immense and obvious bafflement in her voice. "Glad you got your senses back, kid, since it sounds like everyone else has taken leave of theirs. What do you mean they forgive her? They were in the hospital, they didn't even get to deck her."

Forgiveness? Letting go of the past? What the hell kind of hippy shit is that?

"Honestly, Chiba, I'm not worried about her. Don't get me wrong, I'm not holding back hate, but one, I try not to be a hypocrite, and two, Kyouka's going to do it for me." She knows her other half well. Kyouka is not going to be nearly as sanguine as all this. "I tried to kill her myself, so I wouldn't have judged. You just don't seem the sort to be able to smile after a kill. And keep up your Mahou MSF; just let the boyband you dragged out of Obsidian with you beat down the ones who cause trouble. I doubt any of those little rays of sunshine hold any kind of neutrality sacred."

She hadn't gotten to know any of them well, but they had worked within Obsidian, and she had known the trio as a pack of overprotective obnoxious serial killers in the making.

Not that that had been her problem.

"It's the principle of the thing. I will look great though."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Endymion looks amused-- and thoughtful. Will Kyouka worry about Hinoiri? Eventually, he supposes.

"I don't know. Seems like it makes them feel better, so that's... good for them, I guess." Another one-shouldered shrug, and then he gives Fuyuko another crooked smile. "I will absolutely keep it up, and they will absolutely cover me. For their sins, I do what I want."

He outright grins at Fuyuko's upcoming salon time and the fact that that is not the point. Then the prince in actual armor, at the door of a hospital room, exhales out his very soul. "But I am going to go back to my room and sleep off the magic hangover. Again, glad to see you're all right, Yuuhi-san. See you whenever it's time for the stupid hell door."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Right about this time, as Mamoru is about to head back out the door, it opens up to reveal Kyouka on the other side of it, in her street clothes (sunglasses and all).

    "Oh, hey Mamoru, wtf you doing here?" she asks him while edging simultaneously past, holding up a paper sack. "FUYUKO you crispy bitch, I brought you WcDonalds. Oh hey, you're looking better."

    "That was you and Moon a couple minutes ago healing everyone, right?" This to Mamoru. "Couldn't you have let this one stay a bit burned?" Thumb jerked towards Fuyuko. "Y'know not Extra Crispy maybe just like medium rare. I could use a few more days of her in this hospital bed so I know she's not getting into trouble."

    She immediately turns back to Fuyuko and throws the bag of food over at her in an under hand pitch. "I'm kidding god, eat a burger and stop giving me that look, Bride of the Mummy Unwound."

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"Weirdos," Fuyuko says judgementally, perfectly content to pass judgement on a bunch of strangers she's unlikely to know. "Good for you. Taking advantage of their guilt is the only way to go."

This is why she doesn't experience guilt, because otherwise she would definitely be guilted into letting Kyouka do what she wants.

This interaction probably would have ended right here, if not for the absolute whirlwind of chaos, the reason Fuyuko does not acknowledge hypothetical guilt herself, in the McDonalds bearing flesh. Truly, it is not for a lack of trying that Kyouka still lives to be this damned annoying.

"Have you been inhaling sugar? Why do you have so much energy? Why - oof -"

This is because she catches the bag almost too late, half-expecting the restraint of bandages, and it almost sort of smacks right into her chest.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"I'm working on getting over guilt," laughs the prince, and nearly bumps into Kyouka as she comes in around him.

"Checking on your bestie after the healspam," Endymion tells Kyouka with this tone in his voice, like duh. And then Kyouka teases Fuyuko via Mamoru, and Mamoru actually looks annoyed and shoves her lightly in the arm. When Kyouka throws the bag of food, Mamoru just rolls his eyes.

"You're really lucky she didn't stay crispy, or I'd be mad at you for making her move like that, and also for the impact." Even if he hates hospitals and hates needles, Mamoru is still protective of patients. Even if they're not technically his. "Oh, since Moon and I basically healed most of the hospital, you probably want to get in line to check out now. Sorry about that."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "I have this much energy because problems have been solved and nobody died, which makes it a good day." Kyouka says with determined cheerfulness. She gets shoved in the arm, and she makes a face at Mamoru. "Stop being hypothetically mad at me for stuff I wouldn't have done if you didn't do what you did. Just appreciate the fact that we all did the things we did and now I can throw food at Fuyuko."

    She makes no comment on Mamoru referring to Fuyuko as her 'bestie'. In some circumstances she might protest but there's really no denying it to anyone who knows both of them even a little.

    "Good job on the healing though, for real. You undoubtedly made a lot of patients very happy and relieved. And a lot of doctors very confused, but they'll get over it."

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"I hate this. It tempts me to never solve a problem again, if it means I have to see you like this -"

Full of energy and mildly insufferable about it, but it's clear that Fuyuko is mostly joking. She's eating the french fries from the WcDonalds bag, anyway, so obviously she's not that bent out of shape about it.

"She's right, though. Good job on all that healing, and thanks for the warning," she swings her legs over the side of the bed, pulling herself up without pain for the first time in days.

"Damn, that feels good. Are we sure I actually have to check out? Maybe I should just teleport out of here and sign myself out tomorrow."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Endymion just grins at Kyouka, and waits until she's done before saying, "Okay, okay, okay." Then he says to both of them, "And thanks, it took a lot of energy so I'm really gonna go sleep it off now."

He slide-steps out of the room, pauses one more time to say theatrically behind a hand, "Go, teleport, be free," and closes the door over behind him.