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Nephrite (Scenesys ID: 90)
"The stars know everything, and as members of the College of Astrology we are to use that knowledge foremost for the betterment of our fellow man. Not for personal gain nor self-aggrandizement have we come here but to focus our gaze upon the heavens. Like the eternal wisdom they personify, the stars are our guide in the way of truth and knowledge and justice and light. May we follow them thus forever and ever."
Name: Nephrite AKA: Masato Sanjouin
Gender: Male Series: (CC) Sailor Moon
Origin: Senshi Grade: 10
Clubs: None Age: 17
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy


Masato Sanjouin is the civilian identity of the reincarnated Nephrite, formerly a College of Astrology graduate, a sorcerer, and a guardian of the Prince of Earth in an ancient past unknown to the modern era. He was, until recently, a thrall of Queen Beryl and partially possessed by the Demon Queen, Metallia. Now he has broken free through the love and support of his Prince, the Moon Princess, Naru Osaka, and the might of the Silver Crystal. He is wracked by guilt over his former complicity, and is dedicated to doing everything he can to undo the damage caused by his actions and to guarantee the safety of the Earth.


Astronomer, Astrologist, Gentleman & Scholar, Girl Magnet, Guardian, Honorable, Math Wiz, Second Of The Four, Written In The Stars

Vital Trivia

Height: 6'1"
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: January 3rd
Likes: Alcohol, Astronomy, Astrology, Prince Endymion, Naru Osaka, Sailor Jupiter, Girls In General
Dislikes: Beryl, Metallia, Obsidian
Favorite Food: Unknown
Least Favorite Food: Unknown
Favorite Subject: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics
Least Favorite Subject: None
Online Tag(s): Unknown


