160/Worth singing about

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Worth singing about
Date of Scene: 26 July 2023
Location: Obsidian Tower - Dark Laboratory
Synopsis: Fate ends up getting roped into helping Hinoiri understand dark energy... unfortunately, it means she also gets to learn more about Hinoiri's world. How hard could a song and dance number be, anyway?
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Fate Testarossa

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara still hadn't figured it out. She was close. Oh, she was SO close. She could feel it. She'd managed to wreathe most of her body in dark energy, but had yet to have achieved the 'henshin' she required. It felt... incredibly frustrating. For now, all she could do were parlor tricks. A little dark energy in her palm... and it would have barely been enough to tickle one of those sparkle skirts, she suspected.

She had half a mind to ask Riventon for one of those 'devices' she'd seen others use. Maybe it would help. Maybe. But that would require her to admit she *couldn't* do it on her own. That she needed *help*. She'd have sooner died. So, once again, she was going over the lessons he'd shown her. Letting her anger, her rage, her frustration fuel her as she held out her hand... Flames of darkness enveloped her arm, once more, before... exploding, sending her stumbling back a few steps. She growled, clenching her fist in fury.

She'd ended up using one of the special training rooms of Obsidian, the perfect place to avoid accidentally like... nuking. Something. Important. But she hadn't asked, instead just asking Ted where the nearest room was she didn't have to worry about breaking anything, other than his desk. He quickly directed her here... which was why the sounds of frustration could be heard within...

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Fate Testarossa is not one to shirk her training. If anything, the girl takes it quite seriously; her desire to please her mother being quite the driving force in her endeavors to live up to the Testarossa family name.
    Thus she finds herself on her way towards the training rooms with steel in her gaze and a purpose in her step.
    "Bardiche... We're going all out today." She says quietly to her faithful Device, resting in standby form as a golden emblem at the collar of her dress.
    [SIR.] her stalwart companion replies, as Fate makes her way into the training center and...
    Finds the room occupied.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara frowned when she heard the door open. She was not in the mood for this. Worse, she was letting those 'negative emotions' that Dark Energy flowed best with flow into her. Dark flames wreathed her hand when she turned around. "Listen here you little--" And that vitrol in her voice faded a moment later when she saw what was in the door.

"... Who... are you?" she asked before flicking her hand. The dark energy washed away before she started walking towards the girl. "Are you one of those sparkle skirts I heard about? You're certainly... shorter than I'd expect one of you to be," she said when she came closer, her eyes narrowed on the girl, arms now crossed and glaring down at her. "You're practically a filly, aren't you? Practically a child," she corrected herself quickly. Right. Not filly, chick or hatchling. Child. Always the generic with them.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    To her credit, Fate doesn't flinch when faced with dark flames and a testy attitude. If anything, she meets Hinoiri with vivid, half-lidded, scarlet eyes. Tired eyes, brimming with an exhausted melancholy that speaks far more than anything that could be put into words.
    She doesn't wither under that glare, either, her expression remaining calm, almost completely placid as she replies, voice soft: "Sparkle skirt?"
    That is her first, most important question. But it's followed up by her introduction; to answer the question of who she is.
    "... Fate Testarossa."
    Filly certainly is... A term to use though. One that earns a slightly curious flutter of an expression upon the girl's face, but something she opts to not press on, just yet, if at all. No, she has more pressing questions on her mind.
    "I didn't mean to interrupt." She knows, in theory, what Dark Energy looks like when put to use, and the negative emotions it spawns from and empowers, but it's different when seeing someone actually training to use it.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara narrowed her eyes on the other girtl. She... didn't cower, pull back. Didn't relent. She wasn't like Ted. But she didn't appear to be using magic, either. At least, nothing like Riventon did. She also didn't seem to know what a sparkle skirt was.

Well, technically neither did Hinoiri, but that wasn't really important. At least, that's what she told herself. For a small moment, dark energy flowed in her eyes and she stared at Fate.

"If you didn't wish to interrupt, why are you--" Then stopped and it finally clicked. This child... she was one of them, wasn't she? Another one like Riventon. Slowly, she took another slow breath, and let the dark energy roll away from her. She couldn't fully control it yet, but if there was one thing she could do, it was control herself. Ish. Sometimes.

"You're planning to practice too, aren't you? Here," she said, stepping aside. "Why don't you show me what you can do? Who knows, maybe it'll prove beneficial. If you do a good job, I'll get you an ice cream or something. Children in this world like ice cream, right?" Ah, bribery. That was always useful. Wait. No. That other thing.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    "I was, yes." Fate replies honestly. She had intended to get some practice in, and she still does not intend to shirk that, even when that darkness flares in Hinoiri's eyes, Fate remains calm and collected.
    Then comes the bribe.
    Fate is... Not motivated by such simple things, no. What drives her is raw determination, fuelled by equal parts pride and desire.
    Not that she would say NO to an ice cream cone or such, but that simply isn't necessary to get her in motion as she dips her head into a slow nod.
    The gem at her dress collar gleams, buzzing with a mechanical, masculine, voice.
    In an instant Fate's dress is replaced by the dark back and red of her Barrier Jacket and cloak, Bardiche taking on the form of a black axe in her hands.
    Yep. Looks like she's one of those sparkle skirts. Except without any sparkles and with a lot of dark colors.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara stared at the kid when she just... transformed. No. That wasn't it. The DEVICE did it for her. Yes. That was it. The device. NOT the kid. Not the...

Once again she felt that gnawing pressure to ask Riventon for one of the things that many of them seemed to use. But no. Her pride refused to let her. She refused to allow herself to be... shackled to such a device. To require it. To get her power from someone else. Something else.

Still... she had to give the kid props. She had a good sense of fashion. Reds, blacks, all in all, good showing. She motioned the girl ahead, to begin her display.

Still, she kept her expectations low. She was JUST a child, what could she POSSIBLY do? Nevermind the fact Hinoiri wasn't truly that much older or much more mature and she, normally, coped just fine. A small bit of black flame formed in her hand while she observed. If this kid could do it with a device, then she could learn to harness it WITHOUT one...

Alas, were she fully thinking clearly, or understood the nature of what she was seeing, she might have noticed that the magic Fate wielded wasn't dark energy at all.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    The Device certainly does a lot; channeling the wielder's inner power, strength, and determination into a more physical form. But in Fate's case it is fueled largely by the girl's determination.
    Expectations may be low, but the twin-tailed blonde doesn't let that dissuade her.
    "Bardiche... Speed training today."
    And then the girl is a blur.
    Speeding from one end of the training facility to the other in almost the blink of an eye. Her speed is... Inhuman. Her speed is on a whole other level.
    Her speed is what Fate Testarossa prides herself on; and what better display to make than to show just how fast she can be as she comes to a stop on a dime across the room. All without so much as a trace of any dark energy.
    "... How was that...?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara stared, her mouth falling open. That... that was incredible. How? How did this... did she... She felt her ire growing. This child had to have incredible power. That wasn't teleportation (which, admittedly, would have been impressive in its own right). But that was speed. Just raw, unparralleled speed.

She'd seen some pretty fast creatures, pheonixes, griffons, even a dragon who had been incredibly fast at flying...

Yet she had NEVER seen anything move that fast. At those speeds, even teleportation was practically obsolete.

Hinoiri's rage began to grow even more. How. HOW? The magic she had must have been incredible. How did a world so BEREFT of magic have a creature that could move like THAT? How was a device able to let her harness such magic?

"A-again," Hinoiri said. No. It had to be something else. Something she was missing. Was this what Dark Energy could do? Was this why she was here to begin with?She had to find a way to... go beyond that.

She was NOT going to LOSE to a CHILD!

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Fate's speed is... A combined result of the wisdom and training Precia Testarossa's familiar Linith had given her from a young age, and her sheer, raw, determined desire to achieve her goals. If her speed is enough so to outpace legendary creatures such as griffons and dragons, then what does that say for her determination?
    Yet Fate, clueless to Hinoiri's mounting fury, blinks slowly. Again, she says, and Fate nods, returning to the older girl's side in a blitz just as fast as before.
    Her light armor, small and nimble frame, all added up to a build suited for speed and finesse over raw strength.
    It is her Device that senses Hinoiri's agitation before Fate does.
    [SIR.] Bardiche points out, prompting a pause from the twin-tailed girl.
    "Is something the matter?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara narrowed her eyes on that child. Was that it? Was it not supposed to be about her? Was she here to get... people like this?

Once more her mind flashed back to those days. When she was in that fairy tale land, just another one of them. Listening to them talk, to them gossip. Hearing the things they said. How she had achieved great things... only to have them brushed aside because she was the student of a Sovereign.

Her eyes narrowed on Fate. The black flames forming in her hand. She would transcend this.

And... wait, was there music suddenly? Fate could likely hear it, music in the background as Hinoiri began to sing.

    "What is this child? How can she wield such power?
    Is it the device? Or am I merely sour?"

Oh, yes, she was DEFINITELY singing now.

    "I won't allow myself to be a mere fool.
    Come, little child. Show me how you wield this tool!"

And then she flicked her hand towards Fate... and dark fire flashed out from her hand. And unlike the fire she was fiddling with before, this fire had some real oomph to it. Faster, but nowhere near as fast as Fate. It had also traversed up her arm, almost to the shoulder.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    And yet here's Fate, clueless to Hinoiri's internal turmoil. Until the music starts.
    ... Music?
    That's definitely music, and for a beat, Fate's expression flutters with a hint of confusion as the older girl starts to sing.
    But then the dark fire lashes out at her.
    In a blur of black and gold, Fate isn't standing where she was a split second ago.
    She's behind Hinoiri now.
    Though Fate doesn't strike back, Bardiche HAS transformed into scythe mode, a gleaming blade of golden voltaic energy forming at the head of the device as Fate looms (for all she can loom with her diminutive height).
    Now. Fate Testarossa is not much of a singer. But something... Something stirs in her heart that compels her just a bit. Her voice remains quiet, soft as she speaks.
    "... Don't be so dour. It comes from my inner power."
    [... Sir...?]
    Both the girl and her device seem baffled that she just rhymed.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara whipped around, but didn't move to strike a second time. A manic grin had formed on her lips, though. The music playing faster as the flames across her arm grew a little more. Enveloping her arm.

    "Your power is strong, but I won't let that stop me.
    I didn't become student of the Sovereign because it was easy!"

Fire flashed in her left hand this time, snaking up her other arm before she sent a second blast of fire at her.

    "I've given up all that I known to take hold of what I deserve.
    Show me your training, little one, leave nothing in reserve!"

She could feel it. The burning fury. The rage. Just like Riventon had shown her. Emotions did make it stronger. Her will to control it, but the anger to fuel it. And now? She had a target. Someone to take this anger out on. Someone who, in a small, insignificant manner, she felt had slighted her.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    The second blast comes. And Fate twirls out of the way, cloak fluttering in the breeze as she evades. Though the hem of her cloak is looking seared, her expression maintains calm as she dodges the attack.

    "Do you think getting like this was breezy?
    Every day I trained until I was wheezy."

    [... IT'S SPREADING.] Bardiche laments as Fate braces for another attack, readying to dodge again.

    "If you think I'll hold back... You have some nerve."

    This... Prompts Fate to halt again, and look quizically at Bardiche in her hands.
    He tried...

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glowered at her. Oh, those lines... those lines were the WORST possible thing.

    "You think I don't understand what it means to train?
    Every day I would work until my horn was sore from the pain!"

Her other arm was fully enveloped in fire, now. The anger and rage spilling out from her as she let the darkness in.

    "No matter how much I did or what I achieved it was never enough!
    So don't you dare act as if YOU have it so rough!"

She was, possibly, losing a bit of control. But... it seemed to be working. This time she clapped her hands together and a wave of fire erupted off of her, like an explosion, expanding outwards to try and hit her.

    "I will not be outdone by some child with a magic STICK!
    I was the greatest in that school, the Sovereign's ONLY pick!"

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Glower away, Fate remains on her toes, ready to evade again in this intense and impromptu 'training' session. With Hinoiri's arms enveloped in dark energy, and the older girl tapping into her negative emotions, Fate braces... And shoots upward in a vaulting leap over the wave of dark fire sent her way.

    "For mother's sake I endure pain...
    You're not the only one with that claim."
    [HORN?] Bardiche pings quizzically.

    "This 'stick' is my ally, of which I have none greater...
    "Disrespect him again, and I'll put you in a crater." Fate nearly whispers through her teeth.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a light growl then, the two waves of flame on her arm spreading out further, enveloping her chest.

    "I no longer have any allies or mother to claim.
    Everything she took from me to try and and douse my flame!"

Now that flame was growing, spreading over her... Her grin only grew wider.

    "But I will not let all that I am become faded and worn."

The flames enveloped her entirely, now... And when they faded, Hinoiri was no longer there. Instead, a girl with bright orange skin, hair made of fire and a black horn protruded from her forehead. Her clothing had shifted as well, similiar to her normal clothing. A black and red skirt, a leather top, complete with spiked jacket. Black, fingertipless gloves. Her eyes mostly black, aside from the burning red iris.

    "I will make her kneel before Sunbreaker, the dark unicorn."

Then she turned to Fate...

And disappeared in a burst of black flame... Before suddenly appearing above Fate. Her right hand out, black flame surging out. No, she wasn't NEARLY as fast as the other girl. But she could teleport. And those flames were now considerably more powerful. Far, far, far more powerful than they had been before. Then again, she was finally henshined. Fate should be proud, she helped her achieve this.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Oh. That horn.
    Bardiche's question is answered as Hinoiri becomes Sunbreaker and there's so much fire everywhere. On the one hand, it's heartening that the older girl has managed to harness her emotions to take on new form.
    On the other hand...
    [SIR!] Bardiche warns. [DEFENSER!]
    Despite her own speed, that teleportation is sudden, jarring, and leaves Fate open for just an instant. And in that instant her faithful device casts a protection spell, a shield of golden light enveloping her as she jukes to evade.
    For all her speed, Fate has to pat herself down, fast, in places where her lightly armored Barrier Jacket has burned away in places, caught fire, and seared her cloak.
    "--That's enough..."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker eyed the other girl, her breathing fast, excited. Oh. She could feel it. It was intoxicating. Powerful. Like having her abilities back again. Like being back home. She could almost feel the magic in the air, like this. Even though it really wasn't. But she felt like herself again. It was addictive. She gave a low chuckle, holding up a hand and forming a small ball of flame in her palm. She then glanced towards the door. A moment later the door knob turned and opened on its own.

"Ahhhhh, it feels good to be me again. Even if it's not... fully me."

She then paused and glanced down. Was she... flying? Huh. That was... new. She hadn't done THAT back home. Impressive. It seemed dark energy had extra tricks she didn't know about.

A moment later she was in front of Fate again, teleporting again. But this time she didn't attack. "I think you're right, Fate. That is perfect. You were a *very* good girl. Your help has proved more than adequate." She reached up to flick her hair back with a hand... and as she did, the flames faded from her, revealing Hinoiri beneath the henshin. "Now then. I believe I promised you icecream?" she asked. And if Fate didn't stop her, she'd even give her a light pat on the head before walking towards the door.

Her eyes flashing with dark energy for a moment. Oh, this was going to be *fun*.