1554/Devour the Earth

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Devour the Earth
Date of Scene: 18 May 2024
Location: Subway Station
Synopsis: It really was a wonderful earth prince they had there... a shame something terrible happened to him. As Hinoiri gets more and more out of control, she devours all of the power of her newest prey... Mamoru Chiba. The earth has been eaten, what comes next?
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Mamoru Chiba
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
It was a dark and windy day. A foulness seemed to almost... hang in the air. As if... something... was going on. Pulp Noir was likely very annoyed as his Chara was likely staring at the window, talking about the fact it actually WAS dark and stormy today. Something was wrong. Something... dangerous. Deadly. Frightful...

And it was. A scream tore through the air.

At the subway station, people were collapsed all over, drained of every drop of energy and magic they had.

A girl had been trying to stop whatever... this monster was.

It looked... human. Ish. But with scales, a tail. The claws...

And a magical girl dangling from her hands. Or, she had been one. Now, she was de-henshioned and unconscious...

The youma's hair was red and orange, and the black flames surrounding her were likely familiar as well. But that lab coat... and the black and red sailor fuku... It couldn't be, could it?

Then, Hinoiri just... off handedly tossed the no-longer-magical-girl away, straight towards the nearby wall. With all the care one might have of a piece of garbage they were chucking away.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
That's no youma-- that's too strong for a youma. That's--

Mamoru was on his way back to school to get changed for a ~date~ after helping out with an actual youma in the botanical gardens, and he was in a pretty great mood up until the scream echoing up from a subway station. At that sound, he veers off and runs, clattering down the steps and -- pocketwatch in hand -- henshining as he goes. "Earth Prism Power, Make Up!" he calls, and he's faced with...

Again, that's no youma, and there are altogether too many drained people, and there's a beat-up girl dangling from that Charizard-fuku-labcoat-girl's hand, and as soon as he sees the not-youma pull back to throw the girl, he bolts for the wall to catch her before she hits. And then he has to take a second to place her on the floor, and as he does he's talking--

After all, that's really familiar hair, and he knows Sunbreaker was losing her grip on her dark energy a week-ish ago when he healed Double Trouble-- maybe he can calm her down enough that she doesn't kill anyone; he's pretty sure she'd never forgive herself if she did.

"Sunbreaker, is that you?" he asks, already backing away toward the stairs again. "I don't know who pissed you off this time, but maybe--"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunset of Sora turned towards him and, slowly, a vicious grin formed on her lips. "Sunbreaker? Oh, no. Not anymore. That was the name before I ascended. Before I realized what I *had* to do. I realized that... she wouldn't notice. She'd never care." She started walking towards him. "I spent all this time worrying about being worthy of *her* that I failed to realize she wasn't worthy of *me*. And so... I'm done," Hinoiri said, snapping her fingers. "I am done hiding. I am done doing what I assume others want me to do. To be. I'm done following the rules of other people. I am Hinoiri Kirara! I am the most POWERFUL MAGE IN EVERY WORLD! AND I WILL DRAIN BOTH DRY AND DESTROY ANYONE AND ANYTHING THAT GETS IN MY WAY!"

And then she charged at him and... And he'd see the firebolt in her hand. And she threw it at him, point blank...

The problem? He knew how destructive those were.

And if he moved, if he dodged it?

That girl, who was unconscious? She was right behind him... she was in the blast radius if he wasn't there to stop it.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Oh how he hates Sunbreaker's fire. He hates it so much.

But the girl she beat up--

Grimacing, Tuxedo Mask waits until she lets the thing loose to flip up his cape and hold it in front of himself and the girl; there's enough of it he can protect his head... but he miscalculates the strength of her attack. Sunbreaker, even at the strength she was at with so much dark energy she was burning herself, would not have been able to burn through the cape.

This 'ascended' version of her is a whole other level, and the cape only holds out so far before the fire vaporizes a big hole through it, goes through his sleeve and burns his arm, singes the side of his jacket and shirt, and he bites back a snarl and staggers away from the girl, even closer to the stairs.

"In your way? Your way to what? Where the hell are you going?" he gasps out, his other hand starting to glow, held behind him like a most unkind surprise.

He hates running away. He needs to run away. This is worse than it would have been if he'd gone all out as Hematite, and he knows he couldn't have stood against that. Who could? Chrono said it would take twelve to twenty to take him on -- what would it take to take this ascended Sunbreaker down?

He remembers the emergency signal on his communicator watch, but he needs to buy time to use that. Time-- "Tuxedo la Smoking Bomber!" he calls out suddenly, whipping around the unkind surprise hand and flinging a barely-charged attack and turning to start to run.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Tuxedo Kamen wasn't wrong. If anything, he was underestimating this threat. Because when he unleashed the smoking bomber... She was there.

Her hand connected with his. Gripping it, their palms together. The blowback from the blast likely singing his hand and definitely damaging her own. Or, it should have. Instead, the flames around her were only growing. Her other hand suddenly lunged out, to grab his shoulder. She *forced* him to look at her, her tail moving out suddenly to grip his chin while she grinned at him. A toothy, cruel grin.

"Anything... everything... I want," she cooed.

And then he could *feel* it. All the dark energy inside her. All the pain. The misery. The wallowing. The fear. The self deprication. Free of all that ego she normally wallowed in.... instead.... he could feel how she truly, really felt. More than that, he could feel that want, that desire, that almost begging... someone... please.... stop her.

But that didn't matter to Hinoiri Kirara. As she began to drain the very energy, his magic, all that he *was* from him. Like an industrially powered vacuum draining all of the air out of a small, plastic bag, she drained his power rapidly, viciously. "I am Hinoiri Kirara, Sunset of Sora. I will take what I want. I am done playing... games... oh... you have so, so much more than I would have imagined, Tuxedo Mask. Not... enough... but still, so much..." she purred, the flames on her body likely burning him now.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
The blowback doesn't burn him, but it bruises the hell out of his hand and shreds the glove-- and it should have ripped through hers. Should have, would have. He's still half-turned, burned arm away from Hinoiri, but the feelings coming from her are an overwhelming force, more than he can shield from, especially in pain and distracted and desperate as he is.

It's easy for her to turn him. It's easy for her to grab his chin and move his head. It's easy for her to feel everything he's feeling, his fear and desperation, the searing agony of the burns he's already got and the ones he's starting to get as Hinoiri burns through his armor. She'll get images and sensations, a sword through the heart, a car crash and so much water and the taste of salt and blood, Beryl--

She'll get the bubbling up of a sick laugh at the idea of him stopping her, no matter how much power she says he has.

His other hand, still gloved, comes up uselessly to clutch at his departing sense of self, no matter how ridiculous a gesture it is; his henshin crumbles before the rest of his magic does, and he burns. He can't sense his beacons, his most important people -- they won't know how to find him, they won't know.

He can't sense true north, he can't sense the ground beneath his feet or the heartbeat of the city they're in, he can't sense her feelings anymore, he can't sense himself, he can't find anyone or anything, and his whole world is reduced to a razor sharp all-encompassing pain as he loses what feels like everything--

And as the world goes dark and Mamoru burns, he slips away to the vague awareness that everyone's going to be so mad.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
This monster didn't care didn't care didn't care! So what if he felt bad? So what if she hurt him? Why would she care? She didn't! SHE WAS HINOIRI KIRARA, SUNSET OF SORA!

And as she drew all the magic into herself, as she stole all that he was, she let him drop to the ground with an uncaring, unceasing--

And then, finally, she settled enough to feel and it was OVERWHELMING! Hinoiri grabbed her head and screamed as emotional nerves she believed she had seared away just came alive. She could feel EVERYTHING! People, the world. It was so overwhelming.

She could possibly even feel the sudden mind numbing panic from a handful of worried individuals. But all of it was lost in the storm that was her mind. Dark energy swirled around her as she let out another scream. "I AM ALL POWERFUL! I AM BETTER THAN SORA EVER WAS!" she screamed. She held all of the world inside her. Only she could. And the dark energy devoured it greedily...

Before, finally, she vanished. Dusk porting away and leaving him, and her many other unconscious victims, on the ground. Hurt. Aching. Hollow.

As Hinoiri arrived in the dusk zone. Panting, more dark energy flowing off her in small clouds. "Everything... I want. It's all mine. I will have it... everything... everything is mine... Everything... power... I will be powerful enough... I will be... her... Sunset... and all the world... will know... I have BROKEN THE SUN!" she screamed with fury, before lifting her head.

It was time to find more prey.