1604/Physician Heal Thyself

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Physician Heal Thyself
Date of Scene: 30 May 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Chiyo and Kyouka come by Mamoru's hospital room and catch him up on the hot goss.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Chiyo Sakai, Kyouka Inai
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
There are still some potted plants in the room, and Tuxedo Kuma looking out the window where he can't stare judgementally at Mamoru, and the bento box from Koji refilled with snacks for Usagi sitting on the unused dresser, and some cards.

There's a sleeping teenager in the bed with a lot of bandages on his shoulder and hand, and his hair is wild from bedhead, and his glasses are on the table. He had physical therapy earlier and was not a fan, and got super exhausted from it, but he's been asleep for a while now--

--which is why it's probably not that surprising when he wakes up and turns his head, blinking slowly. "Chiyo-san?" he asks muzzily. "...chan? What should I..."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai had urged the others to get some rest. Really, what could they do while HE was resting anyway? Besides they all had been taking turns, and once he woke he would likely want something to help regain his energy. It made sense that she take this particular shift.

Some homework was set on the side currently being worked on while he rested, but nearby was also her own stack of bento boxes. The 'not for Usagi' ones. When she hears him stir to waking she pushes aside her notebook to offer him a grin.

"Hey, Mamo-kun. You looked like you needed the rest. Want a drink? I've got some tea that might help you a bit."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Yes please," Mamoru says politely, and then apologetically, "I still can't hold anything. I'm sorry."

He squints across the room at the clock over the door, then relaxes. "Oh good, I thought you were skipping school, too." A beat. "I'm not sure I should keep getting external healing, I have no control over it and the last couple of times I saw my hand with the bandages off, it's starting to look like I'm going to need surgery after all." Another brief pause. "But why not, I mean, it makes it hurt less..."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"No, I'm not skipping. Just making sure I do my homework too," Chiyo assures with a chuckle. "The others are getting some rest--Or at least they should be." There's a little teasing edge to her voice as if to say they would be in big trouble if they weren't.

Reaching down to the bento case she pulls out a thermos which she unscrews, and pours some of the tea out into the top cup for.

Her chair is scooched closer so that she can hold the tea up to his lips letting him take a sip as she watches him with clear concern and worry. "We'll keep up what we can to help you feel better, even if it's just to ease the pain," she assures. Once he finishes the sip she adds with a soft chuckle trying to lighten the situation a bit, "And there's no need to apologize for not being able to do things on your own yet. It's okay, I don't mind helping those I love."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    The door to the room suddenly bangs open, maybe slightly louder than is entirely appropriate for a hospital setting, and Kyouka strolls her way into the room. She is dressed in her usual black jeans and t-shirt, and generally looks in pretty good condition although it's obvious that 'pretty good' is a relative term here and she has actually received some treatment.

    She has a large rectangular bandage fasted to one cheek, and there's another larger wrap-around bandage coiled around her left forearm. If there's anything else, it's hidden beneath her clothing. "Hey kid," She's saying (presumably to Mamoru) as she walks through the door. "I was just in the neighborhood so I thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing-"

    She pauses when she realizes he isn't alone, although she should have expected that someone would be here even if she didn't know who. "Oh, hey Sakai-san."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru's pretty much not been alone except at night, and then Anko comes in the window and sleeps by his feet in between all her cat patrol duties, so he's really not entirely alone then either.

He's just sipped from Chiyo's cup and gotten the 'those I love' comment, so when Kyouka bangs the door open, he flinches away from already looking like a deer in headlights at Chiyo, and then he looks like a deer in headlights at Kyouka.

"Ah? Um-- better I guess? And worse? I'm not on as many painkillers so I'm not dissociating as much, but that's also a downside because that means it hurts more," he says, and then turns to look wide-eyed at Chiyo. "I'm-- glad? Is that the same kind of-- I mean-- is there a, a caveat, or-- I mean love how?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai catches the flinch but given he'd just been drinking there's an obvious assumption as she frowns. "Too fast? I'm sorry." The cup is taken away to set on one of the side tables for now while her own attention shifts to the noisy Kyouka appearing.

"Inai-sensei, hello. You look a bit worse for wear yourself. Snack?" She offers while reaching down into the carry case to start pulling out some konpeito. She'd made those up recently to see if a slow-release sugar boost (with healing) might help for pain management.

As she's unwrapping the little package of colorful candy stars Mamoru finally speaks causing her to stare at him. Realization of what she said slowly creeps over her because... Of *course* that could be taken wrong! Dummy!

The embarassed laugh that comes immediately after certainly doesn't seem to make matters better.

Her hand lifts to cover her mouth as she fights to stave off that reaction, clearing her throat awkwardly a time or two.

"Mamoru, you're dating Usagi-chan, my cousin and friend. ... More than dating, really. If you marry her then you become my cousin-in-law. I mean, that's probably a ways off, but you two are so very much meant for one another, so, you're practically already family. Of *course* I love you like I love her."

Sheepishly she adds, "Don't worry it's not a crush or anything. I'm taking a break from being stupid for awhile."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka is obviously one of those people who eats crunchy snacks loudly in the movie theater, or 'whispers' at the library by making her voice breathy but not actually decreasing the volume at all. Although this is a place of rest and recovery and she is also obviously injured (albeit to a much lesser degree than Mamoru) she moves with an animated energy that speaks of little respect for 'taking it slow'.

    Pulling a chair over, she spins it around and straddles the seat, folding her arms over the backrest and only wincing a little as the motion reminds her that her forearm is actually in some degree of pain. "What?" She asks Mamoru, giving him a cheerful grin. "The pain reminds you you're still alive. It's when you stop feeling it that you really need to worry. I'll take a clear head any day... though I'm glad you're feeling a little better, even if it comes with footnotes."

    "Oh, thanks." She accepts the konpeito from Chiyo, as she is seldom going to refuse a snack, whether it contains healing magic or not. Popping one into her mouth and crunching (also loudly, lending credence to the above theory) she looks between the two as they continue the conversation, such as it is, that she walked in on.

    "You kids are weird." Is her only comment, as she chomps another of the sugar-snacks, before going on, "I was just in the neighborhood so I thought I'd check in. Fuyuko's doing okay too, for the record. She looks like a damn mummy, its kinda hilarious but don't tell her I said that. She might curse me."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru relaxes again, wincing as he does so, and giving Chiyo a sheepish look of his own. "Sorry. It's fine. I mean, yes, good, future cousin-in-law."

Then he turns to LOOK at Kyouka. "First off, Crunchy, I am just now processing that you got burnt, and now you're telling me Yuuhi-san is in the hospital too? And she looks like a mummy?"

He looks actually fairly distressed. "I can't fix her like this! And I'm sorry but while some pain can be good, a lot of pain is really obnoxious. I'm gonna need a list of who-all I need to fix--"

--and then he gets a determined look on his face. "No, I'm going to team up with Usagi and just heal the burn ward. The whole thing. When this is over."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai is quite willing to hand out the crunchy candy. The effect isn't as strong as some of her others given the small size, but it does ease discomfort and bring a general sense of good feelings for a bit. Or maybe that part is the sugar rush.

The reaction earns a little grin of amusement. "Don't worry, I know none of you look at me that way," she teases back lightly. It's breif, there were more important discussions going on after all. She wasn't sure who this other person was after all.

"I met someone going in to visit another 'burn' victim the other day. I wonder if that's who he was going to see." She glances to the stack of her own contributions clearly thinking along the same lines as Mamoru--Doing what she can to help heal the others. Even if that wasn't the strongest part of her powers.

Before Mamoru can really start getting too determined about joining forces with Usagi to heal the entire hospital she reaches over to press a konpeito into his mouth with a finger. "Healer, heal thyself first!"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka glances at the bandage on her arm as Mamoru brings it up, then shrugs as if to dismiss it. "I got off light, compared to the rest of you." She says, as if that somehow makes it a nonissue. "But yes, Fuyuko got messed up pretty bad. Worse than you even I'd say, although in cases like these that's not a terribly helpful comparison to make. Bad enough is bad enough. But like I said.. she's doing okay. She'll live."

    She gives Mamoru a sharp look at his words. "You are not responsible for healing everyone who gets injured in this city. Do not beat yourself up over not being able to do so. If you can help, then sure, help, but Sakai-san here is right, you need to take care of yourself first."

    She relaxes a moment later, shrugging her shoulders. "Anyway, it was all part of a plan. Hopefully it'll help resolve this situation. Make it easier for Moon and company to do the thing that needs doing."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
A quick glance at Chiyo for her brief note, and Mamoru chews on his bottom lip thoughtfully for a second before opening his mouth to say something and getting a little star candy put in it for his trouble. He gives Chiyo a definite sidelong look, but settles down, because candy.

Then it goes in his cheek because his feathers get all ruffled again. "I only said the burn ward, didn't I? And it would be with Usako's help -- the Silver Crystal would lend enough power and reach for us to do that at least. And obviously I'd heal myself first, what do you take me for? I know to put the oxygen mask on myself before helping anyone with theirs," he huffs.

He must be feeling better if he's getting huffy.

"Getting attacked by Sunbreaker was part of a plan?" he asks incredulously. "I'm fixing you *last*. Poor Yuuhi-san. Guess she didn't get the warning in time."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai smirks a bit at the huffy Mamoru with one cheek puffed up from eating candy. With his hair a mess. Somehow she really feels like this would be the perfect time to steal a picture to send to Usagi--but he'd also probably not want this moment to be commemorated. "Good. Just making sure."

The chair squeaks against the floor as she pushes to her feet. The bag of candy is dropped into Kyouka's lap as she starts for the door. "You guys can share these for awhile. I need to take a quick break, I've been sitting too long. I'll be back in a little bit," she promises before slipping out.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka rolls her eyes at Mamoru's outburst, but it is an indication that he is feeling more like himself- last time she was here, he was too out of it to have any sort of reaction like that. "Alright, calm down Dr. Mask, you can do whatever you feel is best. I just don't want you sitting there moping because you can't fix everybody instantly. No sense beating yourself up over things you can't change."

    She gives Chiyo a wave as the girl turns to leave, catching the bag of candy. "Hey thanks. I'll probably be gone by the time you get back, so take care."

    She then looks back to Mamoru. "Yes, actually, it was a plan. A good one, I hope. Even got the boss to sign off on it, in a manner of speaking."

    As for Fuyuko, she shrugs. "Dunno if she didn't get it or chose not to listen to it. Don't feel too bad for her... she was the one training Sunbreaker in the first place. Did that contribute to all this? I dunno, but it certainly helped Sunbreaker to be more formidable."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Don't tell me what to do," Mamoru says mulishly. "You can ask Kazuo, it never goes well."

Then he sighs and looks at the window for a moment. "No matter what she did, burns really blow. I hate fire. I also kind of hate Sunbreaker at the same time as kind of liking her, still, and also thinking she's a loser."

Longer than a moment. He doesn't want to look at Kyouka when he says, "She and my stupid brother are obsessed with being special. After a week and a half of being basically helpless, disconnected from literally everything except hospital equipment, unable to do any of the things I've been able to do as long as I remember-- I still wouldn't go back to dark energy."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "I'm not telling you what to do," Kyouka says, "I'm telling you what you should do. Whether or not you listen to my sage grown-up advice is for your stubborn teenage self to decide."

    "She's definitely a loser, and whether or not she's worthy of hate is academic at this point." Kyouka says with a sigh, speaking of Sunbreaker. "She needs to be stopped. Hate isn't a part of the equation."

    She is silent for a long moment after Mamoru speaks because... well, she knows what he means. After all, her magic has been drained too, although he doesn't know that. And she made a deal with an interdimensional control-freak in order to keep her powers, what makes her 'special'. What might she have done, if she wasn't firmly convinced this state of affairs is temporary? It's hard to say, and she doesn't even want to consider that herself, so she doesn't.

    "Being magic isn't special enough? There's always going to be somebody 'cooler' than you. I don't mean you personally, I just mean in general. Only a very, very few ever get to stand at the top of the 'special' pyramid, and lemme tell you, even they are gonna be shocked some day when they look up and see somebody above them they had no idea existed. That's just the way the damn world works."

    She shakes her head. "Dark Energy isn't a solution, it's just a band-aid. Except it actively hurts you instead of helping. Like, Sunbreaker thinks this is somehow going to make her the most special and powerful? All it's doing is making 'stop Sunbreaker' a priority for every mahou in the city. You can't beat those odds. Nobody can, I don't care how powerful they are."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Yeah," Mamoru says, and he looks back at Kyouka, and despite just having woken up not long ago, he looks tired. "Yeah. What I mean is, neither of them thinks they would have magic without dark energy. And right now, I don't have magic, and I wouldn't be enough of a loser to pick up dark energy just to be magic again, even if I still thought this was permanent. Because you don't use it. It uses you."

He squints at her, though. "Don't eat all the konpeito. Save some for me."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Well, they should give up the dark energy and find out. It's not like you can't just go back to it if it turns out you were right. And if you weren't, hey, you still got magic and no dark energy. Simple." These sorts of ideas are clearly why Kyouka was hired as a guidance counselor.

    "I wasn't going to eat it all, jeez." She says, swallowing a mouthful, before handing the (noticeably less full, though still with plenty) bag over to him.

    "You've got the right of it. And look, for what it's worth, magic is just a tool. It doesn't make you special. You make you special. And none of your friends are going to abandon you even if you never get it back. Whether you're dating them or not." She smirks.

    "But you will get it back. All of us will. I'm sure of that."