1638/A Hell-door of a Plan

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A Hell-door of a Plan
Date of Scene: 06 June 2024
Location: WcDonald's
Synopsis: Kyouka enlists Kyouko's aid for the trip to the hell-door.
Cast of Characters: Kyouka Inai, Kyouko Sakura

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka must be trying to keep Kyouko on her good side, or maybe she just has a soft spot for ragamuffin girls on their own in Tokyo, a situation she herself was in for quite a few years in the past. Either way, it's become a fairly regular thing for Kyouka to text Kyouko and invite her out to get something to eat. Never anything fancy or expensive, just ramen or fast food or takoyaki, but she pays and its food.

    Generally speaking she never asks for anything in return either, so it would be hard to call it bribery... although maybe she's just been building up credit.

    Regardless, today it is WcDonald's, fairly standard burger-and-fries fast food fare, though that's not something Kyouka is likely to look down on. She has a burger and fries in front of her on a tray, along with a milkshake, as she idly fills Kyouko in on what happened with Sunbreaker.

    "So yeah that's what the sun going out for half a day was all about, though don't worry, pretty sure it's sorted now. Being without powers for a few days sucked though, I don't recommend it."

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
For some, the way to their hearts and minds and affection is through love and attention. For Kyouko, it is through food. It's not bribery, per se, its just keeping options open.

And there's a burger and fries involved! And a milkshake! And at WcDonald's there's no fight about beer.

Kyouko recoils at the very idea of losing powers, even for a few days. "Eugh!" She lifts a pair of fries to absently make the sign of the cross at the very dea, chomping one of them before she's even really noticed what she's done. "Seriously sucks. You might not have any offense, but losing powers entirely? No thanks."

Kyouko shakes her head a little. "She's good now? I mean.. not rampaging. I dont care if she's /good/, good."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Well I mean, I agree with you. But it was a gambit, one which paid off or so I hear, and they came back, so I'm more or less satisfied with how things went." Kyouka says with a shrug, nomming one of her own fries.

    "I don't know if 'good' is the correct word, but she's no longer a danger for the time being, so that's the important thing." She makes no comment on the fry-cross, not knowing the full extent of Kyouko's background regardless.

    "Listen, now that that's taken care of, I need your help with something else. I'm going into what could potentially be a sketchy situation next week and I need some muscle I can trust. Y'know, someone who is actually able to attack if something goes wrong. Hopefully won't be necessary, but I'd feel a lot better with my back covered, so to speak, then just trusting everything will go fine.."

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
"Still. Not having them and not really knowing if they are coming back?" Kyouko shakes her head as she chomps on her burger. "No thanks. Glad it worked out though."

At the request to come be muscle, Kyouko's answer is easy and almost without thought. "Of course. Just let me know when and where and I'll be there." She nods firmly, as if that's just a given. "Things rarely go fine for us, better to know there's someone there for the stabbing." She lifts her milkshake and then asks, curious. "What sort of sketch situation?"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Well, all indications were they would come back if Sunbreaker was defeated, and if that didn't happen we were all going to die anyway, so it was kind of a 'only one good outcome' situation anyway." Kyouka says with a shrug, clearly not that bothered over it. After all, she was pretty sure they were going to win. She's always pretty sure of that.

    She grins at Kyouko's easy agreement to her request. "I knew I could count on you, Little K. Well, remember how I was telling you all about how I was starting to suspect that our boss might be pulling strings, and maybe that goes back a lot longer than we thought? We're looking for some proof of that. Problem is both Fuyuko and I were.. eh.. not exactly good listeners as kids."

    "But there's this magic hell-door in the basement of a dangerous magic shop run by a demon-lady that lets you see into your past, so we're gonna try to break in and use it to see if we missed anything while we were being idiot teenagers."

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
At the mention of 'not good listeners', Kyouko snorts back a snicker. Pot, kettle. Lovely shade of black you have going on there.

"Hunh." Kyouko sets her milkshake down and goes back to fry munching. "Magic hell door, dangerous magic shop and demon chicks." She repeats all of the relevant points and then nods. "Cool. How does the hell-door know when you want to go look at? Or does it just like.. pick for you? Cause I bet you dont really care about like.. three weeks ago."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Look, I'm not an expert in hell-doors." Kyouka says, mildly cross. "We'll figure it out. She showed it to me once and I'm pretty sure I remember what she did to turn it on." No possible way this can go wrong, right?

    "The tricky part is going to be finding it. The Kiseru Lady and I go back a long way but I wouldn't exactly call us friends, and even then she's got all kinds of very not-nice things in that shop, and its the sort of magic shop that never quite stays in the same configuration between visits so it might be kind of a hassle actually finding the damn thing to begin with."

    She grins. "Like I said, a sketchy situation. But that's why I want backup."

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
It's an easy shrug from Kyouko at the notion of 'they'll figure it out'. If not them, then someone they bring along will figure it out. Surely. It's just one hell door, right? How hard can it be?

"I mean, dangerous magic shop doesn't exactly say that it's going to lay the welcome mat out for us." Kyouko nods. "Is the demon chick likely to be there protesting, or are we going in without her knowing?"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Well my hope is that she will be there and we can ask her politely to take us to the door and let us use it, although she likes to charge rather steep prices for her help, in the fashion of demon-magic-shop-ladies, so negotiations will have to take place." Kyouka sighs, picking up her burger and taking a bite as she talks.

    "But even if she's not there we're going anyway. Fuyuko is of the opinion that sneaking in without her knowledge would be better anyway to avoid the price, but I'd rather deal with the potential price than have the demon-lady be angry at me later because we broke in, so we're really just going to have to play it by ear."

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
"I mean.. there's often something to be said for forgiveness rather than permission." Kyouko seems to be on Fuyuko's side of this coin. "I mean.. I suppose if she's there, she's there and we'll deal with her. if she's not.. well.. forgiveness."

Kyouko shrugs easily. No skin off her nose either way. "There's a whole team going, right?"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "I don't know about a team, but Fuyuko for sure, and probably Mamoru. You know him, right?" Kyouka asks, trying to think back on if the two had crossed paths previously. She is pretty sure that they had. She slurps her milkshake. "He's a cool dude anyway, though he'll probably try and be the 'voice of reason' so be prepared for that."

    She shakes her head a little bit. "I don't know if any more of a 'team' than that is necessary, probably easier the less people involved. Should be plenty anyway, all we want to do is watch some History TV. Not like we're going to blow the place up or anything."

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
"I usually work alone." Kyouko points out. "That seems like a huge team of people, and a good mix of skills." She nods at the question about if she's met Mamoru before. "Yeah, he was along when you guys ..' She pauses, not wholly sure how she wants to put it. "Finished off that Witch for me."

It's an accurate statement, if perhaps not the whole of it.

"Cool. I'll get to meet Fuyuko." Kyouko nods, pleased about that as she finishes off her fries, wiping her fingers off on a napkin.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Don't you know Fuyuko? Uggh, how do people handle knowing so many people and not having everyone know everyone else." Kyouka is vexed by the lack of population control. "It was so much easier back in the day when there were so few of us that everybody knew everybody whether they liked it or not."

    She shrugs her shoulders. "Either way, we'll get it done and hopefully learn something that will help us decide what we want to do next. One step at a time though.. I'm not about to make any decisions until we get some actual evidence in hand."

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
"I'm an antisocial bitch." Kyouko points out with a fangy grin. "I dont know a lot of people. And even if I've stabbed them in class or something, that doesn't mean that I'm about to go for coffee with them."

"Yeah. Find the hell door, with or without a steep price from the demon chick. Then?" Kyouko nods. "See what happens."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "You just need socializing." Kyouka says dismissively. "Don't worry, thats what I'm for. I know everybody." She smiles self-confidently in return. "And it's probably better you don't go out for coffee with Fuyuko anyway. She'll fill your head with all sorts of misguided ideas." As if she herself is immune from this.

    "Correct. I'm glad to see you're as quick on the uptake as ever." Kyouka grins. "After that we'll... just have to see."