Texts: you unpersoned me

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Texts: you unpersoned me
Date of Scene: 12 June 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Hinoiri Kirara just found out her bank accounts (and personal accounts) were nuked. She has a few questions for Fuyuko Yuuhi. Like, THE FUCK?! And then a few for her other big name in the business.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Fuyuko Yuuhi, Takashi Agera

(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: THE FUCK!
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you're going to have to give specifics.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you got fired, brat
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: YOU UNPERSONED ME! I get the trying to kill me, the not paying me. BUT YOU TOOK THE STUFF I WORKED FOR! WHAT THE HELL!
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: first of all, you're not unpersoned, because your school records are intact. I don't have access to the school's systems. However, anything established upon your entry has been deleted with your termination.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: You are all *so* lucky I am avoiding dark energy right now or you'd be the crater formerly known as Obsidian Tower.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: kid, you got the jump on some people, once. You were good.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: but you don't have the element of surprise anymore.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: move on.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Any other surprises I should be expecting? I can't believe this. I'm having to get help from the sparkles and just... buck. You all deserve everything you get.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: did you think you worked for good people?
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you've pissed a lot of people off.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... And for what it's worth, I'm sorry I attacked you. You didn't deserve that. Having said that, go buck yourself.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: i don't really care about that. i try not to be a hypocrite on purpose.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you've got your school records, so you can use that to get yourself started.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: also someone's probably going to try and kill you.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Same. You helped me... for the most part... and I wouldn't have attacked you if I was in control. And yeah, I know. They've already tried. I'll be expecting more.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you lost it. it happens. own it and pick yourself back up. you'll be fine.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: now i've got a real problem to deal with so if that's it
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Pfft. Well, I hope it's not magic based. Considering your side is trying to murder the foremost expert on magical phenomenon. Good luck with whatever those idiots cooked up.

(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: ... then how are you messaging me if you're not around?
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: I think you're using the wrong words.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I HAVE A BURNER PHONE! Sailor Moon suggested it months ago! It's gone. All of it. My records. My history. My bank account. Gone. I don't. Fucking. Exist. Bucking. DAMNIT!
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: The sparkles had to bucking buy me ramen. ME! Like I was some kind of unwanted orphaned stray who couldn't take care of herself! I EARNED THAT MONEY! And now it's gone. And I'm some kind of bucking charity case.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: Ohhh. Yeah. Yeah that tracks. I wasn't thinking about it; I was more concerned with the actual assassination part; but that sounds like something they'd do.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: since they are likely actively plotting and/or attempting to kill you I'm not sure that they are concerned with who made what money. I'd expect them to go after it even if you weren't set up through them.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I hate them. I hate them so much. If I could use dark energy without snuffing out the sun right now I just... I'm so ANGRY and UPSET and GAH! I just... I finally... just told the sparkles they can help me and just... buck it. I feel... helpless. Even more than normal. Majorina drained me, you know? She didn't even target me. I was just... there. I was a *nobody*. She didn't *care*. She wasn't even mad at me. It was just business as normal to her.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: I mean at least it wasn't personal, then you might not have been around to be helped.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: But I'm not sure why you would think being normal isn't every bit as sucky as it is. you sure you don't want to try something in moderation in a controlled setting?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: No, like five magical people spawned on top of me. Buck. At least one benefit of them popping out of nowhere means there's always someone new who won't know how much I bucked it all up. So yeah. Make sure you get separate accounts for everything. You never know when those vipers will turn on you. And no, I'm not touching dark energy. If you've got something else in mind, fine. But not touching that.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: I feel like if anything else was going to work you'd have discovered it before now. When you had access and tools and bank accounts
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: and anything you did get would be like hematite. way less powerful. you go from taking on a group to needing to be part of a group. :nauseated_face:
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Then I guess I'll just be useless dead weight in every bucking world.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I blew up the sun. I got a second chance. I'm not doing it again.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: in no way am I advocating you try to blow up the sun again. or eat it. or anything with it. I in fact advise you to stay away from the sun. maybe don't even go out on particularly sunny days
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Just help Catra get her shit sorted. She's not from here either and she's going to be worse off than me when Obsidian eventually turns on her.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: Obsidian didn't turn on you. You lost control, attacked a bunch of their assets, and became a liability first. From their perspective you turned on them. Now, I think you were out of your mind at the time, but once you started hiding I think that sealed it. Not that I blame you.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I never hid. They tried to KILL ME and I didn't make it easy.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: you stopped answering calls. you didn't come in to medical for treatment when you came down. I think it's perfectly reasonable, but those added to your already extant black marks. You think they didn't figure out that you had been resolved when the big orange light came back on? But you still didn't check in or anything. But... they were probably gonna kill you anyways. I don't think you did the wrong thing. I just think the outcome was pretty inevitable once you did so much damage the reduction in youma was visible in a graph on a slide.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. I lost control. Buck. Maybe you're right. Maybe I deserve this. I still can't believe the sparkles are now fighting with each other over who gets to *help* me... And the people I turned to when I got to this world are trying to destroy my life.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: hey, I'm not trying to destroy your life. I warned you. at great personal risk
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. Double Trouble, Catra and you are like, the only people over there who I actually trust. How long until you try to off me?
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: how long before you start spilling my secrets to the sparklesquad?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I don't know any of Takashi's secrets.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: coincidentally I have no idea where the artist formerly known as sunbreaker could possibly be, then
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: just be careful, you just mentioned two other people I have limited or zero control over. Well, a cat and a lizard, but. also people.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I'm dating one of them and the other... I'm bothering her as little as possible.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: honestly. I don't want to see you get killed. You know things I don't yet. destruction of knowledge when there are other options is a sin
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Thanks, Takashi. I'd be sad if you get killed too. Just help Catra get her shit sorted. They'll turn on you one day, probably her too. Well. Or Beryl will decide you'd look good in a pair of hot pants and you'll need to flee for your own sake.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: psh, I'd look good in anything. I've got that dramatically flowing labcoat chic thing going on. Beryl's like She-Ra, she's got a fixation and can't see past it.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Eh. Fair. Still, be careful. One of those boys of hers was tall and had white hair too.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: unfortunantly I can't assume he's discount me after I ate Beryl's little nightmare bubble. I know a little too much.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... Yeah. We all do. Heh. I got to slap her there. Worth.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: I think he's part of the package deal with her prince though, rather than interesting to her on his own
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Oof. That sucks. Nothing like just being the backup carryon and not the main attraction.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: I think she's trying to cut me out of the loop anyways. She pulled the DG Girls in without me recently. I don't think I'm supposed to know.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... Make sure you have a backup. That woman won't hesitate to break you for her mistakes. And Obsidian won't save you if it happens.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: yeah this conversation's gotten me thinking about that. Do you have a backup of the research you got about the ley lines and their connection to the dusk zone - the stuff that goes back to Hematite's starboy? I have an idea. Not a destructive one.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I don't really have *any* of my shit right now.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: Damn I hope they didn't destroy your stuff too badly then. There's a lot of research there
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah, most of its gone. The stuff that's left I'm not really keen on letting them ever touch. I'd sooner burn it. After all, they never paid me for it.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: I was already gonna send you some grocery cash, I'll pay for the research. to hell with these jokers
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Oh, I'll share shit with you. But, officially? I have nothing. Buck. I'd tell the sparkles the password to the wifi at this point if I thought they hadn't changed it.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: they probably haven't. but yeah, I wasn't asking officially. officially I am not in contact with you
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Sure, when you get your 'plan' figured out? Let me know. Heck, maybe I'll give you some stuff I wasn't supposed to know, even. Serve those idiots right for this.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: officially if I see you I'm supposed to subdue you and drag you in, or at least try. Sometimes Beryl still 'checks on me' - I can feel it. She's not as subtle as she thinks she is. so I'll have to figure out how to get around that first. Though maybe I'm becoming less interesting, the checks have been more spread out as time goes on.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... I'm going to see if I can find a magic tazer.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: You mean one that doesn't use dark energy
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: may be better off building one yourself. like a regular one
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Would... a normal one work on you?
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: if I was out of henshin. if I was in henshin I dunno. not tested.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I'd rather not find out when you are trying to kill me because Beryl. I'm all for hands on testing but that's a bit much, even for me.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: fair. though honestly I nearly killed myself once over her dumb rocks, if she tries to give me another ultimatum I may just join you in the dodging assassins situation
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Heh. Here's hoping it doesn't come to that. Hope it doesn't, though. This... sucks. I'm the Naru, now. No. worse. I'm the Naru but people actually want me dead. I hate this. I haven't felt this powerless since I was a foal.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: You probably haven't been. No magic, and now magic people want you dead. I do not envy you
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah... I... yeah... you know the kicker? I can't get out even if I wanted to. Portal hasn't opened since before I went all... since I snapped. I'm probably going to die on this stupid rock, magic less and unknowned.
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: well I'm trying to stop the dying part. And the magic drop part... is partly by choice
(PHONE) Takashi Agera texts: I know you feel compelled to make the choice, I'm just saying. You're still magic. You got caught in the Barrier. You're still aware.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. Who knows? Maybe I'm meant to be a puella or something. Kyubey did say I could wish for a cake or something.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... That was a joke. I'm not that dense. I'd sooner go and tell Sora all I've done that deal with that rat. I'm gonna get some sleep. Night.