891/Silver Crystal Shockwaves

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Silver Crystal Shockwaves
Date of Scene: 16 December 2023
Location: Obsidian Tower - Dark Laboratory
Synopsis: Takashi, Hinoiri, and LaCrima meet up unintentionally to discuss bonkers energy readings and maybe demigods and also magic and mummies.
Cast of Characters: Takashi Agera, Hinoiri Kirara, Norie Okana

Takashi Agera has posed:
Takashi Agera is, where else, in his laboratory. But unlike usual he's not calmly running an experiment or playing with Dark Energy. He's very uncalmly sitting in front of a slapdash mixture of Midchildan and Earth tech that approximates something kind of vaguely like a supercomputer, and his fingers are flying across a transparent projected keyboard, causing multiple views of information to come up, projections to be made, calculations. It is very much not a calm situation.

    He's muttering to himself about energy and off the charts and similar things. He doesn't know that something happened in the forbidden district, a miracle, a reveal, a fight. All he knows is that a tremendous blast of energy, something he'd never seen before, had been unleashed and he was trying to backtrack the source and the situation.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker appeared inside his lab, amidst fire. Yes, it took three tries, two of which were dusk ports, one of which was her own teleport. "TAKASHI! SORA'S HERE!" Sunbreaker yelled, almost panicking. "AND SHE'S PISSED! Did you see that? The SUN! There was a second sun BUT IT WASN'T IN THE SKY and I could FEEL the magic coming off it and oh my gosh she's so mad we're going to end up in the dungeons and banished and in tartarus and I've BEEN TO TARTARUS IT'S NOT A NICE PLACE AND CERBERUS IS SWEET BUT HE IS A VERY GOOD DOG AT HIS JOB and there's no escaping tartarus you just CAN'T and we're in SO MUCH TROUBLE!"

Okay, she was a little flailing, already pacing in panic.

"Listen, you need to ditch the stuff you stole before she finds us. She'll likely leave you alone so long as she doesn't realize you were a part of the heist."

But Sunbreaker was screwed. It was... almsot noble, her coming to warn him, even if she thought she was boned. Almost.

Norie Okana has posed:
Coalescing from mist from a shaky at best duskport (Because of all the radiance) La Crima arrives first in her shadowy awful form before forming back into her more humanoid form. She's literarily smoking and looks like hell.

"OOOWWWWW" goes La Crima as she claws at the Black Rose in her back. "Get it out, get it out, get it out!" she flails as she's too busy trying to deal with that to address anything else in the room. "Get the tweezers!" she cries.

She finally stopped and just winced in place. "Owowowowie."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi stopped madly typing and spun around in his chair to face Sunbreaker. He's a little intense but not panicked like Sunbreaker is. "I don't think that's the case. The magic signature's wrong for the kind of magic in the artifacts. It's very different. If that is Sora, though, the raw level of energy that just got produced is absolutely shattering and I'm not going anywhere for a while cause... if someone who is all light-and-bright is coming to get us, there's really not a better place to be than here. Even if she can fight the whole damn Obsidian Tower, the chances here are better."

    And he's about to continue when Lacrima appears in his lab. "What in the actual heck were you doing, Lacrima?" he asks. But she's really not in any state to answer. "Were you fighting Hematite?!" For all Takashi knows, Hematite is still a thing that exists. "No, I can't get the tweezers, the stupid rose has thorns and it'll suck as much going out as it does sitting in." he says, looking at her back. "Be still, for a moment. Thankfully, you're mostly made of Dark Energy too - this wouldn't be something I could do to like, Sunbreaker." He says, gripping the stem of the rose between his thumb and forefinger and channeling enough raw dark energy into it that it starts to disintegrate, and using a different swirl of Dark Energy to carry the particles out so Lacrima doesn't become 0.05% Dark Rose By Volume. "Okay... now there's maybe some sort of extraplanar demigod showing up and maybe just a tremendous source of energy going off, so maybe we should all stay put here till I can figure out what just happened."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker glanced to Takashi and, well... looked slightly more relieved. "O-oh. Ohhhh good. Not her magic? That's good. I... whew. I'll be honest. If she came for us and had her power? I don't think this tower would last long if she didn't want it to. Raising the sun and moon... not easy." There was a REASON Sunbreaker wasn't facing her directly. "But her power would be similiar to the stuff we took. That's goo--"

Then Lacrima. And her eyes honed in on the rose. One of THOSE. That little SHIT! How DARE he! Oh. That. That was useful. "Here," she said, before moving to La Crima's side. She'd had one of those in as well. "You try and figure out what THAT was, I'll work on tending to the wound."

She started mumbling an incantation under her breath before some bandages matterialized around her. They formed over the wound and the area itself numbed severely, filling with healing magic and dark energy. When she pulled her hand away, the wound would be covered in what looked like a layer of obsidian and be far, far number. Still likely hurt, but at least... a lot less.

"When you de-henshin it'll look just like normal bandages. But while henshined it'll be hard as armor. Try not to hit it on anything, though, you don't want that rattling against the wound. It'll heal faster this way, too. Are you okay?"

Sunbreaker... actually sounded concerned. Maybe it was because her life flashed before her eyes not ten minutes ago when she saw that SECOND SUN.

Norie Okana has posed:
La Crima can feel the rose come out and it hurts a lot because thorns, even if Takashi does it mostly less painlessly than just just ripping it out like a Band-Aid. She then lets Sunbreaker tend to the wound after and she relaxes some. "Yes, Hematite threw a rose into my back after I stabbed Nephrite in the back for having bad ideas like Midnight Tokyo. Which is no longer a thing, hopefully, you're welcome." she says bluntly as she winces.

"Oh are you. Wondering about that power surge? Yeah. Don't go to that dilapidated district in Juuban. For a bit. It's like. All the radiance right now and it's literal agony to exist there right now. Because I was right!"

"The Silver Crystal was someone's fricken heart or something. Specifically, Sailor Moon's. Or at least. It came out of her. Also."

"Hematite died. But it's okay. He got better?" she almost asks. "Something about. Princes. or something. I dunno. ANYWAYS. Silver Crystal. Inside Sailor Moon. I stabbed Nephrite. No idea where the boy band squad is right now but they all ran away when that thing appeared too. No idea where Hematite is besides Sailor Moon was holding him last I checked, only. Like."

"She was pretty and in a gown and such? I dunno." did she even breathe between any of that? Does she need to?

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi replies to Sunbreaker while they cooperatively remove the rose and patch up Norie's back. "I really don't think it's Fantastican. It's not Midchildan or Belkan either, though. Certainly no Dark Energy." he says, looking up at the readings. "But it doesn't match anything I'm used to seeing, not in type or scale. In fact, it's so powerful, I'm having to consider the idea that it bugged out my equipment. Or that it's a glitch, but I guess if you saw a second sun there's no glitch."

    Then Norie comes in with something like an explanation, and Takashi makes a dissatisfied 'mmrgh' noise before spinning back around in his chair. "Well, if that's the power of the Silver Crystal it makes sense Beryl wants it. She won't be the only one, after this. I doubt I'm the only person set up with equipment that can sense magical power surges, after all." he notes. "Also thank you for helping with that Midnight business. Hopefully you can dodge any blowback for... literally backstabbing him during a fight. If he got away that might be tough." he notes. "Hematite died... and got better?" Takashi doesn't know the whole story, and may never, but he knew Mamoru came to him yesterday saying he had a plan to leave. "That... actually kinda tracks, yeah." he notes.

    "If Sailor Moon is capable of this kind of power it starts to lend some creedence to Kaolinite's version of events with Cyprine..." he notes. "The sheer power my equipment read blew out monitors closer to the source. Just the massive influx of magical data alone fried em'. You put that much energy into a person and yeah. T-o-a-s-t." he says, spelling it out. "If she's off creating this kind of energy, you might want to rethink whether Sailor Moon can kill or not, Sunbreaker."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker rolled her eyes. "Well... while I can understand the rose in this case, he's still an asshole for stabbing you. No idea what Midnight Tokyo is, but it sounds dumb. Literal... oof. That had to be unpleasant, being so near the source." The fact Hematite died... and got better... made her cock an eye. "A magical artifact? THAT came from a magical artifact? You know, as much as I mocked them for depending on tools so much, maybe sometimes tools like that make sense."

Note to self, Silver Crystal is powerful.

"I don't know, though. That thing was powerful. Purifying, too. I was working on one of my towers and it just knocked it out entirely. But... yeah. If Sailor Moon has that kind of power? I could definitely see her having dusted someone, even if it was on accident. If you're not careful with your power, it wouldn't be too hard to accidentally murder someone with that. Might not even know you did it."

She lifted a hand to rub her head. "So, I was actually planning to leave town for a few days, me and Double Trouble, to do some research on the other towers with high magic concentrations. You two might want to consider doing the same. If Sailor moon is running around with something like that, and can't control it? Well. Even I wouldn't want to face her in a headon fight until I know just how often she can whip it out."

Norie Okana has posed:
La Crima shifts to Norie Okana with a little poof of dark energy and runs over to her messenger bag and pulls out her big binder. She moves to the Silver Crystal page and starts writing madly for a few moments as she follows along. "Sailor Moon probably didn't mean to murder anyone. But she probably did accidently murder Cyprine. It hurt, being near that thing. I'm pretty sure it brought Hematite back from the dead." she says as she makes rapid notes.

"But we know where it is now. I wonder if we can knock it out of her with one of the rifles..." she says musingly.

"But even if we did, we need someone who's capable of touching the damn thing without disintegrating your hand in the process, anyways!" she sighs a little as she grumbles.

"Sorry. I've been trying to look into that thing for my own purposes since Hematite posted that video on the Clock app. I mean. If the thing can bring people back from the dead... maybe it can fix me..." she muses... before looking at Sunbreaker.


Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi scoffs. "I can tell it was unpleasant for her. Most people don't pop into my lab already sizzling. Usually it takes a bad experiment for that to happen." He says, in that tone where it's hard to tell if he's serious or not. Could be either. "I'm guessing he didn't actually like. Die die dead dead, but I have reasons for that I can't share." he adds. "Nothing personal, just promises made." he says.

    "Other towers?" He's aware that Obsidian Tower and Clover Tower have high magic concentrations, but beyond that, Sunbreaker hasn't exactly read him in on everything. "Where to, though? It's been a long time since I've taken a vacation. Which, I guess, was more of a working vacation, but it sounds like this would be, too." he says, considering it. Beryl can't round him up to go look for her missing dude if he's just not here, which prevents him from needing to lie about things.

    "And yeah, I need more data about this crystal. I'm generally leery of magical instant solution items, but the energy here, if harnessed correctly, would be... capable of a lot. Maybe fixing you, maybe fixing Firefly." he says.

    Takashi shrugs. "I brought some artifacts back from another world that I can't touch already, this is just one more thing I have to handle at a safe distance." he says. "It might even be like some of them - safe to hold but dangerous to be holding while it's active." Well. 'dangerous' for dark energy entities. "If it really can raise the dead, and they find out about it, Gabriel at least is gonna be looking for it. Probably a bunch of people. I'd keep that under your hat for now. Don't need to compete with even more people." When Norie asks about Towers, Takashi shrugs and just looks to Sunbreaker.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a small nod, though she glared at Takashi for a moment before looking to... Norie.

Norie. The... girl she actually didn't know. Huh. Neat. Well, at least it would make keeping her identity secret easy.

"Paris and Seattle, a city on the western continent and one on the continent north of here. Apparently they are also focal points of magical energy. I'm running some tests from Kirakirafantastica, checking things to see how the magic reacts here versus back home. I... have a hypothesis, but I'm not really willing to share it without more data."

"Primarily because the data currently points to something that's ridiculous and so, obviously, there's something else I'm missing. It'd be like grabbing a cup of water from the beach and then determining 'yup, fish aren't real'."

She gave a light shudder. "Although, I will say... if it did raise him from the dead? Magic that does things like *that*? Tends to... change people. If he died, died died? He's likely not the same person anymore. Probably some weird ideal that Sailor Moon would want him to be. So... hopefully not that, it could get weird."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana blinks a little and asks. "You're going to Paris. That's so romannntic." she sighs dreamily, before shaking her head as she gets out of that reverie just in time to finish her note taking. "Need to. Keep updated notes." she says. "I wonder if the boyband told the lady they work for about it, already, or if I have exclusive information." she says. "Let's keep this between us for now until we know. A trump card to play later could be interesting, right?"

"Also. Sorry if I call them the boyband."

"But also, they're totally a boyband." she asides neutrally.

"Also yeah, sorry I arrived smoking but. Whatever that thing is. It hurts. I had trouble even. Getting away."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi considers it all. Hematite, first. Well, the Dark Energy wasn't native to him, so if he did die... it would leave, and then if he was resurrected, he'd come back fully himself. At least, before anything like Sunbreaker was saying. "I'm sure he's changed, one way or another." Takashi says. It would also explain why he didn't share the information with Takashi - 'let me get myself killed and then raised from the dead to cleanse my Linker core' was not, in Takashi's eyes, the smartest or safest plan.

    "But when magic's involved, I'm starting to learn to accept the ridiculous. Science is the rules of the world under normal circumstances and magic is what happens when those rules are told to sit down and shut up." he says, shaking his head. "You don't need to apologize for coming here when you need help though, Norie." he says. "That's why we're a team."

    "...Also, you raise a good point. I probably shouldn't go to Paris with some girl who isn't my girlfriend unless my girlfriend's coming along." he notes. "I'll have to ask her. Don't worry, she's Obsidian too." he says to Sunbreaker. "Oh actually, you've met, yeah." he says, remembering the witch Labrynth.

    Takashi pauses. "I'm glad you're OK, Norie. And yeah I think this information stays between us. I wouldn't even mention it to Catra or Mami yet. Not until we know what the significance is. We don't know what it means or what it could mean." he adds. Maybe if it can raise the dead, or something close to it, it can also help with someone who has to kill witches to live. There's a lot to think about here. "I don't know if I am going; but if I do go, you'll be in charge till I get back." he says. "I'll still be working remotely, though. But more computer stuff less touchy-stuff."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a shrug. "Eh. I usually call them the butlers four, boyband works. I doubt they could sing, though. And don't worry about arriving smoking. The important thing is that you didn't die. Considering the current track record... well... I've had multiple people try to kill me, some of them actually managed to kill one of the witches. Nobody here wants to add your name to that list."

"... So... how is paris romantic? It's just another city with a big tower, isn't it?" Right. Not from here.

Then she glanced to Takashi again. Really? He was all about the romance too? "Ugh... If you're bringing her she'll need to know who I am out of henshin. You know how much I loathe letting anyone know, so you better make sure she keeps that information quiet."

"... also your world is so weird. Magic has rules and princibles. Sure, some of them don't match things like physics, but they do still operate off of perfectly measurable effects. I just haven't been able to properly measure this world's, yet."

Norie Okana has posed:
"Oh... Oh I would not wanna be in Mami-oneechan's doghouse." she says to Takashi. "So yes, take her if you go, and don't worry. Nothing will explode while you're gone. I'll keep watch of things and.. uh." she looked to Sunbreaker and blinks.

"It just is? Pretty city... the Eiffel tower. the language sounds really romantic. Do you speak French? English? You better brush up if you're going! I only speak. Japanese, English, and some sort of ancient Spanish because ... well. Spanish Vampire. I guess." she says.

"Oh, you're traveling like that. Mami-oneechan can probably keep a secret." she says. "I wonder.... if you could duskport that far..."

"Ugh. No. No experimenting with distance. I'll get stuck like. In Egypt or something. And wake up mummies, knowing my luck." she sighs.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi shrugs helplessly. "Girl things." he says, as though that explains it all. Then, after a moment, "It's another city to me - but I'm pretty sure it isn't to her, and that's the person who's perspective is important." he says. In some ways, Takashi is wise.

    Takashi also doesn't miss chances to boast. "I'm a pretty good choice for a travelling partner - I can speak a lot of languages. Before I was really able to do experimental science - cause I didn't have resources or space - I killed time studying languages. I can speak French, and a lot of other languages besides. Actually, I can probably converse with most of the inhabitants of this planet. And as far as secrets go, I trust Mami-san with my identity, and I'm reasonably protective of that. I like being able to go to my dorm without dodging blasts and such." he adds.

    "I wouldn't try to duskport that far. You get out of range of the two towers here and you could get lost there, maybe forever. Since it's not like distance or direction there correspond to pretty much anything. I might try to slip into the Dusk Zone once I'm already there if we can confirm there's magic nexuses like Clover Tower there. But I wouldn't try to hoof it through the Dusk Zone to get there, I'm gonna take a plane."

    "And yeah, don't get stuck in a mummy-filled pyramid. I'm not sure your cell phone would get signal." he says, perfectly normally.

    "Hey, if you can figure out any rhyme or reason to magic that even stays true person to person, that'd be swell. As far as I can tell on other worlds devices work pretty much the same for everyone, but here the magic itself is... personalized, I suspect in some way relative to emotional status and linker core. Wouldn't surprise me if the same applies to people from your world - but you're the only one I'm aware of."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker nodded. "Right. She was... the girl with guns, right? Oh... sorry. A lot of those memories are still a bit... foggy." On account of EATING A FAMILIAR! "She seemed nice, at least. And... huh. No. I know a guy from france, but I've never learned the language. I can speak a bit of.... old equine, dragon, a smidge of griffon and more than I'd have one day expected of zebra." Pause. "Don't ask, there's just... a lot of old magic stuff in zebra."

As for teleporting, I could feasibly do it, if I could set a point there ahead of time. But going back and forth with any amount of accuracy. Planes are probably safer."

"... Wait, your world has mummies too? Do you guys have pyramids and sphinxes? Cause like... gonna be honest. Mummies are sorta jerks. Sphinxes are... slightly less of jerks. Obnoxious pranksters, though."

"And it likely won't work from person to person. People are different, so you need to manage for that. You can't expect magic to affect a dragon, unicorn and griffon the same. One it'll change the scale colors, one it'll light on fire and one it might taste bananas for a week." And yet, in her mind, it alllll made sense.

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana's eyes go wide "PLEASE Try to do a little Dusk Zone poking around while in Paris and Seattle! I need to know if the locale looks different. Get me scans. Send me scans! Pictures..." she says with as much neutrality as she can muster. That must mean she's excited now about the prospect.

"Erm. Please." she adds with a bow.

She looks towards Sunbreaker. "We have inert dead mummies in Egypt and other places. Just dried corpses. As for Sphinxes.. I have no clue if they're real but there's a big statue of one in Egypt... again. Pyramids also...in Egypt and other places" she says.


"I wonder if the Pyramids are magical now."

"Ugh. My mind is all over the place. I really should rest after tonight. I'm going back to my dorm room." she says as she picks up her messenger bag.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi just shakes his head at Sunbreaker's 'languages' - he knows enough now to know it's real, but that doesn't mean his brain wants to accept it. He kind of wishes for a Veil between here and there. Flaming dragon horse or whatever, jeeze. And then he sighs. "I do not understand how that's normal. Sure, people have differences, but gravity effects us mostly the same. So does radiation. All of the forces of the universe that I can understand and control for. And then there's... magic. Ridiculous. I can understand what causes what, but not the why, and it drives me up the walls." he sighs.

    "Oh I absolutely will get you scans, as long as I can step in and step out without ending up in some parisian dude's basement instead of where I stepped in at. Any information I get about the way things are over there, it's all yours." he tells Norie. "And... we should all probably rest up before doing anything more. As for the pyramids... I have no idea, but given the stories about curses, I'm not particularly inclined to go check, cause if they're magic, they're probably legitimately cursed." he points out. "I've got enough problems without having some sort of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's curse on me."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a small nod to Norie. Inert pyramids? This world was so lame sometimes. "Rest well. I'll... probably go rest too. Soon. Once some of the adrenaline has worn off."

Once it was just the two of them, she glanced back to Takashi and...

"For what it's worth, our world doesn't have curses either. Like, we have some magic people call curses, but actual curses aren't real at all."

... Oh, so CURSES was where she drew the line.

"So I'll just help you around here for a bit." ... She, admittedly... after thinking Sora was here and pissed? She... didn't.... want... to go home right away.