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Date of Scene: 24 February 2024
Location: Mitakihara Ward
Synopsis: Sunbreaker attacks in the park, but with Platinum Royale and Sailor Mercury around, it won't go far! ... Though, wow. Mercury, kick ABOVE the belt!
Cast of Characters: Tadase Hotori, Ami Mizuno, Hinoiri Kirara

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase and Ami have managed to not collapse into a singularity of awkward, somehow, though there's been some close calls. Right now, though, their focus is on the experiment, because focusing on the idea of a totally normal hair-pin based magical experiment is a lot easier than focusing on things like mutual declarations of hair admirations.

    "So. I don't know if this will work, because I don't know why the bucket thing works. In fact, I'm not really sure how we even figured out buckets work. I don't remember much, other than coming back to my senses trying to get a bucket off my head while everybody looked relieved, the first time." Tadase admits. "But thank you for... being so nice about this. It's rather troublesome." he continues as they walk toward that park.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"That's completely understandable. It's magic after all. While I fully believe there are rules to it, what those rules are may not be readily evident. It's something I've been trying to understand for awhile now. It's quite challenging, especially with all the variations that seem prevailant around here." At least this was something Ami could easily talk about as she walks beside Tadase carrying with her a bag from the bookstore, and her super comfy warm puffy coat that really didn't look all that nice but was oh-so-warm.

"The best way to try it then would be to trigger your 'issue', and then put the hair pin on?" Ami's gaze slides over Tadase in a thoughtful way as she tries to see if Kiseki is out or otherwise aware of their current conversation. He hadn't been so far which would just be perfect for the experiment.

Their path leads them away from the fairly busy mall toward the small parklette across the street that was usually only busy when the weather out was nicer. It was a good place to wait for buses, or enjoy some sunshine and trees after being inside the concrete mall for awhile. It would be peaceful here for their purposes she imagined.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was preparing... soon, project Eclipse began, so she just had to gather a bit of energy and--

Of course, when she flew over the city, her eyes fell on a familiar bit of blue hair. Oh. OH! That bucking DORK! She INSULTED Sunbreaker! Told her how she wasn't GOOD ENOUGH to beat her. How she could NEVER measure up to her level! How it was IMPOSSIBLE to win! She'd been planning to play nice, to NOT hgo too hard, to not cause issues since she had other, more important things....

But oh, this 'Ami' had egged her on. Albeit, likely accidentally.

And she took that personally. Her eyes narrowed and she knew EXACTLY where to start off her energy draining for the... wait... how many days until the next mock exam? She did some quick calculations and... okay. RIGHT! It wouldn't actually hurt the girl at the exams, there was enough time. When she won she couldn't let it be by cheating. She had to not just be better, but better AND won FAIR AND SQUARE! This? Wouldn't really set the girl back that much. So HA! Now, how to go about this...

So, as the duo were running about... They'd, a few minutes later, feel that pulse of dark energy. And then hear music? No. Not just any music. Utau's music. Dark energy echoing from one of Sunbreaker's towers. Utau's music... with the undercurrents of the Black Beauty Sister's songs (Pun intended). Lulling people into a dark, draining stupor... as those who walked through found their wills and hearts dampened and drained by the marring melodious melody of misery.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase picks up on the voice. He'd recognize that voice anywhere. Because the girl singing it is a girl he grew up with. Utau Tsukiyomi, now Utau Hoshina, Ikuto's sister and Easter's pet project. Famous idol. Chara-bearer. And musical weapon.

    The moment the song begins Tadase's guard is up, and he moves in front of Ami subsconsciously. "That's not good." he says. "That music. I know who's making it. Easter... what are you doing here?"

    Hinoiri is not technically Easter. But she's also not... not. He can feel the tugging of that music on his heartstrings, on his energy. The energy is easier to dislodge. Kiseki makes his return, flying along at top speed. "Tadase-kun... Dark Energy." the chara says.

    The adults, with achieved or sleeping dreams, just feel that energy drain - but there's also one other victim. A young elementary schooler who can hear the music isn't sure what happened, but for those who can see magic, a little black egg with a white X painted on it might become visible soon, before hatching.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Music? That was... sweet. Wasn't it? Ami pauses as her eyes start to glaze over momentarily. It only lasts a moment as she feels a little 'kick' of her own energy in reaction to the drowsy, draining feeling, and she quickly shakes her head to throw off the effects. Everything inside her was screaming to fight against that draining pull stubbornly. Tadase steps in front of her as well which helps to break any further spell lingering on her.

Her gaze sweeps around the area looking at those that area already affected, only to then land on the child with a soft 'oh!' of concern breaking from her lips. This was *not right!*

Angry now she actually drops her bag of books and bookbag unburdening herself without care. She, who cared SO MUCH about books was right now forgoing their care because of this.

"It most certainly is NOT good!" she agrees crossly.

A step is taken back so she doesn't bump into Tadase as her arm slashes out in the air in front of her. A little object apears in her hand as she does so which she then holds aloft--A pen bearing the symbol of the planet Mercury.

"Mercury Power! Make up!"

It's a quick transformation as water bubbles up and sworls around her changing her stuffy-but-warm attire into the far more easy to move in blue skirt, and boots with a sensible heel, and ribbons flowing flowing around her to wrap her arms up to the elbows, and her chest. The final thing is the golden tiara with a blue gem resting upon her brow.

It only takes a few scant heartbeats for the change. Tadase is then backed by Sailor Mercury who reaches up to tap the side of her tiara. With a blue glow her visor slides out allowing her to begin scanning the energy draining signatures.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
The x-egg, at least, lead them right to the source...

Sunbreaker, sitting on a bench next to the tower with speakers. Legs crossed, an exam booklet in hand which she was reviewing. Time to study, right? While gathering energy? Well... Unlike Ami she could do BOTH magical stuff AND study at the same time(Not really).

The x-egg, flew to her! And she... "Yeah, hold on," she said, holding a finger up.

The egg flew around and nudged her cheek. "Yeah, hold on!" she snapped. "Unless you want to be an omelette!" she snapped, glaring at it.

The egg squeaked, rippling with fear at the flaming girl. After a moment she looked up and... "Right, eggs, what do... hatch, dark... something," she muttered, flicking her finger.

The egg then did so! She did NOT do that right, though. However... within the egg, a small little mini-person, an x character, appeared! In its hands were... chunks of bread! It started chucking them around, like feeding the ducks! Except, instead of ducks being satiated by bread... instead it explodinated like GRENADES!

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    And Tadase watches Sailor Mercury's henshin for those few heartbeats, and now there's a Sailor Soldier behind him. Which is good. Because there's explosive bread.

    And Tadase has a henshin now. He's almost gotten used to it. That doesn't mean that 'transform first' is exactly ingrained into him after months of doing what he can do as a mostly regular human. So he doesn't henshin first when the explosive bread comes their way - he just turns and tries to grab Mercury and dive with her out of the line of fire, like she's a regular civilian or something. It's just habit. Attack is coming, he's there, they're leaving the danger zone.

    "Sorry!" he says as he kind of realizes the nature of the situation, that he may have needed more protection than her in the moment.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Sailor Mercury widens her eyes as she watches the X Egg be 'born'? Was that it? It looked very much like Kiseki. She's curious about it of course and wants to ask, but there were more pressing things at the moment. Before she can properly react Tadase has already grabbed her around the waist to pull her to safety.

Something she goes along with at least until they're solidly back on their feet. A hand pats at his shoulder in a quick gesture of thanks, though she raises her other hand into a clenched fist.

"While I approve of studying, I can't agree to this method of endangering others!"

It's her turn to step forward giving Tadase a quick nod. She could take the protective stance while he changed, if he did, she wasn't sure.

"I am the guardian who fights for love and knowledge! Douse yourself in water and repent!"

POINTING at Sunbreaker and the X Chara she calls out, "Mercury Aqua Mist!"

Bubbles shoot forth. They catch the light, reflecting beautifully, but the sheer magnitude that quickly fills the area causes them to pop upon impact creating a hazy fog to hinder the sight of the enemy. Strangely she and Tadase still have full view of those around them.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker glanced up at the x character, blinking. Explosives. Huh. She hadn't expected that. "The magic in this world is weird," she finally said before glancing to Tadase and Mercury. "Oh gosh. Another friend of Sailor Moon's?" she asked. "How many of your sailors ARE there?! And... oh. Well. An... introduction. You know, usually you all just.... yell and throw attacks on me. I don't usually actually get an introduction. At least one of you are polite." Her book disappeared. And then blinked. "Love... and knowledge? So... you're like... a senshi of dating guide books? That seems... very specific." Pause. Glanced to Tadase. "Were you two on like a date or something?"

aaaaand now she couldn't see. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Right. I'm SUNBREAKER! Of Kirakirafantastica! Nice to meet you I GUESS! You know, you make it VERY HARD to limit collateral damage if I can't SEE you to HIT YOU! Are the civilians at least out of here? They don't HAVE the same PROTECTIONS you magic jerks do! I swear, do ANY of you think things through?!"

The x-chara, meanwhile... was just throwing explosive bread everywhere. Not that it could see. So it was more just throwing them at all the things.... but getting SCARILY close towards where some civilians were collapsed from the energy drain.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    The fog gives him and her cover from the direct attacks - but on some level Sunbreaker may have had a point. Sure, protecting themselves was the chief concern, but so was protecting the civilians.

    "Kiseki." Tadase says, and the little king has no trouble finding his Bearer again even in the fog. "We're not going to let the blue Princess fight alone, are w- wait did I just call her a princess?" he asks.

    "Baka!" Kiseki replies, tugging on Tadase's cheek. "Now isn't the time for that."

    "Oh, yeah." he notes, bringing his hands up to where the lock rests on the inside of his clothes. "My heart: Unlock! Chara-Transform! Platinum Royale!"

    The henshin itself is mostly obscured by the fog, but the light really ins't, that silvergold light. "HOLY CROWN!" Royale calls, a large shimmering barrier of light cutting through the fog. Not that it'll help the chara or Sunbreaker target anything since the barrier is large and massive, covering Royale, Mercury, the Civilians - everyone safely (for the moment) protected by the wall of light.

    "Sailor Mercury, please be careful with the little dark guy! He's savable, we just need to wear him down." he calls.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"It's more the Love OF Knowledge, but also love because romance can be nice, too!" Mercury blurts out as Sunbreaker responds to her. She was already moving to pull some of the civilians to a safer locale under the safety of the mist--She hadn't forgotten them at all. That goes unsaid though as she pauses, and in spite of her bold announcement to correct Sunbreaker, she says in a very small voice:

"But... It's the only attack I know."

A breath later she's back to her more confident self announcing boldly, "I may be the weakest of us, but that doesn't mean I won't try my best to stop this theft of energy!"

WAS she weak though? Setsuna had said she wasn't. It was that lingering self-doubt she felt after watching the others fight. After seeing them all do so much bigger and bolder and more flashy things. Water *was* the element of life though. Deep down she knew she held more power than just this. It just hadn't been discovered yet.

When Tadase turns into Platinum Royale she looks his way seeing the transformation at least through the screen of her visor. A slow smile spreads as she feels more confident again. "Right! Tire it out," she agrees only to suddenly dart forward toward Sunbreaker.

Maybe she didn't know anymore magical attacks at the moment, but that doesn't stop her from sending a kick trying to wedge her pointy-toed boot right in Sunbreaker's stomach!

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker blinked and then paused. She had a bit of flame in her hand... which faded away. And then... "Wait. So are you two like... the shield and vision impairing duo? Ugh. Okay. First of all. Mercury, right? You're supposed to be--"

And then the girl was rushing at her! To kick her and--

Her hands reached out and it was like something... magical... wrapped around her. She couldn't see it, except for a red glow. But it was around her and--

But Sunbreaker didn't follow up. Instead... she just motioned down and Mercury would, less than dignantly, find herself dropped on her ass. Sunbreaker looked down at her and then leaned forward, putting her hands on ehr knees like she was talking to a child.

"Right. Mercury. So, you can do bubbles. Are you a martial artist? Have you been training to fight people in hand to hand combat? Yesssss? Noooooo? If not, then knock this off. You're like... water bubbles, right? There is a lot you can do that. Don't just be the 'annoying mist' girl. There is streams of water, exploding bubbles, shards of ice if you can like... do 'freezing' stuff, but I doubt it. Or maybe get a weapon. Can you do that? But don't let 'it's the only attack I know' be the reason to be pathetic. Otherwise... go away."

She leaned in a little. "Because if the only thing you can do is make me unable to see... then all you're going to do, in moments like this...? Is be annoying. And get other people hurt. So figure out what else you can do or stop *wasting my time*. Got it? I'm not some b-class foe you can defeat by half-flanking it."

Meanwhile, during all of this? The x-chara was throwing flurries of explosive bread at the shield, raining down explosives in a wild flurry and struggling to penetrate it! Bit by bit, little cracks starting to appear all over it!

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Platinum Royale, in the slowly clearing fog, has a scepter in his hand and he's holding it up, using his will to reinforce the shimmering shield against the rain of explosives. And he can hear Sunbreaker, and oh he has Opinions About This.

    "You're one to talk, girl! Attacking defenseless people for their energy, relying on your creatures to help, talking high and mighty. But it's a lot harder to defend people than harm them. It takes a greater strength to protect than attack. And it takes a bigger heart to put yourself at risk for the gain of others." he calls. "It's easy for you to talk like that when you don't understand."

    The little Chara does break through the shield - but not without a lot of effort. Which is what Royale wanted. "And you... you don't even want to be like this. I don't know what your holder's dream is, but I know it's not to attack others. And now that you've gotten it out of your system..."

    Platinum Royale draws a circle in the air. IMPERIAL SEAL! He calls out, as a royal crest of energy comes into being and then launches itself towards the Chara, apparently taking the 'seal' part somewhat literally as it attempts to wrap around the chara and bind it like plastic wrap. Though given the size of the chara it might seal the whole creature rather than just arms or legs.

    "She's just trying to knock you down verbally before you knock her down physically, Sailor Mercury." Platinum Royale calls.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Sailor Mercury manages to keep her balance when her leg is first caught... But she does tip over backwards to land with both hands behind her bracing her on the ground, legs splayed. Her knees remain bent however rather than being in some totally awkward position (okay this wasn't the most graceful looking position easily), but she WAS in the proper position that she could retaliate. The questions being flung at her are ignored. The suggestions... Those were tucked away for later. She did want to ask Jadeite how to make an ice sword at some point if she ever managed to get to talk to him again, and if those powers were still with him. For now she just looks up from beneath her bangs at Sunbreaker who looks over her in just the right position that she can shift her weight back ont her hands and... Kick. Straight. Up. Between her legs.

That was always going to hurt no matter the gender.

"I'll learn and adapt but I certainly won't stop doing what's right!"

Scrambling back to her feet she jumps backwards, hands up and out in front of her. Ice? She'd managed it once before. All she had to do was focus, right? There was certainly enough fog around at this point to pull moisture from the air from, if that's how it was done, and it was plenty chilly.

Hand flung out toward Sunbreaker she shouts, "Mercury Aqua Mist!" Again. This time the bubbles are condensed into a tight stream trying to actively freeze upon impact.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker could, honestly, appreciate that the girl learned. She developed a new attack. Good, she was a threat! She could honestly appreciate that! Really. Normally.

Except, right now? She was currled up, with tears in her eyes, clutching herself. "Y-you.... m-mare bucking... sun.... gazing... moon... tearing... orbital... crashing..."


And then she was covered in ice.

Meanwhile, the x-chara was bound in Platinum Royale's imperial seal. Helpless! Trapped! Nooooo! It was going to be defeated!

It looked like it was all over and good. All--

AND THEN THE ICE EXPLODED! Sunbreaker was entirely enveloped in fire, as black as the night. "FINE! YOU WANT TO PLAY THAT GAME?! LETS PLAY! LET'S--"

The music had stopped, however. Slowly, Sunbreaker glanced back.

Her tower had been shattered by some of the ice exploding off her. Her eye twitched and she just... "GAH! GET BUCKED!" She sent a fireball steamrolling at Mercury, before disappearing in a flurry of flame.

The chara, meanwhile... had gotten freed by the explosion! And... was...

... Now hiding behind Tadase. Because Sunbreaker's fury had been a little scary and he was all about shiedling and protecting, right? So like... he made a good hiding behind person.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Platinum Royale watches the little chara float behind him with a sort of amused interest. For a moment he thinks about moving up to help Mercury, but then he sees that kick land and NOPE she's clearly got stuff under control.

    Then Platinum Royale turns to the Chara. "Look, you don't have to be afraid. I'm going to send you back to your rightful home, as your rightful state. The only music you need to listen to is the music of your Bearer's hopes and dreams.

    He makes a heart with his fingers as the lock on the chain glows underneath his floofy shirt. NEGATIVE HEART, LOCK ON! OPEN HEART!

    The sheer energy of the blast of positive, cleansing power that erupts from the humpty lock, focused into that heart shape, is enough to create a near windstorm effect as it pushes him back, suffusing the X-Chara in cleansing energy.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
It worked. A small surge of triumph rises up in Sailor Mercury as she feels the excitement of that. It did work and it was stronger and a more direct attack. It was also a bit of a memory flitting in the back of her mind of a similar attack long ago... Ice, and strength, and ...

Now was not the time to dwell on half-remembered memories of a past life! Sunbreaker retaliates with a fireball! One she flings right before running away.

"Mist!" Is all that she gets out as another plume of bubbles come up meeting the fireball in an attempt to deflect or at least lessen the severity of it. There *were* still civilians around, although Platinum Royale might actually have the guarding part on them down.

In the end it's not so much mist as a hiss of steam as water and fire collide warming the area up in a most unpleasantly moist manner that leaves Mercury's hair damp and sticking to her cheeks and forehead. Let's not mention the skirt. And the rest of her outfit. And... okay she's soaking wet.

Turning to look over her shoulder she asks with concern, "Are you okay? Is the... the little fairy okay?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
The little chara was, soundly, open hearted! Returning to a small egg with a little ducky on the cover... it flew off, returning to its owner.

The tower was in shambles and, well, victory was had...

Meanwhile, in the dusk zone, Sunbreaker was curled up and whimpering, clutching herself. Sure, she got a few bits of energy...

Not. Worth.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    The boy with the crown turns around. "Yeah. Those eggs, the little shadow Chara... they're when someone's dream gets corrupted. It can happen in more than one way, but Utau's singing can do it. That wasn't Utau but she had a recording of Utau's song which seems to be enough. If they can get that recording distributed it's gonna be a big headache." Royale says.

    But then he smiles. "So, Sailor Mercury, is it?" he asks. "I'm Platinum Royale." he adds, with a wink that - oh right he's fused with Kiseki there might be a sparkle or two, an actual tangible magical *sparkle* that isn't just an artistic thing but *really exists*. "Thanks to your help keeping Sunbreaker busy, we were able to purify that dream and it went back to it's owner."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Sailor Mercury steps forward and though she had been soaked, somehow as she moves she dries. It was the affinity with water absently used without even conciously thinking of it. The water just evaporates off her hair and attire leaving a little sparkling effect around her as well. Not outright sparkles--but the light now visible since the mist she had cast has evaporated as well certainly glints off of it leaving her looking a bit ethereal as she approaches.

"Good to meet you Platinum Royale," she offers with a smile. "I'm glad I could help. Now--I suppose we should change back," she remarks with a chuckle. For her slipping out of henshin is easy enough. It shimmers off of her just as the water had done leaving her regular old Ami Mizuno again.

"Maybe we should take a break and try our experiment another day."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    When Platinum Royale shifts back to Tadase Hotori it's a visible pop as he separates from Kiseki, who is now floating between the two of them, looking between them. "Wait, what experiment? What's going on?"

    Tadase may answer Kiseki another day, too.