1176/It's Not An Easter Egg.

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It's Not An Easter Egg.
Date of Scene: 24 February 2024
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Tadase helps Hinote out about his egg.
Cast of Characters: Hinote Kagari, Tadase Hotori

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari has came to school to participate in some drama club related activities, mostly constructing sets. But that's done now. Now. Hinote Kagari is sitting in front of the club building with his backpack as she rummages around into his backpack. He's seeking the ever sweet taste of a chocolate bar because he still feels like a butt from yesterday-

-and bumps his hand across that strange egg. The one that looked like a weird Easter egg. He pulls it out and examines the black and white egg as he purses his lips, and looks around.

"So what are you..." he whispers to the egg. "Am...am I supposed to eat you? I dunno. That feels wrong." for some reason. Also, he's talking to himself. But that's like the last craziest thing to happen to him in months. Talking to himself feels perfectly reasonable.

He does lift his ear to it to try to listen to it.

Some girls pass him by. They give him odd glances as he appears to be listening to an egg. They continue on quickly.

"Oh..." he says as he quickly lowers the egg. Well. That was embarrassing.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase Hotori is stepping out of the school, and there's a tiny little King floating anove his right shoulder. The King is Talking, and Tadase is looking forward; not out of rudeness, but because talking directly to an otherwise invisible fairy gets you looks.

    But it's not Tadase, thinking about stopping by The Shed for a bit, that notices the other person having a sort of similar issue. It's Kiseki.

    "Hey. Tadase. I think I sense something, and I am pretty sure that kid over there was listening to an egg." he notes. "Or trying to." He pauses. "Which means he's either the source of the energy I sense or - his lunch makes weird noises." he says.

    Tadase looks towards Hinote as he lowers the egg and only gets a tiny glance. "Why don't you we go see if he can see or hear you, Kiseki. That's a good start. But lets go over together and try to prevent him from dropping the egg. Lunch or Chara, both would be bad." Then Tadase pauses. "...is it weird for you when I eat eggs?"

    Kiseki is not answering because frankly he's distracted floating over that way.

    So a small little fairy hovers just near Hinote, a little king with blue clothes and a red cape and a shimmering golden crown, as Tadase walks up. "Oh hey, I think I know you..." he pauses. "Kagari-san, drama club, right?" Tadase does really try to recognize as many people from his grade as he can, as a Student Council Member.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari is ready to put the egg away with an exasperated look when....

Tiny king. Very tiny king! He looks like he imagines a king to look like, on stage, almost. He also has a similar feel to that... tiny girl that danced all over that girl's console yesterday. Almost. What was with the tiny people?

"Uh....Hiiii?" he asks, sort of starting crosseyed at the tiny king. Before shaking it off and answering the question. "Eh? OH Y--yeah. Hinote Kagari. Aren't you...student council?" he asks. He's cradling the egg between two hands, cupping it while another hand kind of washed over it.

"You uh. You see the tiny royalty there. Or am I nuts and studying the script of the next play too hard...

He then blinks 'hard. "Right. Whatever those girls told you, I'm perfectly okay." he swears. He's assuming that's why the boy is over here.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase nods. "Yeah, Student Council, but don't worry that's not why I'm talking to you." he says, quickly. People just often assume he's here to tell them to follow some school rule which is only true like half the time.

    "...The fact that you can see him is why I'm talking to you, actually." he begins. "Most people can't, so if you're gonna talk to Charas - yours or someone else - you kinda have to get used to not looking at them. Otherwise people give you the crazy look. Took me a little bit, too." Tadase admits. "But anybody who's got awareness of magic - they can see them just fine." he says.

    "So the question is, why can you see him? He's my Chara. But I don't see one around you..." Then he points to the egg. "Well, not entirely true. Wake up with that one day?" he asks. And his smile is warm, tone casual.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari seems to puff out. "Yeah I have awareness and some folks told me a curse and to keep my head down and ignore it all." he snorts in a manner that suggests that didn't agree with him. He does continue.

"Yup. Literarily this morning." he says. "-after some stuff happened yesterday where I was trying to figure out what was going on with some jerk's... I dunno. Energy stealing scheme?" well that answers how aware he is.

"So I woke up. With this egg on my pillow- and honestly I have no id---" then it pauses mid conversation was the realization hit him.

"PLEASE." he says. "Tell me about the strange Easter egg, if you know, because I don't sleep with breakfast, I really don't." he says, with more exasperation.

This has the look of both hopeful relief in his eyes and/or a little weariness.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase nods. "It's not really a curse... but it can be a bit of a responsibility. Since most people can't see what's going on, those of who can... kind of have that role, to keep them safe from stuff they don't know about." Tadase notes. "Or at least that's always how it's felt for me. I can see how some people might think of it as a curse because of that."

    Kiseki answers the next part. "Don't eat it! Don't even 'think' about eating it. Regular eggs are fine but this isn't a regular egg!" he flails as Hinote.

    "Yeah, if you woke up with a decorated egg in your bed? Proooobably gonna hatch into a hand-tall fairy of your own." he says, gesturing to Kiseki. "Also be really careful with it. That egg represents your dreams of who you want to become and you might lose your motivation if you break it." he warns.

    "The egg appeared because of your hopes." Kiseki notes. "Your hopes, your desires, your dreams about the kind of person you could be." he explains.

    "I wanted to be the wise king you read about in stories, the good one, the one who protects his people. So Kiseki is my Chara - my Guardian Character. Whatever you have wanted to be deep in your heart will be reflected in the character that hatches."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari listens intently. "Oh, eating it....never passed my thoughts." he blatantly lies, because he was thinking that moments ago. He listens though. "Right but. I can't. Do anything." he says. "I mean not for lack of trying." he says. "Like there was this big 'demon' that attacked the mall's food court and I saved a magical princess, but her knight did the fighting I just. Ran."

Wait. What. He cradles it a little more carefully. "Oh my gosh I've just been carrying it around in my backpack, I didn't know it was fragile like that." he says.

He takes it all in though as he blinks.


"So in this egg is a tiny me....???" he asks a little dumbfounded as he peeks his hands open to stare at the black and white egg with the magnifying glass emblem. "That represents all those things?"

"Um. You know any. Pink haired girls? With one?" he asks. "Because yesterday there was someone like that too. But I didn't get names or anything."

"But maybe there's all types of tiny fairies because there we're other girls there with tiny creatures too, but they weren't like..."

"Tiny...people." he says, motioning to Kiseki.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase nods and listens to all of this. "Sorry it's kind of a lot to throw at you all at once, but if you already ran into others and a fight with a youma - or, demon, sure - and energy drain, you're kind of already in the deep end." He says apologetically. "You're already in this whole world." he says. "Probably because your egg is gonna hatch, but I know a girl who can see all of this stuff and as far as we know doesn't have powers. But that's not the point."

    "So, most people have no idea what's going on. That's why you didn't see anything about the monster on TV or anything. Their minds just either refuse to see it or explain it all away somehow. They'll see us fighting with some monster from another dimension and if they do remember it, it'll be walking by a tokusatsu tv shoot or something." he notes.

    Kiseki floats up to the egg. "Yep, that's a Chara Egg." he says. In the moment he realizes how useful Yoru might be since he can smell them - how annoying. "And yeah I know a pink-haired girl with several." The small king says. "Sometimes people get more than one Guardian Chara, but Tadase doesn't need any others." he says, his tone full of pride.

    Tadase sighs and smiles slightly. Exasperating at times sure but he does like Kiseki. "Anyways, not everybody has magic from the same source as us. I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain all of the possible things. The whole world is going to be kind of a shock for you. Magic is real, monsters are real, and when your Character hatches... you'll be able to fight them, if you feel the responsibility."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari listens to the explanation as he re-covers his hand over the egg as he takes in the information. "So it's gonna hatch? Okay." he says, deep breath. That sure is a lot to take in. "I mean. I figured that much. And I was told as such. When I was told to keep away."

"Sorry. It is a lot. And I've been trying to. Learn. And... well investigate these things. But honestly there's a point where you're feeling in everyone's way since you can't do anything."

Fight things? Hesitation. "Please don't get me wrong when I say this, but I'm not looking for fights but I end up in a few anyways." he says. He doesn't mention the dumb things he's done before.

"-and I'd like to help, and if this'll let me help..." he says. "I mean I'm for that." he says.

"Is there like... someone I should touch base with about this?" he says. "Besides you I mean. Is there like. A magical girl/guy club?" pause. "I mean. You know. Besides 'The Magical Girl' club that I'm assuming is Sailor V enthusiasts."

Sailor V isn't real. Silly.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase sighs. "Trust me, there's a lot more. This is the surface level info." he warns. "You get used to it after a while. Or at least everyone I know has."

    "If someone didn't get used to it you wouldn't know them though..." Kiseki notes.

    "ANYWAYS." Tadase interjects. "I know what it's like... for a while I didn't have a full transformation... didn't have full powers. I was still trying to help where I could but it was hard seeing other people doing all of this while I just... kinda scooted unconscious people behind cover." he nods. "But I'm past that, and if your Chara hatches we can probably get you to that level too." he says. He assumes. He hopes? It worked for Ikuto and Madoka, anyways.

    "There is kind of a thing, but - and don't take this the wrong way - first I need everyone to be cool with it. That'll be... easier, once your Chara hatches. There's... bad guys out there too. People who have powers and are using them for evil instead of helping people. So we all have to be a bit careful, too." he admits.

    "Also maybe don't call it an Easter Egg." Kiseki notes. "Easter - the company with the idols and stuff? Bad guys." the little king says.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari continues to listen and learn. "Well. At least there's that. I can do that. And if I have a.... Chara, people might be willing to listen to me, more. Or answer my questions besides with 'go homes.'" he advises.

He gently takes off the school uniform jacket he's wearing and carefully wraps the egg in it, placing it back into his backpack carefully.

He places the backpack into his lap and whews a little. There. That's safer for now. Until he can get it home.

"Wait. What? My Mom listens to those idols. They're evil?" he asks with a look of confusion. "W--what, how? I mean. They're just..."

"Singing girls?" he asks.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    "Not all of them, but some of them. Music is power, too. There's more than a few people who use music as an attack in some way - on both sides." he notes. "Your Mom probably isn't in any danger though." he adds. Kiseki makes kind of a face at 'probably'. "Well, no more than anyone else is?" he says. Kiseki's glower increases.

    "What we mean is, your eyes are kinda gonna be open to all sorts of stuff. Magic is weird." Kiseki notes. "But Easter mostly goes after kids and... Heart's Eggs, specifically. So adults... shouldn't worry. And usually just listening to the music from them doesn'tt do anything bad." Usually. Except when it's Sunbreaker blasting Utau's recording next to a dark energy tower. "Once your Chara hatches you'll be better able to figure out if something's a threat. We can kind of feel Dark Energy, like a creepy crawly up our spine." Kiseki says. Then he floats near Hinote's backpack. "I wonder what kind of chara you're gonna have? I'm always looking forward to new subje-I mean friends." This time Kiseki is earning the glare from Tadase.

    "Kagari-san, we should exchange numbers. You don't have to but then you can text me stuff and I can answer, and when your Chara hatches I can see it and talk with you more about it all. And maybe get to know you. Cause like... we're gonna bump into each other if you start protecting people. I hope you do, even though it's a hard job sometimes."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari rubs the back of his neck. "Alright... so Easter is collecting these eggs? That's good to know. I should probably. Leave it at home then." he says. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes and tries to find his center for a moment.

"Kind of a tingle, you say?" he asks.

"OH Right, absolutely, here." he says, moving to his backpack again to find his phone.

He'll rattle off his number.

"Oh, um. Thanks for like. Talking about this. I was really. REALLY confused about the egg." he then looks down to Kiseki.

"If I had that answer, we probably wouldn't be discussing right now!" he says. "But hopefully...." he trails off. Eh?

"I mean. I do!" he says.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase shakes his head. "I'd keep it wwith you. It's safer with you, and you want to be there if your Chara hatches, too." he suggests. "Really, I want to tell you more but there's just so much you probably want some time to absorb it, too." he says. "I mean. At least you already know magic -is- a thing, a little bit. But. To be honest there are days I'm still trying to figure everything out. The Chara helps, they seem to know some stuff innately." he adds.

    "We just see things you've not been able to." Kiseki explains. Sort of.

    Tadase sighs. "I wish I could like. Do more. It's actually pretty rare to meet someone with an egg. And there's part of me that just wants to keep talking, but you do need some time to breathe." he says. "I know, I picked it up all little by little. I'd have probably gone nuts if someone just sat down and tried to tell me everytuing on some random afternoon." he admits.

    "But I don't want you to feel like I'm chasing you off. Honestly... I really hope we can work well together. You know. Teamwork for being stronger. But I'm also trying not to overload you..." he says, scratching the back of his neck.

    Kiseki floats up. "Tadase-kun, you're rambling." he says, bluntly. "Sorry, I'm also kind of here to help him with talking. You know you can ask questions now, or later, or whatever, right?" Kiseki asks Hinote.