1558/Lab partners

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Lab partners
Date of Scene: 20 May 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower
Synopsis: Not long before her fall, Hinoiri comes to Takashi with an interesting development... and a proposition. Who wants to play with MAGIC? Remember, so long as you take notes it counts as science!
Cast of Characters: Takashi Agera, Hinoiri Kirara

Takashi Agera has posed:
Takashi Agera sat in his office - the nice big one right next to Beryl's which was a little bit smaller because of the large, magically immovable crystal that had taken up residence on top of where his desk used to be - and the hammock stretched across the room nearby - and the pile of stuff that belonged to the owner of the crystal and the hammock.

    But now, on the OTHER side of the room, annoyingly near the door, was a NEW desk, and on it a slightly more pale than usual Takashi was moving magical sigils around on a projected sort of holographic technical representation of magic. Floating in the air at roughly the height of his head were visualizations of magic - recordings from Axion in a visual format in one screen and a confusing scrawl of sigils as a magical readout in a screen below - and he was running tests, thinking.

    And... occasionally stopping, looking a bit more ill, putting his head down on the desk and waiting for the sickness to pass. He was in a bad way - but that didn't mean that it wasn't as good a time as any to try and unravel the secrets of the magical universe, right? Maybe the altered brainstate might lead to a breakthrough - maybe even one that managed to make sense once he wasn't dealing with the aftereffects of polluted sun demon energy.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara came skidding to a halt in front of Takashi's office, she shoved open the door. "Takashi, Takashi, I need you to come with me, you're not going to believe this, it's amazing!" Her eyes were LITERALLY sparkling. She then paused.

"... So... it's clear across town in one of the Eclipse Zones. The warehouse garden center one. Are uhhh... do you think you'll be good to go through those?" pause. "Do you think you'll even survive the trip?"

Looking him up and down? He looked like he already had one foot in the grave. And while she would expect anyone who had an office next to Beryl to look like that, it was still concerning.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi looked up - tilting his head and looking through the gap in the floating 'screen's at Hinoiri - before banishing them and looking at her head on. "I'm not dying, you know." he says. "I'm just a little ill... still... from the whole... portal thing." he says. "But better than the last time we talked." he added.

    "As long as I don't have to fight. Or run. Or fly. Teleporting should be fine. But maybe I should handle it with a style of teleport I'm... more used to. A little less bumpy." A little less arrive in midair, too, but Glimmer's not here for that to be a concern.

    "Warehouse Garden Center Eclipse Zone? We can arrive just outside of it. I don't want to risk distortions today." He says, as a Midchildan circle opens up in the center of the room. "Are you gonna join me for transport or just meet me there?"

    Notably, he didn't questionm -what- he was going to see. He saw how excited she was. Whatever had her acting like that he was going to be curious no matter how she answered the query anyways, better to skip it.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara shook her head. "I'll meet you there, don't strain yourself. And trust me, it's well worth the excitement."

Of course, whatever it was couldn't be THAT impressive, right?

There was only one way to find out...

Of course, once they got there she led him towards the garden, now in Sunbreaker form. The place was as dusk zoney as ever. She led him through the building and eventually... they'd come to... plants. This place had been a gardening warehouse at one point, after all. Hardly a surprise. He'd likely recognize some of them. The little timber wolf plant things she'd been growing.

... That is, until she stopped in front of a group of seeds, each one a difference color. "So, I've been experimenting with different music, right? You know how they say having a plant grow with music helps it, right? Well... these ones are hard rock," she motioned to the yellow ones. "These one are rap," pink. "These ones are j-pop," she said, motioning to the blue ones. "And these ones are nursery rhymes." ... Those ones were normal colors. Except they were shaped like stars.

"And now, I didn't mark or alter the seeds in any way. This is how they came out once they blossomed and gave new seeds."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi arrived and looked around. He actually seemed LESS pale than he did in the room - maybe because his curiosity gave him strength or because he was less focused on being in an isolated room with only his pure annoyance at being sick and the distraction of equally annoying magical stuff not making sense; instead he was on something of a field trip to see something that had the person who's intellect he respected so piqued. It was energizing, in a sense.

    "So. That's pretty cool. I mean the magic from your place seems pretty magically affected, generally speaking." he notes. "So in a way it's not suprising it would change how they are... but I wonder why color." He says, looking closer at the seeds. "Do you know if there's any changes? Like, in bark?" and then he pauses. "I mean bark skin color not bark sound audio." he says, after a moment.

    "And then interesting since this is all magic from here, not from your homeplace, right?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a nod, grinnin more and he could see.... he'd said the right things. "Exactly!" she said, almost bouncing now. "I had the same idea. So I started doing more experimenting, hatched them all, and they did have different barks. The sound and the protective layer."

"But that's where it gets interesting. I decided to experiment with the lullabies more, since it had the most dramatic affect. And now much changed it, except when I adjusted the bass," she said.

Then she pulled out a small tray. Three... seeds. Little stars. "This one? I had low bass." And they all looked the same, but were in different containers. "This? Normal." Then motioned to the third one. "And this one? It was on VERY heavy bass." She then gripped it and tossed it into the soil... it sprouted and then...

... It made one of the giant wolf things! Except... it... it was only 6 inches tall. It looked like a model of one.

But then it *barked*. And its bark? It was so deep and bass filled that it made the room shake.

"The most impressive thing? I found if I used my magic to speak through it? It amplified it just like that!"

... She'd made a subwoofer.

"And no, it's all made from magic from this world, inspired by my home magic."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    It was easy to say the right things when the two of them thought so closely together. He was curious about similar things. Even if he didn't have his own pack of tree-wolves to train, the way in which things worked was always such a draw to him.

    "...So if you used less bass, or no bass, do you think you could get a giant one?" He asked. "Cause that one's cute and I can feel it bark in my bones, but I feel like something bigger and quieter would be equally interesting." Big silent stompy dogwolfwood.

    "Your world's magic is... headache inducing, but you know. Frankly so is this world, just in a different way - so I can't talk." he notes. "But there does seem to be some rhyme and reason to them both, in different ways. I keep thinking there's got to be a way to sort some kind of sense out of one or the other or both combined." he adds.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara shook her head. "Nope. I tried doing one with no bass, and it came out that way. But there's the really interesting thing." She motioned to a banana tree. "That one? That's apparently what happens when you add too much bass. And don't even get me started on the treble." She motioned to... a crater. "I'm going to need to run mroe tests. I doubt it'll be any actual use in a combat situation, but... there's dozens of different variations and types of music one can recreate for them. And that's before even considering cross-breeding. So..."

"I know you've been stuffed up in that office for a long time. But wanna have some real, scientific fun?" she asked, picking up a seed and tossing it to him. "I know it's a bit dorky, but you're probably the only person I know who'd actually be interested in this kind of stuff. Just imagine the *charts*. The *Catagorizations* of all of the different styles of magic! The explosions!" ... She was a bit of a magic nerd.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi looks at the banana-timber-tree. "Make sure to keep it separated and isolated. I don't want to end up eating a banana from it... My luck I'll end up hiccuping bark." he pauses. "Either the noise or the object in this case."

    He looks at her with a sort of 'duh' look when she mentions running more tests. Of course she's going to. It's what he'd do. He catches the seed she tosses to him. "I don't know about no combat use. I mean you could bury a couple of these under ground and then hit it with a big time treble wave and then the craters can be where the people we don't like are standing." he offers.

    She continues to excitedly talk about playing with the magic and marking it down, and his head nods progressively more and more. "Well of course I do. We can't figure out patterns without data and there has to be a sense to this so obviously we need more data right? Which means more experiments." he notes with a sort of giddy that's only tempered by the fact that underneath it, he still kind of feels quite off...