1646/Comfort Food

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Comfort Food
Date of Scene: 08 June 2024
Location: Korma Chameleon
Synopsis: Hinoiri goes to the Korma and, to her surprise... despite running into many of the people she hurt, they all seem more than willing to give her another chance. Maybe she's not quite as hated as she once feared...
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Rashmi Terios, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Katsuko Takezaki, Usagi Tsukino, Coco Kiumi

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was, well.... was a little.... wary. A little nervous. The talk with the shittenou member had gone well, but it didn't mean she was, entirely, in the clear. While he seemed... keen to see her not buck everything up again, it didn't mean she wouldn't. And it also didn't mean he had the same opinion as everyone else. There was no telling if one of them would turn on her, so she was still not keen to go places that she didn't see as 'safe'.

Luckily, her only destination today was the Korma. And if ever there was a place that could be considered 'safe', it was the Korma.

She pushed open the door and stepped inside, giving a small wave to the hostess before moving to one of the tables and... okay, maybe she was slouching a little in the seat and considering if she should hide her face behind the jacket's collar. Just get in, get some vegetarian korma, head out. It was just a little pick me up. It wasn't like Rashmi would be working tod--

... Crud.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
It was, in fact, one of the few days that Rashmi volunteered to help out at the Korma. Perhaps she wasn't living there anymore, but she'd come over to visit during a particularly heavy rush, and just grabbed her hat and apron and dove in to help. The rush has died down by now, but, old habits die hard, and thus Rashmi strides up to Hinoiri's table with full Customer Service Smile in place. "Welcome to the Ko--"

Eyes open more, and recognition makes her falter, for half a heartbeat. Just enough to be audible.

"--rma Chameleon!" she rallies. "What can I start you off with today, Hinoiri-san?"

She does, after all, look more like Catra than Beryl at the moment, slouching in the booth as she is. And if the Chameleon is going to be neutral ground, it should apply to *everyone.*

Second chances, after all, need to start somewhere.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
And of course it can't be that simple for everyone. The door chimes, and someone comes in with their face in a book. Completely oblivious to the ongoing drama, stalled or no, the seamstress girl walks in, face plastered into a textbook on physics, and walks right behind Rashmi and Hinoiri.

Without noticing, she proceeds to bump into a wall.. It's a talent, and one that she's earned through years of failing physics and needing tutoring. She slips into a booth, noticing nothing and nobody, and scribbles a note or two as she pulls out her card, ready to pay for ...well, whatever food for thought is at this time of the day.

It's possible that she might be truly oblivious, but given that her grades are dropping due to school being a bigger deal here, she's probably actually doing what it seems on the tin.

Thus it goes.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko doesn't know Hinoiri, or Rashmi, or really a lot of people; but her school uniform at least makes it obvious which school she attends. Her hair is still a little damp from a shower, indicating probable membership in a sports club. She walks up to Rashmi as the nearest staff-looking person, "Hi. Never been here before." She greets cheerfully, "Should I just sit down somewhere, or...?" She glances to Marinette bumping into a wall, but the girl seems fine, so she doesn't bring it up.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
One of the things Usagi's really come to love over the last year has to be grabbing food at Korma, whether it be dining in as a group, grabbing an after school snack, or ordering in for a cozy time. Today, she's coming in with the full intent to order takeout; she and Mamoru are having a not-a-study date later, and she wants to surprise him.

She's half-expecting Rashmi. She's not expecting Hinoiri, and entering Marinette (sympathetic wince at the bumping) and Katsuko, she has a moment where she visibly considers turning and walking away... and then she puts it aside to walk over.

"Hi, Rashmi-chan, Katsuko-chan! Hinoiri-san." The former two receiving bright smiles, the latter a polite nod. "Rashmi-chan, is it cool to order some for dine-in and some for take-out?"

She'd been planning to be in and out, but if Hinoiri is here... maybe it's worth staying for a little bit.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara cringed when Rashmi stuttered. "I... take it I'm not banished from the korma, am I? I... figured not, but well..." She then glanced towards Marinette's... less than glamourous entrance.

Wellll, she wasn't entirely certain the girl sparkled, and considering how... Clueless she was at the moment? She was quickly doubting that she was. She lifted a hand and, "Marinette? Look out for that--" And bam. Wall. She sighs, shaking her head.

Well, if the girl was a magical girl, no way she could--

And then Usagi. Oh gosh it was Usagi. She tensed up, visibily tensed up. "Buck..." she muttered under her breath. Face palmed and awaited a chewing out which... didn't come. She then, slowly, glanced back at her. "Hey... Tsukino-san..." she mumbled, quickly looking back ahead. "So, ummm... Rashmi... I'll get a veggie korma today, and some samosas. Low spicy, this time. Okay? Thanks..." she mumbled, keeping her eyes down. Well, she wasn't being flung out or lit on fire sooooo... Better than she'd be treated if she was the one in charge. Probably. Certainly better than Sunset of Sora had done.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"The same rules apply to everyone," Rashmi says with a faint smile. "Don't start trouble here, and you're welcome. And since everyone's been good about that so far? Nobody's unwelcome."

There's an unspoken 'yet' that probably applies more to a Namakelder or a Tomoe than to Hinoiri, but... It's likely that guilt will cause a mistranslation, there."

When Marinette bumps into a wall -- which is a *skill,* given how she had to avoid chairs and tables to *hit* the wall, and Katsuko comes up to ask about seating, Rashmi pauses for a moment to process the sudden change in the shop's status. "Um... yeah sit wherever you like, and have you ever had Indian food before? Because it might take some explanatio-- ooh boy," she says to herself as Usagi walks in... And polite nod! This is good, this can be worked with. "Of course, Usagi-chan! Just tell me which is which up front, and we can get your carry-out done while you're snacking."

Hinoiri's order is quickly scribbled down, and the redhead pauses to turn in place, taking in four separate diners, three of whom she knows, but all four likely to appreciate personal attention. "Okay! Let me get this in, and I'll be back out to get everyone else. One moment!"

And off she strides toward the kitchen.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Hey Tsukino-san." Katsuko greets Usagi cheerfully, then frowns when Hinoiri is tense and mumbling, and she invites herself to sit opposite Hinoiri in that booth. "Hey, it's alright." She promises, not knowing anything about the scenario except that someone needs help. "I'm Katsuko Takezaki, seventh grade. Who are you?" She introduces herself, with a warm smile. Then a response to Rashmi, "I haven't! I'll take whatever you recommend."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette? Scribbling. Notes. Work. Studying. Pencil. Pencil? "Where the ..." she mumbles, looking for the pencil that she'd JUST put down, which has just rolled under her table. She frowns, getting down to look for it, head under the table.

You know what's coming. It's almost too obvious. Wait for it...just about...there!

When Rashmi takes Hinoiri's order, Marinette's head whacks into the bottom of the table, her eyes watering and the book moving just a bit on the tabletop.

Deciding to come out the front rather than the way she went in, Marinette emerges and looks around the room for the first time since arriving. Smiling sheepishly, she waggles her pencil in her hand. "I found it?"

Oh yeah. That's a super sparkle girl, right there.

"Oh! Hinoiri, hi!" And also, other people!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The Korma is a popular meeting spot, of course, due to its sublime cuisine, but also due to the fact it's quite likely to find Rashmi there, that being her family's place. And Coco is there for a bit of both. Those reasons is also why she isn't surprised to see Katsuko there (albeit that is rather fast of her to find the place), or Hinoiri for that matter. And Usagi's presence is quite natural instead, her being a long time friend.

All of them receive a warm greeting, although the one offered to Hinoiri is laced with clear hesitation. She still hasn't really gotten over the situation in the alley, even if she is actually trying hard to extend that second chance that they are encouraged to offer.

"How are things going?", she exclaims, approaching the group, before being distracted by the sudden noise that causes Coco to turn around when she hears Marinette crashing against the table, a raised eyebrow when the other girl shows the pencil she retried. "I would you hurting your head is more important than a pencil. Does it hurt a lot?" the mermaid says approaching her. Maybe they could do with asking Rashmi some ice?

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
If this were even a day prior, the greeting would be frostier - but Mamoru has had his surgery, and has come out well. He's got full function back in his hand, even if he needs to exercise, even if it's scarred and may always be, and that has dispelled much of the knot of tension that had set in the base of her spine, the day she'd rushed to a subway station and found the love of her life twice over collapsed in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, one silent body among many.

"Great, great, thanks Rashmi-chan! Mamochan and I are having a study-not-date, and I'm surprising him with early dinner! It's a reward, because he's trying to do it all by hand, to help with his after-surgery exercises." And it's not a dig or anything, just a practical statement of life - Mamoru has had surgery, and now there's PT, and the couple that almost never has a successful date without a monster is now trying to call them not-dates in hopes that that works.

"I'll be ready when you get back," she chirps, as Rashmi walks away to put the orders she has in already, and then there's Coco coming in and Usagi turns to greet her - turns, without quite putting her back to Hinoiri.

"Pretty good! I'm grabbing food for me and Mamochan, but I'm getting a snack to tide me over, first. And yeahhhh, are you okay?"

This to Marinette, who had made a thump that even Usagi, equally famous klutz, winced over.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod, smiling to Rashmi. "Uhhhh... thanks," she said, before glancing to Katsuko. A part of her wondered if she should try to avoid saying... well. Much of anything. The girl was new. But... that also meant the girl liiiiikely didn't know who she was. And there was something comforting about NOT having someone recognized ehr as the person who, well... blew up the sun, yelled and screamed, threw tantrums, stole everyone's power. Not to mention all of the crud she did at school. And she did a lot of stuff at school. So you know what?

"Hey. I ummm... Hinoiri Kirara. Nice to meet you," she said gently, giving a little wave.

She cringed when Marinette came over, shaking her head. "Hey. I see you're doing... well. You know, though, the food tastes better when you eat it off the plates, not off the ground," she teased. "Hope you're doing well. Heh..." She was... definitely... not quite the over confident, cocky girl that Marinette had met last time, though. She seemed a little nervous. Squirmy, even.

And then there was Coco. And Hinoiri graoned and buried her face in a hand. "Hey... Kiumi-san..." Hinoiri mumbled. Right. Oh gosh... She cringed a little at the 'after surgery' comment. Right. Yes. She'd done that. Hurt him. A lot. Just like everyone else. Could she just... curl up into a ball now, please?

"... Happy he's doing... better... then... sorry..." Hinoiri mumbled. "I could just get my food and go... might be more comfortable for everybody..." At least for her, as she was now kind of... stuck... and a mass of squirming.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Are you starting trouble here?" Katsuko asks Hinoiri, "Because it doesn't look like you are to me, which I'm pretty sure means you're welcome. So stay." She insists, "And it's nice to meet you, Kirara-san. If people are making you uncomfortable, just let me know and I'll tell them to leave you alone for you, if you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself." She then turns to Usagi, "I hope Chiba-san's surgery went well?" She smiles to Coco, "Hello Kiuimi-san. Do you want to come sit with us?" She invites on behalf of herself and Hinoiri, though with the second impact she does wince and looks to Marinette. "Do you need help?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette gets up from the ground, taking Coco's hand if it is offered. She's clearly friendly enough, giving a smile that's instant and embarrassed at the same time. "Oh that?" she says, rubbing her head as she answers both ladies at once. "That's nothing. You should see me when I'm really trying." She pauses, realizing how ...not better...that sounded, and then she blushes just enough to make her stop babbling.


Slipping into her seat again, she says, "Um. There's room here if ..." She trails off, not really sure who all is here to sit, but slides in herself behind Hinoiri.

And when she's there, she whispers something.

"You're okay. You're alright. You got this, girl." Was she whispering it to herself, or the girl who so clearly needs the encouragement? Both is an option.

"Where did Rashmi go? I swear I heard her." She looks around, then offers Coco her hand. "I'm Marinette! You're all from my school, right?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
And Rashmi does indeed come back out quickly with a fresh order pad in one hand, and a strawberry lassi in the other. The drink, set down in front of Hinoiri, and attention goes to all the other fresh entrants. "Okay! So for the people who're new, Indian-style curries aren't as sweet as Japanese-style, and Bengali curries almost always taste a little mustardy. And my Papi specializes in Indian-Japanese fusion, so if you're *really* new I'd recommend the butter-chicken or korma dipping-ramen. If you don't like much spice, you're in luck, Mami -- my mother -- thinks anything more than three of five stars is a matter of punishment, not taste. So even if something's too spicy, it won't be 'explode-your-face' spicy."

With the introductory spiel out of the way, she beams around at her little cluster of diners. "That said, hi, I'm Rashmi, welcome to my parents' restaurant, and would anyone like a cool drink to start?"

"Also hello Marinette-chan, Coco-chan, good to see you back!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"People are sitting and talking to you, so you should sit and talk to them instead of hiding away," Usagi says, and there's something almost stern in her voice, as if she were the older one here, giving advice. "Friends are pretty important. And the surgery did go well, thank you for asking Katsuko-chan! Fully restored the function to his hand, which is what he was most worried about. That's the other reason for Korma! We got WcDonalds to celebrate, but that's not like real celebration food, you know?"

WcDonalds is immediate satisfaction food, especially when you could dunk the fries in the ice cream. Korma is real occasion food.

"And I'm glad you weren't trying then, Marinette-chan! I'm Usagi Tsukino, Grade 10 at RHA, if that's what you mean by your school?"

A little giggle as part of the greeting, a warm smile. At the offer for people to take a seat, she considers, it, because there's enough room, but she also doesn't want to be trapped... she'll sit after everyone else.

"Rashmi-chan~! Can I get a mango lassi and samosas for now? There's food I want to go, too -" and she quickly rattles off a familiar order, because she and Mamoru get it all the time, "But for here, I just want the drink and samosas. I'm only going to stay a little while."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette pauses, then sighs. "I wasn't supposed to be here. Not...not entirely sure how I got here in the first place. I'm on a study session, to ...I mean. I've got to go." But she pauses, then looks at Rashmi. "Would you mind if I came back? I miss talking with you."

Then she looks at everyone who's talking to HER, and makes a 'awdamn' face. "I'd love to stay and talk, maybe we can sometime soon? You all seem really nice."

Which is when she dashes out, LEAVING HER TEXTBOOK BEHIND! Like an idiot, or a person who's suddenly being called away for things that she won't be having a good time doing. But ...sigh. Someone just got a free physic text, as Marinette vanishes from view.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Hi Marinette-san. I'm Katsuko Takezaki, seventh grade at Radiant Heart Academy." Katsuko introduces herself again, next to Rashmi. "I'll go for the butter chicken, Rashmi-san. Thank you. And uh... I'll have some green tea, if you have it?" She asks for the drink. To Usagi, "Glad to hear it. Here's to hoping no incidents like it are gonna happen any time soon." Blissfully unaware that the culprit is at the table. "Wish him a speedy recovery for me?" She asks Usagi.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara groaned and shook her head. "No. I'm not starting trouble this time..." she muttered. And she glanced back. Yeah, admittedly? She'd only met Marinette a few times so while she'd like to have believed that Marinette was being supportive... she honestly suspected the girl was being a bit... less than confident.

Only for Usagi to tell her... she should stay. "I... well... if you're sure..." she mumbled, keeping her eyes lowered. "Happy... it's all going okay, then. Thanks for ummmm... not.... yeah..." She'd pick up her drink and lightly take it, sipping a bit nervously.

"But... no... I'm fine. Nobody's making me uncomfortable."

Well, nobody but her.

Annnnnd then Marinette fled!

She paused and glanced at her seat... only to face palm. "Annnnnnd... that's classic Marinette. I'll deliver it to..." Pause. "A-actually, Adrien could give it to her, maybe you should drop it off with him, Usagi?" Because last time she'd talked to Adrien... THAT had been awkward.

She was jsut going to bury herself in her lassi. And cringe when the mention of 'no more incidents' happened... yeah... hopefully... she managed to avoid causing any more trouble. She reached up and gently stroked her necklace again.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I think you should go have it looked at, but if you say so, Marinette", Coco replies, in fact offering her hand to the other girl, quite skeptical of her reassurance. She hasn't forgotten their crash-into hello when the bluenette first entered Radiant Heart Academy, nor her general propensity to get into all kinds of accidents.

"Thanks, Katsuko, I will take you up on that", Coco replies, taking a seat. "Having had an uneventful week, I hope? The first few days at a new school can be quite overwhelming, and Tokyo can be much the same. Are you enjoying your time here so far?"

The blonde girl breathes in when she notices the signs of Hinoiri shying away from these encounters, not sure whether these would be from guit or fear. "Hinoiri, I agree with Usagi. If it helps, I am trying to bear you no ill will, and I think you should stay rather than run away more. Consider it your good acts canceling out your bad ones" the mermaid offers an olive branch to the unicorn, hoping to minimise whatever effects her presence might be having on Hinoiri's hesitation.

When Rashmi comes back, the redhead gets an enthusiastic waving. "Rashmi, hello! How are you? Sounds like you have quite the meeting on your hands. Mind if I add myself too?" Coco asks, though she actually has something else to consider first. "Could I trouble you with getting an ice package for Marinette? She just hurt her head, and it at least sounded decidedly unpleasant."

Though that is when the bluenette decides it's time for her to escape in a rush. It sounds like Hinoiri has an opponent in her tries at quick disappearances. "Uhm, nevermind that", she comments. "I would like to order some paneer makhani, please. And then mango lassi, if you have it. Is that alright?" Though Usagi is ordering the same thing, so they must have it, clearly. "It's quite nice, isn't it?", Coco smiles at the other blonde over their similar tastes.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Okay but like--" Aaaaaand Marinette is gone. And there's a book. And Rashmi pauses for a moment, considering, picks up the book, and sets it at Hinoiri's elbow. "She seems to like you," she says, quietly, to the poor pile of cringe. "She'll probably really appreciate getting it back, y'know? Might be good to be the reason someone smiles."

Turning back to the others, she starts writing down orders. "Of course, Coco-chan! Yeah it's a lot all of a sudden, but, Papi always loves having more customers! So that's... Samosas and lassi, paneer makhani and lassi, butter-chicken tsukemen and hot tea, not-date order to go... Okay! Gimme a sec to get this into the kitchen!"

With that, she turns again, bopping toward the kitchen to put three separate orders in, and a few moments later she comes back out with a pale-green cold drink in one hand and a big plate of what looks like cookies -- or rice-cake slices -- in the other. "Papi's way of saying thanks for the business," she chuckles, setting the plate in front of the three girls, and finding a spot next to Hinoiri to sit. "They're called 'sandesh.' Kneaded cheese, sugar, and cardamom, they're really good!"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "If nobody is making you uncomfortable, then why does it look like you want to run and hide?" Katsuko asks calmly. "Because if you're trying to hide that, sorry but it's not working." She smiles to Coco, "Nothing too interesting happened since we last met. Though someone roped me into attending a session of English club, just because I asked him if he could help me not fail English quite so badly." She glances to watch Rashmi encourage Hinoiri to return to book to Marinette, and smiles, approving the gesture. Once the food arrives, she digs in. "Is good." She offers, while practically inhaling it. "So do you go to Radiant Heart Academy, too?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Will do, Katsuko-chan."

Oh, there's Marinette having to lurch away, and when she forgets the book, Usagi almost reminds her, but - what if this is like all those times she 'lost' her math book? Why ruin a girl's play?

Hinoiri of all people is the one who knows about getting it back. She's not taking any satisfaction in the other girl's squirming discomfort - no, really, she isn't. But it does give her some hope that maybe she won't be doing anything like that again, if only to avoid more of this.

"I'm with Rashmi-chan," she says simply, "You should give it back to her."

It's good for Hinoiri to have friends, and especially good for them to be people who didn't get involved in the rest of it. Though if Adrien knows that girl, she can probably ask Naru for the scoop on her.

Rashmi comes back with drinks, and Usagi sips hers gratefully, glad to have something to do with her hands. She'll be quietly joining the table until her to go order is ready, and then leave after, waving a goodbye to everyone, with a hug for Coco and Rashmi on the way out.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod to Coco. "Thanks. I uhhhh... yeah. Sorry about... don't quite remember everything but.... yeah," she mumbled to Coco, nervously swirling her straw in the drink around. "I'll... try that, then. Thanks. For ummmm... not holding a grudge," she mumbled softly. She then glanced to Katsuko.

"Believe it or not, I kind of... made a bit of a flank of myself recently. I guess I've been pretty lucky, that people aren't really holding a grudge over it. Heh..."

She looked down at the book. That would involve facing Adrien. Couldn't she just like... toss it in the trash? It'd be easier.

... Maybe do Marinette more good, how good were her grades, anyway? It wasn't like--

Hinoiri shook her head. No. She wasn't going to be that kind of jerk anymore. There wasn't any point to being a nasty little...

She pulled the book into her lap before nodding. "Yeah. I... will. Thanks. Terios-san. For... everything. Just... thanks..."

She'd give Usagi a little wave. "You know, ba..." Then stopped. Back home, they'd have made it worse. But maybe... thinking about 'back home' right now wasn't the best idea. Considering all that happened because of 'home'.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Bye Tsukino-senpai." Katsuko waves to the departing Usagi, turning back to Hinoiri. "I'm sure it'll be fine, how bad could it be anyway?" She asks, innocently. Then she's done inhaling her food. "This was delicious, but I gotta run. See you around!" She gets up, pays, and literally runs.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
As the diners get their orders, eat, and file out, Rashmi sips from her drink, glancing askance at Hinoiri. "Hinoiri-san... Do you know why I *want* to help you, like this? Because I'm furious, too. Not just because of what you did to Molly-chan *this* time, but... Your little prank *traumatized* her, before. Usa-chan and Mamo-kun have the biggest reasons to be mad at you, but... I'm not that far behind. But I *want* to help you. Because you deserve better than you got, before. You deserve better than to just be dumped on someone else's doorstep. But you'll need *help,* because more than anything you need to learn how to rely on people. Because *nobody* can do much worth doing alone."

She sips her lassi, and plucks a sandesh to place on the edge of Hinoiri's plate. "And the best way to teach is by doing."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Cheese and sugar? Well, colour Coco surprised, it's the first time she hears of that particular combination. But it looks great, mch as the same the Korma has. "Please thank him, Rashmi", Coco says, taking a bite of the new treat. "Delicious, Rashmi", is the comment from the mermaid.

"Marinette is easy enough to find at school", Coco points out to Hinoiri. "If you want to give it directly back to her, that's also an option. And then you can use the things only you know to give her some inspiration for designing clothes."

She was going to talk more about school and other ways she can push Hinoiri forward, but the sudden change of the situation means that it's only Hinoiri, Rashmi, and herself left. Coco barely has the time to say her goodbye. "Want to finish this food together?", she offers to the unicorn. It is probably better for her fragile mood not to have everyone bail on her.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara cringed and gave a small little nod. "I... know that... now..." Hinoiri mumbled. Wait... prank? Who did I... oh... oh no..."

She groaned and rested her head in her hands. "Oh buck. I forgot about that. That was such a massive, cruel thing to do, wasn't it? I can't believe at the time I... I mean, she'd tried to pick a fight with me then, I thought... guh."

".... And I tried... I just took her power this time, too. I just... tore it out. Like it was a... I didn't even care. I was so.... vicious. I just.... I was like.... I just... And this time I wasn't any better..."

"... And I'm sorry for what I did to you, Coco. I know it doesn't... really make up for it. But... tearing out your... power like that... and then using it to just... and leaving you there, like a mermaid and..." She sighed and shook her head.

"... I'm going to try and be better, this time. I'll.... find a way.... to not... be.... like I was. I do mean it. This time..."

"... And yeah. It... it might be nice to ummm... not eat alone. If that's okay. So... thanks." Pause. "For... for everything."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
When Coco invites Hinoiri to share food, Rashmi smiles at the mermaid. "That's very kind of you, Coco-chan," she remarks, and rests a hand on Hinoiri's shoulder. "Apologizing is good. Being *sorry* is good. But making for it all is better, and maybe you don't know how to do that now. That's okay... but keep your eyes open for chances to do right by people, y'know? Help them if they need it, and if you can. Be the kindness you didn't get. And if you need help?"

Rashmi scribbles out her number on a scrap of notepad, and slides it in front of Hinoiri's plate. "You have to call out to people, for them to come help you, Hinoiri-san."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Well, receiving apologies from Hinoiri wasn't on the list of things she was expecting to happen today. Not at all. And it's with things as they are that Coco has to press on with the choice she has decided to follow. "I appreciate that you have the courage to apologise to me directly, Hinoiri. Yes, the prospects of being stuck there in that alley was really scary, but I have recovered from worse things than that. Things that my best friend did to me, and I am sure you know her now", she offers a smile.

"I want to believe in the good you can be, Hinoiri. I am not really sure what is yours and what isn't from what happened, but let's reach out to that chance within you. I do not think it is going to be easy, but Rashmi is right, and I want to give you my support too. Let's get along, for real", she finishes, extending a hand out. After Hinoiri will take it, they will probably spend the rest of the time finishing to eat.