1847/She'll hardly miss one...

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She'll hardly miss one...
Date of Scene: 09 August 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: After Setsuna gets pulled away by an 'emergency', Hinoiri swings by to ask her a few questions about some medical/magical theories. However, when she senses magic from a piece of jewelry left out with Setsuna's random baubles... she can't help but take it with her. This will certainly have no long term consequences.
Cast of Characters: Setsuna Meiou, Hinoiri Kirara

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
With the efforts to increase the defenses of the school in progress, Nurse Meiou has decided to see what other steps she could take to assist the school's defenses.

She's already lent Rashmi the copy she had of the Secret Keys of Solomon...and she's not sure if the principles in there actually work, but Rashmi's probably the best positioned to use the knowledge if it's of any real use.

That part covered, she figures that she should check with someone whether any of the huge assortment of random doodads and gewgaws that she's picked up over the years might be of any use.

Thus, before she came to work, she took a quick diversion to the Gates of Time and went to grab one of the various containers of trinkets she's accumulated over the years.

While her specific senses for magic aren't all that particularly good (she's far, FAR better at detecting and locating temporal/spatial anomolies and magic for obvious reasons), she's got enough of a feel to know that at least SOME of the stuff in this particular box is magical, and she figures she'll get Chrono, Rashmi, or perhams Ami to check them over later today, as she knows the three of them all have various tools to help her sort things out.

While she waits for the end of the day, Nurse Mieou absently rummages through the assemblage of various bits of mostly jewelry. Necklaces, brooches, hatpins, cape clasps, amulets, rings...all of the typically traditional 'magic' accessories are represented, a fair number of them sporting actual gold and real gems.

Halfway through absently sorting the box by whether or not there's a chain of some sort involved, Nurse Meiou gets a call from one of the sports fields requesting her presence as someone's managed to get themselves hurt.

Grabbing her general trauma kit, the greenhaired woman leaves the open box (with the legend 'Temere Certa Variarum Crepundiarum' written in large Times New Roman font) on the countertop...the door not QUITE swinging closed and instead slowly swinging slightly open as it fails to latch.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was actually on her way to the nurse's office with... entirely different opinions on things. Namely, she'd finished up a few more tests on the music magic, as it were. She'd been pretty excited and wanted to talk with the nurse because she was hoping it might be more beneficial. If it turned out there was some magic in the voice to be had, perhaps it would be useful for them identifying other magical people.

Sure, it might be nothing, but if she could talk with a medical and magical professional of this world, she could discuss some theories with her. She lightly knocked on the open door before stepping inside and... blinking.

"Meiou-senpai?" she asked. She let the door linger open for a moment as she looked around, stepping in.

Nothing. Nobody. What in the world? Where was--

Her eyes then fell on the small box. Blinking, she walked over to it and... was there... magic here? What in the... She could almost feel the magic from within.

Slowly she reached out and found her hand drawn to a small little... pin. A cheap, gaudy looking thing, of some kind of... animal face? As she moved it in the light she couldn't tell if it was a dragon or a horse head. With two little yellow topaz's for eyes with a little red speck in them. She picked it up, staring at it.

Was this... Kirakirafantastica magic? No. It was... somewhat like it, but distorted? She moved it around in the light, trying to figure out. Horse? Yeah. It was a horse. Maybe? But that looked kind of like a fang and...

She shook her head. It was magic, though. Definitely. She could feel it. Why did they have something like this?

Well... it wasn't the kind of thing that should be left out. If the nurse had it... she probably didn't even know what it was. Heck, it was probably dangerous for her to have it. Especially with all this other junk.

Hinoiri looked around... before she quickly left the room, the thoughts of what she'd wanted to ask Setsuna completely gone from her head. As she left, she closed the door behind herself, stuffing the little pin in her pocket, her papers held at her side.

Where the pin ended up locking onto a pair of strange, metallic 'wings' she'd picked up recently...

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Several minutes after Hinoiri's departure, Nurse Meiou returns shaking her head, "Seriously...SOMEONE was milking the drama...that barely counted as a scraped knee."

Sighing, she walked back in, grabbed a spare sealed gauze pack and tossed it into her trauma kit to replace the one she used, then put it all away and went back to checking over her box of stuff.

Unaware that one piece was missing.