1944/Mylio's Bad Day

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Mylio's Bad Day
Date of Scene: 13 September 2024
Location: Mitakihara Ward
Synopsis: In which Coco, Equivalence, and the Shadow Shogun ensure Mylio has a bad day. Also, a GPS is discovered.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Hinata Muramasa, Hinoiri Kirara

Coco Kiumi has posed:
There have been voices of a shop producing high quality, beautiful and affordable clothes in Mitakihara. That is perhaps why the news about it have spread like wildfire and it is being praised to high heavens. Even so, it would be just as surprising to consider given that the shop owner had been responsible for any advertising.

The shop owner must be very happy about the current situation given that little if any of it, especially since the nasty rumours circulating just as fast about some people fainting, with her products as the connecting thread, all of them ineffective at stemming the overwhelming success.

"Please, please, come in", the entrepeneur of the cosy little shop just behind the counter, personally greeting her clients with a cheerful smile. "Don't push, please, there is just enough for everyone", she warns the flood of people coming in at the call of the quality clothes. To her credit, it can't even be said that she is having problems processing the outstanding volume of purchases, each of them carried out as swiftly as possible.

What looks like a gps lies just next to the cash register, innocently beeping each time a purchase is carried out, slightly zooming in on a map of Tokyo when that occurs.

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Affordable Fashion isn't really something Hinata Muramasa really takes notice of, but the sheer number of people talking about this place piques her curiocity.

    The dour, demure scion of the Muramasa family watches the throng of people entering and leaving the store from across the street, hugging her 'plush' tengu in her arms... "What do you think, Yo-Jim-Bo?" she asks it as if it'll respond, though continues as if in conversation anyway. "No, I don't like it either..."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was, well...

Hinoiri had a budget now. She was POOR. She was a PEASANT! Just like everyone else. Sure, she received a decent amount from Coco, but that didn't really... 'fix' the underlying issue. That issue being she had limited funds. So when she heard of some quality garments being sold at a shop? Well...

How could she not swing by?

So she rode in on her motorcycle, pulling in at one of the parking spots, locking up her bike before walking into the shop, glancing around.

First thing she went to look at was... darks. Reds, blacks, animal-free leather. Her jam, basically.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
As much as the huge numbers of people talking weirdly well of a place that just popped up is decidedly unusual, Coco isn't one to say no about nice clothing, so if nothing else she could check the place out.

She does spot Hinoiri when she comes in, and the girl quickly steps over to her with a smile to greet her. "Hi, Hinoiri, how are you today?" she smiles, making her way through the crowd of people. Luckily enough there was enough space that she didn't have to push her way through.

"What have you been looking for? Anything special?" she inquires, starting to her the various garments. At the same time, a man, who, judging by the measurements and fits of the various clothes he is carrying, is shopping for his numerous family, has almost finishing carrying out his purchase. When he does, there is a sudden surge of dark energy as the man collapses to the ground, one that can be felt all the way outside to even Hinata.

"Are you ok? What are you feeling?", she tells him as he holds a hand to his forehead with a sped up breath, the mermaid breaking up the conversation with Hinoiri to step closer to him, eyeing the cashier oddly at the same time. For her part, the woman moves out from behind the counter, "Leave him be, girl, this is all right, he probably was carrying a little too much", even if the man didn't look like one who would have a problem with that.

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Okay, that pulse just proves her bad feelings were all correct. "I knew it was too good to be true... did you see Coco going inside? This might be bad." the cursed samurai-girl says to her 'plush'.

    Hinata crosses the street, clutching her pendant through her blouse as she gets in a bit closer. Presumably some people will be reacting to the man suddenly collapsing, calling for medical aid and the like.

    Hinata shoots off a quick text message to Erika. TEXT TO PIRATELASS: I might be back late. 'Issue' at that clothing place in Mitakihara.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced over and grinned to Coco... oof. Boss lady was here. Time to behave! ... Except she was behaving and, frankly, she did like Coco. Coco was pretty much everything she liked in a 'boss'. Paid her money, didn't ask a lot of questions, let her make her own hours, didn't try to destroy the world and/or kidnap her friends to brainwash them for her harem. All in all, possibly best boss she ever had.

"Not really, just looking, seeing if I found anything that I felt matched my style. It..." She trailed off when the man walked by. Did she... feel something? No. Definitely not. Truly, her imagination. Right?

She rubbed her geode and followed after Coco, ignoring the cashier. "Are you okay, sir?" she asked. Though she scanned the shop. Looking for any sign of Obsidian's branding on anything...

... She swore if she found out this was another Obsidian plot she was going to force feed the girl her own jacket! It...

And then she saw the GPS. And her eye twitched.


She made her way to the counter and then... Reached out, and grabbed the GPS, yanking it up and glaring at it.

"I swear to Sora... is this another Obsidian plot? Because I swear if I drove all the way out here I may very well make you *eat* this blasted thing... you can't just toy with discount fashion like that..."

... Admittedly, threatening VIOLENCE in the middle of a busy shop like that, likely not the smartest move. This was also why she kept ending up in the hospital.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco was about to question the odd cashier herself. Can they really not shop for clothes without things getting odd? And Hinoiri noticing the magic tracker on the counter really just confirms that things are indeed ugly. "That's the Panthalassa's crest", she points it out on the device, that had just absorbed the energy that got drained. Did it actually zoom in a little? Of course, Hinoiri probably knows about it already from her time cooperating with Gaito.

At the same time, the woman at the counter has also gotten alerted to prepare for a fight. Coco having given her that odd glance had already her on guard, but with Hinoiri straight up mentioning Obsidian and then Coco's "Panthalassa"? The game was up, and it was time to change the tactics.

"Well, you see, dear costumers", she says, standing straight, and looking at Hinoiri with a confident smile. "This is just your standard occurrence", she covertly admits Hinoiri has it right, snapping her fingers, clothing flying off the rack onto each civilian there, who all starts getting drained and collapsing to the ground. "I will be getting that back now", she says, a purple aura surrounding her as she transforms, clothes shifting in a grey column dress with blue spots all over.

"Yellow Pearl Voice!", Coco exclaims in response, a quick transformation, a Live Stage appearing around her. "No, you won't. What are you trying to locate?" She has her suspicions, but she won't say them aloud yet.

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Hinata tenses... for that subtle moment, when all the clothes leap off to attack the civilians, she looks to be another victim. At least until.

    "Good habitation,
    A Luminous, dark flame eats,
    Because of the sword."

    The jacket that was flying at her gets cut into quarters, as a pair of katana blades slash through the Dark Energy infused fabric.

    "The Shadow Shogun strides into battle. This ends now." states the dour magical girl, her voice tinged with the faint vestiges of emotional heat, but the voice remaining monotonic.

    She points one of her sword tips at the youma, then takes a stance with the twin blades crossed at the top third to make a kind of 'arch' over her head.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glowered at the girl and, well. She was on the VERGE of violence there. She started towards her, one hand on the counter and about to jump it--

Then suddenly, clothes! She let out a shriek, getting drained for a moment before reaching up and yanking the coat off, tossing it aside and dropping to the ground, gasping for air. "U-ugh... stupid... well... f-fine," she grumbled. "M-magic stuff? Yellow Pearl Voice? Y-you deal with that." And then she just... fled. Right. Not magic. And stole the girl's swag, too! Rude!

She paused when she passed the... samurai girl. And sighed. They weren't supposed to henshin IN FRONT of the monster. Rude. Oh well. Hinoiri was GONE!

Surely a third magical girl wouldn't appear in a minute, mysteriously, to help them.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Just my luck a mermaid princess had to be here!" the sea demon scowls, even as she is thinking she can still turn this around in a 1vs2. Which actually comes as a surprise to her when Hinoiri flees instead of getting to fight her. Does she not actually have powers then? Well, that is better for their mission, and maybe she can actually have a little more as a treat. She just needs to capture the princess, and then chase after the other girl.

"Gaito-sama wants his own glory and strength back, princess! And it falls to me, Mylio, to follow through on my Lord's wishes. He may have changed his objectives slightly, but I am sure he won't mind if I bring you back to him. I will throw in the other girl too, he will enjoy making an example of those who oppose him", she gloats.

"You can count on me", Coco replies back to Hinoiri. As far as she knows, she still has no powers, after all. "And stop wasting your breath*, she frowns at the sea demon. "You'd better prepare to pay for tricking people like this." Mylio laughs. "Sing all you want, you won't get far alone."

The Shogun's arrival is just provvidential for making her eat those words. "Hey, Shogun, thanks for coming!" Coco grins cheerfully at the samurai. "You were saying? It's time for a concert. Legend of Mermaid: Pichi Pichi Voice Live Start!" The sea demon grimaces in pain as Coco's purifying song starts getting to her.

"This changes nothing, and you should wear something other than yellow! I have a fit for your short friend too, a colourful one!" Mylio snaps her fingers, not at all intimidated by having swords pointed at her. A green skirt flying towards Coco and an electric blue sweater trying to get itself worn by the Shogun, both of them ready to drain energy out of the magical girls.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Well, Hinoiri was gone, at least. They'd even hear her going away in her motorcycle and all! Yup, definitely gone. And hey, she stole that one girls scanner! Rude! But yup, totally gone.

However, it wasn't long after then, that there was the sound of the door opening. More customers?!

Except, the figure at the door rushed forward, a gray blur, before the leaped up over the counter and then bringing their foot DOWN on Mylio, a devastating axe kick from the gray haired, masked sparkle! GASP! Who could she be?! Definitely NOT on Obsidian's side, at least! "Your clothes just... aren't a right fit for this city!"

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    "You have my blade, Pearl." replies the Shogun, stepping more into the store, just in time to get accosted by a blue sweater. The fabric thing wraps around the samurai-themed girl, and she staggers down to a knee, "Ghnng..." It looks like she's going down before the fight even starts, but then the Tengu plushie comes flying in, whapping at the sweater with its little bo-staff, then starts pulling at the possessed clothing item to get it off of its master.

    "Magical fountain,
    Where a common, bold crow soars,
    Before the pebble."

    Even with the drain, the Shadow Shogun is still fresh in this fight, and overpowers it to empower her Familiar. The tiny plush Tengu grows to its full size, and with its enhanced strength, tears the blue sweater off the samurai, before it summons its bo staff and leaps at the sea demon, swiping with its staff as the Shogun stands, and slowly moves out of the line of fire, channeling most of her power through into her familiar for the time being.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Who are you even supposed to be!?", Mylio shouts, scampering back to avoid the foot coming down on her head, looking at Equivalence nastily when she imagines what kick would have done. "That is where you are wrong, there is nothing my shop doesn't have, and in your case, I am sure I can get you to size if I had need to", she replies to her provocation, a pair of ripped jeans coming in for the fight, trying to get itself worn by the new arrival.

Coco gives her a wave as the output of her song strengthens the Live Stage she is in, blocking the skirt on the outside as in keeps crashing against the white sphere trying to break in. Though with the cleansing melody, its attemps start getting weaker and weaker.

At the same time, the sweater that got ripped off of the Shogun flies back in the hair before it stabilises and raises its sleeves as if an imaginary person was preparing to fight with sleeves. What happens next is a whoosh as a blow of magical air is sent to crash against the Bo staff when the garment does the motion of throwing a fist at it.

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Well, that's unexpected and unwelcome. Yo-Jim-Bo's attack is deflected by the aggressive sweater. He shifts his focus to the flying clothing item instead then, giving his staff a twirl that reveals a short, thin and slightly curved blade.

    He leaps up, and swipes in a few rapid sweeps at the sweater, attempting to cut it to pieces.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Equivalence let out a startled squeak as the youma attempted to, for lack of a better word, pants her! She gripped the pants, refusing to let them get on her even as she was driven back. "I am NOBODIES dress up doll! The only person I let choose any of my outfits is my girlfriend! So BACK! OFF!" she yelled before, well... kicking the pants. With explosives. Kicking out and her feet erupting in a blast of magic and power into them, to try and push them away. "Eat THAT!"

Before trying to kick any remains of the pants AT the villainous!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The staff is very effective at cutting through things, the only reason it didn't cut the flying sweater was the blows of magical air the sweater had sent against the staff, letting it survive just a bit longer. Instead of continuing with the same trick, the sweater flies towards Yo-Jim-Bo, trying to wrap itself around the familiar and drain him instead. "I hear familiars wearing modern clothes are all the rage lately", Mylio smirks mockingly towards the Shadow Shogun.

"Really? That's a shame" the sea demon sighs as she watches Equivalence turn the jeans into scraps. "You magical girls are just perfect for a fashion show, even if being more eye-catching than your costumes is a tough job", she laments before adding "I like the challenge though." But the blasted pieces of clothing Hinoiri has thrown at her push her against the wall, crashing there defenselessly and vulnerable.

The mermaid princess raises her right arm, the bracelet on her wrist shining with white light as a halo of yellow light moves downwards from the mermaid princess's head, transforming her further and enhancing her purification. "Mother Symphony: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!" Coco smiles widely, putting all her positivity into the the song. The magical notes of her song swell up in energy and reach within her, a melody of taking care of worn-out wishes, a call to give a sad heart the kind mother's lullaby, its seven-pitched melody a call to let everyone know you're fighting with your soul's pride. "Fine Heart Pitch!" she declares, the purification reaching out intensely in order to cleanse the darkness and restore what fatigue has taken away to her allies.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Equivalence went still for a moment, her breath holding. Oh no. The live start. The big song, the--

... Wait. No. Not Sunbreaker anymore. Heh. Oh, this WAS nice. And hey, it even made her feel nicer. She raced at the youma, leaping forward to do a handstand and then kick wildly in all directions, causing... bursts of magic to erupt from her feet? After a few moments she flipped back to her feet, the blasts swirling around her like a weird, exploding storm... before she kicked out. And all of the blasts went forward, crashing into the youma! "Gale Chorus!" she called. Yes, she did make that up on the spot. Weird, that.