2153/TCOS: Explosition Exploration

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TCOS: Explosition Exploration
Date of Scene: 09 December 2024
Location: Abandoned Theme Park
Synopsis: A group of mahou show up to the wreck of Aloisia's ship to check for clues as well as deal with the wreck so its tech doesn't spread uncontrolled. They steal everything that's not nailed down, and then encounter Prinzessin Nichts once more... with explosive results.
Cast of Characters: Aloisia Stauss, Zephyr Windstar, Sequoia Maybach, Rashmi Terios, Miho Inada, Takuto Tsunashi, Amanda Faust, Yuki Hoshino, Chrono Harlaown, Wako Agemaki, Sugata Shindo, Hinote Kagari
Tinyplot: The Crown of Succession

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
The most likely place to find information on what to do next had been... really two options, trying to hunt down the Princess of Nothing, or going back to the place where it all began. Going back to the wreck of that front half of Aloisia's ship -- what's left of it at least -- seemed like the safest option really, in the end.

Once had once stood standing nearly straight up now has collapsed, very little semblance of a ship remaining after the original events, only a couple of things that could still be considered 'rooms' or even reminiscent of a ship. The few visitors the area had received were mostly just people who thought that an attraction had fallen over, and at this point it might as well be.

Sifting through rubble is not necessarily the most mahou thing that anyone here has done, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. At least the area where the box had been found originally shouldn't be that hard to find, just look for the area with the cleanly cut holes on it in the pile of twisted metal! ... ... ... It's sure going to be a night of things, isn't it?

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    It's been a wild ride.

    Zephyr's showing up, wearing a heavy jacket, camo-pattern cargo trousers, steel-toe boots and a plain black backpack.

    Tenraikaze dangles from her bracelet, glinting in the light. "Keep your sensors on a swivel, Dee... don't want any surprises while we're in there... ping any friendlies coming in with a Telepathy link."

    Tenraikaze pulses an affirmative, and any other Mahou that come within range of her sensors, gets a friendly greeting ping, and a request to join a 'local area telepathy communication network'.

    The tall foreigner approaches the wreck, looking for the place to pick her way into it.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    Okay. Okay, so for the record.
    Sequoia Maybach does NOT want to encounter the Princess of Nothing on her own. At all. Under any circumstances. She's here, sure, but she's made sure she's not alone. The silver-haired girl plays with the shield-shaped charm clasped in her fingers, flipping it from finger to finger like a coin as she bites on her lip as she returns to where she remembers the ship to be.
    "Think we'll find any more clues in there?" Sequoia asks Zephyr as she approaches with her.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Still soaring in, Rashmi is very much in henshin when she accepts the request, and touches down lightly just behind the pair, clasping Nicomachea to her chest. "Well," she says uncertainly, casting her gaze around and about, "Definitely one way to find some answers."

Given the location, and its recent history, the redhead seems to much prefer to have her active defenses up and running... just in case.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Well, Miho is a bit nervious about things. She does need to get out, and do a bit more about things. And well, she's been feeling a little awkward about things as she's been working with her magic as of late. She hasn't really said too much to Hinote or Amy about what's been going on with her magic, but she's found a bit serenity with her magic. Before coming over, Miho henshined into Yukihime.

    The Snow Maiden mahou feels a little on edge as she approaches things, but it doesn't show on her face. Its stoic, calm, and shows a confidence that she definitely not feeling inwardly. Each step that Yukihime makes is measured in both grace and elegance. Her naginata being held at rest as she walks. Hopefully there's a few others that she knows, so that her nerves would quiet down before anyone here notices things.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Three older teenagers arrive at the scene together by air, all in dashingly overdramatic military-style henshins: the Star Drivers. Sugata (Kingu, the blue one) and Wako (Otome, the gold one) are in a bubble pushed to a good clip by Takuto (Bishounen, the red one). Landing is a delicate process in avoiding debris.

When they set down, Takuto calls out, "How can we help? We're good at destroying things-- I mean and other stuff too-- oh hi, Rashmi-chan! Sugata-kun told us about it, but I'm not clear on what we're looking for..."

Then he turns to the others and bows quickly, just enough to be polite. "Takuto Tsunashi, grade 11 Radiant Heart." That sort of petered out a bit, but when you bust in like the kool-aid man with your friends and do things out of order, doing the ones you forgot quietly at the end should fix any faux pas, right?

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Magical Rocket Girl Red walks along with Yukihime. "I don't know how much to hope is still there, but... an alien spaceship! Even a destroyed one! Why, we might even find technology that doesn't work and we can't use because we have other kinds of magic!" Her tone wandering into chipper sarcasm. "Ah, sorry. It's... still... Like, I was a man of science once, you know??? And these things, they don't work that way at all..." She sighs.

    "Still! Alien spaceship wreckage!" Amy smiles, and as they come into telepathy range, <<"Yeah, sure, I'll join the local area telepathic network.">>

    Once they're close, she smiles and waves, "Heya! I think I know everyone here, but... Magical Rocket Girl Red, Puella Magi, also, Amanda Faust, Radiant Heart Academy Grade 10."

    "...What exactly is it even possible for us to find, here? Anyone familiar with like... Belkan technology know...?"

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
    Yuki had heard the rumors passed around in the Shed, and seen the posting about the new Princess. When people decided to start looking into it, the Knight of Dawn tagged along, as much out of curiosity about the new person as anything else.

And, of course, there's the chance of finding some useful components in the ship they're checking out.

And so, dressed in her usual kimono-styled Barrier Jacket, she follows the rest into the wreck. <<Hello, everyone>> she says as she enters the telepathic chat channel. "Hello," she echoes in her normal voice. "How does something this big not get seen by, like... everyone?"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown touched down behind Rashmi, not long after her arrival. Admittedly... she had more of a... well... she was closer with Aloisia than he was. It wasn't that he didn't like the girl or anything, she was sweet. He just... well...

He was more than willing to admit Rashmi was better at social interactions than him. However, as this was investigating wreckage... it was his duty to ensure nothing too wild fell into the wrong hands. The last thing he wanted was for anything that could change the course of this planet's development to end up in the wrong hands...

However, as introductions were distributed, he didn't hesitate. He held out his right hand, his holographic ID card appearing. "Chrono Harlaown, Time Space Administrative Bureau Enforcer, at your service," he said firmly.

He then glanced towards Rashmi again, letting her take point. After all, he was, primarily, keen to only interfere if things looked like they might get out of hand...

Wako Agemaki has posed:
The sphere of pink light vanishes like a soap bubble, letting Wako and Sugata touch down on a piece of reasonably clear and stable ground. "I can purify, too, if needed," she volunteers. And then bows, a little, since introductions are happening and there are people she doesn't know. "Wako Agemaki," she says, "grade eleven. Nice to meet you."

As she straightens, she surveys the wreckage, brows drawing together a little. "I feel a little behind," she admits - mostly to Sugata, for whatever reason.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Sugata Shindo, also grade 11," is the calm introduction as Wako pops their bubble, Ginga Kingu looking around with casual interest. There's the ship he and the Prinzessin destroyed, there's half the people he recalls sharing the battle with...

"It's only par for the course that we wouldn't be able to use their technology," he shrugs towards Puella Red, hearing her complaint. "We're not marked for it."

That's just how things go, why would it be any surprise?

To Wako though, he brazenly reaches out and squeezes her hand.

"It's not as though any of the rest of us know exactly what's going on. There's the ship I half destroyed, this time without a mind-controlled berserker. Hopefully, we'll find clues as to how to stop her, but otherwise, I imagine we're here for more of the heavy lifting."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir has arrived to INVESTIGATE, because if he didn't, Tracy was going to make him alright? It's like being held hostage by yourself.

So Pulp Noir was here, looking over to Yukihime, giving a little encouraging smile as he adjusted his mask with a single finger at the bridge.

"So. Giant ship. And this has to do with our friend Aloisia?" he asks as he approaches, placing his hands into the pockets of his coat.

"Yeah? What was in the wreck?" he asks.

Mood Music for Pulp Noir's general vicinity tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMnrl0tmd3k

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
A room or two are still standing that can be picked into, though the safety of entering them may be suspect, the most notable areas being that storage room where things originally went down -- though half of that room is just completely missing from the rather... explosive exits from the area on the part of the sparkles and the Princess at the time. Others are technically still there, but would need to be cut or broken into most likely, as the corridor that would normally allow access isn't particularly accessible right now.

Also most likely areas for raiding for other things, like possible loot. But considering the contents of the storage room and sparseness of it, well. ... Actually good loot is probably debatable, depending on the person. A soft energy still lingers in the area, something that prickles at the back of the neck from that initial flood of dark energy.

Luckily things were... largely untouched for the most part, which meant that sitting on the ground of that damaged room, half-buried in that wreck was a certain box that opening had set the stage for the whole thing to kick off.

Occasional, faint static seems to crackle out ... though it's hard to immediately tell exactly what the source is.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr glances back at Sequoia. "Only one way to find out." she replies, pausing to give the smaller girl a gently pat on the head. "Relax a bit... if anything happens, we'll get away. I'll carry us both clear if need be. Okay?" she reassures.

    Rashmi comes landing behind them next, and she smiles warmly, "Would you prefer we find her and ask questions? She wasn't exactly communicative last time." Chrono's arrival reminds her, and as he shows his ID card, she holds her own hand up, shifting into her Barrier Jacket while projecting her own ID card above her palm. "Zephyr Windstar, Time-Space Administration Beauru Enforcer, Codename: Wind Dancer."

    Yukihime, and the Star Drivers arrival earn a nod from the older teen. Then Amy's question brings her attention. "Well, between me and Rashmi, we should be able to piece together something... if we get any other Devicers here, we could pool processor power." she glances at Sequoia. "Maybe Schutzchild can shed some light on things too if he has any data in his long-term memory." she suggests as-well.

    To Pulp Noir, she nods. "This, I think, was the front-half of Aloisia's ship... the back half I helped bring down safely when it appeared." she says, then turns to climb up. "Dee? Area Search, lets see what's accessible... then we can formulate a shipbreaking plan if necessary." Tenraikaze pings an affirmative, and it spits out a couple of wisp-like balls of purple mana that flit up and into the wreck, seeking out the nooks and crannies.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    While most girls would likely flail at the headpat, Sequoia takes it in stride. "I'm not worried about needing to be carried out. I'm worried we might have to carry someone else out." She points out, before looking to Rashmi. "Hey." It's always good to have Rashmi at their backs, so Sequoia seems to relax around the three more experienced mages a bit when Chrono arrives as well. But then she tosses her shield charm up.
    The massive, heavy, riot shield drops back into her hands as her clothes are instantly replaced by her Barrier Jacket.
    "Sequoia Maybach, Grade 6. Just call me Weisser Ritter when we're on duty though." That's her introduction for those who don't know her.
    "No clue. Magic, I guess?" She replies to Yuki as everyone piles into the ship to start rolling Investigation Skill Checks.
    "Ah... There's the box the crown was in."
    Sequoia is not going to be the one to touch it, though.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi looks around, smiling at Chrono and reaching out to give the Enforcer's hand a squeeze as well, as the glitterbomb of mahou begin to coalesce about the wreck. "So-o-o... For those of you who don't know the story, Aloisia-chan is a Belkan soldier, and also the daughter of Count Otto, who is... not someone you want to be related to. *Absolute* jerkface. This was the ship Alo-chan came to Earth in, and Otto had her retrieve a relic from its storage. Alo-chan, turns out, would rather destroy it than give it to him... and the other, *other* twist is, you have to break the relic to activate it. Also the relic was Dark-corrupted."

Spreading her hands in a 'what can you do?' gesture, she casts her gaze back to the wreckage. "We need to find out anything we can about *what* the thing is, what it's supposed to do, and hopefully how it works. So... We'll definitely want to see if there's any logs intact, and maybe poke through the stores to see if we can find anything there."

Nodding at Zephyr as she begins her initial investigation, she flashes Sequoia a brief, welcoming grin -- it's *always* good to have a strong wall at your back -- and upon Sequoia pointing the box out, flitters around that way to see if anything interesting happens with proximity.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Yukihime giggles a little bit as Amy talks about the alien space ship. Its nice that both Red and Pulp are here. It lets her settle down a bit inwardly, and then there's Chrono and Rashmi. Her stance relaxes a little. "Miho Inada, grade 10. Known as Yukihime.", the Snow Mahou says politely as she offers a warrior's bow to those arriving. The woman looks at Red a bit. "You would be excited, but be mindful. We are in a battle zone.", she says.

    "Well, I guess now would be a good time as any to practice.", the woman whispers to herself. Yukihime holds up her left hand, palm up. "Friends of the Forest, gather to me. I seek to see things from above.", she chants before blowing into her hand. Snow flares off her hand before solidifying. She used to use...talismans, but now, she doesn't need them. It was a clutch that she got rid of. A ice bird sits on a rock near by, while Yukihime's eyes glow a bit. She blinks a few times.

    "Ummm, is it just me, or is there a vampire standing next to you, Red?!", Yukihime and the bird says. "And where did the space ship go?", she asks. Yukihime blinks a few times. "Also, why am I looking up at you, Red? Weren't we...side by side a second ago?", she asks. Yukihime is still learning to adjust to this spell..."Either way, I think it would be wise not to expose ourselves unnecessarily, right?", she asks.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir walks into the wreck with the others. "Count Otto was a piece of work." he says lowly as he follows along and looks upwards.

"Huh. What's that crackle?" he asks asks as he listens to it.

His Totally-not-Batman Detective vision is having a hard time detecting a direction it's coming from to follow.

"...That's weird. It's like it's coming from all around us." he says as he looks down at the box. "Sorry I'm not touching that." he says.

"I don't wanna become Dark Noir or something." he says tersely.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Heavy lifting is fine too~," says Takuto-- and then he flashes Sugata and Wako a bright smile. "Wako-chan, can you bubble me as soon as I get it?" he asks, sidestepping his way over to the box no one wants to touch. "Just in case! Also--" he looks at the Devicers, "would purifying the object fix the problem, if it was Dark-corrupted?"

He bends down to pick up the box in gloved hands.

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
    Well, since everyone else is introducing themselves... "Knight of Dawn... Yuki Hoshino. Grade 10." She shrugs and looks around the room again, picking over a broken console. A vampire? She looks over at 'Red'. "... I don't see anything like that. But you're right, anything like that sounds dangerous to handle." She sounds a little confused, to be honest, and distracted by poking around looking for other things. Maybe she can find a memory bank with some personal notes. Or programming texts. That'd be nice.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako herself seems a bit surprised when Sugata takes her hand - though not unpleasantly so. She offers him a quick, relieved smile. "I should've recognized the damage," she teases lightly, before her attention turns to the other explanations being given.

Sequoia's remark, and Pulp Noir's, draw her eyes toward the box. Which means she's not watching Takuto, possibly a critical error. "Takuto-kun, wait a second--!"

Too late.

She doesn't wait to find out what the consequences of this action will be; immediately, she throws out a hand toward Takuto. Pale pink light shimmers into being around him, enclosing him and the box both in a transparent sphere.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Thank you, Rashmi. Excellently summarized!" Amy smiles, chipper.

    Chrono she knew about, but... Amy blinks at Zephyr. "Wait, you're from space too?"

    When she starts talking about shipbreaking plans, Amy points out, "I can absolutely make demolition charges, although uh... I'm not an expert on that." She conjures and totes her launcher as she says this, although she keeps it aimed away from everyone and her finger off the trigger.

    Amy looks over at Sequoia. "Weissritter?" She echoes, as her weapon briefly changes to the firearm-like smaller version of the Howling Launcher she briefly used at the movie set and gives it a spin, before dismissing it. 'Okay, no one's gonna get that reference...' Amy mutters to herself.

    She watches Yukihime send out scouts. "Dang, everybody can send out scouts but me? Moments like this I really wanna know if I can remote control those little disposable bodies like Kyubey does..."

    And then she looks confused. "Vampire? What?"

    She hasn't moved inside to see the box yet.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"...are you talking about yourself?" Sugata asks dryly, looking at Yukihime, the pale-skinned person with fangs standing next to Red. As Takuto moves for the box, he sighs a little and glances at Wako. "If picking that up actually corrupts him, give the purification an extra burn."

And yet, is he trying to stop Takuto? No, of course not. Instead, he walks closer to Takuto and the bubble, looking over the box through the translucent pink light.

<<As though what you call corruption could do anything to worsen his character.>>

The voice that sounds over the psychic link is callous, each syllable pronounced with crisp perfection.

There is an exasperated sigh, also over the telepathic link, from Sugata's end.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
Ping! Area Search!

There is the immediately accessible hole in the wall room, and then two other rooms that were likely some form of quarters or storage, very little in the wreckage itself was appearing to be particularly noteworthy from the ping, there was some technology here of course, being a ship. And the ship's black box in case of a wreck was likely still intact, though would likely need a good amount of digging to get out as it was in the very front of the ship which had crumpled and been mostly eliminated by previous giant beams of light.

There is also a somewhat more distant ping of a Device, though it's exceptionally faint and towards the edges of the Area Search.

A look from above by the ice bird allows for a more top-down overview of the ship's wreckage, a few crackles of electricity occasionally visible from areas still trying to function off of nearly-exhausted (and crushed) backup power.

Another soft crackle of that static comes as Pulp Noir makes a comment on it, the soft ping of something trying (and failing) to join the telepathic network.

Ginga Bishounen picks up the box! It is still radiating soft dark energy, and as he picks it up and his finger coincidentally touches the front of it... there is a sudden click as a spring-loaded device is activated, and would stab him right in the finger.

A few dings of processing, before the box speaks in a heavily electronic voice

<<Ungultiger Benutzer.>>

A click, and the already-opened box attempts to lock itself. Luckily it's already opened and whatever mechanism that might have closed the glorified jewelry box is broken.

And a pink bubble appears around them!

...The dark energy radiating in the area is somewhat reduced.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    < AREA SEARCH COMPLETE. > announces Tenraikaze. Zephyr nods, looking at the data on a holographic screen that pops up in front of her eyes like a visor... <<Okay guys, I'm getting a reading on a couple of rooms that should be accessible... there's the storage you're in, and what looks like a bunk room or some kind of living space. If anyone can bust through the front portion of the ship, we might be able to extract the black box... the flight data recorder.>> she transmits, frowning at the Device signal at the very edge of her search range. <<Rashmi... keep an eye on that Device signature... I don't like the look of it.>> she asks additionally

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    For a moment. For a good beat, Sequoia looks right at Amy.
    "What, it's not like a weird name right? I mean it means--" She trails off at the sight of the Howling Launcher.
    "It's not a Super Robot Wars reference, Red! It means White Knight!" Sequoia huffs petulantly.
    Meanwhile though... She looks to Zephyr.
    "Device? You picked something up? ... Here's hoping we don't have to engage *her* tonight."
    It's not fear that has her saying this. But a healthy dose of caution.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"So uh... Pretty sure the best way into the front part of the ship is the hole Nanoha-chan punched in the cockpit?? Rashmi muses, keeping a close eye on Takuto as the box is picked up... And then the Star Driver is stabbed. And *rejected.* Poor boy.

"Aheh... It's okay, bishonen-kun, there's plenty of uh... other... boxes... in... space...?"

Okay that joke was *so terrible* Rashmi just chooses to fly after the Device signal, as Wako's purufication bubble locks into place.

<< On it, Wind Dancer-san. But it feels like it's... trying to join? Tenraikaze-san, what was the parameter of the comms net? Because... I... have a thought. >>

A concern, more like; or a bad feeling. Not for them, or their chances in figuring out this Capital-M-Mystery -- and thank everyone Pulp Noir is on the case -- but for Aloisia. "Nicomachea -- Area Investigation, see if you can lock onto that signal and establish communications."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy's eyes widen and she stares at Weissr-- Weisser Ritter, mouth agape. "You know Super Robot Wars?!"

    Blink. Blink.

    She relaxes. "Yeah, I know what it means. But I'm glad to see you are a woman of culture as well! If you ever want to talk about mecha stuff, feel free to talk to me, I'm in room ###!"

    On to present matters: "A Device? Maybe it was thrown from the wreckage? Do you want me to go look over that way?"

    "Otherwise, while we're here, is there anything we should be gathering for the Device-Users, or that's useful in general? Like if we should be stripping the wiring out of the walls because you need space-copper for your tech that's way better than what we use here or whatever?"

Miho Inada has posed:
    "S-sorry. Just never seen myself henshined before. Nobody told me that I looked like a vampire...", Yukihime says. The spell wears off fairly quickly, melting away. The snow mahou shakes her head as she rubs her eyes. "I havn't tried that spell in a minute, and been that...connected to it before.", she tells.

    Yukihime takes a deep breath as she stretches out. "Dark...Noir. That might be cute.", she giggles a little bit. Yukihime takes a breath though as she stretches out a little bit. The snow mahou takes a moment to watch everyone as they deal with the tech. Space ship, high technology. Its all above what she knows. "I can send a few small bunnies or mice to look in smaller areas. Just...I'm still learning how to handle this spell. Its like watching 2 or 3 TVs with different views all at once.", she warns. "But I don't know what I'd be looking for.", she says. The woman does stay back from the pink bubble. "Poor boy...should we give him some space?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir frowns and starts towards the bunk room as he stops, looks back to Yukihime and raises a brow. "What. You like bad boys?" he asks, before slowly backing up playfully through the door.

He'll look around the bunk room, trying to figure out a way ahead.

"Do I need to shoot down a door?" he says. "...I kinda hope so."

"That'd be cool." he says as he taps his ear. << That static is on the comms. Can someone let that thing join already? >>

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
That distant device is starting to move towards the gathered group, as that static becomes a little stronger.

As that active attempt to connect with the Device is made... there is a brief attempt to reply to the connection by ~something~, and then a much stronger, more forceful shutdown of the connection with a ping.


And the static stops.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Tenraikaze transmits to Rashmi. < I check for Dark Energy signatures in the incoming signals. If the signal is 'clean', they receive an invitation. > fairly strict safety parameters so hostiles don't have an easy way into the sparkles commgrid.

    And then... that voice.

    <<We've got company incoming. Grab what you can and get out of the ship!>>

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"It'll be fine-- ow!" starts Takuto, the yellow part of his hair falling into his face as he ducks his head, uselessly putting his gloved finger in his mouth. "Pleh!" he says because ... because pleh, glove in mouth. "Ugh, Wako-chan, purify please? It bit me. It's--"

Under the out-loud speaking, another voice chimes in on the telepathic chat.

<< Perhaps he needs to be taken out for a walk, >> comes a third unfamiliar voice, one nobody but Takuto has heard until now. It's warm and resonant and has a cultured diction to it.

"Hey everybody, sorry about the Cybodies in the chat," Takuto says, looking a little grumbly in Sugata's general direction and then in Wako's. "If they can't behave themselves we'll dip and come back when you need it blown up. Or hauled into space and blown up."

He grins brightly at Rashmi's fleeing form, then, and calls after her, "It's okay, my heart can take it. It's already full anyway."

As soon as purification has happened, Takuto puts the box back down and shakes his hand out.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Oh, that was the *other* thing Rashmi was afraid of. A cold ball of ice churns in Rashmi's gut, as she gains altitude to watch the general vector the signal was coming from. If she can get eyes on their 'guest,' early warning will prove to be the best warning.

<< Seconded, trying to acquire visual. Grab anything that isn't nailed down, bonus points if it has an emitter on one side! >>

The unfamiliar voice, and the sass it carries with it, earn a mental snort-chuckle.

<< As long as they behave themselves it should be fine. Just start grabbing and be ready, I'll call out when I've spotted whoever's coming in. >>

Miho Inada has posed:
    Yukihime laughs a little bit. "I can make them good for the weekend.", she teases back with a wink. She's settled down a bit if she can make bad song jokes like that! The woman looks around though. She has no idea what she's looking for, but when Wind Dancer calls out, Yukihime moves out of the ship. She holds up her left wrist, and breathes out. The prayer beads around her wrist start to glow, and lift off her wrist.

    The snow mahou focuses her mind bringing up her naginata. Six of the beads come off, and energy gathers around the beads, forming wolves that surround Yukihime. <Rashmi, I can set up some barriers with the wolves if necessary. Just give me a direction to place the wolves.>

    Yukihime takes a deep breath. She's gently tapping her toe a little bit, setting up a rhythem. The woman is preparing in case she needs to fight.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy ahhhs at Yukihime's explanation. "Yeah, seeing yourself transformed for the first time is really something." She smiles at the memory.

    <<"Wait, did you say hauled up into space? You can DO that?! What's a cybody?">>

    And then someone tries to let whatever is out there into the chat, and Amy tenses up. <<"That sounded like Aloisia's corrupted Device!">>

    But... a fight doesn't seem to be happening, so...

    Amanda drops out of henshin long enough to drop her (empty) backpack and messenger bag, re-henshin, and then picks them up and walks on into the ship.

    Grab everything that's not nailed down? She'll get everything that's nailed down too, if she can pry it loose!

Wako Agemaki has posed:
<< Be silent, Samekh, >> a prim voice, feminine and slightly metallic, chimes through the telepathic network. << Tauburn, your Driver was well chosen. >> There's a tone of restrained exasperation to the mental voice, and it's not entirely directed only at "Samekh."

As for Wako, Takuto didn't need to say more than that 'ow'. Her name's not even all the way out of his mouth before the inside of the sphere positively floods with dawn-colored light, bright enough to hurt the eyes if you're looking directly at it. "Stop fussing," she says - to the unfamiliar peanut gallery of voices on the telepathic link, one supposes. "Are you okay, Takuto-kun?"

And then Zephry and Rashmi are calling out incoming, and Wako's brow furrows. "--I... think I can take the whole thing if we need to," she says, not sounding entirely certain about this. "Not very fast, though, so it might not matter--"

Still, as she says it she's already putting out her hands, and a gossamer curve of pink light begins to trace its way around the wreckage.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir double backs when he's told about the device moving. "Note to self. Ask about verification for these comm net things." he says to himself outloud as he grabs the brim of his fedora and looks at Yukihime. "We should get out of here, not defend...!" he says as he reaches into his coat and pulls out a revolver.

"Get ready!" he says as he starts his way to the exit they've come though.

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
    Yuki pocketed a few items from the console she'd been digging into, and moved on to the bunkroom to look for any interesting clues - or parts - there. She's quite interested in finding something actually *useful*, as unlikely as it seems. "Definitely not a vampire," she muses as she casts another glance at Yukihime. "I do like the name, though." She winks and turns to continue her search.

She ignores the first alarm regarding the incoming Device, not worrying too much about it, but then...

    "Ok, Argent Dawn, sounds like a fight's incoming." She sighs a little, but it's better to get involved than to hide... right?

    "Auorora Lancer," the Device replies, octagonal rune-sets forming around the girl as she walks towards the way they'd gotten in. She picks up a few random things on the way, basically anything she can reach, stuffing them into a bag and hoping for luck.

    "Alright, I'm here, where's this danger everyone's on about?"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Takuto gets stabbed, which is about what he deserved for being so impulsive, and thus his 'ow' is received with absolutely no sympathy. His rejection is received with even less sympathy.

"That's about what you deserved," he says dryly, before blinking in surprise at Tauburn's voice, unheard before now and yet achingly familiar.

<<As perfect suited as a dog to a leash.>> Samekh sneers in response to Tauburn and Wawna, and this time Sugata grumbles, "We will drag you into space and destroy you again."

As for Red?

"The Cybodies are our partners in power, and the disembodied voices you're hearing through the telepathic network. The one that's begging to be destroyed is Samekh; ignore him."

<<All this effort, just to avoid doing what must be done. If the girl has become a beast, put her down like one.>>

"We'll be sure to buy you the time you need," he tells Wako, stepping closer to the ship and the cold voice of the enemy, rather than away, pulling a white sword of pure energy from his chest as he does so.

"Star Swordo - Diamante!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Or... or not. Amy lost her chance to loot by standing around talking, like a fool! Even if there probably wasn't much left anyway... She's scooped up whatever she can grab in several seconds and then THE SHIP STARTS TO MOVE AROUND HER. <<"WOAH!">> Didn't Ginga Otome say something about hauling the ship into space and exploding it? Amy dives out of the ship, looking around for the Prinzessin!

    <<"We can't beat her as we are! And it's draining Aloisia to regenerate!">>

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
Luckily, its movements are relatively slow at the moment, not necessarily flying at high speeds so much as walking. Possibly because the source of it hasn't immediately identified the group -- or is being hindered by something. It's probably time to blast holes in the rooms and grab anything not nailed down, though! That's for sure! But it is coming, and it is definitely that familiar pair of twisted devices on their way.

Towards the far edge of the abandoned themepark, where Prinzessin Nichts had more or less been treating as a home base to work out of for the moment while it performed its search for its rivals and the knights of trial.

On the upside, there's a lot that isn't nailed down and not a huge area to search, on the downside much of it is damaged or not particularly noteworthy at best, some decent scraps of tech most likely that could be useful for device users.

Purifying the bubble results in... a much cleaner box that is no longer infected with the dark energy of the Lost Logia that had been stored in it! Which actually clears up most of that radiant dark energy that had been lingering in the area, that prickle of darkness mostly fading. Nevermind that there was a much larger source actively heading their way now. And in visual range of Rashmi.

...There is, likely, an unnerving calm to the way she walks. It's not quite confidence, but a complete lack of fear as she walks towards the group of 11 mixed device users and other mahou.

    ...The static is back?

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    "Dee... Talk to me."

    < I can give you about 57% output. Channeling into Bind network. >

    "Got it... I have an idea." <<Guys, I have an idea... I'm going to try and Bind her in place... I can only do this once with the output I can generate right now... so once the Binds take hold, hit her with everything you have.>>

    Once Aloisia... the Princess of Nothing... appears, Wind Dancer's Device appears in her hand, and she slams the haft into the ground. Several spell seals appear around the incoming Prinzessen, then lash out with chains and ribbons of purple magic. "Chain Bind! Ribbon Bind!" They snake out, trying to wrap around the Princess wherever they can get purchase.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Box put down, Takuto looks wryly at the other two Drivers for a half second, then jumps up and slows to a hover, surrounded by a bright blue-white flight nimbus and looking in the direction everyone else is looking. He frowns and puts a hand to his chest like Ginga Kingu did a moment ago, then shakes his head.

<< There! I advise taking a step further, sir-- >>

"Yeah, I can see," Takuto starts answering Tauburn, then lets his hands drop to fists at his sides for a second before a big red X glows bright, brighter, on his chest. He takes a deep breath and grins then yells,

"APPRIVOISE! Dashing Entrance~ Ginga Bishounen TAUBURN!"

Ghost-light, white and gold and pink and blue, sparkles around the boy hanging in midair with the blue-white rocket nimbus around him. It forms a ghostly set of extremely dapper and very tall armor around him, in the shape of the small robot that's occasionally seen with him, including a pointy gold mask and a fantastic hat-looking thing with a plume on his head.

<< That's a great plan, Wind Dancer. I back this plan one hundred percent, >> comes Takuto's voice.

<< The crusher, sir. >>

"You read my mind," Takuro murmurs, amusing only himself. Another deep breath, and the boy in the phantom armor calls out:

"TAU PILE CRUSHER!" and the 'coat tails' of Tauburn's body -- the piles -- circle around one of the armored Takuto's phantom robot fists, creating a mixed energy-and-armor weapon, which he uses to blast a glittering crackling energy cannonball at Aloisia even as Zephyr's calling out her binds.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    'Connection refused'?
    That can't be good.
    Especially when the decision comes to 'grab everything not bolted down and book it'.
    "Ah hell. We can talk about cultured things later." Sequoia replies to Red as she hefts her shield. Weisser Ritter is out of and off the ship in the next moment.
    "I'll help." She says as she comes to a skidding halt by Ginga Kingu.
    If they're going to buy time, then what else is better to put in the Princess of Nothing's way than a miniature wall? Right?
    It's when Zephyr starts flinging bind spells that Sequoia sets her feet and braces.
    <<Remember! She'll only turn hostile if you attack her first." She points out before her Device chimes: <KETTENBINDUNG!>
    With that announcement several chains of white light appear in her free hand, before the lash out like whips, cracking to try and join Zephyr's bind spells in fending off the corrupted Aloisia.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
And before Rashmi can reiterate that the warrior that was Alo-chan will not attack unless attacked first... Wind Dancer executes her plan. << Oh for-- FORM UP, GUYS. Chrono, Yukihime, help Wind Dancer lock her down! Weisser, keep her off Otome first! Gingas, everyone else, if you have a way of launching her over the horizon? That please. >>

Suggestions handed out, Rashmi takes a deep breath. "Nico -- crack the shield and lock her down."

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR BLADE -- GLACE SHIFT >>

A half-dozen swords of golden light materialize around Rashmi, then with a screeching *crack* become lumpen, angular swords of glittering, golden ice that launch forward toward the defenses the Prinzessin will inevitably raise.

And all six blades have a singular purpose; to punch through defensive magics, then launch into a shower of clumping, movement-hampering shards of ice.

One can only hope it'll help to slow the Juggernaut slowly approaching.

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
    Yuki pauses in the jagged-edged gash in the hull of the ship where she'd entered, looking down to see the ground rather far below now. Oh dear.

    And worse, there's a volley of attacks already heading out at someone. Presumably this Princess Nicht or whatever her name was. No, she doesn't speak German.

    <<Argent Dawn, this is clearly a Lose Your Hat plan, but...>>

    <<Understood, ma'am. Releasing Lances.>>

    The darts she'd been preparing are launched towards the Prinzessing, a rather minor addition to the firepower already being hurled her direction. With no more need to maintain that spell, however, Yuki and her Device can focus on more important things, like shielding and flight. She leaps from the rising wreckage to zoom as fast as she can in the general direction of 'everyone else'.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Yukihime starts to dance a little bit as she releases the other four beads. "I call upon the Ancient pact. Let the Guardians of the Capital gather before me.", she says. The woman lifts her left hand into the air. The prayer beads gather around her wrist before spinning around above Yukihime.

    "Let your growls gather the enemy, and your howls freeze the blood of those who threaten the innocent!", she chants. Yukihime goes into a shrine dance, as she puts the naginata down. Both hands go up above her head. The beads gather her energy to turn into the full pack of wolves.

    "Wolves of the Capital, CAPTURE!", she yells out, thusting both hands forward with the dance. The wolves fly out, and circle around Nichts. Yukihime presses all her magic into the magical barrier seal. The wolves settle into place, howling as Yukihime's magic uses the beads to complete the barrier seal. This is massively draining on Yukihime as she's trying to hold Nichts in place. <<Please hurry....This is massively tiring, trying to hold her down. >>

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Last time they encountered the Prinzessin Nichts, it became clear that she only attacked those who attacked her first - but given that it's more than likely a bind will be seen as an attack, the point is mute. They are committed to the fight, and to holding her back until Wako has had time to drag away the wreckage they were examining.

So as Ginga Bishounen leaps into the air, covered in the dapper ghost-light armor of Tauburn, Ginga Kingu nods at Weisser Ritter, remembering full well that she'd been able to cope with channeling the wild ride of Samekh's power raging through her.

"If it comes to it, I'll boost your shield again. But for now?" A smirk lifts the corner of his mouth. "The best delaying strategy is a strong offense."

And he lunges for her, going on the melee offense as everyone else fires distance attacks, because if it comes down to it, he has no trouble standing in the center of a Pillar.

He launches a consecutive burst of sweeping strikes at joints - elbow, wrist, ankle, knee - with the goal of weakening movement while she's bound.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir doesn't get far before he has to face the 'Dark Princess' and he frowns and levels his big-butt revolver down field and starts firing, large magical blasts ringing out in rapid succession downrange.

"Yeah you might be a princess, but we have a king." he says, as Ginga Kingu bursts into the fray.

He has no named attacks so he just keeps firing the powerful revolver downrange at the princess.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Metal groans. Churned-up dirt showers from the wreck, pattering to the earth below as the wreck - or at least the main part of it, the section neither obliterated by prior strikes nor driven ten-plus feet into the ground - lofts with agonizing slowness into the air, suspended in a halo of delicate pink radiance.

Wako's arms tremble with effort, extended to guide the shell of magic she's using to move the wreckage.

<< Miko-sama... >> the feminine voice chimes, shaded now with concern.

"I know, Wawna," the Galactic Maiden gasps. "Everyone, I'm sorry - don't get close to her! "Ginga Otome Wawna - APPRIVOISE!!"

Light erupts around her, forming translucent armor much like Takuto's, but all in white and gold, twintails of pure light unfurling from her crown-like headpiece. "Sugata-kun!" she cries out, even as the rosy light builds brighter and brighter until the floating wreck is shining like dawn.

She trusts him to understand her intent. She has to. The instant he's clear, she heaves the whole thing at the restrained Prinzessin.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy doesn't have any trouble spotting the Prinzessin, it turns out. She's walking right towards them!

    Binds go down first. Good.

    And then all hell is dumped on poor Aloisia. "I'm sorry." Amy whispers, as the 105mm recoilless cannon is summoned to her shoulder, the round hitting at half-a-km-a-second just the trigger for the explosion that creates a jet of molten metal forged under incredible pressure that is the magical and symbolic expression of Amy's self and will that tries to punch through the armor, seeking to make the Prinzessin pay to resist or regenerate the damage!

    And then Magical Rocket Girl Red fires again.

    And then she turns and starts leaping away, to put distance between herself and the Prinzessin in a hurry. "Okay, time to go!"

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
Purple ribbons and purple-and-white chains shoot out from the ground to entrap and wrap the Prinzessin Nichts as it approaches, its movements slowed as the chains and ribbons start to pull her down, though she's... still... standing, in spite of thei attempts of the ribbons and chains, starting to push through them with a burst of energy.

But it's enough. It keeps her in place and unmoving as the Tau Pile Crusher is unleashed towards her, the crackling cannonball striking true as a magical barrier cracks and sparks into existence!

Only for solar blades to strike the shield just before impact, shattering it and allowing the cannonball to hit without the barrier in the way. Crackle.

She starts to stand again. Right as darts shoot in from Yuki to help with keeping her locked down temporarily! Energy was beginning to gather in the lance of the Princess of Nothing as those wolves come in towards her... and...

Stabs towards those wolves, since they're an immediate close-range threat. A brief burst of nameless dark magic being blasted towards the closest one as she stands up again.

An attack likely made less effective as, rather suddenly, Ginga Kingu was now in melee range attempting to keep her locked down with a series of sweeping strikes at her joints, her elbows, her wrist, her ankle, her knees... but she doesn't just take it, as one of those attacks comes towards her wrist... her hand turns.


...And attempts to simply touch an oncoming knee.

And Ginga Kingu, if it touches, will be glad he is in henshin, as the attack claims, it SHATTERS what it comes into contact, likely still causing injury even if the armor of his henshin would take the brunt of it.

Further counterattacks are stopped as blasts of powerful magical revolver bullets strike her, pushing her back ever so slightly...

...And then a ship is yeeted at her, landing upon her in a mass of purification and steel.

A shield crackles into existence, just at the last moment, likely to some people's relief.

And as purification washes over the Prinzessin, there is a crackle and then...

>...Verbindung hergestellt._
>...Bericht: Korruption bei 45 Prozent._
>Meister entdeckt. Ubertragen von Backups.

*PING* Unaufhaltsame Schwester.bak and Unbezwingbare Schwester.bak files are transmitted to Rashmi's device. Extremely basic backups lacking anything but the core of their programming and lacking most memories.

>Empfehlung: Backups vor dem Entpacken isolieren und bereinigen._
>Ubermittlung von Scandaten.

All of the present devices would receive a ping and as in-depth as the locked down scan data that Unaufhaltsame Schwester could manage to get, mostly just an examination of her energy... as well as a single faint similar energy source marked out in a vague map of Tokyo.

>Die unaufhaltsame Prinzessin verliert nie._

... And then the Prinzessin Nicht's shield begins to glow, a mixture of emerald and dark magic crackling into existence.

And a recoilless Rifle shoots towards her, the magic of the oncoming attack...

...Wreathed in that emerald-black energy.

And it penetrates through the Prinzessin Nichts.

...And then a familiar spell sparks into life.

A duskport, initiated by Unaufhaltsame Schwester, leaving behind a small crater of black energy as they're teleported away to a random location.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi has seen her share of mind-clobberingly large-scale attacks. She's fought next to Nanoha more than a couple times. Managed to (barely) survive Fate's undivided attention, once. Watched Tuxedo Mask ride a phoenix head-on into Walpurgisnacht, and asked Ginga Kingu to open a door with King's Pillar.

Somehow, watching her roommate fling *half of a spaceship* at Prinzessin breaks the limit of her ability to just 'it's magic' it away.

So for a moment, she just stares at the onrushing ship, then around to Chrono, eyes wide. One hand just flings out to gesture at the new pile of wreckage. 'Can you *believe* this bullshit?!'

But then the Unstoppable Sister breaks into the message loop... bearing gifts.

*Backups,* specifically.

Oh, oh, you poor Device, you will get the best care Rashmi can provide when your Master has been saved.

Into the crackling Silence, Rashmi speaks up, her voice low and unutterably sad. "Corruption at 45%. Meister detected. Transmitting backups. Recommendation: Isolate and purify backups before unpacking. Transmitting scan data. The unstoppable princess never loses."

The redhead lets out a slow, shaky breath, and nods. "And so she won't. Nicomachea -- start working on that scan data, get every last bit of information you can out of it. Also, transfer backup files to Secure Storage until I find a Storage Device to put them in."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    The Binds hold... the Binds hold!

    Tenraikaze pings as the data comes in... and then the Princess duskports away, after suffering a high impact shot.

    Zephyr leans on her Device, breathing pretty hard, before sliding down to her knees. <<Anyone else get that map data? I'm guessing it pinged Devices in range.>> her telepathy voice sounds exhausted. She pulls a candybar out of a little bag that Tenraikaze ejects for her, devouring it almost before removing the wrapper. <<We should regroup, go over that data... it's got to mean something.>>

Miho Inada has posed:
    As everything hits, Yukihime screams out as one of the energy wovles gets blasted. She whimpers as she brings the beads back to her. The snow mahou holds her left arm up, and the beads gather there. The woman grabs her naginata with her left hand as she looks at her right shoulder. Its black, and bleeding pretty badly. Yukihime blinks a little bit. Umm, ow! She's learned quite a bit tonight about a few things. Her eyes are a bit unfocused. "...I have to remember...that spell is all my magic. And...very connected to me.", she mutters.

    "Red...I need....a....candy bar...Or protien bar, food in generall....", Yukihime asks for. The woman drops to a knee, breathing heavily. She holds her shoulder, as she moves a part of the Suikan. "Ow.", she mutters.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
There's always a risk when getting into striking distance - the risk that your opponent can strike out at you, as much as you can at them. Sugata deflects what he can, but there are attacks flying about, and when it comes to it, he would rather commit to the bit, as it were, than back off for his own safety.

(Wako and Takuto are likely vehemently disagreeing with this strategy.)

Thus, when the Prinzessin strikes for Ginga Kingu's knee, he twists his body put sword and arm in the path instead, striking aiming to bury the length of Diamante in her side even as his non-dominant arm takes the blow. Shatter is well named - the fine weave of his dapper military coat is detonated by the blow, as is the shirt underneath, the bone fracturing but critically, not shattering to little pieces. The fractured arm goes is drawn to his side, protective, but the sword wielding arm is still striking -

And then.

There is Wawna's voice, touched with concern, and more, there is the groan and scream of metal being forced from the Earth silenced by Wako's success, and there is Wako's warning cry. Something the Star Driver's haven't gotten around to mentioning to their new and only recruit is that being a Star Driver means accepting that your allies will - not might - launch deadly attacks while you're still in the line of fire.

Diamante winks out of existence as Ginga Kindu offers a mocking salute to the Prinzessin with his unbroken arm, bailing out of the way -

A shame about the shield that prevents her from being crushed. Still, before long, she's vanished in a flush of dark energy, and Ginga Kingu is walking back towards Ginga Otome and Ginga Bishounen.

With a shit-eating grin, the bastard.

"Wako-chan," he calls, proud of all things, "How did it feel to drop an attack with your ally in targeting range?"

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
    Yuki barely seems to notice the Device transmissions, not really paying them much attention. She was more interested in defending herself from the expected counter-attack... which never materialized.

    Which leaves her in the best position to see the girl who shares a name with her go down with a wound. She lands next to Yukihime, offering an arm. "Here, lean on me," she offers, and produces a protein bar from her bag. "I always keep a handful of these in case I miss a meal. Good thing, eh?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy dismissed her weapon and is leaping away, but the Prinzessin... leaves?

    <<"We drove her off?!">>

    Rashmi has news. <<"So... we can save her Device for her... I'm surprised magic can be backed up, honestly. If only we could do the same with her...">>

    Amy lands and Yukihime is at her side, asking for food. "Uhh... I'm sorry, I kinda dumped out everything so I'd have more room to carry loot, but... I'm sure we can go out to eat after this-- Your shoulder!"

    Amy kneels by her, pulling her first aid kit from under her cloak, opening it and flipping through the... pages? Wings? Whatever to call those internal compartments it's got. "Is that burned?" She asks, of the blackness. "Hang in there...!"

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Takuto was pretty sure Wako was going to fling the ship. He wasn't positive Sugata knew that, given where he just ran. He gets ready to fly out front and whip Sugata out of the way but the blue-haired CLAMP noodle was able to escape on his own.

For a second, Takuto stares at the Devicers as space German floods his mind, and then he looks to Rashmi and nods firmly after she finishes the translation. "Okay. Let us know where to be and when."

Then Sugata starts toward them and he saw the way Sugata's arm stopped working right after the Prinzessen, and he purses his lips-- but oh, oh, Sugata's giving Wako shit, and Takuto's on the fence for a second over whose case he should take. Only a second.

Sorry, Wako.

The red-and-yellow-haired boy laughs and laughs, dropping his phantom armor double apprivoise. "Sugata, after your arm gets seen to, let's go out to eat, too."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
As the dust settles, both literal and metaphorical, Wako's feet once more touch the ground. Her henshin dissolves into motes of light, beginning from her boots and cascading upward, leaving her in fully ordinary street clothes. The breath goes out of her in a whoosh.

"I'm sorry," she says again... to all of them but principally to Rashmi. "I hope you got something useful, even though we couldn't save the wreck after all."

She looks like she means to say more - but then Sugata comes strolling over like his arm isn't a mess, and he says that, and Takuto is clearly taking his side. Wako's cheeks puff up in sudden righteous indignation.

Turning on a heel, she marches over to the pair of them and grabs a handful of shirt in either hand. "You JERKS!"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Yes, Sugata's arm is broken. Yes, he is being teasing instead, and thus is punished with yoinking.

At Wako's height, she's just bringing him to her level. In response to the fact that they're both being labeled jerk, he can only give a dramatic sigh. "I have made him a worse person for knowing me, it's true."

A beat of silence.

"Is this a good time to suggest we have a visit with Chiba-san or -"

This probably results in more lamenting - but also, definitively, in Ginga Otome dragging Ginga Kingu away in a bubble, towed by Ginga Bishounen's higher speed.

Sugata still throws the lot of them a jaunty wave.

"See you next time."

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
    Yuki looks over to Amy as they both offer help to the snow-maiden. "Hi," she says to the other. "Take it you've done this dance before, then?" She tries to smile, but it's hard when seeing the wound Yukihime is afflicted with.

    "So, do you need a hospital, or is there someone we can go to...?" She's never had to deal with a seriously wounded person before. So... she'll follow Yukihime and Amy's lead.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Yukihime nods her head in thanks to Yuki, taking the bar. She noms on the bar...almost wolf like. She knows she's getting better, but its gonna take time. "She got one of my wolves cause I didn't push the barrier in far enough. It...looks worse then it is.", Yukihime says as she breathes out.

    "Sorry. Should have been paying more attention. Capture's draw back is me having to use all my magic to hold the target down.", she tells. The woman holds her shoulder, and calls a little ice there. "Well, back at the School, we have a special place.", she tells. "We should be good. Also...I can't...ummm...exactly get this dressed out here.", she blushes. "Unless I dehenshin, and I don't know how bad its really gonna be when I dehenshin.", she says. "But I can walk after I eat a few more bars.", she tells, looking at Amy. "It looks worse then it is.", she offers a very nonconvincing winkwince.