2156/Heroes and (Reluctant) Villains

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Heroes and (Reluctant) Villains
Date of Scene: 10 December 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Catra is out stealing energy again... and of course the heroes are there to stop her! Sailors Charon and Uranus along with Pulp Noir step up for the fight, and Entrapta expresses her scientific curiosity! And after tonight, Catra has... Well the jar is full, but is it enough? Just how full it needs to be was never really discussed.
Cast of Characters: Catra, Hotaru Tomoe, Hinote Kagari, 281, Haruka Tenoh

Catra has posed:
Catra has spent more time collecting energy in the last two weeks than she has in the entire rest of her tenure with Obsidian.

And tonight, the feline is at it again. Her general air of sassy defiance isn't really present; nor is the enraged facade she puts up when she can't do sassy. Instead, she's just walking along down the center of one of the main roads in Tokyo, with her sword resting on her shoulder. Following along behind her is the spider-robot with its big, crystal vessel -- with a crack down one side of it that's threatening to spiderweb at any moment -- that's got a lot more dark energy in it now, than when she started.

Is she close to finishing? Does she have a chance of getting this done?

Striding ahead of her with thunderous steps is another Youma; this one much bigger than the gumball machine she had the other night. This one... started life as a bulldozer. Now it's a humanoid monster, built like a rhinoceross crossed with a tank; it has a fleshy body covered with thick metal plates, all of its limbs, its abdomen, and even its neck have a myriad of shocks and pistons, and the dozer blade is bolted whole cloth to its left forearm.

All in all, this Youma looks like it means business, as it walks down the streets full of unconscious people. Catra, meanwhile, looks like she'd rather be anywhere else. Anywhere but here.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
"Halt, evil doer! I am... no, over here! Up here! By the WcDonalds sign!"

Yes, Sailor Charon WAS here, and she was standing on the great W of the WcDonalds! "I am the purveyer of justice, the protector of the innocent, the reminder to all that Pluto is, in fact, still a planet! Small things matter too!" she called out. She lifted her glaive into the air, making it swirl a few times overhead. "And I will stop your-- huh? Catra? Is... is that you?" she called out. Wait. One of Riventon's girls? "Wait. Did... did you youma-fy a BULLDOZER?! Oh my gosh, that's so cool! I hope you don't mind that I'm going to have to stop you, though!" she called out. Before descending on the pair of them, her glaive slashing out at the youma, the energy blade humming a vibrant gray today!

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir was out and about. When he heard the news of a UFO he looked to the sky.

"I knew it. Eudial was an alien plant. It's aliens." he says tersely as his trenchcoat flapped in the night sky. The camera zoomed in on the random alien on his murder board in The Shed suddenly. Weoeoeoeoeoeeoeooo!

BACK TO THE PRESENT, Pulp Noir felt the ground shake under him as he lept from his tall thing(TM, Mamoru Industries.) and into the path of the bulldozer youma as Sailor Charon also shows herself.

"I can't let you bulldoze the truth...!" he says, pointing.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
And you have to know that there's going to be more. It's like, somedays you can't shake a broom without hitting five or six mahou. Today?

"I'm almost done, leave it alone!"

That VOICE. That voice is so, freaking, familiar. To Catra anyway. It can't be.

Someone is up, in a street crossing sign, hanging by her legs with a screwdriver in her hands trying to do...something. A policeman is ...was...trying to get her down. He's now running away, having seen the incoming youma.

Priorities, and self-preservation.

However, fixing the light so it blinks properly, the purple haired purple person grins, then lowers her goggles. And looks at the incoming noise.

She peers. So weird, that almost looks like her, but so...wrong.

Catra has posed:
Catra looks up; the heroes are here. Well, one hero at least, and... no, nevermind, that's two. She sighs, and swings her sword down off her shoulder so she's dragging the point along the ground. "Yeah, it's a bulldozer," she answers, with a deep, world-weary sigh. "I need to finish getting my energy tonight, and I can do it... if my Youma stays up long enough. I needed something that won't just fold to people like you showing up and meddling about." She sighs, watching as Sailor Charon just goes straight for it.

The Youma raises its arm, and Charon's attack slams hard into the dozer blade; and at least for the moment it holds against the thrumming energy glaive with a loud clang. In response, the Youma snarls, a sound like grinding metal, as it swings a punch with its other arm, moving with surprising agility for a behemoth of its size.

"Bulldoze the truth, are you kidding me?" Catra sighs, "Will-- WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" she screams as Charon is now just engaging her Youma; she dashes forwads with her sword and as she rushes she splits, and then there's three Catras, two taking up a position to either side of her Youma, and the third hanging back to protect her jar-robot.

And then, that... that voice.

One of the Catras turns her head, and her eyes widen. "Wait... Entrapta? Here?!" She looks back at the two people menacing her Youma, and then over in that direction.

"HEY DIDN'T I SEND YOU TO BEAST ISLAND?!" She shouts, as her ears lay flat against the back of her head.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Blade meets bulldozer blade and there is an epic clash! Or, rather, just... a clash. The mighty youma's arm comes at her and she lifts her own glaive up, catching the blow on the handle of the glaive. Using that momentum, she leaps back, flowing with and away from the youma, flipping through the air and then landing, skidding back.

"That was *awesome!* Bulldoze the problem, hee hee. I wanna try next! You've constructed quite the situation, haven't you Catra?"

It was a pun-off, right?

However, now there was two Catras... and a bulldozer youma... AND a jar bot? "Ummmm... isn't... that cheating?" she asked. "You're not really doing the dark general thing right... What's beast island? Ohhhh. Is it an island of animal people? That sounds amazing! Is that where you're from? Is that where Wolfrun is from?"

She then ran forward, straight at one of the Catra's... her glaive spinning, driving it down at the girl, trying to drive her back... so she could go at the bulldozer youma's right side, trying to stab out and around the youma's shielding blade!

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir ehs. "I'm sorry. Did you say 'kitten me'?" he asks Catra as he jumps backwardsd as Charon moves into one of the Catras. He removes a tommy gun from the insides of his coat and peppers the bulldozer and one of the Catras with a cascade of magical laser-like shots.

He looks over to Entrapta and then over to Catra. And back to Entrapta.

"...Eh?" he asks curious. "....What's a Beast Island?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
>.> <.<

Entrapta's eyes go right, then left, and she hops down from her perch. Where she was fixing a thing. She's clearly not a priority person right now -until she is-! And then someone is yelling at her.

Nobody's yelled at her yet. She looks confused, her gaze looks up at the combat, and at the multiple cat-women.

"Ooooh..." she says, finding it all...apparently...very cool. To be fair, it probably is. Cool, I mean. But the fact that she can see it happening at all is not Veil-appropriate.

"Um, are you talking to me?" she asks, pretty much to anyone who was talking in her direction. "Because I was not really supposed to be here. Is this because of the sushi?"

....what? Without context it's kind of hard to tell what she's referring to, but....I mean, combat. You're in combat. So, maybe that's more important right now.

Catra has posed:
How confused could Entrapta possibly be?

"Of course I'm talking to you!" Catra snarls, "Can you think of any other annoying princesses who I might've banisehd to Beast Island?! Also you should have told me that opening the portal would destroy Etheria!"

Catra doesn't have overly long to spend yelling at Entrapta, since people are busy attacking her Youma, and it's a serious problem. When Pulp Noir hits her with his tommy gun laser, she just winks out; the shots hit the side of hte bulldozer, scoring the armor and making it howl with outrage, turning a... wait, is that it's face? It looks like a couple of red-shifted headlights inside of a helment. Either way, it turns in his direction.

The Catra-double hit by Charon likewise vanishes; the real Catra is the one guarding the jar-robot, with her sword now wreathed in dark energy. "What do you mean, 'cheating'?!" she yells back at Charon, "I'm trying to WIN here and I'm not even doing it for my own benefit! Why is this so difficult for you?! Don't you understand what Joker is going to do to one of your friends if I don't get this done? WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING TO STOP ME?!"

The Youma isn't taking this nearly so calmly, as Charon's glaive slips past the dozer blade and lances into its side; and it drays a spray of... hydraulic fluid? Is that what that is? The Youma howls with outrage, as it swings its dozer blade, trying to catch Charon and send her flying into a wall. From its other wrist, it matches Pupl Noir's tactics; the armor plates open and a chain gun rises up out of the cavity, taking a moment to spin up before it unleashes a hail of dark-energy bolts in his direction.

"ENOUGH WITH THE PUNS!" Catra yells over the weaponsfire, "I just want the energy! Why are you ALWAYS in my way? Why are you people ALWAYS so damned stupid?! Don't you know what'll happen if I fail?! And I'm so close! Just... Just leave it alone for ten minutes, would you?!"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon was, admittedly, enjoying herself. She managed to make the fake disappear AND score a strike on the youma...

Only to get struck for her trouble. She didn't manage to get herself in position in thime this time, the beefy arm of the youma striking and sending her flying back, into the wall! She hit it with a resounding oof.

"W-what? What do you mean, Joker? Like... the silly murder death clown? Satan's favorite jester?" Charon asked. "What's he got planned? Ohhhh. Are you working for them now? Why don't you have an Akanbe then?"

She peeled herself off the wall with a pained grunt before shaking her head.

"I mean... we're in your way because that's our job! I mean... like... your job is to hurt people and stuff, right? And fight us? If you hate it so much, why do it? Like... lots of people here would be happy to be your friend. Heck, even if you fight us we'll still be your friend..."

Uh oh. Pulp Noir was down and... it looked like... Wait, there was another civilian. Yelling at Catra. Oh, this was not looking good.

"And like... if you fail... I don't know. You don't blow up the world? You know, for someone who is like... fighting to destroy the world, you really don't seem to have your heart in it. Can you even *do* an evil laugh?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta? SUPER confused. The angry feline person yelled at her again. The dark-haired lady also seems upset. It's all a very 'upset with each other' situation, and she hugs one of her pigtails as she watches it go on.

"This is way over my head," she says, mostly to herself. Staying out of the way. "Still.."

That IS a very nice robot. Looks a little busted up though. "Hey did you want to try a resonance stabilizer for that crystal? I don't know if it'd work but that's what I'd try. Just match the harmonics, then go up one notch. Should help it stabilize. I hate to see a robot in pain, and it should help."

She hasn't really figured out why the feline lady is yelling about Beast Isl...oh wait. "Oh hey! Do I know you? From Etheria?" She waves one arm in the air. You know, while Pulp Noir falls, and Charon gets smashed into a wall. "Why would a portal destroy theeeeee oh that makes sense now. I wonder if that's why I couldn't open one myself?"

Yeah, totally not in fight mode.

Catra has posed:
"YES I KNOW YOU!! You were--"

Oh wait a minute.

As Pupl Noir is taken out of the fight, Hakatsu -- the Youma's name apparently, it has that emblem on its side -- focuses all its attentions on Sailor Charon; and where she went into the wall it shifts its cannonfire and just unloads, howling in her general direction. It howls as it keeps firing over the top of its dozer blade, keeping it up for protection; quite content to stand its ground, waiting for Charon to make her move through the gunfire. Well, it's a plan, anyway.

"I don't hve friends!" Catra shouts back, unwilling to leave the jar robot to help her own Youma; it can fight on its own apparently, and will win or die on its own merits. "I'm not fighting to end the world, I'm... I just..." She feels something at the corner of her eye, and brushes her knuckles over it. Moisture. Why now?

"I don't belong anywhere else! Didn't you hear what I said?! I opened a portal and DESTROYED A PLANET. And even if I didn't I... YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TIRED OF EXPLAINING IT. Obsidian is the only place I belong!! Even if I might have to..." her voice dips, until she can't be heard over the cannon fire anymore, "Run away... soon... from there too."

The feline drops her sword back down to rest the energy-wreathed tip on the ground, abandoning her defensive stance. "You wanna mess with my dark energy?!" she yells back at Entrapta, "Why-- Why the hell should I trust you?! How do I know you won't just break it?"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon let out a scream as she was unloaded on. Rocket after rocket struck her, sending her flying back as she tried desperately to shield herself from the assault. Finally, a barrier sprung up and she took the moment to tumble and roll behind some cover. In this case, into one of the broken windows. She pulled herself back, hiding against the wall and panting.

Ow ow ow. Everything hurt. She... was definitely in over her head.

"If you didn't, then why are you siding with people who want to? Do you have friends there? People you love? What's keeping you thee if being there makes you unhappy? Nobody *has* to be in Obsidian! If you don't have a *reason*, then you don't belong there, either!"

"At least somewhere else, if you're unhappy doing things, you can just... go somewhere where you WANT to do things! And if you want friends, then you probably already have a lot of them here, all you need to do is reach out to them!"

Luminous Titan, meanwhile, sent a message to a particular other household member... Cause... Ow. And Sailor Charon was in over her head here.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta scratches her head a little, thinking. As a bullet whines over her head, and she doesn't even flinch. Okay, okay, she flinches. But ...science! "Don't trust science, test it on something else less important first. Then you'll know! Seriously though I'm not really tracking everything that's going on," she admits. "But you seem really upset."

Looking at Sailor Charon, she waves a hand. "Hi there. Hey. Hi. Look, I'm sorry to interrupt.."

Which is when something hits her and she goes down. Like a human caught in a mahou crossfire. Which, gotta say, I'm surprised didn't happen earlier. I mean, there are a lot of bullets and debris going on right now.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Truth be told, by the time Haruka got the message from Luminous Titan - she was already out. Something was wrong - something on the wind had her restless. It wasn't the youma; those were common enough, she'd not feel such disruption in the air from something that happened every night. Once she got the message from LT, she knew what the problem was. She knew what the wind was trying to alert her to. Someone she cared about was in danger, in over her head.

    Well, not for long. Not with the collected power of the solar winds in the orange sphere that Sailor Uranus had compressed into her hand... and a bright orange sphere with a ring generates in that hand.

    Her shout echoes from somewhere nearby, off to the sides, and the tone of it is a threat in its own right as she yells her attack out. "World... SHAKING!" Slamming that compressed sphere into the ground where it rips through the pavement and throws up dirt and drags a spiral line into the ground before heading to the Youma to 'rock its world'. And running in behind it is the Wind-Kissed Pretty Soldier in a Sailor Suit, Sailor Uranus, drawing a gleaming sword out of nowhere to stand near Sailor Charon. And strike a pose, because of course. "Guided by a new era, Sailor Uranus acts with elegance!" she says, and then turns to Charon. "Are you alright, Charon-chan?" she asks, and there's a whole different other tone she takes with Charon. Maybe another member of the household would dote on her, but Haruka can save that for after she's dealt with this youma and... "What are you, some kind of crazy cat lady?" she asks Catra.

Catra has posed:
"You don't get it!! I have to be in Obsidian, I don't have a choice! It's the only place I belong. I'm getting exactly what I deserve for being an absolute horrible little MONSTER!"

Catra's eyes go wide as Entrapta takes a hit and goes down. Her heart skips a beat; so what if she sent this woman with weird hair and a super annoying voice to Beast Island one time because she got in her way, right here and now, even if she doesn't trust her she doesn't want --

"MIND THE DAMN CIVILIANS!" Catra screams; she comes out from behind Hakatsu, her sword flashes in a swift arc, and the Youma's right handle tumbles to the ground, sliced off just above where the cannon sits. "Next time, attack ONLY the dumb heroes," she snarls, as the Youma turns to glare now at her.

And then Uranus arrives, in time to see the Youma with a slived off arm, leaking hydraulic fluid from that stump and from where Charon stabbed it, and just in time to... attack. The Youma is rocked hard by the blow, and goes down on one knee; Catra, for her part, is flung away, but lands in a crouch and skids backwards awway from the explosion.

The jar-robot teeters on its legs and almost falls down; Catra's eyes follow it, with a frozen, heart-stopped expression. She turns slowly to face towards Uranus, and her eyes narrow into enraged slights. "I'm a Cat," she hisses, "And if you break that jar... I swear on Etheria's ashes I will break every last bone in your body." She gets to her feet, and then... the cat splits, and there's three of her. Two of them, bearing swords wreathed in puple energy, take up positions by the spider-robot, adopting defensive stanses with their katanas. The third, goes to Entrapta's side, to check on the now downed girl.

The Youma, gets bck to its feet, and rushes forwards, charging straight for Uranus and Charon; and maybe it's not all that fast, but it has a lot of mass behind it, as it tries to smash through each of them in turn with its plow blade.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon peered out from behind her cover and then... Oh, wow. The civilian was hit! "H-hey! Hey! Time out!" she yelled.

Only for Catra to effectively do the same thing? She cocked an eye, getting ready to ask... only for Uranus to arrive. She let out a sigh, before grinning up at her. "I'm okay now. There was another guy, but ummmm... he's... not here now. He should be okay. But I think that cat girl is an idiot. She's talking about how there's nowhere else for her. I've seen it a few times in Obsidian. It's a terrible reason, I think she mostly ust needs a hug and a friend."

Yup, terrible reason. There were some good reasons.... but 'Because nobody else will have me' is NOT a good one.

Because they'd have her.

"You should join our side then, Cat-girl! We have mermaids and phoenixes and princesses and all kinds of stuffed animals and stuff! A cat girl would fit right in!" she yelled. "Being a monster doesn't mean you can't be our friend! I'm friends with a lot of monsters!"

As Catra split, however, she glanced to Uranus. "Two of them are fakes, one of them is real. Touch the fakes and they go away. I think the jar is important, she keeps protecting it."

She then leaped out of cover, running towards... Entrapta. Expecting the Catra there to be a fake, she took a swing at her. "Sorry, but gotta get the civilian out of here, hup!" She'd yell, before tying to kneel down and pick the girl up...

And, for the firs time in a while, would actually start to heal her wounds. While there would be a bright light from it, it didn't have nearly the warmth or emotion that Mamoru's did...

Entrapta (281) has posed:
The civilian was not supposed to be ABLE to get hit! That's how these things go! But the cat lady seemed to recognize her. So weird.

Whoever checks on her? She clearly took something to the head. Groggy, but not decapitated or anything like that. Which is good! I think! I like having my head.

Still, when Catra and Charon both check on her, the purple haired chick is breathing. So that's definitely a step up from what could have happened.

Hotaru? Hotaru gets the girl, definitely a shortie and pretty easy to pack around thankfully. The healing takes effect and she stirs groggily, but she really shouldn't have been in the fight in the first place so maybe a nap is a good call.

Catra? Catra gets to see Entrapta up close. Her face and form are much younger than she'd remembered. She wasn't the same person, or perhaps...some portal issues? Science? Magic? There's too many possibilities.

But she also dropped something, and that, Catra could pick up. Looks like a notepad. But that could't possibly be important, could it?

Nah. Just a civilian, after all.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Sailor Uranus smirks. "I'm not sure even with three of you... that you could succeed at making good on your threat, kitten." she says. "You're not a cat, I know cats. They're much more chill and way smarter than you are." she notes.

    The youma is slow which is bad news for it, because Uranus is fast. She's the fastest of the Sailor Soldiers and one of the most athletic to boot - she doesn't just move out of the way of the plow blade, she jumps toward it, letting her boots land briefly on the top edge of the plow, before jumping off that as well and trying to drag the gleaming blade of light through the youma's face (or what passes for one) as she sails up and past it. She's only here to show off a little.

    Mostly she's here for Charon. But she also knows Charon is a sailor soldier (ish) and can take a hit or two, and the best way to keep her from being damaged more is to stop the youma's advance.

    And then she looked at Catra - well, the two Catras still defending, and a slight look at the one helping the civilian. "See, my kohai here is offering you one path. She's sweet. It's a good path to take. It's all brightness and happiness."

    "I'm not sweet. I'm who you get to deal with if you don't wanna be friends. If you want to threaten people, in my city, threaten my friends, threaten my teammates?" she says, shaking her head. "That isn't gonna work out well for you."

    And she motions over to the Catra tending to the civilian. "Look... you're already partway to the good ending if you want to be. You worry about others. That's not an Obsidian thing to do." she says. "So don't be dumb. You say you're a cat? Prove it. Do the intelligent, chill thing. Get rid of the youma and get rid of the jerk act."

Catra has posed:
Catra is just checking on Entrapta, when Charon shows up and takes a swing at her, which Catra wards off by raising her sword to block, Glaive ringing off of Powersend as the two weapons clash.

"...Are you SERIOUS?!" Catra snarls, looking up from Entrapta to Charon as she rises slowly to her feet, "I'm making sure she's not dead and you..." She gestures angrily with her sword, waving it at nothing in particular, "I'm sorry, I'm confused, aren't YOU supposed to be the good guy here? Have I actually attacked you, me myself, one single time since you got here?!" She grinds her teeth together, lips peeled back to show her exagerated canines as she does; and then Uranus is on about her opions, and Catra rounds on her.

"Great," she snarls, "You're not sweet. So you're the 'Sour Sailor' then. Congrats for you." She raises her sword, pointing it at her, "You might be fast for a human, but you're still just a monkey, and you will never have the kind of reaction time that a cat has, so try me any time you like."

She glances down at Entrapta; and she's gonna be okay. And probably the sailors can help her out better than she can. Which, honestly, is as good a raeson as any to absolve herself of responsibility.

Hakatsu is busy trying its best to attack Sailor Uranus; try as he might though, she is fast, and this really isn't a fight it's cut ouf for, even if it can pick up and throw cars. Which, it is; a a pair of Honda Civics come flying through the air at Uranus, one after the other. Catra has absolutely no interest in it, however, as she walks right past it to inspect the big crystal vessel on the robot-spider legs. She lets her shoulders sag, and sighs.

"Return to Inhumans Departmant," she calls over her shoulder; and after a Mitsubishi Lancer gets hurled in Uranus' direction, it glows purple and fades from view. The spider-robot shrinks down, until it's wholly replaced by a small jar in Catra's hand that she cradles close to her chest, full of a dark, faintly glowing liquid.

But is it full enough?

"Warning," speaks a disinterested, female voice, coming from... nowhere, it would seem. "Youma not received at Inhumans Department. You will receive no further Youmas until you return both that you have lost."

Catra's eyes narrow, and her expression is... apocalyptic.


Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon would scoop up the civilian, leaping away and back behind cover. Oh, the poor thing... She'd place her down, gently, doing her best to keep her comfortable (well, for laying on the ground). "It's okay, you're going to be okay. Don't worry, we'll hold her off."

"And... Probably? You certainly give the impression you're going to attack," Sailor Charon said. "The girl's fine, by the way." The youma was then dispersed and... She spun her glaive and... dug it into the ground, dull end down. And then held out her hand.

"The youma is gone, the civilian is saved... So do you want us to save you too? Just because you're weird doesn't mean you have to be bad. I'm weird, lots of people are weird. If the only reason you want to be with Obsidian is because you're scard nobody will like you or care about you... then you're there for the wrong reasons."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Uranus looks at her, making a sort of face when she calls her the sour sailor. "Nah, sour aren't my thing either. Can't I be the Spicy one?" she retorts. "I'm way more than a normal human - I'm a Sailor Senshi. I've got extra lifetimes of experience and magic power, you should know. And be warned." she says, though she's cut off from any more snarking by the cars that are flying her way. There's a moment of sadness in her face at that - not for Catra, or for herself, but for the poor cars.

    She can still jump and land expertly, and she doesn't strictly -need- to land on the cars when she jumps them and platform across two honda civics and a Lancer on her path to dodging them, but she does anyways, mostly to prove a point to any watching Catras.

    Uranus hears the comments and chuckles a bit. "Wow, you're getting cut off? I guess that means you'll have to get used to getting your own furry butt kicked instead of relying on angry lawn chairs or whatever's coming around the curve next." she says.

    She looks over at Entrapta, in Charon's grip, and smiles. That's her girl, the littlest Senshi, getting the civilian out of here properly.

    "Well, it's all your move now." she says as she turns back to Catra.

Catra has posed:
Her Youma is gone. Entrapta is unconscious. A couple of Senshi are staring her down, but just talking and not actually attacking her. ...And Catra has what she needs, her jar is full. Or... at least close to full. Does it count? How full it needs to be was never really discussed.

But, for right now; Entrapta is going to be fine, even if she got her skull rattled, and it's taken care of. Charon has everything all wrong. What else was she expecting? Is it really like anyone ever understands? Adora usually comes the closest, but then just as she's about to get it she heads off into the weeds. These people don't even know her. What on Etheria would they know about anything.

"Instead of being proud of not defeating the Youma that I told to return," she growls, "You should be concerned about the fact that there's now not one but TWO Youmas powerful enough that one of you sailor-people isn't gonig to defeat it alone, roaming around town, and personally I've no idea where they are and I can't start looking until I take care of this." She holds up the jar, before holding it close against her chest once more.

"My move, you say? Well, fine. My move is to go turn in the energy I collected so hopefully someone innocent in all this doesn't get hurt." Her mismatched eyes narrow. "Stay out of my way."

The feline turns on her heel; her illusions fold into her, and there is only one Catra as she walks away down the center of the street, jar held close and sword resting on her shoulder, still wreathed in dark energy.

Her ears, of course, are turned to listen closely to the space behind her.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon cocked an eye when the cat girl started to leave. Really? Was it that easy? "Ehhhh, we eliminate random youma wandering the streets all the time. There are sooooo many of them, you know? But there are a lot of us... but..."

She glanced towards the jar.... "Should... we let her take that? I mean... I don't know if it can be put back. Can it?" she asked, cocking her head to the side.

"But, either way... Catra? Someone innocent is *always* goin to get hurt in Obsidian. If you're going to side with them.... you need to make sure the reason is worth it to you. Because, eventually? People stop letting it slide. If you do more harm than good... Well..."

"If you're going to blame people for hurting you... then you hurt them before they get a chance? Then they're not hurting you, they're defending themselves. You don't have the high ground then, or... something," she said sheepishly, before looking to Uranus. "Can... can you do a better justice speech?"

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    "You... you say you're a cat, and you didn't realize when someone's just playing with their prey?" Sailor Uranus asks, and then starts laughing. "Oh come on, he was never going to hit me and I didn't even use my biggest attack." she says. How much of this is bluster? A lot of it is. But that was also part of who she was.

    "I'm just annoyed it left before I was done playin' with it." she adds. "But look. Doing work for Obsidian always means hurting people. You're hurting a lot of people, just to protect another person? That's not how it should be. You shouldn't hurt anybody."

    "As long as you're working for those jerks, though, you're always going to hurting people. Take energy, steal the thing, hit the small adorable girl." she says, looking over to Hotaru.

    "That's why we have to stop you. Until you figure out that there's a path where you don't hurt anyone. Where you instead protect them."

    "Well, either that, or we take away your ability to hurt people, however that has to be." she says. Then she looks to Charon. "I don't know if it can be put back, and I think taking it back might do more harm, if the note someone gave me about her is right. She's already got it, she can protect whoever she's protecting - but what I said stands..."

Catra has posed:
Uranus talking about know what makes a cat better than Catra does boils her blood, to the point that walking away with her shoulders hunched over, all dark and brooding, abruptly ceases to be an option.

"Oh WOW," she turns and snaps over her shoulders, "Could you possibly stereotype me any harder?! Should I claw your carpets and lick milk out of a saucer for you too? 'Cats do this, cats do that' I'M A PERSON YOU KNOW."

Catra drops her hand, and her sword once again goes from resting on her shoulder, to touching the ground wit the point. She glares at the two Senshi, and then gestures with her weapon at the people lining the streets. "They're asleep," she growls, "They're all going to wake up again. It's not like I shot any of them with a Pureheart Rifle, now, did I?! She waves her sword in a wide, sweeping arc, "Your girl with the ridiculous hair, Moon or whatever, she even came to stop me once and just let me keep going."

The feline just seethes, before her expression softens -- just a hair -- and she looks back at Charon. "Your justice speech was better."

And then, she resumes the plan; she turns away to walk off, dragging her sword on the ground, shoulders hunched over, all dark and brooding. Nobody's going to say anything that makes her turn around this time.

Mostly because she's got a tear forming in each eye.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon is the small adorable girl and... yay! And yeah, she totally beleived Uranus would kick its butt. She was soooo much better than her.

"Well... if you're sure. Thanks for coming when I needed you, Sailor Uranus-senpai," she said before glancing back towards Catra. And... "We only stereotype you because you aren't letting us get to know the real you!" she called after her. "It's never too late to start doing what's right!"

Though... "Did... did Sailor Moon really just... let her have energy? I thought she was against that kind of thing?"

However, she did watch Catra go... It didn't seem right. There were a lot of villains in Obsidian... she knew most of them.

And... reasons like that? Didn't make sense to her...

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Uranus blinks. "Wait, you're not just taking on cat features in a henshin?" she asks. Because she figures that anger is a little bit more than she was expecting given what she thought. "Well. My bad then." she admits.

    "Sailor Moon." She says. "Well, maybe I'll talk to her about it. But they're not just sleeping. You stole their energy. Who knows what randomly passing out in the street's gonna do to their life, or how long it'll take them to recover!" she says.

    "It's still harming people and it's still not right. And I think you know that." Sailor Uranus says.

    "When you stop running from the person you'd rather be, though... let us know. Charon-chan's always quick to make friends." the tall blonde says, before moving to be near Charon... so she can start ruffling Sailor Charon's hair.

    "Let's get the girl here taken care of... and then let's get ice cream." she offers to her kohai.