Doubts and Devices (Takashi Agera)

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Doubts and Devices (Takashi Agera)
Date of Cutscene: 02 November 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower
Synopsis: Precia questions Riventon's abilities, and Axion speaks up.
Cast of Characters: Takashi Agera, Precia Testarossa
Tinyplot: Jewel Seeds

Riventon lets out a sharp groan of discomfort as his Barrier Jacket absorbs a large portion of the energy that came from being slammed into the ceiling. Suspended there, the aura of purple energy around him, he looks down, his hair falling like a silver curtain around his head. "Director Testarossa... My apologies?" Riventon says, the confusion evident in his voice.

"How dare you. I gave you space, a generous budget, and even Fate to assist you, and only asked that you acquire the jewel seeds..." Precia says, before Riventon's body is hurled like a rag doll from the ceiling to the far wall, causing him to unload another groan.

"Ungh. With all due respect, Director Testarossa - I have fought for every Jewel Seed and delivered the others to you, I'm working to secure those that I didn't already, and I am aware when any of them activate - I can't force the others to wake up... " he says before being cut off by being hurled from one wall of the office into the opposite wall.

"This isn't about the Jewel Seeds, you little snake." she snarls. "You broke into my office and stole my information in order to curry favor with the organization." she says, and Riventon's face is a mixture of pained confusion. "Somehow you broke into my office and stole the data on the reactor without leaving tracks on the system - but between the marks on my door showing your clumsy attempts and the fact that they are claiming you fixed the Reactor..." and then Riventon is dropped from the purple energy's grip as Precia turns away, body wracked as her staff Device clangs to the floor, to cough into her hand for a moment, looking at her hand afterwards and then slowly straightning back to her full height.

Riventon slowly picks himself up after having been dropped, and turns to look at Precia. "I didn't take any data from your office - I've never been in there." he says. "All of that was done by the stupid guard youma. I fixed the reactor by figuring out what it was supposed to be doing and making a slight adjustment to it to account for the distortion created by that big witch." he says.

"Liar." Precia replies, taking steps towards him. "You're not a mage. You're just an earthling who happened to find a device, a caveman banging two rocks together who lucked into a spark for a fire - that doesn't mean that you understand it." She continues, calling her Device to her hand again. "You're a charismatic liar but I've tolerated your nonsense so long as you were useful to me - mostly by directing the ability of people who outpace you - but now you've crossed me." she snarls and levels her staff at Riventon, pulling together bright purple energy into an orb at the tip of the staff. "I know your kind - all talk, lurking in shadows, stealing and profiting off the work of those you can't remotely compare to, yet slithering up the corporate ladder, taking credit and..."

<<RIVENTON IS MEISTER.>> Axion replies before Riventon can say something likely far less respectful. Perhaps saving its Master-Meister from prompt and painful destruction. <<EXAMINE MY FORM.>>

Precia doesn't reply, as Riventon looks down at his device and then, slowly outstretches Device-Gauntlet covered arm to her, palm down.

Precia's device begins to do just that, and as it does, the energy orb on the end of her staff starts to diminish.

"What is this... thing?" she asks after a moment. "Where did you find -this-... who MADE this THING?!"

Riventon is cut off prior to his answer by his own Device again.


Precia pauses at that point and the orb disappears entirely, with her returning the staff to an upright position. "Hmmm." she begins. "Without prior knowledge, you produced... this... from found debris?" she asks.

Riventon returns to his own full height and adjusts his tie and his slightly askew glasses. And now, had cooled down enough Axion didn't need to interject and save him from himself. "After trial and error, yes." he answers.

Precia leans close and looks into his eyes. "And you say you fixed my reactor without my data?"

Riventon is silent for a moment before carefully answering. "I just plugged a leak. Minor problem disrupting normal operation. It was far easier than building it from the ground up or anything." he says. "You can ask the bird youma that guard the Reactor, that's where the attempts to knock down your door came from."

Precia studies Riventon's face for a bit longer. "You can be assured I will. And if you are lying, I suggest you join all of those people connected to you who mysteriously go missing from our roster." she says. Then after a further moment of silence, she adds "...but if you are telling the truth, perhaps you have been underestimated... and underutilized." Then she pulls back and turns away, taking a few steps before pausing and asking him without turning around. "Agera, wasn't it?" she begins. "You were born on Earth?"

"Yes." Riventon says, slowly relaxing.

"Mm. You share a slight resemblance to a man I once knew on Midchilda." Precia states before continuing out of the door.

And then Riventon lets out a long exhale and collapses into the nearest office chair.