40/Of Barks and Friendship!

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Of Barks and Friendship!
Date of Scene: 06 July 2023
Location: Club Building
Synopsis: Hannah hosts an informal meet-n-greet-n-bark for the Animal Club! The Hero Club, and one delivery Mahou, joins in on the Friendship!
Cast of Characters: Mio Morita, Madoka Kaname, Ikiko Hisakata, Coco Kiumi, Togo, Itsuki Inubouzaki, Zephyr Windstar, Melona Mizu, Hannah Steiner

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah knew the power of a good old fashioned social event. Unfortunately, she wasn't in ball dance club, and so lacking her preferred-yet-also-hated type of excuse for making friends, enemies, and milking contacts, she just had to make do with the second best place.

If you wanted friends, best to make sure animals were involved. After all, anyone who didn't like animals in Hannah's book was clearly a psychopath. Her Uncle doesn't like animals. Case closed.

And so, the Animal (Variably, Veterinary, Falconry, or really whatever Fuzzy n Feathers related thing they could contrive depending on the day) Club was having a small gathering semi-unofficially. Posters of various animals and the keeping of them were everywhere. A nice, long table had been laid out with pizza and refreshments ranging from water, to cola to punch.

A note attached to the punch read: 'For Legal Purposes, do not spike the punch**'

**Hannah Steiner, The Animal Club, and any associates of Hannah Steiner will not be held responsible for any acts of Spike Punching. That one's on you, freund.

There were also plenty of Pet and Pet-like accessories for a wide variety of friends. No animal buddy was going to be displeased today if Hannah had anything to do about it! Shown neatly by how the 'No Pets on the Couch' rule was already being firmly violated by the Countess herself as she lounged on a big leather one with her massive 'dog', Lyra, draped behind her like she were a bit fuzzy couch cushion. Hannah's Device rested beside her, and she was sipping sparkling wine with her legs crossed out of a crystal goblet. The school uniform on her was neatly pressed, but done up in Steiner blues, blacks, and golds while her bowler hat and glasses were at their usual spot on her visage.

She even had a silky blue robe draped across her shoulders like some mob boss, just in case anyone thought this was a formal event.

"Guten aben mein freunds! Come in, come in, find a seat! Sorry, no servants today, going to have to do that one yourselves and I'm too comfortable to get up! Make like Kings, Queens, and Embroyals of all sizes and persuasions! Announce yourselves!" Came the mailed fist of Animal Club-aimed friendliness known as Hannah Steiner to all who entered with a shining grin. Her voice was clearly used to carrying in larger rooms than this, and so she had to tone it down half way through her encouragements. It was still pretty booming.

"Hannah Steiner, und this wonderful abomination with me is Lyra Steiner! I am so glad to make new friends and fuzzy-loving compatriots!" Hannah added with a welcoming laugh. As her and Lyra's ears both perked up.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
While Ikiko Hisakata tends to do a fair amount of 'field work' that's only tangentally related to Animal Care club, in the form of her supplying Tokyo's stray dog population with the occasional extra meal, she does try to attend noteworthy club meetings, such as this one. For one, it gives her a chance to meet the various pets of the members of the Animal Care club; for another, it also gives her a chance to, y'know, meet the other members of the Animal Care Club.

(Her priority miiight be a smidge obvious.)

The assorted ets resent are mostly well-behaved, as one might exect from the ets of students who lovingly take care of them, so Ikiko was mostly just saying 'hello' to each of them -- just not in Jaanese. Small chirs to the birds, gentle mrows to the cats; each is a small "c#b8860bhello" in the relevant animal's language, and about all she can manage in those languages without running into syntax issues.

Canine, on the other hand, she's actually fluent in, so dogs are greeted with "how are you doing?", "nice to meet you", and other conversational comments... which still sounds like ordinary dog noises to those who don't understand animalspeech. Sure, it may look odd to others, but... a 5th grader, 'speaking' to animals? Probably just looks cute, which an elementaryschooler can undoubtedly get away with.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka Kaname doesn't have any pets of her own, and Kyubey doesn't count, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like small pettable creatures! ... Or big pettable creatures, in some cases. With all of the crazy things that have been happening to her lately, it would be nice to do something normal and fun for a bit.

    Madoka has yet to realize what exactly she's in for. Then again, that's basically her life story at this point.

    When she arrives, everything looks perfectly normal at first. Pizza is out, and some punch. There's all sorts of animal-related paraphernalia around. She giggles at some of the sillier posters, and then her eyes turn to Hannah.

    Hannah and her... 'dog'.

    Does something about this seem familiar? No, not at all.

    She hears Ikiko making animal noises to the animals and giggles. "Talking to your friends?" she asks, playfully. A part of her hopes that they don't start talking back.

Togo has posed:
    Cross-Club Coordination is a valuable activity, as it improves the quality of communications and relationships in Radiant Heart Academy. It is also one of the Five Tenets of the Hero Club to Sleep Well; Eat Well, so of course when a representative of the Hero Club arrives, she comes bearing gifts! A girl with black hair, braided and hanging over her shoulder, rolls into the room, with a tray of wrapped treats on her lap. She smiles softly as she makes her presence known. "Ohayoo~! Togo Mimori of the Radiant Heart Academy Middle-Schooler Hero Club has arrived!" She sits up straight in her wheelchair and gives a proper salute to everyone.

    "We have brought snacks, so we hope it is well that we join your gathering?" she asks with a smile as her hand drops back to the arm of her chair. "Unfortunately, the Club Leader is indisposed today, and I couldn't contact Yuna-chan, so it will be just the three of us today." She looks over her shoulder at the other two Hero Club members. Itsuki is relatively new, but knows Togo fairly well by now. Mio, on the other hand, is even newer. It is up to Togo then, as the Club Secretary, to make sure she is introduced to everyone and made to feel comfortable.

    A Hero musn't be too timid to help when needed, after all!

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    The party's starting, but there's always going to be more pizza needed, Teens are hungry creatures after all. That's when a very, VERY tall girl in a soda shop uniform comes trundling up on a motor scooter, the little engine buzzing like an angry wasp caught in a bottle.

    She dismounts, pulling a truly massive thermal box off the cargo platform on the back and wanders up to the club building. "Pizza delivery!" she calls out, a weird accent marking her words as a foreigner, if her looks didn't already. "Got soda on promotion with it from Jan Ken Pop too!" she adds.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Having found her way around the school, Coco looks at the door in front of her. 'Animal Club, perfect', she reads at the door. 'Really nice to host a meeting party for all newcomers'. Eagerly opening the door, she takes a look at the scene that awaits her.

"Hello", she greets, specifically looking at the figure on the couch with her 'dog'. Waving enthusiastically at her, she says "Thanks a lot for the invitation, I am Coco. I don't have any animals myself here, but I woouldn't say no to meeting other people's fuzzy pets."

She quickly extends her hand towards the 'dog', ready to give it a good pet. "Really nice animal", she adds, smiling to the girl on the sofa. "Can I?"

Itsuki Inubouzaki has posed:
    Though not quite as timid as she used to be, the blonde girl who follows along behind Togo is still so very smol and an anxious bean, that her smile is kind of nervous looking. She is holding a plastic bag full of convenience store snacks up with both hands in front of herself, because of her noodly arms. She bows her head slightly. "D-domo! I'm Inubouzaki Itsuki. Onee-chan is the Club President but, um... She had to go on a trip somewhere today, so Togo-senpai is looking after me. Thank you for having us!" She does not speak any form of animal, so just stands near the entrance and looks wide-eyed at the assortment of Bestest Friendos. Is it just her, or are there dogs here bigger than she is...!?
    "...O-oh! And we have, um, snacks and drinks too." She shuffles a bit further into the room, paying more attention to the animal companions than to where she's going. She trips over her own feet but manages to catch herself before hurriedly moving to whatever table may be available to put things down before she breaks them. She is very red-faced now.

Mio Morita has posed:
Following Itsuki and Togo, A girl walks in with several trays hiding her face. It is loaded down with baked goods. "Umm I'm coming. I'm coming!" She states as she staggers a little bit trying to keep the trays balanced. She Carefully makes her way to an empty spot on the table and sets down the stack of trays. On the trays is a mass of baked goods of a variety of types. There are cookies, brownies, blondies, fudge, Daifuku, Dango, and of course mochi. There is even some Taiyaki on there.

Now free of the trays the red haired girl gives a warm smile before bowing. "Mio Morita, Newest member of the Hero Club." She stands upright and then gives a wave to Hannah. "Oh Hey! We brought some goodies! I brought baked goods. Same ones that I sell really. Just these were made for your get together. I am happy to be here!" She smiles to Togo and Itsuki. "Told you I could get the trays in!" She giggles happily.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Madoka gets a smile directed in her vague direction, though whether Hannah was doing that specifically at her or just using the old orator's trick of moving one's head to 'scan' an audience was a gamble. Lyra gives a bark though! Yeah, she remembers you poor Mado. Maybe just a friendly giant of a borker? That part is definitely true.

"Welcome, welcome Frau Mimori! Acht, just a little meet-and-greet, send your fine club members mein thanks and that of the Club's, hm? Hannah Steiner! It is mein /honor/!" Offers Hannah cheerily to Togo. For all her barely-contained volume and sledgehammer-like outgoingness, her voice tracked into some weird kind of formality towards the end. This foreigner must be especially off the beaten path. Or star-chart in this case.

There's plenty of animals to say hi to, and quickly Ikiko is making quite a few friends, ranging from pomeranians, to ferrets, and...is that a peacock? One of the richer members must have brought their exotic friend.

Yet the most exotic one is definitely the monstrous fluffy 'dog' Hannah is lounging on with the comfort of two beings that have been together for a long time. There's a natural rappor there, Hannah reaching back to rub the big creature and Lyra equally pushing up her bowler or adjusting Hannah for mutual comfort on that couch.

Lyra is absolutely looking straight at Ikiko. She 'barks'. To most it's going to sound mostly like your standard bark, even if a tickle might note that something's Weird about Hannah's friend. To Ikiko though? It's uncanny.

That is not a language any animal she's spoken with has offered her. And she's looking with /far/ too much intelligence in those eyes. Lyra's no mascot, but there's a level of sentience there that's reserved for no species on Earth.

Sorry Ikiko, the friendly woofer is going to track you like a hawk.

Coco too gets a grin, especially as she bothers to /ask/! Hannah looks pleased, and then confirms it in her own unique way! She starts to scooch over! Gently patting the big not-dog, and Lyra whipping her tail in...can dog tails do that? Eh, trick of the light. There are no lizards here.

"Danke, mein freund! Ah, so polite, it is appreciated! Please do. Acht, sit down if you want. Lyra is tougher than she looks. Just mind the talo...erm, paws." Pause. Cough. Excuses, she and Blauer Greif mentally confer at the speed of 'oh no I slipped'.

"Und that goes for the rest of you! Her breed is not known for being couch-friends for nothing! No one is working here." She deflects quickly.

Save one. "Yes, good, come in!" Comes Hannah to Zephyr, foreigner to foreigner communication being extra cheery on her end. It's nice to know she's not the only one out of her homeland.

"Und stay if you want, I think I over-ordered. If anyone at your work complains, tell them you are earning a tip! Bill me." Grin! Sorry Zeph, you're doomed. Stuck, full of fluffies and free food and drink.

Itsuki and Mio similarly break in, and Hannah taps her chin. "'Oot-haah-yoooh mein freunds!" Her greeting is /painful/ as she tries to emulate Togo's greeting. It's less like nails on a chalkboard and more like someone's taking a hammer to the chalkboard. Gleefully, to beat Japanese into submission on her tongue.

"Have fun, pet our friends, mingle and group, all of you! ....What is a Hero Club anyway?" Comes Hannah curiously! Pause.
    hen, belatedly. "Und mein generous, honorable bakesale-freuend, 'M I O - S A N'." She's trying, you all. Doing her Space German best. She's so happy to find Mio is in her school though!

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    "Suits me just fine. I'm punched out from work after this delivery, so..." she drops the box on an open counter top, opens it and leaves the bottles and cans of soda on another, leaving them visible for anyone to pull from. She then tugs a phone from a pocket, shoots off a text to her boss she's clocking out now, then moves to join the throng.

    The various animals make the tall foreigner smile a bit bittersweetly. "Makes me miss my dad's Fam--- uh, pet." she says, stumbling over her words just a little. Hopefully it sounds natural enough a mistake it can be passed off as a non-native speaker.

    Mio spots someone she recognizes. "Oh hey, I remember you from the park. Bakesale for the homeless, right?" she asks, not mentioning any other shennanigans going on. "How much did ya end up makin' in the end?" she asks. "Name's Zephyr, by the way."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka spots a girl with braided black hair and immediately Togo has her attention. Her first thoughts are something along the lines of 'aww, so cute!', so of course Togo gets a big smile. "Hi~! You're from the Hero club? What do you do?"

    Madoka starts to notice that many people are bringing their own food, and she starts to feel a bit awkward. She forgot to bring anything at all! Is she going to be the only one who didn't?

    The pink-pigtailed girl makes sure to stay out of people's way as they bring in food, and that means she ends up pretty close to Lyra and Hannah. She smiles brightly and waves to Lyra when barked at, because never let it be said that Madoka doesn't love cute animals! The strange slip-ups and odd tail waggings go unnoticed.

    Instead she leans forward, hands on her knees, to baby talk at Lyra. "Well aren't you a cute pupper? Who's a good girl? Yes you are!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
At Hannah's offer, Coco sits down on the couch, paying mind to her warning. Repeatedly passing her hand over Lyra's body, she starts appreciating the sensations the peculiar dog's body transmits to her hand. "Really nice pet, do you have to take Lyra for walks a lot?" she asks, recalling the different habits the land people have from her years of acclimatisation. She lowers to the ground the bag on her other hand, dedicating the two of them to the task of petting Lyra.

While her hands are absorbed in this endeavor, she gives a smile to the approaching pinkette as she baby-talks at Lyra.

"Hi", she greets, taking one hand away from Lyra's body to stop monopolizing it. "I'm Coco, a recent transfer, so I don't know much. How are things 'round here?", she asks, trying to make the nervous girl feel at ease by stressing her relative inexperience with the school compared to Madoka.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Ikiko moves to help wrangle the fresh pizza into place, removing empty boxes to the designated collection area and combining partials of the same flavor into fewer boxes. She does a slight doubletake at Zephyr, recognizing her as the Device Mage who grumpily accepted healing from Ginga Otome the other evening after the two-headed bear youma at the construction site. Well, Tsukiko didn't de-henshin there, so the recognition is undoubtedly one-sided, and talking about it in this public situation with all of these people here would be... unwise, at best.

Besides, there's something even more worthy of a doubletake.

She turns her head slightly, staring in confusion at Lyra. What the heck did Hannah's (seeming-)dog mean by 'kumquat ancient'? Was this some sort of mystic riddle Or, perhaps...

    ...inadvertent words from the nonfluent?

Ikiko narrows her eyes slightly, and tilts her head upward in half a nod. Just an unspoken I observe you, and I observe you observing me.

The question from Madoka breaks the tension, and Ikiko turns to reply, her eyes widening a smidge when recognizing the vine-menaced girl she helped rescue at the beach last weekend. "Yup!" Ikiko grins sheepishly -- and if the sheepishness is read as being caught in childishness (instead of the actual reason of 'oh crap, I was not expecting you here!' recognition), well, she's just fine with that misdirection.

Togo has posed:
    Togo smiles pleasantly as Madoka approaches her. "The Hero Club's goal is, simply put, to help people. We volunteer to aid our community, run events for elementary schoolers, keep our parks and rivers clear of trash, locate lost pets, and all sorts of other things. Basically, if it helps others, you can reach out to us." She holds up the tray, with wrapped dumpling-like treats on it. "Would you like a botamochi? Ah, and what was your name?"

    The Zoo that this club room has become is pretty wild, but Togo seems to take it in stride. She's very mature for her age. She might very well be the one holding the Hero Club together. She looks over to Mio and says, "Of course, Mio-senpai. If you had to climb through the window with them, then it might have been a different story, but it looks like the trays weren't too wide after all!" Wait, was she expecting Mio to climb through the windows with the food or is she just joking. It's so hard to tell!

    Togo sweats a little bit as she tilts her head to the side at Hannah's... Spirited attempt at Japanese. "...Haha... Thank you for having us." Maybe she can make 'tutoring Hannah in Japanese' an objective for the Hero Club.

    "Be careful, Itsuki-chan. Fu-senpai would be upset if you got hurt. And one of these large dogs might lay down on top of you while you are on the ground, and then we would need to wait for someone to call Kokusai Express to get you out!" she cautions.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka watches as Coco pets Lyra, and reaches out to do likewise. Lots of pets for good doggo Lyra! Her pink eyes look at Coco for a minute as she says, "Oh you're a transfer student? Hi, I'm Madoka Kaname! Has someone shown you around the campus yet? Have you found everything okay?"

    Madoka seems to be relaxing a bit now that she's talking to people and fun is being had. She's at least reasonably sure that no plant monsters are going to attack yet, and no one's going to make confused noises at her when she talks about cartoons.

    To Togo, she smiles and says, "Sure!" before gratefully taking one. "I'm Madoka Kaname, but you can call me Madoka-chan. The Hero club sounds pretty nice actually. Have any of you volunteered at Mitakihara General? I might have met you..."

    Ikiko's sheepish response is adorable, and she also gets a friendly smile from Madoka. It's cute to see kids play, especially with such nice animals. She doesn't recognize the Cute Wolf, though she might if she saw her henshin. "And what's your name?" she asks, completely oblivious to any secret identity complications.

Itsuki Inubouzaki has posed:
    Itsuki laughs awkwardly and weakly as she is praised for her manners and also cautioned about not getting flopped on by a dog. "E-eeehhh...!?" she lets out, her eyes getting big and wide as she looks back to Togo. "T-Togo-senpai... I'll be careful." She resists the urge to ask what Kokusai Express is. Do they lift dogs off of people or something...? She takes each of the pre-packaged food items out of the bag, and sets them down on the table. There are bags of chips, sandwiches, udon bowls (just add hot water!), bottled soda, and plastic cups, among other things. After that, she steps back with only a small baggy of crackers, so that others can have their pick of the treats!
    Then she moves towards the couch, smoothing out her skirt in back so she sits on it instead of it bunching up behind her, and then plops down. Foolishly, she failed to consider that she is now within range of Dog. A tactical blunder.
    She also smiles towards Mio. "Good job, Morita-senpai! I knew you could do it!" She should actually probably get back up and see what sorts of goodies the oldest member of the Hero Club has brought, but again her good nature has her waiting for others to go ahead of her. It's fine. She's not going to starve. It's all fine.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Luckily Hannah doesn't notice Zephyr's slip, too distracted by a certain 'Doka and her enjoyment of Lyra's massive presence. Tenraikaze, however, finds another Device tossing a quiet acknowledgement. It's a polite kind of thing, in fact telling by the sheer formality and strangely archaic 'codebase' it's given in. Something of note, but it's also shielding its' presence all the same. Someone's trying to be stealthy.

Which, given the uptick in magical events recently? Is a little (or a lot, in this case) of paranoia unexpected? There's an almost apologetic edge to the ping.

Which Hannah shares. The trio of Countess-Knight, Razorhound, and Belkan Device are of one mind on that point. It goes against the grain, but they have a responsibilty to all these 'commoners' to keep them out of Steiner dynastic politics.

Beeeeam! Lyra goes from couch-not-doge to absolutely joyous with the affection! While Hannah and her may as well be family by this point for such things, it's nostalgic. After all, Hannah had once been so innocent as to do the very same. Which gets a reaction that is perhaps expected. A warm, affectionate slightly hissy-toned bark, followed up with an attack of glorious power!

Suddenly there is tongue. So much tongue. Lizards have a lot of it, and /wow/ is Lyra trying to slurp the heckin' out of Madoka. Lizard Licks are inescapable, sorry 'doka!

Hannah starts to howl laughter, then visibly has to lower her voice, then hides it by almost choking on her sparkling wine.

"Oh mein sankt kaiser! T...Here, towel! Go easy on her Lyra!" She says while pulling out a fresh vaguely face-sized towel towards Madoka. There's actually a few of those on the commandeered side-table Hannah also filched from somewhere.

Coco gets a tilt of Hannah's head to the question. "Oh, yes, every morning! Good motivation to keep the daily exercise routine up rather than just lounge in bed. No matter how tempting it is! Honestly sometimes she's the one doing the walking when I am feeling lazy! You do not get to argue with a friend as big as this!" She doesn't sound entirely like she's teasing, but yes she's definitely teasing! It's also pretty hard to monopolize so much animal. This is the floof dimension Coco!

Is...Is Lyra /grinning/ at Ikiko? That's a lot of teeth. And amusement in her eyes. Oh yes, Ikiko, message received. After a moment, it fades, in favor of ensuring Licks are abound. And, another bark towards Ikiko just to be sure. Hard to translate, but the tone is definitely 'understood' and 'happy to see you and happy to meet you'. Overall Ikiko might get the impression of Lyra being as much guard animal as guide animal but Lyra isn't mean spirited. Just cautious when it comes to her family member's safety.

Togo and the other members of the Hero Club might just notice after a bit that the couch looks...familiar. Actually so does the side table. That is (was??) ya'll's and the couch is from the lacross club's room. Someone isn't shy about appropriating club furniture, it seems.

Itsuki is in range of Lyra!!!! Too bad it's on the tail end. And Tail is what she gets! What starts off as happy Baps of waggy dog-tail...is baps. Affectionately. But there's also this strange sensation of something....petting Itsuki's head? But nothing is visibly there. How odd!

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah also beams like sunlight straight to the eye at Togo's 'thanks for having us'. A raised glass, which Lyra helpfully spares Itsuki from another round of fluffy twaps to pour her another. At least the local language isn't once more being beaten in a back alleyway to conform to the cadence of Space German again.

Mio Morita has posed:
"Oh Hey Soda girl." Mio smiles to Zephyr and gives a polite bow. "Mio Morita is my name." She definitely remembers the day they met. She remembers the news reporters and the general jerk and becoming... She gets side tracked in her own thoughts. "Sorry. Was just thinking. I made about 40000 yen. This weekend I'm going to buy a bunch of stuff for onigiri and give it away to the homeless."

"Foolishness, I would have gotten help if I was going through the window." She giggles a little bit. "Hey I brought enough that we can have some too." She takes a taiyaki and offers it to Itsuki. "Here you go. All homemade!"

She waves to Hannah, "How are you Hannah-san! I hope you enjoyed your baked goods! If so I got even more for you to try. If not perhaps you will like something else?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco really likes the scene in front of her eyes. It has been a while since she last saw a bunch of people relaxing together. A pang of guilt passes through her mind as she remembers who she left down in the deep seas, but she tries her best to put it away for later with another smile directed at Madoka.

"Well, I'm not really a transfer student in the usual sense, I had to interrupt school for about two years due to family matters, but now I'm here and ready to tackle this new environment." She interrupts Lyra's petting for a second to instinctively rub her arm, before catching herself and resuming the previous activity.

"I have been managing to find things fine, lots of helpful people around here, thanks for the checkup. But I haven't really had a tour of the campus yet. I hope to find the opportunity though, one way or the other. Do you like it here?"

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
"Ikiko Hisakata, Year 5," Ikiko beams at Madoka. "Nice to meet you!" Especially since things are calm -- well, 'calm' relative to a youma attack, anyways -- and calm is always nice for relaxingly meeting people.

The 'bark' from Lyra catches her attention, and Ikiko grins back, recognizing the body language and the tone, even if the actual words are more like 52-Phoneme Pickup. Whatever Lyra is, she's definitely intelligent, and apparently considers Ikiko a friendly acquaintance at the least. Good enough for now!

Ikiko makes a small mental note of Zephyr's name, but simply listens to the older girl for now. At the sight of Itsuki's nervousness, Ikiko speaks up, saying, "Don't worry; most dogs will move out of the way if you ask them politely." Especially if you ask them in their own language, she thinks to herself, with a small smile.

Togo has posed:
    "Ah... But aren't you older than me, Kaname-senpai? Are you certain you are okay with me using such a familiar form of address?" Togo holds her chin delicately between thumb and forefinger as she thinks over this very unorthodox request. She even calls Fu 'senpai'. Still, despite blushing a bit over it, she bows her head and sighs. "You remind me of Yuna-chan. Very well, Madoka-chan." Her head comes back up and she smiles brightly. "If that's what you want, then that's fine." She spares a glance for Itsuki as Mio rushes to distribute snacks to the dog-logged girl. "Ah, well, if you do ever want to enter or exit through a window, please let me know. I can call Kokusai Express for you!" Seriously what is the deal with this Kokusai Express she keps mentioning?

    "Stai-nu-senpai." Togo attempts, mangling Hannah's name as surely as Hannah mangles Japanese. "Are these companions receiving appropriate exercise? I am certain I can arrange for Yuna-chan to burn off some of her energy by taking them for walks with me."

Itsuki Inubouzaki has posed:
    Flump, flump, flump. The back of Itsuki's head is getting whumped by dog tail, and her hair is getting a bit mussed up, but she just sits there politely with a O_O expression. How does one address a dog's tail? Asking one to move is all fine and good, but she does not speak either dog or any dialect associated with specific appendages. "That is... Good to know, Ikiko-san." Will it really work though...? Usually when she speaks to a dog they just get really excited and want pets or to jump up on her and slurp her face. There is an odd feeling of patting on top of her head, but honestly she's afraid to turn around and get dog fur in her face too.
    Thankfully, Mio comes over to offer a taiyaki. Itsuki gratefully accepts. "Aa, arigatou Mio-senpai!" Before she can really dig into the treat provided to her, she looks over at the table she put the snacks on originally. Hmm... It seemed so natural to put the snacks on the table that she hadn't looked at it closely, but isn't that... "Anoo... Staiii... Steii..." She resets and tries again, pointing at the table. "Senpai, may I ask where you got that from? It looks like the one we had in our club room..." She nibbles her taiyaki while studiously looking around the room for more 'borrowed' furniture. She also gives just the >cutest sneeze< from dog hair tickling her nose.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The pigtailed pinkette laughs good-naturedly as Lyra licks her enthusiastically. At some point later on she might question the sheer volume of slobber that ends up on her, but she'll probably attribute it to the fact that Lyra's a really big dog. At some point she has to step back, still giggling, and covered with !lizard goop. She gratefully accepts the towel from Hannah and says, "Thanks!" before wiping off her face.

    Yeesh! She thinks internally. Then again, she knew what she was getting into when she decided to pet the big dog. Whatever disguise Lyra has on right now is still holding, at least in Madoka's eyes.

    To Coco, she nods eagerly. "I've been going here since Grade 1. I know the place like the back of my hand! I could show you around if you want to."

    To Togo, Madoka shakes her head. "You don't have to be too formal with me. It's nice to meet you!"

Melona Mizu has posed:
     The door to the pets club opens as a late arrival arrives rather suddenly, a pink haired girl that is ... less friendly looking than Madoka, Melona Mizu steps in through the door and then... pauses. Blink. Blink blink. "Ah. Wrong room." She comments under her breath. On the other hand, even grumpy girls have a hard time resisting the sheer amount of pets here. Just look at that tall black-haired girl in the corner over there, she looks absolutely fierce but she's just melting playing with a puppy.
     "...Well. ...This isn't the basteln<crafting> club, but it'll do." Melona says, walking in with a leather apron on that was holding various blacksmithing tools. And looking towards the various pets. Exotic pets with rich people. "Mmm. Betucht Lusches. <Very rich idiots>." She mutters under her breath, though she pauses, looking at Hannah's 'dog'. Headtilt. That thing is huge. "...What on earth do you feed that riesen<Giant>?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco's face lightens up at Madoka's offer. "Awesome, thanks a bunch! I really appreciate it. Before that, though..." She rummages through her bag to take a pack of dog treats out before turning to Hannah. "Dog treats were probably a safe bet, so I got this in case it came useful, so her you go! Consider it a thank you gift for the party!" she says, practically forcing the packet into Hannah's hands. "I am leaving with Madoka for a tour of the campus, thank you lots for everything!" She waves at the rest of the room, before recovering her bag and leaving with the pinkette.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Two brows rise above dark-tinted glasses in sheer delight as voice matches the name! It's Mio-Mio-chan! She tries to make the connection, but it's always hard even with the assistance of both Lyra and Blauer Greif. "For a good cause, mein freund, I would devour an entire...acht what do you call them...crocodi...mmm, no. Eck-queens?" Horses don't exist on Tharkad, just oversized lizards like Hannah's lovely compatriot. She's trying though.

"Ah, point being, your culinarian skills of the cripsy and bread-kind are wonderful and I should like to taste the breadth of your skills! Something about food being a universal language!" Okay, once again, her attempt at a metaphor escapes her, but she's pulling it back around. Grin.

"Surprise me!" Comes Hannah cheerily!

Coco might perhaps feel Hannah's attention on her for a brief moment. With empathy, and sadness in equal turn. She doesn't address it, though, drowning her mouth in sparkling wine and vaguely wishing she can distract herself in an honor duel right about now.

Togo's mangling of her own name is met by the sheer wall of Steiner outgoing acceptance. Both hands go wide, dramatically so!

"Upon mein..." Pause. She works for words here. "The honor of the Animal Club I shall /personally/ see to it that all within this Club's care shall receive the utmost care, attention, und most needed Walkies to ensure optimal health, upon pain of mein own Honor's shame!" Hannah has now slipped down from her Doggie Cushion to kneel on one knee before Togo in utter Belkan royal compliance with such a Vow Togo has given upon her!

Pause. Pauuuuse!

Hannah coughs and then with the help of a nudge, she's back up into Floofy Lyra Comfort.

"Please report any under-cared Animal Club friends, und I shall see it done with all mein soul." Her words are formal here.

Itsuki is featured with a firm nod! There's no shame in Hannah's...well, everything. "Cross-Club acceptance is important, und? Such good taste!" Wiggle brows! Don't worry Itsu-chan, she'll actually return it!

Melona earns a hearty laugh!

"Only the finest of treats and most foolish of fools!" She adds jokingly, with a big ol' wink!