1950/Ultra Japan

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Ultra Japan
Date of Scene: 15 September 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: Well, Ultra Japan was a sucess, until the last set. During the last set, a large Youma horde attacks the festival. Good thing the good girls and guys were attending. During the confusion, Yukihime awakens to her powers. And the very good news?! Everyone who attended, thinks the attack was actually part of the closing set, so...yeah! Magic is still not real, and everyone loved the anime style finish to the festival!
Cast of Characters: Miho Inada, Laura La Mer, Kureha Senkenzan, Zephyr Windstar, Hinote Kagari

Miho Inada has posed:
    Its a been an very eventful weekend at Tokyo Odaiba Ultra Park. Ultra Japan has been going strong both Saturday, and Today. All the sets have been incredible, and the energy from the large crowd has been high all weekend long. Its also been a very hot and humid weekend, in which a few medical crews have been dealing heat related instances all weekend long. Dispite all that, everyone has been having an insanely fun time. All three stages have had huge crowds all weekend, and there's been a number of dance groups having fun in the crowds. Its getting very late, and the final set of the night is getting ready to take the stage for the finalie. The Stage itself is a monster. It has 2 100 ft screens to the left and right. And there's an 80 foot screen behind the DJ set. There's a ton of lights, and a several sets of vertical screens to the sides of the DJ set.

    This has been the type of weekend that the stressed out Miho has needed. At the moment, she's wearing a tight fitted tank top leaving her belly exposed, and some cargo shorts that sits just below her waist. There's a fair group from RHA around. Miho sprung for tickets for her friends, but again, the Academy is a large school, and likely there's other groups that ended up meeting up here. So, there's no talk about magic, and there's been no incidents to make trigger Miho. And she's been around, dancing with other groups. Those who know her would probably be so surprised at her with her hair down like this. She's laughing, enjoying life, and has been flirting with a few guys. Dispite the fact she hates competition, there's a few times she's gotten herself in dance contests, where she went extra hard against one guy. Two of her friends tease her, and they exchange numbers.

    Now Alesso is getting ready to take the stage. He's the closer for the final set. Stage hands have already started taking down the other two stages. A figure walks between the stage hands, and turns on the turntable for stage 2. The figure starts playing an odd music thats quickly covered up by Alesso's set. The music is magically enhanced to call out to all youma in the area of the park, calling them to the event. And with a crowd of this size...The figure smiles, and leaves as the Youma descend on the park.

    Miho is really getting into the music, until something happens. The young woman grabs her head, and drops to a knee. She hisses out in pain. "Something...something is very wrong!", she whimpers. Miho turns around, looking at the horde of Youma heading towards the crowd. Everyone is looking at Alesso, so nobody has seen the youma coming yet. "No...no!", she says, her eyes wide. At this point, people will start to notice the temperture around is starting to drop...fast. Water at the drink stations are freezing, and one would notice...tiny snow flakes starting to fall. "This weekend...was perfect! Why!? Not now!", she hisses.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura was already in Odaiba on a train trip organised by Usagi, but she had also been invited to Ultra Japan with a ticket from Miho. She admittedly had to look up it's a concert, because she had no idea about that going in. It's actually her first being the one listening to songs rather than singing them, but she has been having fun in Odaiba, so she is willing to give this a try.

She is just there next to Miho, paying attention to the activity of the dj on the stage (she finds it a bit sad there is no actual singer, but apparently it was never advertised as that). She has been thinking about that, though admittedly she is also having problems tracking Miho in this huge crowd of people. Where could she even be?

She is making very little progress when the youma start converging on the location of the event, like bears on honey. "Really, these things always find their most inconvenient time", she frowns, raising her Mermaid Acqua Pact and Heart Swirl Ring in front of her.

"Pretty Cure! Tropical Change!", she announces as a pink sphere surrounds her. Inserting thr Heart Swirl Ring sideways into the keyhole of the Mermaid Aqua Pact, she twists it upright and its seashell cover splits in half, revealing a purple base with white stars and blue waves on the left side and white hearts on the right side, surrounding a blue circle with a motif of crystals all around a white sphere.

The opened compact transforms her completely, enriching her appearance with make-up and new clothes calling back to her mermaid nature and beloved sea. Jumping upwards with a splash of waters, finally Laura introduces herself. "The Shimmering Ocean! Cure La Mer!"

"How dare you break into a concert to harm people who love music!? I am not going to let you!", she exclaims, driving a punch straight into a youma with a youma.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Naturally, even an EDM festival is a chance for old Hozan to flex the Chikafuji Group's metaphorical muscles. Not that he likes EDM - quite the opposite, he almost certainly detests it. But acting as a sponsor is a good way for him to get their name out there, and to have just that bit of extra influence. It also means that someone from the Chikafuji family should probably put in an appearance, just to show that they're actually paying attention.

    Of course, that means Hozan sending his only daughter, Kureha Senkenzan. And since it's a big public event, she's accompanied by Yozakura, the most stern and frustrating of her three attendants.

    Off in a VIP area, the red-eyed young lady sits, clad in a lightweight yukata suited well to the hot weather. Even Yozakura is dressed a little lighter, though still very formal. It's been an evening of gladhanding, and a lot of admitting on Kureha's part that she's not very familiar with most of the artists here. But it's during a lull, when she's able to sit and listen, that the young scion of the Chikafuji family notices something... off.

    Kureha's supernatural senses aren't terribly well-honed. But there's a certain instinct there, one she's learned to trust. Something nags at her, faint at first. About the same time Miho starts to chill the air elsewhere in the concert, however, Kureha feels herself instinctively tense. "...Yozakura, I apologize, but I need a brief trip to, ah, freshen up."

    The attendant lets out a soft breath. "Very well. This way, I believe." The two turn to go... and Kureha immediately begins looking for an opportunity to slip into the crowd and slip her metaphorical leash.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    It's been a long weekend indeed. Zephyr Windstar's normal mobile drink cart wouldn't cut it for an event this size, so she's here in a Jan Ken Pop branded tent. She and the owner of the store have been taking shifts all weekend, enjoying the shows from their vantage point, which isn't that good but it's the atmosphere more than anything.

    It's just as the last set of the event starts, that Zephyr winces and looks around. "Janken-san... I'm gonna go check out stock again. We should probably start packing up soon, the event's nearly over." she says over her shoulder to the older man in the tent, before darting off and ducking between some venues as she tugs her Device from her bracelet. "Dee, what's going on?" she asks hushedly... before spotting the horde of youma. "... strike that, Set up!"

    < Standby Ready. Set up! >

    A burst of light, and the Wind Dancer emerges from the vendor tents, lifting into the air and taking in the concert venue. "... This is gonna be a difficult one... Barrier!"

    Tenraikaze pings again, < BARRIER EXPANSION! > she announces, as a giant 'bubble' of oily looking barrier magic expands to cover as much of the venue, and the approaching Youma as possible, shunting them, any present Mahou, and the Civvies out of the same plane, and allowing the mahou to fight without fear of civilians getting caught in the crossfire.

    She cannot encompass the entire venue though, so there's still a danger.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari is overall enjoying himself. The music isn't his first choice, but he was invited by Miho and he wanted to be here, That was vaguely important for him. Though he's been doing his own thing. Checking out the many vendors here dealing in band merchandise.

When he hears strange music over the loud speakers he tries to follow the source of it, Tracy finally appearing from his convention sack.

Himote will run by Miho on happenstance and look over. "Yeah, it's always big events. Lots of people to energy drain." he says tersely.

With this he looks to Tracy and says "My Own Heart, Unlock!", Tracy entering his egg as Hinote merges with the egg, becoming, in a flash of light, Pulp Noir, who quickly brandishes a tommy gun and starts firing into a youma horder with magical energy blasts.

"Stay behind me, if that'll help." he says to Miho.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho whimpers a little bit before she sees Laura and Hinote transfrom. Her friends pause, and looks at where Miho is looking. They pause, and stare for a moment. Miho's eyes go a bit wide before Hinote stands in front of her. The clouds start to gather above the venue, and there's a little bit of thuder as snow starts to pick up. The woman takes a deep breath as she watches. Miho growls a little bit, as she closes her eyes. "I can't...just stand here, and watch this.", she says. The woman closes her eyes, and then it seems something is happening with Miho. Suddenly the power on the stage suddenly goes out as the Youma horde starts to move in.

    Suddenly there's the sound of a temple bell, and Miho's magatama and prayer beads start to glow. Miho's body seem to start to crack a little bit. "I will not allow this to happen. Not this time.", she says. The Temple bell rings again, and the snow starts to pick up. The large stage screens kick on again, but this time...it shows a symbol. A double star pentagram. Miho takes a long breathe before letting it out. Pulp would notice that unusual fogged breath from Miho. Her body temperture is dropping very fast. Its barely heard, but..."Youkai Musume, Yukihime...." before the third Temple bell is heard, and Miho's body seems to shatter like she was made of glass or ice...

    The shattered pieces seem to fly to the top of the stage where the Ultra sign is. The main screen behind the DJ shows the picture of the Kyoto temples. A feminine figure is seen above the stage. The moon seems to settle behind it as it starts to walk down what seems to be stairs made of snow and ice. The snow gathers around the figure, attaching itself to the figure. A ice blue suiken is seen being formed on the figure as what skin can be seen is pale. As she steps down on the last step onto the ground, the snow has finished with giving her black hair some ice blue highlights. A clawed finger extends out of the sleeve, and draws something on a piece of ice in front of it. Cherry blossoms and snow gather around what looks to be a staff of light. The figure shakes it out, as a blade of ice forms at the end of the staff, making it a naganata. The figure opens her eyes, revealing eyes so pale, they almost appear frozen. Flying around the figure is orbs of light...various shikigami gathering around her...

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Things are getting a little more frantic outside the VIP area; the growing disquiet draws Yozakura and Kureha's attention, and the young lady knows this may be her chance. "...Yozakura. I'm not certain what the commotion is, but I believe we have put in enough of an appearance to satisfy my father. Would you get the car ready? I shall follow after I freshen up." The older woman sniffs disdainfully. "For once, my lady, I heartily agree. Don't dally too long."

    And after Yozakura is out of sight, Kureha turns and starts weaving through the crowd. It's about that time a chill wind blows, and a temple bell sounds.

    About the moment Yukihime opens her eyes, a now-familiar voice calls out, springboarding off of the yuki-onna's self-introduction. "The same, Onihime." Her voice comes from atop a particular floodlight tower - but in the next heartbeat, the kimono-clad oni leaps, flames flickering briefly around her, to come down on the ground a few paces ahead of Yukihime. It's a natural defensive posture, as if to act as the snow maiden's vanguard. The oni keeps her back to her fellow Youkai Musume, but does turn her head slightly to glance over her shoulder. "...I see that my guess was correct. I should very much like to speak with you at length, but... perhaps not now. Shall we?"

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Wind Dancer grunts a little, "I wish Rashmi were here, anyway, Dee... we got allies on the ground? This is a lot of incoming hurt if we're solo."

    It's about then, that Yukihime manifests, and she makes the most astute and intelligent comment she's ever made. "... oh..."

    Shaking it off, Wind Dancer looks to her Device. "Open a Telepathy link to any magi in the area. We'll need to work together to get this done." Tenraikaze pings in affirmation. < TELEPATHY >

    The voice of the mage comes to those who accept the incoming magic. <<Hi hi~ You friendly neighbourhood Wind Dancer here... we have a lot of heat coming down on us right now and looks like a brand new awakening. Sound off if you need support, I'm able to provide firesupport from up here.>>

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Hey, Wind Dancer, Pulp Noir!", Laura exclaims waving at them with a smile in a small lull in the fight before turning around and giving another youma a good kick for good measure. There are a lot of these of youma, but with allies she trust here, she feels like she can protect these people for as long as it's needed and even more.

"I am do glad to be fighting with you again", she tells the two of them as they immediately get into the action by forming a Barrier that takes immediate care of the other people's safety and hitting the youmas with some well-aimed energy blasts.

The crowd being shifted away has the bonus value of making her actually see where Miyo was, about time with that. "You don't know how annoying looking for you was", she tells her. But that's what the crowd at these events is like. Now she knows for future occasions.

There is that transformation into an ice magical girl. That's really the furthest thing from summer. The Tropical Pact had even more reasons than usual not to react in any measure. She sighs with relief, especially since she knows has the confirmation Kyubey really has no reason to pester Miho. <<Thank you, you are awesome, Wind Dancer! I will take it close then!>> she telepathically replies as she punches a youma yet again.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir is firing his gun into the horde, when Miho walks off to do her own thing, and he watches. His eyes blink a little as Miho goes through her awakening, finally, as he gives a little smile from under his fedora, bringing the brim down. "Here's looking at you, Kid, don't delay in trying to do anything!" he says as he turns back towards the horde.

He starts firing again from his tommy gun as telepathy enters his brain and he sighs.

< Alright. > he says into it, confirmation. Then that other girl. From the alley arrives. Ah, the girl with the answers, no doubt. He thinks.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Yukihime nods her head to Onihime. "We shall another time. Let us begin.", she says. The new magic girl spins the naginata, and slams the hilt into the ground. A little bit of ice forms there to hold it up while the Yuki draws her bow. "I'll support you from here.", she tells. Yukihime doesn't have any arrows...until she draws the bow, and a arrow of ice is formed. She fires the arrow into the lead of the horde, and the youma thats hit slows down a bit. It seems she doesn't have the power take youma down in one hit, but it'll be much easier for Onihime.

    < This...feels awkward, but ok. Just...its a little crowded in here. >, Yukihime telepaths. She takes a deep breath, firing more arrows into the horde. Yukihime nods to Pulp and Cure. Soon, Yukihime takes a moment to breathe out. She reaches out for a second to draw a talisman in front of her, and pushes it towards Onihime, giving her a youma barrier for a few hits.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    <Ah, hello. This is Onihime. My fellow Youkai Musume and I shall hold our ground. If our situation changes, I'll call for assistance.>

    And so, she fights. Watching the fiery Ogre Princess fight is like watching poetry. Her movements are powerful, but graceful, none of the clumsiness power-type fighters are usually given to. She strikes with fist, with feet, a swipe of her claws and bursts of close-range fire - and, on one notable occasion, she grabs a youma by the leg and swings it into one of its allies. She makes good use of that barrier as well; she lets a youma get a 'free' swing on her, only for the barrier to block the damage. And that puts the youma right in reach for a powerful uppercut.

    And somehow, her movements never seem to interfere with Yukihime's aim. There's always a clear shot, and she follows up on every opening her fellow Youkai Musume makes for her. "Your aim is impeccable, Yukihime. Is it instinctive, or have you trained?"

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Wind Dancer smiles to Cure La Mer, shifting her stance in mid-air, and forms a small cloud of purple motes. These expand into softball sized spheres as she announces her attack. "Impulse Barret, Soueaster Shift."

    < IMPULSE BARRET! > agrees the Device. From her vantage on high, she starts firing off high speed shots at youma that get into bad positions around Pulp Noir and Cure La Mer, focussing on them as the two Youkai Musume seem to have themselves covered for now.

    <<Got it, Onihime. Keep me posted. And, sorry Yukihime, I'm not as good as some other Mages at maintaining stuff like this. I'm a combat mage, not a support one so my stuff's a bit more slapped together.>>

Laura La Mer has posed:
Onihime, or the honourary Pretty Cure, because there really is no reason to criticise her martial arts feats. Unless you are a villain. Then you probably have a lot to dislike about being on the receiving ends of those punches and kicks.

<<I heard you, Onihime! I will take care of my side>>, Laura confirms, kicking a youma so hard it ends up crashing into a group of others like she is playing bowling. Ok, they weren't actually in a triangular formation, but it still kind of had that feeling.

Though, since everything that happens here will be repaired when this ends, she may as well use the venue to her advantage. "I will be borrowing this", she mutters, lifting the dj station it to send it flying towards several youma and crush them at once.

Miho Inada has posed:
    As the horde starts to dwindle from the continious attacks, Yukihime takes a moment to refocus. "A little of both. This is live combat versus target shooting.", she tells Onihime. She breathes out a little. Another blank talisman seems to form in front of her. She grabs it, and tosses it into the air. A shikigami crashes into the talisman, giving it a phyiscal form. It turns into a Rabbit...that suddenly bursts into several youma knocking them over. The rabbit lands on top of one of the youma, and seems to nibble a bit before rabbit punching the youma over and over again when it tries to get up...Yes, its a Rabbit punching killer rabbit Shikigami...

    "My mother taught me to shoot the bow, and the use of the Naginata. We should push forward though. Yuki-onna is shoving a lot of these spells in my head all at once.", she tells. Yukihime draws another talisman in front of her bow before she looses the air. "Blizzard of Arrows!", she calls out. The arrow fires high in the air. Then it shatters above Onihime, and slams around her, hitting many of the Youma. The two seem so in sync that its hard to beleive that this is their first battle.

    Yukihime does provide some cover for Cure as a few of youma start to circle around. The woman takes a deep breath, as she calls forth a few shikigami to her. The woman creates several more talismans, and gives the Shiki physical forms to help Cure out. They all seem to have a winter mountain theme. A deer, and a couple of rabbits again.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    "I see," Onihime replies, at about the same time she's picking up a heavy trash bin to throw it through a few youma. "...I can speak more later, but suffice it to say mine is entirely instinct. The best advice I can provide... follow it. Ride it like a wave. Let it carry you where you want to be." She does give the particularly vicious rabbit a side-eye, though. That's... a tad intimidating.

    As soon as the rain of arrows mows down the youma around her, the horned Youkai Musume surges forward. Flame whirls around her clawed right hand, and she begins not just striking, but smashing enemies out of the way. There may be a crowd barrier or two swung around here and there. Possibly.

    (Onihime is absolutely taking the chance to bludgeon youkai with the scenery. It's cathartic.)

    << Cure La Mer, Wind Dancer. Yukihime and I have thinned the group around us. I shall attempt to make a path so that we can meet up.>>

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    <<Got it, shifting fire mission.>> replies Wind Dancer, as she adjusts the area she's bombarding a bit more toward where Oni- and Yukihime are coming from, aiming to lance the youma with her sniper barrets as she slowly floats in that same direction.

    She might be up in the air, but she's not out of danger, as some of the youma either have a ranged option, or leap high and fast enough to be a threat, forcing the mage to stay alert and redirect some fire into an inefficient 'point defense' that still requires her to dodge occasionally, throwing off her aim sometimes.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Yuki-onna... is shoving a bunch of spells in her head all at once? What is that supposed to mean? What kind of bad things will turn up? She grumbles as she starts losing her patience with kicking through all the youma. Seriously, is it so hard to become a magical girl with no strings attached around here?

<<What is it going to happen if that continues?>> she asks the two Youkai Musume, grumbling. She should have looked for a way to switch whatever thing Miho had inside for her own Tropical Pact. Not this cold, no chances of someone claiming your soul, just your classic old "here are your powers, now go protect people".

<<I am going to be right over!>> La Mer affirms to Onihime. The Pretty Cure takes out pen and Mermaid Aqua Pact, stirring the latter with the former, causing water to gather and move in a pattern of recurve spinning lines as it concentrates inside the Mermaid Aqua Pact. "Pretty Cure Swirling La Mer Stream!", she shouts, a huge rotating beam of water erupting out of the Pact and pressure washing away a lot of the youma in the way.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Yukihime nods her head before grabbing the naginata. She follows behind Onihime. << Its not really that bad. Just...a ton of of these really old spells from the past. >>, Yukihime tells. She takes a moment to breathe out as she stays behind Onihime. Yukihime lifts her left hand up. Her prayer beads seem to start glowing as they break apart. They start to spin around her wrist.

    "I call upon the Ancient Pact. Let the guardians of the Capital gather before me, and purify the darkness. Wolves of the Capital...", she says. The beads move around her, before the energy takes form. 10 blue spirit like wolves surroud her. "...Attack.", she tells. The Spirit Wolves launch themselves at the Youma. It seems the beads themselves are special shikigami. The wolves seem to target the Youma most dangerious to those around. Especially those giving Wind Dancer trouble. These wolves do take out any Youma they hit. After they hit, the beads come back to reattach to Yukihime's wrist. This seems to take a lot out of the woman though. But given she's been using a ton of magic instead of straight attacking, yeah...

Laura La Mer has posed:
Well, alright then, if that is the case. She still does not really like the sound of it, and she certainly wants to get to the bottom of it when this is over. Isn't 'not that bad' what people say when they are trying to convince themselves and/or others anyway?

La Mer takes out pen and Mermaid Aqua Pact, stirring the latter with the former, causing water to gather and move in a pattern of recurve spinning lines as it concentrates inside the Mermaid Aqua Pact. "Pretty Cure Swirling La Mer Stream!", she shouts, a huge rotating beam of water erupting out of the Pact and pressure washing away a lot of the youma in the way.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Coming into position above the other magical girls. She stands on a spell seael, as her Device shifts modes. "Maelstrom Mode! Storm Shift."

    The axe shifts, one entire half of the battleaxe head melting away, reforming into a trio of turbine fanblade-like Drone Bits that start to circle around the axe-head lazily.

    "Lets put an end to this! Maelstrom Buster!"

    Tenraikaze begins a sequence, intoning each part as she does so.
    < "Switch to Bombardment Mode.. all mana channls connected. > Wind Dancer levels her Device, as 'lines' of magic lash into a central point before the gemstone at the had of the now single-bladed ax.

    < Anchor Points and Recoil dampers. Locked. > Purple ribbons of magic lash out from the spell seal, wrapping around Wind Dancer's legs and waist, holding her in place. < Linker Core pressure rising normally. >

    The sphere has grown to a small melon in size, the lazily orbits of the Bits now beginning to speed up, adding more and more power, like literally weaving the spell. < Storm Ring has started revolving. >

    Power begins to spike, as she aims down at the thinned, but still substantial horde of youma. < Ready to fire! > announces Tenraikaze, prompting Wind Dancer to firmly state. "Maelstrom Buster! FIRE!"

    The sphere of magic distends, ruptures, then lashes outwards like a torrent of boiling purple magic, washing over the grouped up monsters.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    One of Onihime's biggest weaknesses is that she's got very little in the way of ranged or wide-area attacks. With her strength, she can certainly improvise - throwing large, heavy objects often suffices - but she has no way to blast a wide spread of foes away at once. It looks like she can entrust that to Yukihime, though. Good. Someone who can do what she can't, who can cover the gaps in her ability. That will let her focus on doing what she does best.

    And there's still at least one stronger youma left standing. Perfect for the fiery oni's talents.

    "Haaaaaa...!" Anyone near Kureha can feel the temperature rise. The air around her shimmers. Flickers and flashes of flame begin to dance around her. Fire begins to billow, to flow, to whirl around the Ogre Princess, and all of it begins to flow downward, along her arm and into her right hand. Hotter, brighter, until it's difficult to look at very long, and the ground under Onihime's feet begins to scorch a little from the heat rolling off of it.

        "Rekka Kaihou!"

    The flames around Kureha's hand seem to flare, becoming a fiery corona as the Youkai Musume hurtles forward. A full-speed charge, arm cocked back, barrelling right through a blast of Dark Energy thrown by her opponent without so much as flinching. The larger youma seems taken aback - and it's that moment of distraction that gives the tiny powerhouse a chance to lunge in, to drive her blazing claws forward, to slam her fingers into the youma.

        "DOUJI CLAW!!"

    The first time Kureha met Miho, she was in tight enough quarters she had to restrain this particular move. Here? She can cut loose. Here, she has enough room she doesn't have to worry about setting any fires. Here, she can dump all that blazing flame through her claws and into the youma, creating a searing internal blast to destroy the youma from within.

Miho Inada has posed:
    As the last of the Youma seems to fall, Yukihime is feeling insanely drained. She takes a moment to enjoy watching the last Youma go up in flames. She blinks a few times at the laser blast, and the pressure washed Youma. After a few more seconds, when things are a bit more safe, Yukihime seems to summon a small blizzard of snow and ice around herself. Kneeling where Yukihime used to stand is Miho. She's breathing heavily. "Sorry...Very very tired.", she tells. "And I don't...sense anything around.", Miho tells as she rubs the side of her head.

    "Thank you.", she tells everyone. The woman adjusts herself, trying to pick herself off the ground. "Any...one...got a...place...zzzzzzz", she goes before falling face first...Yes, she just went to sleep right there...Beginners....

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    The torrent becomes a beam, the beam thins, then dissolves into a few errant motes of discorporated magic.

    Tenraikaze's blade clanks back into place, the Bits moving to orbit the mage instead now. A pair of vents open, and eject a cloud of mana-infused steam as the Device initiates an emergency cooling system. < Cancel Bombarment Mode. No additional Dark Energy signatures on sensors. Area is clear. >

    Wind Dancer drops slowly to the ground, kneeling beside Miho as the newbie passes out from the strain of her first battle. "Y'did well kiddo." she says, glancing over to Onihime. "Think you can take care of her? I could put her up at my place for the night, but it's a one-person place, so it'd be a bit tight on space."

    She tugs a few candybars from pouches on her Barrier Jacket, offering them to the other mahou. "I find the sugar helps stabilize my Linker Core's energy levels after an intense fight, might help with yours if you're feeling a big drained." she offers as explanation.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    And there she goes, out like a light. Kureha frowns a little - it's extremely difficult for her to tire out, but it looks like that might not be the case for other Youkai Musume. Maybe it's because she's the oni-blooded one. "Unfortunately, my own living situation is... not conducive to guests," she replies to Wind Dancer, shaking her head fainly. "However, if she is anything like me, I would think that she'll be fine with a night's rest and... likely a very large meal. I can at least reimburse you for any excessive food costs that come up."

    There's a quick glance down at Miho again, faintly worried. Then Onihime adds, "I should go, but if anything comes up, she should have my number. Call or text me."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Things are finally over, and with all youma gone, La Mer can breathe a sigh of relief. "Good job, everyone", she tells the rest of the group. All that's left is to wait for the barrier to be called back, and take care of Miho who fainted apparently.

"I have enough space to take care of her", she volunteers, looking at Onihime especially as the other Youkai Musume here. She doesn't know if the two of them have things they want to talk about. "My house is the portable kind, so I have got it right here", she announces.