440/Rainbows, Shanties, Cores, Existential Horror

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Rainbows, Shanties, Cores, Existential Horror
Date of Scene: 16 September 2023
Location: Sports Pavilion
Synopsis: Chrono, Erica, Adora, Loyalty, and Hinata share a bit about each other.
Cast of Characters: Adora Rainbowfist, Niji Dasshu, Hinata Muramasa, Erika Shimizu, Amanda Faust, Chrono Harlaown

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora has been having a really rough go of things. One, she's the weird foreign kid. She stands out at her athletic height, not to mention her natural blonde hair and big blue eyes. Second, her run-in with who she THOUGHT was her girlfriend ended...badly. So, she's been isolating herself since, attending class and such, but barely talking to anyone. Today is a day to blow off some steam. So, the tomboy has put on her school athletic uniform and headed to the sports area. She's huffing away, sweat beaded, as she works on her eightieth lap of the bleachered area. Her mind wanders.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Niji is... in her own head, mostly, as she runs. She's humming a tune, it's not anything specific, or at least anything she really remembers, but. She's mostly just in the opposite sort of headspace as Adora. She's also a weird kid, though not as foreign, just from the other side of the same main island. She has been out running, but she's not actually making a competition of it (for once) with anyone. She's just running to run, because she has more energy than she knows what to do with but somehow none of her clubs are meeting. Eventually, though, the same blonde girl passes by her with a stern look on her face enough times that it breaks through Niji's cloudy mind.

"Hey, you alright?" she asks, speeding up a bit to run alongside Adora. "Cause you're either mad about something, or you're working yourself too hard. I can see it in your face. And to be honest... I'm not... entirely sure I could carry you back to the nurse's office myself, if you pass out." she notes, looking the girl up and down. She is... not your average Japanese schoolgirl. "Can we at least grab a drink for my sake cause you look like you're moving all of the water inside of you outside of you, and I'm know I'm not super-smart or anything but I think that's kind of bad for you." she gestures off to the side where an orange water cooler is sat on a table with paper cups. "I haven't seen you stop like once!"

Whether Niji would have noticed if she did stop, totally other question.

(the answer is no)

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Someone who isn't running right now, is a certain stereotypical japanese girl. Short black hair, the standard RHA female uniform, and a flute? She's sitting up in the bleachers and isn't really paying much attention as she plays a soft melody, not really going all out, just letting the music guide her.

    Her eyes are closed as she plays. On the bench beside her is a bag from one of the sweet shops in town which she occasionally pauses to pluck something from... and a pilfered Jan Ken Pop bottle from her roommate's stash.

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    Siiiiigh back to school. Summer is over. That's not fun. Though ERIKA SHIMIZU has thus far managed to avoid the mandatory physical exam prior to starting the semester-- something that thus far means she has to avoid the nurse's office at all costs, that is neither here nor there as she comes in search of the culprit of who stole her soda.
    She's not being very subtle about it, though she is dressed in the school uniform as she comes humming a merry little tune to herself as she does... before she breaks out into a merrier little shanty.

    o/` ~ "Well, me father often told me when I was just a lass,
    A sailor's life is very hard, the food is always bad.
    But now I've joined the navy, I'm aboard a man-o-war
    And now I've found a sailor, ain't a sailor any more!

    Don't haul on the rope! Don't climb up the mast!
    And if you see a sailing ship, it might be your last!
    Just get your civvies ready for another run-ashore,
    A sailor ain't a sailor, ain't a sailor anymore!" ~ o/`

    It is, upon finding the culprit of this soda theft that she drapes her arms over the flute-playing girl's shoulders with a big ol' grin, as she looks up at the pair running.
    "Oh yeah. Running. That's a thing people do isn't it." She considers.
    Not that she has to worry about being physically active with how hyper she usually and for OTHER reasons, but.
    "Sup!" She calls out to Adora and Niji Dasshu.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
The big, blonde foreign student blinks as Niji pulls up beside her to chat. She snaps out of whatever her dark thoughts were, and she wipes her rbwo with her hand to glance at the gathered sweat. "Oh! I...lost track...of things..." She slows and then finally stops, not looking too winded. She's in crazy shape, apparently. She follows the other girl over to the water if led there, still looking a bit distracted. "Came here to just...blow off some steam. Was hoping for some boxing but it wasn't going on today, so...went running, instead." Her Japanese isn't bad, but here and there the wrong word is chosen. She brings the water to her lips for a long, qucnhing pull before she offers a hand. She stops herself anhd lowers it. "Oh...right...uh..." She then attempts a small bow. Awkward.

The soda thief calls out and the girl blinks, glancing over. "Hi!," she offers, looking a hint flustered.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Niji laughs. "Yeah I know how that is. I'm here because none of my sports clubs are meeting today. Somehow. Even though I got yelled at about being in too many." she grumbles. And then she pauses. Adora bows, after a moment, and then Niji does as well. It's not quite as awkward, but it's not as smooth as it is for most Japanese girls. "I'd offer to take you up on the boxing thing, but I think you might be in your own weight class and I'm not sure if it's unfair because of that or unfair because you've been running more than me." she said. Because she wasn't thinking of it as sparring, but as a competition. Like most things.

"But, if you wanna talk about what's got you out of shape I've got ears and those still work." she notes. Then another pause. "Not out of shape like, physically. I mean in the mind. The steam you're trying to blow off. Sometimes you gotta have someone listen for the steam... valve... thingie... to work. Otherwise you just build it up inside."

She looks over to the girl who's calling out to the two of them. "Oh! Hello. Were you signing when I went by?" she asks, tilting her head. "Like it sounded a little weird, but weird in a good way. It wasn't pop music, anyways." she notes. Taking a pause to drink from her cup and then fill it again, and then make that water vanish, too. "Does it go with the flute thing? Normally folks practice inside but it's a super beautiful day so I don't blame you." she pauses, and steps away from everyone to somewhat-awkwardly bow again. "I'm Niji Dasshu, Grade 9. What about all of you?"

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Erika's arrival doesn't seem to startle the flute player. Though the 'verse does end abruptly as she sets the flute aside, leans back and looks at her roommate with a stoney expression, and the tiny ghost of a smile.

    She reaches into the bag of sweets, and tugs out a smaller bag which she offers up to the blonde. "Chestnut Mochi. Dango and some of those candied strawberries you always get." she offers in a soft tone. She then turns her eyes onto the two runners as they stop and head over to the water cooler near the bleachers. She does offer a little wave, but largely allows Erika to do the talking. A shy one perhaps?

    When asked her name, she bows faintly. "Hinata Muramasa, Grade 7." she offeres, then gestures with her flute. "I play as a hobby... Erika-chan enjoys singing those bawdy tunes of hers... though I could provide accompaniment if she likes... I just need to know which song she's going to sing at any given moment."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    MYSTERIOUS FLUTE MUSIC. It draws our hero, Jiro, pulling at his soul for-- oops wrong show.

    MYSTERIOUS FLUTE MUSIC. Amy likes music and is drawn to investigate, and so comes to the bleachers in sight of the two girls running on the track. Man, she kind of wishes she could be good at running but he's an out-of-shape thirty-someth--OH WAIT NO *this* body is actually in perfect shape! Albeit, when not transformed, not especially athletic. So, she's too ashamed to make a no-doubt pitiful attempt in sight of girls from the track team.

    And then another girl bursts out into SINGING and she recognizes that voice and listens, rapt.

    When it finishes, she steps up the bleachers from seat to seat, "You have a nice singing voice!"

    Seeing Adora's awkwardness with the bow, she asks, "Are you from America, too?" Before stepping forward and offering a hand to the group. "Hi! I'm Amy Faust, also Grade 9. Nice to meet you! Are you two on the track team?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Adora. Adora Rainbowfist. Grade 9," she replies. She's quite large for her grade, then. "Heh. Anytime you want to try out some boxing or...what do you call it here? With the fake swords? I'm down for that, too. But no pressure if my size intimidates you." There's challenge in her tone, but it's a playful one. She turns to the others, then, offering a nod. And yes, she said her name was Rainbowfist. Amy catches her attention, then, and she clears her throat. "America? No. No. Bavaria. I'm...Bavarian." She's a terrible liar, really. "But it's cool to see another non-local!"

Finally, the blonde turns back towards Niji. "As for what...has be all messed up? Long story. But...I guess...I had this thing with this girl and it...it's complicated. I think it's over. No, it's over and..." She shrugs a bit helplessly. "So kinda been in my head."

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    A lot happens. Hina hands her a bag of candy and Erika is given pause.
    "Huh? --Oh for me?" She balks, having not expected that. It pauses her briefly before she flashes a big grin "Thanks, Hina~."
    Oh yeah that was me." She replies to Dasshu, flashing a HUGE grin. "Nah it doesn't go with the flute at all, but the flute is super nice." She says sideways complimenting Hinata's playing while plucking out a mochi to star nibbling.
    And then. ENTER THE AMY.
    "Yo!" Erika calls out to the redhead. "Eheh heh~. It's just some sea shanties, mate." She points out at the compliment to her voice, rubbing the back of her neck as though the compliment actually caught her off guard for a beat.
    She rallies FAST though.
    "I used to travel a lot by boat with my parents so I picked up a bunch of them."

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Hinata listens to Adora, and helpfully pips up. "Kendo. I'm a practicioner if you would like to learn." she offers. It's not a challenge, only an offer, but there's a steel in those green eyes of hers that wasn't there a moment before... and is gone again a moment after.

    Amy earns a nod of acknowledgement too, for what it's worth.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy doesn't see why Erika is embarassed (she is, perhaps, very unobservant) "A sea shanty sung with a nice voice! You should join chorus!" She gasps. "*I* could join chorus! Ohmygosh!" She's smIling really happily at that thought.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
"Rainbowfist?" she pauses, saying it in English for a moment. "Like. Rainbow. Fist? THAT's your last name?" she says, and for a moment it looks like she might be about to make fun of Adora. But instead she jumps just a little and smiles so big it almost doesn't fit on her face. "You have the coolest last name ever. Rainbowfist-san!" she notes. "My first name actually means Rainbow, if you read it right. There's a whole story behind that. But we're kinda like. On similar wavelengths then."

"Oh I'll do Kendo against you anytime once we haven't run our muscles tired first. That's a deal. But be careful what you ask for." she adds. "I don't think they teach the same kind of swordsmanship in Bavaria as they do here in Japan. It's got a whole rich history and all that stuff eggheads talk about that I don't remember. I -do- remember how to do it though."

"Ohhhh. Relationship problems." she says, nodding. "I've never had those. But if you want to get over it you're at the right school. Lots of pretty people here." she notes. "Also, a few aspiring matchmakers so be careful what you say and who you say it to." she adds conspiratorially.

"Sea shanties?" Niji asks, turning 'round. "That's pretty cool, too. I don't know that I could learn to play the flute..." she says, gesturing to Hinata "...that must have taken a while. But I might be able to sing. Or play the electric guitar but I don't have one yet." She will. Oh, so will. You can see it in her eyes. "And you can join anything you want, Faust-san. Or many things. I couldn't decide on the team I wanted to join so I just joined so many they sent a Student Council Rep after me over it." She says, grinning and rubbing the back of her head with her hand. "Also, wow, Rainbowfist-san. This place really does have people from everywhere." Niji has no idea how every that where is.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"I know how to use a sword," Adora replies to Hinata. "Not in the...Japanese style, though. I'm curious how our styles would work together. Or in a spar." She grins a bit impishly. No real steal, but that challenge is there. "My style is a lot more...uh...Bavarovian." She pauses. "Bavarian. My style is a lot more Bavarian. Heavier sword. Longer. Straight blade."

She glances about at all the talk of singing, looking a bit awkward and not interjecting.

"Mmmhm. Rainbowfist." She seems proud of the name, in fact, like there's a story to it, but she doesn't expand. "Oh, it does! That's really cool!," she laughs. She has the sort of unhidden laugh and boisterous movements of a foreigner, for sure. She nods to Niji about the swords, clearly in agreement after what was already said. She pauses at the getting-over-it part, though, and goes a bit quiet.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "You're on *all* the wavelengths, together." Amy quips, and grins at her NERD JOKE.

    "...You can learn anything yet, you're young! I mean, we all are!"

    Radiant Heart has people from all over, *and how*! Just imagine if the others (besides Erika) knew her girlfriend was a princess from another world! Amy smiles at that thought too.

    Kendo is discussed! "Oooh... kendo would be neat to try, too. Bavaro-- Bavarian, huh? Heavier? Like a zweihander? Is that the kind that people always forget includes kicks and shoves and stuff because the movies are always just clashing the blades together?" She mimes holding a two-handed sword and shoving an invisible opponent back with a kick.

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Hinata nods a bit. "European style... I've read about it, I do look forward to perhaps observing it in action." she offers another ghost-like smile crossing her lips... noone seems to have triggered on her name so she keeps quiet about it.

    Amy's question earns an affirmative sound from Hinata. "Usually, yes. Also gripping the blade with a mailed hand and striking with the crossguard, amongst other moves. Movies are very bad at displaying the true art of swordplay."

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    So she does that now.
    "Oh yeah I'm Erika! Erika Shimizu! Grade seven!" She says jerking a thumb at her chest and puffing up looking proud.
    "Oh I know how to use a sword too!" She chimes in. "I've mastered the cutlass! Arrr~." she says swinging around an imaginary sword at the air.
    "Seriously though I kick butt with one."
    "Oh yeah kicks and shoves are important." She says nodding in agreement with Amy before pointing out: "Pirates never fight fair."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
"Well, well, well. We can't all be the best at kendo - though I don't think Kendo is really a longsword or cutlass thing so you're probably both still at a disadvantage. And we can teach Faust-san. But maybe your differences will make you better, cause like, different ideas on how things work. One day we'll all have to find out. Then Muramasa-san can observe to her hearts content." She does not say 'observe me whippin' your butts. She just thinks it. Loudly. Maybe the others can see it written on her face, the confidence in her actions, when she speaks. "But it's always better to do stuff like that with people who want to win. You know? Your best against their best? That's when it gets good." she grins. "So you know, if we start, I wonder if you are the kind of girls who'd keep trying to get better?" she asks, her tone almost... mischevious, conspiratorial, planning.

    "n' yeah, Movie's kinda suck at showing off how the real world works. But Kendo isn't the same thing. It's like a sport. There's not a real-world version of basketball or anything, though. So I'm pretty sure you can't kick people." she pauses. "Now, though, I dunno..." she scratches her head. It's not like she's read the rules for Kendo or anything. She's just excited at the concept of competition.

    "Plus if Hinata san is a practicioner she'd know, right?" she asks, looking to the girl.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora snaps out of her Catra-enduced-depression and grins at Amy. She nods, then. "Mmmhm. Big sword. Kicks and shoves. Punches. Heck, even headbutts! It's...not really meant for formal sparring," she admits. Weird thing to be teaching a kid. "My sword is in my room. When they found me it's all I had." She pauses, then. Opens and closes her mouth. "I -mean- when I came to the school I only had it and my bags of clothes. That's clearly what I meant." Okay, listen. She's a warrior not a talker. And certainly not a good liar. Like, she's comically bad. Like something out of a cartoon!

"So...to...kind of explain my name? I didn't have a last name. I was an orphan that got...sort of...adopted into this military school in Bavaria. Taken in. Another kid there gave me the last name, and I gave her one. We were five at the time. I became Adora Rainbowfist and she became Catra Applesauce Meowmeow. I use mine more then she does, to be fair..." She trails off and finds a seat on the bleachers.

"She's actually the girl I mentioned," she says to Niji, frowning a bit. She looks to Hinata and nods, distracted, though. She offers a small smile to Erika. "I knew someone back home who would have matched your energy pretty well. He was all about that stuff. And adventure. Always adventure."

She turns her attention back to Niji. "I'm always trying to get better." She pauses, then. "Movies? Oh, yup. I know movies. Love moeives. I've played so many movies..."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy laughs at 'pirates don't fight fair'. And figures that people will expect chuuniness before 'is actually a pirate ghost' so doesn't seem concerned about it. "A cutlass, really? I've been taking some self-defense classes but y'know what'd be cool? Trying *all* the weapons, well like, safe sparring versions. So y'have an idea how they're actually used, to prevent exactly that sorta misconception."

    You could teach her? "Ooh, I think I'd be better with a staff, but, there is something I've been wondering. You ever see an anime character with, like, a tonfa-sword? Holding it on the side grip while what looks like the main grip extends along the forearm as a guard? Are there any *real* weapons like that, or is it an invention of anime?"

> When they found me it's all I had.
    Amy stares at her a moment, but clearly Adora doesn't want to talk about it so she won't pry. She can't help a short chuckle at *Applesauce Meowmeow* though. Also: Played movies? Really? "...Have you been at Radiant Heart long? Noticed... weird things happening?"

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Hinata listens, then when Niji looks her way she shrugs. "Official tournament Kendo is swordplay only. I have seen more loose rules used in sparring." Hinata nods.

    She's happy to sink into the background as the more extroverted members talk amongst themselves.

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    Pirates don't fight fair! It's the truth! Though when it makes Amy laugh, Erika flashes a huge grin.
    Okay so she might be a little chuuni.
    But then Amy goes and describes a TONFA SWORD.
    "... You mine like Strider Hiryu?" She asks point blank.
    Of course a pirate would know about various ninja, ninja being their SWORN ENEMY.
    She pauses briefly to nibble on a candied strawberry before offering to feed one to Hinata.
    Then Dasshu, Amy, and Adora get offered candy freely as well because making new friends is pretty important.
    "I'd say a sword's a sword but what do I know, I'm just a dumb sailor's daughter." She says. "But some competition DOES sound fun heh~."
But then Adora explains her surname.
    And her friend's surname.
    'Applesauce Meowmeow' sure is a name and Erika is staring blankly for a beat.
    "Oh. Well. I'm half-Japanese on my mom's side. But I picked her name over dad's because we're living here in Japan."
    Because that's how names totally and legally work, sure.

Amanda Faust has posed:
> You mean like Strider Hiryu?
    "YES!" shouts Amy in agreement, just so happy someone ALSO knows what she's talking about.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"I don't really know what counts as weird here...," she says softly to Amy, fidgeting a bit with the hem of her shorts, like her ADD brain has issues remaining still. She must fidget or move. "Anime." She says the word like it's something strange in her mouth, like she's never said it before. The blonde doesn't expound, though. "No, not long. A few months? But I've...mostly stuck to myself. Lots of working out. Studies. Struggling with those. Lotsa walks outside the school grounds."

She takes the candy and sniffs it before popping it into her mouth. The uninhibited sound of joy she makes is shocking. "OH WOW!," she exclaims, the girl eyeing the other candies with wide blue eyes.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Niji doesn't speak English super-great. So she doesn't understand how hillarious Catra's name is. For all she knows it's Bavarian. But she does have an honest, kinda sad-sympathetic look at Adora. "An orphan and then adopted into a military school? That sounds rough." she notes. She doesn't say anything about her own upbringing - she's not the smoothest operator but even she knows you don't tell an orphan that your parents cheer you on too much. The sound of joy from the candy though - that is a much nicer look on the admittedly quite pretty girl. "Oh, we should take you to the little candy shop sometime, if you like candy." she suggests.

"Anyways don't worry. I'm weird too. I'm from way up north. This is a pretty good place to be weird, it seems to run pretty common. The last blonde I met before this had her hair done up like meat buns and noodles." Niji says, putting her fists to either side of her head to represent odangoes. "Weird things just happen here a lot. I'm getting used to it."

    "We are all gonna have to meet up for that kendo thing for sure." she says, affirmatively. That kind of dangerous affirmative where, if you know Niji, means she will probably drag you bodily towards Kendo at some point.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    That's true. What even counts as weird, here?

    Amy thinks back to what Niji said earlier and looks to her. "Do you play videogames? Like, I'd like to take you on in Kendo too but... hmm... I just wonder if there's anything I'm a bit more experienced in, too?"

    And she thinks about something. "What kinds of swords *are* in Kendo, anyway?"

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    Just HOW Erika knows about Strider Hiryu is a mystery. BUT that's a story for another time as she beams brightly.
    "Oh yeah weird is pretty normal around here." She agrees with Dasshu but then nods firmly. "Count me in if you do the kendo thing! I'll swash yer buckles and keel yer hauls!" She says swinging an imaginary sword some more before scootching to grab Hinata. "Anyway, Hina and I should get going, but we'll be around~."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown was not, exactly, having the best day. Having had his mind... affected... and stressed... due to a certain someone who will remain unnamed and the realization that dark energy could do even other things he didn't like. Also, now he had a rose. Of dark energy. That apparently could BREAK CEMENT regardless. Certainly THAT would be fine. He marked it 'do not open' and left it on the counter. Adrien would be fine. Likely.

And now? Now he was heading towards the sports area. Because he was trying to clear his mind of... emotions. They weren't... necesarily good emotions. They weren't necessarily bad emotions. They were... definitely emotions, though. And he was doing his best to unjumble it all in his head so he could file another report that would likely never be seen by anybody but OKAY THEN.

However, as he made his way towards the track, he paused. Wow. That was a lot of--

Wait a second. His eyes narrowed on Niji. Okay. No. SHE was magic. She HAD to be magic. Nobody with hair like that WASN'T magic. Said the blue haired boy with a mom with green hair. So he likely knew.

However, then his eyes glanced towards Adora and they narrowed for a different reason. Was she standing at attention? Was she... she recognized someone standing like that. Someone with no chill. Someone who couldn't not stand at attention. Soldier recognizing soldier. Was she part of the TSAB? He tried reaching out through his device... but nope. Not at all. Huh. Perhaps he could introduce himself. He started walking towards them and was... going to say something... But then... He saw Niji again. And then Erika. Oh god. Hyper girls. He might take the planet pilots over it. No. NO. He could do this. Soldier through.

"Hello, there. I am Chrono Harlaown, grade 9, age 14," he said... he uhhh... was also likely the shortest one there so there was a REASON he led with his age. "I'm new here and was thinking of going for a walk. Is... there a signup sheet we're supposed to use or...?" Yes. Pretend to have no idea, ask questions, get a feel for them.

Meanwhile, the entire time he stood there he had to be likely the most straight laced kid they'd ever seen. Standing at full attention, shirt and overshirt tucked in, fully buttoned, pants likely ironed, and just... he looked like he was going to a fancy event any moment.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora is seated a bit lower on the bleachers as they all chat. She was running many, many laps to get her catgirl out of her head, and is wearing the school's PE outfit. Still, she stands out as a very fit, front-poof'd blonde with big blue eyes. "A shop of just this stuff? Are you -serious-?," she says too loudly. She grins, then and nods. "That sounds great. I'm absolutely in. Oh...question. Is there a...uh...a horse club?," she asks, lookingly briefly embarassed. She nods at the mention of the swordfighting, though. "I know I heard about a camping or outdoors club, and I'm excited about that one. Did a lot of that as a child."

"...Video games...," Adora adds in, as if to get into the conversation shift. She says it much like she did anime, though. Like it's an alien phrase for her. That plus the whole 'I play lots of movies' is a bit sus. I mean, clearly. She then waves to the departing people before she stops herself halfway. She then attempts another awkward partial bow from a seated positon. "Nice meeting you both."

She then turns to the approaching Chrono, straight-backed where she sits. "Adora Rainbowfist, grade 9." She looks way older then she should for grade 9. Held back for some reason? Scandal! Then she pauses. "I...um. Age. We didn't really keep track back home. I didn't find out about birthdays until later." She clears her throat. "Bavaria. We have...weird customs?" Terrible liar.

"Oh, geez, I HOPE we don't have to signt out for walks. I never did. I just left."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
"What?" Niji said, and it was obvious the gears in her head took time to turn. Figuring out what Chrono was actually saying. "Uh. No. No you can kinda just use it whenever you want unless one of the teams is out here." she said, pausing. "You new here, kid?" Or maybe new to Japan. Or new to being.

    "I don't honestly know if there's an equestrian club. I haven't seen any horses, but this school is huge and new stuff keeps showing up I wouldn't have expected." she admits. And she doesn't know even a little bit of the really weird stuff yet. "I have heard a bit about a camping club though."

    he two more musically inclined girls leave, and now it's just Chrono, Amy, Adora, and Niji herself. She smiles. Well. Adora looks old for Grade 9. Chrono looks short for... everything about his attitude and stern nature. If Niji was a little more on top of things she could call some of Adora's incorrect words out, but she's just not. Bavaria is some place that's Not Japan and for all she knows they do have military schools and play movies and don't track birthdays. "Man, that's strange. I heard about a boy who also just said he didn't have a birthday. I dunno how you guys figure out what grade you're in." She says, confused. "But please don't think you need to sign anything to walk here. You're not in a military academy Rainbowfist-san. Or... Harlaown-san?" she says, trying to get the word out. It's weird, too. "It's wild we're all in the same grade at the same school though. Look at us, we're all so super-different! I love it here!"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown stared at Adora for a few moments. That smile on his face, so friendly. So calm. "You didn't have... birthdays... where you were from," he asked. Aside from that eye twitch. "Interesting cover. Usually grade 9 in this country is 14, however. You should just say 14, it will lead to less people questioning it," Chrono said, offering her some helpful tips for her cover.

He then smiled up at Niji. "Indeed. I arrived on this planet, err, in this country a month or so ago." ... Unfortunately, he was just as terrible a liar. Or he jsut didn't care anymore. Niji had a rainbow growing out of her head, she was definitely magic. Nobody had hair like that otherwise.

"... Wait, Rainbowfist?" Oh god. She was belkan. There was a slight shift in his smile, his eyes twitching. GAHHHHH! WAS SHE ONE OF HANNAH'S?! "I... don't suppose... you're a friend of Steiner-san's?" he asked Adora. Somewhat nervously. Not sweating. Nope. Just keep smiling, just keep smiling, smiling, smiling. Lah lah lahhhhhh.

"And yes, this school has been quite amazing, a regular nexus of world's colliding across time and space, as it were."

The red haired girl, though. She... might not be magical. She didn't SEEM magical, at least.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"My first...the first place I lived tried to crush differences as much as it could. Then when I ...moved out... the new place celebrated them. This is a weird combination of both, I guess. Uniforms and heavy schedules and stuff, but...yeah, we're all reayy different, too. I mean, that other girl said she was a pirate." Adora grins softly. "And...please. Adora. Rainbowfist-san is...just Adora. Is that okay?"

She then turns back to Chrono and furrows her brow. "We didn't have birthdays where I came from. I didn't even know what a party -was- until I was out of that place. Literally. They...didn't care how old we were." What kind of school was this? She is bad at lieing and this...this isn't like her lieing.

"I don't know a Steiner-san. Sorry." She blinks at the smol boy when his eye twitches like that. "...You okay? You look like I said I was...I don't know. Something scary." She freezes, then, when Chrono says the school is like a nexus, and she gives a laugh as if it were a joke. Fakest, most awkward laugh ever.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Niji shrugs. "I'm fine bein' on a first name basis with you if you like, but it's weird if it's only going in one direction." she notes. "I'm sure a girl like you, we're gonna run into each other a lot anyways, so we might as well consider each other friends." It's not clear what Niji means by 'a girl like you' - but she actually means 'clearly athletic and built to do well at it'. "So I'll call you Adora-san if you call me Niji-san. Or Niji. I don't really care about the honorific honestly, and it's sometimes hard for foreign folk."

"And you're both clearly not from the island." It was weird for Niji being the most 'normal' one in a group of anybody. "So it's all good. I don't think it's nice to judge her for whatever age she's at. Not every school system is as good as Japan's. Who knows what a Belgium school is like." she says.

"For a Japanese school this place is pretty chill about differences. You can wear the uniform in different colors and that's usually way out of line. I can even get away with dying my hair like this, even though usually it's natural colors only." she notes, shrugging. "So it's a nice place by comparison. If you're from a military academy, it's gotta be more chill."

    Niji laughs awkwardly when Chrono says the school is a nexus, but more because there's something she's not getting and she knows it, but Adora's laughing so shouldn't she?

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Bye-eeee, good seeing you!" Amy waves enthusiastically to the departing girls.

    Chrono walks up. She looks down at him (she's standing up in the bleachers!) And stares at the question. "Why do you think you need a signup sheet to take a walk? What is *with* people here, you'd think they'd never..." She pauses as she takes in Chrono radiating Sousuke Sagara / Setsuna F. Seiei vibes as hard as he possibly can.

    IS there a horse club? "You know, I wouldn't be surprised, but I don't know of it. You can check on the school web..." She pauses. "Do you uh. now how to use a phone...?"

    "Camping? Really? What's so fun about living out in the hot humid buggy wilderness?" she quirks an eyebrow.

    Not knowing her birthday is believable for an orphan found by a military school, but she didn't know what birthdays *are*? Sus. "No we do not have to sign out for walks! Gods, who would make us *do* that?!"

    How do people with unknown age know what grade to be in? "I would imagine they give you an entrance te--" she pauses, as she realizes the school *didn't* give her a test and just assigned a grade. She slumps slightly. "Or maybe they just guess..."

    She smiles. "It IS nice, getting to meet so many people."

    And then Sousuke Sagara here just straight up calls Adora on her lack of cover. And then outs himself as not of this planet. She stares and points. "YOU'RE the TSAB officer! What the hell kind of military recruits *children*, anyway?!"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown just kept that smile up. A soldier's smile. Because a commander couldn't let their soldier's see when they were upset. "My home was a lot like that as well. My mother is an admiral and uniforms and the like were fairly normal growing up. Even... still... we had parties." Pause. "Too many parties, to be honest," he kind of mumbled that. "... But that sounds like a terrible place. A place without the concept of a celebration? How would people unwind?"

... Because he was truly the forefront of knowledge on 'unwinding'.

"She uhhh... isn't... truly... a pirate... is she?" he asked.

"And you may call me Chrono if you wish. Honestly, my home didn't always have honorifics like this, either. It has been a challenge to adapt at times." And yes, the comment about the schools made him nodd. "Indeed, the academy I went to was..." Annnnd there was a haunted look in those eyes. "Different. Very--"

Aaaaaand there Amy went off. He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness you lot are magical. I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely certain, but the rainbow hair made it fairly apparent. And yes, I am time-space administration bereau enforcer Chrono Harlaown. And I assure you, generally, students of my age are incredibly rare. But Midchildan's often develop at a faster pace than many humans. Additionally, the TSAB does not preclude those who wish to help keep time and space safe from threats from undergoing the training due to a random age that is assigned. It is only after strict physical, mental, emotional and magical evalutations that anyone is allowed to join. And while I'm sure there are many who would prefer it if people of my age didn't have to sign up at times... the fact is, the TSAB is undermanned as it is and what we do is already incredibly dangerous. We cannot afford to let anyone with the capability, regardless of age, slip away if they desire it. Entire worlds and, at times, dimensions are at stake and must be kept safe."

Then he glanced to Adora. "So, which planet are you from, anyway? I've journeyed across many, but I've never seen one that didn't... understand... parties?" he asked.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Niji it is. And friends! Absolutely. I could use friends. Only one I -thought- I had here was that Catra I mentioned, but..." She shrugs, trying not to let her mood dip again. "Well, I mentioned that earlier." Vaguely, sure. But, then it all comes bursting out. The blonde gestures widely. "I just don't -understand-! I thought we were on the same page! We were in -love-! We'd said it and everything! After all these stupid years fighting eachother! But...it's like she doesn't remember any of that and she's...she's so -mean- all over again. Like this broken little thing that only knows how to bite and I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!" That last bit is a full-on shout that draws a lot of surprised stares from other students. She claps her hands over her mouth and looks to almost wilt in embarassment. "Um. S-sorry. I...sorry!," she calkls out to people. "I'm...rehearsing! For...for a...video game! Thing!" She has no idea what she's talking about and trying to use words that make sense to her but absolutely don't to other people.

She turns to the others, looking so embarassed. "Sorry, again. Just...it's just been on my mind for weeks. Eating me up. I can't sleep. I'm even having trouble eating and I -love- food. Everything tastes so good."

She turns to Amy, then, trying to act as if she didn't just have that outburst. "Phone. I...don't. No. No, I don't," she admits with a huff. She reaches up to adjust her hair-poof, her frantic hands needing something to worry at. "Camping? I did it a lot as a kid. Scouting...hiking exercises. It's a chance to work out but also see beautiful things. And to just...get away. I'm not used to so many people by a longshot." She glances between the others. "The Headmistress told me what grade I was in when she settled me in. I just went with it. I figured he knows better then I do, right?" She blinks and glances between the boy and Amy. "What's the TSAB? And...y-yeah! A military recruiting children? That...would be...so weird and I've definatly never heard of or lived that before ever." just stop talking, Adora.

She looks to Chrono, then. "We...didn't? I mean, they encouraged us to deal with any issues by fighting and training and just...being so exhausted we couldn't complain." She shrugs at the pirate question. And then all the magical talk comes out and her eyes widen, and she stiffens. "I...wait. What? That's a lot...of...assumptions." She's internally flailing now, but waiting to see how the other two react to the statement.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "You don't have friends?? That's sad..." Amy starts to pipe up, but Adora has so much more to say. We'll get back to that.

    "Age isn't *assigned*." Amy points out, and then feels very silly as soon as it's out of her mouth. "...Gods, isn't that fucked up though? Setting kids to war against yeah okay I see how that's kind of a *thing* with magic, nevermind." She sighs and slumps. "Gods, life is weird now."

    "So, at some point, is anyone gonna tell me what the hell is going on with space and why other worlds out there need kids to defend them?"

    She looks to Adora. "Well, the secret's out now, so uh: Is it possible that your friend got whammied? I mean, hit by some kinda magic that took her memories or changed her emotions?" She looks uncertainly to Chrono. "That's a thing that happens, right?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Niji sighs, nodding emphatically at Adora despite never being in a relationship herself. She's read manga! and watched anime! And dramas! She can guess. And she just got called a friend and her friend needs... friends. So she's about to reach out and give her a reassuring touch when she shouts out.Niji's face belies her lack of magical connection, awareness, or anything. She looks like she has mentally crashed. Or is distant.

"Whosawhatsitnow?" she asks, her eyes wide. "Am I..." she looks around nervously. "Am I supposed to know what any of those words meant?" she asks. "Am I dreamin'?" She stops, for a little bit longer. Her hand moves to her forehead. Like she's got a headache or is trying to focus. "Am I on hidden camera or somethin? Are FUJIWARA about to pop up and do a bit? Cause I like a joke just fine but it feels like at this point I should be... in on it?" She looks at Amy as she just... asks about mind-magic. "You, too?!" she asks. Amy, after all, looked a little bit more normal than Adora or Chrono.

"Please tell me what's going on?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora sighs and looks to Amy, giving up. "Mabye. It's like...she's an earlier version of herself. We spent a few years as enemies. Like...openly working against eachother in a literal war. But then she came around and realised the...what's the term I heard in class? Cycle of abuse? And we admitted our feelings for eachother and managed to defeat the man who had been using her. And we were -happy- finally. Everything was great. But this one...it's like her at her worst. Her most angry. She's..." The girl shakes her head and then turns towards Niji.

"...Look, I'm not from Bavaria. I'm from a place called Etheria. It's...a different world. I grew up in a world-conquering military called the Horde. Hell, I grew up in a place called the Fright Zone. That didn't click with me until I joined the Princess Rebellion." She says these words like they make total sense to her.

The group are at the bleachers, whether standing or sitting. Adora is in PE clothes, and they are talking quietly to eachother. Well, somewhat quietly. If someone wandered close they could overhear.

She looks to the boy, next. "So, there's your answer. Etheria. That's where I'm from. The Headmistress told me to tell people I'm from Bavaria because nobody knows anything about that place. I don't honestly know where it is. Or what it's like. I'm a soldier, not a spy. I suck at lieing. All this technology and all these people and words like 'movies' and 'video games' and 'anime'...they make no sense to me. I'm flailing. Drowning. I...I'm so far away from home and I have no idea what to do so I'm just...trying. And failing, mostly," the blonde admits.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown cringed at the name 'catra'. Her... cat... nope. Just a name. S-surely just a name. Right? Not actually... Her girl friend? Oof. He... he could NOT offer her anything for that. Instead he offered the one thing he could. "Have you tried curry? Or Korma? Korma Chameleon. Trust me, I've had cuisine on dozens of different planets and it's still some of the most flavorful, incredible tastes I've ever had. It may change your life," he said. "This world has the most amazing food. As for your... uhhh... girlfriend... I'm... not sure I can offer much advice on that. My... fiance could... be a bit of a... errr... mean at times... but... it's an arranged marriage so not... exactly... the same thing. She's... never tried to bite me I don't think except when she was trying to get me flustered," he muttered, sounding just a little... tense... about that.

He then glanced to Amy. "What, exactly, is it you think I do?" he asked. "I'm an enforcer, that makes me, effectively, second command on the Arthra. I don't fight a war. I fight incredibly dangerous and destructive magical artifacts that are wielded by mages and have the capability to you know what the more I say it the worse it sounds. And yes, I understand it sounds weird but trust me, there's an important distinction." Deep breath. "We're trained for it. We do not face a Lost Logia until we know EXACTLY what it is we're getting into. And very few children make it that far."

"... As for, ahem, getting whamied? Yes? In some cases? I mean, the dark energy of this world is uhhh... something I'm still learning about. But it is possible, I suppose, it could affect memories. It likely creates a negative state in their minds and could explain sudden... mood shifts. It... it..." and then glanced to Niji. And blinked.

"... She's... not magical, is she? Oh... this is going to be a strange evening for her... poor thing. She won't remember this, but it's... going... to definitely mess with her head. A lot. I've seen it before." Cough. "We're rehearsing. For a... comedy. Skit. Where's on second homerun. In space," he offered.

... he was a terrible liar too.

And then he got Adora's story. And blinked. Blink blink. "Princess... rebellion?" he asked. "Wow... Horde. Fright zone. Real... subtle guys, I take it?" he asked. In the driest tone. He then glanced to Adora and frowned. He then looked to Amy. "Help her," he said, motioning to Niji. "Make something up believable." And then he walked to Adora. He then held out his hand to her. "Allow me to re-introduce myself. Time space administrative bereau enforcer Chrono Harlaown. I travel dimensions between time and space to help keep the universe safe from dimension destroying things. I have crash landed on this planet along with others who I am trying to find."

"You are not alone. There are people here who can, and will, help you. I know it is scary. I cannot make it stop being scary. But I can make sure that, no matter what happens, be it you, or your friend. That it won't be something that you face without allies who will have your back."

"Because it's a big universe out here. And none of us can face it alone." Still holding his hand out to her. Still smiling to her. Still sounding as confident as ever, as if he had all the answers, as if he knew all the challenges. As if he had done this a thousand times. Why? Because... he knew how she felt. More than possibly he understood anyone else on this planet. Because he was drowning as well... and sometimes, when you were drowning?

The best you could do was what you knew best and save as many people as you can, so they can save you.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Adora says things like Horde and Fright Zone and Princess Rebellion *completely* seriously and with how bad a liar she is they can only be true. Amy just stares like ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS. She walks up to give Adora a hug, if allowed. "It's alright. I'm happy to explain everything I can about the world, ask me anytime, um, right, you don't have a phone, um, well I'm in room XXX in the girl's dorm, ask for Amy Faust." Beat. "...Did YOU get an invitation when you arrived here, despite no one having reason to know you're here?"

    Chrono. Amy looks to him next. "Dude. I fight *Witches*. Those monsters that drive people to suicide and live outside of reality where you have to fight them in their own labyrinth of unreality? So I dunno what a Lost Logia is but I get it. ...And honestly, an organization screening child candidates is probably better than it being placed upon anyone who makes a deal with a talking animal, but... that's life? I guess?!" She throws up her hands now. "This is life now?! I SOUND CRAZY!"

    She lowers her hands and takes a breath. And turns to Niji. "Sorry, nope. Magic is real, I'm not a good liar." She reaches down her shirt and pulls out her pendant, which is suddenly that ornate egg-shaped soul-gem, bright red with a bit of darkness at the top, and passes her other hand over it--

    An ovoid of flame-colored light grows from her gem to surround her, enveloping her, lifting into the air with her unclothed silhouette curled up inside, long hair floating as if she's under water, before the light cracks and shatters and Amy, now covered in flames as if from an explosion, snaps back, and the flames fade to leave her new outfit in place. The viewers, were this an anime, would see a long, extended sequence highlighting each step of the transformation, and the flames disappearing from each part of her body in turn to leave that part of her magical girl outfit, but for any observers here, it's all over in a few seconds, ending with the red Puella landing on her feet as the last of the flames dissipate from her outfit.

    "I'm a Puella Magi, I signed up for this when I witnessed a magical battle and saw the magical girls losing. I've promised to fight Witches, awful, terrible monsters you'll hopefully never encounter."

    "It's just like in manga -- boy, you have NO IDEA how much my life is just like in manga" She cocks her head to one side and smiles wryly, "--and just like in manga I might die any day."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
"That's okay, I don't think I want to remember this." Niji says, "Princess Rebellion? STAB? Spaceships? Fright zones? What are you people on about?" she asks, even though she doesn't want the answer. No, part of her is resisting the answer. Fighting the answer. The information.

"My new friend Adora is going to do a kendo match with me and maybe some of my other new friends. No witches, no princesses, no space planet things." she says, as though she's desperately trying to tell them - or herself - all of that. "Yeah. Yeah." She seems like she's making progress. Right up until Amy Faust transforms in front of her. At that point she just looks like the mental equivalent of a phone left off the hook. It seems like her very ponytail wilts. "You just did. the manga thing. with the changing. And the." and she rubs her eyes... poor girl is lost. "Dreaming. I'm dreaming." she finally says. But she's not. Her eyes are open and she's looking around. Pointing a single, almost shaking finger at Chrono, at Adora. "The things and the words were real?" she asks, her voice going higher with each word until 'real' squeaks out.

"Wait then I shouldn't know any of this. It's like superheroes or something. Shouldn't you be hiding it from normal people like me?" She asks. "Are you just gonna what, change my life forever and show me this and expect me not to tell anybody?! Because I can't! Because they'll think I'm Crazy! Because *I* think I'm crazy right now."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Wait, I don't want her to forget! She's been kind to me. She...has a right to know stuff," Adora says in Niji's defense, as if they've known eachother for years. It's just who she is. She stares at Chrono's hand, then, and rises to her full 5'7". Okay, she's not huge, but here? Here she is tall. Especially to him. She takes his hand and shakes it, giving a bit of a squeeze. She's damn strong. "I haven't really ever gotten along with enforcers since I left the Horde, but...we'll see how it goes. I don't tend to agree with harsh measures. But hellow. Adora Rainbowfist. Also known as She-Ra, the Princess of Power." Yes, she says it not only with a straight face, but with a sense of gravitas. Like the title is important. She sits back down, then.

She accepts the hug with a look of surprise, her arms sagging for a moment. She then fully returns it...and possibly squeezes a bit too hard. She looks like she might actually break down at the contact, but she doesn't. "When I showed up in this world I was sleeping in this abandoned gym. Just me and my sword. My sword and I. I didn't speak Japanese and had no idea what was happening. Then this letter showed up...somehow. At the gym, right there by my blankets in the store room I was sleeping in. I was there for about two weeks before it showed up. Been here since."

She peers at the gem that's withdrawn curiously. "...So much more portable then my Sword of Power..." She then lets out a surprised sound and steps back at the transformation. "I've never seen anyone else who transforms! I thought it was just me!"

She looks to Niji then and frowns a bit. "I...um. I don't know. Where I'm from it's just...normal. There are animal people and there's magic and evil armies and space armadas. -This- place is weird to me. Alien. I'm...not trying to scare you." She sounds almost desperate now, like she's afraid she might lose her new friend.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Adora's a hugger. Damn this is a really nice hug! *Tall blonde ladies* are just where it's at, apparently!

     Moments later, Amy has stepped back onto the bleachers but points at Adora. "The letter! THE LETTER! No one should have known I was THERE but the headmistress's letter *found* me! What is *going on* at this school?!"

    And then poor Niji is freaking out. "Uhhh. Shit." She slumps her shoulders. "I uh. Damn. I'm not gonna demand you keep secrets, but you'll find that most people tend to forget magic. Uh... I guess if you're NOT magic... then this is gonna stop being a problem soon? I'm sorry! I'm really sorry. I don't know how to lie! I've never been a good liar! I really do wanna face you in sparring and videogames sometime!"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown blinked a few times. "She-ra, princess of power? Oh, you are going to find some stiff competition here. I've already met a princess of different planets and a princess who embodies peace." Pause. "Wait, I actually don't know if they count as princesses. But at this point I am ruling out nothing. And... that's not why she shouldn't forget. The magic here affects the mind. If they aren't magical, it may erase other things FROM her mind if she tries to force it. I don't know if it will hurt her," he warned.

But, well, at this point... too late... He sighed. Just sighed. Suppressing the info about 'witches' until he had time to deal with that... Instead, he pulled out his card and... a moment later, he was in HIS henshin. Staff and all. Looking like an edgy spike-wearing mage of darkness.

"Where I come from magic is common. This world's magic is... weird. There are rules to it. Niji-san, could you please hold still for a second? I... would like to check your linker core. Which likely makes no sense to you... but your magical organ, more or less. That holds your magic. I want to be sure that this knowledge won't hurt you. Or at least... I'm hopeful."

"... I'm not a doctor but I'm probably the best person to this right now as I have the tools and enough knowledge on how to operate them without giving you a total break down." He just side eyed Amy at that. "You and I need to talk later. About *many things.*"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Linker Core? "Wait, that's a thing we have? Humans have a 'magic organ'? Can you check mine too??" Amy wonders excitedly. "Hey, if you're from a place where magic is common, do you know why *usually* adults don't become magical girls? or boys? Here?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Niji is trying not to hyperventilate. She is doing a pretty good job. "Y-yeah sure, I meet a girl running laps and she's an alien princess from another planet fighting the hordes of fright zone princesses." She might have gotten a few wires crossed. "And then the other two people I met transformed and one of them looks like a Final Fantasy villian. Cool. cool."

    "Scan whatever you want. My letter came in the mail. My parents and I discussed if I would move across the country. Just the country. Just Japan. Just came in the mail." she mumbles. "Didn't show up or anything. The mail."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Peaches? Makes sense. I know a Princess of Plants and Flowers. And no, it's not just a made-up title. Princess are a thing from my world. Your magic doesn't come from an organ, though. It comes from a stone. A biiiiig stone, usually. Each with a different type of magic. Plants, light, the sea, etcetera. My stone is in my sword and it's a sort of magic...tech...thing. It's a long story." Adora glances about at the others again, before focusing on Niji. "Wait, adults can't have magic? That's a thing? Huh. I mean...not where I'm from. The Queen had magic before she passed, for instance, and the King still does..." She trails off. "And we have a magical Prince, too, but...well...I don't know. Mabye that's because he transitioned, I don't know."

"Nono. The Fright Zone is for the Horde. The Whispering Woods is where the Princess Rebellion was based out of," she says to Niji, like the correction matters. She tries to slowly reach out to place a hand on Niji's shoulder. She is good at being comforting, surprisingly, giving a small squeeze. "Hey, I...wanted to tell you this stuff eventually, anyways, 'cause you seemn nice. I need nice. But...I won't bring it up again if you prefer that..."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown just gave a soft sigh and nodded. "Indeed. I'd actually like to scan you after anyway. I'm attempting to make a baseline I can use to help figure out what is going on in this world. As for why it's delayed or doesn't... happen. I couldn't say yet. Where I come from, age does not affect it in this manner. The weird... memory thing isn't an issue." He held out his staff and began to scan, but then paused. "... Wait, a villain?" he asked. "What's a final fantasy?"

After a minute he let out a soft sigh. "Niji-san. Your linker core is empty. So... I'm afraid you're not magical. But... there is some good news." He reached out, a hand on her shoulder. "My suggestion? Go lay down and close your eyes. In a little bit you'll likely wake up and all of this will just be a dream, or completely forgotten. You may live your life, without fear or worry of such things. We have it under control."

He'd then turn to Amy, before scanning her. Then blinking. Pausing. Scanning her again. Then... Doing it a third time. The. Hell? What? The hell? That? It? What? How? What? Why? What? "Your... linker... core... is... strong and... healthy..." he said. There was DEFINITELY something else they needed to talk about. "We should... talk... later..." Oh, THAT wasn't ominous or anything.

... How was a linker core OUTSIDE her body?! Was it artificial? Was that possible? Right, just... roll with it.

"Both of you need to be more careful. If someone isn't magical... trying to force them to understand the magic can be destructive. It can cause them physical harm. If they do not remember, please do not try to force them. And do not tell them horrible stories of it, either," he said, glancing to Amy.

"There is a very real chance you could wipe out a part of their mind attempting to force such memories on them."

Then looked to Adora. "Would you mind if I scanned you as well? This... world... oh... it is likely far, far different from the world you know. The magic here works literally entirely different from the world as far as the known universe of my people. So... I wouldn't expect all the rules you once knew to still apply."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Niji paused and looked up at Adora. "Maybe it's just... a lot? All at once?" she suggested. "Like. I just... met all of you. And now you're all telling me there's all of this stuff. You could probably like... stand to drip feed a girl. You know? like... you don't play your first game of Baseball at the Championship, you know? You like... work up to there." She says. "So like. I don't... think I'd want to not know this so much as maybe it would have been nice to have been eased in?"

    And she smiled at Adora. "So like. If I forget, you can just come find me. Say hi? I mean..." she tugs idly on her ponytail. "... it's not magic but it's pretty distinctive? The whole point is like. To be able to pick me out. So you should be able to remind me. Cause like... you're pretty cool. Even before I knew any of this. So if I don't know you later, that would be like... not awesome. So if you remember and I don't, at least say hi and let's do the friends thing again anyways?" she asked, smiling a bit and tilting her head. "Maybe without the overload, though. But... I do think I'd want to know. If I can."

"Yeah. It's um. Actually a little hard to keep my mind on it all? Like... it's like... ummm. Picking up a ball covered in mud and it's slippery. Like it doesn't want to be in your hands? That's how my head feels. Fuzzy n' Slippery." she notes. "So I bet... I prolly won't remember stuff when I wake up." She looks at Adora. "So you gotta be the one who remembers."

Linker cores, magic, witches, it's all just so crazy. Like she fell asleep playing a video game and had a dream about it. A really weird video game.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "He doesn't look like a Final Fantasy villain!" Amy looks at Chrono. "...Okay, yeah, he kinda does. Did you pick your costume, or...?" She looks back at Niji. "Wait, you got a letter too?"

    Then to Adora. "Wait, so only *Earth* is suppressing magic for adults? What the hell??? That's kind of unfair! Is someone like, *hiding* or *stealing* it from us here?! ...Is that who we're gonna end up fighting? Is there some crazy God or Super-Witch thing and this IS Final Fantasy?!"

    And then she realizes Adora said something else that makes her look over. "...Wait, it's gender-specific? Is there a reason there's more Magical 'girls'? But then... if he was really a boy..."

    Whispering Woods now. Amy mutters, 'That sounds like a Kirby level...'

    And then Chrono explains she could have *harmed* Niji's memories. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!" She hugs Niji. "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I only wanted to be honest..."

    She blinks. "Letters... I need to go check something!" She reaches for her lack of pockets, "Argh, *why don't girl clothes have cargo pockets?!* Umm, I gave Adora my room number, my phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx, we gotta talk later!" She runs off.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora frowns when she hears about Niji forgetting, or that knowing might hurt her. "I...don't know what baseball was, but okay. Fair. Sorry, I...just hadn't had anyone to talk to about this stuff since I got here and...kind of unloaded. That wasn't fair to you." She lets go of her shoulder. "Deal," she says with a smile.

She glances over to Amy, then. "I don't know. Back home magic is...really kind of everyday. And then the Princesses have a lot of Magic. But...magical -stuff-, or what this world considers magical...is all around. Like I said: beast people, monsters, all of that stuff. Heck, my girlfr-....Catra is a beastfolk. A cat girl. Fur, tail, cute ears. Fangs." She furrows her brow, then. "Prince Peekablue. He was assigned female at birth but transitioned. Not...unusual where I come from. People are allowed to be comfortable with who they are. I...am not a magic-ologist so I don't know how it relates to his powers, I guess. Sorry."

And then Amy is gone! She turns to Chrono and furrows her brow before nodding. "...Sure? Dunno what you'll find, though."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown sighed and gave Niji a small nod. Perhaps it would go better... if they did it slowly. They could see what he'd already learned the hard way. You couldn't force it. No matter how desperately you wanted, needed to. Though he urked when she said her girl friend was... a cat girl... Nope. No. Please no. "As far as I know, magic isn't gender specific. That'd be... weird."

He looked to Adora and nodded. "Where I come from magic is everyday as well. It's... everywhere. Our ships run on it, our devices. Tools. I..." Then he sighed. "Do I really look like a villain? This is a standard enforcer uniform."

He held his rod to her and... then blinked a few times. Welp. Okay then.

"Actually, your magic isn't... much different from mine. Your linker core is quite strong, however. Different from mine, but strong. Princess of Power indeed," he said. "Harnessed through a device. Where I come from, I could do magic even without a device. However, in this world I find I struggle without henshining at all first. It's... a challenge at times."

He then softened his gaze towards her. "I... know I'm not from the same world as you. But our stories are not that dissimilar in that regard. I understand that fear, that doubt, that confusion. But trust me. There are still allies, friends, to be made here. And I don't know how many worlds you've been to... but... I'll help you where I can. And I'm not the only one. So as terrible as it has been up to now..." He sighed and then his eyes lowered, though that smile didn't waver. It was just them...

"I know how it can feel. Being the only alien... on a world where nobody... seems to know anything you see as commonplace. How... scary it can be. And if you need someone to unload to, and tell your story to, and explain things?"

"... I've been lucky enough to have people I could share things with. I, and others, can help you with that as well. No matter how strong you think you have to be for the sake of everyone else, it doesn't change the fact none of us can do this alone. No matter how powerful you are."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
"As long as I know that we'll still be friends... I don't have to worry about the rest." Niji said after an incredibly long pause. "I don't know anything about this world, these worlds, that the two of you are talking about... but I think I'd still like to know you. Both of you. If you're fighting you need friends. And I can do that much, right?" she asks with a smile. "Be a friend! I'm good at that."

"Maybe not your magical friend, but... if you two are aliens on this world, and as lost and trapped as Harlaown-kun says? Then... make sure you find the girl with the rainbow hair. Because I know where the best sweets are. I can be your friend that helps you figure out the nonmagic stuff. I'm... not from another world, but I am new here, and it's hard to connect when you're new. I've had a hard time, too. So if you don't come find me for you, find me for me!" She says. And she gives that last smiling, very Niji thumbs-up. And at that point she leans back.

"Yeah... sleep sounds nice. I'm going to go rest. But I better hear from you soon, Adora, Harlaown-kun." she says, as she starts to slip off the bleachers. "It's a little much right now. Remember. Stretch before practice, practice before the game, and that's how you win!" she says, repeating a sort of sport mantra as she starts to loaf off towards her room, still holding her head. Assuming, of course, they let her go.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She looks down at her chunky bracelet and nods. "Back home I'd had my Sword destroyed and I'd learned how to summon it from within myself but...that changed when I came here. I became...um...I need the sword here. Well, bracelet now, but I can turn it into whatever. Rope, shield, sword. But yeah." Adora glances up from the bracelet, and down into the boy's eyes as he levels with her. She nods, finally. "just knowing I'm not the only person from elsewhere or with powers...helps. Seriously."

She then looks to Nijin. "Hey, when I find you...after this? I'll slip all this info in slowly...and you can teach me about whaytever video games and movies and anime are. I'm tired of just being confused about stuff -all the time-...deal?"

She smiles softly to Niji's words and then nods. "Oh, and you have to show me that shop that sells that stuff. The sweets? yeah. I should...get some sleep, too." She looks to Chrono. "I'll see you around, I'm sure."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown nodded and then sighed. Well, this had... not gone where he expected. Not at all. "There are a few others, from off world. I don't... know how much they're trying to understand all this, though. Or... how..." He trailed off, looking unsure. "... If you would like to talk, we could."

"... I sometimes train with device users outside the city. We could spar if you like, discuss our worlds and I could help give you some pointers on how to survive here without going insane."

Then he blinked. "Oh... can you fly as... ummm... Princess of Power? Cause if not, I have a spell for that."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"I'm in Room XXX," she tells Chrono. "That was a lot of balled up emotions I really need to sleep off. Like I said, I hadn't been sleeping well with the whole...love of my life being an villain all over again thing...but soon. Okay?"

She smiles to Chrono and offers him a wave, not bothering to attempt a bow again. She rolls a muscled shoulder and turns, making her way on out and back to her room. One hand idly brushes across the chunky bracelet on her wrist.

Mabye things won't be so bad here. But Catra...oh...oh, Catra.