1241/One Hell Of A hound

From Radiant Heart MUSH

One Hell Of A hound
Date of Scene: 07 March 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: If you could wish to be with those you loved forever, would you...?

Three inseparable pups find a Jewel Seed and make the same wish at the same time. It does not end well.

Cast of Characters: Fate Testarossa, Bow, Rashmi Terios, Zephyr Windstar, Takashi Agera, Chrono Harlaown, Nanoha Takamachi
Tinyplot: Jewel Seeds

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    "Bardiche... Send a message to Agera."
    "... We have some free time. ... I know it's rare. Maybe he'd like to do something.
    [YES SIR.] Fate's faithful Device replies as it pings a one TAKASHI AGERA, inviting him out for a picnic at the park.
    Fate is seated on a park bench with Arf at her side. The red-haired wolf woman fusses with the smaller blonde, clearly worried about how Fate usually overworks herself but. Well. She kind of can't complain if the girl is taking at least SOME TIME now to be social and relax a little.
    It's a fairly nice day all things told... People come and go with on their usual daily business as Fate and Arf take the time toe relax...
    "You know there's a dog park, nearby, Fei~to." Arf points out.
    "Mm. Did you want to go? I thought you would have preferred your worlf form for that."
    "Y-yeah! Well I mean! No, it's just that-"
    "You just wanted to frolic." Fate catches on.
    Three small puppies come bounding up to the park bench.
    "... Cute..." Fate murmurs as Arf kneels down so the pups can sniff her.
    "Huh. Their collars say 'Rex', 'Fido', and' Buster'. ... Yeah pretty cute."
    Oh yeah it's just a really nice day. Like super nice.

Bow has posed:
<This number is not accepting text messages from you.>

Bow was still staring at that message as the Etherian teen walked the park. He's not sure exactly what he said to Adora to cause her to cut him off like that, but the frustration is more visible on his face. A small noise as he shoves the phone in is pocket. "At least I have the tech pad, so I can still track the runestone." he murmurs to himself.

Dressed down in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt with sneakers, he was using the running trail of the park to try to clear his head and gather his thoughts . And while he had no idea what step was going to happen next, it seemed more and more likely that he will need more than himself to bring the wayward Champion home.

His feet press against the concrete of the path, just as he enters the main park area where Fate is relaxing with the various pups, no headphones or the like.

"I'll figure it out and apologize to her later." he finally rationalizes.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
It's starting to get warmer, but it's still very much sweater-and-leggings weather if one intends to take a walk in the park. Which with the end of the school year fast approaching, and magical issues and concerns beginning to spring up like weeds, Rashmi finds it *extremely* welcome to invite Chrono for a leisurely stroll. They can even talk shop, and bring each other up to speed on what's happening!

"...So it sounds like Adora-chan's *still* infected," Rashmi sighs as she laces her fingers with Chrono's. "And between everything Bow-kun said, and what happened to you... I'm kinda worried that this is gonna be the 'wear her out until she can't move and *then* purify' kind of situation."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    It's nice days like this that a certain giant foreigner brings her mobile soda cart along to the busier places to drum up business.

    Today is no different.

    Despite the mild chill of spring still in the air, Jan Ken Pop is represented by its front girl Zephyr Windstar. She's hawking out various sodas, all branded to Jan Ken Pop, save for some few brand name energy drinks for those seeking them.

    The tall brunette's bracelet glints in the light as she moves, and she answers the few queries about it as being 'traditional accessories from her homeland'.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi Agera has sort of been able to breathe a sigh of relief, given that Hotaru is no longer at the forefront of his mind. Now he can get back to projects - and get back to the rest of his group.

    It's as he's leaning over an obnoxiously complex bit of magical machinery that his device notifies him of a message. Fate wants to do something? And it's something that's not work? It's so rare he wonders if it's kind of a distress signal, but whther it is or if she's really just found room to breathe herself, he absolutely puts what he's doing back behind its glass case, and gets ready to head out.

    And Takashi arrives via Door and walking just in time to see Fate playing with the puppies. "Oh, it doesn't look like you really need a rescue at all, Fate-chan. That's good. I was worried - because you never seem to relax like this." Takashi admits, walking up.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown was wearing the bomber jacket Rashmi had gifted him before. Because, well... it was a gift from her. And frankly? He rocked it well. Fenyx was out and about, doing more investigations while he worked.

This was a good time for him to talk shop with his assistant, as it were. "Indeed. On the upside, with the right magical applications, we won't need to fully knock her unconscious. But, considering her strength... it may require that anyway. It might be possible to get her to see reason if we can purify her enough.... but the way it twists your mind may make her resistant to even letting us purify her." It was going to be a struggle regardless, it seemed.

"We may need multiple purifiers, even. If for no other reason than, well... she is quite powerful. Holding her still long enough to purify her won't be easy. However..." He tapped the air and sent something over. Scans? "Having scanned Bow, Catra and Adora... I think they're... all quite a bit different. Look at these readings. They're compatible, species wise. But also... there's more variation than I would have expected if they're both from the same world."

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi is at the park today with Yuuno, not looking for jewel seeds or worrying about dark energy infected friends today, just living in the moment, she was having a picnic with the ferret. Today she was alone, since the last time she had a picnic with her friends, a giant cat showed up.

She fed Yuuno a tiny bit of sandwich as she hummed on her blanket.

It was gonna be a good day. Nothing could go wrong today!


Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Indeed, it's such a pleasant day. So by the time Takashi arrives, Fate and Arf are busy entertaining their small puppy visitors.
    "M-mm..." Fate replies at first. "Arf wouldn't let me hear the end of it if I didn't take a day off." Considering how hard she pushes herself, the girl probably realy needed it. "I just thought it would be nice to have someone else along, as well. And I know you also work very hard..."
    Really when it comes down to it, Fate is a pretty thoughtful girl.
    But it seems the puppers have had their fill, and with a trio of little yips they bound off to return whence they came.
    Until one catches sight of something shiny within a bush. A tiny bark gets the attention of the other two and the three puppies dart into the bushes!
    That's when things take a turn.
    See, as it just so happens, little Rex, Fido, and Buster find something they should not have found. Something small, blue, and full of hope and promise...
    And power.
    There's a sudden chime- an audible distortion of the air as a very large source of magical power suddenly activates.
    In an instant Fate and Arf are on their feet.
    "No way-- seriously? On our day off? I wanted walkies!" Arf whines, irate.
    "... I'm sorry Agera-san. It looks like we won't be relaxing very much today..." Fate says remorsefully as she shifts into her Barrier Jacket with a flare of golden light.
    It's a good thing she does, as the brush erupts suddenly with the *massive* form of a snarling canine the size of a city bus, with three snapping heads.
    "... Uh." Arf says. "That's a *big* doggie..."
In an instant Fate is taking aim with Bardiche, and the dog snarls as she starts peppering it with electrical energy and golden glowing bullet shots.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"...Huh," Rashmi says, looking over the report. While she hasn't *quite* learned enough to fully grasp the finer technical details, Nicomachea has taught her enough about analysis to understand the broad strokes. "That *is* weird... ...Wait, am I reading this right? Cos it looks like the biggest deviation is--"

*C H I M E*

"...Oh boy," Rashmi sighs.


"...Oh, *boy.*"

With a heavy sigh, she brings Chrono's hand up to give it a quick kiss before she lets go, and in a flurry of golden light, adopts her henshin. "Nicomachea, ping every Device user in the area. We--"

Rashmi turns, staring up, and up, at the titanic canine. "...We're gonna need a bigger bone."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
< Chief! > chimes Tenraikaze urgently, as the Jewel Seed triggers and a Very Big Doggie shows up, with three heads.

    Zephyr sighs, and tugs the coin-like Standby form off her bracelet as she rounds her cart and starts moving. "Right. Are those who I think they are?" she asks, as her Barrier Jacket flashes into place, and the coin expands out into its battle-ax shaped Gale form.

    < Think so Chief. Opening comm channels. TELEPATHY. >

    <Enforcer Harlaown, I think we have a Jewel Seed.> she transmits, before kicking off the ground with the spinning blades of her Flutter Fan spell spiralling into existence.

    She takes aim herself, though its to direct a fusillade of light motes that form around her, before snapping off with rifle-shot like reports. < Impulse Barret! >

Bow has posed:
Well, that seemed to be seredipitous. As he was passing through the park area, Bow spotted Rashmi and Chrono and sped up before he came to a halt near them. "Chrono, Rashmi!" he calls out to the two, making his way over to the pair, hands on his knees as he holds up a finger. Huff. Huff. "One moment!"

Finally, he catches his breath and takes out his phone, showing them the blocked message for his 'Adora Rainbowfist' contact. "I was talking to Adora in text earlier, and she suddenly blocked me. I don't know why. I was telling her about a movie I saw with time travel and the guy nearly erased himself from experience because his mother was attracted to him. Which ... makes no sense now that I think about it." He actually looks hurt by this, complete with a little lip quiver and confused and hurt expression that makes his eyes seem like they're going to fill with tears at any moment. "I was just out here working the problem... but I think she's getting worse." the dusky teen offers with a frown as he straightens up and back to his full height. "I can still find her... but..." it's clear he's worried. He's probably came to the same conclusion that they have.

And he was about to get into that when there's a noise. And a much a larger noise, and there is a massive cerebus that has decided to make it's presence known. There are a lot of weird animals in Etheria, but, this is not Etheria. A glance from the three headed creature to the others and his expression of concern is replaced with a look around to find a place to switch out. "...t-that is not native to here, is it?" he asks, a half-step backwards.

And as Rashmi chimes and henshins, Bow follows suit, the armor and bow and quiver showing up as he swaps forms as well. "Bigger bone?" he asks Rashmi. "There's animals that big here??" An arrow is drawn and fired, aimed for the furtherest right head.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi laughs. "I see, so the way to get you to take at least a little care of yourself is through Arf, huh. I'll remember that." he says. And then all hellhound breaks loose. Takashi's up, at the same time as Arf and Fate. "It's fine, at least we're already here. There's only like 21 of these, right? Every one we get is closer to success." Fate's already on it, which means Takashi Agera has time to back away for a moment, and go through his own henshin sequence; returning as Riventon.

    <GEFANGIS DER DUNKLEN MAGIE.> (Dark Magic Prison) calls Riventon's device, and the purple energy spreads throughout the area. The dog isn't going anywhere, and the fight will be in Riventon's belkan barrier today. "Let's do this quick before others show up." But already, Axion is warning of others. "...nevermind. Get ready to fight more than the dog. Dogs? Whatever."

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi gets a ping from Raising Heart and soon, Yuuno as a Giant Three Headed Dog appears over the foliage over there somewhere. "Those are very big dogs."

"Dog, there's one."

"Are you sure it isn't three close together?" asks Nanoha. Yuuno thumps a paw to his face.

And soon there's a strange barrier in place and Nanoha Takamachi is transforming into her barrier jacket, booking it in the direction of the giant dog.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown found himself with three situations. The first, once again having his 'leisure time' taken by work. Second, his girlfriend managing to impress him with her diligence. Already on the ball, he had his card in hand and was henshined a moment later, in tune with Rashmi. Third... A reference he didn't get.

<< Definitely a jewel seed, >> Chrono said over the telepathy line. << Zephyr, focus on opening and maintaining communications with all relevant parties. Some don't have access to our magic. >>

He then glanced to Bow and shook his head. "No, it's not from here."

Unfortunately, the distractions cost him... as he found himself in a strange barrier before he'd put his own up. "Of course... Riventon," he said, sounding a bit annoyed. However, while most of them were focusing on giant dog... there was something smaller and yellow that caught his eye. Something far more deadly.


Fortunately, Nanoha was on her way and...

<< Rashmi, Zephyr, Bow, support Nanoha, secure the jewel seed. Keep Fate and her Familiar suppressed, capture if you can. I'll handle Riventon. His presence near Fate always seems to amplify her abilities. >>

            <<Stinger Move!>>

He was enveloped in a blue light... And then he took off, disappearing in a blue arrow.

And Riventon would have about a moment to realize something was coming at him before Chrono was just THERE!

            <<Impact Cannon!>>

Short range, rapid fire blast to try and send him hurtling, then moving to follow him! "Picked up a few new tricks, Riventon-san?" he asked with a smile.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    That. That sure is a big dog.
    Thankfully though Riventon raises a barrier, which means there won't be very much collateral damage when the dog goes on its inevitable rampage.
    That is happening now, by the way.
    Because no sooner than Fate starts shooting it two of the three heads snarl enraged.
    Then the left head snarls, enraged, after lagging a bit.
    It looks a little out of it. But that's neither here nor there as others leap into the fray.
    "... We were here first." Fate points out, cold and a little annoyed.
    "SERIOUSLY!" Arf snaps. "We were just *trying* to have a nice day!"
    At least Takashi is right. There are only 21 known Jewel Seeds. If Fate can get this one, her mother will be pleased...
    Bow snaps off a shot, his arrow swift and unerring, pelts into the beast's right head, earning a howl of fury as the cerberus beast turns its attention to him... And. Uh.
    It's going for Bow, snapping and snarling, gnashing teeth with intent to repay his violence in kind.
    "... I'm pretty sure it's three dogs really close together to make one big one." Arf does comment to Yuuno and Nanoha.
    "Arf." Fate chides her Familiar for fraternizing with The Rival.

Bow has posed:
Chrono: Rashmi, Zephyr, Bow, support Nanoha, secure the jewel seed.
Bow: Hold my ramune.

The arrow strikes. Which is exactly what Bow wanted the arrow to do. But now, all three heads are focused on him and he's looking like that big bone that Rashmi was talking about earlier.

"Hoo boy..." he squeaks, already starting to take steps back, dropping arrow after arrow in rapid fired shots towards the dog as it comes lopping towards him. "I got it's attention!" he yelps, immediately turning and taking off in a sprint, pretty sure the creature is going to be hot on his heels.

Think, Bow, think! He tries to come up with a plan to try to handle the situation - but hey, Rashmi and Zephyr can pick up the slack, right?

Otherwise, he's a chew toy.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    <I'm not exactly equipped to be a comm's hub, but I'll do what I can.> Zephyr shoots back. She spots Fate at about the same time Chrono does. <I could pin down the yellow blur if need be.>

    She's then seeing the giant doggo going for the one Non-Devicer in the group and moves to intercept. < Blitz Move. Rampart Aegis! > announces Tenraikaze, as the fans around Zephyr's ankles spin up and she bolts in a straight line to skid to a stop in front of Bow.

    She holds out her right hand, and an interlocking shell of purple hexagonal plates. She grunts in effort as those jaws clamp down on her defensive barrier, teeth causing small cracks to appear in the plates they impact. "Move it, archer boy!" she says over her shoulder out loud. "PARRY!"

    < PARRY BURST! > announces the Device with a resonant chime, the energy absorbed by the Aegis spell being re-directed back at the offending source.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon didn't realize - but Axion did. A little late, admittedly - Riventon's armored barrier-cloak still took the brunt of the damage, but Axion's hastily thrown Defensor mitigated some of it. So instead of going a block away, he just got kicked back about half a football field before he righted himself in mid air. "You couldn't be on the outside of a barrier for like, just one of these, could you?" Riventon asks.

    <<SORRY, MEISTER.>> Axion stated, in regards to not catching Chrono's incoming attack before it was too late.

    "Don't worry, Axion, it's why I wear armor." Riventon tells his device, and then turns to look at Chrono. "What are you doing always getting in my way for? Why are you even collecting these? You know this world is awash in magic, you're not going to be able to seal it all away in your annoying evidence box or wherever. Plus, look, twintails over there is adorable, I don't want to see her sad!"

    A runic traingle erupts underneath him and he outstretches his hand towards Chrono.<<SCHATTENSCHLAG>> (Shadow Strike) calls Riventon's device, and in addition to the usual orb of dark energy that turns into a focused blast of inky energy headed Chrono's way, there's a runic focusing band around his wrist too that wasn't there before, and the beam is much more focused - and comes out faster - that it has in their past encounters. "Go play space cops and robbers somewhere else, short stuff." he says. He's watching Chrono, but his Device is also keeping an eye on all of the other combatants. His other hand is collecting another orb of Dark Energy.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
"See, three dogs, sitting close to one another." says Nanoha to Yuuno. Yuuno ignores this and rides on Nanoha's shoulder as she looks over to Arf. "Hey aren't you..." Yuuno trails off.

"Oh!" goes Nanoha as Bow gets the big three headed dog's attention, taking to the air, finally , as she catches up, and grips Raising Heart. Firing off a series of Shot Barrets through the air towards the beast, trying to get it's attention now.

"Hey pick on someone your own s---"


"Pick on someone ten times smaller than you!" the girl says boldly.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"On it!" Rashmi calls as Chrono leaps to occupy Riventon. For herself, she lunges up into the air to get a better view of the battlefield.

<< *BONG!* >> << TELEPATHY >>

<< Hi Nano-chan! >> comes Rashmi's voice in Nanoha, Bow, Chrono, and Zephyr's minds. << We will be your support for the day! Bow-kun's like a real superhero by the way, he has *trick arrows.* ...Which reminds me, Bow-kun, do you have any more of those sticky arrows? Because peanut butter in a dog's mouth will occupy it for *hours,* wanna see if that works here too? >>

As Nanoha's Shot Barrets streak toward their mark, the redheaded Device Mage grins. << And while we're at it... >>

<< *BONG!* >> << DELTA BARRET -- BOOST UP >>

A trio of wispy golden foxfires resolve into view, and steak toward Raising Heart, Tenraikaze, and Bow's nameless bow. << Bow-kun, it'll only last for a little bit, but it'll put *more* power behind your shot, >> she says by way of explanation.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown just smiled to Riventon. He didn't... like... leaving the others to deal with the jewel seed. But well. Nanoha had the firepower. Rashmi had the tacticle know-how. Bow was new, but obviously experienced. Zephyr was a fellow enforcer. And Yuuno was a decent familiar.

"I'm afraid not, Riventon-san. I just couldn't pass up a chance to match devices with you again. You're right, though. This world is awash in magic. But some things just shouldn't be tampered with."

Once again, the battlefield was being laced with binds...

Then the beam was coming at him.

            <<Subzero Boundary!>>

His hand flicked out, ice forming in front of him, a barrier spreading out and enveloping the blast, spreading down it...

And, for a moment, the ice stopped. Apparently he didn't have the oomph to block and go all the way down the blast... And after a moment, the ice was pierced by the blast! Hitting... nothing?

He didn't have enough to go down to the base. Which was why, when there was enough ice to hide him from view, he'd stopped the spell, diving down and then out, from below and...

            <<Blaze Cannon!>>

Launching a cyclone of fire up at Riventon once he was within range!

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    It's as the massive dogbeast barrels down on Bow that Zephyr interposes herself between the monster and the bow wielding youth... And those gnashing teeth are stopped short, chomping and snapping at the Enforcer's shield. Two of the canine heads are in a frenzy, trying to tear into Zephyr now while the third uh.
    It just kind of chills with its tongue lolling out.
    That must be Buster.
    Regardless, Nanoha comes in shooting and with a growl the cerberus DOES shift its attention, all three heads turned towards the tiniest artillery platform.
    They're going to go after Nanoha and they stop JUST short of gnashing teeth at her---...
    Only for the leftmost head to just kind of reach over at her and...
    Nanoha will find herself harmlessly coated in dog slobber as Lefty lolls its tongue out with a big ol' dog grin.
    Fate... Pauses.
    That was kind of cute and she's not jealous at all.

    <<Riventon... I'm sorry. I hate to leave Harlaown to you. Do you mind?>>

    She has to focus on the Jewel Seed. And that's why there's a sudden large pillar of golden light slamming into the big dog to make it stagger and yelp.

Bow has posed:
As he's running, Bow sees the blur of Zephyr arrive, yelling at him to move it. Like he needed any further encouragement as he watches the shields that the young woman is springing to life take the brunt of the damage. There's a sympathetic wince, but she seems alright, so for the moment, he's focusing on how he can assist and it hits him.

As Nanoha arrives, calling out the cerebus and just starts raining down magical bullets among the flanks of the creature. "Be careful!" he yells out needlessly. Nanoha needs to be the careful one??

Every day he's here, he's wondering more and more what type of world he's exactly found himself trapped in.

Or this could just be some fevered hallucination back on Etheria and he's making all this up.

At least until Rashmi calls out to him and he nods firmly. "Apparently I have them at will now. STICKY ARROW!" he calls out, the small canister arrow popping from his quiver.

Snatching it out of the air, he spins it about to draw back and nock, sliding along the ground as he bends over backwards.

Drawing back on the string as Rashmi charges his bow, the Etherian archer yells, "Got it!" He's aiming for the middle head - when suddenly, he notices the dog's behaviour towards Nanoha, and that it isn't biting - it's licking.

The... OH GOD THE LIGHT. The pillar slams down into the dog, making it yelp, and Bow's compassion rises. Okay, Rashmi powered up the bow? It can fire further, right? He twists, aiming at the blonde, and the arrow is released with it's payload of green sticky goo is fired at Fate!

It tastes like pistachio.

Don't ask Bow how he knows that.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr's breathing heavily, but takes the distraction from Nanoha and Fate to bring her Device around like a heavy weapon. The blades ratchet away from the crystal and angle as they begin to rotate rapidly. "Dee, tell me you have a lock on the Lost Logia."

    < Coordinates are not specific. Unable to confirm target. > replies the Device.

    "We'll just have to manage. Cyclone Driver!" < SPIN ON!! > She kicks forwards, the blades around her ankles spinning up as the blades of her axe start to trail purple magic, forming a shell of boiling wind magic much like a drill. She flies directly at the cerberus' center of mass, unable to properly lock onto the Jewel Seed to strike it and disrurpt its influence.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi swallows hard. Oh no. Is this how it ends, eaten by a very big dog. (or three dogs very close together? Who knows at this point!) and Nanoha Takamachi gets ready to draw back and defend herself with tremendous force.


And then she gets bodily licked and she cringes in place.

She drips, and tenses as she hovers backwards in the air slowly. "Ewwwwwwww...."

"Ewwwwwwwww." goes Yuuno. Who was on her shoulder.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Bow was supposed to shoot the dog. Bow was *not* supposed to shoot Fate.

All Rashmi can do when she sees the sticky arrow fly up toward the tiny little battlefield terror, is streak down to come to a quick landing in front of the archer, and holds her hands out.

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR SHIELD -- GLACE SHIFT >>

A wide, thick disc of golden light snaps into place, covering both herself and Bow in the shadow it *would* throw if it were made of anything but light. Then, with a screeching *CRACK,* the Shield becomes a shallow cone of crystal-like ice. And all Rashmi can really do is hope her Shield doesn't ablate *too* quickly under the force of Fate's lightning.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon's blast rips through the ice shielding and into where Chrono was - and where Chrono isn't now - and Takashi has lost track of the boy for a moment.

    <<Smug Defensor>> Calls Axion, and the barrier erupts beneath him much earlier, in time to catch the fire blast, and earlier enough Riventon's Round Shield can be directed downwards to catch anyhthing else. <<Not Again, Kid.>>

    Riventon rushes towards Chrono, Dark Energy dripping off his hand and making the tips of his fingers seem more like claws as he swipes down at Chrono. He's expecting to hit shield though, and he intends to follow through by shooting past and getting back to the main fight.

    <<If we weren't flying I could just leapfrog him. Trying to get back there to you.>> Riventon tells Fate telepathically.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown couldn't help but admit it. Maybe some of that smugness was well deserved. On the other hand, that attack of his was both fast and powerful. The fact the device was able to shield it at all was pretty impressive.

Takashi's claws were coming at him and--

He didn't shield. Instead, he lifted his device up and twisted! The claws slashed down and grazed across his device, he twisted, the dark energy claws slashing across his arm while he lifted up and--

KICK! No magic. Just a kick. Was Hannah training him?!

            <<Stinger Blade!>>

Oh, of course. Kick followed by five spinning swords that spun once, then launched on his position!

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    So Nanoha just got licked. That happened.
    The worst part of this is that despite being a giant three headed monstrosity, the RexFidoBuster still has SUPER rank puppy breath. But at least the left head, which seems to be the most chill of the three, is in enough control for the moment that the dogbeast doesn't go on the assault again. For the moment. It's only a matter of time before one of the other heads takes control but for now... The massive thing shifts its attention and noses curiously at Rashmi before Zephyr lays into it with enough force to bowl it over. The cerberus beast yelps and topples, coheshion beginning to fade visibly. One more good hit should split the pups back into three and reveal the Jewel Seed as...
    Bow takes aim. Fate's attention shifts at the last second.
    IT takes every ounce of the girl's speed and reflexes to react as she jinks; the trick arrow's sticky payload soaring at her.
    To Fate's own perception, it's as though time slows... She weaves, the nasty slimy substance grazing by her in passing as--
    There's a horrified canine whine.
    Fate dodged.
    Arf did not.
    And with her Familiar taken out of the fight, Fate sets her sights sorely on Bow, a grim expression crossing the blonde's face.
    [SCYTHE FORM.] Bardiche declares.
    Like a blue of black and red, she streaks across the distance separating her and the bow-wielding youth.
    "... Stay out of my way." She warns, voice ice cold.
    The truth is, though, Fate Testarossa is a gentle girl who doesn't want to hurt a soul.
    But in this moment, for the sake of her mother's desire, Fate Testarossa hardens her heart.
    [SCYTHE SLASH!] Bardiche buzzes as she intends to try and cleave through Rashmi's shield, Rashmi, and into Bow.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi is just holding up that ice-augmented Shield, hoping against hope that it'll hold against whatever towering magics come her way. But what she *didn't* expect was for Fate to register her displeasure in person.

The scythe comes out.

Fate charges.

Time seems to slow to a crawl, as Nicomachea takes the moment into his own metaphorical hands.

    << *BONG!* >> << RED SHIFT >>

And just as Fate's lightning scythe starts to arc down, the cone of golden ice starts to.... glitch, as its framework is changed on the fly. Grows fuzzier, less distinct.

Then the blade makes contact.

The shield shatters with the barest of touches, but underneath the topmost layer of the Shield, all of its energy had been converted to kinetic kickback. The conversion makes the spell vastly less efficient, and it doesn't kick nearly as hard as it could have...

But that's like saying a speeding truck doesn't hit as hard as a speeding *dump*-truck.

It's a matter of degrees, really.

Bow has posed:
What was Bow thinking? That's easy. Fate was hurting the dog. That's just not good. Especially with overkill powers like giant pillars of light. As the arrow misses at the last moment, Bow's eyes go wide, because he's never ever dealt with something like this before.

But now here he is - Fate is bearing down on them. Rashmi, bless her soul, jumps in front of Bow, throwing up an ice shield, intent to cleave it, her, and Bow into kibble for the pups.

As that massive scythe comes down, Bow turns. "ZIP-LINE!" he yells out, another arrow popping up. Drawing back and firing, the arrow sends out a retractable line that smacks into a tree. The end of the rope remains attached to the end of the bow to be withdrawn.

Yanking hard on it, just as the line starts to withdraw, he throws his arm around Rashmi's waist, to yank them both out of the way before Fate's scythe can strike either one of them as he yanks them to the side, trying to pull them both clear. "Sorry, Rashmi!" Because it's totally his fault.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi looks none too happy she has been slobbered and had to deal with rank dog breath today. She watches the dog do. Dog things and then start to fade and loose cohesion. Good.

"DIVINE BUSTER!" calls out Nanoha, Raising Heart lancing out with the magenta beam of light at the dog.

Nanoha and Yuuno are both too wet with dog slobber to care about the amount of dogs anymore.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon expected to hit shield, and then use the solid nature of Chrono's shielding to vault into the fight. Instead, his claws his barrier jacket. If he'd only been a little more focused on actually connecting, he might have grasped the boy and started to drag energy out of him. But instead, it throws him off balance; physically, mentally.

    And then he gets kicked in the face. There's never really a good time to get kicked in the face, but right now, when he's off balance, it staggers him extra hard. Most of the Stinger Blades hit before Riventon gets his shield up - Chrono's casting speed helping him to overcome the almost 2v1 of Riventon and his Intelligent Device to get some strikes in. Riventon goes flying back a little bit from the explosion of smoke and energetic magic debris.

    Once more he rights himself in the air. "You really just want to get all of my attention, huh? You're that hard up for it? Nobody worth fighting on your own damn planet?" he asks. "Alright - Fine!"

    <<PEITSCHENKABEL FORM.>> (Whip Cable Form) Axion calls as Riventon's fingers erupt with solid tendrils of energy that coil together to make a long, almost floating-through-the-air line of radiant purple energy, which he tries to bring down on Chrono, rapidly going in (in a much more Belkan way) towards him and trying to get around his defenses. "I'll just have to break YOU so next time you're not IN MY WAY!"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown tossed his rod to his other hand. The blades had cut all the way through his barrier jacket, causing red lines to be seen through it when the wind blew just right. It wasn't a serious wound, but not one he wanted to agrevate. "I'll be honest, you have proven to be a quite unique challenge in my time here, Riventon-san. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to enjoy these little skirmishes of ours a little bit."

The important thing, however, was till keeping him away from the main fight. Nanoha could take Fate on a good day. And with the others there supporting her? He suspected it'd be a good day. But Riventon had a... habit of causing things to go ways he couldn't predict. Better to isolate the variable.

"Oh, if you wanted me out of your way, why didn't you say so?" Chrono asked. And when the attack came, a barrier DID come up. Just enough to distract... and Chrono dashed to the left, redirecting the attack away... and letting Riventon go past him!

Only to unleash right into his back.

            <<Subzero Blade Tomb!>>

Five blades of ice launched at Riventon's exposed black, aiming to pierce and... if they did, not pierce his defenses, instead shatter and then coat him in quickly growing ice! Ah. Ice binds delivered via blades. Fun.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    A lot happens in a small span of time...
    Fate, singlemindedly in her attempt to eliminate a distraction, lashes out at Rahsmi and Bow... Her scythe connects with Rashmi's shield and in that instant, the blonde realizes the extent of her error.
    The sudden eruption of concussive force *does* hit Fate like a truck.
    Summarily launched backwards, the small blonde is unable to regain control of her newly found momentum until she slams into a tree and blacks out cold from the impact. Arf DOES break free of her sticky prison and scowls, lunging into... Grab Fate.
    Because as Nanoha unleashes a Divine Buster at the three dogs that are standing really close together- they lose cohesion entirely with a series of yips and yaps.
    Reduced to three very confused puppies and inert Jewel Seed, someone might want to deal with that.
    <Riventon! Fate's out cold, let's bail.> Arf makes a tactical decision on her own power to take this moment to retreat.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"It's all right," Rashmi yells over the sheer speed of the grapple line. "You've never fought Fate before! She's *terrifying,* and better--"

Rashmi cuts off, as Fate *slams* into a tree hard enough to have the consciousness knocked out of her, and she winces. "...I did *not* mean for that... Luckily that's the kind of trick that only works once. SORRY!" she calls up in Arf's direction.

Probably the worst part was that she really, really means that.

<< Good work, Nano-chan! Zephyr-san, if you can see the Jewel Seed, seal it! >>

Aaaand Chrono seems to have Riventon well enough in hand. She'll step in if Riventon *doesn't* do the smart thing and retreat with Fate and Arf.

...Fifty-fifty odds, in her estimation.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon - ever with greed as his weakness - takes the path to the main fight as Chrono intended, and eats that attack full force to the back. His barrier jacket is heavy. The opposite of Fate's, it slows him down to provide defense. But that just means the second part of Chrono's attack works, and the ice starts to spread to his body in that binding way.

    <<Oh? Cold, you don't say>> Riventon manages to snark through the telepathic link. <<Get her out of here - I have to bail too. Drop me a text when you know if you're clear. If not, I'll return with backup.>> he tells Arf, and turns to Chrono. "Next time I promise you won't be able to hold me on your own. And I hope you try. I hope so much you try." he says, before shifting sideways dimensionally' and leaving though the Dusk Zone, which causes the Barrier to flicker and return to normal space as well.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr, having kept going from her charge, manages then to arrest her momentum. Sparks kick up from her boots, and she turns back just in time to see Nanoha's Divine Buster break the doggo up and suppress the Jewel Seed.

    She also sees that there's noone really in a position to seal the thing, so she looks at Tenraikaze. "Sealing Mode."

    < Got it Chief. Sealing! >

    Zephyr runs over to the dazed doggos and the inert little blue gemstone. "Ragios, Razgriz, Lethim. I call upon thee, the Great Winds." she begins incanting, the gemstone of her Device pulsing with energy as it fires a thin beam at the Jewel Seed, suppressing the impotent wiggling of its defensive matrix. "Parijium, Gralith, Horaph. I beseech thee... SEAL!"

    The Jewel Seed jolts once, then Tanraikaze chimes. < Sealing Complete! Jewel Seed Number 14. Locked. >

    Zephyr sighs in relief, then kneels down next to the dazed doggos... probably checking them for collars or identifying tags.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown narrowed his eyes on Riventon, waiting for his next move and... it was to leave. He let out a low, gentle sigh.

He'd done it. Riventon wasn't wrong, though. He was getting stronger. But so was Chrono.

... But Riventon would do anything for power. That'd likely be the deal breaker. Next time he might not be able to handle him alone.

He lowered himself down to the ground and started walking towards them.

Running a self diagnostic as he went. Dark energy, yup. He managed to keep it out of his system, at least. But he'd have to get that wound treated.

<< Rashmi, how are your reserves going? Got a healing spell or two in you? It's not much, just a flesh wound. But he almost took my arm with those claws of his. >>

He'd need to adjust things more next time. Not get so close, see what options were available to separate the two...

<< Good job, everybody, on another successful jewel seed. >> Two for them... two for Obsidian.

Bow has posed:
"Yeah, I'm going to have to upgrade... something!" Bow realizes, as he has come into this whole world nicely prepared for Etheria, but not for all of... this. As he cuts off the zipline, he slides along the ground as he twists, yanking out another arrow.

It's drawn and prepare to fire, just as Riventon and Fate seem to be retreating, and he's left there in the pull position, just staring as the Cerebus becomes three adorable puppies... and the whole thing that seems to be causing it all is sealed away... somehow.

He. Has. So. Much. To. Learn.

He looks between the three. Rashmi, Chrono and Zephyr, and asks quietly. "So. Is it always like this?"