Texts: need you lead with mocking laughter

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Texts: need you lead with mocking laughter
Date of Scene: 18 June 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Mamoru texts Kyouka to find out how she's dealing with the Younger Selves Fiasco.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Kyouka Inai

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: lol how's it going

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: need you lead with mocking laughter

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: is this a trick question

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: consider it a request before i move on to physical reminders :).

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: hahahahaha

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: did you want something or are you just bugging me because you think its funny?

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'm actively wondering how it's going. have you found your problems yet?

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: they're not exactly hard to find. the problem is more what to do about them.

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: can you knock em out and shove em back through the door?

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: how the fuck am i supposed to knock them out? in the current set of circumstances they could wipe the floor with fuyuko and i both. they're us at the peak of our powers. well.. maybe not peak. on the ascent, though. and we're us at about 25% of that, and not even the best 25%
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i dont want to ask you or Moon or any of the others to fight them. if you got hurt then i wouldn't forgive myself

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: we'd be fine if we ganged up on them

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: you'd win but i'm not confident you'd be fine. maybe that's hubris but i'm not willing to risk it... yet
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: give me a few more weeks of my rebellious phase breaking museum exhibits and blowing up theme parks and maybe i'll change my mind

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: they can't take my powers so literally i'd make sure everyone was fine after, but ok
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: arent you still in a rebellious phase, you smoke on campus

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i know you think that and you're probably even right but i hope you understand why i dont want to risk it. its not the same as asking you to go fight some world-ending threat. if you or anybody got hurt dealing with this it would be my fault twice over and i dont want that
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: theres degrees, my boy

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: sounds fake but ok

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: what sounds fake

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: they are ultimately your problem, so sure, i will hold off and not convince anyone to help take them out. but i dont want to hear you complaining that it's not funny when i lmao about it since i offered to help and you turned it down. you can make boiling anger faces, those are funny too
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: sounds fake that it would be your fault. i know you think that and you're probably even right

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: look let me put it to you this way. if you suddenly found Darien Shields, with all his anger and his power, running around Tokyo exactly as if it was still a year or two ago, would you be comfortable asking me or Usagi to go fight him for you?
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: its not exactly the same but its close enough

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: its really not close enough, and if i were squishier or less of a dodge tank i might even sit out the fight, but i sure as hell would ask you guys-- among other people, which is *what i am suggesting*-- to fight him
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: anyway you're not gonna convince me you're right and you already convinced me to let it be until it gets out of control
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: but i hope you understand i'm going to laugh at the situation and you

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i just... dont want things to spiral out of control. right now theyre not doing any harm other than to my sanity. they might even be doing some good.. in the way we ever did. obnoxiously, destructively. but people are being saved because of them.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: if i sent my students into danger to stop them just because im embarassed of who i used to be...
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: no. im not ready to do that yet.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: you can laugh all you want, but im not gonna like it

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: fair. i'll keep my laughing confined to when i'm actually faced with them doing something i think is funny
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: it's weird how there seem to actually be *more* rando youma with them around

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: maybe they're just really good at rooting them out. we always had to be- they were harder to find, back when they're from

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: makes sense. also less worrisome than the idea of the background noise having a proportionate response to individual power levels. like what if they caught on to princess serenity, we would never know peace

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i know we are... were powerful, Mamoru, but i doubt that given the sheer number of mahou existing in the world right now the addition of two more, powerful or no, would be enough to significantly shift the scales
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: a ton of feathers still weighs a ton, you know

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: you're annoying but i like you anyway
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: that's how sibling relationships go right?

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: you're even more annoying
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i dont have any blood siblings this time but judging by my experience with fuyuko... yeah, sounds about right

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: good ok. ttyl

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: ttyl punk