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Latest revision as of 07:34, 21 December 2023

Inner Conflict: Stand By Oneself
Date of Scene: 21 December 2023
Location: Juuban Ward
Synopsis: The youkai march on a hospital funded by Obsidian, and Himeko's new body receives its new owner, each with their own obstacles and objections.
Cast of Characters: Pyrite, Mamoru Chiba, Kureha Senkenzan, Usagi Tsukino, Veronica Perenna, Amanda Faust
Tinyplot: Inner Conflict

Pyrite has posed:
    "Hey, Choji-san, what are you?"
    The youkai looked up from where he sat on a boulder, at the top of a grassy hill, surrounded by a sea of trees. "Eh? Where is this coming from?" he asked, blinkg his huge yellow eyes twice, thanks to the extra protective film that kept them moist. He was wearing a discarded kimono, tattered and worn. A treasure for a youkai like himself.
    "I asked Obaa-san about you, and she warned me to stay away. She did not know what you are, when I described you to her. But she still worries. She said that, 'Humans and youkai are not meant to interact so freely'."
    Not knowing what else to say, the youkai stuck out his huge tongue and licked one of his eyes to dampen it further. They dried faster when he was anxious, stressed, or tired, and that made them itch maddeningly.
    "You would not ever hurt me, would you, Choji-san?" the boy asked as he looked up at the youkai, all wide eyes and innocence, and a kind, trusting smile.
    The voice took on an echoing quality, as the child again asked, "Right, Choji-san?"
    Awareness slowly returned to him as he realized he was being shaken gently, and a voice was calling his name.
    "Choji-san. Choji-san." the deep voice of a very large youkai rumbled at him.
    Choji cracked one of his enormous, luminous yellow eyes open as he sat wrapped in a over-sized leather raincoat, and a wide-brim hat. "What?"
    The Ushi-Oni, Bran Yoji, looks down at him from behind bushy facial hair, with close-set eyes. He is wearing a spandex mask to cover most of his face, but allows his moustache and wispy beard to hang free, to help sell the idea that he is in costume. "We are here."
    Opening both eyes, and hopping down from the bench onto the subway train floor with his large, webbed feet, Choji stretches and pops his joints on his rotund little toad-like body. "Finally. It was beginning to smell in here." He looks up and down the train car at the human bodies lying limply on the seats and floor. The train slows to a stop, and a garbled, inhuman screeching echoes over the speaker.
    Choji winces and drives a clawed finger into his ear hole. "Damare...." he mutters. Then the doors open up and down the train. Dozens of youkai begin filtering out of the train into the empty station.
    "It's just like she promised, ne?" pipes a flashy red Karakasa Kozou, a snake-like tongue wiggling in its torn-fabric mouth as it hops up and down. The umbrella youkai keeps bouncing around on its handle, in front of Choji and Bran as they walk through. "Just like she promised! Master Soryuu always keeps her promises!"
    Bran huffed repeatedly as he scented the air. "Hm." he smelled yuki-onna, mostly. The stale scent of humans that has seeped into the very stones. And ice. Lots of ice. That made sense, since they were surrounded by ice statues. Humans trapped inside, most of them caught unaware, in the midst of their activities. A mother leading a child by the hand. A subway worker at a booth arguing with some tourist. High-flying businessmen on the phone, annoyed expressions on their faces, while a homeless man sits hunched against a wall that he has now become frozen to.
    Choji finishes his own look around, as the umbrella youkai keeps chattering away at him. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go, a'ight? I wanna' be back in time for my soap opera."
    The small army of youkai sort themselves out and begin marching up the subway steps. There's a hospital nearby funded by Obsidian. According to Mariko Soryuu, they're doing questionable research in the basement levels.
    Hopefully, they've brought enough explosives.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Being out and about in the city is delicious when generally stuck at the Gates of Time, and WOW does Mamoru ever have sympathy for Sailor Pluto. It's just-- his feet are on the streets of this city on his planet, and he feels like he's where he belongs...

...until there's a massive swelling of dark energy, and his hand tightens around Usagi's. "Jadeite's not this way, but a whole lot of evil is. Let's go!" 'Let's go,' he says, not actually currently having a functional henshin for fighting monsters in.

Half an hour later, going against the flow of traffic (people who move towards explosions, et cetera) and passing overcrowded subway stations, they get to where the air's colder -- and then to where it's actively snowing -- and then to where the street is iced over, including people.

"Gods... damn," Mamoru says, his breath visible in the frigid air, and his free hand takes out his only remaining phone, and he sticks both of their joined hands in Usagi's coat pocket. After biting his glove off, he taps a quick message out to Kureha, then pockets his phone in his jeans and takes his glove out of his mouth. "Himeko's mama does this. There are gonna be youkai around here, and she's inciting them. The people who got frozen last time I saw this -- the ones I didn't get away in time -- were okay once it melted. I just texted Onihime. We should find the epicenter."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Kureha still can't believe herself. Just giving her number to Rashmi was a huge show of trust and a massive stretch of vulnerability on her part. Allowing someone from the magic side of things into her personal life, even in that small amount? Trusting someone like that to be able to interfere with her civilian identity? She's still a little surprised she did that.

    She's even more surprised that she's given her number out to other people since. Not just Veronica, but Shields as well? What was she thinking?

    And yet, somehow, she can't bring herself to be upset at getting two separate texts about a huge mass of ice spawned by Dark Energy. And for once, she's at home, so it's easier for her to slip out... even if it does involve travel time. Being able to cross the skyline does a lot for faster arrivals.

    There's a distinctive crunch as a kimono-clad oni falls down out of the sky onto a patch of ice. Shortly thereafter, a faint steam begins wafting up around her. Onihime isn't radiating heat like she was last time, but she's still warm enough that the ice directly beneath her isn't going to last long. "I am happy to know that at least two people think of me when they need a space heater." Her tone is just dry enough to indicate she's attempting to be humorous. "But regardless. Is the ice woman here? Do we know what the cause of..."

    The Youkai Musume of flames trails off, turning to peer oddly at Mamoru. "...your scent has changed. What has happened to you?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Being out and about, hand in hand with her Mamochan, after all the time they've been spending in the Gates of Time (and every second there makes her squirm on the inside, horror and guilt, the former shared, the latter Serenity's, and it's complicated to think of herself as two people but just as complicated to think of herself as one, so she keeps swallowing it down and trying to ignore it), is amazing.

The air feels crisper. Voices warmer. Traffic and people, wind whistling through leaves, snow falling on ground, it all feels - priceless. Incredible.

Serenity, who had always loved the Earth and its beauty, filled her with awe at the sight of everything she had always thought of as normal.

So even rockhunting with her boyfriend in familiar streets is a spectacular outing.

The Dark Energy isn't great, though.

The frozen street they find when they arrive on the scene, and the people trapped, aren't any better.

"Oh she is so lucky Himeko-chan wants to reunite with her," Usagi whispers, squeezing Mamoru's hand for warmth, keeping him with her tucked in her pocket. Her tension eases when he confirms that everyone will be fine, though her eyes are still filled with concern.

"I've got to transform - do you want my coat?"

This, just before Onihime arrives, and Usagi smiles at the other girl. "We haven't seen her yet, but he says this is definitely her work. We'll just have to stop her!"

As for what happened... honestly, she's a little curious if her scent has changed.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
The Princess of Sarek is keeping an eye on the streets ever since the widespread parade of Youkai by the count of that Yuki-Onna happened some time ago. She isn't really seeing anything like that for now, but the huge dark energy swelling, the abnormal weather and the frozen people? Not good, not good at all.

She could try to break these people out of the ice by moderated lunar flares, at least she is pretty sure she could, she winces observing the ice statues of the people that have been tried to escape. It would be slow work, but better than nothing, right?

The issue that bit her when she imitated Sunbreaker rears its ugly head yet again, namely her complete lack of fire powers. If only she knew someone- actually, she does.

(PHONE) Veronica Perenna texts: Kureha-san, sorry to drop this on you like this, but could I ask you to come? There is this dark energy mass, and we could use a hand in keeping it in check, and lots of frozen people are here too, which sounds just like a job for your fire powers. Please come.

There, that's dealt with. For now, she will make her rounds of statue, trying to delicately break the ice off with her flares.

The fact Mamoru is standing there unaffected is enough of a reason to catch her curiosity, nevermind the fact Usagi is there with him. "Hey, Darien, Usagi, how is it going?" the Princess smiles at them. "That's a terrific timing you have, I am so glad you are here", she adds relieved by their presence, before looking quizzically at them. "There is something different about you two, has something happened?" She can't quite pinpoint why she is saying that, it's odd. "The Yuki-Onna is causing this, huh. That explains the ice, I guess. I hope Himeko is doing well despite that", she adds, remembering the figure that was there at the Hyakki Yagyou.

Then Onihime is there too, and Veronica waves at her. "Sorry for the last minute call, but thanks for coming. Ice magic leaves me quite stumped."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    So, MASSIVE SURGE OF DARKNESS sure is a thing. Magical Rocket Girl Red (Magi Rozzi Puella Rossa?) arrives on the scene to chilliness. Her magical girl outfit is actually more insulating than it looks, but it leaves her head exposed and, also, of COURSE she has to be dressed in an ice blue parka with white faux fur lining and matching boots and gloves. Her weapons all get upsized trigger guards to accomodate the gloves, as she blasts iced people she passes with the salt water countermass from blanks (it's used in some confined space launchers to reduce the dangerous backblast pressure wave, including the confined space version of the AT4 that's the primary inspiration for her weapon's appearance) and then shoots flares by them to try and heat them up a little, although that isn't really great for spreading heat, it's something.

    She makes her way through the area to meet up with the others since human voices kind of stand out in the frozen, people-less silence. "Ice woman? Oh right, you said her mother was a yuki-onna at some point, I think..."

    Amy blinks. "Wait... a yuki-onna did *all this*? We're in the middle of a city, not on some frozen mountainside! How powerful is she... This is... unusual, right? Not just how powerful all yuki-onna are?" She holds one gloved hand to her chin. "Wait, *are* there more than one? Or is she responsible for the myth all by herself...?"

Pyrite has posed:
    "She is at least as strong as I was as a ghost," Himeko says from right behind Amy. All dressed up in a puffy pink coat and black and white skirt with musical notes on it, with black leggings and fur-lined pink boots, Himeko is looking out over all the frozen people (and those thawing), with a small frown. She has seen worse. She has done worse. But it is still not pleasant to witness, let alone know that her own mother is responsible.
    The trenchcoat-and-hat-wearing Choji, the towering Ushi-Oni in the wrestler outfit, a hopping umbrella with an eyeball and jagged 'mouth', and an assortment of other youkai all come up out of the subway station onto the street. There's a hospital across from them. Akamatsu Medical Center. Whether named after the Clan or actually having something to do with that famous samurai family descended directly from Minamoto no Morifusa, it's a prestigious name to have on a hospital.
    So unfortunate it has to fall down now. They march across the frozen street, very few of them having trouble standing, surprisingly, with a few bakeneko with fireworks strapped to their backs being the main ones to slip, fall, and slide the rest of the way to the other side.
    They either haven't noticed the Mahou present, or don't consider them worth their attention. A few seem to be curious about the people being freed from their icy prisons, shivering, cold, weakened, scared, and uncomprehending of their situation, but staring right back at the youkai who march in public view.
    The news has had mentions of youkai sightings consistently for months now. Those sightings are going to increase in number after tonight.
    Himeko eyes the youkai who are hauling barrels of fireworks, very wet sticks of dynamite in the hands of kappa who aren't aware that swimming with explosives in hand renders them useless, and so forth. "...?" she offers in silent inquisitiveness.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"I don't think your coat would fit me, Usako," Mamoru says with a laugh, bending to kiss Usagi's head. "I'm going to... move out of the ice zone, though. Unless you go full Princess, but... are you SURE Himeko wants to reunite with her mother?" He looks wry, and he's already shivering, and he jams his hands in his pockets when Usagi lets go, and he stamps his feet as other people are talking.

"Hey, Onihime-- haha, well, you are a space heater, but also I figured you'd want to know she was causing a ruckus again," Mamoru tells Kureha. And then he grins. "You noticed! No more dark energy. I also got a haircut. Hi, Princess Sarek, Puella Red-- yeah. I mean no, I don't think there's only one yuki-onna, it's just that there's one specific one we've been dealing with, you know? And I think she's getting juiced up from an outside source. And-- 'something happened' all right, but it's a long story. I'm not a villain anymore though. Just really cold."

He shifts a little closer to Onihime. "If I stop talking I'm probably frozen. I really should have thought this through." His hand closes around the pocketwatch in his pocket, and it's warm and bright, and he doesn't know what it really is that's more than a watch -- but it certainly is something. It appeared back in his hand when Kazuo turned into Kunzite... he mouths, 'Earth Power? Earth Day Power? Earth Rock Power? Earth Power Ballad? Earth Prince Power...?' to himself, just checking the feel of the phrases. (None of them feel right.)

He's gotten as far as 'Earth Prism' when Himeko appears behind Amy, and he nearly bites his tongue. "Aaahh! Wait. What. Wait."

He stares at the youkai emerging with fireworks and explosive devices. "WAIT!" he yells suddenly, "THAT'S A HOSPITAL NOT OBSIDIAN TOWER!" Then he says urgently to the gathered mahou, whilst stamping his feet to keep from freezing them, "I told them to rage against late stage capitalism and global megaconglomerates, not hospitals!"

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    "Then I will happily use force to dissuade her from further attacks against innocent bystanders," Onihime replies to Usagi, folding her hands together in front of herself. There's a side glance at both Veronica and Amy, and a nod to each - and to the latter, a gentle shake of the head. "If it were an oni, I might be able to provide more information. But my family records do not include dealings of other youkai, it would seem." She happens to be looking at Amy when Himeko appears, so there's a touch of surprise there. "...you. I remember you from the shrine." A pause. "...'was'? Are you no longer a ghost somehow?" Mamoru gives an explanation, meanwhile, which causes things to make a lot more sense. "Ah. That would explain it."

    Whatever else she might have said, it falls by the wayside - because she's fairly certain she recognizes those youkai. There is no further warning; the Ogre Princess ever so slightly flexes her legs, and then she's vaulting through the air in a high arc that drops her right in front of Choji and Bran. And with a smooth and graceful movement, she draws to a standing posture again, folding her hands together in a demure posture entirely unlike the raw power that her movements demonstrate. "...good evening. It gladdens me to see you are both well after our last encounter. However, I must inquire just what it is you intend with this building. A large number of innocent bystanders would appear to be caught up in all of this ice, and I would be deeply unhappy if you were involved in anything... untoward."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"No, but you could stick your arms in the sleeves and you'd be a little warmer," Usagi explains, huffing a little, and then, a little doubtful, a little bashful, "I don't know if Himeko-chan's Mama walks it off if I go full princess."

Which, she really isn't enthused by that, but she also knows when she goes full princess - when she unleashes the power of the crystal that had come from her, the crystal that tapped into and tamed the power that roiled in her - she was not as in comntrol as she'd been learning to be, these last six months.

It was honestly maybe a problem, because she really, really doesn't want to kill anyone on accident, especially now that people are convinced she's actually a murderer.

And then Himeko is there, adorable and apparently no longer a ghost, and there are youkai marching down the street, and honestly Usagi would like for them to go back to being folklore and tales, instead of troublemakers who show up every week.

"You told them what? Mamochan! You can't try and turn youkai into activists!" How could a bunch of youkai possibly understand the complexities of activism in the modern world, huh? There was only one thing to do:

"Moon Prism Power, Make Up!"

The one and only Sailor Moon has managed to retain her jacket, by virtue of throwing it onto Mamoru's head just before she was through with her transformation.

"Don't freeze! I would be really sad, and you know the most about youkai!"

And then she grabs the Moon Stick and rushes towards the youkai and Onihime.

"You who disrupt people's transit, don't you know it's already cold and gloomy?! These people are innocents trying to use the transit system! It will be innocent subway workers who get the blame for the delays today! Stop what you're doing, and repent, or you'll face the Moon's justice!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Suddenly, Himeko! "That's a really cute outfit!" Amy says, with earnest enthusiasm, suddenly feeling like she should have made her own winter ensemble cuter, somehow.

    That news is sobering, though. "So if you were powerful enough to hide a whole district... She's powerful enough to freeze..." The Puella Magi trails off.

    Anyway, there are youkai! Just out in the open! Right yes mahou shoujo aren't the only magic that's real! And also Hematite--err, Darien? What will he go by, do all -ites have to be evil? Or were they called that before they were evil?--Anyway, the man formerly known as Hematite and possibly still known as Hematite mentions being responsible for this. "You told them to attack late stage capitalism and global megaconglomerates? Smart, using your position with evil to attack what mahou shoujo probably shouldn't... but uh..."

    Amy starts waving her arms and walking towards the youkai (she'd run but: ice), "Yeah hey uh slow down there! I am all for humans and youkai living in peace!" She once spent all weekend searching for the ending to Undertale that would allow humans and monsters to live freely, together. Hopefully doing it for real won't require a bunch of time loops. Mainly because she can't do that, but also because the experience taught her that she'd lose all patience by the third loop. Gods, having to do that would suck.

    "...But you won't get peace by blowing up a hospital!" Amy continues. "It's uh... it's a place where human healers, uh, medicine men, help others!"

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Himeko-chan!" Veronica smiles at the appearance of someone who is no longer a ghost, apparently? The Princess of Sarek is certainly relieved to know that she is well enough to be here. She only knows Himeko had disappeared, but there she is, all good and standing. "You look well, I am glad. Do you know what we should do right now?"

Then Mamoru explains that something has indeed happened, but he isn't a villain anymore. How does that even work, Veronica thinks puzzled. She would think the news would have caused more of a ruckus, but she is glad to be wrong, at least for now. "Welcome to our side then. If you need help with driving off some pesky 'friends' who can't quite accept that, I am always willing to lend a hand."

The Princess of Sarek stares at Usagi up and down when she mentions she is afraid of how Himeko's mom is going to walk off. She remembers how La Crima has turned after her Moon Healing Escalation, and she is attributing Usagi's worry to that, not to the Silver Crystal. "Well, not you know what to do and what not to, so I think you will be able to manage it", she tries to reassure her ally.

Veronica is making her way over to the Youkai to inquire what is it they are up to when she turns back to Mamoru, eyebrows raised. "You told them what? What is the story behind-No, sorry, there is no time for that."

Onihime has started addressing those Youkai too, and that sounds like a good idea, as much as Veronica would like to continue trying to free the people. The things they are carrying look... well, dangerous. "It's ok, we will manage somehow", she tells to her regarding the information she lacks on Yuki-Onnas.

"Hello, Red!" nice to see you here, she greets the fellow magical girl, who also starts talking to the Youkai trying to calm them down. That sounds like a good idea, to do quick.

She looks to the Youkai again and addresses them. "Friends, it seems this is all a huge misunderstanding. I appreciate your willingness to turn your efforts against those that misuse power, but that is just a place of healing, for sick people that need to get better. I am fully sure we could find a more worthy target for your righteous campaign."

Pyrite has posed:
    Choji has an easier time than most stopping when Onihime appears in front of him, thanks to his wide flipper-feet distributing his squat, stocky frame's weight over a broader area. Bran just breaks up the ice as he walks, without even trying, and some of the smaller youkai are using his footprints as kind of reverse stepping stones. Stepping holes?
    Either way, the nearly 5-meter tall ox-demon has no trouble stopping suddenly either. The bakeneko are still trying to climb out of the frozen-over gutters onto the sidewalk behind Onihime, after sliding their way across. One of them is tugging on the other bakeneko's harness to help them over the curb.
    "Jus' out fer a walk," Choji drawls.
    "Hospital paid by bad humans." Bran summarizes.
    Abandoning the drawl, Choji clarifies, "Right, just out for a walk to blow up that hospital. You can get the innocents out if you want, no one's stopping you."
    The umbrella youkai hops on its handle, ranting in a high-pitched voice, "Obsidian pays! Researchers in the basement, doing eeeeevil experiments! Obsidian pays the doctors, and the doctors do evil science! Must go! Must go like the Hematite said! Can't let it continue! Must go, must go, must go, must go, must g--" It keeps on like that until a kappa slides up and interrupts. "Where do I put this?" He holds out a scaled hand with a wet stick of dynamite in it, still dripping.
    "Put it in your craw!" the Karakasa Kozou yells out in shrill annoyance. "Wet dynamite doesn't explode! Stupid! Turtle! Half-shell! Turtle! Baldy! Eggplant! Turtle!"
    Choji sighs as Sailor Moon appears and demands they repent. A gotoku neko with an upside-down civet worn as a hat, and a long bamboo pipe looks especially nervous about seeing Sailor Moon here.
    Princess Sarek is breaking people free of the ice and striding over, some weirdo with fireballs (???) who is melting the iced-statues with flares and trying to dissuade them from their course of action, and a guy hanging out in back yelling encouragement or something. He's wearing some girl's jacket on his head, so he might be a youkai too.
    Not enormous odds against Choji's crew, given the number of youkai, but they don't want to start a war with the local guardians. That's almost always a losing proposition. Has been since the old days.
    "My source says you'll agree with us. Maybe not collateral, but actual evil downstairs. I don't know how long until the ice melts, but I promised everyone, and they won't back down as easy as last time. We're doing a service by taking out these chumps. You can see that, right?"
    Bran just grumbles to himself as he crouches slightly so that he isn't towering quite as much. "She strong. Old. Wise. She wants world where youkai and human walk freely."
    Choji squints a bit. Like something just twinged a memory. "Yeah. Evacuate the hospital if you want. But the death doctors or whatever need dead. I owe them for what they've done to us."
    Meanwhile, Himeko explains and bows greeting to those around her, "I am a youkai now. Maybe? A ghost youkai. A living story, not a spirit of the deceased. I am not sure what the differences are, but I am more sane now than before. Ghosts cannot become more sane. At most they form more complicated cycles, so it looks like change."
    Then she leans to the side. She squints. She is not an expert on youkai and only knows what she has learned since being freed, but she recognizes most of the creatures (especially the cute little bakeneko with their firework missile-launcher backpack harness things. So adorably incendiary!). "Ne..." she starts, bust stops when she realizes someone else just said, 'ne' in the same tone, and same voice, at the same time.
    She turns to look at a near-perfect clone of herself, wearing a far more regal dress. The same red eyes, the same pale skin, the same long hair. A perfect, porcelain doll. The only difference is that her hair is white as snow.
    "...Are you my body?" "Are you my soul?" the two little girls say at the same time as they stare wide-eyed at each other.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"In my defense, it seemed like a great idea at the time!" Mamoru protests to Usagi. "A lot of things seem like a good idea at the time when you're full of dark energy, but this seemed like a great idea..."

When Onihime leaves, it's really goddamn cold again, and Mamoru shivers some more-- and then abruptly has a jacket on his head. He does as he's told and sticks his already sleeved arms in Usagi's warm coat, and it's very very nice while the warmth is still there -- and he still has his pocketwatch in hand.

"Yeah it's-- they were-- yeah, another time," he says sheepishly to Veronica. "I'll definitely hit you up for help on the fighting off HR front, though!"

He squeezes the pocketwatch again. "Earth Planet Power, Make Up?" he tries under his breath, squeezing the pocketwatch. It feels warmer, and it feels like something just clicked, but nothing else happens. He looks toward Himeko. "I'm just practicing," he says slightly defensively.

And then. He's looking, when it happens.

Mamoru's breath catches in his throat.

"Where are your strings attached?" he asks, eyes very wide behind his glasses. "Are you Galatea?"

He takes a half step away from the white-haired girl, sidelong; he doesn't back away from Himeko. Just this unknown. He's so cold. It's so cold here. He's stopped stamping his feet.

Amanda Faust has posed:
> Wet dynamite doesn't explode!
    "Uhhh, are you sure?" Amy pulls her phone out of her pouch. "I thought resistance to a lot of things and still working was the whole point of TNT over older explosives... Yeah, Wikipedia says it's waterproof. I wouldn't treat it as safe just because it's wet... Oh, that's TNT, not dynamite. Wait, which is that? ...Where did you guys even get all this?" She glances back at the phone. "Dynamite might go off if it gets exploded, too..."

    Amy takes a step back from the youkai.

    "So, wait. If there's evil downstairs... shouldn't we like, go stop it, rather than blowing up the whole building? Heck, we can probably grab computer hard drives with contact information on them for the people responsible and where payments were coming from and stuff, right?"

    And then there were two.

    Amy looks between them. "Uhhh... who are *you*?" she asks white-hair.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Others fall into line with Kureha. Others stand up to the arrival of the youkai. Others plant their feet, and take a stand. They offer their justifications, their stances. Are they just? The Youkai Musume supposes they are, probably. But does she hold the same stance as them? She's not so sure. However, she does have her own objections.

    Taking a slow, deep breath, Kureha Senkenzan closes her eyes. Her posture almost seems to sag, for just a short while. "...My father's side of the family is precisely what is wrong with this world. Everything that was wrong with the old zaibatsu, everything that is wrong with the current keiretsu. The depths of human awfulness can be found within the Chikafuji family, and I have known nothing but those depths my entire life. If you intend to take action against that sort of person - let alone those who are steeped in actual Darkness - I hold no objection."

    But it's here that she opens her eyes again - and a subtle ripple of heat distorts the air around her, causing the ice within a meter or two to crackle. "However."

    Onihime lifts a hand, gesturing up at the hospital. "This is a place for the sick, the injured. This is a place full of those who wish only to do good. Evil is using it as a cover for a reason - they wield those who seek refuge here as shields, and prey on them as subjects. Can you truly promise me that bringing explosives into the basement of a hospital will not bring harm to innocents? That is the point on which I will not budge. If you cannot promise me that, I shall not stand aside. Unless you have other suggestions."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"We're not letting you blow up a hospital because there's something evil downstairs," Sailor Moon says flatly, in the same tone she's often used to tell Shingo she is not doing two players, he will ruin her score. "There are people here who are sick and injured and need help and they can't get out in time. And also, it costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time to get a new hospital!"

Absolutely not! She is not even entertaining this idea. She's side-eyeing Amy a little, for wanting a world where youkai and humans live in peace, remembering discussions in the lead up to Halloween and... not in favor of the idea. She facepalms when Amy tells them their explosives might still work.

"I'm sure it did, Mamochan!"

She doesn't even sound annoyed when she yells back to him, just genuine honest, yeah, it probably did sound like a good idea!

Then her attention is back to the youkai, with their set and stubborn faces, their surety in their course of action, and the Moon Stick is in her hand, the silver crystal glinting in it's setting. "What have the doctors done to you, and how do you know it's every doctor, everyone here? How do you know you're not getting innocent people mixed up in your mess? You don't belong in this era, this isn't your time!"

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Obsidian is doing evil experiments in the basement of the hospital? Is that really true? Good thing they have someone her who should know a fair bit about Obsidian, Veronica thinks as she turns to Mamoru, even if he has already tried to divert the Youkai's attention by pointing out Obsidian isn't that. Maybe the Youkai are mistaken?

"Is that really true, Hematite? About Obsidian doing evil things there?" the Princess of Sarek asks for clarification. Though that doesn't really change what she is going to do, and everyone is of a similar mind.

She still is not on board with the Youkai destroying the hospital though, and tells them as much. "That is still not something I am willing to condone. Lay down your explosives in a safe place, and instead of destroying the whole building let's seek out the true evildoers and bring them to justice. Corruption doesn't have to be fought with the most explosive means available. Would you blow up a person just because you want to get rid of a tumor they have? We can fight the tumor off with a precise intervention on just the ill part of the body, no need to fault the whole body for it."

Then there are two Himekos around, and Veronica's first thought is that there is somebody who can disguise like her. "Oh, that's a really good imitation", she says out loud. But of course, she is being silly and they are somehow both the real deal, despite the snow white hair. "Is that something your mother created for you?" she asks Himeko.

Pyrite has posed:
    Himeko looks up and back, towards her brother, as if seeking confirmation that it's okay to keep talking to the doll-like body she is standing but a meter or two away from. The doll-Himeko meanwhile blinks in confusion as Mamoru speaks to her. Her attention strays from the soul that might inhabit her to the brother who guards said soul.
    "Strings...?" The doll looks at her hands, then her arms, and turns to peer over both shoulders.
    Himeko looks worried. "If you are to be my body, then you would not need strings. Where did--?"
    Then the other Himeko shudders and closes her glass eyes at the name 'Galatea'. 'Something your mother created for you?' A thing. Created by someone. As a possession for someone else? What is she then? Is there even a 'she'?
    "Galatea. I don't know." she pauses. "Maybe." She turns to look up at Mamoru, attention drifting away from the soul that was to unite with her seconds ago. "Yes. Galatea. I am your..." Hesitation. "...Your mother's creation? So it wasn't you?" Hands open and close, flexing the high-tension wire bound and rolled over and over to be muscles, and the cleverly designed jointed hands that do not expose their artificial nature unless moved a certain way.
    She raises her hands and stares at them, as Himeko steps forwards, trying to intervene--
    "Whose hands are these?" she asks in an increasingly high-pitched voice as she panics. The metallic, clockwork sound in the back of her voice, and the slightly musical nature of it, betray her voice box is a miniature music box. All so cleverly made.
    All so artificial. Unliving. Inhuman. Monstrous.
    "It's okay!" Himeko calls out as she rushes to try to hug Galatea. She is brought up short by a hand at her throat, clenching hard, and lifting her up off the ground with ease.
    "How is it okay? I didn't ask to be made. I didn't consent to be aware of my existence, or the horrible truth of my nature! I have no will of my own, but I am meant to behave as though I do!?" She begins screaming, 'WHAT AM I!?' over and over and over while Himeko tries to break free without harming Galatea in the process.
    The youkai are staring, their attention drawn away from their mission. "Fine. Forget the hospital," Choji says very briefly. "I wasn't told about none of this. Do your research though. When power shifted, and our era ended, humanity set themselves to wiping us out for their 'science'. Maybe our era has passed..." Then he looks towards Sailor Moon as he backs away, and looks towards Onihime to make sure she is going to keep her word about supporting them if they don't hurt innocent people. It is hard to trust a human for many here. They have been wounded deeply by humans, cruel or kind. The vision of a young boy flashes through Choji's mind.
    You would not ever hurt me, would you, Choji-san?
    "Let's get out of here. I'm sure we can find a different use for all of these explosives. Maybe a light show while we talk over next steps." Exploding them in the sky is probably better than under a hospital, yes. Even so, reluctantly, angrily, disappointedly, the youkai move to depart. Bran is still crouched as he looks at Onihime. "Bran Yoji will fight next time we meet." he says gruffly, holding out one of his huge fists. "Promise."
    The bakeneko who have only just now gotten all organized on the sidewalk turn and start marching towards the hospital. Well, okay, they're down on all fours and running, because it's cold, and who is going to refuse a pack of cats shelter from the snow that continues to fall?
    The umbrella is hopping mad. Yelling that they can't leave this job unfinished, that they are squandering Master Soryuu's good will, that they will pay for this if they don't come back right now, etc.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Before she even realizes what she's doing, Kureha finds herself lifting up her fist and bumping it lightly against the towering ushi-oni's. "I will look forward to it."

    The tiny oni is perhaps the most surprised out of anyone to realize that she means it.

    But screaming, confusion, fury finally tugs her attention. She's been so focused on the youkai that the meeting of Himeko and... 'Galatea'? completely escaped her notice. But it's no longer something she's able to miss. There's a bit of surprise on the fiery girl's face; and then, for quite probably the first time anyone here has ever seen, a hint of uncertainty.

    "I..." A pause, as if she's trying to pick her words. "I-I can't... speak to whatever nature of yours horrifies you. But I can say that none of us choose. What we are, to whom we're born... they are handed to us, and we cannot refuse. I have spent my entire life until recently as a pawn in my father's schemes. But... you can choose what to do with what you have. Only recently did I have that luxury. But you... you have it now. Don't choose something you'll regret."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"I have n-no idea," Mamoru tells Veronica apologetically, teeth chattering. He hugs Usagi's coat closer, using the sleeves like a muff of sorts, and shivers. "Obsidian's hhhuge and has its hooks in s-so many thhhings." His boots have frozen to the sidewalk and the snow in his hair isn't melting. His breath is still visible.

But there are. SO MANY. other things going on??

The bespectacled tenth grader wearing two coats watches the strange girl lunge for Himeko, and as the girl's hand goes around Himeko's throat and squeezes while she panics, Mamoru tries to intercept, then to intervene, but he's frozen to the damned sidewalk and half-tangled in Usagi's coat with his hands halfway up the sleeves, and he makes a frustrated sound.

Lifting both hands in the air (because the sleeves!!) and the pocketwatch clenched solidly in that one fist, it's probably that frustration that leads him to call out,

"Earth Prism Power, Make Up!"

...who knew. There's a muted but glittering lightshow for Mamoru's henshin, too.

Tuxedo Kamen is the one who lunges forward, but it's to throw something: a bright red rose, at that perfect porcelain hand-- carefully aimed, so carefully aimed, to glance over the fired clay instead of to pierce it. Enough to score, to make her potentially drop Himeko without shattering an appendage. He follows after it a second later to grab at her wrist. "Don't you kill her, DON'T YOU KILL HER! NONE of us consented to be born, or to know that one day we'd die, or that we're horrifying biological monstrosities if that's the way you're going to look at that--! You're a youkai! You're a living story too! But you're Galatea, you're not Himeko! Step away from her!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy is just letting them know not to assume the explosives are harmless! They might blow themselves up!

    "Wait, what was that about a living story? Ack!"

    The puppet(?) is angry. They didn't consent to be made! Or to know the horrible truths of their existence! "Yeah, well, nobody asked any of us either, welcome to existence." No free will, but act as you would with free will. "Isn't that just free will, then...?"

> Humanity set about wiping us out for their 'science'
    "Wait, what?! Science is about understanding the world, not claiming that part of it doesn't exist! Just *who* was wiping you out? They don't represent all humans... or even all scientists! They don't represent any real scientists!"

    Puella Amy squats down to Galatea's eye level. "Hey. Hey. I get that you're finding your existence kinda freaky. It's understandable! I turned out to be a rock remote controlling a flesh puppet! And before that I turned out to be a girl who was deceived into thinking she was a guy for three decades--"


    "--Woah!" Amy flinches back from the sudden movement. "Wait! Calm down everyone! Calm down! Galatea and Himeko can both live! There's no reason to fight!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
An exhale, slow and steady, as the youkai agree to move on. Their era has passed, and Sailor Moon understands - logically - that this must be difficult. The world changed and they were cast out, back to the spirit world.

It wasn't fair.

But the world did change. And it did so without them. It cannot return to what it was.

And it shouldn't. None of these incidents with youkai have been peaceful, none of them friendly. Maybe all the youkai weren't, themselves, bad, but the world doesn't fit them, anymore, and they have their own world, the spirit plane, that does fit them. That does suit them.

"Humanity has done unkind things to youkai, just as youkai have done unkind things to us. My grandparents used to tell us stories. But you never said what these doctors did to you. You can't take revenge on every doctor or scientist."

And without evidence, that sure seems like what's happening. She might have said more, but the screaming draws attention, and she realizes, suddenly, that there are two Himekos, and rushes over as quickly as she can. Everyone is there, talking Galatea (like from the manga???) down, and Mamochan is saving Himeko, and Mamochan is - "Tuxedo Kamen?!"

Hey, hey, hey, Mamochan is Tuxedo Kamen?! Does she have time for this realization?! Maybe not. Maybe yes?

But she shakes her head, deciding - deciding to focus on the important thing, which is Himeko, and scooping her up and away from Galatea, holding her in mahou-strong arms. "No matter who you are or how you were born, you don't get to take that out on someone else! What are you? Right now, a big jerk!"

Veronica Perenna has posed:
The good: the youkai are retreating, and the hospital will still stand today, even if Mamoru doesn't actually know whether their accusations are true. "Oh, I see", she nods at him. "Ok, then it's a good thing we aren't doing anything rash. Thanks, Hematite."

"It's no good to blindly attack anyone who you feel you are entitled to have a grudge against, even if that would supposedly do good. Many innocent people live here, and we aren't going to accept any negative consequences for them. If you have anything to complain about, you can feel free to bring it up, to me or anyone else here." With a few precise throws, she tosses copies of her calling card to each of the Youkai here. They should just call out her name.

The bad: White-Hair Himeko hasn't taken kindly to being told she is something artificial, a purpose that she is not on board with, and has started strangling Himeko.

"Hey now, bring her down", Veronica gives out a warning as she sees Galatea's hand around Himeko's neck. She isn't sure if that can hurt a ghost youkai, as Himeko called herself, but the way she is thrashing about trying to get free is un unpleasant sight, and the empathy Veronica feels for Galatea is directly in contrast with the need to help Himeko.

A spray of her moonlight mist comes out of her cane, right to Galatea's face, an attempt to confuse her and cause her to instictively bat away at the harmless shimmers of light, hopefully dropping Himeko in the process.

"I am sorry you feel that way about your circumstances, but attacking others over it won't fix your problems. Don't attack Himeko, and we can work things out with you: we want to help, not cause further hurt."

Pyrite has posed:
    Choji pauses as the other youkai angrily descend back into the subway station. He turns to look back at Amy when she asks questions. Then he just says two words and three numbers. "Manshu Detachment 731." He pauses. "They were continuing what was already started here at home." Then he turns and follows after his fellow youkai, into he dark.
    Bran departs after the fist bump, though not back into the subway like the rest. That way will be being investigated by humans by now. It will be harder for some than others to pass amidst a focused inspection. The Veil is one thing. Scrutiny backed by overwhelming evidence is another. And they don't need to recognize him as a youkai to arrest him as a domestic terrorist or something.
    He just marches off into the snow. Despite the disappoint over not getting to strike back for a second time, the wintry landscape is soothing. The screams too. They remind him of a long time ago, when he lived up on the mountains.
    The wails of suffering and fear touch a part of his nature that has been long buried by emulation of the humans that surround him.
    In this era, where his kind are unwelcome, and live day by day on the scraps of belief and attention, remembering that he was always meant to be a monster feels a bit like home.
    Something to think about.
    The gotoku neko power walks after Bran, partly because he is cover from the snow, partly because his footprints are easier to hop in than trudging through alone, and mostly because he is scared of all those super-powerful people over there. Youkai or not, the concentration of magic they have is way beyond what a mere nekomata has. He has a pair of tails with flames on the tips. How's he supposed to stand up to Moon Powers and Earth Powers and Fire Powers and Princess Powers and Artillery Powers!? He can't! He won't! So he power walks like his life depends on it.
    Meanwhile, Galatea is distracted, her glass eyes rolling in their sockets as she turns towards each new source of information, each new voice. If she's absorbing the meaning of any of the words themselves is unclear, even to her. Galatea lets go of Himeko when she is rosed, who is subsequently scooped up, pulled away, and held safe. She stares at the back of her hand, a barely-there scratch on an arm that no longer moves the way she wants it to.
    The panicked screaming of before turns into dead-eyed, silent staring. Then she looks around at everyone again. She's shivering. No... Trembling? She can't feel the cold after all, right?
    Her voice hitches as she speaks, despairing, accusing, bewildered, frightened, envious, sad, and Wanting. "This isn't... How my story... Goes. Where is... Mister White?" She stares at Tuxedo Mask. He looks like 'Mister Devil', but this one doesn't have red skin and horns.
    Her creator was someone's mother, not a man who wanted to do terrible things to the hand-crafted 'daughter' he had fallen in love with.
    This doesn't match her story. It doesn't match the memories that appeared when she heard her name.
    It's all broken and wrong.
    Why are people being nice to her? Why are they giving her a chance? Why are they explaining instead of attacking? Why is everything so different from how it should be? She feels like she's just been transported here from an alternate reality.
    Then a woman in a red and black dress, with a widebrimmed red hat, and long white hair, drops down from the sky at the same time as a swelling of Dark Energy *pings* senses.
    "What a disappoint you are, Galatea." Mariko Soryuu says as she looks down at the doll she made.
    Galatea turns slowly, joltingly, to look up at her creator as she floats in the air. Her trembling intensifies.
    "Don't hurt her! Don't break her! She has changed too much now! Making her my body would kill her!" Himeko yells desperately from Sailor Moon's arms.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Mr White? The Devil? What was his part in the story again? Wait, didn't Amy get cast as someone who enslaves golems? Ugh...

    And then

        Mariko Soryuu.

    Amy tries to grab Galatea and pull her away protectively, like Sailor Moon is doing with Himeko. "No she's not! She's a person, not a tool!"

    Only then does she realize she just told off what is probably the yuki-onna that froze this whole area, with power rivaling what Himeko had.

    Mariko doesn't even have to *do* anything to make Amy feel a chill in her veins. Scrambling to back away with Galatea and put distance between them and Mariko, she slips on the ice and falls on her back. Ow.

    Her launcher appears in her grip as she points what should be a shoulder-steadied weapon with one hand at mother Soryuu. "Stay away from her! Stay away from both of them!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Galatea, I don't know how your story is supposed to go, but you're - alive, now. You get to decide your own story." Usagi doesn't really know what's going on here - genuinely, she has the feeling that she's missed pieces, lost clues to all that happened while she was hunting for... her own crystal, but she doesn't need to know.

Galatea is standing in front of her, a person, after all. She might have said more, if not for - her.

Her arms tighten around Himeko, pulling her further away just as Amy pulls Galatea away, her eyes narrowing in a glare.

"You can't force Himeko-chan into someone else's body. The second you made Galatea-chan someone who could think and feel, you messed your whole plan up! Just - back off! Stop and talk to Himeko-chan about what she wants, instead of thinking you know best!"

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Even before the woman in red makes her appearance, Kureha's posture suddenly grows rigid, tense. She can feel the Dark Energy. Instinctively, subconsciously, some part of her knows that something wicked this way comes.

    And then the Yuki-Onna appears. And again do Onihime's instincts speak - this time, to turn up the heat, to set the air around her rippling. "...you." With a casualness that belies the danger and heat she radiates, the oni girl reaches up with her clawed right hand, and gives her hair an imperious, idle flip. "I have spent this entire evening being cordial and diplomatic. Everyone to whom I have given this consideration has deserved it." Instead of returning that hand to its usual clasp with the other, however, she lowers it to her side... and leaves the claws held open.

    "You have demonstrated repeatedly that you don't. If you lay hand upon either of these girls, I will start punching you and I will not stop. Every instinct tells me that you are stronger than I am, but by all the eight million kami, it will be the most painful victory you've ever experienced."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"What a disappointment you are, Mariko Soryuu," Tuxedo Kamen says, the words ground out like a diamond-toothed gear is crushing letters together, awful and instant and teenaged and strong like oversteeped tea. Bitter. "What a thing it is to wish you knew your parents, and then be faced with someone like you. You've forgotten how to nurture, if you ever knew-- someone who would leave her daughter to Yomi."

His voice gentles, sounds apologetic, and he looks from Himeko to Galatea, and back. "She wants to use you, just like she's using the youkai, to get the power and prestige she craves. I'm willing to bet she craved them in life, and has done everything she's done just to that end. I'm sorry that your creator, Galatea, and the woman who birthed you, Himeko, is like this. An undead Yomi-allied stage mom."

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Veronica hopes the Youkai have taken her calling cards. She isn't going to check or remind them though, because the dark energy spike is enough to distract her with the sudden alarm she feels. And all of a sudden Mariko Soryuu is right here, and she doesn't have kind intentions towards Galatea.

Which is promptly followed by Veronica stepping in front of Amy and Galatea, her cane held horizontally in front of her. The surge of moonlight that spreads from her cane forms a barrier around them, while the Princess of Sarek speaks to the Yuki-Onna.

"Is that the disrespect you have for your own creation?" Why did you give her feelings if you were casting her aside? She is essentially your daughter too, and yet you treat her like that. Do you even remember what it is like to care for someone else?"

Pyrite has posed:
    "The only reason for the construct to think and feel was so that my daughter could do the same." the yuki-onna says dismissively, affirming everything Tuxedo Mask has just said. "Yomi is the only way to extract payment from the villains who deserve punishment. I and my daughter have been wronged. The entire world has to suffer for that." She ignores Himeko's cries completely, the arguments for why she is wrong, the tunnel vision she has on this one objective that blinds her to all else... She may be inhabiting a youkai, but she is still, ultimately, a ghost. Madness defines her. She must continue her cycle. "I will not lay a hand on either of them." she promises Onihime. She looks at Tuxedo Mask, and Sailor Moon, and says, "I've no need to. I curse everything, and everyone. The entire world, gripped in despair and misfortune. She might be part of you now, Himeko, but Her drive has not abated. You know how to end all life. I will continue to create opportunities for you to do so, even if it takes ten-thousand years."
    "I do not want any of that..." Himeko protests. She knows that part of her absolutely does, because she had to accept that hateful aspect known only as Her in order to become whole enough to emerge from the Soryuu Shrine. Half of her wants revenge for all of their suffering, even if all of her knows that she shouldn't get it just because she Wants.
    "You only had a single reason to exist, and that was to become my daughter's vessel. If you can't even fulfill that..." The umbrella youkai from before twirls through the air to land in Mariko's hand. She looks down at Galatea with red eyes just like Himeko's, just like Galatea's. Sarek stands between her and the two daughters.
    "Then your story can end right here. Just die." Mariko says coldly.
    The trembling doll in Amy's arms arches her back, tenses up, and then the puppet falls still, with her strings cut, and lies with the Puella in the snow.
    "What my daughter wants is to be with her mother, and bring ruin and destruction upon those who wronged us. There is nothing else she could possibly need." Mariko asserts, with a half-amused half-disgusted quirk to her lips as she looks upon the Princess of Sarek. "Caring?" she asks with a scoff in her voice. "What is that?"
    Himeko is staring at the doll whose head has lolled to the side, eyes open and staring back at her.
    Himeko's new body has received her new owner.
    No one at all.
    Mariko turns into a flurry of snow, her glowing red eyes the only visible part of her in the blizzard-cyclone. "There is nowhere I can not access my daughter. There is noone who can protect her better than me, and no one who can shield her from me. I am always watching her." The blizzard-cyclone swirls upwards, the powerful winds and driving snow blasting outwards, making parked cars that were iced to the street break their frozen bindings and slide along the road from the force. "If Kiseru won't give me what I desire..." she whispers, her voice like a knife of ice that sices through the air and ear alike. "I will have to take it."
    When the monster who is Himeko's mother is finally gone, the street up and down in both directions a frozen, snow-buried mess, Himeko can only reach out towards the lifeless shell of Galatea, trying to touch fingertips. Only recently, she told Kyouka that she understands sacrifice isn't always the answer.
    Maybe it's just ghostly habit, but she finds herself going back to her cycle regardless.
    Himeko goes cold and insubstantial in Sailor Moon's arms. Galatea jolts and takes in a breath, then starts coughing.
    "The owner of Galatea's body should be Galatea. No one else." She looks sadly at Tuxedo Mask. "Sorry, Nii-chan. It looks like it's going to be a bit longer before I can be a real girl."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    The woman of ice speaks a few cold words, and Galatea just... stops.

    Water vapor starts rising in Onihime's vicinity. The raw shock in her eyes slowly transfers to quivering fists, grit teeth, and a growing sphere around the Youkai Musume where the intense blizzard just... becomes steam. Both fists clench tighter, faint wisps of flames dancing up along the oni girl's arms, and she is just starting to tense... when Mariko takes her leave. And for a good several seconds, Kureha Senkenzan is left there in impotent fury, the heat of her very heart searing away the ice for a good couple of meters around her in her outrage.

    There might be a spot of pavement directly under her that's just a little melty. Just a smidge.

    It's the sound of Galatea's coughing that jolts her out of it. "-eh?" A blink, and a look back and forth between the ghost and the tsukumogami. It takes her a second or two to process; and then her heat dies back, and a faint frown creeps onto her face. "I..." For once in her life, she's completely unsure what to say.

    But then, after a glance skyward, the tiny oni seems to find words. She gives them to Himeko, in a soft voice. "...the next time I meet your mother, I don't think I shall be able to hold myself back. I... am sorry." There's another awkward glance, from Sailor Moon to Tuxedo Mask to Amy to the Princess. But once again, Kureha's words falter, so she just... quietly, awkwardly, turns to leave.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Maybe in another time, Sailor Moon would appeal to compassion, to empathy, to care and concern and humanity.

But not long ago, she saw two girls die, begging for their lives. They were awful girls, willing to steal away people's energy and life for selfish reasons, unkind to those around them, but they were people and they were alive and she couldn't help them. Galatea may have been like those girls, in the sense that she hurt people (Himeko is a people, after all) for selfish reasons, but she was still a person.

No person deserved to be killed while they were helpless. No person deserved to be killed by their own parent.

But Galatea lies limp and empty, and Sailor Moon is filled with anger, with grief, and it is easy to shift Himeko to one arm, to raise her Moon Stick with the other. She doesn't sketch the circle. She doesn't complete the motion.

She doesn't have to.

"Moon Healing Escalation!"

Mariko Soryuu is gone before the attack can complete - blazing beams of purification and glittering silver dust spread around the area - at the very least, it serves to melt away the ice imprisoning the people.

And then, Himeko is cold in her arms and there is fear - but Galatea gasps, and though Sailor Moon doesn't entirely understand, she gets the picture.


She agrees with Onihime. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. To kill them. But Mariko Soryuu...

She might be almost as much of an exception as her Mamochan's old boss.

"Thank you, Onihime-chan. Everyone...do you think we should take her somewhere? Galatea-san?" The first sentence is aimed at that retreating back; the rest to everyone else.

Amanda Faust has posed:


    NO... MYSELF AND MY [Friend(s)]!!!

    HERE I GO!!!! WATCH ME FLY, [MAMA]!!!!

         (The final string is \CUT\, and the puppet falls, motionless.)        



    * It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet.

    Come on! WTF!


    Oh it's so much worse seeing it happen in real life, with someone you just met, holding in your arm. "NO!" Amy shouts in wide-eyed horror, and then turns to mama Soryuu, furious, her weapon switching to the larger tube used to fire one of her finishers-- but then her target is snow, gone. "NO!"

    "Dammit, NO!" Amy rolls over, the weapon vanishing as she straddles Galatea's still vessel on the ice. "Why... every time... It's so unfair! Just because they're not human... doesn't mean no one else should get a chance..."

                        (Himeko gives Galatea a chance.)                        

    Amy's eyes widen. "You--you're alive!" She hugs Galatea and lifts both of them up to a kneeling position. And looks over at Himeko, Moon, and Tuxedo Mask. "Does this mean she's alive, now? Like, their mom can't just... do that again? She's safe?" the puella magi asks, hopefully.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Whatever powers Mariko Soryuu has don't care about meddlesome little barriers. Or is it because Galatea is a creation of hers, so her magic shares a special tie to the living doll. Whatever the case, the puppet falls to the ground, and the Princess of Sarek is left to stand there, livid at herself for the lifeless body that now lies there and livid at Mariko for casually putting out a life like it didn't matter.

"You will get your due comeuppance one day", she tells Mariko before the Yuki-Onna takes her leave. "I don't know how, or why, but that it will happen, I am sure of. Your wanton disregard won't go unpunished."

But then Himeko does something, and Galatea is alive. "She... How?" is what she first to Himeko on the matter. And what she tells Mamoru isn't really anything reassuring. "What price did you have to pay, Himeko-chan?" Veronica looks at her astonished. All she knows for sure is something great just transpired, and that Himeko has given up something extremely valuable for it.

"You shouldn't have had to do that, but it's great that you were willing to step up at this moment", she commends Himeko's gesture. "Are you ok, though? How are you feeling?" In her mind she is already cursing Mariko for making this necessary. This just proves how shortsighted she is. She supposedly did this for Himeko, and yet, she is one who turned out for the worse.

Pyrite has posed:
    "I'm a ghost again, Sarek-hime." Himeko answers. "I don't know if Galatea is safe, or if I am. But this was all I could do." She is weightless, semi-transparent, unnaturally unaffected by wind and snow and movement, like she's not even there. "I could have done nothing. But then I wouldn't be me."
    After a moment of adjusting to being returned to the curse of undeath, feeling the old madness creeping in and replacing her thoughts and perceptions. "Thank you, everyone." Himeko says. "You were all correct in what you said. She cannot care right now. She cannot conceive of anything beyond what was inside her when she died, most likely. She is bound to her cycle. I have killed far more people than she has, but you all still care about me, support me, and try to help me come back to life." There is old, old guilt and shame and dsigust in herself buried in her words as she admits to being a bigger monster than the mother who almost everyone here is practically radiating hate at. But it is a monstrosity she has long since come to terms with. "I cannot let her hurt or kill people. And you all must do what you must. But I want to save her from the madness of undeath just like everyone has saved me. Even if I've just taken a very big step backwards." Himeko looks over to Galatea, to Amy holding her, to Sarek standing as a living bulwark against attack, at Onihime for her fiery compassion and righteous anger over people she barely knows, up at Sailor Moon who has always, always, always been nothing but a hero to Himeko, and to Tuxedo Mask, her brother, who kept creating opportunities for her to redeem herself.
    Galatea isn't speaking. She is breathing with whatever artificial lungs she possesses, whether she needs to or not. She is just staring blankly. But she is listening. Himeko is sure of it. "No need to rush, Galatea-nee-chan." she says quietly. "Wake up at your own pace. We'll all be here for you when you do." She believes that, down to her core.
    The snow has stopped falling, and the winter-dressed street, buildings, and people are melting rapidly thanks to the combination of Onihime's heat and Sailor Moon's purifying attack. Soon, it will be almost as though nothing happened here at all. At least to those blinded by the Veil, who can't remember the awful reality they live in.