Juuban Ward

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Juuban Ward
Allied Faction: Civilian
Allied Groups: Radiant Heart Academy, Obsidian
Location Type: Public Space
Grid Locale: Juuban Ward
Juuban is a suburban downtown ward of Tokyo. It is mostly made up of small apartment blocks, and no major high rises in this part of the city. There are a few small parks scattered throughout the ward, but otherwise the dominant feature is roads and smaller buildings. The place has a very small, crowded by 'homey' feel that Mitakihara lacks, while still keeping the spirit of a bustling city.

One can find their homes here, small mom and pop shops dealing in anything from video games to jewelry, with OSA-P being one of the main jewelry store, and Game Crown being one of the main places children go after school to play video games.

Overall, a safe place to raise families. You know. Despite the youma menace. Luckily, stalwart magical girls make sure normal, mundane people don't need to worry about such thing.

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
You Were Not Refreshing July 1st, 2023 All Hematite wanted to do was steal some energy for Beryl via horrible fake fake ice cream, but then a bunch of magical girls decided they wanted horrible fake ice cream, not knowing it was fake fake instead of just fake. Featuring Sayaka, Madoka, Sailor Moon, Guardian Daifuku, Kyouko, Hanako, Misery Melon, Kyubey, and Hematite. And also not Gritty.
Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend July 1st, 2023 (Backscene set pre-Game Opening) Naru straggles in to school the morning after the OSA-P attack. The straggling part gets her some attention. In the ensuing conversation, Kazuo jumps to some very, very wrong conclusions. Naru is at least entertained?
Very Melon July 21st, 2023 Catch My Heart! Very Melon! (Very Melon!)
Kokytos July 22nd, 2023 Carbonado attempts his first gambit to collect energy. Then he's ganged up on by a lot of Mahous. At least they're terrified the whole time?
He Wanted Wawna July 23rd, 2023 Wako comes back from two fights almost in a row and Takuto helps a little with some of the damage. Also snacks. And Vice President.
Catching Up, Catching On July 24th, 2023 Sometime after Kokytos, Usagi and Wako meet to exchange information, tease each other about romance, and have a treat. Also? Luna and Vice President are Watching Each Other.
Phone A... Friend July 30th, 2023 With worries piling up far beyond her ability to do something about them, Rashmi turns to the only other mahou she knows for help. Getting his attention, turns out, is the hard part. Everyting after that? A lot easier.
Like Rain On Your Wedding Day July 30th, 2023 CW: Animal Injury. A star named Luna lights up two lives in exchange for her own.
No Youma, No Problem! August 4th, 2023 What Riventon and Sunbreaker hope will be a successful experiment, some of Radiant Heart Academy's magical girls are focused and working together to stop.
The Games We Play August 6th, 2023 Three girls enter a game shop, but only one can come out on top... of the scoreboard, anyway. Hinoiri, Niji, and Usagi meet for the first time in the field of digital battle (and the real world).
Le Cirque qui Brule August 10th, 2023 A witch's labyrinth lurks in Juuban, inviting the unwary to a circus where the shows flametacular ending never stops. Officer Usagi is on the case - and before she knows (or agrees to it) is joined by The Red Princess, Puella Red, Yellow Pearl Voice, and Trager des Blauer Greif. The civilians Madoka and Hinote are drawn into the drama as well, and meanwhile Haruko gets a Witch's Kiss - can all this really be wrapped up in one thirty-minute episode of Radiant Heart Academy?
Duck Emojis August 15th, 2023 PrincessBrideAsYouWish.gif
Digital Divide September 3rd, 2023 Chunks of the Artha fall out of space time, and everybody fights over them. Also the space police show up. Well. A space police.
Back-Alley Aftermath September 3rd, 2023 In the aftermath of Digital Divide, Rashmi heals Greta just enough to wake the poor girl up, whereupon Greta needs answers to big questions she has. Rashmi has... most of them. What isn't confusing, also isn't pleasant.
Error 404 Witch Not Found September 11th, 2023 A princess' fruitless search for a vanquished monster leads to Homura and Madoka offering valuable information on the nature of Puella Magi, Witches, Kyubey, and Wishes before sharing time with each other.
The Mortars Are Your Character Witnesses September 17th, 2023 Kazuo stops by Nounami Sweets. Chiyo provides tour! Since her hands aren't letting her work. For. No reason. Really.
Pablum Music September 19th, 2023 Hematite, Naru, philosophy, and a youma with a guitar. Go.
Laugh it up, Space Boy September 21st, 2023 After Chrono has a bit of an existential crisis, Setsuna meets with him following her OWN...small problem...and attempts to help him cope. Literature is involved.
Kind of Unfair September 21st, 2023 In which Wako purifies Hematite. A little.
What's A Pure Heart September 25th, 2023 Eugeal (with Riventon in tow) comes out to test the Heartstealer rifle and the new Daimon. It's up to Coco, Amy, Naru, and Cho to stop them from stealing the heart crystal of this kind older gentleman.
Hopes October 10th, 2023 Sailor Uranus and Sailor Moon talk about the worlds they hope to be able to see come about... and what they're willing to do for it.
Inner Conflict: Bone Work October 11th, 2023 CW: Body horror. The mystery of the sourceless Dark Energy impact sites continues, with a sad tale of a butcher and his collection of bones...
Birds Are Real October 14th, 2023 An enormous emu with energy-draining feathers and a beak inside its beak and glowing red eyes terrorizes Juuban! But not for long.
One Thing We Can Agree On October 16th, 2023 Firefly and Rashmi meet atop a skyscraper in Juuban. At first the discussion is guarded, but the pair resolve to find a way to remain amicable regardless of if they're on opposite sides. One thing they have in common? Magic is *so cool!*
Inner Conflict: Hair Stand October 20th, 2023 They just don't make lamp oil like they used to.
Rigorous Testing October 22nd, 2023 Riventon's got an upgraded device, and a bone to pick with Chrono. Chrono has some very good points to make. Will Riventon listen? (no)
Inner Conflict: Body Paint October 24th, 2023 Youkai Watch gets a live-action adaptation! Wait, no! Paranormal activity is on the rise, and lives are starting to be endangered by the fear-stoking antics of the spirits. A clue to their motives and the cause of their sudden appearance in Tokyo is found!
Hyakki Yagyou: Night Parade of One-Hundred Demons October 30th, 2023 The Night Parade of One-Hundred Demons is about to begin. For the first time in centuries, the youkai will be marching from their Spirit City into the physical realm... Unless the local defenders and also a cat have anything to say about it!
Back To Business November 2nd, 2023 Riventon attempts to steal (most of) the pure heart of a pet shop worker. Sayaka, Rashmi, and Cho have other ideas, as does Ula.
Face your Fears November 3rd, 2023 Molly and Rashmi encounter that which the two of them fear the most; Sunbreaker. Rashmi stands courageously in front of her friend while talking Sunbreaker into letting them go.
Lunar Eclipse 2: The Hamster Ball-ening November 4th, 2023 It's the grand end to Sailor Eclipse's reign of ...terror? toyrror? and everyone's here! Hannah, Amy, Ginga Otome, Cure Spanner, Yellow Pearl Voice, Cat Noir, Himeko & Bakeneko, and even Sunbreaker join forces against Sailor Eclipse and her loyal boyfriend Darien in an epic standoff in Kobayashi Toy Shop!
Ducks and Dialogue November 9th, 2023 Usagi (and Luna!) finally take Himeko to see the ducks.
The Job Never Stops November 11th, 2023 Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus halt patrol for a quick snack - and are joined by Cat Noir! Conversation gets underway, but before long, the trio are given a pair of unexpected visitors - Sailor Mars, in hot pursuit of a nekomata!
Rise of the Tater Tot November 30th, 2023 (CW: Graphic horror descriptions) Sunbreaker decides to youmafy a random kid at a local diner. Unfortunately, she was a ghost and now the world be trippin'. Hematite takes it as well as can be expected. Confusion, dark energy, angry rants and name calling shenanigans occur before they are, finally, able to break the two dark generals apart. Don't do dark energy, kids. Not even once.
Inner Conflict: Glass Eye December 5th, 2023 CW: Doll Horror, Doll Body Horror, Dark Themes, Doll Death Galatea and Mr. White go on an adventure to see where dolls come from!
Lucent Drive Owner: Verified December 8th, 2023 After having slept off his purification in 'TSAB Requires Extraction,' Chrono wakes to learn that another of his crew has been found! He and Rashmi travel to a construction site in Juuban to confirm, and along the way be a tooth-meltingly cute couple.
Inner Conflict: Makeup December 10th, 2023 Mariko Soryuu makes another appearance. She was not destroyed at Nephrite's mansion as she appeared to be, and she is now organizing desperate youkai to do her bidding. Can they be talked down? Or is violence with humanity inevitable?
Lost & Found: Human (First Take) December 19th, 2023 Sincerity, Intelligence, and Comfort. Usagi and Mamoru go looking for Nephrite to purify him, and are unsurprised to find Naru there, but VERY surprised to find another young person in attendance... Usagi's brother?!
Inner Conflict: Stand By Oneself December 21st, 2023 The youkai march on a hospital funded by Obsidian, and Himeko's new body receives its new owner, each with their own obstacles and objections.
May it be a year December 30th, 2023 Kyouka and Fuyuko meet up at Hikawa Shrine to exchange New Year's gifts.
Proud As A... January 21st, 2024 A simple plush youma is just an appetizer to the complicated and problematic situations between Obsidian and the Sen/Shi.
Hungry for Action January 27th, 2024 Sunbreaker decides to take one of the DG girls out on a mentorship energy gather... running into Daifuku, Propel and Sukiyaki. Unfortunately for Daifuku... it turns out the girl is going through a few, ahem... boy troubles. Sunbreaker offers some totally helpful advice.
Focus of the Youma Camera February 2nd, 2024 A new modeling agency isn't exactly what it seems, and poor Haruko Hara gets captured! Good thing Chrono, Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, and Ginga Otome all showed up to live out their modeling dreams! Cameran, your time is over!
Running Out of Time February 18th, 2024 Thousand Waves Spa and Massage Parlor is open for business, and they've got a great sale going! There's no way this is a trap, right? ...right? Well, Wako, Takuto, Amy, Karin, Kyouko, and Masato will check it out, just in case.
The Corn comes for thee February 27th, 2024 While meeting with Naru, Hinoiri discovers that she upset La Crima at some point... when they're both kidnapped. By corn. Oh dear.
Suits April 4th, 2024 Tadase and Ikuto go suit shopping. Ikuto finds a suit. It is certainly... a suit.
Full Mental Jacket April 8th, 2024 When Jackets Attack!
This Cat is One Life Down: Usagi is Going to Kill Ikuto! April 21st, 2024 Ikuto made a grave mistake at prom, and Usagi Tsukino has come to collect. Of course, it turns out Ikuto has made other grave mistakes since then... will his shins ever recover?
Dimension Past: Back to the Past April 22nd, 2024 When a youma fight interrupts Queen Beryl's latest plans, she faces the mahou themselves, putting on a terrifying show of power - particularly when she takes note of Tuxedo Kamen. The taunts and insults of our heroes don't go over well, and the Queen of the Dark Kingdom decides to send the group on a trip down memory - transporting them to an echo of the past! Trapped first in the center of the Fall of the Moon Kingdom, our heroes eventually find themselves somewhere less awful... but still trapped. CW: war, death. You came for back to the future but eneded up in Saving Private Ryan
Venus Moonlight shining on a city at night! April 23rd, 2024 Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon patrol, talking of challenges past and challenges to come!
ON A QUEST April 23rd, 2024 Taro Yamada decides to take advantage of the spooky glitter doom portal in the middle of town by selling supplies to any fools willing to traipse in. Meanwhile, Stellar and the Sailor Senshi who weren't trapped by Beryl begin to contemplate how to rescue their allies from the portal. Cue an unlikely alliance bridged by a mutual dislike of Queen Beryl.
Dimension Past: Riventon Helps April 23rd, 2024 Desperate for help and apparently being owed a favor, Mamoru asks Riventon for help getting everybody back from the hell portal Beryl opened.
Magical Police Tape April 23rd, 2024 Stellar returns to the portal with the Barrier device, and she, Mamoru, Chrono, Zoisite and Adrien speak briefly while setting it up.
Every girl wants Flour, right April 25th, 2024 Hinoiri runs into Madoka in the super market and the girls chat about standard girl things. Flour, eggs, world domination... They give each other some advice and, maybe, learned a bit about each other.
Clock Look April 29th, 2024 Riventon and DG Girl Aon have up to something screwy with a new type of clock. Luckily Pluto, Charon, Jupiter, Tuxedo Kamen, Cure Wing, and Mou Fubuki are on the scene!
Close Call for a Catboy: Device Mages to the Rescue! April 29th, 2024 When Easter sends a large number of youma goons after Ikuto, the exhausted catboy finds himself on the ropes until two Device Mages, one he knows and one he doesn't, arrive.
Haven't We Been Here Before May 11th, 2024 Sunbreaker confronts Ginga Kingu about what happened to Double Trouble. An uneasy understanding is reached.
Hurry and Get Dolled Up, Dollface! June 13th, 2024 Dolls are for sale (and on the attack!) at an open-air market in Juuban when the youmas Jumeau and Thetis team up, quickly joined by local urban legend the Back Street Slasher! Can Bow, Mamoru, Amy, Coco, and Hotaru save the day? Yes. But not without a few lingering doll shenanigans.
Kind of a Haruka Plan July 9th, 2024 Following Mamoru's kidnapping, Haruka catches up with her princess. Reassurances are shared, food is offered, and bad ideas are gently discouraged.
Can't Catch a Break July 9th, 2024 Kyouka finds Usagi for a chat after Mamoru's capture.
Dirty Dancing! July 24th, 2024 Everyone's dancing in the streets! The problem? They don't want to! Heroes and Villains put a stop to this silliness.
Grimm Business August 4th, 2024 Ember goes to recover a dust emblem. She releases her grimm and they start to cause the havoc she wanted, and also havoc she didn't. Cats were a terrible choice. In the end there's massive destruction and she doesn't get anything except a concussed girlfriend, a bruised ego, and a doomed certainty that The Grim Queen will be displeased. All because Hinoiri just happened to pocket the dust emblem just before she was put in mortal peril by the Grimm.
Building Mischief August 4th, 2024 A Layabout causes itchy problems, but Hope Blossom, Puella Red and Wind Dancer are there to help Laura take back the motivation power, and with the three of them, the Layabout stands no chances. Rens also passes by, and she takes both information and a Layabout sphere from doctor Numeri.
Jimono Lurking: Rise of Jukata Act 1 August 13th, 2024 It's the Azabujuuban Noryo Matsuri, a summer celebration starting the last day of Obon, and something new (but old), evil (and yet, almost cute?) lurks. That's right: JUKATA RISES. Can Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, Lunar Knight, Tuxedo Kamen, and Jadeite save the day (and fashion)?
Jimono Lurking: The Jobi Job August 14th, 2024 The Azabujuuban Noryo Matsuri is once again under attack by gthe fiend of denim! It's up to Kuiper Belt Cape (The Slasher), Onihime, Cure Suzhen, She-Ra, and Rocket Girl Red to save the day from the dreaded JLAME JUKATA JOBI! Luckily for everyone, the Meanie Dokas hate crimes against fashion almost as much as they hate cheating vending machines, and their X-Paradise is a perfect place to contain this battle against fashion evils.
Walking, Talking, and Most Importantly, Shopping! October 5th, 2024 Miho asks Hinote to hang out, and do some shopping with her. Miho meets Chiyo. After Chiyo leaves, the two go to a jewelry store, and buys a few items while discussing Family and Magic. They finish the night out with burgers on their notadate! Or is it a date? *blush!*
Augh snake! Ohhh snake! It's a snaaaake! October 16th, 2024 A pair of disasters collide and combine as an evil Black Magic Basilisk breaks out of the storm water system and Tomoko is tormented by schoolmates waving rubber snakes at her in the cruel spirit of Halloween. Madoka arrives in time to save the day on both counts and even rescue Lydian from her temporary fate as the worlds cutest fairy statue. We leave it up to you, dear reader, to decide which of these tragedies is worse. Postscript - The owner of a used car lot is about to have a very bad day.
Sailor Pyramid Scheme October 30th, 2024 Shortly before Halloween, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon, and Jadeite go on a drizzly day patrol. Somehow, it ends up mostly a chat about upcoming streams, ViewTube channels, and gacha rackets.
A Star's Secret Unveiled November 8th, 2024 Radiant Heart Academy's Music Department has rented out a venue for their seasonal recital, and tickets have sold out. But disaster strikes when Tellu decides to take a go at snatching a heart crystal during the performance! With Dianora shot and Double Trobule's true form is revealed! Bow, Amy, and Sayaka are on the scene to save Double Trouble and Tomoko, but when Hinoiri makes the potentially disastrous choice to go Sunbreaker again, can they stop Tellu, the youma, *and* keep Hinoiri on the side of light?
Stupid Dice Games November 19th, 2024 During a late-night patrol, Amy stumbles across across a meeting of delinquents, including Emi Hoshino, and ends up trying to awkwardly talk about her past without revealing magic and sounding extra depressing.
Rabbit Hunting Season December 6th, 2024 On Makoto's birthday of all days, the Black Moon Clan finally arrives in Tokyo. Star Devil, Sailor Charon, Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, and Tuxedo Kamen risk it all to keep Chibiusa from the cruel clutches of Crimson Rubeus and the Spectre Sisters. And they win. Even if they're aching.
Murder, She Wrote January 30th, 2025 Having learned that the Senshi can surrender to Dark Energy, given incentive and exposure, it's the Black Moon Clan's intent to grind their spirits into the darkness. Koan is the first to try, targetting Shingo Tsukino's best friend, Junichi Nomura, because in another timeline, a thousand years away, he's an important ally to the ruling family of Crystal Tokyo. Mamoru and Hotaru make sure her attempted murder remains only an attempt. Kunzite, Jadeite, Hope Concept, Amy, and Sailor Moon ensure she can never try again. And yet - darkness *was* in play. CW: Description of Injury and Treatment, Attempted Murder of a Child, NPC Death (Koan. It's Koan.)