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Rainbow Crystals 3: Indi-Cho Gone Wild!
Date of Scene: 22 February 2024
Location: School Library
Synopsis: The third Rainbow Crystal shows up, this time at Radiant Heart Academy's library, and it's bad news for Cho that Wuwu handed her the crystal. Luckily, Bow of Etheria, Magical Rocket Girl Red, Yellow Pearl Voice, Culinary Guardian Sukiyaki, Sailor Moon, and the one and only Stellar-sensei are on the scene! Unluckily... so is Riventon. Who's going to get the crystal this time?
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Bow, Ren Morimoto, Cho Konishi, Coco Kiumi, Takashi Agera, Amanda Faust, Kyouka Inai
Tinyplot: Rainbow Crystals

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Radiant Heart Academy has an impressive library - what's even more impressive is the fact that it's a peaceful library. There's never been a single monster attack in Radiant Heart Academy's library.

The grounds may have been beset by monsters and Dark Lovers, the school pavillion may regularly host magical girl lessons underneart a barrier, and the Club Building may have been the site of an attempted theft of Pure Heart -

But the library has been the sight of purely mundane activities - studying, friendship making, awkward encounters. The calm and quiet atmosphere is one that students of all sorts can rely on.

After all - what kind of trouble can you get into at the library?

Even Usagi Tsukino is planning to take advantage for the sake of her studies - after all, the school year will end pretty soon, and her parents have made it clear they expect no more than two D grades, otherwise, they'll be sending her to cram school!

She's got her usual textbooks piled up next to her as she sits at a corner table near a window, and is grumpily making flashcards, following a study plan Ami had 'suggested' she follow.

Bow has posed:
The newest student to Radiant Heart, Luke Armbruster, had been introduced to the library earlier in the day when Sayaka Miki took him on a tour of the school. Now that the tour and classes were done for the day, the teen Etherian had returned to it, eager to explore and check it out. As he starts to access the card catalogue on computer, he smirks to himself.

"My fathers would flip if they saw me this eager to be in a library." he finds himself admitting as he draws in a breath. It's only been a couple of days. He's supposed to be preparing for his entrance exam. Instead... he's gotten distracted on how to get home.

Which is why he's here! Reseaech on various things, including warmholes and the like... but he has somehow ended up in the Science-Fiction section and is currently thumbing through a book on fantastical space travel and exciting space battles with bright, wide, dark eyes. "They have stuff like this here? Why didn't Sayaka tell me!" he is eagerly absorbing the info, almost taking it as gospel. Like there's really space battles between an evil empire and a plucky rebellion out there!

Pure fantasy, right?

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    Coming from the club building, Ren decides that an evening of studying is preferable over going home. His sister would probably laugh if she ever heard that, because it's not a very Ren-like thing to say, but it's true.

    The way he sees it, there will be people in the library. So he won't really be alone, not exactly, but it won't be awkward like it would be with his dad puttering around the house. Maybe Ren just wants a little peace of mind.

    He's already found a table, his bag tucked underneath it, but he's standing at a nearby bookshelf, scanning the titles for one in particular. His hands are shoved into the pockets of his sports jacket, worn over his regular school uniform. It's just as he pulls the textbook he was looking for off the shelf that he hears someone talking in the stacks a row over, and he bends down a little bit, even further diminishing the obviousness of his height (his slouchy posture doesn't help).

    He sees a student he doesn't recognize in the science fiction section, talking to himself, and he starts making his way around, maybe to say hello!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was, well... helping to pick UP in the library. Lightly walking around, she'd picked up abandoned tomes, taking them back to the shelves to place... then sigh at how some people could be disrespectful.

It always saddened her a little. Why? Because so many people... just weren't. They didn't show such disregard for other people. Didn't ignore the fact that, frankly, the library was not JUST for them. Didn't leave messes. Most people were great.

But the few who just... didn't even try always made her a little sad. Still... she picked up a small stack of books that had been abandoned and started walking around, putting them back. Wuwu was on her shoulder, her little 'helper' monkey.

She made her way to a shelf and glanced up and... "Wuwu? Could you?" she asked, holding out one of the books to him.

He glanced over and shrugged, grabbing the book and then leaping up, scampering up to the top and sliding it in. He then paused...

There it was, this small, indigo gemstone. On top of the books, precariously balanced. Anyone could just... reach up and grab it on accident, or have it fall on them.

Cho rolled her eyes when Wuwu got distracted. "Just don't cause a mess," she warned him before moving down a little bit. Making her way to slide more books in... "Hey, Coco-chan, I'm almost done. How about you?" she asked, giving the other girl a little grin. Well, two hands made the work go twice as fast, right?

Wuwu, meanwhile, snatched the gem and, for a moment... it would be as if time stopped. As he peered at it, cocking his head to the side. Huh. Something about this seemed... weird. Meh. But he was Wuwu, avatar of Wukong. What did he care? He popped it into his mouth and lightly rolled it around in his mouth for a moment, before darting over towards the pair, leaping back onto Cho's shoulder. "Almod 'one?" he asked around the gem.

"Yes, we are," Cho said with a sigh. "You're not supposed to bring snacks, Wuwu," she said, giving him a light scolding.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
There really not much to say about the library at Radiant Heart: it's filled with all a student might need to study any given subject in the school curriculum, and it has helped many of them ever since it was made, from the more to the less willing. However, it doesn't help that it's not as respected as it should, and sometimes the books just aren't returned to the proper place on their shelves, or junk left over from an improntu meal lies discarded in secluded corners of the library, where the culprit could have safely hidden from the school staff.

That really is no way to treat something so many people make use of every day. So today Coco is taking care to set order alongside Cho, and while the pinkette is taking care of the books, she is armed with a garbage bag and a pair of gloves (who knows what kind of dirty things are lying between these shelves!) and tossing in any junk she happens to see, be it on the ground or on the shelves.

"Oh, yes, I think I am done, I don't see any more garbage around", Coco tells Cho as she gets back up from having stared at her roommate. She has checked it quite thoroughly, and if something found as food is here, straight into the bag it goes. And then Coco overhears Wuwu eating something. "You too, Wuwu? Stop stealing stuff just because you can. At least it should need someone to properly dispose of it.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon had been tracking the faint energy of one of the crystals in question for a little bit. Something about this campus seemed to create a lot of interference for tracing any magic signals lately. He needed to use both the Black Crystal and his own Device in tandem and was still only narrowing it down.

    Maybe, if he was lucky, he'd be able to find it before anyone else did. But he wasn't stupid and also knew the RH campus was kind of Grand Mahou Central... so it hampered him from moving as freely as he would in one of the Wards, and he was still working his way to a smaller and smaller part of the grid to try to lock down this crystal.

Cho Konishi has posed:
"Nod food," Wuwu said before his tail moved out, grabbing Cho's hand. "Fiiin'," he said, spitting it out into her palm.

"Ewwwwww!" Cho said, looking at it. "It's all slobbery. Where did you even find a jewel like this? We need to find its owner to--" And then she went still.

Her eyes glowed green and she clenched the crystal... Winds began to pick up around her and... Wuwu leaped off her! Before she disappeared in a swirling tornado of winds!

A moment later she was gone, the winds dying. In her place stood an oni. Hunched over. With a red face, short horns, yellow eyes and a bad attitude. "Jiji!" she called.

"Hey, kid, what are you--"

Before Wuwu could gfinish, the oni dashed forward, grabbing him by the tail and just YEETED him away, sending one of the bookcases toppling over! And spilling books all over some innocent studiers! "Jiji!" she called... before turning her gaze towards Coco. "Jiji..."

Wuwu, meanwhile, twitched... embedded into part of the bookcase. Eyes swirling. "H-hey... k-kid... what gives? Ow..."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    What kind of trouble can you get into at the library? Have people not read stories about folks getting sucked into books? Heck, wasn't that Fushigi Yuugi?

    But, at least as far as Amy knows, nothing like that has happened here. There have certainly not been any epic fight scenes between good and evil in these stacks.

    She passed Coco on the grounds earlier, asked where her friend was going and was happy to help, many hands make light work and it's not so bad doing it with friends and all that.

    And the library is nice. There's an atmosphere about it that she hasn't experienced in so long, having always been an avid reader since before always-on high-speed internet was a thing, but having had her words delivered to her electronically for many years.

    It does make her feel a bit like when she was really this young, just seeing what cool books there were to read in her local library...

    And it also isn't until she tries to reshelve books that she is confronted by, oh right, she's short now. Since she doesn't have a helper monkey, she's looking up at the top shelf in mild annoyance, and possibly trying to gauge whether she can climb it without bringing the whole stack down on top of her.

    The shelf takes things into its own hands by tipping over pre-emptively! Amy transforms to hold the shelf off of her with difficulty, all the books falling off in the aisle beside her, or raining down on her head. "Owwww... Wuwu?! What the hell is going on?! Where's Cho?! Can someone give me a little help here?!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Some things just aren't destined to work out. One of them is clearly Usagi and studying, because out of nowhere, a shower of books comes raining down as a bookshelf is toppled over. Usagi yelps as the books crash down on her, burying her in the tidal wave -

"Moon Prism Power, Make Up!"

Light shines through the gaps between books, and then Sailor Moon bursts out of the small mountain of dropped and abandoned books, hands on her hips, tiara glinting in the light. "Don't you know this is a library?! Who's throwing around bookshelves?!"

Bow has posed:
Absorbed in his book, Luke is nearly surprised when Ren grabs his attention. Closing the book, he raises his hand in greetings. "Hey! I'm new here..." he starts to say, adjusting the glasses on his nose, just as it seems that there is a very loud commotion that;'s happening nearby.

His attention is drawn to it and he glances at his phone as he puts his phone back. "Oh. Uh, sorry! Just realized I have a study thing!" And with that, he's turning to head deeper into the stacks of books on shelves. "Crystal Hope, what's going on?"

The crystal on Luke's ear chimes. "I don't know, I'm getting some weird energy readings. It may be time..."

"What do you mean time? Time for what?" Luke asks in obvious confusion. The teen rounds a corner, and ends up the Bible Studies section. Noone ever visits the Bible Studies section. "Remember what I told you to say? It's time..."

Suddenly, Bow's eyes are wide and sparkling and he gives an excited squeak of surprise. "You mean..."

"Yes! Now do it!" Crystal encourages.

Yanking out the phone device that Koji made him and Ula and Sayaka modified, Luke swipes the unlock screen and presses down on the Etheria app, holding it aloft.

                         "For the Heart of Etheria!"                          

He cries out, and in a transformation sequence where there's bright light, his clothing is replaced with his Etherian armor and bow.

"That. Was. AWESOME!!!" Bow cries out excitedly as he reaches for an arrow to notch. "Let's catch that creature! Wait... this isn't a net arrow!"

"Oh." Crystal Hope pauses, and then explains. "You only get normal arrows if you say nothing. For a special arrow, you have to call for it!" comes the tutorial from the patient little crystal creature.

"Oh. Oh. OH!" Bow bounces on the heels of his feet as he switches arrow. "Net Arrow, for the Capture!" he calls out, and a net arrow comes from his quiver.

He looks like he may cry in excitement.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
When Wuwu is yeeted by the oni Cho, Coco rushes closer. Many things can be said about Wuwu, but him being caught off guard when he is not being particularly arrogant? That's quite troubling. She had heard Cho calling out about something slobbery, and then the wind had picked up in the middle of the library, leaving Coco to gaze at her corrupted roommate. Is this anything like the Akumatization?, Coco thinks nervously. But Cho was calm, so what is the cause now?

"Wuwu, what is it you ate?" Coco asks, staring over at the dazed monkey, if he can even respond to her right now. "Cho, if you can hear me, we were trying to set this place in order, don't you remember?" It was as good a try as any, but anyhow, she is not waiting to be tossed around like Wuwu there. "Yellow Pearl Voice!" she screams, calling upon the power of her pearl, and turning into her Idol form.

"Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!" Coco declares from within the the Live Stage, commencing to sing Legend of Mermaid, the melodious notes all set into trying to purify Cho from what happened to her.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    Ren's mouth is open on a recommendation about the most recent sci-fi novel he's read, knowing there is a Japanese translation available in the library, when the new guy excuses himself. "Oh, uh, okay, bye!" he says, standing there with a confused, downward slope to his eyebrows for a second or two as Luke runs off. But there's no time to think too hard about that now, not with that convenient excuse to go check out that loud noise!

    He returns to where his bookbag is, and... well, the bathroom nearby seems a good place as any to transform, so he runs into a stall as if it's a real emergency, muttering excuses to people he passes by.

    "Ume!" he calls out, once he's safely behind a locked door. The stuffed plush pops out from his bag and floats up in its spirit guide form. They share a nod, and Ren extends a hand.

    "Mystic Saibashi, to me! Let's cook!"

    A burst of flame fills the stall as Umeboshi tosses him his saibashi, and Ren clutches the chopsticks in one hand. Deftly he plucks a mote of fire from the conflagration with them, as if it were no more than a piece of meat from a bowl of noodles, and pulls it to himself. The fire expands around his form, leaving him in not his school uniform but the short kimono, pants, and maekake emblazoned with a three-headed kami of Culinary Guardian Sukiyaki!

    As he slams the stall door back open, Umeboshi's ghostly form turns into the long, hefty length of his Giant Cleaver, and Sukiyaki grabs hold of it, using its flat tip as a vaulting pole to throw himself up onto the top of a bookshelf to get a better lay of the land.

    Spotting the oni, he calls out, "Hey, this is a library! You're supposed to be quiet, yannow?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
Riventon has now narrowed down the location of the crystal to the Academy Library, a place he is quite familiar with. And there's a familiar rush of energy and he doesn't even need the Black Crystal or the Device to tell him - not after stuying what happened to the last crystal. Someone has touched the cystal. Someone has released its guardian. Someone has effectively, if accidentally, summoned a youma on the Academy Grounds. In the LIBRARY no less. Which meant things were about to get hectic fast.

    <<GEFANGIS DER DUNKLEN MAGIE.>> ((Dark Magic Prison)) the device calls in Belkan as a crackling sphere erupts from Riventon's area, shunting everything magical within its radius into that gray-and-black Ancient-Belka-style Barrier Space. This has everything to do with the fact that there's a Rainbow Crystal to steal nearby and absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it's a library which contains books Takashi Agera hasn't read that must be protected. Everything to do with the crystal.

    And being the one to put up the Barrier means that this particular Barrier is lightly tinged with negative energy - and between that and the fact that it's a library it might be hard to find something outside of the Dusk Zone that Riventon would be able to claim as something akin to 'Home Turf' more. And now that the books were safe, he was free to enter the library proper - dramatically, by blasting a giant hole in the roof.

    "Really?! You're just gonna keep going around putting your grubby boring hands on MY STUFF?! And in A LIBRARY?! I am personally offended." he announces to nobody in particular and everybody in range, descending in his armored labcape and looking around. Lets see... he's got the Red Rocketeer Puella, Too Much Magic Too Much Hair, Yellow Better Summon My Earplugs, Make Way For Hot Soup...

    "Wait... Who're you supposed to be, Dumb Arrow?" Riventon asks. "Eh, I'll get a better name for you if you survive."

    Riventon turns to Sukiyaki. "You're all about to be permanently quiet if you don't stay out of my way today."

Cho Konishi has posed:
"Oof..." Wuwu said, shaking his head. When questioned, he motioned to the weird oni. "Kid? Right there. No idea what's going on. Hey, now. Snap out of it. It's--"

"Jiji!" Jiji said, before dashing forward. As Yellow Pearl Voice was the only one within her line of sight, the oni would dash in to assault her, reaching out to try and grab her and then chuck her into the bookcases! Except... as she grabbed the girl, the world around them shifted. And then he looked over to Riventon. Who was yelling. "Jiji..." he said.

And instead of throwing her at the bookcase... she yeets the mermaid singer at Riventon! "Jiji!" the oni yells before dashing up, onto the nearest bookcase, and then leaping to the next, sending bookcase after bookcase toppling through the library, laughing its little 'Jiji' laugh as it went.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    It's at about this time that the doors to the library literally burst inwards, slamming into the walls on either side of the frame, to reveal Stellar, in henshin, her foot raised as she actually just kicked the doors open like she was in some kind of low-budget action movie. The Guidance Counselor has a scowl on her face- she is low on patience this week for a number of non-school-related reasons, but anyone who has had an appointment with her in the past couple days could tell you that hasn't stopped her from being in a bad mood at school.

    "Hey!" She shouts, actually at the top of her lungs. "This is a goddamned library! KEEP THE NOISE DOWN YOU DEGENERATES!"

    She then bothers to look around from behind her omnipresent sunglasses, taking in the scene, still scowling, then levels a pointed finger at Jiji. "Hey! Stop knocking things over! That's detention for sure!"

    She then notices Moon nearby. "Hey kid," She says in a more reasonable tone. "What the hell is going on here? This is definitely not library behavior."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon's eyes go wide and he doesn't try to catch the projectile mermaid - as he is not a gentleman - instead he just shifts to dodge the awkward projectile, and lands on the floor. Well, near the floor. He's still floating slightly, as he is too good for walking and/or gravity.

    His hand comes out of a panel in his armored labcoat and in that hand is a black crystal, humming with dark resonance. "Hey, crazy-eyes. I have the crystal, so you follow orders. You're supposed to attack everyone BUT me so I can take the crystal when this is over." he says.

    "Like this." He says as a ribbon of energy coils around that outstretched hand's wrist and an orb of Dark Energy collects in the palm of his hand as he turns to face Bow (of course, everyone needs a warm welcome), a circular Magic Circle appears beneath him, and his device calls out the attack. <<SHADOW STRIKE.>> The device calls in Space English before a blast of inky, quasiliquid darkness arcs through the air towards the newly arrived Etherian.

Bow has posed:
With the net arrow in hand, Bow spins it around in his hand to notch it into place on his bow, as Riventon calls him of all things, 'Dumb Arrow!' "What, no!" he says suddenly, a brief frown and then he rises up proudly. "I am the Tech Master and Archer Who's Quiver is Never Empty! I am the hope of Rebellion and of Etheria! If there is evil, be it Horde or darkness of evil, it is my flare that shall light the night! I am....!"

"...the heroic Bow!"

Yeah. We're going to need to work on that delivery, but there's a bigger issue at the moment. Coming out of the heroic pose he had just struck, instead, Bow is drawing back the weighted arrow. He starts to track Jiji as she leaps between the bookcases - and then it yeets a mermaid princess high into the air. "I got it!" he calls out.

The arrow is loosed, and it flies towards Jiji, and as it gets close, it suddenly deploys a large weighted net to try to wrap around the Oni and cause it to hopefully come crashing to the ground!

And that is exactly when Riventon is turning to fire upon him. The darkness slams into Bow's chest as he brings both of his arms up to protect himself in an X-fashion and knocks himself backwards into one of the bookshelves. His breath is knocked out of him, give him a moment to get back on his feet.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy hears a lot of voices all of a sudden. A barrier goes up, but one that feels off. "The hell are you talking about?! Ungh... whaddaya mean your stuff?! Did you turn her evil?! What did you do?!"

    There's also another unexpected voice. "Stellar-senpai?!" Amy calls out to her, "Cure Wukong got turned into a monster again or something! Can you help me move this damn shelf?! Wait, we're in one-a those barriers..."


    Chunks of bookshelf go flying ceilingwards. They're not aimed at Riventon, but he might wanna watch out all the same. (Also: Cho, and Coco. And Wuwu, but he's immortal, he'll be fine, he's just going very fast across the room now!)

    "Wukong... Wukong no! Snap out of it! What'd you DO to her?!" Amy calls, suddenly holding her gyrojet pistol and shooting up at Riventon angrily.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
When Sailor Moon sees an oni, she thinks youkai (well, actually, she thinks Onihime, but that particular magical girl doesn't seem to be here today). And when she thinks youkai? She thinks purification.

So the first thing she plans to do is hit that youma with Moon Healing Escalation.

Riventon showing up to make fun only makes her more determined to fire it of. The Moon Stick appears in her hand and she turns, carving that golden circle in the air, raising her voice to shout out -

"Moon Healing-"

The library doors burst open, Stellar appearing to shout with a voice like thunder and an expression to match. Sailor Moon eeps, the perfect golden circle starting to distort and slacken in the air, a balloon of delayed light bubbling up.

"Ah, hey, Stellar-sensei! Just, you know... a rainbow crystal fight, I guess?"

She winces as Yellow Pearl Voice goes flying past Riventon.

"Hold on a second. Escalation!"

And the slightly wonki-fied purifying attack goes flying in Jiji and Riventon's direction! The bubble of light bursts, sending droplets of light everywhere, as silver mists of purification gush out over the field.

"Riventon! Isn't it obvious there's enough trouble here? No one wants you around!"

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    The oni leaps past him after throwing a person into another person, and Sukiyaki can only stare. He wobbles on his own chosen bookcase, less stable now that the general structure of the library has been compromised, and grimaces.

    In his inner monologue, Umeboshi intrudes with a, "I've heard the human phrase bull in a china shop, but an oni in a library is a new one."

    And aloud, Ren groans. "I knew taking you to America was a bad idea. You're all quippy now." It looks like he's talking to no one, since Ume was speaking directly into his head, an invisible presence visible only in Sukiyaki's mind's eye. That he hasn't yet realized that it makes him look a little strange is, frankly, just another problem this whole magical boy thing has brought on.

    The multiple calls for being noisy makes Ren, after the fact, feel a little silly and-or guilty for his entrance line. He really needs to work on those. To Stellar, he's actively apologetic, calling out a, "We're working on fixing it!" Are they, though?

    Now faced with another hostile presence, Sukiyaki leaps down from the bookcase onto the floor, holding his sword out one-handed, pointed at Riventon. "This isn't the time to pick a fight!" he calls out, only for his mouth to drop open when the Shadow Strike is aimed and fired at Bow.

    There isn't even time to call out a warning, for Bow is hit and knocked back. Retaliating, Sukiyaki races forward, taking a running leap at the last second so that he can bring an overhand slash down towards Riventon with his Giant Cleaver!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Well, that was just good, not only did Cho completely ignore anything she had said and shrug off her first tentative to purify, she has also been uncerimoniously grabbed and thrown away like she weighted nothing, leaving the Live Stage to fade away.vShe can barely notice the figure of Riventon as she flies past him, ending up crashing into a wall as he dodges her. 'Would a bookcase have been better or worse than a wall?' Coco wonders dazed, as she tries to pick herself back up. Where has Cho gone? The mermaid looks around and in her state it takes her a while to find her possessed roommate way from her.

"Please, stay put, this is for your own good!" She tries to fruitlessly appeal to him before resuming to sing. When she does, a Live Stage both appears around her and Jiji, the latter trying to imprison Cho while the purifying song still goes on.

"I believe you have a ton to explain", Coco glares angrily at Riventon for what he may have done to her roommate. Her own Live Stage is reinforced with the repelling effect she is using to try and seal Jiji, so the shelves are pushed back from the Live Stage.

Cho Konishi has posed:
"Jiji?" Jiji asked before she stopped on top of a bookcase. Looked right at Stellar...

Reached down...

Grabbed a book... And slooooooowly tore it in half. Making eye contact. The entire time. "Ji. Ji."

It then looked to Riventon, eyes locked on the black crystal. "Jiji?" it asked. "Jiji!" it said, determined!

Only to get netted! And disappear, falling off the bookcases to the ground below.

Which was useful, since... PURIFICATION!

And for a minute, there was peace.

Aside from the sound as Wuwu was launched across the hall due to magical grade explosives. "AHHHHH!" And then splat, hitting the wall.

Meanwhile... The sound of shredding could be heard. And then... "JIJI!" Jiji comes bursting out from the bookcases, a pair of broken monitors held in his hands. He leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding a stage closing around him and spinning, allowing them to see the remnants of a net arrow on his back...

"W-Wukong!" Wuwu yelled. "Remember everything I taught you!"

"Jiji?" Jiji asked... before spinning and CHUCKING the monitors! One at Sailor Moon...

The other at Riventon!

"EXACTLY! Don't let anyone tell you what to do! Oh shit!" Wuwu yelped, ducking down when suddenly Jiji's claws extended and he tried to STAB Wuwu! The monkey scampered off, as Jiji tried to yank its claws out of the wall...

Tearing a chunk of it off. And then... "Jiji!" It said excitedly... Before leaping into the air and stuffing the big chunks of wood into its mouth... And then spewing them out like little strange magical blasts of chewed up wall and magic wind at EVERYONE!

Takashi Agera has posed:
    "All of these people who don't matter don't want me here." Riventon 'corrects' Sailor Moon - before the purifying energy forces him to bring his hand up, a triangular Belkan runic shield erupting from his hand to guard against the hated positive energy. Or at least buy him enough time to get behind cover.

    "I didn't do anything to whoever that used to be, you know." Riventon calls out. "This is what happpens when people who shouldn't be dealing with magic touch magic items. Bad things." he explains. And he's right. In a roundabout way.

    Gyrojet shots come, and Riventon puts his foot on the bookshelf before pushing forward with a Dark Energy-enhanced shove that sends the case to intercede on his behalf - taking the shots.

    The Soup Guardian leaps up and is met by anoher one of Riventon's energy sheields, the cleaver and magic barrier sparking off each other as Riventon holds the Guardian off - until a computer monitor comes flying from another direction and smacks into him, which causes him to have to move with the impact and drop the shield - that big cleaver coming down where Riventon was only moments ago. Riventon's left hand becomes covered in an inky black substance before coalescing into a dark energy claw that he slashes out at Sukiyaki. "Begone, beef-broth-boy!" he calls as the claw leaves ink-like Dark Energy trails on its way to attempt to carve the carver.

    "Really, if you want whoever that is back, the best thing to do is stand clear. But if I have to kick all of your butts first, whatever. Need to test out the upgrades, anyways."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Issat so?" Stellar says, as Moon mentions that this may be one of those Rainbow Crystals she was talking about just the other day. Grey eyes narrow as she watches Jiji tearing the book in half while staring right at her, her mouth set in a thin line.

    "I guess that's why Riventon is here," She then says, noting the floating villain with his black crystal, which she was always clued in on most recently. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but that definitely qualifies as the 'wrong hands', I think." The other explosions going on, book cases toppling and being blown to smithereens, Yellow Pearl Voice flying across the room into a wall, it all doesn't seem to phase her much. She's paying attention to Riventon and she's paying attention to Jiji. Eyes on the prize.

    Which is why she sees the monitor that Jiji hurls straight at Sailor Moon like an electronic missile. Golden light bursts into life around her forearms with an electro-static crackle as she takes two strides forward and just smashes the monitor out of the air with a casual swat, severing it into two chunks which careen off in different directions, harmlessly skidding along the floor.

    "Kid," She says, turning to look over her shoulder at Sailor Moon, "I'm gonna need you to go punch that monkey for me."

    Then the monkey in question is spewing out machine-gun magical blasts at everyone, and she has to raise her arm again to shield herself (and those behind her) from the projectiles, providing a safe haven in her lee.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Wuwu, whose side are you on exactly?" Coco exclaims as he throws encouragement at his youmafied disciple. And is almost stabbed for the effort. Go figure. Better to have the monkey just stay put in a single place while avoiding him distracting everybody else with his quips.

So when she sings? She uses part of it to call a Live Stage around Wuwu to try and keep him in sight. He will thank her later for keeping him safe. Maybe. And if not him, her concentration will. In the meantime, she just tries to keep by Cho, so she is as close as possible to the purification of her song.

"You still didn't explain what your involvement is here", Coco points out, not that she actually expects one. "And dream on, you will have what you want the same day the Witches 5 learn to drive well." Coco may be just a tad peeved.

Bow has posed:
If Bow's fathers were here, they would be so disappointed in the amount of destruction that was occuring in the library. As he takes cover behind a display as pieces of machine-gunned wood slam into it. Drawing in his breath, the Etherian considers his options.

The net arrow didn't hold Jiji. He saw the oni was able to easily escape the net. That means that the rope arrow will probably not work either. So that leaves... "Sticky arrow!" he calls out, and draws the arrow from his quiver. Notching it, he draws in a breath, as he moves from his position to come to a knee and draw a bead on Jiji.

And just as he was about to fire, he hears Stellar telling Moon to go after Jiji. He does not want to fire and possibly strike the Moon Princess instead, so with a twist, he lets the arrow fly directly towards Riverton. As it flies, it splits and suddenly a sticky, vicious green fluid spreads out from it in a bright blob, looking to splatter directly against the side of his head.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    The clang of the Giant Cleaver is loud in what is supposed to be a quiet library; the slam of the blade into the ground where Riventon was, previously, is even louder.

    Sukiyaki looks up from the impact he's made, wrenching his sword free of the cracks in the floor. "Quit running!" he says, because that would make things a lot easier for him... he's still working out the whole sword-fighting thing, it seems.

    Especially as a panicked look crossed Guardian Sukiyaki's face when he brings his sword back up to block the claws of dark energy that Riventon slashes at him. He's reacting on instinct, but it's clearly not sunk into his mind as familiar yet, so the adrenaline of battle pumping through his system is still trying to trigger the flight part of fight-or-flight in him, which he's having to actively work against.

    Which is why he ducks backwards and puts some space between them, leaping over a table he knows is there without seeing it, his hand flat on its surface to clear it. "How are we handling the oni?" he calls out to hopefulyl get an update on the other half of this perhaps villainous equation!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy has to leap out of the way of a falling bookshelf, landing atop another shelf. It's quiet for a moment as 'Jiji' is netted and maybe purified? Amy smiles at all the cleaving going on.

    She keeps up the pressure with wild shots, but it's suppressive fire, not really *aimed* at Riventon, just trying to keep him from being able to focus on... whatever he's doing.

    That changes, though, as further attacks don't come her way. She lines up a shot at him, but is almost immediately blown off her perch by Jiji's wind attack and into another bookshelf, which wobbles, threatening to topple over as she drops to the floor in front of it "OW!" It hurt, but like, she's a mahou, she's fine.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Jiji landed on a nearby bookcase, watching Stellar. Very... very good shields, that one. "Jiji!" he said before he just took off. And he was *fast*. And suddenly he was *hugging* Stellar?! Did... did he think she was a portable shield array or something?! Well, it couldn't protect him from--

And then he licked her. His tongue like a very slimy, icky monkey tongue, just slobbered uuuuuuup her cheek in an image that would likely horrify many a watcher for weeks. Ick. Before turning and yeeting her off, towards Yellow Pearl Voice!

He then extended his right hand and *RUSHED* straight at bow. "JIJI!" And his right hand had long, spiked claws that extended out a few inches which he tried to use to STAB the boy!

There was, however, one bright spot to all of this. Well, two. The first? If Bow could catch the claw... he'd likely realize that Jiji... wasn't as strong as he had been. In fact, he was merely 'strong' now. Not 'easily hurtling people through bookcases' strong anymore. They could thank Yellow Pearl Voice for that.

The second bright spot was that Wuwu was now in a stage and couldn't offer any more 'advice' of a questionable nature.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    "You know, I don't work with them anymore, but I do feel compelled to note that was only Eudial who can't drive. The rest are at least smart enough to not try." Riventon notes.

    "And on the subject of wrong hands, I'm not going to turn into a freaky disobedient masked neanderthal youma when I get my hands on it. But clearly we can't say the same for you NOW CAN WE."

    And as Sukiyaki makes some distance, Riventon is about to say something probably taunting when Bow's arrow comes from an unexpected angle - and Riventon tries to bring his hand up to put a shield up, but is a little too late, so his other hand comes to cover his face - right as the arrow explodes into gloop and gunkifies Riventon's arm. "Oh what is this it's sticky and gross and - THAT ALMOST WENT IN MY MOUTH AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW CLOSE YOU CAME TO ME ACTUALLY KILLING YOU." he growls as he tries to get the gunk off his arm and face, eventually settling for self-igniting into flaming black Dark Energy (maybe learning that from an on-again off-again accomplice) and burning it away, before they can hear him grumbling about how gross it is - and the suppressive fire from Amy's shots seem to do their work as Riventon jumps back and vanishes into the depths of the bookcases for the moment - a wall of ink-like Dark Energy coming up between the two bookccases, shielding Riventon from further attacks... and from the current lines of sight.

Bow has posed:
After loosening the arrow, Bow was trying to figure out his next course of action, a quick breath drawn. "Where'd he go?!" he calls out, trying to scan for Riventon, because he's the only thing that's been attacking him so far.

At least, that is until suddenly there is an Oni'd Jiji that is barreling down on his position.

"BOW!" Crystal Hope cries out in warning.

Bow is a quick draw. Possibly the quickest draw on all of Etheria - but even he knows he's not going to get to an arrow in time. Instead, he brings the bow around, grasping the body of it with both hands as Jiji's claws slam into it, those extended claws reaching out and pressing against his exposed abdomen.

There's a grunt as he absorbs the hit and he starts to roll backwards. In all of his training in a warzone, he's had plenty of practice in hand to hand combat. As he rolls, he flips the bow around, using the bow string to tangle Jiji's arms as he contines to roll backwards in a flip.

Both of his legs go up, wrapping around Jiji's waist as he continues to twist, land, and ends up firmly on top of Jiji, pinning the oni down! "I got it! Hurry!"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Stellar is grabbed by the monkey. "Hey!" She exclaims, the golden lightning of her shields singing Jiji's fur as it gives her a big hug, causing her bones to creak alarmingly. "Let go of me you-" and then it licks her face, and she gets such an expression, like omgwtf, and then it's making to throw her across the room but she doesn't give it the chance. She just vanishes with a popping displacement of air, teleporting across the room to appear standing next to an upturned table, well away from the beast.

    She wipes at her face with her sleeve (after banishing her shield, let's note). "Aww, ugh, there's a reason I never wanted a pet dog.." She complains, before actually managing to overhear Riventon's comment about 'wrong hands' and snapping back in his direction, "I don't know, maybe we should find out."

    She then glances around to find Moon again, the girl suffering the fate of all teacher's favorites by being the one who is constantly expected to perform under said teacher's scrutiny. "What are you waiting for girl, will you like de-youmafy the damn thing already? It licked me! If I wanted that sort of attention I'd try dating apps again!" A vague shudder.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The youma went toppling down - only to rise with a computer monitor in it's hands! Sailor Moon shrieks a little, but then there's a familiar shield in the way, making waste of the projectile, and she exhales in relief.

"Thanks, Stellar-seNSEI!?"

This new shriek is because Jiji has swept in to catch Stellar up in a hug and then he licks her too, oh, ew gross, gross, gross!!!! Before Sailor Moon can recover her sanity from the horrifying sight, the youma has gone rampaging around again, and her mouth tightens in a hard line.

"We've got to hit him until the crystal pops out!" She calls, hearing the the frantic question from someone who must not have seen one of these battles. "And whatever we do, don't let that jerk Riventon get it!"

This thing is way too dangerous. It's taken a few hits, but that bookshelf had half-gotten into the way of the Moon Healing. If they want to get this over with sooner rather than later, then Sailor Moon has got to pull out all the stops!

"Moon Tiara Action!"

Sailor Moon's tiara transforms into glittering light, metal transfigured to cosmic energy, hope and love and justice made physical. And even as the tiara flies free to strike at Jiji's thick skull, the youma is running right for Bow, claws extended towards his vulnerable - well, probably his vulnerable abs, because she's just noted the bare midriff! Dnagerous! That's dangerous!

But the other magical warrior is strong and brave, because despite the danger, he's got the creature wrapped up with bow strings before long. And just as he does that, performing so impressively, there's Stellar, noting how unimpressive her own performance is! Eeep!

With the kind of panic only summoend by wanting to impress your favorite teacher, Sailor Moon carves up the air, arm a blur as she makes one golden circle, two golden circle, THREE, THREE GOLDEN CIRCLES!

"Three Times Moon Healing Escalation!"

A shower of silver beams of purification wash over Bow and Jiji. It will do nothing to Bow, at all.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    Panic sets in Ren's brain, adrenaline burning through his veins, and he slams himself against a wall in some far-flung corner somewhere, not sure how he's even managed to make his way here.

    Nothing about that should have been new! It's just that, all at once, he'd realized how dangerous those claws were, and how he was wearing nothing but flimsy clothing, and how close it could have been to being a really bad injury. Umeboshi is already calling out to him to get back in there, but for now Ren has taken himself out of the fight.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Yeah, like hell I trust you!" Amy shouts at Riventon, before the bookcase finally topples over onto her and then is exploded.

    But now he's got some kind of shield up...

    Maybe she can do something to stop Jiji? Groaning as she straightens up and stretches, she leaps up atop the bookshelves and leaps from shelf to shelf over that way. "Alright, let's see how you like this!" She poses like she's about to conjure a heavy two-handed weapon...

    And nothing happens. "No? Come on..."

    Something like a grenade launcher appears in her hands. "Close enough!" She points it at Jiji, realizes she'd better not shoot from the hip, sights it instead, and starts firing. FOOMP FOOMP FOOMP.

    Instead of 40mm grenades or the like, it shoots little non-explosive rockets that just... hit. Like, ow, that's not safe and would seriously injure a normal person, but hopefully against a magic monster it keeps it off-balance until Moon can land a purifying attack.

    Stellar quips about dating apps. Amy asks, "Are they really that awful?! Glad I never tried one..."

Cho Konishi has posed:
"Jiji?!" Jiji asked when suddenly he was YELPED and flipped and UNDER Bow! He was dazed for a moment, admittedly partially because that BLOODY SONG WOULDN'T STOP DRAINING HIM! RUDE! Singed, ear wormed, now wrestled! How dare! He pulled his left arm back, claws extending and-- OW! OW OW OW OW OW! Non-explosive rockets! WHY?! Rather than perforating Bow, it tries to deflect them with its off claw, while trying to free his main claw from the bow!


*Disclaimer: Not actually triple the strength of normal moon escalation healing, this is based on pre-sparkled healing. Make sure you consult with your doctor before taking triple strength moon healing escalation.

"R-refresh-u!"And Cho... blinked... staring up at the... boy. Bow. "O-oh... uhhh... h-hi there..." she said, her cheeks going red and then looking at her hand. Tangled in his bow. "I... am really hoping this is a magic... thing because if it's not... I do not think we are going to be good friends. And you're kind of pretty so I wouldn't mind being your friend."

Pause. Blink blink. Blink. "Hi, I'm Cho Konishi... I am... a lot more relaxed right now than I feel I sho-- WUWU! WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT GEM!" Aaaaaand there it went. "I SWEAR IF THIS WAS A TEST I'M GOING TO THROW YOU OFF A BRIDGE AGAIN! Stupid immortal monkey!" All the chill goooone. She then looked up to Yellow pearl voice... blinked and... "Oh, to anyone who doesn't know! Yellow Pearl Voice is a mermaid! Just... you know. FYI!"

Meanwhile, by her head... a small, indigo gemstone was bouncing away from her...

"... Why does my mouth taste like plaster and... I wanna say... stars?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon watches the crystal appear and makes his move - leaping from the top of the second floor he'd snuck to.

    <<PEITSCHENKABEL FORM.>> his device calls in midair, and as Riventon lands next to the crystal, his wire-like whip, glowing with Dark Energy that makes it glow a wicked, fierce purple black, swings through the air, making at least an attempted swipe at everyone as it dances through the air and makes the groaning noises that twisting metal might, if that twisting metal were also somehow evil. When the cable line crosses bookcases it slices diagonally through them like the cable is violently sharp and the book cases are made of butter. The acrobatic nature of the cable's attack gives him enough time to crouch near the fallen crystal, and rise up holding it in his hand. "See, no goofy oni youma." he says, holding the indigo crystal high in his left hand as the cable line returns to his right hand. And the barrier starts to fade out.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon breathes a sigh of relief as the terrible and terrifying Jiji turns into - Cho-chan!? Wait, this was Cho-chan?! Truly, the power of youma are diabolical if such a calm, calm, studious girl like Cho-chan could be turned into such a rambunctious creature!

But there's work to be done, and with the crystal bouncing free, Sailor Moon makes a jump for it and ends up crashing face first into the ground when Riventon gets it instead! Ow!

Ruining her own cool credits...

But it's not too late! To save the day (and her dignity)!

The Moon Stick has vanished from her hands (that Three Times Moon Healing Escalation* had really taken it out of her!) but her tiara is back where it belongs - Sailor Moon grabs it, flops onto her back, and executes a surprisingly accurate underhand throw, launching the discus of energy in Riventon's general direction!

    *=Not actually three times strength. Stronger than average by an unquanitified but definitely not 3x strength amount.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Stellar watches Sailor Moon chuck her hat and then do a Triple Moon Healing Escalation. She looks proud. "Hey, that was great! Way to give one-hundred and ten percent!" She calls out, as the monkey-monster reverts back into just Cho, still pinned by Bow. "I knew I could count on you, kid."

    She's about to perhaps compliment Bow as well for his restraining of the monster when she notices the jewel bouncing across the floor, but before she can so much as call out for someone to grab it, Riventon is there, swinging his whip around to keep people at bay while bending to pick up the crystal.

    Only Stellar isn't kept at bay. She swats at the few whip strikes which come near her, deflecting them with her golden shields, her reflexes more than up to the task of intercepting the blows when they aren't actually focused on her. Whiel she is doing this, she is walking straight up to Riventon, from behind.

    He holds the crystal high in the air and crows about his triumph. Stellar scowls. She is, as previously noted, in a bad mood.

    She's not allowed to attack anyone with magic. So she just walks up to him and swings a vicious right hook at the side of his head. It's not a magic punch, just a regular punch.

    But she works out.

Bow has posed:
Holding Jiji down means that both of Bow's hands are full. Which also means that he has to deal withe barrage of missiles, Moon's purification, and then... oh hey, it looks like it's working. Things seem to be returning to normal as Jiji spits out the gem. "Good..." he starts to say.

And that's when the slobbery angry oni becomes... a cute girl. That he's currently straddling, with his bow tangled around her hands to keep her pinned down.

General protection fault, Abort, Retry, Reboot?

His cheeks darken, and he manages, "...uh, hi. I'm Bow. And you were a monster a moment ago. And now you're not. And I'm carefully going to retreat..."

A flip of the bow frees Cho's hands, and he flips backwards tio /quickly/ remove himself from the pinkette and get back to his feet. And he offers his hand to her to help her up, at least? Not awkward at all.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy keeps Jiji from stabbing one of the new guys! Score!

    And Cho is back to normal and blushing at the conventionally attractive boy and whatever. Riventon is still on the scene and needs to be driven off! She swivels her aim to him as he goes for the crystal, but can only get one shot off before the wire slices clean through the bookshelves and the top part of the one she's on topples over, with her kneeling on it trying to stabilize herself. "Tch..."

    Right, yes, she really should have seen that coming, she's seen a fight scene like this... but she didn't know Riventon had a slice sword wire thing!

    At least here it was inside a Barrier... and not some crappy anime...

    "IS EVERYBODY ALRIGHT?!" she calls out.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was uhhh... only a little aware of there being a battle going on. She gave the boy a little wave when he jumped off. "Hi, um. Bow-san. Sorry. Errr. I don't usually become a monster. I uhhh..." Pause. "Odd that it happened twice, though. But, how's the saying? Once is by chance, twice is coincidence and three times is a pattern? So long as I don't become a monster a third time, I should be fine." Pause. "If I do, though, then that'd be bad because then it'd be a pattern."

She'd reach up to take the hand, letting him help her up and...

As the barrier faded away, she looked a little disappointed. "Awwww... the field of no property damage is gone now, it--" Then she saw the bookcase she'd chucked Wuwu into. "I... I didn't do that, did I? Do I have to pay for any of this? I-I wasn't me! Honest!" she said, staring at the... actually, relatively tame destruction. Thank you barriers!

"... Wait, is that the gem that was in Wuwu's mouth? Careful! You don't know where his mouth has been! Nobody does!"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon gets the crystal, as he intended. He then draws the attention that he intended. But he also knew this part? This part was going to suck. But the other side of things was... he sure couldn't let Beryl get her hands on these. If Mamoru knew more than Beryl had told him, it was possible there was even more behind it than Mamoru knew, and Riventon wanted to run this world, not peice it back together after an apocalypse. In fact, he was pretty anti-apocalypse.

    Usagi... eats dirt, but at least she throws an attack his way. Shielding it with his other hand, the triangular Belka-style shield and the tiara spark off each other for a moment, and Riventon intends to drop that shield once most of the energy has been spent. But he doesn't have to.

    He doesn't have to because while his Barrier Jacket covers a great deal of his body - it does not cover his head. Why would it. When is his


    Riventon doesn't have to consciously drop the shield, and he doesn't have to consciously drop the fake crystal Sunbreaker made either, because both the barrier and the crystal drop from the pain and frankly, surprise, of Stellar's fist impacting the side of his head. The barrier stops resisting the Tiera and it impacts him too creating a burst of light, though thankfully a lot of the energy had already been absorbed by his shield - the same could not be said for Stellar's fist.

    "What the hell is WRONG with you." he asks her as the crystal clinks to the floor and bounces behind her. "Hitting me in the head?! You're going to cost the world it's salvation like that!" he snarls. Legitimately. Angry.

    "I will remember that, old hag." he says. And with the barrier gone Riventon can duskport out. With the real crystal. And a real hell of a headache, too.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    OLD HAG?! "Hey! That's rude!" Amy calls back. Stellar is like, 21 or something?! Come on!

    Amy leaps up onto a shelf, and then over to where the others are. "Where'd he go!?" She looks up to the hole Riventon entered through, but it's gone now. The library is back to normal, aside from the one knocked-over shelf. "Phew... At least he used one of those barrier things..."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Hag?!" Stellar looks taken aback. "That's rich coming from you, you swaggering homunculus!" But she's retorting to empty air, as he's already gone. She shakes her hand out, frowning. "I must be losing my touch. Five years ago that would have laid him out cold. Clearly I don't punch people enough anymore."

    She turns and stoops to pick up the indigo crystal, which she has no way of knowing is fake and not the actual one Riventon just left with. She walks over to where Moon is laying like a turtle on her back, and offers the girl her free hand to help her stand. "Here, I got you a present." She says, once this is accomplished, and hands over the crystal.

    She then does say to Bow, "I don't know you, but nice work. That's some solid improvisation."

    She then looks at Cho, and frowns. "You still might get detention."

Bow has posed:
"Let's avoid having you turn into a monster a third time, I wouldn't want holding you down to be a habit." Bow offers to Cho, a flit of a smile. "I'm glad you are feeling better though!" And now he gets to learn about barrier jackets and that things... are not as damaged as he thought they were.

Okay. That's new. That would have been nice back home... speaking of...

When Stellar calls him out, he stands a little prouder. "Thank you! I'm Bow, from Etheria..... Etheria, Montana!"

Because who will check a map to see if there's an Etheria in Montana. Because Monata doesn't really exist. He read that on the internet. Between cat videoes.

Setsuna warned him.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Cost the world it's salvation? Guys like that should not be so confident," Sailor Moon huffs, and accepts the offered crystal. Like Stellar, she has no idea it's a fake - without another crystal to compare it too, she wouldn't begin to have an idea. "Thanks, Stellar-sensei!"

She's happy to accept the hand up, and stretches a little when she's on her feet, bouncing up to her toes and then back to her kitten heels.

"Hey," she tells Bow, walking up to a grin. "That really was awesome, Bow from Etheria, Montana! I'm Sailor Moon - I hope to see you around some more."

She will accept this, just like she accepted a Princess of Europe - for a while.

"Cho-chan! Are you feeling okay? Yellow-chan! Are you feeling okay? That jerk totally threw you! And... did anyone see where the other guy went?"

She doesn't see the other person she was sure had been here. She was pretty sure he'd looked like Daifuku, henshin-wise, and had been hoping to find out... oh well!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was, for the most part, handling all this pretty well. The bad guy got punched, they got some weird gem... "You might wanna wash your hands after handling that!" she warned them. It had been in Wuwu's mouth...

And then Stellar was giving praise. And she looked so happy. Everyone did well!

... Until it got to her. "D... detention?" she asked.

And you'd think someone just kicked her dog. The smile fell off her face. "But... but I've never gotten detention before. I... am I going to be kicked off the student council? W-what'll my parents think? W-what if they take me out of school?" WELL SHE HAD BEEN OKAY! UNTIL THAT! "I-I was!" she told Sailor Moon. "I-I can't get detention! My record is going to break! H-how will I get into a good school with DETENTION on my permanent record?!"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Ugh, whatever." Stellar says, very professionally, as she observes Cho having a panic attack at the very concept of detention. "Just don't do it again." Don't get unwittingly possessed by an evil gem, through no fault of your own, again? Surely that is an easy standard to live up to.

    She sighs, and turns back to the door after a cursory glance around, and a grateful look at Amy because the girl defended her from the old hag accusation. Don't think she didn't notice that.

    "I gotta go. I was on my way to the ramen joint when I heard the commotion in here. Moon, text me if anything else comes up. Otherwise I'll catch ya later."

    And she's striding out, dismissing her henshin on the way, and not in a particularly better mood than when she entered for all that another crystal is (presumably) in their grasp.

    'Old Hag' indeed.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy feels punched in the gut by proxy. Detention?! "But she didn't do anything!" Amy runs to Cho's side and hugs her, then looks up at Stellar with righteous indignation burning in her eyes.

    She dismisses her weapon, since like. Bad to have those in school probably.

    Amy, too, relaxes when the threat is dismissed and hugs Cho again, muttering. "Adults are so unfair sometimes..."

Bow has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Sailor Moon!" Bow offers cheerfully, considering the whole mess that just went down, as he compacts his bow to set it next to it's quiver. "I'm friends with She-ra." comes his explanation, perhaps hoping if he throws the name out there, there will be more information.

"I'm glad you didn't get into trouble, Cho!" comes his offer to the girl as he folds his hands together as Cho throws out a whole bunch of words he doesn't know yet. He glances down at the small scrape marks on his abs. Those will heal, he's pretty sure. But for now?

"You have detention here?" he asks. His mind of course is of prison cells and Horde bots.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Oh!! You're She-Ra's friend?! That's great - wait are you Catra's friend too?"

Her bright, excited smile goes to a suspicious squint in a split second. Wow Bow, you really hit the jackpot with this one! Someone who actually recognizes that name, right here.

Of course, Sailor Moon isn't just going to admit that She-Ra is Adora is her friend Makoto's roommate, but she can give some information, you know?

"And yes, we have detention, but Cho-chan, you're not going to get detention! Stellar-sensei is just being a bit of a jerk, don't worry, we're just going to sneak right out of here, and the school's going to fix it and not ask questions."

Trust her, this is how it's going to work.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi is... well... hugged. She gaves a light chuckle and smiles. "Hi Red."

Then looked to Stellar and... was off the hook. She let out a sigh of relief and nodded. "Good. I ummmm... I... am with Sailor Moon on this one. We should all... go. Away. From here. I think it's like a... 'don't ask, don't tell' policy or something. We don't ask questions, they fix the things the monsters broke, nobody says anything. This school is pretty cool with that," she said sheepishly. She then glanced to Bow. "And yup. Detention. And it's *horrible*. They lock you up and make you do *lines*. Or so I hear. I've never suffered it..."

"... Thanks for rescuing me, everyone. Oh! And this is my friend Yellow Pearl Voice!" She said, motioning to the singer. "... She's a mermaid. So now you all know. So, um, if she gets hit with water and turns into one in front of you, nobody is surprised. So, ummm... let's... go get yogurt or something in the lunch room... I really wanna get this taste out of my mouth."

She, slowly, tried to sliiiiide away. Towards the exit. Because just a bit ago she was chewing on plaster and it did NOT taste good.

Bow has posed:
"You know She-Ra?!" This bolsters Bow's spirit's immediately. And just when he was about to start asking Moon a million questions...

Wait, are you Catra's friend too?

//Record scratch//.

"Catra's here?!" Bow blinks, his eyes wide with surprise. "But Horde Prime took her and Glimmer after She-Ra vanished. I mean, of course he took Catra, she's in the Horde. Even if She-Ra was always like... thinking she was redeemable, and maybe she was." He's getting off-course when something more important is realized. "Wait, is Glimmer here?!" Hope suddenly springs eternal. "Princess Glimmer Brightmoon!" he clarifies, in case he hadn't done that yet.

"She-Ra and I are in the rebellion together. Or was. She disappeared from Etheria! And I... I came her to find her, so that we could try to get Glimmer back!"

Everything else is forgotten about for the moment, because Sailor Moon is the most important person in this world and Etheria at the moment.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy lets go of Cho again after a moment. "Ugh, I got suspended from school once for an accident. It's so stupid. The punishment only matters to people who would behave regardless. I will never punish someone for something like this, no matter how old I am. I dunno what happened to some adults, that they'd forget what it's like..."

    Amy shakes her head. "No. I guess they're the ones who were never unfairly punished in the first place. Or they got screwed up in the head and decided it's their turn to do it, once they grew up..."

    Oh by the way, Yellow Pearl Voice might turn into a mermaid!

    Amy looks between Cho and Coco, surprised. "Wait, really? Just getting splashed does it, like a goddamn Juusenkyou curse? Damn, does that mean you die if someone who doesn't know sees it? That's fucked up. Can your Mom remove that curse?"

    You know She-Ra?! Catra's here?!

    Amy blinks at Bow. "Wait, you know them too?! Uhhh, I don't know a Glimmer, but I've fought Catra at She-Ra's side. I'm aware she used to not be evil but like... reverted, somehow. She-Ra's hoping she can see reason again. Rebellion? What?"


    "...I'm Magical Rocket Girl Red, a Puella Magi, and also," She de-henshins and holds out a hand to shake, "Amanda Faust. Nice to meet you, ...?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I do! And - yes, yes she is! She tried to steal my pen once, and stole some energy at a botanical garden, also once," Sailor Moon will not mention she let Catra get away with that energy, that time. She's looking at Bow, seeing the hope and sparkles in his eyes.

She lifts a hand to Cho and waves quickly, apologetic for not breaing her attention, but -

"Horde Prime... like the Horde that raised Ad- She-Ra?" Whoops, let's quickly cover up that henshin slip! "I don't know about a Horde Prime... She-Ra told me her whole life story, once, but I don't really remember it, and a lot of it was about Catra because Adora's really, really into her ex-girlfriend, and - oh! Wait! She told me that Catra's from a different time from her! Because where she's from, you guys like, beat the Horde and saved the day, but she says Catra's from a time where she didn't do all that, so, maybe... you're... also... I have never met a Glimmer Brightmoon," she says honestly

Sailor Moon takes a few breaths, because that had been a long ramble, even for her, even if it was all pretty relevant, and she finger guns Amy's way, nodding in gratitude to have her backing up this story!

"But I can show definitely get you a meet up with She-Ra, if you want. Later, though, because we kind of do have to leave the library before we get caught. Do you have a phone? I'll give you my number!"

Bow has posed:
Cho and Amy and Coco are all noticed, "I'm sorry, I totally didn't mean to derail the conversation, especially since I still owe her..." a point to Cho, "A proper apology, even if she was full of dark energy at the time. Or something."

But this is important. "That's what I was told by Rashmi, Koji and Sayaka. That there may be divergent timelines and I'm on a different line than them!"

And there is it is - when She-Ra and Adora are mentioned in the same sentence, Bow grasps Moon's hands tightly in his own. "Yes! Oh my gosh, she's been missing for months, and she's been here the whole time! Crystal Hope was right. The Sword of Protection is here!"

But there is a downer as well. No Glimmer. His hands release Moon's, a bit crestfallen that the other third of the Best Friend's Squad is not here.

A glance to Amy as she confirms the story and he nods firmly. "Right. We'll meet with She-Ra. And help her with her Catra problem, because Catra is kinda cute for She-Ra but that's her thing. And then we'll all go to Etheria and set it free!"

So much hopeful optimism. And a phone number at that, as he takes out his phone, getting the information. "And yes, I guess we should leave. My fathers were librarians, they'd like this place."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks. "Wait, Catra and Adora are from alternate timelines? Damn. That's..."

    Amy thinks about this. "Imagine a timeline where Hannah's evil. Or I am. Man, that'd be messed up. Poor Adora... Oh right, phone numbers. Do you have a phone?" Amy pulls her phone from her pocket to swap numbers. "Did you just get here? You're learning local stuff fast!"