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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/06/22 |Location=Plot Room 1 |Synopsis=Namakelder interupts a baseball game with a pitcher Terribad. Loyalty, Sharpsong and Katsuko knock it ou...")
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|Location=Plot Room 1
|Location=Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium
|Synopsis=Namakelder interupts a baseball game with a pitcher Terribad. Loyalty, Sharpsong and Katsuko knock it out of the park while Hinoiri provides color commentary.
|Synopsis=Namakelder interupts a baseball game with a pitcher Terribad. Loyalty, Sharpsong and Katsuko knock it out of the park while Hinoiri provides color commentary.
|Cast of Characters=241,32,131,253,134
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Latest revision as of 03:09, 23 June 2024

Take Me Out To The Ballgame
Date of Scene: 22 June 2024
Location: Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium
Synopsis: Namakelder interupts a baseball game with a pitcher Terribad. Loyalty, Sharpsong and Katsuko knock it out of the park while Hinoiri provides color commentary.
Cast of Characters: Phantom, Sayaka Miki, Hinoiri Kirara, Katsuko Takezaki, Niji Dasshu

Phantom has posed:
Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan, and the Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium, built in 1926, is the oldest baseball stadium in Tokyo. It has long been a part of baseball history in Japan, and now it is known as the home ground of the Tokyo Yakult Swallows of the NPB Central League. Tonight, they are facing off against the Yomiuri Giants, widely regarded to be like the New York Yankees - the best team money can buy, lots of star power, lots of championships. You either love them or hate them.

The game is entering into the seventh inning stretch in a scoreless tie. A pitcher's duel, there's no no-hitter in the works, but there's been chances to score, but runners left on base more than once. As the last out happens for the Giants, the small break in the middle of the seventh inning happens.

And with it, across the stands, colorful umbrellas are being opened as the Swallows fans go into their famed 'Umbrella Dance'. Cheerful chants sing out as the umbrellas bounce up and down. Despite the tied score and the powerful team they face, they seem very upbeat.

As the crowd is cheering, one of them is a young batboy, happily waving his umbrella, having spent the last couple of years learning the chants and the dance so that he could be a part of it. The Swallows are his favorite team, and he's pleased to be part of it, and hopes that maybe someday, he will be good enough to be part of the team as a pitcher himself and win the Swallows a National Championship in a deciding Game 7!

Not all have such warm dreams, however. Up in the Mirage Corporation Clubhouse, Namakelder is awoken rudely from his nap by the raucous cheering of the Swallows fans. "...is the game over?" he asks as he peers blearily at the scoreboard, and frowns. "These people are being far too cheerful. Perhaps I need to introduce them to some despair." But before he starts something, he gestures to one of his subordinates. "Go get me some peanuts and Cracker Jack."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka was more into track and soccer than baseball, but with an elder brother that was way into it, she received the occasional invitation to a game nonetheless when Haruto was fired up enough about it. Myoji, her other brother and the eldest, didn't typically come to these games, instead. No familiar bond could ever make him come watch a baseball match.

That was all the better for Sayaka right now, since it was one less person to have to take into account when bringing Ula around, as unaware of magic as Haruto may be. It also helped that he was very focuses on the game going on in front of him, proving to everyone around him just how strongly he can cheer for a team. To the inquisitive eye, the spotless bat he brought with himself was one more proof, clearly meant for autographs.

Sayaka herself didn't quite get why bother at all with the cheering when most of the times, the result had already been dictated by who had bought the better players, facilities and instruments, before the game had even started. Much better it was playing it yourself, at least then you could get direct joy and gratifications from your own actions, and presumably, the company. But her brother having fun helped making it worth it when she cheered and waved the umbrellas alongside him, unaware of what a certain disdainer of love was currently planning.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara wasn't... really a baseball fan. She didn't mind sports things, she just wasn't the best at them. Last time she'd been to anything like that it had been to support a friend... and then a Rainbow Crystal had popped up, leaving her to miss most of it.

So when she won tickets in another sweepstakes, this time? She was a liiiiiiiittle suspicious. Okay, a lot. However, when she heard Sayaka was going? She was VERY suspicious. But then she found out Usagi and Mamoru weren't, so it wasn't a date for them and, ergo, it would probably be safe.

She did, however, invite a friend. And in this case, a friend who she kiiiiind of owed. Big time. Niji. Their seats weren't that far from Sayaka's, either, so during the breaks she could head over and see her.

What she hadn't expected was the reaction she got when she offered the other ticket to Niji. Her head was still a bit rattly from the shaking she was given by the rainbow haired girl. But, that hopefully meant they were on the road to forgiveness.

And while she wasn't the... well... best understander of all the rules of it, she did do one thing well. She got caught up in the yelling, the excitement, the jumping up and down. And she may have almost jumped a seat at one moment during a particularly excited moment.

It probably was a bit annoying to Niji when Hinoiri had to keep asking for rule clarifications, though.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko isn't really into baseball, so why is she here? Well, her mum is. Miss Takezaki may be as much as of fighting minded person as her daughter, she also loves a good game of baseball. And so, the two bluenettes are here. Mother and daughter, and the familial resemblance is exceedingly obvious to anyone who knows to look. By sheer coincidence, their seats are close to those of the others, but beyond a quick wave of greeting, Katsuko is focused on having a good time with her mom.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji was... well... she was wary when Hinoiri invited her to the event. But she'd heard that she girl was trying - and that she at the very least had no energy to keep fighting with. And she understood that the girl needed to make amends. This was a small way of doing it, but these kind of situations were important, and if she was going to get used to this world, she could at least get used to the best parts of it - which, to Niji, meant Professional Sports. Adora had found American Football, after all, so maybe Hinoiri would enjoy baseball?

    At the very least it was clear Hinoiri enjoyed aspects... the competition (something Niji could understand) - though yeah, she wasn't just unaware of the rules, she wanted very much to *be aware* and she had the habit of interjecting at bad times, but... you know what, she wasn't draining anybody's energy or putting out the sun.

    "You know, after we get back to school I can just hand you a rulebook, Kirara-san. It might be as specific as you want."

Phantom has posed:
As the little umbrella dance is coming close to an end, Namakelder sighs. "Alright. Time to get to work." he mutters, apparently not terribly happy with the idea. "I don't want to listen to Oresky tell me later I'm not motivated enough to be in the Phantom Empire." He really has no plans to try to usurp Phantom from his place at Mirage's side - but if he can get Oresky there, he'll have more free time to be lazy!

As he scans the crowd, he ahas. Spying the plucky batboy, he raises his hand, and announces. "Let the future reflected in the mirror turn terrible! Come Come, Terribad!"

The dark mirror rises behind the batboy, ribbons grabbing him and yanking him within! And from this mirror, a terribad appears. Dressed in an all-black baseball uniform with a green scarf, green hat - on top of it's giant baseball-shaped head. Pointed sunglasses are set on this head as he steps up to the mound. Behind him, eight kindabads appear, all dressed in similar baseball uniforms. "Time to take the field, Team Terribad!" As the crowd falls under his sway to drain, his unique barrier is formed.

Pink and purple clouds of cotton candy like material appear around the stadium. Namakelder takes a seat on one of these as he leans back and pops some popcorn in his mouth. "Let me know when everyone is drained!"

The Terribad starts to practice his pitching, throwing hard strikes across the plate and it's tossed back to.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small shrug. "Ehhhhh. I mean... sure, some people like doing the whole 'Studying the rulebooks' part, but I'm really more of the type of girl who likes to really get her hoo-- hands dirty. I'd much rather play baseball than just read the rulebook... but maybe I should read it at least once before trying it."

Of course, as the terribad took center stage, Hinoiri groaned...

And she groaned even harder when she saw it was NAMAKELDER! "Seriously?! HIM? Since when does HE do work?! That lazy..." She face palmed before glancing to Niji. "I think you're up. Magical people time. OH! And no matter what you do? Don't. Attack. The guy in green. He's lazy, obnoxious and a pain in the flank, but he's a LOT stronger than he looks. Beat up his youma, though? And he'll leave. I'm going to go tell Sayaka and let her know." She then quickly turned and started to walk off, trusting Niji to get herself sorted while Hinoiri made her way to Sayaka to inform her of what was up.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji had witnessed Terribads and youma generally terrorizing some other things; a museum, a planetarium. She'd seen youma interrupt tons of events that should have been fun and exciting for other people and turn them into 'gas leaks' that cancelled things.

    But Baseball? A bseball game she was at? A baseball game where someone else had paid for tickets, and Niji could have probably gotten free hot dogs and cracker jack if Obsidian hadn't cancelled all of Hinoiri's credit cards?

    Oh, now it was personal. "Well, I don't have my bat with me..." she says, in response to Hinoiri's 'magical people' comment - "... but I don't think it'll be a problem here."

    So she's getting up and sneaking off with Hinoiri, as the crowd falls under the sway and parts of the stadium grow mold (gross!) spontaniously. But instead of going to Sayaka, Niji just makes sure she's out of line-of-sight to anyone and bursts out following a spray of color.

    Trailing rainbow lines behind her, the longer-haired Geode Girl runs over to get a bat out of one of the dugouts and then appears before the Terribad and its summoner - this is less something people see and more a trail of color that can be traced.

    She points her bat at the two of them. "Really? You'd go after baseball? All of these people are just trying to relax and enjoy a game." she says. "I'm gonna send you and your dumb youma out of the park."

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Sorry mom, can't hold it." Katsuko makes the easiest excuse to her mom when trouble starts. Overhearing Hinoiri, she manages to avoid making a huge mistake. She dips into a quiet spot. <ANFANG> is paired with a blue lightshow, and soon after she's in her knight armor. Then she takes off into the sky and flows down into the field, floatign just above it to stare at the arranged forces of darkness. "These people have no shame." She responds to Loyalty's comment, "They see a bunch of people who freed up time and spent money and don't see 'these people should be allowed to enjoy things' no they just see an opportunity." She argues, "It's why they're terrible."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
A look of alarm on Sayaka's face when she notices the energy drain that is affecting everyone in the crowd, of course, including her own brother, who swings back and forth and he feels more and more of his senses escape him and after letting his umbrella slip from his hand, Haruto almost collapses to the ground, were it not for Sayaka catching him with a exhalation of air from the sudden effort and pushing him onto his chair after taking out the bat he brought from underneath him.

She stares down at the unknown thing, the one grasshopper man had brought here with his his 8 smaller teammates. "Ula", Sayaka calls out, and the tiny mermaid promptly floats out of her hiding place inside the bag Sayaka had brought. "We have a big problem on our hand, please stay behind once I go", she asks, discomfort and annoyance from Namakelder putting everyone at risk in such a packed space.

The bluenette croaches down to check her brother's pulse and breath, according to what little she had been able to catch after she saw Setsuna and Madoka hard at work. Hers however is still a work in progress, so it will take her a while before she starts dedicating her attention exclusively to the Terribad.

Phantom has posed:
"Eh. She's right." Namakelder says in response as he hears Hinoiri's advice. "I'm just not feeling up to doing anything about it at the moment." He pops some more of the popcorn in his mouth casually. He chews on his Cracker Jack as he wacthes the magical girls - because in this crowd this large, there had to be at least a couple start to arrive! And apparently, their plan is to attack the Terribad. To which, Namakelder holds up his hand. "One moment!" he says, pausing to slurp from his soda.

"Attacking this Terribad isn't going to get you anywhere! I've made him impervious to your attacks... and that is not his dream. No. If you want to defeat this Terribad..." Namakelder disappears and then reappears in the announcer's booth, taking it over as he taps the microphone. "Now pitching... the Tokyo Terribad! Who will the Mahou Magi-girls send up to bat first against him? Can they rally and..." He glances at the scoreboard and changes it...

It now reads:

Tokyro Terribads: 2
Mahou Magi-girls: 0

Bottom of the Ninth.

"Win the game before they get three outs?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times before groaning. And face palming. She... she didn't... "FINE!" she snapped. "But I want the rulebook," she demanded, pointing a finger at Namakelder. Why?

... Because he was lazy. And she was so going to try and rule's lawyer her way through things. She didn't have magic, so she might as well help how she could. "Uhhhh... Loyalty, you got first bat, right?" she asked sheepishly. Then started moving through the crowds, trying to get a look of who she had... Well, and to help Sayaka. She'd quickly move to her side, kneeling down to help her check on her brother. "You need a cover so you can go henshin?" she asked. "There's not a lot of us, but... there should be enough to get us going. I'm sure between you three, you'll be able to put him down... and I'll see what loopholes I can find." Support role, go!

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Geode Girl Loyalty glares down Namakelder and his 'invincible' terribad. "While I'd love to challenge just how 'impervious' your big friend there is - whatever that means - to my attacks... an ATHLETIC challenge? A SPORT challenge? Fungus-cricket-dude, you've got no idea who you're dealing with.

    "I'm Geode Girl Loyalty, and I'm a defender of those who need it - but I'm also... Awesome."

    She steps up with the bat she already has. "Go on, try me. There's no way some monster you just made can beat me at Sports. You'd need to train him for like, at least twenty years to have a chance.

    And Loyalty grips the bat tightly. When the ball comes, any magic on the Terribad's side is cancelled out by any magic on hers... and the skill gap is clear. She can almost see the path of the ball, and swings her bat in a lightning-quick motion, trailing rainbows behind it as it connects with the ball. And it. is. outta here!

    Loyalty makes a bit of a show of putting a flat hand over her eyes. "Nope, can't see it anymore." she notes.

    "By the way, if we win and you back out? That's gonna be your head." she notes as she drops the bat at the plate for the next girl. She looks to Sayaka and Katsuko. "See? Nothing to it. He's big so his arms are really easy to follow." she tells the girls.

    And then she pauses at Hinoiri. "Wait, I thought you didn't want a rulebook."

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko takes her place in line for the batting, looking a little bit confused and disappointed. She doesn't complain though, and when Loyalty bats it out of the park she does raise her right tonfo into the air as she cheers the other girl on.

Phantom has posed:
"Rule book? You want a rule book?" Namakelder lifts his brow. "Well, fine." With that, he forms a portal behind her and one of the player kindabads pushes her in! Just for her to reappear in the announcers booth. "You're my color commentary, then." He gestures to the rule book there. And then offers the popcorn bucket. In case she wants some. No dark magic. Just some good stadium corn.

Down on the field, the Terribad faces off against Loyalty. There's the wind-up, and the pitch... *KRACK!*

The ball flies over the right field fence! Home Run! The lights flash, fireworks go off, and the scoreboard changes.

Tokyo Terribads: 2
Mahou Magi-girls: 1

"Fine! He'll get the next batter out! If not. Doesn't matter. Right?" Another sip from his drink. "What do you think, Hinoiri?"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko steps up to the plate, still looking confused by it all ... and passes over the use of a baseball bat to use something she is a little more comfortable with one. Zwillingrute. She waits for the ball to be thrown, and then times it, a hint of blue magic in her swing as the tonfa makes contact with the ball and sends it flying out of the park and over the center field wall, and she instinctively uses her left hand to make a piece sign towards the announcers booth. Then, she steps off the plate.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Geode Girl Loyalty is more than happy to cheer on Katsuko - even if she's more than happy to use a different weapon. But she's pretty sure the same rulebook that'd say they have to use a regulation bat probably says the pitcher has to be a regulation human.

    "They're just playing for themselves, but we're playing for the safety of everyone here today, for the ability of the game to go on, for the pleasure of a day out with friends and family! By comparison, even the best pitcher in the world couldn't stand up to our determination!" Loyalty yells.

    "You've got this! No problems!" she says. And Katsuko does indeed have this with no problems at all. "Told you!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Thanks", Sayaka smiles gratefully at Hinoiri when she offers her a cover. Not a bad idea considering Namakelder is up there overseeing the whole place. "I think that is really good. Please, Hinoiri", the bluenette asks as she takes advantage of whatever the other girl is planning. Hopefully it covers also for the blue flash of her henshin. Whatever the matter, she is now her Puella self, and likely Namakelder has not seen her.

Of course, then Hinoiri is pulled by whatever annoying portal magic the dark generals have available to them and Sayaka's frustration only skyrockets. He has already put the whole crowd in danger, now he is possibly exposing Hinoiri to dark energy. Can he not be any less excruciating to deal with?

Probably Sayaka pointing out the bat to Hinoiri while she intends to go grab one off the field may or may not have happened, depending on the exact order of the events and Hinoiri's movements. Anyhow, the blue Puella is skipping off to the playing field as she grabs on the bat laying there.

"I fully understand the rules, but whatever protection you have given to the Terribad it won't matter. A heart as ugly as yours could never really understand the joy this sport gives others, and hope to use it to shatter everyone's hope. Prepare to free that boy", Sharpsong says, her heart swelling with concern and determination.

Thankfully there are some very good companions out there while she is busy finding a bat. "See that?" the Puella shouts at Namakelder. "That is just about what awaits you for your unsportsmanlike behaviour." Once she has one in her grasp, she moves right where the others are and is ready to do whatever is needed of her.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glared at Niji. "Of course I don't want to just read the rulebooks, but they're still useful," she said firmly. "Especially if for some reason I have to--" she let out a startled yelp when suddenly a portal opened and she was shoved through it. She toppled into the booth with a startled yelp, flailing a little and ending up in a less than dignified heap. She shook her head, got to her feet, readying to throw hands and--

... And nothing. It took her a moment to realize this was not, in fact, an ambush. As ready as she was to throw down (even though she knew her ass would be beat), apparently it was... just Namekelder being Namakelder. "I... oh. Ummm... thanks," she said sheepishly. She took a bit of popcorn and then pulled the rulebook into her lap as she sat down. "Queen Mirage doing well?" she asked, flipping through it and...

"Well, it looks like right off the bat, Loyalty has proven that, when it comes to playing against dark energy, she's always ready to hit a home run! I think that one might have gone clear over the rainbow. Now, let's see how-- Ohhhhhhh. And that's another home run! The little tonfa mage down there isn't afraid to play hardball when it comes down to it! Buck, I think one of the kindabads down there tried to CATCH it, and... it looks like some of the other kindabads are hauling it away in a stretcher. Poor little guy. He didn't even see that wall until he ran into it."

"And that's two for two. That leaves... SHARPSOOOOONG!" Hinoiri calls out, a smirk on her lips. "Good for you, huh Namekelder? Looks like an early lunch break for you. Knock it out of the park!" she yells as the last of the magical girls pull up to the plate! If Sayaka could pull it off, then the girls would all be home free! Surely she could do it!

She quickly kept going through the rulebook, though she was, fortunately, suspecting rules lawyering wouldn't be needed!

Phantom has posed:
As Katsuko steps up to the plate, Namakelder frowns. "She's not even using a bat!" he protests, and those protests get louder when she swings around her weapon when the ball is pitched. She catches it in the middle, and sends it flying a country mile into the sky. It is a little white dot in the sky for a moment and then disappears from sight. She may have even knocked the ball into orbit. "That's not fair! But... whatever. You're still not going to win!" he promises.

Tokyo Terribads: 2
Mahou Magi-girls: 2

The score is now tied, and Sharpsong is up for bat. "I bet we get an out with this one." Namakelder confidently declares. "And make her use a real bat!" he calls out again in more protests.

"Queen Mirage is fine." the green suited general says to Hinoiri. "But you're all in goody goody with these mahou now, tell me something. You seen Phantom hanging around with one of them?" he asks her casually. "Hosshiwa thinks that he's gotten sweet on one of them, but she wasn't able to prove it because they stopped her from questioning the girl in question. You know anything about it?"

In the meantime, the Terribad is stepping back and forth on the mound, preparing itself, and when Sharpsong steps into the batter's box, it prepares to pitch!

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Now that it is Sayaka's turn to face the Terribad, she tries to focus, the most experience she has ever had with a bat was using it to keep away from her a bunch of Witch-Kissed people, as intimidation when she was waiting for other mahou to come and do what she wasn't ready for then.

It's no surprise that she narrowly manages the score then, but that's all that matters when they have such high stakes. She gives a wave to her fellow mahous and then up towards Hinoiri in the announcer's booth, then steps off the plate, waiting to see what happens next.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara chuckled and then... "Chapter 8, as long as it is made of wood it can still qualify as a bat." Was that a rule? No. Hinoiri was lying. But what was Namekelder going to do? Check the rulebook himself? HA! That'd be effort.

"You got this, Sharpsong!" she called out.

She then glanced back to Namekelder. "Ehhhh. Goody goody might be a strong word. They've got kind hearts and since Obsidian keeps trying to off me, they cound me as 'worth saving' for some reason. So... they don't want me dead? That's better than the alternative?"

However, the question about Phantom? She stared at him... and then she actually burst into laughter, quickly moving the rulebook up and over her mouth to try and stifle it. "s-sorry! Sorry! I-I just didn't think you'd make a joke like-- oh my gosh you're SERIOUS? Really? Oh, wow. What kind of desperate girl would you need to be to go with PHANTOM? Ha! No. There's nobody on our side like that." Pause. "Though, if you want some fun office gossip? Thetis got laid out by a civilian yesterday. Just, bam, one punch and the girl went down. No magic or anything, just bam. Was hilarious. So, which of the sparkles does Hossiwa think Phantom is soft on?"

Then she turned her focus back to the pitch and... "Sharpsong swings and she SCORES! Look at that ball GO! Three! For! Three! BAM! THAT'S HOW THESE SPARKLE GIRLS DO! IN YOUR FACE! WOO!" Pause, blink. Turn bright red. "Errr... I... ahem. Sorry. I uhhh... got excited. Sharpsong hits it out of here, look at her running those laps! You go girl!"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko cheers when the last pitch also gets handled. Hinoiri's comemntary though... it gets her to fly up to the announcer booth and knock, "Hey, Kirara-san? Maybe don't diss people to an entire stadium?" She suggests, arms folded. "I know you're learning to be better, but..." There's a pause, "And I don't mean the Thetis thing, mock her all you want, I guess..."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty almost misses the conversation because she's focused on cheering Sharpsong on. Since they're 2/3 of the way to absolutely dusting this youma and making Namakelder look worse than he did himself, she can feel the intensity ramping up. And so when Sayaka's bat connects Niji is just as excited. "Alright! Now we get to see if Mean Green up there is capable of holding up an agreement since that's THREE. TO. ZERO." she yells up to the booth.

    "Wait, who are we mocking and how can I help? I mean after we kick the Terribad out and can go back to the baseball game?"

Phantom has posed:
"I don't know who it is..." Namakelder admits to Hinoiri. "But I know she attacked a candy store to get the information." There, he leaves that hint for Hinoiri to follow, before Katsuko speaks up. "Ha! You're getting dissed by them now? Wow." a shake of his head. "That's rich."

But his attention is on Sharpsong. As she steps up to the plate and takes a swing, the crack of the bat at first makes things unsure. Maybe because she used a mundane bat, that would make it easier for her to be out?

The ball flies through the air in a will it/won't it moment as a kindabad is racing back and leaps at the wall in a last minute attempt to grab the ball... but it just barely passes over his outstretched glove and into the stands.

HOME RUN! the scoreboard flashes.

Tokyo Terribads: 2
Mahou Magi-girls: 3

Magi-girls Win!

The mirror cracks, the Terribad defeated, and disappears in a burst of light as the mirror holding the batboy shatters. "I should have mirrored one of the starting pitchers." Namakelder grouses. "But they probably all dream of money and stuff. No real love of the game. But whatever. See you around, Sunshine." he says to Hinoiri, before snapping his fingers, dismissing his remaining Kindabads and starting to awaken the crowd again. "I'd stay and fight, but I'm not feeling it."

And with that, he's gone.

If they stick around to finish the game which apparently had a small weather delay for low-lying fog, the Sparrows end up defeating the Giants 3 to 0.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty looks on as the Terribad solves itself, defeated by the power of Being Athletic And Good At Sports. Go figure. After Namakelder departs, Loyalty muses. "I betcha he isn't very often 'feeling' the fight. He looked like he didn't really want to do his job." she surmises.

    As everyone starts to wake up from the 'sudden onset of fog' delay, she dehenshins and goes looking for Hinoiri. She wants to see that rulebook and see if it... is actually worth Hinoiri reading, or if it's all weird Phantom Empire Baseball stuff.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times when she was scolded. "What? Why can't I mock Phantom? He LITERALLY tried to put me in a mirror the other day! Wait, why is THETIS okay, but not Phantom?!" That didn't make sense! Phantom was a jerk!

However, the comment on who Hossiwa was trying to figure out... well... "Wait, her? If it's who I think? HA! Not a chance. Hossiwa is looking for a waterfall in a desert with that one. She really should try something at least somewhat believable."

Please. Chiyo with PHANTOM? Nope. Wouldn't happen. Sure, she knew Chiyo had a bit of a... history... with boys. But even she couldn't be THAT desperate.

"See you around, Namakelder." She made her way out of the booth, quickly trying to make her way back to her seat... and giving the girls each a pat on the back. "You were all great, by the way."

She did, in fact, have the rulebook... Probably real, what was Namekelder going to do? MAKE rules? Print it up? Noooope.

"He really isn't. Very lazy guy. Nice enough. Oddly? Pretty good dancer, if you can get him to stay awake long enough for it."

... Was... was she bsing it there? Possibly.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "I don't care about Phantom, I care about whatever girl he is dating. You were mocking her as much as you were mocking him. I know you're smart enough to mock Phantom without mocking anyone you don't mean to mock, if you put in the effort" Katsuko argues, and then she flies away to drop her armor and get back to her mom.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara would give a sigh, reaching up a hand to rub her head. "No... I... I wasn't... I mean, it's Hossiwa. She's always making stuff up. There's no way one of the sparkles is eyeing him up like that. She's just being her normal self. But tell you what. If I find out there is a sparkle who makes that bad of choices, I will personally find them, and... I don't know. Sing an apology song under their window or something equallity ridiculous."

She'd then quickly move back to their seats, spending a moment to make sure that Sayaka and her bro were okay, before returning to watch the show! Oddly? She maanged to get MORE into it now... girl was incredibly competitive.