127/Food Court Chaos!

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Food Court Chaos!
Date of Scene: 20 July 2023
Location: Four Clover Mall
Synopsis: Runealy Waldia and Edelise Albrecht fight Hosshiwa off in a Food Court, also Hinote Kagari is pretty sure it's the world that's insane and not him.
Cast of Characters: Precia Testarossa, Runealy Waldia, Hinote Kagari, 113

Precia Testarossa has posed:
"Let the future reflected in the mirror, become TERRIBLE!"

"Come on out, my Terrbiad!"

That was about fifteen minutes ago when Hosshiwa, of the Phantom Empire, put the candy jockey in the foood court at the Candy Kiosk into a coffin shaped mirror and turned his heart into a Terribad, a big black monster that nearly hits the ceiling of the mall. The entire food court, and the encroaching mall beyond began to become flooded with a world of sweets, cake, chocolate, literally. as if some strange candy land started taking over the mall, slowly.

Hosshiwa herself, a woman with stone-blue colored hair, and dressed in pink finery with a parasol sat at one of the tables in the food court sipping a glass of tea as energy drained people laid all around her at her feet.

"All this candy belongs to me." she says, pushing one of these arms of the drained victims away. "You can't have any." she says, scoffing.

It may be a good idea to stop this soon, it seems no one's here to do so!

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Rune has been here at least once before, and was able to find her way back to the mall with Edelise accompanying her. The princess is a step ahead at most, wanting to stay close enough to look aside and talk with her friend while sharing insights on Earth society.

Some of them are apt. "This 'mall', as they refer to it, is not unlike our merchant districts... they gather here to sell products, but in far greater quantities than we would imagine. It is quite popular!"

Others are not, as she gestures to an electronics store. "The strange rectangles we have seen everyone store in their hands or pockets are 'televisions', they extinguish and re-light glass candles to show strange theatre plays. This is what I have gathered from speaking with Madoka Kaname and the school's counselor, Kyouka Inai." That is not quite what Madoka or Kyouka said, but it is what the princess took from it.

"I have pondered whether we shou--" Something is wrong. "...Hnn?" She looks ahead at the spreading candy-field, eyes wide and voice raised in alarm. "This is hardly one of their plays!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari was here doing some shopping because mom needed some things for the house. Not normal everyday things, no- that would had been a super market. He's here paying the department store for a new washer and dryer and picking up a new pots and pan set which he's holding in front of him, receipt in hand, as he hums the day away. He thinks he's getting a bite at the food court before he leaves. Instead...

W..whatever this is. For some reason, he hasn't succumbed to the energy drain, probably because he's juuust walking into it, but he blinks and looks around. "Is this some kind of promotion or something?" he asks weirdly. "Like for a movie?" the boy asks, to no one in particular. He hasn't caught on to any danger yet. He's continuing on, a little uncomfortably though. What's with the giant cake?" he wonders. He's picking up on the whole dark energy thing subconsciously probably.

He isn't a magical hero, afterall, just regular ol, Drama Hino.

Edelise Albrecht (113) has posed:
Edelise is walking alongside (if a few inches back) with Runealy, listening intently and sharing insight. "That's fascinating... all sorts of strange magic. The 'televisions' are interesting, but for a bit, I was worried about if they were even right..."

A pause to listen, when Runealy stops and looks ahead. Edelise takes two steps forward, eyes darting quickly. When she spots Hosshiwa, she alerts Runealy with a gesture, before leaping onto the nearest table that's still intact, crouching to be level with the villain, and draw attention from the princess. "What manner of dark magic is this? What is your motive to...turn everything into cake...?"

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Hosshiwa has some 'ruffian' barge up to her table and ruin her tea time. This angers her and she huffs in a huffy 'better than you' manner. "I said, no candy for you!" she says as she points her hand at Edelise and calls out. "Terribad!"

The giant creature attempts to flatten a fist down on top of the table and this also sends Hosshiwa flying! She, however, opens her parasol and floats daintily to the ground. She cackles with an oujo-laugh and stays out of the way as she lets the Terribad deal with her problem. She may not have noticed anyone else arriving thanks to Edelise's distraction!

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    If Rune had any doubts about Edelise's willingness to help - not that she had any serious ones, given Edelise's ritual to become a Guardian Knight succeeded - then watching her friend rush ahead and jump onto a table is enough to get rid of them with an impressed, breathy gasp!

Hinote catches her eye, as Rune realizes it's odd that he does not seem to be among the fallen. As the absolutely massive Terribad gets moving, she looks to Hinote and calls out a warning: "See yourself to safety at once!"

It's not just 'on the move'... it's heading for Edelise. This cuts off any time she might have wanted to spend trying to talk to Hosshiwa, as her friend is now in danger of being crushed. "Ahh...! Edelise...! Summoning Princess' Tiara!" She won't be in time to intervene, even as jeweled headwear appears in one hand. A pulsing 'energy hum' comes from it, as Rune calls out: "The Line of Succession..." One hand passes the tiara to the other, which brings it to her head in the same motion. "Transform!"

Rune is engulfed in red light! It fades a moment later, showing her now in full magical attire and holding her (newly regrown, after her battle with Firefly) main staff.

She wasn't in time to do anything to stop the Terribad, but she can at least retaliate. Eyes narrowed, she aims up high - at the Terribad's upper body - and launches her staff's green gem tip at it. The projectile flies, aiming to 'explode' into emerald sparkles on contact while her staff immediately grows a new gem to replace it!

Edelise Albrecht (113) has posed:
"...that's really stu-" Edelise is about to respond, when the giant hand comes down. Eyes widening in fear, she quickly dives off, landing on all fours and lifting herself up after several quick seconds.

"A fight it is, demon... Knight's Coin!"

Pulling a gold coin out of her pocket, she flips it into the air, calling out. "Transform...!"

As a silver light shines on the coin, tassels manifest outwards, a silver cloak wrapping around her body, a hood covering over her head. A short scimitar is in one hand, and a small shield is in the other.

"For freedom and honor! I am Guardian Edel!"

She dashes straight at the Terribad, moves to slide under its legs, and slash it in the back with the scimitar. Her eyes dart for Hinote. Are they okay...? These may not be necessarily anyone she'd care about, but to let this demon hurt them...

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari blinks a little and his first thought is. "I didn't think they we're filming a movie here today..." which he says out loud to himself. He then blinks when Runealy says 'See yourself to safety at once' and this confuses him because A: Who's that? and B: Who speaks like that in 2023? Still, he blinks and rubs his eyes when he sees... a giant thing attacking a girl on top of a table and there's a woman, with a parasol, commanding the monster and..

He watches that pink haired girl transform- and the other girl that was on the table do so, too-- and he drops his pots and pans in front of him and mutters.

"What in the fark?" he mutters. He needs a moment here. Maybe this is all a bad dream. He rubs his eyes a bit.

Uh. Nope.

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Magical girls transform, and Hosshiwa seems unimpressed, because of course she does. "Are you trying to steal my food? I said you couldn't have any!" she says sharply. That seems to be all the woman cares about. Her food. Her candy. Her cakes. Still. The Terribad tries to catch Guardian Edel and has to turn around, but not without getting slashed in the back, making it cry out 'Terribad!'.

The green gem tip explodes into contact with the Terribad, making it shudder and angry, as it fires off Jolly Rancher rockets at the two magical girls-slash-Guardian Knight and Princess attacking it, it re-steadies itself and gets ready to attack again.

"You should all leave me alone. I'm too important to be dealing with... whoever you two are anyways!" says Hosshiwa.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "Heed me!" Rune protests at Hinote, "Hesitation may well mean your demise! Seek shelter!" That her unusual speech seems to be distracting him doesn't quite register to her - she just presumes he will do as she said.

Then she glares at Hosshiwa, disapproving. "We have no need to plunder your harvest! If you are in league with this demon, desist at once! We... ah?!"

She is interrupted by candy rockets, noticing them in corner of her eye. Rune's boot-wings glow with a blue-silver light, launching her above them and allowing the sugary projectiles to explode in sticky goo where she stood!

The princess lands on an upper floor walkway, which merely brings her close to eye level. Even as Edelise strikes, Rune is quick to praise her: "Splendid! Let us pin this demon between ourselves!" Wand still aimed high - mindful of not wanting to risk hitting Edel with any attacks, Rune launches another pair of orbs at the Terribad!

Edelise Albrecht (113) has posed:
Guardian Edel is shot at with rockets, as Hinote is distracted. What to do, what to do...

She leaps backwards, nearly toppling from the blast but catching herself, and rolls with superhuman speed away from Hinote, to draw explosions away from the civilian.

"Pin... right!" Acrobatically leaping up, Edel kicks off the Terribad's back, lands, and slides into the back of their leg, trying to topple them in conjunction...

If she's not careful, the Terribad might just crush her.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari can understand that and takes shelter... underneath one of the tables nearby. He doesn't understand the weird manner of talk but does his best to as he hides without his pots and pans. (His mom is gonna ground him for like a week and he won't like it.)

Still, he peeks out from underneath the table as he worries. What's... going on here. Did he walk into crazy town today!? What's going on. What's this prickly feeling? Oh. OH.

There's like unconscious people everywhere. Oh dear.

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Hosshiwa scoffs. "Harvest. Does this look like a rice field to you!?" she says. "Just who do you think you are? You won't plunder me." she says as she raises her parasol at Runealy, in it's closed state and fires off a powerful beam of red, dark energy towards her.

This frees up Edel to take on the Terribad.

The Terribad does topple, onto a bunch of tables and crushes them! Now's a good time to get some great hits in while it's prone and trying to flail to get back up to continue it's attack on the mall's food court!

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Rune isn't immediately aware of Hosshiwa's intent. Even as she made those remarks to the dark general, the princess quickly returned her focus to the Terribad. Boot-wings glowing again, Rune hops over the walkway railing and begins a gliding descent as she contines firing wand orbs at the monster!

The princess slowly loses altitude throughout this, with no idea that Hosshiwa is aiming right at her. It's only when the beam is already heading her way that Rune notices. "Hnn...?!" Her feet kick forward, trying to change into a hurried backwards glide to get away from the attack!

She is a split-second too late. While Rune does manage to avoid a full-on, direct hit... even being clipped by the edge of the beam is tremendously powerful! What was a fairly graceful glide becomes an outright plummet, as her momentum carries her a few tables that have not been smashed yet, falling with a hurt shriek. Rune hits the tiled ground hard, bouncing off it and rolling to a limp stop by Hinote's table.

She might be conscious - Rune twitches a little, but she is not coherent. She has no words, she does not look at anything in particular, and she is not standing up.

Edelise Albrecht (113) has posed:
As Guardian Edel knocks down the Terribad without getting crushed, it comes at a great cost - Runealy is taken out of the fight, it seems. Her loyalty to her princess makes her want to dart to save her, but-

The monster would take them both out.

"You there! Protect her with your life!" Edelise shouts to Hinote, as she leaps into the air, channels a bolt of lightning into her scimitar, and moves to plunge it straight into the toppled Terribad, hoping to end this fight - or at least, force a stalemate!

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari is watching the fight and--well it isn't hard to tell who the good guy and bad guys here are supposed to be, watch with the stuff Hossiwha is shouting and the fact she's commanding a big black monster and also the world is cake. Still.

He doesn't actually need to be told to help because he actively just does it, trying to pickup the girl into a princess carry and trying to run away like crazy down the way. He probably succeeds in picking up Runealy.

He doesn't succeed so much in the running at top speed with her, but he's quick enough.

"I dunno what's up but.." she trails off, panting the whole while.

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Hosshiwa spins the parasol around and fires a few shots towards the escaping orange haired boy. "H-hey. Get back here---" but then the Terribad , attacked by so many lightning infused smacks into it, while it's down takes a lot of hideous lightning damage and with the lightning blade forced into the monsters, this causes it to dissipate!

-and with that, the candy and cake world starts to fade away and Hosshiwa is left alone.

"Oh, well that's awful you took away all my sweets!" she says angrily.

"No matter! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY next time." she says as she opens her parasol and..dissapears into it. Teleporting away from the fight.

The world slowly starts to right itself, finally. Though it'll be a second before people wake up!

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    The princess proves to be compatible with a princess carry - her wand vanishes as she dangles limp in Hinote's hold, and she stops moving. She is, however, still breathing.

This means that while she was unable to witness Edel strike down a monster, she will at least be alive to hear about it later!

Edelise Albrecht (113) has posed:
As the monster and the cake world go down, and Hosshiwa disappears, Edelise dashes towards where Hinote ends up, appearing probably right to his side. She puts her armaments away...

And moves towards her Princess, gesturing to the nearest chair to put her in. "Your Highness! Princess Runealy! Please, wake up!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari yeeks loudly and opens his eyes wide when laser bolts streak past him. He doesn't jump or dodge because he can't, he isn't some super hero! But he is lucky enough to not be hit. He sweats and finally starts slowing down, slowly at that and stops and places Runealy down on a bench as he pants.

"Oh my god." he pants. "M..Mom is gonna 'kill me' if I don't find those pots and pans soon." he says. He doesn't leave the pink haired girl alone though, he does check her pulse--- well in the TV Doctor's way. You know, two fingers to the wrist. that sort of thing.

"I dunno what's up here but uh. I hope you're okay?" he says to not one again. He does look back to the food court though.

He then blutthers. "P-princess!?"

Pause. "Wait who are you people!?" he suddenly asks.

"And--and what was all that about!?"

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "Nuh...?" For all her fancy language most of the time, Rune is at a loss for coherent words at first. She is, thankfully, not at a loss for pulse... Hinote can easily confirm that much.

She dangles limp on the bench, looking up at Edel. No meaningful speech just yet, but the repeated blinking and improving clarity in her eyes suggest she will be alert in a few moments. Moments that can, perhaps, be used to answer Hinote's stream of questions.

Edelise Albrecht (113) has posed:
Edelise hmphs as Runealy is placed on the bench, but as the princess looks up at her, she crosses one arm across her heart. "Your highness..."

Turning to Hinote, she clicks her tongue. "I am Edelise Albrecht. I will allow her to introduce herself once she recovered, as well as... decide how to explain this. But I owe you a debt for saving her royal highness. Now, for what that was all about..."

She smirks and shrugs. "No idea. I believe that woman was consorting with demons."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote nods, listens, nods. Appears he's understanding before he face falters.

"Demons you say. Amazing. Look. I'm g...going to go over here a moment." he says as he sidesteps to the right, smiles. And then walks to a nearby vending machine to pick out some sort of cherry juice drink. Because everyone likes cherries, r-right? And walks back after having taken a few deep breaths.

"I have come to the conclusion, I am a sane and this world is now crazy." he says bluntly.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
"Demons, or I believe they are referred to as 'youma' in this w-- region," Rune catches her mistake before she can finish saying a word she thinks would be dangerous to let slip.

The princess manages to sit up. She has a notable lean to her posture, hurting from Hosshiwa's beam, but is at least coherent now. "I am lead to believe, then, that you..." She nods to Edel, "Struck the beast down? And you," Rune goes silent for a moment, realizing Hinote has left to get a drink.

She tries the question again when he returns, "And you appear to have both carried me away, and caused that television to... drop some sort of... I cannot imagine what that might be," She gestures at the cherry juice.

Edelise Albrecht (113) has posed:
"Yes, your highness." Edel is mixed with pride, for slaying the demon, and shame, for not being there for Runealy, but regardless, they won. "The woman escaped, unfortunately." As Hinote walks away, she sighs, but he comes back with... a canister?

"Is that the television's power source?"

Though she doesn't dwindle on that, instead, looking around. "Is this a safe place to communicate?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
"Oh. This. This is a drink. For you. Because you need it after nearly being knocked out." he says, passing it over.

He seems confused about the talk of vending machines as televisions. "N..No. It..it sells things. Like a store." he says. He rubs the back of his head. "I'm. I'm. Uh. Hinote Kagari." he says as he rubs the back of his head.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "Well done, then! Better that an enemy escape yet citizens are protected, than the opposite. We can defeat their Queen," Rune presumes Hosshiwa is a queen, at least, "at the next... opportunity." Her voice falters as she realizes this means a second fight against someone who, for all practical purposes, dropped her in one shot. It will not be easy to make good on that sort of 'big talk.' Regardless, she offers an approving smile at Edel.

Then Hinote says something that deeply confuses her. "I am Princess Runealy, or 'Rune' if you prefer, and... you mean to say that televisions can also be merchants? I saw no one tally your purchase, nor write a bill of sale... so I am left to conclude it carried out that transaction with you?" She asks this with wide eyes, disbelieving. She nonetheless has enough sense to reach out - very cautiously - for the strange Earth drink, accepting it with a "my thanks..."

Edelise Albrecht (113) has posed:
As Runealy asks about the machine, Edelise thinks. "How wondrous. But, nonetheless, a merchant is less important than what you've done. You had no clear combat skill of your own, yet you were already saving her before I shouted... a nnoble heart, Hinote."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari gets a name. Princess. uhuh. Princess Runealy. So he heard right earlier. When he's told he has a noble heart, this causes him to brighten, he almost wants to ask 'really!?' but he doesn't, because his phone starts blinging at him.

"..Oh, my mom is really upset at me, I was supposed to be home ages ago. But um. I'll. See you later?" he says as he steps away cautiously, before he takes off quickly.

"Oh god, mom is gonna kill me." he whispers. "And she isn't gonna take 'sorry demons attack' as an excuse..." he says.