1616/Expecting Different Results

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Expecting Different Results
Date of Scene: 01 June 2024
Location: WcDonald's
Synopsis: Takashi's still trying to get hold of Wawna. He animates a giant redheaded yellow-jumpsuited clown statue in the effort to get his way, and fights all three Star Drivers, Cure Wing, and Katsuko Takezaki, with the help of La Crima!
Cast of Characters: Wako Agemaki, Takashi Agera, Takuto Tsunashi, Tsubasa Yuunagi, Sugata Shindo, Norie Okana, Katsuko Takezaki

Wako Agemaki has posed:
June has come! The birds are singing, the sun is shining, students are out of class, and Wako and Takuto are engaging in a favorite pastime: messing with Sugata.

WcDonald's is a good couple of steps down from their old island cafe haunt, but Wako is cheerfully unapologetic as she sets a loaded tray down on their table. "You have to at least try the WcNuggets," she insists, already pushing an individual-size tub of WcDonald's Sauce in Sugata's direction. "They're an experience."

The chocolate milkshake, on the other hand - that one's hers. She snags it before either of the boys can make a play for it.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Sunbreaker - now Sunset of Sora - has been shaking things up and then some, in the magical world. But for the average human civilian, it's just Saturday, and on some Saturdays you just don't feel like cooking, so while it's not as packed as it was at lunchtime, the Juuban WcDonalds is doing decent business.

    Some of that business includes Takashi Agera - who has decided to get a lunch before getting a second lunch of energy from the densely populated area. It's only about halfway through his food that he notices a trio, some of whom he recognizes out of henshin, are also here. Including the robot-thief who somehow stole Takashi's robot at birth.

    He keeps an eye on them, occasonally popping a french fry into his mouth. Only now, he's scanning the room to see what kind of objects would be ideal to animate, because he's pretty much already resolved to start some trouble. Once lunch has finished, anyways. Norie Okana is across from him - he's sure that for her, the food is less attractive than the 'food' of the intended drain after.

    "Oh hey, bonus." he says to her, his voice low so only she can here. "The girl who has my robot is here, we can drain energy and take that too. Should be a small crowd, a lot of the sparkles are more worried about Sunbreaker."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"--well I heard they just stick whole dead chickens in a grinder," Takuto's saying with his hand in the bucket, even now pulling out a handful of WcNuggets, and stuffing one in his mouth without sauce. "But however they make them," he continues with his hand in front of his mouth, talking around the food, "they're delicious, right? Try one with each kind of sauce."

The redhead in red dips his next nugget in a little tub of sweet-and-sour sauce, then jams it in his mouth along with the no-sauce one and slides the one-dip-out-of-it tub in Sugata's direction. He can't actually continue talking with TWO WcNuggets in his mouth.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Tsubasa will never ever experience what a WcNugget tastes like. There are reasons for this, but lets just say he doesn't have the stomach for it. However, when the WcDonald's ice cream machine is actually in service, the soft serve game is on point. Which is great for a hot June day. Sitting at one of the tables, the teen has a tall vanilla cone that he's snacking on - about half way through where all the ripples in the ice cream have been licked smooth.

On the table is a book on aviation, and he is currently flipping through it, studying some of the pictures of the principles of flight and reading idly as he does so.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"I notice that you didn't specify what kind of experience," Sugata says dryly, looking at the golden-brown fried nuggests with an expression not entirely unlike horror. The fact that Takuto is saying they're made from whole ground chicken is not helping. But never let it be said he's not willing to wade into danger - a nugget is carefully taken up and then dunked into the garlic-soy-chili blend sauce...


"...I hate to admit that it's not bad," he proclaims grimly, and takes a long sip from his pineapple-mango smoothie.

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana is indeed hanging out with Takashi, noticing the trio herself, but keeping quiet. She's only familiar with two of them personally though. Wait. There's a third? Oh no, he's hot.

Anyways, Norie Okana has before her a combo meal that's some special teriyaki burger. It's sweet and making a mess on it's wrapping paper. She eats it carefully as not to make a mess of herself, as she steals one of her own fries.

"Ah." she says lowly back. "So we know there will be resistance. Oh well. I was hoping Hinori put enough losers in the hospital." she says.

She considers it a small miracle the ice cream machine is working. She considers a cone. Then realizes everyone will be drained after anyways.

Maybe she can make herself a megacone before leaving. Yeah, that sounds good.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko has had a rough few days. So, she's decided to treat herself to some junk food. A Happy Meal with WcNuggets and cola in her hands, and she's about to go to sit on a table on her own when she spies a familiar face. "Tsunashi-sempai." She greets, looking to the others, and bowing politely to them. "Are your friends uh..." She doesn't recognize Sugata, though he might recognize her.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Gross," Wako complains at Takuto, the straw for her milkshake still in her mouth. "Don't tell him things like that!" The veracity of the claim, on the other hand, she doesn't really have the information to dispute... though it's probably unlikely. She hopes.

She's beaming at Sugata and reaching for a nugget herself when Katsuko approaches the table to speak to Takuto. "Oh, hi!" Curious eyes and a friendly smile turn Katsuko's way. "Are you a friend of Takuto-kun's? I'm Wako. You can come sit with us if you want, we got a ton of food."

She scoots herself over a little to make room.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi sighs. "Of course there's resistance. There couldn't not be. So. I'm wondering, do you think animating the Reynold WcDonald statue over there as a youma is like. Too easy?" He asks Norie lowly. "Should I find something else? I could animate the fryer or something, but that feels a little too... severe. Plus, who knows how long it'll take before the have fries again." he says, wistfully, as he pops one of his few remaining french fries into his mouth. The meal is nearly gone which means the chaos probably isn't that far off.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Takezaki-san!" says Takuto cheerfully in greeting after hurriedly swallowing, then thumping his chest because he swallowed too fast, again. "Yeah! This is who I was talking about--" and Wako's introducing herself and scooting over, so Takuto nods, and then gestures at them. "Wako Agemaki, and that's Sugata Shindo. You guys, this is Katsuko Takezaki, we met the other day, I was texting about it--? Fun time!"

He scoots over too, 'accidentally' bumping into Sugata, and then taking a handful of fries and gesturing with them. "Sugata-kun bought one of everything because he's completely extra and has never had any of it before."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
It doesn't take much for Tsubasa to finish off his cone, a few bites and the cake cone is gone and he's primly cleaning up with a napkin, a glance over at the table of teens, and he glances down. That usual shiness overcomes him, and instead, he considers the counter. The apple pies look good. Maybe he'll order one of those. Apples are good, after all.

With his hands cleaned off, he turns the page of his book as he returns his attention to the book, his attention fully on studying the material within.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"I'm also noticing that you're not disputing his claim," Sugata says, pointing a nugget at Wako, before a familiar-unfamiliar girl is walking over, and he nods, "Good to meet you, Takezaki-san - we actually met yesterday, at the museum. You're the tonfa wielder, correct?"

She'd been fairly good, actually, and if she has any inclination for swordsmanship he's going to suggest the kendo club, which continually needs fresh meat, ah, new blood.

"If there's anything we've got here that you'd like to try, you can have it. These two suggested I try something new and then objected to ordering the menu."

Why not? They've already handed off a variety of burgers and sandwiches to people who'd been in line behind them.

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana looks at Takashi and continues eating as he speaks. "Oh, the statue would be horrifying, make sure it has teeth and big red eyes." she says. "A fryer would be a little severe unless you ARE looking to deep fry magical girl into onion rings." she says, bluntly.

She continues eating. She's almost done.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Yes, I am." Katsuko answers Sugata as she scoots into a seat. "It's nice to meet all of you. Katsuko Takezaki, seventh grade" She's wearing the boy's uniform of Radiant Heart. "So do fossils turn into rampaging monsters often?" She doesn't touch any of the food on the table, and instead just unwraps her own WcNuggets and dips one into her sauce, planning to savor it.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako pointedly ignores Sugata pointing the nugget at her. "Nice to meet you!" she tells Katsuko instead. "The fossil was a new one for me to hear about, but weird things like that do happen pretty often... my first time here, it was a two-headed bear."

She peels open a container of honey mustard sauce to dunk her nugget in, noms it down before looking between Sugata and Takuto. "So which one of you is gonna try the Hot and Groovy Beef?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi picks up the box, and shakes the last bit of fry out into his hand, eating the one extra-crispy one that always lurks at the bottom and shaking his hand off to eject the salt crystals.

    "Welp, lunch break's over then. Be right back." he says, standing up, putting his tray up, and taking a step outside and around a corner.

    A flash of light and it's Riventon who comes out, walks into the door, casually floats across the room (to the amazement/lack of attention of the civilian onlookers) and rests his hand on the Reynold WcDonald statue. "Animus Umbra!" he calls out, and if someone who was magical somehow missed the floating boy in an armored labcoat, they probably won't miss the rush of cold feelings as Dark Energy floods into the statue. Its shadow rips itself free of the floor and inhabits the object itself, causing its eyes to flare with a glowing red sentience before the entire statue starts moving, ripping itself likewise free of the floor, making heavy footsteps towards the center of the store.

    Riventon raises his hand up and starts draining the energy from the nonmagical inhabitants of the place. He knows LaCrima will be along shortly. "Patrons, please surrender all energy and or magical items but especially small robots before Reynold WcDonald here has to turn his frown upside down! And beat you like he just caught you ordering from Burger President." He is absolutely looking at Wako expectantly.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"It was a first for me as well," Sugata offers candidly, "Though not the strangest sight in Tokyo; it was pretty fun though."

He had thoroughly enjoyed the encounter, especially given the exchange he'd had with the thief who liked to spend his time bothering Wako had ended in his favor.

He's about to suggest that Takuto sacrifice his tastebuds to the Hot and Groovy Beef, when suddenly, there comes an annoyingly familiar boy floating through the area, and a wash of cold spreads through the air as the statue of Reynold WcDonald comes to life.

Not yet the strangest sight in Tokyo, but the Hot and Groovy Beef is lifted as Riventon raises his hands.

"Magical items coming up," he calls, and hurls the open container of Hot and Groovy Beef at Riventon.


Before Godoka and everyone, Ginga Kingu is in the building, fist to his chest as he draws out his weapon of choice.

"Star Swordo! Diamant!"

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Takuto points to Sugata in answer to Wako's question, and he's about to turn and ask Katsuko something when R i v e n t o n shows up, and Takuto makes a stinkface. "Couldn't you have waited until we were done eating??" he yells, then resignedly stands up and yells


and oh man it's certainly more than a flash of light. It's a whole-ass lightshow, involving sparkles and bokeh and a shimmering iridescent silhouette and a cocky little air-hipcheck and the most fabulous posturing--

"Dashing Entrance! Ginnnnnga BISHOUNEN!"

A beat. "Tauburn? This ass wants to steal Wawna. What do we do to asses who want to steal Wawna--?"

The absolutely dashing little cavalier of a robot who pops into existence in an iridescent bubble? He thumps his chest expectantly, and Takuto blinks. "That's true, he also stole my powers for a full week of miserable, true true true. Yeah, you're right."

"Star Swordo! EMERAUDE!" yells Takuto, pulling a big green energy sword out of his chest, and then thumping his other fist to his chest and doing the same thing with a big blue energy sword. "Star Swordo! SAPHIR!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
As Riventon makes his demands and animates the WcDonald's statue, Tsubasa glances up, his eyes widening as - wait, there's toy robots, where? Concentrate, bird-brain! And that's when he makes his move. One moment, there was a shy boy with a big hair swirl sitting at a table, reading a book. The next second, he's gone, Tsubasa running off to the bathroom. Maybe the ice cream just didn't agree with him?

Once in the bathroom, he grabs his Mirage Pen and starts to transform.

Grabbing his Mirage pen, Tsubasa presses a small button on it, announcing, "Sky Mirage!" The crystal of the pen splits in half, opening into a small orb. In the meantime, he grabs a small disk with three small wings and clicks a button on the side of it, announcing, "Tone Connect!" As the orb starts to spin and light up, Tsubasa calls out, "Hirogaru Change!"

And a few moments later, from around the corner there's a Pretty Cure in bright orange, yellows and reds, a tiny top hat canted on the side of his head. "I know that it's a travesty how the WcNuggets are made, but this is not the way to protest it!" Cure Wing announces.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Just as she's about to take that bite, Riventon shows up to cause trouble. She puts down her WcNugget. "Timing." She says in a voice of complaint, then steps up and reaches for her necklace. "Let's go."


    A blue glow of light later, and Katsuko is in her knight armor with the tonfa ready. Before doing anything else, she points one of those up, "Let's get the people out of here."


    A spherical barrier grows with her at the center, and since she still hasn't learned how to turn off the part that messes with communications, that's still there. She takes to the air, and points her other Tonfa at Riventon. "Hey, if the robot really is yours, there's no reason to get the poor people down here involved. That's just being mean for no good reason."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana follows Takashi and also shifts with a fuzz of dark energy into La Crima, appearing besides Riventon and floating a little off the ground because why walk when you can float. She draws her hand back and says.

"Do as he says. Give us your items." she says.

"Or I'll blast the entire room." she says darkly. She means the innocents, but sure that also means the fighters as magical girls and boys start appearing.

"Besides, that belongs to us." she says, of Wako's robot. "You hardly do anything useful with them. Anyways." she says.

Then some strange barrier forms. And there's no more innocents.

So she throws her hand forward, a wave of dark energy already flying out at the group. It's not terribly strong, as she only charged it for a small bit. But it probably does more thank tickle too.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako was just reaching for her milkshake again when Riventon makes his entrance and the inevitable shenanigans kick off. Nearly in unison with Katsuko's complaint, she heaves a tremendous sigh and rolls her eyes. "Seriously?"

Rising from her seat, she flashes a quick smile sidelong to her guys. And declares, right there in the open like it's the new hot thing: "Apprivoiser!"

She's silhouetted in a cascade of glittering pink light, posing and nearly preening as the white-and-gold of her military parade style uniform comes into being with a swish of skirt and unfurling of capelet. "Illuminating the stage! Ginga Otome! I don't think so!"

As Norie lets loose that wave of dark energy, the Galactic Maiden throws out both hands and a curved shield of pale pink light glimmers into being around the group and their table for the wave to break against. "Don't pay them any attention," she tells Katsuko. "That guy there never grew out of seeing things he wants and yelling 'MINE!'"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon makes a face at Katsuko. "Psh, their energy is going to do more good for them in my hands than it will ever do roaming through their mundane lives, they're sleepwalking through them anyways. Might as well just sleep." he says. "In that way, they're much like you. Ignorant of reality, you can just see more to know you're ignorant of it. But neither of you can really understand what's going on in full. I suggest you take your weapons and take off."

    His Device reacts to Sugata's vicious assault by putting up an automatic barrier, projected slightly away from him. The meatlike, foodlike substance slowly slides down the barrier as Riventon makes a disgusted face at it from behind the ward. "I think that counts as both biological warfare -and- disrespect of my friend Reynold here." As he says this, the drawn on smile on the clown-statue does literally do a flip from happy to angry, turning in place on the face.

    "Really, they're doing less-than-useful things with them." Riventon says in response to his partner, LaCrima. He turns to look at them, annoyance on his face. "You know, every time you interrupt me gathering energy you just ensure I've gotta do it again somewhere else. Really, you hurt more people like this." he says, and shakes his head. The barrier sweeps over the room and he gives Katsuko a full on glare. "Do you have ANY IDEA how inconvinent those are?" he says, gesturing at the places where civlians were. "I was usin' that."

    Reynold WcDonald rolls his neck like he's got anything in there to crack and brings up his fists. "I'm not lovin' it." he says. And then suddenly the once immobile, ceramic statue rushes at the group of group of Galactics - throwing heavy ceramic punches at them as he moves nothing like the usual lumbering youma, deftly trying to strike each and then moving on.

    Norie's blasting everything, the statue is trying to pummel the Ginga crew, and Riventon looks between Katsuko and Wing. "Hey, I think you guys have only been around for a bit. It's not too late, you could always stop making stupid decisions and join Obsidian. I can always use more people on my team. Otherwise my associate here is probably going to shank you, and that'd be a shame. I'm really trying to reduce the amount of violence we have to subject people to on a daily basis." Says the tall handsome scienceboy who just animated a fast food mascot and sent it to fight people.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Oh hey! It's the girl whose tentacles I cut off when she stole Wako's heart crystal and tried to eat it!" Takuto crows from behind Wako's shield, his red eyes gleaming from half-beneath the star-shaped shock of yellow hair that's joined the red. "Looks like it's a double helping today!"

He then blasts (gently) off the floor and hovers high enough to be head-to-head with the Reynold statue, blue-white light bright in a nimbus around his feet, and he does an incredibly flashy spin on one tiptoe in the air, yelling, "FLAIR!" And then he brings first one sword down in a slash, "Galactic--" and then the other sword down in a slash, "Cross," and the two slashes make a green and blue X on the statue and as an afterimage in the air in front of it, "SLASH!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"I may be new to the city, but I'm not new to this!" Wing protests, straightening up as he watches the fight that is being carried out between the three Gingas and the WcDonald Statue. "Any of you have purification?" he calls out to the trio + one, but his attention is on Norie as she lets out that wave of minor dark energy. He feels that slight tickle on his system, and an aura of flames erupt around the Pretty Cure to protect himself from further attack.

And when Takuto calls out about the girl with the tentacles and trying to eat hearts. Well, that's about all that Cure Wing needs to hear on the matter. "I'm sorry, I cannot let you have any to-go meals!" he says to La Crima dramatically. Becuase it really seems like overkill on the statue, so - Wing turns his attention to Riventon's little helper, suddenly flashing forward, aiming to land a punch on Norie! Just watch out. It burns!

Sugata Shindo has posed:
At Ginga Kingu's side appears a pale-blue bubble of transparent light, just over a foot tall and slightly more around and inside is the most obnoxious miniature robot of the three, the black-and-blue Samekh. The tiny robot crosses his arms in the bubble, and scowls critically.

"The traitorous Maiden most certainly does not belong to that interloper. Treacherous Tauburn is correct. Slaughter the fool for his overreach!"

Food slides down the barrier Riventon has popped up, and Ginga Kingu takes a moment to appreciate Ginga Otome's barrier as it easily deflects the dark energy attack.

And then Ginga Bishounen declares La Crima's identity - at least in as far as it matters for her to be and any hint of amusement drops from Ginga Kingu's face as the barrier sweeps away the civilians.

"Ah, so that's who the rat is," he says calmly. "We'd best get rid of her then, shouldn't we?"

And he lunges directly for La Crima, Star Sword Diamant held in perfect stabbing position - and if she dodges, she'll find a rush of blows directed her way, each dead set on causing brutal damage - aiming to dismember, given that apparently she can regrow limbs.

Given the Barrier, he'd love to just drop a King's Pillar on them all - but he's made a truce, and for the moment at least, he's willing to keep it, so far as that particular damage dealer is labeled.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko glares at Riventon as she flies up to try to dodge Norie's attack, "I can tell how seriously I should be taking your words based on the fact you referred to a group of people as 'that' instead of 'them.' Like there's still a ton of problems beyond that, but that was clear enough to show how you really feel." She flies over to the man, "I'll keep this guy busy!" She yells at the others, flying towards Riventon at speed, angled to just move right past him, those Tonfa swinging out right at the end.


    Energy accelerates those tonfa for a powered attack, then slows down to face Riventon once again. "Anyway I'm not going to join with any no good jerk villain groups, whether it's yours or Harlaown-san's. I'm here to protect people from the likes of you."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Thanks for the barrier!" Ginga Otome calls to Katsuko, with a quick little flick of a salute, before turning a singularly unimpressed look back toward Riventon. "Don't you think this is getting kind of silly?" she calls to him. As she speaks she's lofting into the air, outlined faintly in pink light; Reynold WcDonald's heavy punch resounds off the bubble of her shield and sends her floating back clear of Takuto's Star Swords. "You keep coming after Wawna and you don't even know what she actually is or anything--"

And then she just kind of stops, eyes widening in an expression of almost comical dismay. No, not at Riventon. Not at Norie, either. "Oh, geez," she says under her breath, covering her face with a hand for a moment. "This is about to get messy... Be careful, you guys!" She's mostly directing that at Cure Wing and Katsuko, for whatever reason.

Norie Okana has posed:
La Crima scowls at Ginga Otome, who makes a shield around people. "Jerk." she says darkly as she looks towards Wing and Katsuko as she looks at them expectantly, as if she didn't just try to indiscriminately blast the entire room. "There's puppies. They're cute." she asides, in her sudden neutral monotone before looking back towards the Galactic trio.

"Enough of this, FALCATA!." she screams, summoning a dark energy , curved blade that glows with a purple aura.

Wing rushes in first. He's faster. A purifying hit smashes her and it burns, sending her flying backwards as she screeches something like out of an alien film, from the purification---- Then she is rushed--and sword meets sword, quickly, and there's a moment where it's just a flurry of strikes against one another between energy swordos.

Until it isn't and her arm is lopped off. There's a black ichor leakage of some kind for a few moments as she screams out... "F...Falcata!" she calls out, a new sword forming in her off hand as she continues the fight, trying to press it, single handedly. "Your robot.--- I like it's candor." she says shakingly, gritting teeth.

She might be able to regrow limbs, but it isn't instantaneous and also, it hurts a whole lot still.

She's basically doing her best not to die, but it's hard to even try to strike when on supreme defense.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon watches Wing not take his generous offer - instead the boy shifts to move in and go after Lacrima. "This. This is why I never end up with any boys on my team. The other cute ones are foolish like this." he says, gesturing to Wing as though there's someone else who isn't disposed who can hear him.

    The cross slash from the Star Swords carves a nice X into the torso of Reynold WcDonald, the entity so large that despite so much moveement, it doesn't try to dodge the attack. Instead it just pushes through it, letting the swords carve chunks of ceramic out of it, the big entity staggering back, before lurching forward again, even as parts of it crash on the floor.

    Katsuko comes in on Riventon, and Riventon is ready to shield and swipe back, except then she says Chrono of the ts-freakin-AB is evil, and it throws him off, so he's laughing and his counter-swipe is clumsy and he gets tonfa'd in the barrier labcoat by the girl. He pulses away to get some distance, but he's still laughing. "Yeah, Chrono Harlaown, he's the WORST villian. He's so bad. He's like a powerglove." he says, and eventually remembers he should probably blast someone. But first, monologue. "Look, how am I supposed to know what she is if I can't study her. You expect me to take your word for it? You can't even figure out what side to be on, hamsterball." he says.

    Reynold picks up an entire booth seat and HURLS it at the Ginga Bishonen with pretty severe force, before rushing off to try and break through Otome's shields. "It's a good time for the great taste of WcDonalds!" the statue says without moving its mouth, sounding like the words are coming through a crackly drive-thru speaker as it tries to rain blows on the shield.

    Riventon's got a blast in his hand and he's thinking about blasting the King with it, but he -does- learn and he does remember what happened just the day before, so at the last minute he turns and points it at Katsumi. <SCHATTENSCHLAG.> his device calls as the inky deluge blasts out towards her.

    And then... LaCrima's in trouble. Fun time stops being quite so fun - he's not as worried as he would be if this was say, Catra or something; Norie's more of a youma than a lot of his allies and so less troubled by this, but still, sudden loss of limbs is generally not good for anyone's combat prospects. The surge of energy launched at Katsumi provides him some cover, and it's not like the WcDonalds itself makes a terribly large battlefield, but suddenly he's pulling her back by her good arm and trying to intercede with his own barrier.

    <WEITWEITE SCHUTZ.> (Wide Area Barrier) his device calls as a hemispherical field surrounds the two of them - it won't hold forever, but Riventon's putting a lot of energy into it, causing the purpleblack field to crackle with lightning and drip with condensed dark energy down the sides. "You. Dusk Zone. Now." Riventon talls Lacrima, in a tone that says he is taking things a lot more seriously than the tagline spewing statue might have made things seem moments ago.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko's device anticipates the need, and so without having to ask for it, there's a call of <PANZERSCHILD> and a triangular blue shield comes out in front of her to take most of the inky deluge. Just slow enough some made it past and burnt away at her Knight Armor, though,

    It seems she can agree on some things though, because when Katsuko notices how injured Norie is ... she points one of her Tonfa towards the barrier.


A double pyramidic barrier forms on top of the wide area barrier. From inside, Riventon and Norie should be able to tell they can break it trivially. It's quite sturdy from the outside though. "What are we taking people's arms for?" She demands, staring at the others.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Tiny Tauburn tosses his head at Tiny Samekh, plume doing something incredibly flouncy, and his piles hike up for a second as he spins away on his high heel. Maybe it's the robotic equivalent of 'you're ridiculous but for once you're correct'--

The Ginga Bishounen, on the other hand, gets clipped with a booth seat getting hurled through the air, and he smacks sideways into the ordering counter with a punched-out little huff of breath. When he gets back up, it's with a seriously irritated expression. "REALLY?" he yells. "Wako-chan! Galactic SPIKE!"

He lobs Star Swordo Emeraude through the air in Wako's direction, hilt-first, and calls to Katsuko, "She grows them back. She's grown her whole body back before. Also, she literally tried to eat Wako-chan's soul, so Sugata-kun is less than inclined to humour her."

And he hacks at the statue's legs with his remaining star sword, hoping that Wako's takes off one of the statue's arms. Or legs. He's not picky. He doesn't need it inanimate, he just needs it to be immobile.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"You would like Samekh," Ginga Kingu says disdainfully as La Crima's arm is removed. She's got a new sword, and he's pressing the advantage viciously, striking out with Diamant up until the point that Riventon drags her back and puts up a barrier.

It's only then that he - doesn't lower his sword, actually, but uses it to dismissively flip La Crima's arm into the air, her hand still clasping her sword, and he -

Yeah, it's gross, but he absolutely chucks the thing - and it's sword - at the living WcDonald's Statue, followed by his own sword -

"Star Crash!"

As Star Swordo Diamant is hurled up with a flare of blue-white energy, and crashes down like a plummeting meteorite, aiming to help Takuto bring the living statue down.

"Exactly," he says coldly, "Those who try to kill and eat Wako-chan can hardly protest when they're held to account for it."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
The punch lands, and Wing was ready to prepare for a follow-up, but when Sugata so rudely cuts in, the young Precure is forced to pull back. And he floats off the ground slightly as he watches in horror at the strike that removes the arm. At least Takuto seemed to at least calm him a little that La Crima will grow it back, but still that looked like it hurt. A lot.

With the two main villains inside a shield - there's attention turned to the WcDonald's statue. And he gets an idea of how to handle it. He can't cast spells. He doesn't have swords. He's just really, really strong, and can fly, and is a can purify. It's a dangerous combonation really.

With Wako and Takuto go low, Wing rockets forward, and calls out, "SOARING WING ATTACK!"

The flames around Wing grow brighter, and there seems to be bright orange feathers fall from him as he goes high and tries to punch straight through the statue -- and the window beyond.

This is what happens when you're a flier, you're in an enclosed space, and all your attacks are power and speed - especially your purification.

Norie Okana has posed:
La Crima is fighting when she's suddenly pulled back and a barrier is erected and she scowls at Sugata from beyond it. "B-but...!" she says, one arm down. "I can beat him with one arm!" she says.

"I'll take his dumb robot. It'll like me better anyways I bet." she says.

And then she scowls and arghs. "Fine. I'm LEAVING and without my ice cream, I HOPE YOU'RE ALL HAPPY!" she screams at the heroes as she dusk ports away as Riventon commands, as not to cause him more problems. Or worry. She understands that much.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Blows hammer down on that diaphanous-looking bubble of light, battering it this way and that in the air. Within it, untouched, the Galactic Maiden crosses her arms and frowns deeply at Riventon. "I know exactly which side I'm on, thanks. It's the one that isn't sucking out people's energy or trying to eat their souls." She floats higher, closer to the ceiling, trying to get out of Youma WcDonald's reach and wishing she'd thought to snag her milkshake before she bubbled up.

When the blade of emerald light comes spinning through the air straight at her, Ginga Otome doesn't even hesitate to drop her shield. Both arms stretch upward, hands raised over her head. A split second before the Star Sword would have gone through her, it's snagged in a smaller bubble of pink--

--just long enough for Wako to slam both hands down on it, spiking the blade down at Reynold WcDonald with all her strength.

"--I mean," she adds, with a vaguely chagrined glance to Katsuko and then to Cure Wing, "she actually did."

Takashi Agera has posed:
Honestly... the statue wasn't done yet. For years it had sat there at the Juuban WcDonalds, bombarded with advertising and food it could never eat. It had so much more rage to let out, so much more anger. So many more taglines to use.

    Or maybe it was just a statue animated by Dark Energy and the only thoughts it had were the ones Riventon gave it. In any case, even with all of the damage - the missing arm, the X, and then Wing's flying through it-explosion - it tries to press on and do its masters bidding. But 'tries' is the key word here, because Dark Energy can only make up for -so much- loss of structural integrity.

    It starts to break down, cracks through the whole thing, and then when it tries to swing, it's met by Ginga Otome's borrowed sword. And that's all for it. It just sort of... falls apart into a chaotic mass of destroyed youma/former statue. The area is chalky, dusty, cloudy. Not magically so - just a total regular mess.

    From within the bubbles, Riventon groans. No youma. No partner. Wing's... probably coming back. The rest of them are all problematic in some way anyways. Why couldn't Sunbreaker have gone after any of these Galatic bozos? He forgives her Tonfas and Talons, they're new to him, but none of these three? Come on. "I'll remember that you're okay with doing damage people can recover from with the help of magic and an extreme amount of pain. I'll remember it very clearly." he says, in that very 'this is going to haunt you' tone. "Next time I'll give the other two a proper introduction without you here, too. Maybe help em' see reason. You three, you're too far gone." and then Riventon follows Lacrima into the Dusk Zone. To be honest, he probably was going to need to leave anyways - those WcNuggets aren't exactly settling well after all the movement.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"As you should," Ginga Kingu calls as Riventon departs, "Just as we remember that your people are willing to devour souls."

The people who try to kill others don't get to blame those responding for the scale of reaction. If La Crima didn't want to lose an arm she shouldn't have tried to murder Wako.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Delicately, Takuto untucks his cravat to hold over his nose and mouth so he doesn't inhale any of the dust, and then he dismisses his swords, pulling the energy back to himself. His voice is muffled as he says, "Does he think this is news? Ugh."

He backs away out of the cloud slowly, so the part of the dust hanging in the air doesn't follow him, and then looks at the dust-covered Barrier-facsimile of their table full of WcDonalds delicacies. "At least the food isn't wasted," he sighs.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    With the youma and the villains gone, Katsuko drops the zufluchtgebiet and turns to the others. There's a frown on her face, but she doesn't say a word about it. Instead, she just double checks there's no major issues before dropping out of her transformation and the barrier both. "Am I not gonna know a day of calm anymore?" She asks instead of the heavier topics which she really doesn't feel equipped to discuss.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Wing will indeed return, flying back in, and landing gently on the ground with a tap of his boots. But it seems like everyone is gone except for the good guys? And well, with that, he becomes far more civilized. One hand to his midsection, the other hand held out to his side at the hip as he bows slightly to the group. "I am Cure Wing. Relatively new here, but I come from Sorashiro City, and have been a Precure for a while!" he greets, not dropping out of henshin.

There's a smile towards Katsuko. It's sympathetic, but she's kinda cute as well. "It comes with the device, I fear." he offers politely before he straightens back up. "Well, since things are... settled here, and the beef is settled for the moment, I will be on my way. It was nice to meet you!" With that, he's lifting off the ground to leave again.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Ginga Otome sort of... drops out of the air back into a seat at their table and out of her henshin entirely, just in time for the barrier to disperse. Was it her seat before? Probably not, but it's close enough. "Ughhh," she says, and leans across the table to grab her milkshake.

"Thanks for the help," she answers Cure Wing. "Sorry you both got caught up in all of that..."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Hi Cure Wing! ...nice to meet you too-- Ginga-- yeah, okay, bye Cure Wing!" is Takuto's faintly flummoxed salute to the bird-boy, and then he slides back into a seat in the booth, too. He leans over to get a napkin, then pauses and makes a face and gets up again. "Gotta go wash my hands," he explains, and slopes off to do so.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"You have magic and you live in Tokyo," Sugata says dryly, dropping his henshin so that he can take a seat with Takuto and Wako, and raising a brow at the fleeing Pretty Cure... "He said he was a Pretty Cure, right? I'm beginning to think we lucked out with Star Driver."

Don't be a jerk challenge, failed.

"So, the real question is, is this the norm for a visit to WcDonald's?"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko slumps down into her chair, glancing to Sugata. "What do you mean by that?" She asks, sounding curious. She finally takes a bite out of her WcNugget, savoring the taste that those no good jerks made her wait to enjoy.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"By which part?" Wako asks Katsuko, before she turns her eyes to Sugata. "I mean... not usually. But I guess not trying to hide who we are has down sides."

She sighs, and takes a long pull from her milkshake. "That guy's been after Wawna since the first time I ran into him - you know, the one with the elephant vacuum cleaner youma I sent you a picture of."

She looks back to Katsuko, apologetic now. "He's not wrong about Tokyo. This kind of thing happens a lot."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"You didn't even bring Wawna to this fight," Takuto says as he slides back into the seat, hands clean and ready for more WcNuggets than is strictly healthy. "And Tauburn showed up to defend her honor in the silliest way-- no, Tauburn you really were very silly, but I appreciate it--"

And Takuto's talking to the air. Presumably (one would hope) he is hearing a robot in his head, but he could just be talking to the air like for real. "This is not normal for WcDonald's, though, no."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"So it's just a normal day in Tokyo then, instead of a normal day at WcDonald's," Sugata shrugs, and, hardly able to believe it himself, starts voluntarily eating some of WcNuggests. In the WcSauce, even.

"It's not normal to see the boy with pre-mature greying this often. I don't know why he's obsessed with Wawna, but he's not getting a hold of her. It's a shame his own things are too pathetic and worthless to hold his attention, but that's not Wako or Wawna's problem."

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "I mean the thing about lucking out with Star Driver?" Katsuko clarifies, sounding earnestly confused. "And if encounters along these lines are going to be normal, I guess I really ought to go see Inai-sensei for that training."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Ah," Sugata says, and it's not often he has to explain that he was being a jerk, "I meant that it's bad enough these two named me Ginga Kingu," and he nods at Takuto and Wako. "If I had to call myself Pretty Cure Kingu, I'd probably end my own misery."

Is that clearer?

"I've not met Inai-sensei, but I've heard good things."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Oh," says Wako, and rolls her eyes a little. "Ignore that, Ginga Kingu is just being a jerk about other people's names." As if she weren't half responsible for 'Kingu' to begin with. She makes an immature face at him before reaching to snag a few french fries out of a very oversized container of them.

"That's not a bad idea, though," she adds to Katsuko. "I try to go to the 'self-defense' classes pretty regularly... especially since I'm still not as experienced with fighting as Takuto-kun and Sugata-kun."

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "I've got experience fighting. I've been doing Kobudo since forever, my mom's really passionate about it. She's ..." And Katsuko pauses a moment as she is about to say something else, "... you know I'm not sure actually." She turns to Sugato, "What's wrong with being pretty or being Ginga Kingu, though?" She pauses, "And you shouldn't joke about that."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"It's a terrible name, that I have taken on because unfortunately, I am a man in love," Sugata says candidly, "Though, speaking of kobudo, I assume you're in the club? It might be worthwhile to crosstrain with the Kendo club - even if we may not be going to war anytime soon, combat skills for new situations breeds innovation."

Also he wants to see Takuto cope with an enemy on horseback. It's the little things. He knows he'll rise to the occasion.

"And I get called pretty enough without inviting it, is my chief objection. The other, is given the names these two suggest for my attacks now that I'm Kingu, I shudder to think of what they'd do with Pretty Cure as ammunition."

Becuase obviously those two are going to continue to name the majority of his stuff.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Here's where Wako chokes on her milkshake. Just a little.

Coughing and making a series of exaggerated faces at the feel of melted ice cream going down the wrong pipe occupies her for the next couple seconds, and at least it makes a decent cover for the fact that her face is bright pink. "...that's just how Sugata-kun is," she tells Katsuko in tones of fond resignation.

And then smiles at him, impishly. "Come on, you know you want to say Ginga Kingu's Kingu Bouncu Backu at least once."

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "I see." Katsuko doesn't. "Crosstraining would be cool though. I am best with the Tonfa, but I am pretty comfortable with Tinbe-rochin, Tekko and Eku as well. ... my device is just the tonfa though, so I should probably focus on that." She stares at Wako's statement, before turning to Sugata and in a complete deadpan says, "You have my sympathies, I don't know you could ever Ginga Kinga Kingu's Bouncu Backu from this."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
He had actually almost said it once, in his head, and he is never admitting it, for as long as he lives. Not at all. Nope. Takuto and Wako never get to know they'd gotten into his mind.

Instead, he nods at Katsuko's explanation, and then sighs, with the quiet dignity of one who knows they can't come back.

"We'll talk shop, sometime, but... you understand now."